The main focus was on understanding the “place” that Jesus promised to prepare for his disciples in John 14:1-4, which is revealed to be the Holy City, New Jerusalem described in Revelation 21 that will come down from heaven. Jesus has been working with his 12 disciples, whose names are the 12 foundations of the city walls, to prepare this place. The Holy City will descend to Mount Zion, where Jesus and the redeemed 144,000 firstfruits will be gathered (Rev 14:1). To be among those who can enter the New Jerusalem when it comes, believers must meet the qualifications outlined in Revelation – being sealed, part of the 12 tribes, keeping the words without adding/subtracting, having their name in the book of life, etc. The lesson emphasized the need to rightly understand the spiritual realities depicted in Revelation’s parables and prophecies through the “open scroll” of their fulfillment happening now. This will allow believers to escape deception, follow the Lamb, and be prepared as wise virgins to gather at Mount Zion and enter the Holy City when heaven comes down. The main thrust was explaining what the “place” is that Jesus went to prepare, revealed through Revelation to be the New Jerusalem, and what is required of believers to be ready to enter it when it arrives.
Today, we’re going to delve into something profound. In fact, this will be part one of a two-part lesson focusing on deep concepts detailed in the Gospel of John. Keep that in mind.
We explored truly deep topics during today’s Q&A session for those who attended. I pray that next week, you’ll be able to set aside time. The questions you’re asking are truly great. It’s exciting to hear them because it lets me know that you’re genuinely wrestling with the Word of God, desiring to understand it deeply, even to the extent of helping others comprehend it too.
You truly master the Word when it flows freely from your mouth, without struggling to recall a verse or its location. When you can effortlessly say, “Let’s turn together to John chapter one, verse one. It’s really cool.” And the Word just flows from you, it means the Word resides within you. If you want to know if the Word dwells within, speak it. Speak it even with your evangelists too.
They will help you practice speaking the Word because it truly reveals that the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. If you cannot speak it yet, it’s time to continue filling your heart. The heart still needs filling.
So let’s fill our hearts abundantly, until they overflow.
The Place Prepared by Jesus
Jn 14
Our main reference chapter is John chapter 14. Let’s go over the details of John chapter 14 together.
And again, as I mentioned, this is a two-part lesson. There’s another part that we’ll be covering in the next lesson related to this topic today. But this is part one.
Our hope is to find and gather at the place prepared by Jesus at the second coming.
It doesn’t make sense to find and not gather. So let us be those who find and gather at the place prepared by Jesus at the second coming.
John chapter 14 Introduction
The passage from John chapter 14 contains something important that you should understand. There is crucial context needed to truly grasp what is happening in this particular chapter of John’s gospel account.
Jn 12-16 Same conversation between Jesus and the 12
John chapter 14 is part of the same conversation and event as the previous chapter, John 13, all the way up to John 16. All these chapters are part of the same conversation between Jesus and his disciples. Keeping this in mind helps us understand that everything that happened in these four chapters is deeply connected, and we need to grasp them as one.
A summary of what occurred in these chapters: In John chapter 13, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. We often view this through a moral teachings lens only because we did not comprehend the significance before.
Yes, we are supposed to serve others. Yes, please do so. Please take care of others. Please clean others. Yes. But there is so much more behind why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet than just teaching about service.
It’s a distinguishing factor, really, if a place has the open word. Just ask them, “Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet?” And based on the answer to that question, you can truly know, oh, this place doesn’t have the open word.
If they say Jesus was only teaching us to be servants, then these people don’t understand what needs to take place and why Jesus did that. Remember how Jesus liked to do things, actually very similar to the way God liked to do things. Remember Romans 1:20?
“For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and his divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse.” So when I look at this plant I just pulled up here, I should be able to understand God more just from this plant.
When I look at a tree, I should be able to understand God more just from that tree. When I look at water, fire, rocks, soil, seed, all of these things point to God. So God used physical things to help us then understand him more, the things that we cannot see with our naked eyes. Jesus did the same, but with his actions. Jesus would heal the blind and then prophesy about those who will be spiritually blind in the future when night comes, in the same conversation, minutes of each other, both. He would do something physical and then he would speak about it. He would do something physical and then he would teach about it.
Are we understanding? Are we thinking of the times when Jesus did this? He did it every time. He would feed the 5,000 physical food and then preach spiritual food so that they made the connection. Oh, Jesus fed us so that he could teach us and help us understand about how he’s spiritually feeding us too. That’s what Jesus was hoping that people would come to their conclusion, but the people were quite stubborn. Some did, of course, like his disciples.
So what should we then take away as the spiritual significance for Jesus washing his disciples’ feet? What should we then be thinking about? What does Jesus want to do with them? What does he want to clean? To clean our heart. And what did Jesus say in John 15:3? “You are already clean through the word.” Exactly. Same conversation. They’re all connected. So keep that in mind.
