[Lesson 120] Rev 14: The 144,000 Firstfruits on Mt. Zion

by ichthus

Table of Contents

Revelation 14 takes place during the period of salvation after March 14, 1984. It describes the 144,000 firstfruits standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion, which represents the New Heaven and New Earth/Shincheonji church. The 144,000 are sealed with God’s name, can sing the new song of Revelation’s fulfillment, are redeemed from the earth as a kingdom of priests, did not defile themselves with false teachings, and follow the one sent by the Lamb. An eternal gospel goes out to all nations about fearing God, giving Him glory, and the judgment on Babylon (the prostitute/false pastors). There are warnings against worshiping the beast (Mr. Tak), image (17 false pastors), and taking the number 666 (Mr. Oh’s false doctrines). Patient endurance is required, and blessings await those who die to self. Two harvests are described – one of the wheat (God’s people) and one of the grapes (those facing judgment), with the blood/testimony flowing across Korea.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Why we call Sunday wash day?

We are instructed to wash ourselves in the word every 3rd and 7th days of the week, according to Numbers 19:11-13. 

The importance of these verses lies in understanding the purpose of the law of Moses, even though we no longer keep it. The law of Moses was given to help us understand the shadow that points to the reality. Jesus, at the time of his first coming, was the reality of the law of the Old Testament.

Following Jesus’s death and resurrection, Christians began gathering on the third and seventh days. They later shifted to meeting on Sundays to honor the day Jesus rose from the dead. In our modern time, Sunday and Wednesday represent our third and seventh days.

Let us therefore be washed by the water of the word that is the word of God.

Rev 14: The 144,000 Firstfruits on Mt. Zion

Today we will explore the topic of the 144,000 firstfruits on Mount Zion from Revelation 14. While this chapter covers many topics, our main focus will be on these firstfruits.

We will examine the priests who are to appear in our time, understanding both their role and how they are gathered, as well as their role in gathering others. This is not merely an honorary appointment for celebration, but rather an appointment of duty – a task that must be fulfilled.

The term “firstfruits” has its roots in agricultural practice. In harvesting, firstfruits were the initial and best portion of the crop that farmers, field workers, or vineyard workers would offer to God, similar to a tithe. During the Old Testament and first coming times, farmers presented these firstfruits – their best crops – as offerings to God.

This same principle applies at the time of the second coming. The best of the best are being offered to God as firstfruits – servants who will serve as priests and teach the great multitude to come.

These individuals will be 100% sealed, comparable to walking Bibles. When they speak, only the word comes out – nothing but truth proceeds from their mouths. “Whoa, let’s work to be this kind of person.”

Their dwelling place will be Mount Zion, which is also where the Lamb dwells.

Titles and Terms at Mount Zion

At Mount Zion, we use certain terms that originate from the language (Korean) of the promise pastor. 

Today, we will learn and understand more of these terms. While some of these terms are already familiar to you, we will break them down through Romanization – a process where we convert non-Roman based language into syllables that are easier for us to pronounce.

1.– 반갑습니다 – Pang-gab-seum-ni-dah = Good [Glad] to see you!

We say that often. Good or glad to see you.

2.- 감사합니다 – Kahm-sahm-ni-dah = Thank You!

At Mount Zion, expressing gratitude is very important to us – we say thank you frequently. We place great emphasis on proper etiquette, which includes learning to say “Kamsahamnida,” which means thank you in Korean.

Kamsahamnida – thank you very much, and we are much appreciated.

When visiting South Korea, we’ll be prepared with essential phrases like “good to see you” and “thank you,” along with several other useful terms. Kamsahamnida.

You’ll notice when watching Korean dramas or movies that these expressions, especially Kamsahamnida, are commonly used. It’s exciting when you can recognize these terms – “I know that one. She just said thank you!”

It’s a lot of fun learning these expressions.

3.- 사랑하다 – Sa-rang-ham-ni-dah! = I Love You!

“Saranghamnida” is another phrase we frequently use. It is a formal way of saying “I love you” – similar to the deep level of love expressed between spouses. 

We use this phrase in God’s kingdom because we love each other as family members, all being born of the same seed.

4.- 합셰다 – Hap-shi-dah! = Let’s do it!. 

At Mount Zion, we have a go-getter attitude. This mindset is essential because Mount Zion is destined to be the place where God returns and where the world will gather. Such a mission requires determined people who believe “it can be done.”

This spirit mirrors the mindset of Joshua and Caleb, the two spies who brought back a good report when they were sent to explore the Promised Land. We should aspire to be like Joshua and Caleb, and like their forefather Jacob, who also possessed this “let’s get it done” attitude.

“Hapshida” embodies this spirit of determination. We often add “hapshida” to phrases, such as “chundo hapshida,” which means “let’s evangelize.” This is how we approach our mission.

5.- 안녕하심닛카 – Ahn-nyeong-ha-shim-nikka = Do you have peace?

This is another form of greeting, similar to saying “shalom” in Hebrew, which asks “Do you have peace?” It is both a really nice and humble way to greet someone.

6.- 준도 – Jun-do = To deliver the way (to evangelize). 

We frequently use the word “Jun-do.” This is precisely how we are all gathered here together studying this word right now.

Jun-do – which means “to deliver the way.” This is indeed a very cool way of expressing it.

Previous Lesson Review and Revelation Timeline


What we learned about Revelation 13.

ONE – Revelation Chapter 13: The Chosen People Who Received the Mark of the Beast and Betrayed

These people initially received the word from Jesus, which was taught to them by the 7 stars. However, when the beast invaded, he brought his mark to them. This mark represents Satan’s lies and untruth.

TWO – 1st War Rev 13 [2nd War Rev 12]

The sequence of wars in Revelation shows that Revelation 13 depicts the first war, while Revelation 12 presents the second war.

THREE – Beast from the Sea (beast with 7 heads and 10 horns) and Beast from the Earth versus Those in the Tabernacle of Heaven

In Revelation 13, a significant event occurs when the beast emerges from the sea and launches an invasion against the tabernacle of heaven.

The outcome of this first war is unfortunate – Satan’s side emerges victorious. This victory is evident in Revelation 13 through the people’s declaration: “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” Following the beast’s triumph, God is left without his people.

This leads to the events of Revelation 14, which becomes necessary to show the establishment of God’s new people who bear his seal. 

The placement of these chapters – Revelation 13 and 14 – side by side is intentional. They are contrasting chapters that work together, with Revelation 13 depicting the bad and Revelation 14 showing the good – they are opposites of each other.

FOUR – Mark of the Beast [image, 666] → Satan’s Doctrines

The mark of the beast, 666, represents Satan’s doctrines and Satan’s lies – this is what the mark truly is. It is not what is taught in Babylon about it being a computer chip, tattoo, or vaccine.

While studying the open word, it is important to examine Babylon again carefully. The open word reveals things to us that we were previously unaware of. When examining Babylon closely, you come to a startling realization.

The reality is that no one in Babylon knows what is actually happening or going on. People merely speak their opinions. When they read the Bible, they simply believe whatever interpretation comes to their mind. They make worldly connections, trying to equate current political events and wars to specific Bible verses.

The congregation accepts these interpretations without question, even though they are just random correlations that lack spiritual connection but are being mixed with the word of God.

This situation in Babylon is concerning. If you are still undecided about Babylon, you need to look at it more closely. If it’s not obvious to you by now, you haven’t examined it thoroughly enough.

FIVE – Revelation 13 contrasts Revelation 14. 

Chapters 13 and 14 are opposites of each other. Chapter 13 represents the bad, while Chapter 14 represents the good.

Although Chapter 14 contains a small portion of bad elements, it is predominantly good. We will examine these aspects as well.

TImeline of Revelation

I would like to examine the timeline of Revelation in detail.

This will help us understand the sequence of events and how they have progressed to reach our current point.

