[Lesson 119] Rev 13: The Chosen People Who Received the Mark of the Beast and Betrayed

by ichthus

Table of Contents

The beast from the sea (Rev 13:1-10) represents Mr. Tak, the director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), and the false pastors/elders from the SEC who infiltrated the Tabernacle Temple (TT). The beast from the earth (Rev 13:11-18) represents Mr. Oh, a false pastor within the TT who worked with Mr. Tak to spread false doctrines. The mark of the beast (666) refers to Satan’s false doctrines introduced by Mr. Oh, who is likened to Solomon receiving false teachings from Gentiles. Receiving the mark on the forehead means being appointed as a false pastor, while on the right hand means acknowledging the false doctrines. Only those who rejected the mark were able to avoid deception and spiritual destruction during the 42-month period of chaos within the TT from 1980-1984. The emphasis is on having wisdom and discernment to recognize the reality of these events and avoid being deceived by false pastors and teachings.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 12:10-11 NIV84

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. [11] They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Yeast of Heaven

Even though you enter into the holy city and have your name written in the book of life, your name can be removed from the book of life if you do something wrong. Also, if you are not clear about whether or not you are on true faithwalk, your name (in the book of life) will become faint.


Let’s digest this yeast of heaven.

Having your name in the book of life is not permanent. There are actions that can jeopardize our position in the book of life.

The armor, which represents God’s word, must be maintained. If we begin loving money, remain unsealed, or fail to keep the armor on us, we become vulnerable. When we don’t keep God’s word close, our spiritual armor falls into disrepair.

Our names can grow faint if our faith wanes. We should strive to have the faith of Abraham – an unchanging faith. Abraham demonstrated this when he never hesitated to follow God’s directions.

We must not doubt our Father God. Instead, we should believe in His promises and fulfillment. Like Abraham, we need to maintain an unchanging faith and believe in what is unseen.

Reflection on Teaching Styles

In our spiritual journey, we’ve progressed from the intro (elementary school) through intermediate (middle/high school), and now we’re at the college level – preparing to go to work. This calls for greater maturity from us.

We should develop the habit of coming early and asking questions, as this helps deepen our perception and understanding. This is our opportunity to learn about the Bible comprehensively, seeing how everything interconnects.

Thankfully, God’s kingdom has many capable teachers, and perhaps you’ll become one when the time comes, as God seeks more teachers. After completing Revelation, we’ll meet and learn from other teachers because God’s kingdom is vast, with people skilled in different ways.

Though instructors may have different teaching styles, what remains constant? The Word. As stated in Revelation 21, those in God’s kingdom are born of one pearl, which represents the Word. While teaching styles differ, we should look beyond the vessel being used and focus on what the Spirit is speaking through the Word.

Let us ask God to open our hearts to learn from anybody, especially from more skilled workers in God’s kingdom who are praying for you. In fact, the entire kingdom is praying for you because God has been waiting for you to appear.

We want everyone to understand the Word to enable their passing over. The quicker we call out God’s people, the faster Revelation’s complete fulfilment will come. Take these lessons to heart, and if you have doubts, please ask questions rather than letting curiosity lead you astray.

We’re not hiding anything, but we’re protecting your spirit. 

As mentioned in Q&A, if we had revealed everything at the beginning, it would have been too solid to accept. Much of Revelation has already been fulfilled, and today we’ll learn how far we’ve progressed.

The world, not belonging to God, doesn’t understand this systematic approach. When you ask the world about God’s work, they say: “It’s a cult. It’s heresy. You shouldn’t be a part of that. The only one you need to believe in is Jesus.”

The Teaching is from God

God is the source of everything we’ve been learning, and Jesus is the one who promised it. 

If we truly believe in Jesus and His words, shouldn’t we look forward to the fulfillment of these promises? And when they are fulfilled, shouldn’t we believe in them?

Many people do not have hope for God’s work to be fulfilled. When we tell them about things that have already taken place and happened to people, they want to back away. But what about you?

Will you back away when you learn something new? When you learn something shocking?

Some of you are shaking your head [indicating no], and I pray this will truly be the reality for each and every one here. We will continue to learn together.

We will continue to check the scriptures. Even though it’s hard for us to fathom that God is actually fulfilling everything in our time, we will choose to believe. Not just believe, but also take actions that lead us to be with Father God in the end.

Rev 13: The Chosen People Who Received the Mark of the Beast and Betrayed

The reason we consistently repeat the title is that it encapsulates everything we need to know about the chapter. When we memorize the title, we gain understanding of the content.

Therefore, let us continue making efforts to seal these titles as one. Today, we will learn about the chosen people.

Previous Lesson Review


The Chosen People

Who are the chosen people? Jesus initiated the fulfillment of revelation through the 7 stars and 7 golden lampstands. These were figuratively represented as the sun, moon, and stars.

Their tabernacle was like heaven because Jesus was working with them in the beginning. However, a tragic turn of events occurred.

When the beast invaded their tabernacle, they began eating food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality against God and Jesus. 

Through these actions, they forsook their first love and betrayed God. The consequences of this betrayal were severe.

They were destroyed. Even during their judgment, when God and Jesus attempted to bring them to repentance, they refused to repent. Instead, they chose to become one with the destroyers.

The Mark of the Beast

People who received the mark of the beast ultimately faced complete destruction, revealing them as the true betrayers of the chosen people.

When it comes to the mark of the beast, the world has developed many different interpretations of its meaning. However, when people learn the reality of what the mark of the beast actually represents, some find it underwhelming, saying “Oh, I thought it would be something greater” or “This is disappointing.”

But should we react this way to God’s work? No. Some have expressed difficulty believing the work of revelation, saying “I always thought God would come with big fire” or “I really thought there would be a huge trumpet. Now you’re saying this is just ritual? Wow, that’s a little underwhelming.”

We should not have such thoughts about God’s work. 

The Teachings of Men

The reality is that people often value human teachings more than the truth. As believers, we must continuously make God’s word our one and only standard. When we elevate men’s opinions as our standard, the word of God loses its value in our lives.

Even when the truth is directly in front of us, we may reject it if we prioritize human teachings. By the time we finally realize the truth, it could be too late. We must not delay in recognizing that God’s work is being fulfilled today.


In fact, our ability to believe in things happening spiritually today demonstrates far greater faith in God than if events were occurring physically. 

Looking back to the time of Moses, God needed to reveal himself to people through physical miracles. When Jesus came, he performed both physical and spiritual miracles. Despite witnessing these miracles, people still did not believe.

Similarly in our time, much is happening spiritually, yet people are dismissing it and not believing. However, as the Bible states, “the righteous will live by faith.” 

Therefore, we must believe in the work that is taking place today. Amen.

Key Points of Revelation 13

Let us focus on believing in the events described in Revelation chapter 13. 

We need to understand the key points that are essential for comprehending Revelation 13.

ONE – Location: Tabernacle Temple (TT)

The fulfillment occurred in the Tabernacle Temple.

TWO – Timing: 42 Months of Destruction

This period began in September 1980 and concluded on March 14, 1984.

Significant Event on March 14, 1984:

The creation of Mount Zion occurred on this date, establishing The Temple of the Tabernacle Temple (TTT), which represents God’s kingdom.

Biblical Reference and Significance:

As revealed in Revelation 12:10, this kingdom’s creation finally provided God with a dwelling place on earth. Before the fulfillment of Revelation 12:10, God did not have a physical dwelling place on earth.

Common Misconception:

When people are asked if they are part of God’s kingdom or working for the kingdom, many respond affirmatively based on:

– Their church attendance

– Their belief in God and Jesus

– Their personal dedication to faith

However, these responses stem from viewing Revelation merely as a historical document, assuming all events have already occurred. In reality, there is a specific time when God’s kingdom was actually built to receive people – March 14, 1984.