John 13, 14, 15, and 16, same conversation. Then after speaking to his disciples in John 14, which we’ll get to, he then tells them how he’s the tree and how they are his branches and how they need to bear much fruit, meaning bring others who can be attached to me. And then he promises to send a counselor. Amazing. So cool.
John 14:29 Told Before → When it happens → Believe
In John 14, Jesus describes the place that he will prepare for his disciples. Jesus makes the connection between himself and God so that people can clearly understand that connection. He says, “If you have seen me, you have seen the father.”
Why then are you asking to see the father when I am here with you? And then Jesus promises to send the spirit of truth, the counselor. We’ll talk about that in the next lesson.
That’s the content for the next lesson. In John 14:29, it says, “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe.” This is such a great verse to basically summarize how the whole Bible works. That’s the whole Bible.
God tells beforehand, so that when it happens, we will believe.
1.- The Place Prepared by Jesus
Let’s discuss the place that Jesus prepared. That will be our main focus for today. We will really concentrate on understanding that place well.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God ; trust also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
John 14:1-4
You know the way to the place where I am going. Then his disciples asked him, “What is the way?”
In verse 6, we get the answer: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Let’s talk about the things Jesus mentioned here.
He said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to my Father’s house to prepare a place for you.”
But then he promised two more things. Jesus makes two big promises to his disciples here in these chapters. Number one, he is going away, which his disciples did not fully realize until this point. This is when Jesus really starts letting his disciples know about the deep things that are going to happen in the future.
So, one, he tells them that he is going to prepare a place. And two, he is leaving to do so. But there is a third promise.
What is the third promise?
That he is coming back. So, one, he is going to prepare a place, and he has to leave. But he also promises that he is coming back, and he will take us to the place that he is preparing.
1.- Prepare a place
2.- Leaving to do so
3.- Coming back
These words are being spoken to the 12 disciples. If you really look at it with the logic of the time of the Old Testament, the descendants of the original people who accepted the covenant also have to keep the covenant. Though they were not alive to verbally confirm it when it was made, it is their job to keep the covenant and the promises confirmed by their ancestors.
Well, the 12 disciples are our spiritual ancestors. It is because of their work that we know about Jesus, God, and all of these things even today. So this is very important.
They heard the promises of Jesus and said, “Amen.” They said amen for all of us. And they also accepted Jesus’s covenant, did they not?
In Luke 22, when they partook of the bread and the wine, he said, “Amen.” So what did the disciples do after they received these promises from Jesus?
They believed and then spread the gospel. And by God’s grace, they were able to make many saints – people who are waiting for Christ’s return as they had heard. But these people would not exist if it were not for the work that the disciples did.
You would not be here today if it were not for the sacrifice of the disciples and the early Christians. And they went through great suffering for this gospel to reach us.
They hid in tunnels and caves, scurrying from town to town as people banished them away for their belief in Christ. They were torn to pieces in Colosseums and games. In Rome, they had their churches and temples burned. They went through it all.
This is the reason why they are rewarded with coming back with Jesus, because they became martyrs. The 12 disciples and early Christians became martyrs. And their promise is great, and their reward is great for their sacrifice.
So, as those who received the gospel, the words that came from the disciples, what is our job to do when we hear the gospel?
Essentially the same thing. But there’s one more thing to consider. Think about the promise itself. What should we do according to that promise?
Keep it? Essentially, yes. But before we keep it, before it’s possible to keep, we have to wait. There’s a time of waiting.
So how long has the time of waiting been?
A long time. 2,000 years. A long time. 6,000 years. So long we’ve been waiting. And God knows how hard it is to wait, as we are impatient beings bound by time, getting older, wrinkly, and slower.
But we were told to wait, as Habakkuk 2:2-3 says, “Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”
So though we have to wait for a long time, when things start to be fulfilled, they will be fulfilled quickly when they start, and things will begin to happen. But until that time, there’s a long time of waiting. So that’s what’s been happening for a long time.
But as we were waiting, unfortunately, many added and subtracted during that time too. We don’t want to be those that add and subtract today.
Right, we don’t want this to be us. But unfortunately, many people did such things, which is why people are waiting for different things to happen. Some people are waiting for this event, while others are waiting for that event. And they don’t agree with each other. That’s pretty sad.
But we know that when the events take place, the truth is then made known.
New City New Jerusalem
So let’s get back to Jesus, right? So we followed the trail, the path of people on earth, right?
But what’s Jesus been up to? He promised that he would go preparing a place. But what has he been preparing? The Holy City, New Jerusalem.
This is the place that Jesus has been preparing. He told us about it in Revelation. Yet it was as if these verses were invisible to us.
And we did not make the connection between John 14 and Revelation 21. We just thought that the house would be a big mansion that everybody gets when they go to heaven. I’m working for my big mansion with many rooms.