Revelation can be broken up into 3 main sections: 

1.- Betrayal, which is before the 42 months. 

2.- Destruction, which is during the 42 months.

3.- Salvation, which is after the 42 months. 

We are currently in the period of salvation, which began on March 14, 1984, and will continue forever. When examining the chapters, it’s important to note that different parts occur across different eras. 

Therefore, I am breaking down each verse carefully to help us see and understand them clearly.


1.- In 1975, Mr. Oh entered the Tabernacle Temple, which essentially accelerated the period of betrayal and led into the period of destruction. He was sowing Calvinist doctrines into the people – this specific denomination was used to poison the hearts of the people.

2.- The events from Revelation 1 through Revelation 6:11 happen clearly during the period of betrayal.

3.- Revelation 6:12-7 marks where the 5th and 6th seals are opened. These are transitionary verses that transition us into the period of destruction.


1.- The period of destruction commenced in September 1980.

2.- An important event occurred in 1975.

3.- In Revelation 6:12 through Revelation 7:1, we find the phrase “after this” which indicates the period of salvation. 

Revelation 7 is positioned here because it is a special chapter that continues to be fulfilled in the present day.


4.- Revelation 7 describes the gathering of the 144,000 and the great multitude. 

Those who first heard New John’s words during this time and chose to come out became part of the first fulfillment of Revelation 7. 

This chapter is placed in the period of Destruction because it refers to one quart of wheat, three quarts of barley – the remnant seed. These were the few who did not soil their clothes, the first ones to hear New John and recognize the truth in his words. 

They were the first to come out. The fulfillment of Revelation 7 continues to this very moment.


5.- During the 42 months of destruction, Revelation chapters 8, 9, 11:1-14, 13, and part of chapter 12 were fulfilled.

6.- Revelation chapters 8, 9, and 13 occur in the same time period, featuring:

– The locusts emerging from the abyss

– The blowing of trumpets

– The two witnesses prophesying for 42 months (1260 days) in sackcloth

– The beast entering and destroying the people


7.- Revelation 12:1-6 then describes:

– The woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars

– The birth of the male child

– The dragon attempting to consume the male child

This leads into the transition to the period of salvation.


1.- The war described in Revelation 12:7-17 takes place

2.- The male child emerges victorious

3.- The 7th trumpet sounds, marking when the kingdom of the world transforms into God’s kingdom

4.- The events from chapter 14 through chapter 22 occur during the period of salvation

5.- This timeline begins from March 14, 1984 onwards

We are now examining the chapters that focus specifically on this time period, which involves betrayal and destruction.

We are now entering a period of salvation. However, it’s important to note that during this period of salvation, judgment also occurs simultaneously.

6.- Judgment is a necessary event that must take place.

We will examine the chapters that deal with judgment at both small and large scales. These judgments will be covered in Revelation chapters 16, 17, and 18, which we will study very soon.

Revelation 14:1-5 | The Lamb and the 144,000.


Revelation 14:1-5 NIV84

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. [2] And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. [3] And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. [4] These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. [5] No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.

These verses are awesome. We want these verses to be about us.



The Promised Pastor has given us 2 crucial questions that we hold dear to our hearts:

1.- Who am I according to Revelation?

2.- Have I been created according to Revelation?

It’s important to understand that every person who has ever existed – past, present, and future – is mentioned somewhere in the book of Revelation. However, the key question is: who are we specifically in Revelation?


We should be able to confidently identify ourselves, saying statements like:


– “I am the reality of Revelation chapter 7”

– “I am the reality of Revelation chapter 14:1-5”

– “I am one of the harvested of Revelation 14:14-16”

When these two questions are asked to those who haven’t studied the open word, their responses typically fall into 2 categories:


– They respond with uncertainty: “I don’t know” or “I think…” followed by incorrect answers

– They might claim: “I’m one of the inhabitants of the earth” – but this is not desirable, as these inhabitants face destruction

Therefore, knowing our identity according to Revelation is crucial. Once we understand who we are, we must examine ourselves with these additional questions:


– Have I been created according to Revelation?

– What does it mean to be created?

– Have I been born again with the revealed word?

– Have I been harvested?

– Have I been sealed?

– Do I belong to one of the 12 tribes?

– Is my name written in the book of life?

– Am I adding to or subtracting from Revelation?

At this time, we should be able to answer all these questions with clarity and confidence. The Promised Pastor frequently reminds us of the importance of these questions.

ONE – I saw: New john witnesses

In Revelation 14:1, it states “Then I looked,” repeating “I looked.” The lamb appears before the eye – and here, New John is that eye.

New John serves as a witness throughout all 22 chapters of Revelation. In every single chapter, there is clear evidence of New John seeing, hearing, or being shown something. 

While I have conducted this exercise with students before, we won’t go through all chapters today due to time constraints. However, I encourage you to do this exercise yourself – find where New John witnesses something in each chapter.

Let’s look at a quick example from Revelation 1:9 (NIV):

“I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard…”

Then we see the words about Him who holds the 7 stars in His right hand and walks among the 7 golden lampstands. New John was able to write these words because he heard them.


This pattern continues throughout Revelation:

– Revelation 3: The same pattern

– Revelation 4: “After this I looked”

– Revelation 5: “I saw”

– Revelation 6: “I watched”

Every chapter follows this pattern. John consistently witnesses through seeing, hearing, or being shown divine revelations.

TWO – Lamb: Jesus (Lamb of God) Jn 1:29, 1 Cor 5:7, Rev 5:6

In Revelation 14:1, John sees the Lamb. Who is this Lamb? The Lamb is Jesus.

Jesus is called the Lamb because He was slain. The purpose of His sacrifice was to free humanity from all sin.

During the Old Testament era, a physical lamb was slain for the atonement of people’s sins. However, this was only a temporary practice that needed yearly repetition, as it could not permanently remove sins. This ritual served primarily as a reminder of sins – highlighting what people were doing wrong and what needed to change.

Jesus, however, was different. He was the Lamb that permanently took away our sins. As recorded in John 1:29, John the Baptist proclaimed, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” In 1 Corinthians 5:7, Paul refers to Jesus as our Passover lamb.

Revelation 5:6 describes: “Then I saw the Lamb, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, and to the Lamb was given the book sealed with seven seals.” This confirms Jesus as the Lamb.

The Lamb’s dwelling place is Mount Zion, where He will be at the time of the second coming.


Here is an important question for those who are still doubting at this point – and this is not meant to be abrasive:

Regardless of what you end up believing, you still have to find Mount Zion, because that’s where the lamb is.

If you don’t think it’s this place – even though it is – you still have to find it. So where is it? If it’s not here, then where? Some might say “Oh, it’s okay, it’ll come to me.”

Some say “God will tell me when it’s time.” Well, that telling is happening now. So we really have to discern.

Is it possible to know these things? The answer is yes.

In the past, we thought the answer was no. We believed God was too mysterious to know, saying “God is a God of mysteries” or “God works in mysterious ways.”

That’s what we had to say because we didn’t know before. But now we know. God is saying, “I am a God that has told you.”

“I am God who has shown you. So be where I’ve told you to be.” The lamb’s dwelling place is at Mount Zion, and today, Mount Zion is a church – but not just any church. It is the church that is established like heaven on earth.

Mount Zion [New Heaven New Earth, Rev 21:1]

The physical world contains a representation of heaven that mirrors the spiritual realm. Mount Zion is structured exactly like the heavenly realm with these specific characteristics:

  1. The Throne positioned at the center
  2. 24 Ministries surrounding it
  3. 4 Departments
  4. The revealed open word present where the new song is sung
  5. Seven inspectors functioning as eyes and lamps
  6. 12 tribes established

This unique structure of Mount Zion is unmatched anywhere else in the world. Despite thorough searching, no other place exists that matches these specifications. This location uniquely fulfills all the criteria described in Revelation chapter 4.