THREE – Relationship between Rev 12 and Rev 13

When studying Revelation chapters 12 and 13, it’s important to understand their relationship in terms of prophetic fulfillment. Although Revelation chapter 13 appears after chapter 12 in the biblical text, its events are actually fulfilled first in the timeline. 

This is because Revelation’s prophecies are not fulfilled in chronological order. God revealed to John first the events that would lead to His victory, and then showed what would happen to His people. Therefore, the events of Revelation chapter 13 precede those of chapter 12 in terms of prophetic fulfillment.

Revelation 13 | First War, the Beast wins, the chosen people of the TT received the Mark of the Beast, 666.

During the First War, a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns entered the Tabernacle Temple. This beast fought against the chosen people. The outcome was unfortunate – the chosen people were defeated and the beast emerged victorious.

As a consequence, the people met their end because they received the mark of the beast, which is 666. Many people fear this number, believing it to be an omen.

It is important for us to clearly understand the meaning behind this. We should not be afraid of the number itself, but we must be careful not to receive it spiritually.

Revelation 12 | Second War, the Beast loses and get kicked out.

In Revelation 12, we see a beast with seven heads and 10 horns that went against the seven stars.

The one who won against them in Worship to 13 is now fighting. Specifically, it is fighting against the male child and his brothers.

We can see another reference of the 13 first appearing in Worship to 13. In this reference, we see it talks about an image that was created, and that image is likened to the tail in Revelation 12.

The beast loses against the male child and his brothers and is kicked out of heaven. These are the events of the second war. However, after the beast loses in chapter 12, Satan did not give up.

We have to keep in mind how things work. We know that spirits work through flesh. Satan was working through the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. But after it was exposed that this person is fake, Satan left and went to use other flesh.

This is why there’s a continuation of this war even taking place today. We will learn more about this in Revelation chapter 16.

FOUR – Contracting Chapters

The chapters in Revelation are interconnected as they tell one continuous story.

When studying chapter 13, it’s important to understand that it belongs to a series of contrasting chapter pairs:

  1. Revelation 6 and 7.
  2. Revelation 13 and 14.
  3. Revelation 18 and 19.

Revelation 13: Mark of the Beast → Hell

In reference to chapter 13, we examine what happens to those who received the mark of the beast. What will be their outcome?

Let us read together…

Revelation 14:9-11 NIV84

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, [10] he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. [11] And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.”

What happens when you receive the mark? The consequence is being thrown into the lake of fire. In this place, there will be no rest – neither day nor night – only eternal torment. Would anyone volunteer for such a fate? 

Since no one would choose this, the logical response would be to wash off the mark.

Revelation 14: Seal of God → Heaven

What should you receive instead of the mark? You need to ensure you have the seal of God, which will be revealed in Revelation chapter 14.

There exists a stark contrast: receiving the mark of the beast leads essentially to hell, but receiving the seal of God and becoming part of His kingdom allows you to participate in the first resurrection.

Revelation 20:4-6 NIV84

I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. [5] (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. [6] Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

Who wants to take part in that? I do.

We have a clear purpose for our actions. When the spirit from heaven comes to clothe us, we will receive eternal life in the flesh.

The choice before us is very clear: either receive the mark of the beast and go to hell, or be sealed and take part in the first resurrection to be part of heaven.

Because God and all of heaven will come, we will then be able to live forever in the flesh.

What a great mystery this is.

You need to Fill the Book of Life

If you truly have hope, you will not allow anyone to prevent you from finishing the class or becoming part of God’s kingdom. What does becoming part of God’s kingdom mean? It means you need to fill out the book of life.

Have you already filled out the book of life? If not, please ask your evangelist, “Why haven’t I filled out the book of life yet? Don’t you want me to go to heaven?”

Let us make a sincere effort to be sealed with the word of God, because this is truly a matter of heaven and hell. Since our hope is heaven, we must have the seal of God.

FIVE – Beast from the Sea (Rev 13:1-10): Mr. Tak and Beast from the Earth (Rev 13:11-18): Mr. Oh.

Revelation Chapter 13 reveals detailed descriptions of two beasts that were previously introduced:

  1. The Beast from the Sea (BFS) – Revelation 13:1-10

   – The actual reality of this beast represents Mr. Tak

  1. The Beast from the Earth (BFE) – Revelation 13:11-18

   – The actual reality of this beast represents Mr. Oh

Important Context:

Revelation Chapter 13 combines the content from Revelation Chapters 8 and 9, providing a more comprehensive understanding of these two beasts that were previously introduced. This chapter offers greater detail about their characteristics and significance.

Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh.

In Chapter 8, we learn about Mr. Oh, who is depicted as the beast from the earth. He is likened to Star Wormwood, the star that fell from the sky.

Moving to Chapter 9, we are introduced to Mr. Talk, who is identified as the king of the locusts.

There is also a significant connection between Chapter 19 and Chapter 13, where a specific event takes place.

We will explore these details further as we delve into understanding Chapter 13 more thoroughly.

Now that we have covered these key points, shall we proceed to examine the details?

Revelation 13:1-2 | Beast Out of the Sea

We will learn about the beast that has 7 heads and 10 horns, which comes out of the sea.

Revelation 13:1-2 NIV84

And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea.

 And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. [2] The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

“And I saw,” the text begins. After the dragon’s defeat in Revelation chapter 12, it stood on the shore of the sea, searching for new vessels to use. This will be covered more in chapter 16.

“And I saw” appears again. Who was seeing all of this? It was shown to New John, the true witness who saw and heard all these things, as stated in Revelation 22:8.

Then it describes, “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea.” What does this sea represent? Should we be looking at the Pacific Ocean to see a gigantic dragon emerging with 7 heads and 10 horns?

No – this is not meant to be taken literally. If the beast is not real in a physical sense, then the sea isn’t either. We won’t find this creature in any zoo.

ONE – Sea: The World, Babylon (Satan’s World)

The reality of the sea represents the world, specifically referring to Babylon as mentioned in Revelation 18. This world belongs to Satan.

Previously, we were all in this sea until God found us and called us out. Glory to God, we were obedient and came out. Now we are here, and I pray that all of you will also be obedient and come out of that sea.

When we look at the beast coming out of the sea, this is explained in Daniel 7:3-17. We won’t read every verse explaining the meaning of the parable now because we have already covered this.

We studied the parables first for a purpose – to make it easier for us to understand the actual events in Revelation. If you forget any details, the verses are provided here for you to go back and read. Remember, only when you personally check and verify can you develop greater faith.

TWO – Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns: False Pastors

The sea represents the world, and from this sea emerges a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.

To understand what a beast means spiritually, we look at Psalm 49:20, which shows that a person who has riches but lacks understanding is compared to a beast. This teaches us that such a person will eventually perish. Through this understanding, we know the beast is not a literal animal but figuratively represents a person.

The beast appears as a leader who has 7 heads and 10 horns. These components have specific meanings:

– The heads represents pastors

– The horns represents authority

When we put this together, it represents a group of false pastors. Specifically, it shows an organization of 17 people (combining the 7 heads and 10 horns) that belongs to the sea.

To understand the reality of the sea: if the sea refers to the world, and from it comes these 7 pastors and evangelists/elders, then we must consider what this sea represents in relation to being outside of the Tabernacle Temple.

The Actual Reality

The sea represents Babylon, and in a broader sense, it represents the world of Christianity. We observe people coming from this sea and entering into the Tabernacle Temple.

The sea, in reality, refers to the SEC (Christian Stewardship Training Center – CSTC). This is referenced in Daniel 7:3,17. The SEC was an organization established to teach pastors during that time period.

When these people from the SEC encountered the Tabernacle Temple and its teachings, their reaction was negative. They thought:

– “This is different”

– “This is heresy”

– “We must snuff it out”

– “We must change it”

– “We must make it one of us”

Unfortunately, they succeeded in their attempts, and this was actually Satan’s work.