Ah, no. Jesus explained the place that would happen, the place that would come. And he told these things to John.
And John recorded them in the book of Revelation. But Jesus told us about the things that will happen at this place and what this place will be like.
So let’s explore the place in more detail.
What will this place be like? What will be in this place? So let’s turn to the book of Revelation chapter 21.
Revelation chapter 21. We’re going to read a few things about this Holy City, New Jerusalem, because it’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:1-4
Class, please hold on to this promise.
Everything that God says He will do, He does. He has never broken a promise, not even once, and He never will. If He promises that death, mourning, crying, and pain will end, then death, mourning, crying, and pain will indeed end.
So, let us be the ones determined to witness this and even help God in bringing this about. Be a part of the work that God has been doing. As we discussed in the Q&A session, God has not been at rest but has been working.
Just as Jesus said in John 5:17, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working,” Jesus has been working to prepare the place, and God too has been working to prepare the place ever since Adam’s fall. So, let us learn more about this Holy City, New Jerusalem.
9 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. 11 It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. 12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. 13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. 14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Revelation 21:9-14
Let’s break down the things we have read so far. Many beautiful promises are mentioned, and are we seeing the parallels, everyone? John saw the bride, and the bride was represented as a huge mountain.
Accidents? I think not. Coincidence? No way. A huge mountain, and the Holy City, New Jerusalem, comes down to this huge mountain. This huge mountain has 12 gates, and the 12 gates equal what? The 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.
The 12 tribes are talked about in Revelation, Chapter 7. So, if someone wants to enter the Holy City, if someone wants to enter the new heaven and new earth, where do they have to go through? One of the gates of the 12 tribes.
Everyone has the hope of entering the Holy City. It’s not just for specific people, but everyone needs to enter through the gates of the 12 tribes. No one is exempt. All of us have to do this.
Now, on those 12 gates are 12 foundations. Who are the 12 foundations? The 12 foundations are the 12 disciples, the 12 apostles. Amazing. The 12 apostles of the lamb. So why are the 12 tribes called after the disciples? Because of Revelation 21:14 and other verses, which we will go over now.
The 12 Gates of the Holy City New Jerusalem
We must all enter through one of the gates mentioned. Let us discuss these gates in more detail. To understand them, we need to revisit the promise Jesus made to his disciples.
27 Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” 28 Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Matthew 19:27-28
Jesus made a huge promise, didn’t he? The disciples said to Jesus, “We’ve given up everything. What will there be for us?” Basically, in modern language, they were asking, “What’s in it for us? Right? We’ve given up everything.” And what did Jesus say? “You will sit with me on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.” Which Israel? The spiritual Israel. The new spiritual Israel of Revelation 7.
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Revelation 20:4
So, what do we see here? We are focusing on the first part of verse 4. “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.”
Who were seated on the thrones? The 12 disciples. Just like who promised them? Jesus.
So, you can really think about it like this: the 12 disciples are the heads of the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel.
But what form are they in? They are in spirit form. Keep that in mind.
Colors of the 12 Tribes
Let’s continue our discussion. You are likely noticing the various colors displayed here and wondering about their significance. Where do these colors originate from? Is it a random source? Of course not. The colors must also derive from the Bible, just like the other elements we have covered.
19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.
Revelation 21:19-21
The colors of each tribe come from the 12 precious stones, with each stone matching one of these colors.
We’ll learn more about this as we gain further understanding of the fulfilment. That is where the colors originate from, as mentioned in Revelation 21:19-21.
We’ll discuss the people who will gather at Mount Zion, in the New Heaven and New Earth, to welcome this beautiful Holy City that is coming down.
2.- The Holy City, New Jerusalem comes to
One important thing I want to discuss is Matthew 25. However, before we delve into the chapter, it’s crucial to understand its relationship with the neighboring chapters, Matthew 23 and 24. These three chapters, Matthew 23, 24, and 25, have a very special connection. A few key points about Matthew 25 will be highlighted.
Matthew 23 – Judgement on those of First Coming
In Matthew 23, what are some of the things that happen?
Jesus passes judgment on those who were present during his first coming. He judges them with his words.
“Woe to you, Pharisees and teachers of the law. How will you escape being condemned to hell?” So, Matthew 23 is actually about the past.
It is about the people of the time when Jesus was speaking. That’s who it is referring to.
Matthew 24 – Signs of End Times
And who are the ones that flee and get to the mountain? They are talked about in Matthew 25.
So, if Matthew 24 is about the signs, Matthew 25 is about the people. The people who keep the covenant and the people who do not keep the covenant. But how are they described in Matthew 25?
They are described as the wise and foolish virgins. The ones with the five and two talents versus the one with the one talent.
Matthew 25 – People
And who are the ones that flee and get to the mountain? They are talked about in Matthew 25.
So, if Matthew 24 is about the signs, Matthew 25 is about the people. The people who keep the covenant and the people who do not keep the covenant. But how are they described in Matthew 25?