The Promised Pastor: New John

At Mount Zion, there is one who heard and saw. This person serves as the throne of Jesus, through whom Jesus works before His complete return.

The meaning is clear: New John speaks the words he hears directly from Jesus – words that we must understand and know in our present time.

Mount Zion holds significance in its names:

– The names of the tribes

– The names of positions assigned to people at Mount Zion

All the words we speak originate from revelation, as if they are stamped from it. This includes:

  1. Living revelation
  2. New heaven and new earth, Shincheonji Church of Jesus – the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony
  3. The revealed word that becomes sealed in people’s hearts and minds

To ensure saints are making efforts to be sealed, tests are administered.

Things are actively happening here. There is another wonderful development that needs to be shared.

The Graduation

Since 2019, we have held graduations in Korea, except for 2-3 years during COVID. In 2019, we witnessed our first 100,000 graduation – a significant milestone where 100,000 people from all over the world completed the same course you’re taking now and entered Mount Zion.

This huge cataclysmic event started many things. A few years later, we had another 100,000 graduation, followed by yet another. This year, most likely in early December 2024, we are anticipating another graduation, aiming for 110,000 participants. Everyone here who chooses to enter Mount Zion will be part of this graduation.

We hope to take some people to Korea to be there in person, which will be amazing. If visiting Korea – a super cool country – tickles your fancy, start saving now. I’m already saving myself. Remember to get your passports in order if you haven’t done so recently.

This year’s 100,000 graduation is approaching, and we want to bring along several graduating members. Many saints from […] are planning to attend, and you’ll have the opportunity to meet saints from all over the world. What a wonderful event!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your evangelist, and we can discuss them either in small group or this week.

THREE – Foreheads: God’s and Lamb’s Names

In Revelation chapter 14, we learn about what is placed on the foreheads of the 144,000. On their foreheads are the names of God and the Lamb. This seal that is placed on their foreheads is the Word of God, as referenced in John 1:1.

This sealing was first mentioned in Revelation 7:1-4. The sequence of events shows that after the winds were stopped, an angel carrying the seal of God came and began sealing people. 

These 144,000 in Revelation 14 are the same people mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 – those who are sealed with both the name of God and the name of the Lamb.

FOUR – New Song: (Betrayal, Destruction and Salvation)

The 144,000 possess a unique ability that sets them apart from everyone else – they alone can sing the new song. 

This new song is the gospel of Revelation. Through their ability to sing this new song, which encompasses betrayal, destruction, and salvation, they express the real words of Revelation’s fulfillment.

The Gospel

The gospel represents the fulfillment of Revelation – an eternal gospel that will be revealed later. At its core, the gospel demonstrates how God accomplishes what He has promised.

This good news was specifically meant for the people of Israel and God-fearing people, showing how God kept His promises through His son Jesus. 

The gospel of the first coming was just one of multiple gospels found in the Bible. Even in the Old Testament, during Moses’ time and the Exodus, there was a gospel.

As we learn from Hebrews 3 and 4, their gospel showed how God kept His promise to Abraham by leading them out of bondage in Egypt. That too was considered a gospel.

In our present time, the gospel continues to show God’s faithfulness to His promises to the people of Israel and God-fearing people, as Revelation is being fulfilled.

The 144,000 firstfruits will excel in singing this song, using their harps – which is the Bible itself. They will sing it the best.

Regarding the New Song and where this revelation is found, here is the answer: 

The New Song serves as evidence that a place is Mount Zion. Logically, only the place that knows the New Song must be where it can be sung. And indeed, it is a beautiful song.

As we sing together and learn this New Song, you’ll notice something interesting: 

when a question is asked and the answer comes naturally without thinking, it shows the new song is within you. This is what it means to be sealed. Let us continue to be sealed more and more.

FIVE – Redeemed (Purchased): Kingdom and Priests (Who were Harvested). Rev 1:5-6, Mal 2:6-7, Rev 20:6

The scripture speaks of 144,000 who were redeemed and purchased from the earth. To understand what this means based on our previous learning: these people came out of Babylon. Being redeemed or purchased signifies becoming a kingdom and priests.

These 144,000 were harvested, and they are called the first fruits because they were the first ones to be harvested. In God’s eyes, they hold the special position of being His first fruits. The reason for this will be explained shortly.

SIX – Not Defiled with Women:

Understanding this verse requires proper comprehension of figurative language to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

When it mentions “they do not defile themselves with women,” one might question: Does this mean the 144,000 must be virgins? Some might joke, “Oops, if they’re married, they can’t be part of the number?” The answer is no.

The true meaning relates to defilement by false pastors. The 144,000 are those who do not defile themselves with the words of false pastors, such as Jezebel or the prostitute. This interpretation is supported by key verses:

– Galatians 4:19, where Paul states, “I’m in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed within you”

– Revelation 2:20, which mentions Jezebel

– Revelation 17, which speaks of the prostitute, referred to as the mother of dragons or the mother of prostitutes

The 144,000 stand firm in not accepting the words of these false pastors. Therefore, we should strive to be among those who receive the seed only from God, the groom, Jesus, and the spirits of heaven.

SEVEN – Follow the Lamb: Follow the one the Lamb sent. Jn 13:20

The 144,000 have a specific role and action. According to Revelation 14:4, “They follow the lamb wherever he goes.” This following of the lamb is accomplished through obedience to his word.

The way they receive his word is through New job. Following the lamb means following the one whom the lamb has sent.

John 13:20 NIV84

I tell you the truth, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”

“Whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me, and whoever accepts the one I sent accepts me.” This is the fundamental logic of how God and Jesus have always worked.

God does not speak to everyone directly. From the very beginning of the Bible, God has chosen to speak through one person at a time:

  1. He came to Noah, saying “Noah, go and speak to the people.” Noah then became God’s mouthpiece, speaking God’s words.
  1. To Abraham, God said, “Abraham, I will make you a great nation.” He continued, “Great many descendants will come from you. And I establish an everlasting covenant with you and your descendants.”
  1. To Moses, God said, “I need you to take my people out of Egypt. I need you to speak my words to the Pharaoh and to the people. Tell them that I am who I am. Tell them that I did not forget about them. And that I’m going to keep the promise to their forefather Abraham.”
  1. To Joshua, God said, “Lead my people into the promised land.”

God speaks through a person.

God commanded Isaiah to write down and speak His words to the people. Similarly, He asked Jonah to speak to the people, despite Jonah’s dislike for them. Though Jonah rebelled at first, he eventually fulfilled God’s command, albeit reluctantly. This pattern continued with Jesus as well – this is God’s logic.

God speaks through His messengers. There is a principle: accepting the messenger means accepting the one who sent them. Conversely, rejecting the messenger means rejecting the sender.

At Jesus’ first coming, people faced a dilemma. They would say, “I believe in God, but why should I listen to Jesus? I know his father. He’s from a city I don’t like. He’s not handsome and wears raggedy clothes.”

As described in Isaiah 53, Jesus grew up like a tender shoot, like a root, one who might be afflicted. People questioned, “Why should I listen to you?”

They would say, “I follow God and the law of Moses.” Following Jesus during that time would have been extremely challenging.

In today’s world, Jesus is a cultural given – everybody knows about Him. However, 2,000 years ago, this wasn’t obvious at all.

Back then, believing in Jesus made you an outcast and could even threaten your life. This situation remains similar today.

People now ask, “Why are you following this guy named New John who calls himself New John? We follow Jesus. All you have to do is believe.”

It’s the same thing. It’s the same thing again today.

EIGHT – 144,000: Firstfruits. James 1:18.

The one who understands the revealed word knows this truth: we follow Jesus by following the one he sent. We follow the one he promised. My heart desires to be counted among these people – the 144,000, to be one of this number.

Those who are part of this number will receive many blessings. The 144,000 are called firstfruits because they are the first to be harvested, the first to be offered to God – they are the cream of the crop.