Regarding the Tabernacle Temple, it’s important to note that when everything was fulfilled, the rest of the world was in darkness. To begin His work, God sent a little light to prepare the way. However, darkness does not accept the light because darkness cannot understand it.

The SEC, through which Satan was working unknowingly to everyone, represents this darkness that opposed the light.

Exposing and a Trap

During their arrival, their objective was to snuff out that light.

What they weren’t aware of was that this was actually a trap. God set this trap to reveal where Satan was working. God’s amazing plan exposed this large organization, which was in charge of other pastors, to be a home of demons.

The Beast of Seven Heads and Ten Horns represents a group of false pastors. Specifically, there were seven pastors from the Stewardship Education Center. These seven pastors were working in collaboration with ten authority figures – the elders from the Tabernacle Temple.

These ten authority figures belonged to and worked with the seven pastors to spread false teaching.

The structure of the seven pastors consisted of:

– Two tops

– Two hems

– One front

– One back

These were the seven heads who were working together, and their true names will be revealed soon.

THREE – Blasphemous Name: Positions they gave themselves

Let’s examine Revelation chapter 13, which describes the Beast emerging from the sea, having ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns.

The crowns represent the names that the Beast gave to himself, and each head had a blasphemous name. 

What makes these names blasphemous? The answer lies in the fact that these were positions they assigned to themselves, not positions given by God.

These titles were self-appointed. This should make us reflect, especially those of us who held many positions in our old churches.

We devoted all our time, feeling important because we were deacons, ushers, or members of the praise and worship team.

We were doing so much, but what value did it have if God wasn’t present? It was just blasphemy.

If you find yourself in this situation now, ask yourself:

– What are you doing there?

– Why are you investing all your time, energy, and effort in a place where God isn’t present?

– Have you truly verified God’s presence there?

– Does your church have the 12 tribes?

– Does your church have the New John?

If God is truly working, someone must speak and give testimony. Have you heard it?

Let’s move forward so everyone can hear this message.

FOUR – Lion, Leopard, Bear: Destroyers

The beast had characteristics of three predatory animals – a lion, a leopard, and a bear. These are not prey animals, but rather destroyers. 

The lion, known for devouring its prey, along with the other predators, symbolizes the destructive nature of this beast. 

The combination of these fierce animals demonstrates that this beast’s primary purpose is destruction.

FIVE – Dragon’s Throne: BFS, Mr. Tak (Director of SEC)

In Revelation 13:2, it describes “the beast I saw was like a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear, not like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.”

This passage speaks about the dragon’s throne. However, this does not refer to an actual physical throne where people would come and bow down. Rather, the dragon mentioned here represents Satan himself – it is the spirit of Satan.

Revelation 20:2 NIV84

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

The passage discusses the ancient serpent and makes a connection to Genesis chapter 3. The serpent that was once small has now transformed into a huge dragon. 

When considering dragons, it’s important to note that they are not real animals. In drawings and depictions, dragons appear peculiar because they are composed of features from various existing animals. They have scales on their head and other distinct characteristics, showing how God has been revealing this message to us all along.

The Actual Reality

The true reality of a dragon needs to be understood spiritually, where the dragon represents Satan. Since Satan is a spirit, and spirits work through flesh (Isaiah 31:3), the throne mentioned refers to a person.

This concept is similar to the meaning of a horse – both the throne and horse refer to flesh, to a person. Within the context of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), this throne of Satan manifested through Mr. Tak.

The reality is that Mr. Tak was this beast from the sea. As the director of the SEC, he wielded all the authority of the beast and enacted this authority through his position. However, while he possessed power and authority as director, this power was not given to him by God, making it false.

God’s Throne

God has His own throne, and it is important to understand who represents this throne. According to Revelation 3:12, God’s throne is represented by New John, the one who overcomes. 

This is one of the promised blessings – that the overcomer will become God’s throne. 

Understanding this truth is crucial because it reveals one of the blessings we desire – to have God dwell within us.

Revelation 13:3-5

Revelation 13:3-5 NIV84

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. [4] Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” [5] The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.

ONE – 1/7 heads → Fatal Wound: Would of the Heart

One of the 7 heads that had a fatal wound. What exactly is the nature of this wound?

Zechariah 13:6 NIV84

If someone asks him, ‘What are these wounds on your body ?’ he will answer, ‘The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.’

The wound I was given at the house of my friend” – this describes not a physical injury, but rather a wound of the heart. When a friend acts against you, it causes deep hurt and pain that is especially difficult to bear.

The Internal Power Vaccum

This situation actually refers to an internal conflict that occurred between the 7 heads. Specifically, there was a dispute between Mr. Tak and Mr. Kim regarding who would become the director of the SEC. When it appeared that Mr. Tak would lose the position to Mr. Kim, he became so deeply hurt that he considered abandoning his life of faith.

This reveals something quite wicked – should we ever allow any offense, regardless of its nature, to prevent us from living a life of faith? No, we should not.

In Mount Zion We can make mistakes

As members of Mount Zion, we must acknowledge that we are all human beings. Being human means we are capable of making mistakes.

There may be times when we unintentionally say or do things that could hurt others. This is not our intention.

While we always try our best to avoid causing intentional hurt, if someone does offend you, do not let that become a reason to quit God’s kingdom.

Keep in mind your purpose: you came to God’s kingdom because you want to follow the word. 

When you enter God’s kingdom, should you stop following the word? No. You must continue following the word.

No matter what grievances you face, keep your eyes focused on the word and you will never go wrong. Even during difficult times with yourself or other members, do not let these challenges affect your life of faith.


Always ensure you present your best self to avoid unintentionally hurting others. However, this should never become a reason to stop working for God.

It would be foolish to give up our life of faith. What explanation would you give to God later? Saying “Someone offended me, so I couldn’t stay in the same place as that person” isn’t a valid excuse.

One of the significant challenges within God’s kingdom comes through relationships. This is especially important for young adults – please listen carefully.

While it’s not wrong to have feelings for someone, we must be extremely careful to avoid creating love triangles within God’s kingdom. When it comes to relationships, everything must be communicated clearly to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

This is not Babylon where people casually date multiple people and break hearts, leading to situations where people can’t bear to see each other. Remember, our hope is to live together forever. If relationships don’t work out, you’ll still need to see each other forever in God’s kingdom.

Therefore, we must be able to coexist with one another. Let’s be very careful and protect our hearts. Even if we experience hurt, we must learn to love, forgive, and bless others.

At the End (Issue resolved)

The situation involved a conflict over who would become the director position. The question was whether this person ultimately obtained the position. Indeed, they did succeed in becoming the director, which is why it is described as “the fatal wound was healed.” 

This refers to how the conflict was resolved when the individual finally achieved their desired position as director. The healing of the fatal wound represents the resolution of this leadership dispute, as they eventually got what they were seeking – the director role.

TWO – Whole World: All the saints of the Tabernacle Temple.

The passage discusses how “the whole world worshiped the beast.” This cannot be interpreted literally – it would be illogical for the entire world to knowingly worship a beast. However, when viewed in a figurative sense, particularly in a spiritual context that cannot be seen with physical eyes, it becomes clear how people could unknowingly worship an idol or false god.

This event took place in the Tabernacle Temple. Therefore, “the whole world” represents the congregation members. Specifically, it refers to all the saints and members of the Tabernacle Temple congregation.

These congregation members were worshiping the beast without realizing what they were doing. They believed they were following true servants of God, but this was far from the truth. The reality lies in understanding that while they thought they were with genuine servants, they were actually being led astray.

THREE – Exercise Authority: Authority to preach Satan’s doctrine for 42 Months.

Revelation 13:5 shows us a beast that was given authority to exercise power for 42 months.

What does exercising authority mean in this context? This authority was granted by Satan. When one has authority, it fundamentally relates to the power to teach or preach.

This was the true authority – the authority to preach Satan’s doctrines.