They are described as the wise and foolish virgins. The ones with the five and two talents versus the one with the one talent.
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
Matthew 25:31-32
So who are the ones who will inherit the kingdom that Jesus promised? The sheep-like believers. They are the ones who will flee. They are the ones who will come out. They are the ones who will be harvested. The sheep-like believers.
Let’s draw the picture that Jesus described here in verse 31. When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. Then something will take place. We know that Jesus, of course, is at the right hand of God, as seen by people like Stephen, for example, in Acts 7:60, and a few other places in the New Testament.
At this place, Jesus is sitting on his throne, and of course, so is God. And all nations are gathered. How many times in this class have we talked about a gathering? A lot. It seems like every class, because it’s all over the revelations’ fulfillment. It’s all over the prophecies. There must be a gathering. Both good fish and bad fish are caught in the net. Both the sheep and goats are gathered together. Both those wearing wedding clothes and those not wearing wedding clothes enter the banquet. But only one group gets to stay. There must be a gathering and then a separation.
Ah, let’s be those that are separated on the right side. So who are the ones that gather and enter? The sheep-like believers, who we should definitely be. They are the ones that enter. They are the reality of Revelation 7:14. That’s them. That’s who Jesus was referencing. But there are those on the left who instead are like goats. And they will be the goat-like believers.
What is the difference between the sheep-like believers and the goat-like believers? The goats are stubborn. Goats do whatever they feel like. Whatever the wind is blowing, that’s what they want to do. They don’t listen to anybody, and they’re quick to use their horns, avoid, and fight. Yeah, right, anyone in their way, the horns are coming. Sheep are the opposite. Sheep are humble. Sheep are meek. Sheep follow the shepherd.
And isn’t it funny how in this world being a sheep has a negative connotation? Oh yeah, those over there, those are sheeple. Not me though. I’m my own man. Satan has literally made the opposite of what God has made the preferable thing. It’s in our media, TV, and music, pumping out hyper-individualism. That’s goat-like behavior. Don’t gather with those people over there. They’re strange. Think only for yourself. Follow your heart, your gut, your thoughts, your ideas. Now, in many cases, it’s important for us to be able to think and reason for ourselves. When it comes to things of the word, things of the spirit, we must be followers. We must be sheep. Because we don’t want to be those who are put on the left, whose end is not good.
So as we’re closing, how do we make sure we are sheep-like believers? How do we ensure that these words are talking about us? That they’re about us for sure? Yes, this is about me. There are two questions that I want us to always keep in mind going forward. We’ve talked about them a little bit, but I want to make sure that we’re understanding these words even more and more as we go forward.
Two important questions:
- Who am I according to the Bible and Revelation?
- Have I been created in accordance with the Bible, especially Revelation?
We truly need to engage in self-reflection during this time. This is not a moment to say, “Oh yeah, I’ve always been this person,” when we were previously unaware of these truths.
According to the Bible, you are present in the book of Revelation. Your existence is recorded in the ink of those pages. You are there, but which words specifically pertain to you is a choice you must make.
I pray that you decide to be among the sheep who gather on the mountain and welcome the Holy City of New Jerusalem. If someone claims, “I am the sheep-like believer of Revelation,” the next question becomes, “Have I been created in accordance with the book of Revelation?” This means, am I embodying the actions that Revelation states I should be undertaking?
To be created is to be the living embodiment of the words of Revelation, for those words to truly represent you. This is especially relevant to Revelation 7 and 14, where the qualifications for entering heaven are outlined.
Let us revisit the seven points we have discussed:
- Be born again of God’s seed.
- Be harvested.
- Be Sealed with God’s word, prophecy, and fulfilment of Revelation, the new song.
- Be part of one of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel, for they are the gates, and we need to enter through the gates.
- Do not add or subtract from Revelation. Why? Because this promise will be taken away, and what will you receive instead? The very plagues described in the book.
Do not let that be your fate.
- Your name needs to be in the book of life.
- Prepare the lamp, oil, and wedding clothes, as mentioned in Matthew 22 and Matthew 25.
Now, there are a few things that summarize pretty much everything we’ve talked about here.
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 7:21-23
These words should be seen with fresh eyes every time you read them.
Many perceive the things mentioned in verses 22 and 23 as profound, done by those with whom God and Jesus are present. This is the perception before understanding the open word. However, Jesus will say to those who do not do God’s will but follow their own ways, “Away from me, you evil doers.”
They may argue, “But Jesus, we did this, and this, and this.” Yet, Jesus will respond, “None of those were God’s will or what I asked you to do when Revelation is being fulfilled.”
So, let us do as discussed in Revelation. Let us be born of God’s seed, as Jesus promised in Matthew 13, to be harvested. Let us be those sealed, with the words of Revelation stamped on our hearts and minds, keeping the new covenant of Hebrews 8.