When the 4 angels stopped the wind, it was so these people could be sealed. They were truly the first ones to be sealed. This sealing happened for a specific purpose – they have a job to do, a duty to fulfill.

There are two ways to understand this deeply:

Number one: these people are the first to be offered to God.

This is similar to how people in the Bible showed deep reverence to God. Take Samuel’s mother as an example – she gave Samuel back to God right after his birth, and Samuel remained devoted to God throughout his entire life.

First to be born of God’s Seed in 6000 years

These priests will also follow the same path – devoting their lives to God and to teaching about God. God will cherish them specially, as they will be the first people after 6,000 years, besides Jesus, to be born of God’s seed.

As written in James 1:8, “you have been born again of the word of truth, so that we can be a kind of firstfruits of all he has created.” These people will indeed be the first to be born of God’s complete seed.​​

This means they will have understanding of God’s full 6,000 years mission, and will have the ability to teach it to the world. Man, these people are going to be awesome.

Let that be me. They will teach the world. Whoa, awesome.

So may that be us.

NINE: No Lie: No untruth (falsehood) James 3:1-2

They are blameless – this statement is emphasized twice to show its importance. No lie was found on their mouths, which clearly means there is no falsehood or untruth in what they say. Only the truth comes out of their mouths.

Let’s read together


James 3:1-2 NIV84

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. [2] We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.

When these verses are fulfilled and these people are revealed, they will manifest in this way: they will be people who speak only the truth. Whoa, they’re going to be powerful. Amen.

Let’s all strive to be those people. As long as the number isn’t confirmed, the possibility remains open. Remember Jesus’s promise that he made many times: “The first will be last and the last will be first.”

Until it’s confirmed, it could still be you – but you’re not taking my seat! My butt is firmly planted, and I’m making sure I’m sealed. However, it’s God’s determination in the end.

No one can confirm that I am part of the number until it has been confirmed. So we all strive for that.

Quick Review

Quick Review

During the period of salvation, which continues to be fulfilled today, Revelation 14 takes place. New John witnesses this revelation and sees the Lamb, who is Jesus, standing on Mount Zion with 144,000 first fruits – 12,000 from each tribe. This Mount Zion exists as heaven in the physical world, also known as the New Heaven and New Earth, or in the Promised Pastor’s language, “Shincheonji” in Korean.

These people are sealed with God’s word on their foreheads (in their minds) and possess the unique ability to sing the new song that no one else can sing. This song serves as evidence that a place is truly Mount Zion today – they sing the real words of Revelation’s fulfillment, the gospel of its fulfillment, a promise that God has kept because God deserves the glory.

They are redeemed (purchased) from the earth and become a kingdom of priests, as mentioned in Revelation 5:9-10. 

They maintain their purity by not defiling themselves with false pastors or their words. They follow the lamb wherever he goes, meaning they follow the one whom the lamb has sent, because the lamb is with him.

As first fruits – the first to be offered to God in 6,000 years – they possess a unique understanding of God’s complete mission. 

While others throughout history could only understand parts of God’s mission due to their timing of existence, these first fruits at the end can comprehend everything that happened before and how God will conclude things. This makes them especially blessed to be alive at this time.

They are blameless and speak no lies – they do not speak untruth or falsehood, but only what is true.

Revelation 14:6-8

Revelation 14:6-8 NIV84

Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. [7] He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” [8] A second angel followed and said, “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”

ONE – Eternal

I saw another angel flying in midair, and he carried with him an eternal gospel.

The eternal nature of this gospel can be understood through an example: Consider Judas, who betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees. His name remains known even 2,000 years later because it was recorded in the Bible. 

This record of Judas has become eternal – it will never disappear. For all time, people will know him as the one who betrayed Jesus. Had Judas chosen to repent, his name could have instead become eternally associated with redemption.

But since he didn’t repent, what was recorded and fulfilled will be spoken of forever. In this particular context, the eternal gospel being spoken refers to the testimony of Revelation’s fulfillment.


Through this, we will come to understand:

– The 7 stars

– Mr. Oh, Mr. Tak

– The beast with 7 heads and 10 horns

– The Stewardship Education Center (SEC)

– The who, what, when, where, why, and how (all the 5W1H) will be eternally taught.

Testimony (New Song) to All

We will forever know who these people are. This testimony must be taught to many. It will reach every nation, tribe, and language.

These terms are defined as:

  1. Tribe = Denomination
  2. Language = Doctrine
  3. Nation = Church
  4. People = Congregation Member

In other words, every nation, tribe, language, and people – also known as churches.

Whether someone hears this word now or later, they will hear it. There will be no excuse for not having heard it, as everyone will hear it. All excuses will disappear because everyone will receive this message.

TWO – Fear God: Respect and Acknoledge: God. Mt 10:20

What Does It Mean to Fear God?

To fear God encompasses both respecting Him and being afraid of Him. It means acknowledging His judgments. This is because God embodies two important aspects:

  1. He is our loving father
  2. He is also a just judge

God will judge us according to our actions. He is truly the only entity we should fear – not Satan. What we should actually fear is the consequences from God that would come from following Satan.

Let’s read Matthew 10:28 to remind ourselves as to why this is so important.

Matthew 10:28 NIV84

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Fear the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell – which is God, not Satan. It’s important to understand that Satan cannot throw anyone into hell, as this is not his role. 

Satan’s actual job is to lead people away from God, which ultimately results in them being thrown into hell. While this may seem like mere semantics, it is a crucial distinction to understand. 

God alone determines when someone goes to hell. Satan simply makes it easier for God by leading people astray, making it easier for that to become their final destination. Therefore, we should be vigilant and not make Satan’s work easier.

THREE – Give God Glory: God Promises and God Creates

The angel commands us to fear God and give Him glory. 

Why does God deserve the glory? There are 3 fundamental reasons:

  1. God promises
  2. God fulfills
  3. God creates

These three attributes demonstrate why God deserves all glory. He is the one who makes promises, fulfills them, and is the Creator of all things.

The best way we can give God the glory?

The best way to give God glory is by bearing much fruit. As written in John 15:8 (NIV): “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

What does bearing fruit mean? Bearing fruit means evangelism. 

Jesus explained this through the vine analogy, saying “I am the true vine and you are my branches.” He teaches that when we stay connected to Him, we will bear much fruit.

How are we bearing fruit in our lives? Have we taken the step to invite someone to study? Think about who is on your mind right now. Who is on your list? Let’s take action this week by inviting them to the seminar.

FOUR – Place of Wordship: TTT. Rev 15:4-5

Today, there is an important question: Where should people be invited to give glory to God? 

The answer lies in understanding where people can keep the covenant – it is in the TTT (The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony).

As written in Revelation 15:4-5, this is the place where all nations will come to worship. The TTT is where God’s glory is given today and where much fruit is borne.

Spoiler Alert

Shincheonji is the only place in the world where 100,000 people enter each year. 

In Revelation 14:7, the message was proclaimed in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come.”

The scripture continues with “Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” This has a deeper meaning: He made the tabernacle and the saints, and the sea which is Babylon. The springs of water represent the pastors.

Then, in the following verse, the second angel declared: “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.”

Who is Babylon?

In small scale: Babylon: Prostitute (Mr. Tak) and Organization. Rev 17

In Revelation 17, Babylon is written on the prostitute’s forehead. 

On the small scale, the prostitute represents Mr. Tak and his organization – The Stewardship Education Center (also known as the Christian Stewardship Training Center, depending on the translation).

On the large scale, Babylon encompasses everyone else. 

This large-scale interpretation refers to all nations, which represents all churches in the world of Christianity. This includes all of them without any exceptions – all churches and all nations that are in sin.

Maddening Wine or Poison

The maddening wine refers to Satan’s teachings that exist in various forms today. These teachings can be found in Commentary Bibles and Study Bibles. 