The duration of this authority’s exercise was 42 months, which represented a period of destruction.

Period of destruction. 

During the period from September 1980 to March 14, 1984 – which spans exactly 3 and a half years – the beast carried out its work. 

During this time, the beast was actively deceiving the people within the Tabernacle Temple, ultimately leading them to complete ruin.

Revelation 13:6-10

Revelation 13:6-10 NIV84

He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. [7] He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. [8] All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. [9] He who has an ear, let him hear. [10] If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

ONE – Blaspheme and Slander God: Opposing the saints of TT.

The scripture states that “the beast opened his mouth to blaspheme God and slander his name.”

To understand what it means to blaspheme or slander God, we must recognize that it involves opposing the one through whom God is working. During that time, God was working through the saints of the Tabernacle Temple (TT). Therefore, opposing them was equivalent to opposing God Himself.

Blasphemy or slander against God manifests through opposition to the saints of the Tabernacle Temple. This is why we must be cautious with our words.

When God uses the one who overcomes, and we slander them or call them false, we are actually blaspheming and slandering God Himself.

Therefore, let us always remember to be careful with our words.

TWO – Dwelling Place (heaven): Tabernacle Temple in Gwancheon, South Korea.

The scripture speaks about slandering God’s name in his dwelling place. When we consider God’s dwelling place, we naturally think of Heaven. However, during that specific time, God was present in the Tabernacle Temple.

This is why it’s referred to as the first heaven and first earth. Therefore, to slander his name in his dwelling place means to slander the Tabernacle Temple specifically.

The location of this Tabernacle Temple was at the base of Mount Cheonggye in Gwacheon, South Korea. This is where God initiated his work.

Let us not be those who simply acknowledge “ah, it’s there” where it happened. Instead, let us truly believe it.

THREE – War: Spiritual War of Doctrine (First War: The Beast won)

The beast “was given power to make war against them,” but this wasn’t a physical war – it was a spiritual war, specifically a war of doctrines as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 3-5.

If this had been a physical war, everyone would have heard and learned about it. Instead, this was the first war – a war of doctrines between different spirits and the flesh they were using.

The outcome of this war is documented in Revelation 13:6-7, where it shows that the beast overpowered them and won this war. This event is the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15-16.

Matthew 24:15-16 NIV84

“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— [16] then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

The abomination, which is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, is standing in the holy place and causing destruction. 

When we see this happening, we shouldn’t be casual or indifferent about it, thinking “oh, that’s so nice” or wondering “should I get pizza?”

Instead, what should we do? According to Matthew 24:15-16, we must flee to the mountains. We need to flee quickly. Amen. This is how we can avoid being affected by all the deception and false teaching, ensuring our spirit will not be killed.

This is the reality of the abomination that comes into the holy place, as described in Matthew 24:15-16.

FOUR – Book of Life: Church Registry

In Revelation 13:8, we learn about people who did not worship the beast. These individuals are identified as those whose names are written in the book of life. This book of life belongs to the Lamb, Jesus.

If Jesus has a book of life, and those whose names are recorded in it will not worship the beast and thus avoid the lake of fire, it becomes crucial for our names to be in this book. However, without understanding the reality of the book of life, it’s impossible to have our name recorded there.

What exactly is this book of life? It’s a registration of Heaven. And what is Heaven today? It’s the Church.

Therefore, this is the church registry of heaven. We know that God doesn’t want to remain in the spiritual heaven – He wants to come down. God wants to be part of Mount Zion, and Mount Zion is a church.

Since Mount Zion is a church, the reality of the book of life is the church registry of Mount Zion. The reality of this heaven, where we want our names to be, is the Shinchonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony.

What are the consequences of not becoming part of this church? One would be affected by the second death. Therefore, it’s essential to:

– Have proper clothes

– Be measured in the inner court

– Be victorious

– Be called, chosen, and picked up

– Be one who comes out

Those who fulfill these requirements will have their names written in the Book of Life.

The Book of Life appears six times in Revelation:

  1. Revelation 3:5
  2. Revelation 13:8
  3. Revelation 17:8
  4. Revelation 20:12
  5. Revelation 20:15
  6. Revelation 21:27

These multiple references help us understand the significant importance of the Book of Life.

Submitting your Picture

When registering for the Kingdom of Heaven, which is God’s country, you need a passport. In a passport, you must have a picture to identify yourself.

Consider this: Would you want the Promised Pastor, the Chairman, to look at a name “James” and wonder, “Which James is this? What does he look like?” Wouldn’t you want him to know exactly what you look like?

Therefore, to complete the Book of Life registration, we need a picture. This should be taken from chest up. It can be done as a passport photo for a cleaner appearance.

For the picture requirements:

– Wear a white button-down shirt (like for surveys)

– Wear a black blazer

– The evangelists will provide detailed guidelines

These pictures will be due very soon. If you don’t have these items, simply get them. Going to Goodwill is perfectly fine – we won’t know the difference.

Please follow the specific instructions that will be given to you. Remember, this picture is for God. Therefore, you shouldn’t appear disheveled or careless. Present your best, pleasant face because this picture will represent you for all eternity. (No pressure!)

We will share all the guidelines with you. Please complete this task as soon as you receive the instructions.

FIVE – Patient Endurance: Wait with unwaivering faith because God will fulfill his promises.

Looking at Revelation 13:10, it speaks about those who will go into captivity – referring to the betrayers who were held captive within the tabernacle temple by the beast.

The verse continues saying those who are to be killed by the sword will be killed by the sword. This refers to the beast with seven heads and horns using their false doctrines as the sword. Just as they judged and destroyed God’s people, God will judge them in return.

This judgment will be fully revealed in Revelation chapters 16, 18, and 19. 

The important message for us is not about giving up – rather, it calls for patience and endurance. Even when feeling tired after 6, 7, 8, or 9 months of study, wanting to return to regular life, we must persevere because we’re almost there. This is only the beginning.

Having patience and endurance means waiting with unwavering faith. Why must we do this? Because we know one truth about God – He always fulfills His promises, no matter what.

Since we believe this truth, we can endure for a little while longer. As Matthew 24:13 states, those who stand firm until the end will be saved. We must have the resolve to stand firm no matter what.

This was the teaching regarding the beast from the sea.

Revelation 13:11-18 | Beast Out of the Earth

This is the beast from the earth and its reality is actually Mr. Oh.

Revelation 13:11-15 NIV84

Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. [12] He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. [13] And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. [14] Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. [15] He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

ONE – Beast from the Earth: False Pastor from Tabernacle Temple.

The passage discusses the beast from the earth, where “earth” refers to the Tabernacle Temple. 

A beast represents someone who lacks understanding of the word or is a false pastor. In this context, the beast from the earth specifically refers to a false pastor from the Tabernacle Temple.

The reality shows that this beast is Mr. Oh, who is identified as the second beast. Mr. Tak is revealed to be the first beast.

TWO – 2 Horns: 2 Authority Figures (Elders)

Actual Reality

  1. The second beast, the reality is Mr. Oh. 

Here is the text restructured while preserving the key vocabulary and meaning:

The description tells us about a beast that had 2 horns. These horns are figurative and represent authority figures. This beast had 2 elders or authority figures working alongside it. These 2 authority figures are people who possess power, although they may not have their own church. The appearance of this beast is described as looking like a lamb.

Like a Lamb: Appeared to be a True Pastor.

The lamb represents an animal of salvation and symbolizes those who belong to God. 

This is the kind of animal that believers aspire to be – sheep of God’s flock. However, in this context, it reveals that Mr. Oh only appeared to belong to God on the outside. 

Link a Dragon: Taught Satan’s false doctrines.

He appeared to be a true pastor, but he spoke like a dragon. 

What came out of his mouth was not truth. Instead, he taught Satan’s false doctrines.

THREE – First Beast: BFS, Mr. Tak

We must always check because it’s very easy to be fooled when we are not aware of the reality. 