We need to belong to one of the 12 tribes. If we do not know which tribe we belong to, we have not yet entered. We are still on the way. We cannot be those who add or subtract from Revelation, being messy and misleading people by saying, “It may be like this, it may be like this,” causing them to look in different directions than where things are actually happening, just like during the first coming.
Our names should be written in the book of life, as it is mentioned 6 times in Revelation out of 8 times in the whole Bible, making it significant. We need to prepare the lamp, oil, and wedding clothes.
Let us have the word, the testimony, and cleanse our hearts, doctrines, and actions to welcome the Lord when he returns.
2 In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:2-3
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
Unlocking the Heavenly City: Understanding the Place Prepared by Jesus
I. Introduction & Context
- Embracing the Word: This section emphasizes the importance of internalizing God’s word and letting it flow naturally in our lives. It encourages active engagement with scripture through speaking and teaching.
- The Place Prepared by Jesus: This section introduces the main theme of the lesson: understanding the place prepared by Jesus for his followers.
- Review of God’s Food and Satan’s Food: A recap of the previous lesson, highlighting the distinction between God’s nourishing word and Satan’s deceptive distortions of it.
- John Chapter 14 Introduction: This section sets the context for John 14 within the larger conversation spanning John chapters 13-16, emphasizing their interconnectedness.
- The Significance of Jesus’ Actions: A discussion on how Jesus used physical actions, like washing the disciples’ feet, to teach deeper spiritual truths, urging us to look beyond the surface.
II. Unveiling the Promise: The Place Jesus Prepared
- John 14:1-4: Analyzing the Promises: A close examination of these verses reveals three promises: Jesus will prepare a place, he must leave to do so, and he will return to take his followers there.
- The Disciples’ Legacy: This section emphasizes the disciples’ role as spiritual ancestors, their acceptance of Jesus’ covenant, and their faithful spreading of the gospel, paving the way for future generations.
- Our Responsibility: As recipients of the gospel, our task is to wait patiently for the fulfillment of the promises, resist adding to or subtracting from God’s word, and remain faithful during the long period of waiting.
- The Holy City, New Jerusalem: This section reveals that the place Jesus prepared is not a physical mansion but the Holy City, New Jerusalem, described in Revelation 21.
III. Exploring the Holy City: A Glimpse into New Jerusalem
- Revelation 21:1-4: Unveiling the Beauty: A vivid description of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven, marking the end of suffering and the beginning of God’s dwelling with His people.
- Revelation 21:9-14: Symbolism and Structure: This section unpacks the symbolism of the Holy City: the 12 gates representing the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel, and the 12 foundations representing the 12 apostles.
- The 12 Gates of the Holy City, New Jerusalem: An in-depth look at the 12 gates, drawing a connection between the gates, the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel, and the promise Jesus made to his disciples in Matthew 19:27-28.
- Revelation 20:4: Authority to Judge: This section highlights the role of the 12 disciples, seated on thrones, in judging the 12 tribes of Israel, emphasizing their spiritual form.
- Colors of the 12 Tribes: This section explains the origin of the colors associated with each tribe, linking them to the precious stones mentioned in Revelation 21:19-21.
IV. Gathering on Mount Zion: Preparing for the Descent
- Review of Key Points: A summary of the lesson thus far, focusing on the interconnectedness of John 13-16, the significance of the Holy City, and the role of waiting and faith.
- Matthew 23-25: The Connected Narrative: This section explains how Matthew 23 focuses on past judgment, Matthew 24 on the signs of the end times, and Matthew 25 on the people who will inherit the kingdom (the sheep) and those who will not (the goats).
- Matthew 25:31-32: Separation of Sheep and Goats: A visual depiction of the final judgment where all nations are gathered and separated, emphasizing the need to be among the sheep-like believers.
- Characteristics of Sheep and Goats: This section contrasts the humble, obedient nature of sheep with the stubborn, self-willed nature of goats, encouraging believers to cultivate sheep-like qualities.
- Two Important Questions: Two crucial questions are posed for self-reflection: “Who am I according to the Bible and Revelation?” and “Have I been created in accordance with the Bible, especially Revelation?”
V. Qualifying for Entry: Aligning with Revelation’s Standards
- Seven Points for Entry: This section outlines seven specific qualifications for entering the Holy City as outlined in Revelation: being born again of God’s seed, being harvested, being sealed, belonging to a tribe, avoiding additions or subtractions from Revelation, having your name in the book of life, and preparing the lamp, oil, and wedding clothes.
- Matthew 7:21-23: Doing God’s Will: This section warns against relying on outward actions and emphasizes the importance of doing God’s will as revealed in Revelation to gain entry into the kingdom.
- Summary and Call to Action: A final recap of the key points and a call to action, urging believers to align their lives with the standards outlined in Revelation to be ready to enter the Holy City when it descends.