If you currently use a Study Bible, you should dispose of it and instead use a pure Bible word. This extends to other media like movies and DVDs.

Commentaries – where people place their own interpretations alongside God’s word – should be discarded at this time. These materials are like maddening wine that makes nations drunk, so we should eliminate them from our use.

Revelation 14:9-11

Revelation 14:9-11 NIV84

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, [10] he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. [11] And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.”

Really unfortunate.

The 3 entities that we learned about in Revelation 13:

  1. Beast.
  2. Image. 
  3. The number of his name.

Actual Reality

1.- Beast (The beast from the sea): Mr. Tak

Mr. Tak serves as the director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), also known as the Christian Stewardship Training Center. 

You may remember him – the one whose fatal heart wound was healed after he finally obtained the position he desired.

2.- Image (Idol): 17 false pastors

The image shows a false pastor or prophet. In this particular case, there were 17 of them who received appointments.

These 17 false pastors raised their hands and declared their acceptance of “the blank” doctrine. The number 666 was placed on each of their hands and foreheads – in a spiritual sense, of course.

3.- Number of His Name: Mr. Oh plus False Doctrines (666)

The reality of the number 666 and its name refers to Mr. Oh. He was comparable to Solomon from the Old Testament. The similarity lies in how he worshiped other idols, just as Solomon did.

In 1 Kings 10:11, there is a significant detail about receiving treasures from gentile nations – specifically 666 talents worth. This marks the first mention of 666 in the Bible. Interestingly, before the book of Revelation, this number carried no special significance. However, after Revelation, people began to fear this number because its true meaning wasn’t fully understood.

As a result, people started seeing 666 everywhere, claiming “Satan’s at this place” whenever they saw the number. For example, if they saw an address with 666, they would say “Satan’s in that building.” These were common thoughts during our time in Babylon.

Thankfully, we’re no longer in that place of misunderstanding. The reality is that 666 represents Satan’s doctrines. The people who hadn’t previously encountered these doctrines were receiving them for the first time, and subsequently began teaching these doctrines to others.

The outcome for these people is not positive, as judgment comes later.

Revelation 14:12-13 NIV84

This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. [13] Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”

ONE – Patient Endurance: Waiting with Faith, Fighting and Persevering

Patient endurance is a theme we frequently encounter, particularly in Revelation 13. We previously described patient endurance as waiting with faith, fighting, and persevering.

As Jesus stated in Matthew 24:13, we must stand firm until the end. This means remaining steadfast regardless of circumstances, ensuring we make it to the end.

Luke 8:15 describes this reality: “The good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain the word, and by persevering produce a crop.”

The standard remains unchanged – we must not forget these basics. Moving forward, to die in the Lord takes on significant meaning:

– It represents the death of self

– It means the death of one’s thoughts

– It involves the death of sins

As expressed in Philippians 1:21, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Those who die in Christ embody this truth.

Furthermore, Hebrews 8:10-12 speaks of the new covenant, declaring “He will be their God, and they will be His people.”

Revelation 14:14-20

Revelation 14:14-16,18-20 NIV84

I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one “like a son of man” with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. [15] Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” [16] So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested. [18] Still another angel, who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine, because its grapes are ripe.” [19] The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath. [20] They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses’ bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.

There are 2 distinct harvests being discussed. One harvest is what we definitely want to be part of, while there’s another harvest that we absolutely do not want to be part of.

ONE – Sickle

Let’s examine the harvest mentioned in Revelation 14:14-16, where we see an angel holding a sickle.

A sickle has both physical and spiritual meanings:

– Physical meaning: A tool used for harvesting

– Spiritual meaning: A person

The harvest represents a spiritual process:

– The wheat represents people born of God’s seed

– The field represents Jesus’ world

– The barn represents heaven

– The process is when these people leave the field and enter the barn

The harvesting is carried out by:

– Evangelists as the primary harvesters

– They use the Word

– The sickle is comparable to a sword, but specifically for harvesting

– It represents both the person with the Word and the Word itself

Figurative Sickle:

  1. The Word
  2. The Person with the Word​​

A person who possesses the Word must be sharp in understanding. 

In Matthew 13:36-43, Jesus explains about the harvest that must take place.

The Word is used like a sickle or a sword to catch people. 

As stated in Hebrews 4:12, “the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword.”

TWO – Process of Harvests

The process of harvesting, which has been prophesied, involves multiple steps toward its fulfillment. 

We will examine 3 main steps, although there are additional steps beyond these 3.

Summarized the process of harvest:

So prophecy of sowing of 2 kinds of seed. It’s given in Jeremiah 31:27.

1.-  Seed of man 

2.-  Seed of animals.


Prophecy: 2 kinds of Seed, (Jer 31:27) → 1st Coming Fulfillment: Sowing the seed, (Mt 13:24-30) → 2nd Coming: Harvest, (Rev 14:14-16).

The sowing was fulfilled during the First coming. 

According to Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus performed the sowing of two types of seed. Jesus sows the good seed, which is God’s seed, while the enemy sowed the weeds.

The sowing of the seed has a purpose – it’s not just about planting and walking away without caring for the results. There must be a harvest that follows the sowing.

The details of this harvest are specifically described in two chapters of the Bible:

– Revelation 7

– Revelation 14

These chapters, particularly Revelation 14 which we are currently studying, explain the harvest in detail.

First Harvest

In Revelation 14:14-16, we specifically examine where the harvest takes place. During this harvest, those who were born of God’s seed – the seeds that Jesus sown – are finally harvested and brought to the barn. This barn is referred to in different ways, but all represent the same place:

  1. The mountain
  2. The basket that is on the ship
  3. The Ark of Noah

Jesus repeatedly taught this same parable in different ways to enhance our understanding. When this prophesied harvest takes place, God’s new kingdom and new people are realized.

The concept of God’s new kingdom and new people is equivalent to saying new heaven and new earth, because:

  1. Heaven is a Tabernacle
  2. The Earth are saints

These terms – new kingdom, new people, new heaven and new earth, or a kingdom and priests – all carry the same meaning and refer to the same concept.

Second Harvest

The Second Harvest (from Revelation 14:17-20)

This second harvest comes with a stark contrast – and it’s not good news. “Yikes!” 

Unlike regular harvesting where grapes are collected for making wine to drink, these grapes face a different fate. They’re trampled and crushed.

As written in Revelation 14:17:

“Another angel came out of the temple in heaven and he too had a sharp sickle.” 

Then the text continues with another angel’s appearance:

“Still another angel who was in charge of the fire came from the altar and called out in a loud voice to him who had a sickle.”

The command was clear:

“Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine because these grapes are ripe.”

What happened next was dramatic:

The angel swung his sickle on the earth and gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath. “Oh, no!”

The final outcome was terrifying:

Outside the city, the blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as horses’ bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.

THREE – Wine Press: Word that Judges, Jn 12:48

The winepress that crushes the grapes – is this to be taken literally? 

Of course not. What it actually means is “the word.”

What kind of word is this? It is the word that judges – the word of judgment. This is explained in John 12:48 (NIV):

“There is a judge for everyone who rejects me and does not accept my words. The very word that I have spoken will judge them at the last day.”

FOUR – Blood: Testimony about the judgement.

The blood that flows represents the testimony about the judgment. This blood flowed up to the height of horse’s bridles. 

A bridle is a guiding tool placed in a horse’s mouth that riders use to direct the horse. In spiritual terms, a horse represents a person. As referenced in Isaiah 31:3, horses symbolize people or workers in flesh.

While wild horses exist, we are specifically discussing trained horses – those that are guided by riders. Just as horses need riders for direction, people need spiritual guidance. The rider, in this context, represents a spirit – whether it be God’s spirit, Jesus’ spirit, the Holy Spirit, or even Satan’s spirit.