In Revelation 13:12, it states “he exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf.”

The first beast represents Mr. Tak. Understanding the reality of the beast from the sea is understanding Mr. Tak. 

What does exercising the authority mean? Mr. Oh, who was inside the Tabernacle Temple and had the authority to teach, joined forces with Mr. Tak from The Christian Stewardship Training Center. Mr. Oh gained their teaching and brought it into the Tabernacle Temple. This is how he caused destruction among the people by feeding them that false doctrine.

Although Mr. Tak wasn’t physically present in the Tabernacle Temple, his teaching carried significant authority. This was because of his position – he was the director of all pastors within South Korea during that time.

FOUR – Fire from Heaven: Fasle doctrines from the pulpit (altar)

In Revelation 13:13, it describes “he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come from heaven.”

This fire from heaven is not physical fire. To understand this, we can compare it to Revelation 11, where fire came out of the two witnesses’ mouths. That was good fire, representing God’s word of judgment.

However, in this context, when chaos began within the Tabernacle Temple, Mr. Oh did not relent. Instead, he continued his work and spoke false doctrines within the Tabernacle Temple. These false doctrines were like fire.

Why does it say “from heaven”? This refers to the pulpit where pastors speak. When a pastor who truly belongs to God stands at the pulpit, the pastor becomes like heaven, and the congress members become like earth. However, in this case, while it appeared to come from heaven, it actually came from Satan.

Therefore, the fire from heaven represents false doctrines being spoken from the pulpit or altar. People couldn’t really understand this at the time, mistaking it as heavenly when it was actually satanic in origin.

FIVE – Inhabitants of Earth: Congregation Members of the Tabernacle Temple.

The fire affected those who were deceived – specifically, the inhabitants of the earth. Who are these inhabitants? They are the congregation members.

Previously, none of us thought we would be able to understand Revelation. However, glory to God for giving us this opportunity to understand it now.

This passage refers to the congregation members of the TT who betrayed due to deception.

SIX – Image or Idol: False pastorsappointed by the destroyers.

The beast ordered them to set up an image. What does this image or idol represent? It represents a false pastor.

This image and idol refers to a false pastor set up within the tabernacle temple. However, it’s not just about one reality or one false pastor – there were many of them. These were false pastors who were appointed.

They were appointed by the destroyers, and they were like images in the form of the first beast because they were being recreated with the word from the stewardship education center. These false pastors were appointed by the destroyers.

For further understanding about the meaning of an idol, refer to Habakkuk 2:18.

Tail in Revelation 12: We need to discern.

These false pastors or idols are specifically significant because they represent what was previously revealed in Revelation chapter 12. They are the tails mentioned in Revelation 12 that swept away one-third of the stars from heaven.

What was their action? They deceived the elect. This is precisely why we must make every effort to discern.

Matthew 24:24 NIV84

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

If you are not be able to discern you will be deceived

When God began His work, Jesus wrote about the 7 stars, who were the elect – the chosen people. However, because they lacked discernment, they were deceived. The same can happen to us, especially when we expose ourselves to multiple teachings.

We must remember that what we are receiving now is new wine. God’s word is true, but our hearts must become new wineskins to receive it.

If our hearts remain unchanged, this teaching will not take root and will be lost, leading us to become like broken cisterns without water.

Therefore, we must completely empty our hearts and cease listening to false teachings. Instead, we should focus on truly understanding and valuing what we are receiving.

Actual Reality: The 17 evangelists from the TT who were appointed as pastors.

The reality was that there were 17 evangelists who became false pastors. These 17 evangelists specifically came from the Tabernacle Temple and were appointed as pastors on that particular day. We will examine this matter in greater detail shortly.

Revelation 13:16-18

Revelation 13:16-18 NIV84

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, [17] so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. [18] This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.

ONE – Mark of the Beast: Satan’s false doctrines,1 King 10:11-14

The scripture speaks about how “He forced everyone” – regardless of their status, whether small or great, rich or poor. Within the tabernacle temple, everyone, regardless of their position or who they were, was forced to receive the mark of the beast.

What is the reality of this mark of the beast? It represents Satan’s false doctrines and false teachings.

Before understanding the real meaning, many had different interpretations that people were hesitant to discuss openly. There were various theories: some thought it would be a chip, others believed it was connected to vaccines, and many other interpretations were proposed.

However, the reality is different from these physical interpretations. The mark actually refers to words – false teachings. This can be evidenced through scripture.

The mark of the beast is associated with the number 666. Importantly, this number 666 has appeared previously in the Old Testament.

1 Kings 10:11-14 NIV84

(Hiram’s ships brought gold from Ophir; and from there they brought great cargoes of almugwood and precious stones. [12] The king used the almugwood to make supports for the temple of the Lord and for the royal palace, and to make harps and lyres for the musicians. So much almugwood has never been imported or seen since that day.) [13] King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for, besides what he had given her out of his royal bounty. Then she left and returned with her retinue to her own country. [14] The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents,

King Solomon initially belonged to God, serving Him with obedience and wisdom, earning God’s trust. However, a significant change occurred when he began receiving gold from a Gentile queen.

Spiritually, gold represents the word. The reference to 666 (the Mark of the Beast) figuratively represents false doctrines. 

Just as in Solomon’s time, these teachings were coming from Gentiles – those who did not belong to God. This same pattern was reflected in the Tabernacle Temple, where false teachings were being introduced by false pastors.

The Contrast: God’s Seal = God’s revealed.

We want to receive God’s seal, not the Mark. God’s seal is His word – specifically the word of life. 

What we need most is the revealed word of truth. For those of us living in this time, we must be sealed with the word of revelation.

1.- Number of his name (666): Satan’s doctrines and his false pastor. 

In Revelation chapter 13, there is a discussion about “the number of his name,” which is 666. This number is significant as it refers to someone’s name specifically.

The answer about this number’s meaning has been in the scripture, though it wasn’t clear before. The number of his name actually points to two specific things:

  1. The word (false doctrine) from Satan
  2. The false pastor

This is the true meaning behind the number 666 – his name.

2.- Forehead: appointed as pastors; Righ Hand: acknowledge false doctrines.

In Revelation, we can see that people receive the mark in two locations: on their forehead and on their right hand.

Let’s understand what receiving the mark on the forehead means. During ceremonies, when someone places their hands on another person’s forehead, it symbolizes blessing or anointing. Therefore, receiving the mark on the forehead represents being appointed or anointed by the beast.

Specifically, in Revelation chapter 9, the 17 evangelists were being appointed as pastors – this is why the text mentions the mark on their forehead.

As for the right hand, people typically raise their right hand as a gesture of acknowledgment. In this context, raising the right hand signifies acknowledging and accepting something as true. Unfortunately, these people were raising their right hands to acknowledge the false doctrines of the beast. This is the meaning behind receiving the mark on the right hand.

Buying and Selling

The reality is about buying and selling in a figurative sense. When we talk about “buying” in conversations, it means accepting or believing what someone says – like when people say “I buy that” or “I don’t buy that.”

To break this down:

  1. “To buy” represents listening and accepting
  2. “To sell” represents giving or sharing

The Bible describes how those who refused to follow Mr. Talk’s doctrines were excommunicated from the Tabernacle Temple. Only those who were willing to both listen to and preach these teachings throughout the 80 branch churches were considered members.

This is a sad situation, but it is better to be excommunicated than to remain and become Satan’s possession.

Figurative Meanings

The mark has two locations of significance:

  1. On the forehead – This represents being appointed as pastors
  2. On the hand – This signifies acknowledging the word


  1. The act of buying and selling represents the ability to listen and receive the word

Further explanation: The mark on the forehead indicates pastoral appointment, while the mark on the right hand shows acknowledgment of false pastors and their doctrines. These people acknowledge false doctrines.

TWO – The Reality of the One Who is 666: Mr Oh, who is like Salomon.