VI. Reviews from Evangelist and Emphasis on Key Points:
- Evangelist Review: A brief review of the lesson, highlighting the connection between John 14 and Revelation 21, emphasizing the Holy City as the place prepared by Jesus, and stressing the importance of gathering on Mount Zion.
- Review from Last Lesson: A recap of the previous lesson on the two types of spiritual food, emphasizing God’s food as the hidden manna/food at the proper time and contrasting it with Satan’s food, the wine of adulteries/fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The review reiterates the importance of choosing God’s food to attain eternal life, the ultimate goal of faith.
A Study Guide
The Place Prepared by Jesus: A Study Guide
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- What is the spiritual significance of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in John 13?
- What are the three promises Jesus makes to his disciples in John 14:1-4?
- According to the lesson, what has Jesus been preparing since his ascension to heaven?
- What is the connection between the 12 disciples and the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel?
- Describe the two types of spiritual food discussed in the lesson and their ultimate outcomes.
- What is the significance of the colors associated with the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel?
- How are Matthew chapters 23, 24, and 25 interconnected?
- What differentiates sheep-like believers from goat-like believers in Matthew 25?
- What are the two essential questions believers should consistently contemplate?
- According to the lesson, what does it mean to be “created in accordance with the book of Revelation”?
Quiz Answer Key
- Jesus washing his disciples’ feet signifies spiritual cleansing. It represents his desire to cleanse their hearts through the Word, as stated in John 15:3, “You are already clean through the word.”
- The three promises are: 1) Jesus will prepare a place for his disciples. 2) He must leave to prepare this place. 3) He will return and take them to this prepared place.
- Jesus has been preparing the Holy City, New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation 21.
- The 12 disciples will sit on thrones, judging the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel, fulfilling Jesus’ promise in Matthew 19:28. They serve as the spiritual foundation and heads of these tribes.
- God’s food is His true teaching, symbolized by the hidden manna and leading to eternal life. Satan’s food represents twisted or corrupted teachings, symbolized by the wine of adulteries and leading to death.
- The colors of the 12 tribes originate from the 12 precious stones described in Revelation 21:19-21, each representing a specific tribe.
- Matthew 23 describes Jesus’ judgment of those during his first coming. Matthew 24 details the signs of the end times. Matthew 25 focuses on the people—those who keep the covenant (sheep) and those who don’t (goats).
- Sheep-like believers are humble, meek, and follow the Shepherd (Jesus), while goat-like believers are stubborn, independent, and resistant to guidance.
- The two questions are: 1) “Who am I according to the Bible and Revelation?” 2) “Have I been created in accordance with the Bible, especially Revelation?”
- It means living out the teachings of Revelation, particularly those in chapters 7 and 14, which detail the qualifications for entering heaven. It implies aligning one’s actions and beliefs with the revealed Word.
Additional Questions
1. How many types of spiritual food are there?
– Two types – God’s Food and Satan’s food (God’s teaching and Satan’s teaching)
2. For the second coming, what is God’s food and what is Satan’s food?
– God’s food = Hidden Manna (Food at the Proper Time)
– Satan’s Food = wine of adulteries (fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil)
3. Why do I need to eat God’s food?
– Only by eating God’s food can I enter the kingdom of heaven and receive eternal life
4. What should I not eat Satan’s food?
– If I eat it, I will surely die. Those who eat Satan’s food are judged (Revelation 18:1-4)
5. How can we eat God’s food today? (according to the promise)
– Matthew 24:45-47, through the faithful and wise servant who Jesus gives the food at the proper time to.
Glossary of Key Terms
- Holy City, New Jerusalem: The heavenly city described in Revelation 21, prepared by Jesus as the dwelling place for believers in the new heaven and new earth.
- 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel: The spiritual descendants of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, symbolized by the 12 tribes of Israel.
- Mount Zion: The symbolic mountain where the Holy City descends and where believers gather in the new heaven and new earth.
- Sheep-like Believers: Those who are humble, meek, and follow Jesus, representing those who inherit the kingdom of heaven.
- Goat-like Believers: Those who are stubborn, independent, and resistant to God’s guidance, representing those who are separated from God.
- Hidden Manna: Represents God’s true teaching and spiritual nourishment leading to eternal life.
- Wine of Adulteries: Represents Satan’s corrupted teachings and spiritual food leading to death.
- Firstfruits: The 144,000 redeemed in Revelation, symbolizing those set free by the truth and prepared for the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Time of Waiting: The period between Jesus’ ascension and his second coming, where believers are called to remain faithful and prepare for his return.
- Created in Accordance with Revelation: Actively living out the teachings and fulfilling the qualifications for entering heaven as described in the book of Revelation.
Timeline of Events
This lesson doesn’t provide a chronological timeline of events in the traditional sense. Instead, it focuses on the spiritual journey of believers and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, drawing connections between events in the past, present, and future.