Like mentioned in Isaiah 31, when a bridle is put in a horse’s mouth, it symbolizes spiritual guidance. In this particular case, it refers to God’s workers or pastors who are hearing the testimony about the judgment and sharing it with their congregation.

FIVE – 1600 Stadia: Size of South Korea

The distance mentioned is 1600 stadia. According to the Bible’s footnote, when converted to modern measurements, 1600 stadia equals 80 miles or 300 kilometers.

This measurement serves as a clue that God has left us. It is particularly significant because this distance corresponds to the size of South Korea, suggesting that Korea is the place of fulfillment.

The distance of 1600 stadia precisely measures the span between Seoul, South Korea’s largest city, and Busan, another major city. This measurement essentially covers the entire country of South Korea. 

It’s comparable to the distance between New York and Los Angeles, which spans the United States from east coast to west coast.

This exact distance of 1600 stadia (equivalent to 300 kilometers or 180 miles) between these two major Korean cities serves as another indication that Korea is the place of fulfillment.

The fulfillment occurred in Gwacheon, a small town located just south of Seoul. When this fulfillment happened, the testimony about the Tabernacle Temple began spreading through New John and others who shared the fulfillment of Revelation. This message was distributed by pastors throughout Korea.

“Did you hear what happened to the 7 stars?”

“Yeah, apparently they had a covenant with God and they broke it. Whoa. Let’s try and not break our covenant with God.”

While they didn’t have the open word themselves, news about what was happening to the seven stars spread throughout the whole country. And that’s Revelation 14. 

Please continue to study the second Revelation test. The second Revelation test, questions 26 to 50.


Revelation 14:4,15 NIV84

These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. [15] Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

Instructor Review


We are reviewing Revelation 14 once again, focusing on the 144,000 first fruits on Mount Zion. 

In Revelation 14:1-5, we observe the first fruits standing on Mount Zion with the Lamb. These first fruits are redeemed and have kept themselves pure, not defiling themselves with women.

Moving to verses 6-8, we learn about the eternal gospel. The 144,000 demonstrate their fear of God and give Him glory. The TTT is established as their place of worship.

In verses 9-11, judgment comes upon the beast, the image, and those who bear the number of his name.

Verses 12-13 speak to those living in this time period, emphasizing their need for patient endurance as they die in the Lord.

Finally, 2 significant harvests must take place: the harvest of the field and the grape harvest. These harvests serve as testimony regarding what happened to the TTT.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


The 144,000 Firstfruits and the Two Harvests: An In-Depth Exploration of Revelation 14


Part I: Introduction to the 144,000 and Mount Zion

  • The Significance of the 144,000: This section introduces the concept of the 144,000 “firstfruits” who will serve as priests and teachers after the Second Coming of Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and understanding one’s place within the Book of Revelation.
  • Titles and Terms at Mount Zion: This section explains key Korean terms used at Mount Zion, highlighting the importance of gratitude, love, and a proactive spirit.
  • Timeline of Revelation: This section breaks down the Book of Revelation into three eras: Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation. It outlines key events within each era and emphasizes that the present day falls within the period of Salvation, which began on March 14, 1984.
  • Revelation 14:1-5: The Lamb and the 144,000: This section delves into the specific characteristics of the 144,000, emphasizing their purity, their ability to sing the “new song,” and their redemption as a kingdom of priests.
  • Mount Zion: The New Heaven and New Earth: This section identifies Mount Zion as a physical representation of heaven on earth, highlighting its unique structure and its connection to the Promised Pastor (New John). It emphasizes the upcoming graduation ceremony in Korea and encourages participation.

Part II: Examining Revelation 14 Verse-by-Verse

  • Revelation 14:1: New John as Witness: This section emphasizes John’s role as a witness throughout Revelation, consistently seeing, hearing, or being shown divine revelations.
  • Revelation 14:1: The Lamb as Jesus: This section identifies the Lamb as Jesus, highlighting his sacrifice and his dwelling place on Mount Zion.
  • Revelation 14:1: Mount Zion’s Significance: This section further explores the significance of Mount Zion, arguing that it is a physical church structured like the heavenly realm and led by the Promised Pastor who acts as the “throne” of Jesus.
  • Revelation 14:1: The Graduation Ceremony: This section introduces the upcoming graduation ceremony in Korea, where thousands of new members will join Mount Zion, and encourages attendees to prepare for this event.
  • Revelation 14:1: The Names of God and the Lamb: This section interprets the inscription of God and the Lamb’s names on the foreheads of the 144,000 as a symbol of being sealed with God’s word, as first mentioned in Revelation 7.
  • Revelation 14:1: The New Song: This section interprets the “new song” as the gospel of Revelation, sung by those who understand its fulfillment. It argues that this song serves as evidence that a place is truly Mount Zion and that the ability to sing it signifies being sealed with God’s word.
  • Revelation 14:4: Redeemed and Purchased: This section interprets the redemption and purchase of the 144,000 as their exodus from Babylon and their elevation to a kingdom of priests.
  • Revelation 14:4: Not Defiled with Women: This section interprets “not defiled with women” figuratively, suggesting it refers to not being defiled by the teachings of false pastors, specifically mentioning Jezebel and the prostitute.
  • Revelation 14:4: Following the Lamb: This section interprets “following the Lamb” as obeying his word through the Promised Pastor (New John), connecting it to John 13:20 and arguing that accepting the messenger means accepting the sender.
  • Revelation 14:4: The 144,000 as Firstfruits: This section delves into the significance of being “firstfruits,” arguing that these individuals are the first to be offered to God in 6,000 years and possess a unique understanding of God’s mission. It draws parallels to biblical figures like Samuel and emphasizes the blessings associated with this position.
  • Revelation 14:5: No Lie Found in Their Mouths: This section emphasizes the importance of speaking only truth, connecting it to James 3:1-2 and arguing that the 144,000 will manifest this quality. It encourages striving for this purity of speech while acknowledging that the final selection belongs to God.
  • Revelation 14:6-8: The Eternal Gospel: This section interprets the “eternal gospel” as the testimony of Revelation’s fulfillment, arguing that its details and those involved will be eternally remembered and taught. It emphasizes the importance of spreading this gospel to all nations, tribes, languages, and peoples.
  • Revelation 14:7: Fearing God: This section explores what it means to fear God, arguing that it encompasses respect, acknowledging His judgments, and understanding that He is both a loving father and a just judge. It connects to Matthew 10:28, emphasizing that fearing God should supersede fearing Satan.
  • Revelation 14:7: Giving God Glory: This section outlines why God deserves glory (promises, fulfillment, and creation) and argues that bearing fruit through evangelism is the best way to glorify Him. It encourages listeners to actively invite others to study the Word.
  • Revelation 14:7-8: The Place of Worship: This section argues that the TTT (The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony) is the designated place to worship God and give Him glory, connecting it to Revelation 15:4-5 and suggesting that it is where God’s glory is revealed and much fruit is borne.
  • Revelation 14:8: Babylon on a Small and Large Scale: This section identifies Babylon as both Mr. Tak and his organization (SEC) on a small scale and as all Christian churches in sin on a large scale.
  • Revelation 14:8: Maddening Wine or Poison: This section interprets the “maddening wine” as Satan’s teachings found in commentaries, study Bibles, and other media, encouraging listeners to abandon these sources and rely solely on the pure Word of God.
  • Revelation 14:9-11: Judgment Upon the Beast, Image, and Number: This section identifies the beast (Mr. Tak), the image (17 false pastors), and the number of his name (Mr. Oh and false doctrines) and emphasizes the negative consequences of accepting these entities and teachings.
  • Revelation 14:12-13: Patient Endurance and Dying in the Lord: This section reiterates the importance of patient endurance, connecting it to Matthew 24:13 and Luke 8:15, and interprets “dying in the Lord” as a metaphorical death of self, thoughts, and sins, connecting it to Philippians 1:21 and Hebrews 8:10-12.
  • Revelation 14:14-20: The Two Harvests: This section differentiates between two distinct harvests: a positive harvest of those born of God’s seed and a negative harvest of those who will face judgment.
  • Revelation 14:14-16: The First Harvest: This section interprets the first harvest symbolically, outlining the meanings of the sickle, the wheat, the field, and the barn, and argues that this harvest signifies the realization of God’s new kingdom and new people, which is equivalent to the New Heaven and New Earth.
  • Revelation 14:17-20: The Second Harvest: This section describes the second harvest in detail, highlighting the gathering and crushing of grapes as a symbol of God’s wrath and judgment.
  • Revelation 14:17-20: The Winepress as the Word of Judgment: This section interprets the winepress not as a literal object but as the “word that judges,” connecting it to John 12:48.
  • Revelation 14:17-20: Blood as Testimony of Judgment: This section interprets the flowing blood as a symbol of the testimony about the judgment being spread among God’s workers and pastors.
  • Revelation 14:17-20: 1600 Stadia and the Size of South Korea: This section interprets the distance of 1600 stadia as a clue pointing to South Korea as the place of fulfillment, specifically the city of Gwacheon. It argues that this distance, equivalent to the span between Seoul and Busan, signifies the spread of the testimony throughout the country.