The answer about the number of his name is revealed in Revelation 13:15. What does it call for? It calls for wisdom. The scripture states that if anyone has insight, they should calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number.

This number represents a man – specifically a man who was like Solomon. This man was on the inside but banded together with Gentiles, using their collective goal to deceive the nation.

The reality of number 666 points to Mr. Oh, who shares similarities with Solomon.

To understand this connection, remember God’s instruction to Solomon: he was commanded not to marry Gentile women. However, what did Solomon do? He allowed his heart to be carried away with them and began worshipping Gentile gods and beasts. As a result, Solomon no longer belonged to God.

This is the reason Mr. Oh is likened to Solomon. For more details about Solomon’s story, you can read 1Kings 11:1-4.

THREE – Actual Reality of receiving:

The actual reality of receiving the mark of the beast occurred at a very special hour and day – 2 p.m. on September 20th, 1981. This event was the pastor’s commencement or appointment service, which we previously saw in Revelation chapter 9. We can see that Revelation 13 is the same as Revelation 9 and 8; Revelation 13 just provides a very specific clue into that particular event when people receive the mark of the beast.

What happened in reality is that by that time, the Promised Pastor, the chairman, had been kicked out and was no longer allowed to come to The Tabernacle Temple. But on that day, they invited New John in, even providing a flyer. They invited him in because he had to be a witness to the event.

When you go to fulfilling education, you will see the template that shows all the names of the 17 people who were appointed, including the date, time, and everything. How can someone make that up? How can everything align with the scripture if it’s not God’s work? It cannot.

On that very day, we see that Mr. Tak ordained the pastors. Before this, he was very upset with the people in the Tabernacle Temple because they didn’t go to his Academy to become pastors. He showed hypocrisy by laying hands on them without them actually going to seminary school, making them pastors in one day. But this had to happen because Revelation 13 had to be fulfilled.

That day, Mr. Yoo, the son, came back to the Tabernacle Temple from the US to give the special words. At the end of that day, he quoted his spiritual name, which was Samson, asking God to give him strength one more time.

If you remember from Revelation chapter 12, you see that he went to the desert in verse 6, but then again from verses 15 to 17, he also went to the desert again. This was because he came back in 1981 for just that one event. God is really awesome in the way that he fulfilled everything, even to the letter.


Revelation 13:5,10 NIV84

The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. [10] If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

Review with the Evangelist


Title: The Chosen People Who Receive the Mark of the Beast and Betrayed

In our detailed study about the mark of the beast, we learned that it represents Satan’s teachings and false doctrines. 

Brothers and sisters of the harvest class, as a new creation, when we first started studying the open word, where were we? We were in Babylon, in the sea. This means that before studying the word, all of us had the mark of the beast.

Therefore, we need to remain humble and discern to ensure that we are sealed by God.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Unmasking the Beast: A Deep Dive into Revelation 13


I. Introduction

  • Reflection on Teaching Styles: This section emphasizes the importance of mature learning and discernment, urging students to prioritize the Word’s message over individual teaching styles while recognizing God’s diverse workforce. It also highlights the necessity of understanding the Word for spiritual progression and the systematic revelation of knowledge to protect believers’ spirits.
  • The Teaching is from God: This part asserts the divine origin of the teachings, stemming from Jesus’s promises. It challenges believers to maintain faith even when confronted with shocking truths and emphasizes the fulfillment of biblical prophecies in contemporary times.
  • Rev 13: The Chosen People Who Received the Mark of the Beast and Betrayed: This section underscores the significance of chapter titles in comprehending Revelation’s content, setting the stage for exploring the chosen people’s downfall.

II. The Chosen People’s Downfall

  • Review – The Chosen People: This segment revisits the initial purity of the chosen people symbolized by celestial bodies, their tabernacle’s heavenly connection, and their tragic descent into idolatry, sexual immorality, and ultimate destruction due to betraying their first love.
  • The Mark of the Beast: Here, the focus shifts to the mark of the beast, debunking worldly interpretations and highlighting the disappointment some express upon learning its true meaning. It cautions against undervaluing God’s work, especially its spiritual manifestations.
  • The Teachings of Men: This section critiques the elevation of human teachings over divine truth, emphasizing the need to prioritize God’s word as the sole standard. It warns against rejecting truth due to preconceived notions based on human teachings and urges immediate recognition of God’s ongoing work.
  • Miracles: This part contrasts physical and spiritual miracles, highlighting the greater faith required to believe in the latter. It draws parallels between past disbelief despite witnessing physical miracles and present skepticism towards spiritual happenings, underscoring the biblical principle of living by faith.

III. Unveiling Revelation 13

  • Key Points of Revelation 13: This section introduces five essential points for comprehending Revelation 13:
  • Location: The events unfold within the Tabernacle Temple.
  • Timing: The 42 months of destruction span from September 1980 to March 14, 1984, culminating in Mount Zion’s creation and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
  • Relationship between Rev 12 and Rev 13: This point clarifies the non-chronological fulfillment of Revelation’s prophecies, highlighting that chapter 13’s events precede chapter 12 in the prophetic timeline.
  • Contrasting Chapters: This section connects chapter 13 to contrasting chapter pairs (Revelation 6 and 7, Revelation 13 and 14, Revelation 18 and 19) to understand the overarching narrative.
  • Two Beasts: This section identifies the two beasts: the Beast from the Sea (BFS) as Mr. Tak and the Beast from the Earth (BFE) as Mr. Oh.
  • Revelation 13: First War, the Beast wins, the chosen people of the TT received the Mark of the Beast, 666: This segment recounts the First War’s events, where the beast from the sea conquers the chosen people, leading to their destruction due to receiving the mark of the beast (666). It clarifies that the fear surrounding the number should stem not from the numeral itself but from receiving its spiritual equivalent.
  • Revelation 12: Second War, the Beast loses and get kicked out: This part narrates the Second War’s events, where the beast battles the male child and his brothers, ultimately losing and being expelled from heaven. It emphasizes Satan’s persistence in continuing the war through different vessels, setting the stage for future conflicts in Revelation 16.
  • Revelation 13: Mark of the Beast → Hell: This section explores the dire consequences of receiving the mark of the beast as depicted in Revelation 14:9-11 – eternal torment in the lake of fire. It underscores the stark contrast between this fate and the reward awaiting those sealed by God.
  • Revelation 14: Seal of God → Heaven: This segment highlights the alternative to the mark – receiving God’s seal, which grants participation in the first resurrection and eternal life in the flesh. It emphasizes the urgency of filling out the book of life, symbolizing registration in God’s kingdom, and encourages proactive steps towards securing this seal.

IV. Dissecting the Beast from the Sea

  • Revelation 13:1-2 | Beast Out of the Sea: This section analyzes the symbolic meaning of the sea representing the world, specifically Babylon (Satan’s world) and the SEC, an organization for pastors representing Christianity’s opposition to God’s light emanating from the Tabernacle Temple. It decodes the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns as false pastors, specifically 7 from the SEC collaborating with 10 elders from the Tabernacle Temple to spread false teachings.
  • Revelation 13:3-5: This segment examines the fatal wound of one of the beast’s heads, symbolizing an internal power struggle and highlighting the importance of perseverance in faith despite internal conflicts or offenses. It further explores the “whole world” worshipping the beast as the deceived congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple.
  • Revelation 13:6-10: This section delves into the beast’s blasphemy against God, equating it to opposition against the saints of the Tabernacle Temple. It identifies the dwelling place being slandered as the Tabernacle Temple itself and interprets the war as a spiritual conflict of doctrines. Finally, it unveils the book of life as the church registry of Mount Zion, emphasizing the need to be sealed with the word of revelation.