Here’s a breakdown of the key events discussed, categorized by time frame:
- Creation: God creates the world, including the Tree of Life, symbolizing His covenant and eternal life (Genesis).
- Adam and Eve’s Fall: They disobey God and eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, representing Satan’s corrupted food and leading to death (Genesis).
- Jesus’ First Coming: Jesus appears as the “true vine,” with his disciples as branches, representing the Tree of Life at this time (John 15). Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, symbolizing cleansing their hearts with the Word (John 13). He promises to prepare a place for them and send the Spirit of Truth (John 14).
- Martyrdom of Disciples: The disciples spread the gospel and are martyred for their faith, earning their place in the New Jerusalem.
- The Waiting Period: Believers await the Second Coming of Christ and the fulfillment of His promises, enduring persecution and resisting false teachings.
- Receiving the True Word: God appoints one to preach the true word at the proper time, leading believers to flee from Babylon and gather on Mount Zion.
- Second Coming of Christ: Jesus returns in glory with his angels, sitting on his throne to judge the nations (Matthew 25).
- Descent of New Jerusalem: The Holy City, prepared by Jesus, descends from heaven onto Mount Zion (Revelation 21).
- Entry into New Jerusalem: Sheep-like believers, who have kept the new covenant and followed the Lamb, enter the New Jerusalem through the gates representing the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel, led by the 12 disciples.
- Eternal Life: Those who enter the New Jerusalem experience eternal life, free from death, mourning, crying, and pain (Revelation 21).
Cast of Characters
- God: The Creator and ultimate authority, who makes and keeps covenants, provides spiritual food, and judges the nations.
- Jesus Christ: The “true vine” and Lamb of God, who came to earth, died for humanity’s sins, prepares a place for his followers, and returns to establish his kingdom.
- The 12 Disciples: Jesus’ chosen followers who spread the gospel, were martyred for their faith, and serve as the foundation of the New Jerusalem, leading the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel.
- Satan: The deceiver and corrupter, who twists God’s word and offers false food leading to death.
- Sheep-like Believers: Those who follow the Lamb, keep the new covenant, and are granted entry into the New Jerusalem.
- Goat-like Believers: Those who are stubborn, follow their own ways, and are ultimately rejected from the kingdom.
- The 144,000: A symbolic representation of the redeemed firstfruits, who have been set free by the truth and follow the Lamb without fault.
- The One Preaching the True Word: God’s appointed messenger who proclaims the truth at the proper time, leading believers to flee from Babylon.
Overview: The Place Prepared by Jesus and the Gathering on Mount Zion
Main Themes:
- The Place Prepared by Jesus: The primary focus is on understanding the promise of Jesus in John 14 to prepare a place for his disciples. This place is revealed to be the Holy City, New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation 21.
- The Gathering on Mount Zion: The New Jerusalem doesn’t just represent heaven in a general sense. It descends upon Mount Zion, where the throne of God and Jesus reside. This highlights the importance of being gathered on Mount Zion to welcome the Holy City and enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Qualifying as Sheep-like Believers: The lesson emphasizes the need to be “sheep-like believers” who are characterized by humility, obedience, and a willingness to follow the shepherd (Jesus). This is contrasted with “goat-like believers” who are stubborn, independent, and resistant to guidance.
Most Important Ideas and Facts:
- The Connected Conversation: John chapters 13-16 are part of a single extended conversation between Jesus and his disciples. Understanding this context is crucial to grasp the interconnectedness of events and teachings.
- “John 13, 14, 15, and 16, same conversation.”
- Spiritual Cleansing: Jesus washing the disciples’ feet in John 13 is not just a lesson in service but symbolizes the cleansing of the heart through the Word of God.
- “What should we then take away as the spiritual significance for Jesus washing his disciples’ feet? What should we then be thinking about? What does Jesus want to do with them? What does he want to clean? To clean our heart.”
- Prophecy and Belief: God reveals things beforehand so that when they happen, believers will recognize the fulfillment and have their faith strengthened.
- “I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe.” This is such a great verse to basically summarize how the whole Bible works. That’s the whole Bible. God tells beforehand, so that when it happens, we will believe.”
- The 12 Tribes and 12 Apostles: The Holy City has 12 gates representing the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel, and 12 foundations representing the 12 apostles. This emphasizes the role of both the Old and New Testament believers in God’s plan.
- “So why are the 12 tribes called after the disciples? Because of Revelation 21:14 and other verses, which we will go over now.”
- Entering Through the Gates: All who wish to enter the New Jerusalem must pass through one of the gates, signifying that belonging to one of the 12 tribes is essential for salvation.
- “Everyone has the hope of entering the Holy City. It’s not just for specific people, but everyone needs to enter through the gates of the 12 tribes. No one is exempt. All of us have to do this.”