A Study Guide

Revelation 14 Study Guide: The 144,000 Firstfruits & The Harvest

Glossary of Key Terms

  • 144,000: Symbolic number representing those who are sealed with God’s word and will serve as priests in the New Heaven and New Earth.
  • Babylon: Symbolic representation of the world system opposed to God, particularly corrupt religious institutions. On a small scale, it represents Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center (SEC).
  • Beast: Symbolic figure representing Mr. Tak, the director of the SEC.
  • Eternal Gospel: The testimony of Revelation’s fulfillment, which will be proclaimed to all nations, tribes, languages, and peoples.
  • Firstfruits: The first and best portion of a harvest, symbolically representing the 144,000 who are the first to be redeemed and sealed in the time of the Second Coming.
  • Image: The 17 false pastors who accepted the false doctrines of Mr. Oh and received the mark of the beast.
  • Maddening Wine: The false teachings and doctrines of Satan that deceive and corrupt people.
  • Mount Zion: The dwelling place of the Lamb (Jesus) and the 144,000, representing the New Heaven and New Earth.
  • New Song: The gospel of Revelation, which only the 144,000 can sing, signifying their understanding of God’s plan of salvation.
  • Number of His Name (666): Represents Mr. Oh and the false doctrines he introduced, symbolized by the 666 talents of gold Solomon received from Gentile nations.
  • Patient Endurance: Remaining steadfast in faith and obedience to God despite trials and persecution.
  • Sickle: The Word of God, used to harvest souls and judge those who reject it. Figuratively, it also represents the person who wields the Word of God.
  • TTT (Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony): The true church where God’s glory is given and fruit is borne, represented by Shincheonji.
  • Winepress: The Word of God that judges the wicked and separates them from the righteous.

Short Answer Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.

  1. What is the significance of the term “firstfruits” in Revelation 14?
  2. How are the names of God and the Lamb written on the foreheads of the 144,000?
  3. What is the new song that only the 144,000 can sing?
  4. Explain the symbolic meaning of the phrase “they did not defile themselves with women” in relation to the 144,000.
  5. How do the 144,000 follow the Lamb?
  6. What is the eternal gospel mentioned in Revelation 14:6?
  7. What does it mean to fear God and give Him glory?
  8. Identify the three entities mentioned in Revelation 13 and explain their meaning in the context of Revelation 14.
  9. What is the meaning of “patient endurance” in Revelation 14:12?
  10. Explain the symbolism of the two harvests described in Revelation 14:14-20.

Answer Key

  1. The term “firstfruits” refers to the initial and best portion of a harvest offered to God. In Revelation 14, it symbolizes the 144,000 who are the first to be redeemed and sealed, representing the best of humanity offered to God.
  2. The names of God and the Lamb are written on the foreheads of the 144,000 symbolically through the Word of God. This signifies that they have been sealed with God’s truth and understand His plan of salvation.
  3. The new song is the gospel of Revelation, the good news of God’s victory and the establishment of His kingdom. Only the 144,000 can sing this song because they have a deep understanding of God’s work throughout history and His fulfillment of prophecy.
  4. The phrase “they did not defile themselves with women” does not refer to physical purity but rather spiritual purity. It means that the 144,000 have not been corrupted by the false teachings and doctrines of false pastors, symbolized by figures like Jezebel and the prostitute.
  5. The 144,000 follow the Lamb by obeying His word and following the one whom He has sent, New John. They demonstrate their faith through their actions and their commitment to spreading the truth of Revelation.
  6. The eternal gospel is the testimony of Revelation’s fulfillment. It is the good news that God has kept His promises and is establishing His kingdom on Earth, a message that will be proclaimed to all people.
  7. To fear God means to respect Him, acknowledge His power, and be aware of His judgment. Giving Him glory involves recognizing His attributes as Creator, Promise-Maker, and Fulfiller, and living a life that reflects His will.
  8. The three entities are: (1) the Beast, representing Mr. Tak; (2) the Image, representing the 17 false pastors; and (3) the Number of His Name (666), representing Mr. Oh and the false doctrines he introduced. These entities symbolize the forces opposed to God and His people.
  9. Patient endurance means remaining steadfast in faith and obedience to God despite challenges and persecution. It involves persevering through trials and standing firm in the truth of God’s word until the end.
  10. The two harvests represent two different destinies. The first harvest, the wheat harvest, symbolizes the gathering of the righteous, those who are born of God’s seed, into His kingdom. The second harvest, the grape harvest, depicts the judgment of the wicked, those who have rejected God and embraced falsehood, who are thrown into the winepress of God’s wrath.

Essay Questions

  1. Analyze the significance of Mount Zion in Revelation 14 and its connection to the concepts of the New Heaven and New Earth. How does this understanding inform the role and purpose of the 144,000?
  2. Discuss the symbolic meaning of the beast, the image, and the number of his name in Revelation 14. How do these figures represent the forces of evil and the dangers of false teachings?
  3. Explore the concept of the eternal gospel in Revelation 14. What is its message, and why is it significant that it will be proclaimed to all nations, tribes, languages, and peoples?
  4. Examine the contrast between the two harvests described in Revelation 14. What do these harvests reveal about God’s judgment and the ultimate destinies of the righteous and the wicked?
  5. Discuss the importance of patient endurance for the saints in the context of Revelation 14. What challenges might they face, and how can they remain faithful to Jesus in the face of adversity?


Timeline of Events


  • The Tabernacle Temple is founded.


  • Mr. Oh enters the Tabernacle Temple and begins spreading Calvinist doctrines.
  • This event marks the beginning of the “Betrayal” period.

March 1980:

  • Events of Revelation 10 take place.

September 1980:

  • The “Destruction” period commences.
  • Events of Revelation 8, 9, 11:1-14, 13, and part of 12 are fulfilled during this time.
  • The locusts emerge from the abyss.
  • The trumpets are blown.
  • The two witnesses prophesy in sackcloth for 42 months.
  • The beast enters the Tabernacle Temple and begins to destroy the people.

March 14, 1984:

  • The “Salvation” period begins.
  • The war in heaven (Revelation 12:7-17) occurs.
  • The male child emerges victorious.
  • The seventh trumpet sounds, signifying the kingdom of the world becoming God’s kingdom.
  • Events of Revelation 14-22 begin to unfold.


  • Events of Revelation 14 take place, including:
  • The Lamb and the 144,000 are seen on Mount Zion.
  • The eternal gospel is proclaimed to all nations.
  • Babylon the Great falls.
  • Judgement is passed on those who worship the beast and its image.
  • The harvest of the earth takes place.
  • The grapes of wrath are gathered and trampled in the winepress of God’s fury.