V. Analyzing the Beast from the Earth

  • Revelation 13:11-18 | Beast Out of the Earth: This segment introduces the second beast, Mr. Oh, emerging from the earth (representing the Tabernacle Temple). It decodes the two horns as authority figures, emphasizing the deceptive appearance of this beast as a lamb while spewing satanic doctrines like a dragon. It also identifies the first beast as Mr. Tak, whose teachings Mr. Oh disseminated within the Tabernacle Temple, causing destruction.
  • Revelation 13:16-18: This section clarifies the mark of the beast as Satan’s false doctrines, drawing parallels with Solomon’s acceptance of gold (representing the word) from a Gentile queen, leading to his downfall. It contrasts this mark with God’s seal, representing the revealed word of truth. It further explains the number 666 as referring to both Satan’s doctrines and his false pastor, Mr. Oh, highlighting his Solomon-like betrayal.

VI. The Reality of Receiving the Mark

  • This concluding section pinpoints the specific date and time of receiving the mark of the beast – September 20th, 1981, at 2 p.m. It details the pastor’s appointment ceremony where Mr. Tak ordained pastors despite their lack of formal seminary training. It also recounts Mr. Yoo’s return and his invocation for strength, drawing parallels with events from Revelation 12.

VII. Conclusion

  • This part reiterates that the mark of the beast represents satanic teachings and calls for humility, discernment, and unwavering faith in God’s promises to ensure sealing by God. It concludes by reminding students of their initial state in Babylon before encountering the open word and the need for ongoing vigilance to avoid deception and secure their place in God’s kingdom.

A Study Guide

Revelation 13 Study Guide: Unveiling the Mark of the Beast and the Betrayal Within


  1. What does the “sea” symbolize in Revelation 13, and how does it connect to the events described?
  2. Describe the two beasts introduced in Revelation 13, their origins (sea and earth), and their symbolic representations within the Tabernacle Temple.
  3. Explain the significance of the “fatal wound” suffered by one of the beast’s heads and its subsequent healing.
  4. What does the “fire from heaven” represent in Revelation 13, and how did it contribute to the deception of the Tabernacle Temple’s congregation?
  5. How is the number 666 connected to the mark of the beast, and what is its true meaning within the context of the Tabernacle Temple?
  6. Explain the concept of “buying and selling” in Revelation 13 and how it relates to the acceptance or rejection of the beast’s doctrines.
  7. Where and when did the actual event of receiving the mark of the beast take place, and what specific ceremony marked this occasion?
  8. Why is Mr. Oh likened to Solomon in Revelation 13, and what actions led to this comparison?
  9. What is the significance of the two locations where the mark of the beast is received (forehead and right hand), and what do they symbolize?
  10. According to the study guide, what should believers focus on receiving instead of the mark of the beast, and what does it represent?

Answer Key:

  1. The “sea” symbolizes the world, specifically the world of Christianity outside the Tabernacle Temple, representing Babylon. The beast emerging from the sea signifies false pastors entering the Tabernacle Temple from the Stewardship Education Center (SEC).
  2. The beast from the sea (Mr. Tak) represents the director of the SEC, a group of false pastors seeking to infiltrate and control the Tabernacle Temple. The beast from the earth (Mr. Oh) is a false pastor within the Tabernacle Temple who collaborates with the first beast to spread false teachings.
  3. The “fatal wound” symbolizes an internal conflict among the leaders of the SEC, specifically a dispute over the director position. Its healing represents the resolution of the conflict when Mr. Tak ultimately secures the director role.
  4. The “fire from heaven” represents the false doctrines preached from the pulpit (altar) by Mr. Oh. This imagery deceived the congregation into believing these teachings were divine, though they originated from Satan.
  5. The number 666 represents Satan’s false doctrines and the false pastor who spreads them. It appeared in the Old Testament concerning Solomon, who received gold (representing the word) from a Gentile queen and subsequently worshipped false gods.
  6. “Buying” means accepting and believing the beast’s doctrines, while “selling” means spreading these false teachings. Those who refused to accept and preach these doctrines were excommunicated from the Tabernacle Temple.
  7. The event took place at 2 p.m. on September 20th, 1981, during a pastor’s commencement ceremony where 17 evangelists from the Tabernacle Temple were appointed as pastors by Mr. Tak.
  8. Mr. Oh is likened to Solomon because he, like Solomon, allowed himself to be influenced by external forces (Mr. Tak and the SEC) and embraced false teachings, leading him to betray God.
  9. The mark on the forehead symbolizes being appointed as a pastor by the beast, while the mark on the right hand signifies acknowledging and accepting the beast’s false doctrines.
  10. Believers should focus on receiving God’s seal, which represents His revealed word of truth, particularly the word of Revelation. This contrasts with the mark of the beast, which represents deception and false teachings.

Essay Questions:

  1. Analyze the significance of the “contrasting chapter pairs” in Revelation and how they contribute to the overall narrative of the book, particularly focusing on the relationship between chapters 13 and 14.
  2. Explore the concept of the “Book of Life” in Revelation and its relevance to the events unfolding within the Tabernacle Temple. How does this concept connect to the theme of betrayal and the choice between receiving God’s seal or the mark of the beast?
  3. Discuss the importance of discernment in the face of deception, drawing upon examples from Revelation 13 and other relevant biblical passages. How can believers protect themselves from false teachings and ensure their spiritual well-being?
  4. Compare and contrast the roles of Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh in the events of Revelation 13, highlighting their motivations, actions, and ultimate consequences. How do their individual stories contribute to the broader theme of spiritual warfare and the struggle between good and evil?
  5. Evaluate the study guide’s emphasis on the importance of understanding the symbolic language of Revelation. How does interpreting these symbols contribute to a deeper understanding of the text and its relevance for believers today?

Glossary of Key Terms:

  • Beast from the Sea (BFS): Symbolic representation of Mr. Tak, the director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) and a source of false teachings.
  • Beast from the Earth (BFE): Represents Mr. Oh, a false pastor within the Tabernacle Temple who collaborates with Mr. Tak to spread deception.
  • Babylon: Symbolizes the world of Christianity outside the Tabernacle Temple, representing a place of spiritual darkness and confusion.
  • Book of Life: Represents the church registry of heaven, specifically the Shinchonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life are saved from the second death.
  • Fire from Heaven: False doctrines preached from the pulpit (altar) by Mr. Oh, disguised as divine teachings.
  • Fatal Wound: Symbolizes the internal conflict within the SEC over leadership, which is ultimately resolved when Mr. Tak secures the director position.
  • Mark of the Beast: Represents Satan’s false doctrines and teachings, received by those who accept and promote these teachings.
  • Sea: Symbolizes the world, specifically the world of Christianity outside the Tabernacle Temple.
  • Stewardship Education Center (SEC): An organization responsible for training pastors, used by Satan to infiltrate and deceive the Tabernacle Temple.
  • Tabernacle Temple (TT): The church where God initiated His work during the events described in Revelation 13, later infiltrated and corrupted by false teachings.
  • 666: The number of the beast, representing both Satan’s false doctrines and the false pastor who promotes them.


Timeline of Events in “Rev 13: The Chosen People Who Received the Mark of the Beast and Betrayed”

Before 1980:

  • Unknown Time: King Solomon receives 666 talents of gold annually from the Queen of Sheba, foreshadowing the mark of the beast. (Reference to 1 Kings 10:11-14)
  • Establishment of SEC: The Stewardship Education Center (SEC) is established, responsible for training pastors in South Korea.

September 1980:

  • Beginning of 42 Months of Destruction: The beast from the sea (Mr. Tak) begins to exert his influence on the Tabernacle Temple (TT).

September 20, 1981:

  • Pastor’s Commencement/Mark of the Beast: 17 evangelists from the TT are appointed as pastors by Mr. Tak, marking them with the mark of the beast.
  • Mr. Yoo Returns: Mr. Yoo, the son, returns from the US to give a speech at the ceremony, referencing his spiritual name Samson.