- Sheep vs. Goats: Matthew 25 highlights the distinction between sheep-like believers (humble, obedient) and goat-like believers (stubborn, rebellious). Only the sheep inherit the kingdom.
- “What is the difference between the sheep-like believers and the goat-like believers? The goats are stubborn. Goats do whatever they feel like…Sheep are the opposite. Sheep are humble. Sheep are meek. Sheep follow the shepherd.”
- Qualifications for Entry: Specific actions and qualities are needed to be prepared for the New Jerusalem:
- Be born again of God’s seed (Matthew 13).
- Be harvested as firstfruits (Revelation 14).
- Be sealed with God’s Word (Revelation 7).
- Belong to one of the 12 tribes.
- Not add or subtract from Revelation (Revelation 22:18-19).
- Have your name in the book of life (Revelation 21:27).
- Prepare your lamp, oil, and wedding clothes (Matthew 22, 25).
- “Let us revisit the seven points we have discussed…”
Quotes of Note:
- “The tree of life is God.”
- “You are already clean through the word.”
- “If you want to find the tree of life at the second coming, we have things which we can use as evidence to determine whether it has appeared or not. Keep those things in mind.”
- “This is the place that Jesus has been preparing. He told us about it in Revelation. Yet it was as if these verses were invisible to us.”
- “But we know that when the events take place, the truth is then made known.”
- “There must be a gathering and then a separation. Ah, let’s be those that are separated on the right side.”
- *”They may argue, “But Jesus, we did this, and this, and this.” Yet, Jesus will respond, “None of those were God’s will or what I asked you to do when Revelation is being fulfilled.” *
Overall Summary:
This lesson stresses the importance of understanding and fulfilling the criteria laid out in Revelation to be prepared for the descent of the New Jerusalem upon Mount Zion. It emphasizes the urgency of recognizing God’s prophecies as they unfold, rejecting falsehoods, and actively pursuing the path of a sheep-like believer. The message is clear: be ready, be worthy, and gather on the mountain.
Q&A: The Place Prepared by Jesus
1. What is the significance of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in John 13?
While it emphasizes the importance of serving others, there’s a deeper spiritual meaning. Jesus, mirroring God’s use of physical objects to represent spiritual concepts, wanted to cleanse their hearts through his word. This connects to John 15:3 where he states, “You are already clean through the word.”
2. What is the place Jesus is preparing for his disciples?
The place Jesus is preparing is not a mansion in heaven, but the Holy City, New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation 21. This city will descend from heaven onto Mount Zion on the new earth, fulfilling Jesus’ prayer in Matthew 6:10: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
3. Who are the 12 gates and foundations of the Holy City?
The 12 gates of New Jerusalem represent the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel, while the 12 foundations symbolize the 12 apostles. This imagery signifies that entry into the Holy City is granted through the spiritual lineage established by the apostles and carried on by those who follow their teachings.
4. Who are the sheep-like believers mentioned in Matthew 25?
The sheep-like believers are those who inherit the kingdom. They are characterized by their humility, meekness, and obedience to the shepherd, Jesus. They embody the opposite of the goat-like believers, who are stubborn, self-serving, and resistant to guidance.
5. What are the two important questions to ask oneself to ensure being a sheep-like believer?
- Who am I according to the Bible and Revelation? This involves identifying with the descriptions and characteristics of the faithful in scripture.
- Have I been created in accordance with the Bible, especially Revelation? This signifies living out the teachings and fulfilling the criteria for entering the kingdom as outlined in Revelation.
6. What are the seven qualifications for entering the Holy City as outlined in Revelation?
- Be born again of God’s seed: This refers to receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing spiritual rebirth.
- Be harvested: This signifies being gathered as part of God’s chosen people.
- Be sealed with God’s word, prophecy, and the fulfillment of Revelation: This implies understanding and embracing the truths revealed in Revelation.
- Be part of one of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel: This indicates belonging to the spiritual lineage of the apostles.
- Do not add or subtract from Revelation: This emphasizes adhering to the teachings and warnings within Revelation.
- Your name needs to be in the book of life: This symbolizes being acknowledged by God as one of his own.
- Prepare the lamp, oil, and wedding clothes: This represents being spiritually prepared for the coming of the Lord.
7. What is the connection between John 14 and Revelation 21?
John 14 records Jesus’ promise to prepare a place for his disciples. Revelation 21 reveals that place to be the Holy City, New Jerusalem. This connection highlights the continuity of God’s plan and the ultimate fulfillment of Jesus’ promise.
8. How can we ensure we are on the right path to entering the Holy City?
We can ensure we are on the right path by constantly reflecting on the two important questions, striving to fulfill the seven qualifications outlined in Revelation, and seeking guidance from the teachings of the apostles as they form the foundation of the Holy City. By aligning our lives with these principles, we can have the hope of being among those who welcome the Holy City, New Jerusalem, when it descends.