  • First 100,000 graduation ceremony is held in Korea, signifying the entry of 100,000 individuals into Mount Zion.
  • Subsequent 100,000 graduation ceremonies are held in following years.

December 2024 (Projected):

  • Another graduation ceremony is anticipated, aiming for 110,000 participants.

Cast of Characters

1. Jesus: Referred to as the Lamb, he stands on Mount Zion with the 144,000. He is the central figure of salvation and judgement.

2. New John: The narrator and witness of the events in Revelation. He receives the revelation and testifies to its fulfillment. In this interpretation, New John is identified as the Promised Pastor of Shincheonji.

3. Mr. Oh: A key figure in the Tabernacle Temple who introduces Calvinist doctrines, accelerating the “Betrayal” period. He is associated with the number 666 and Satanic teachings.

4. Mr. Tak: The director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) and the figure identified as the beast from the sea. He receives a fatal wound which is later healed.

5. 17 False Pastors: They form the “image” of the beast and promote false teachings. They are marked with the number 666, representing their acceptance of Mr. Oh’s doctrines.

6. The 144,000 Firstfruits: A select group chosen by God, sealed with His name and the Lamb’s name on their foreheads. They reside on Mount Zion with the Lamb and sing the new song of Revelation. They are the first to be harvested and offered to God.

7. The Great Multitude: A vast group of people from every nation, tribe, language, and people who hear the eternal gospel and worship God. They are distinct from the 144,000 firstfruits.

8. The Angels: Messengers of God who carry out various tasks, including proclaiming the eternal gospel, reaping the harvest, and executing God’s judgement.

9. The Promised Pastor: Leader of Shincheonji, believed to be the fulfillment of New John, the one who receives and testifies to the revelation.

10. Inhabitants of the Earth: Those who remain in Babylon and face destruction due to their acceptance of false teachings.

Note: This interpretation of Revelation is specific to the teachings of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which considers itself to be the fulfillment of the prophecies outlined in the book. This perspective differs significantly from mainstream Christian interpretations.


Overview: Revelation 14 and the 144,000 Firstfruits


Main Themes:

  • The Identity and Role of the 144,000 Firstfruits: This source interprets the 144,000 from Revelation 14 as the “first fruits” of God’s harvest, chosen to be priests and teach the “great multitude.” They are described as pure, truthful, and obedient followers of the Lamb (Jesus).
  • Mount Zion as the New Heaven and New Earth: Mount Zion is presented as the dwelling place of the Lamb and the 144,000. It is equated to the “New Heaven and New Earth” and is structured to mirror the heavenly realm, with a specific emphasis on the Shincheonji Church of Jesus as its physical manifestation.
  • The Importance of Following the “Lamb’s Sent One”: The source stresses the importance of following the individual sent by the Lamb, who is identified as “New John” (presumably the leader of Shincheonji). This obedience is presented as the true way to follow Jesus.
  • Judgment and the Two Harvests: The source outlines two harvests: a harvest of the righteous (wheat) and a harvest of the wicked (grapes). The latter are judged and cast into the “winepress of God’s wrath.”
  • South Korea as the Place of Fulfillment: The source highlights South Korea, specifically the Shincheonji Church, as the location where these events are unfolding, drawing on biblical measurements and historical events within the church.

Key Ideas and Facts:

  1. Timeline of Revelation: The source breaks down Revelation into three periods: Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation. The current period is Salvation, which began on March 14, 1984.
  2. Korean Terminology: The document introduces several Korean terms that are central to the Shincheonji church, emphasizing their importance for understanding the teachings.
  3. The Lamb and Mount Zion: Jesus, as the Lamb, dwells on Mount Zion. The source claims that the Shincheonji Church is the true Mount Zion because its structure mirrors the heavenly realm described in Revelation.
  4. The New Song: The 144,000 are the only ones who can sing the “new song,” interpreted as the gospel of Revelation and the testimony of its fulfillment.
  5. Redemption and Purity: Being “redeemed” or “purchased” signifies becoming a priest and leaving the influence of “false pastors” and “Babylon.”
  6. Following the Lamb: True followers of the Lamb follow the one He has sent, identified as “New John” in this context. Accepting the messenger is equated to accepting the sender.
  7. First Fruits and the New Covenant: The 144,000 are the “first fruits” of God’s harvest, born of His seed and possessing a unique understanding of His 6,000-year plan. They are part of the new covenant.
  8. Eternal Gospel and Judgment: The “eternal gospel” is the testimony of Revelation’s fulfillment, which will be proclaimed to all nations, tribes, and languages. Judgment awaits those who worship the beast and his image.
  9. Patient Endurance: Followers must exhibit “patient endurance” and remain faithful to Jesus, even unto death. Dying in the Lord is interpreted as the death of self, thoughts, and sin.
  10. The Two Harvests: The first harvest gathers the righteous (wheat) into God’s kingdom. The second harvest judges the wicked (grapes) in the “winepress of God’s wrath.”

Important Quotes:

  • On the 144,000: “These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. [5] No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.” (Revelation 14:4-5)
  • On following the Lamb’s sent one: “I tell you the truth, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.” (John 13:20)
  • On God’s judgment: “There is a judge for everyone who rejects me and does not accept my words. The very word that I have spoken will judge them at the last day.” (John 12:48)
  • On the two harvests: “So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested…. The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath.” (Revelation 14:16, 19)



1. Who are the 144,000 firstfruits mentioned in Revelation?

The 144,000 are a symbolic representation of those who are redeemed and purified, standing with the Lamb (Jesus) on Mount Zion. They are the first to be harvested in the spiritual sense, representing the “cream of the crop” of believers who are sealed with God’s word and possess a unique understanding of His complete mission.

2. What does it mean to be “sealed” with God’s word?

Being sealed with God’s word signifies having a deep understanding and internalization of the revealed truth of Revelation. It means being marked by the truth, both in mind and spirit. This sealing is demonstrated through one’s actions and unwavering faithfulness to Jesus.

3. What is the “new song” that only the 144,000 can sing?

The new song represents the gospel of Revelation, a complete understanding of God’s plan and its fulfillment. This song encapsulates the themes of betrayal, destruction, and salvation as outlined in Revelation, and it serves as a testament to the truth of God’s word.

4. What is the significance of Mount Zion in Revelation 14?

Mount Zion represents the dwelling place of the Lamb and the 144,000. It symbolizes the New Heaven and New Earth, a purified and restored spiritual realm where God’s presence dwells. In this context, Mount Zion is described as a physical church structured like heaven, with the Promised Pastor acting as the throne of Jesus on Earth.

5. What is the meaning of the phrase “they did not defile themselves with women” in Revelation 14:4?

This phrase should not be taken literally. It refers to the 144,000 remaining uncorrupted by false teachings and doctrines symbolized by the figures of Jezebel and the prostitute in Revelation. They maintain their purity by adhering solely to the true word of God.

6. How do the 144,000 “follow the Lamb wherever he goes”?

Following the Lamb implies complete obedience to Jesus’s teachings and commands. However, since Jesus is not physically present, following him is achieved by following the one He has sent, the Promised Pastor who delivers the true word of God.

7. What are the two harvests described in Revelation 14, and what do they represent?

The first harvest (14:14-16) represents the gathering of those who are born of God’s seed, the righteous believers who are collected into God’s kingdom. The second harvest (14:17-20) represents the judgment of those who have followed the beast and embraced false doctrines. They are cast into the winepress of God’s wrath.

8. What is the significance of the number 1600 stadia in Revelation 14:20?

The 1600 stadia, equivalent to the approximate size of South Korea, is interpreted as a clue pointing to Korea as the place where the events of Revelation are fulfilled. It specifically suggests that South Korea is the location of the spiritual judgment and the spreading of the true testimony of Revelation.

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