March 14, 1984:

  • End of 42 Months of Destruction: The beast’s reign of influence over the TT ends.
  • Establishment of TTT: Mount Zion is created, establishing the Temple of the Tabernacle Temple (TTT), signifying God’s kingdom on Earth.

After 1984:

  • Present Day: Those who remained in the TT are considered to have received the mark of the beast, while those who left and joined the TTT are considered sealed by God.

Cast of Characters

1. Mr. Tak:

  • Role: Beast from the Sea, Director of the SEC
  • Description: Represents the false teachings and doctrines coming from outside the TT. Orchestrates the appointment of the 17 false pastors, spreading his influence throughout the TT.

2. Mr. Oh:

  • Role: Beast from the Earth, False Pastor within the TT
  • Description: A seemingly devout pastor who adopts and spreads the false teachings of Mr. Tak within the TT, deceiving the congregation. Likened to Solomon for his turning away from God.

3. The 17 Evangelists:

  • Role: False Pastors Appointed by Mr. Tak
  • Description: Originally evangelists within the TT, they are appointed as pastors by Mr. Tak, receiving the mark of the beast and spreading false doctrines.

4. Mr. Kim:

  • Role: Pastor within the SEC
  • Description: Briefly mentioned as a rival to Mr. Tak for the director position of the SEC, causing a “wound of the heart” for Mr. Tak.

5. Mr. Yoo (The Son):

  • Role: Speaker at the Pastor’s Commencement
  • Description: Returns from the US to participate in the ceremony where the mark of the beast is given. References his spiritual name, Samson.

6. New John:

  • Role: Witness to the Events
  • Description: The one who receives the revelation and testifies to the events described in Revelation. Believed to be the true representative of God’s throne.

7. Congregation of the TT:

  • Role: Inhabitants of the Earth
  • Description: Those within the Tabernacle Temple who are deceived by the false teachings and doctrines spread by Mr. Oh and the appointed pastors.

8. Promised Pastor/Chairman:

  • Role: Former Leader of the TT
  • Description: Mentioned as having been kicked out of the TT before the events described, implying a conflict with those who remained.

9. Jesus/The Lamb:

  • Role: True Shepherd, Owner of the Book of Life
  • Description: Represents true salvation and the word of God. Those who follow him are sealed with his word and avoid the mark of the beast.

10. King Solomon:

  • Role: Historical Figure Paralleling Mr. Oh
  • Description: His story of receiving 666 talents of gold from a Gentile Queen serves as a foreshadowing of the mark of the beast, representing accepting false doctrines.

11. Satan/The Dragon:

  • Role: The Source of False Teachings
  • Description: Works through the beasts (Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh) to spread his influence and deceive the people of the TT, ultimately leading them to destruction.


Briefing Doc: Revelation 13 – The Chosen People, the Mark of the Beast, and Betrayal


Main Themes:

  • Betrayal: This class focuses on how the chosen people, initially faithful, betrayed God by accepting the mark of the beast.
  • Discernment: The importance of spiritual discernment is heavily emphasized, urging students to distinguish true teachings from false ones to avoid deception.
  • The Mark of the Beast: The mark is not a physical symbol but represents the acceptance of false doctrines and the appointment of false pastors.
  • God’s Plan: Despite the betrayal, God orchestrated events to expose Satan’s work and ultimately establish His kingdom on earth.
  • Urgency and Hope: A strong sense of urgency permeates the message, encouraging listeners to actively pursue God’s seal and avoid the consequences of receiving the mark.

Most Important Ideas & Facts:

  • The Chosen People: The chosen people initially resided in the Tabernacle Temple (TT) in South Korea, representing God’s presence at that time.
  • The First War: A spiritual war of doctrines took place, with the beast (false pastors) emerging victorious and leading the chosen people astray.
  • The Beast from the Sea (BFS): Identified as Mr. Tak, director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), representing false teachings originating from the outside.
  • The Beast from the Earth (BFE): Identified as Mr. Oh, a false pastor within the TT, who collaborated with the BFS to spread false doctrines.
  • The Mark of the Beast: Represents the acceptance of Satan’s false teachings (666) and appointment as false pastors.
  • Forehead: Appointed as a pastor.
  • Right Hand: Acknowledgment of false doctrines.
  • Timeframe: The period of destruction lasted 42 months, from September 1980 to March 14, 1984.
  • March 14, 1984: A significant date marking the creation of Mount Zion, symbolizing the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
  • Book of Life: Represents the church registry of Mount Zion, signifying true membership in God’s kingdom.
  • Call to Action: Listeners are urged to be sealed with the word of revelation, actively participate in God’s kingdom, and endure with unwavering faith.

Key Quotes:

  • “When it comes to the mark of the beast, the world has developed many different interpretations of its meaning. However, when people learn the reality of what the mark of the beast actually represents, some find it underwhelming.”
  • “The sea represents the world, specifically referring to Babylon as mentioned in Revelation 18. This world belongs to Satan.”
  • “This was the true authority – the authority to preach Satan’s doctrines.”
  • “The reality of the book of life is the church registry of Mount Zion.”
  • “What we need most is the revealed word of truth. For those of us living in this time, we must be sealed with the word of revelation.”
  • “The mark actually refers to words – false teachings.”
  • “This is the true meaning behind the number 666 – his name.”



1. What is the main theme of Revelation 13?

Revelation 13 details the betrayal of God’s chosen people, who received the mark of the beast and ultimately faced destruction. This chapter highlights the spiritual warfare that takes place between God and Satan, emphasizing the importance of discernment and faithfulness.

2. What does the “mark of the beast” symbolize?

Contrary to popular interpretations involving physical marks or symbols, the “mark of the beast” represents accepting and promoting Satan’s false doctrines and teachings. This is illustrated by the actions of false pastors who deceive the congregation with teachings not aligned with God’s word.

3. Who are the “beast from the sea” and the “beast from the earth”?

These beasts are not literal creatures but symbolize individuals involved in spreading false teachings.

  • The beast from the sea represents Mr. Tak, the director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), a pastor training organization that introduced false doctrines.
  • The beast from the earth represents Mr. Oh, a false pastor from within the Tabernacle Temple who collaborated with Mr. Tak and disseminated his teachings, deceiving the congregation.

4. What does the number “666” signify?

The number “666” is associated with the “name” of the beast and has a two-fold meaning:

  1. It represents Satan’s false doctrines, similar to how Solomon was led astray by accepting gold (symbolic of the word) from a Gentile queen and embracing their false gods.
  2. It represents the false pastor, specifically Mr. Oh, who is likened to Solomon in his deviation from God’s teachings.

5. What does it mean to receive the mark on the “forehead” and the “right hand”?

Receiving the mark on the forehead symbolizes being appointed or ordained by the beast, specifically referring to the 17 evangelists who were appointed as pastors under the influence of Mr. Tak.

Receiving the mark on the right hand signifies acknowledging and accepting the beast’s false doctrines as truth.

6. What is the significance of “buying and selling” in relation to the mark?

“Buying” and “selling” are used figuratively to describe the acceptance and propagation of the beast’s teachings. “Buying” represents listening to and accepting false doctrines, while “selling” refers to spreading those teachings to others. Those who refused to comply were excommunicated, highlighting the pressure to conform.

7. What is the key lesson for believers from Revelation 13?

Revelation 13 serves as a warning against deception and emphasizes the importance of discernment. Believers must be vigilant in recognizing false teachings and remain steadfast in their faith, clinging to God’s word as their ultimate guide.

8. How can believers avoid receiving the mark of the beast?

Believers can avoid receiving the mark by:

  • Studying and understanding God’s word, particularly the revealed truth of Revelation, to discern truth from falsehood.
  • Rejecting false teachings and remaining faithful to God’s true doctrines.
  • Seeking God’s guidance and relying on His wisdom to navigate spiritual challenges.
  • Joining God’s true church and submitting to His authority.
  • Being prepared to endure persecution and stand firm in their faith, knowing that God will ultimately fulfill His promises.

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