The lesson covers the concepts of God’s spiritual food (the Tree of Life) leading to eternal life versus Satan’s spiritual food (the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) leading to spiritual death, at both the first and second comings of Christ. The main points are:
God always keeps His promises, though often in unpredictable ways. There are two types of food in the Bible – physical and spiritual. Spiritual food is consumed through hearing words/teachings. At the first coming, Jesus provided both physical food (feeding the 5,000) and spiritual food (his teachings), which many rejected. The two trees in Genesis represent God’s spiritual food of eternal life and Satan’s spiritual food leading to death. At the first coming, Jesus was the Tree of Life while the Pharisees represented the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. At the second coming, God’s food is the “hidden manna” and “opened word” while Satan’s food is the “wine of adulteries” and “food sacrificed to idols” from false teachers. We must discern and consume only God’s spiritual food to receive eternal life.
One thing I always try to impart as we meet is hope, which seems sorely missing in these days. However, we really need more hope that God will keep His promises, and He will. His track record is 100%. So when God says He’s going to do something, He’s going to do it. Now, He may not do it in the way we expect or think He’s going to do it.
In fact, no one has ever been able to predict the way God fulfills something. All we can do is wait for it to be fulfilled in God’s way, and then celebrate when it happens and hear the explanation. In this class, we don’t make predictions. We state what has been fulfilled and what we are to expect according to Scripture. However, what we don’t do is say it will be like this, maybe.
We’ll say this is what the Scripture says, and this is what we pray will take place. But what we do in the class is testify to what has taken place, which we can say with great confidence. This is a distinction I really want you to start paying attention to, especially if you’re still hearing words from around the place. Are these people making predictions, or are they testifying to what has been fulfilled? And does what has been fulfilled that they claim fit every other Scripture too? We shouldn’t be cherry-picking prophecies that look like they have been fulfilled.
Instead, there should be a clear and detailed explanation of everything that has taken place, accounting for all Scriptures in the explanation. Otherwise, we should not get lost in theories and predictions. This is something we tend to do because we feel like things are happening, but we’re piecemealing things. Okay, maybe this verse is the reality of this, and maybe this verse over here. And then, when you really look at them, the explanation falls apart. So that’s why I really encourage you to focus on a consistent explanation of everything that is prophesied. Are we understanding the importance here?
Now, one thing I like to think about sometimes is the way the disciples and apostles really had a tough job to do because there were 1500 years of prophecy given before things began to be fulfilled, and Jesus fulfilled it all. But they could only record so much. The four Gospels are a summary, the greatest hits of the things that Jesus did, which means there are many things that Jesus did that simply there wasn’t enough space to record. So, it’s important for us to understand what are the main points that need to be fulfilled and focus on the main things that have been fulfilled, without getting lost in details that ultimately don’t end up mattering. A detailed explanation must be given, accounting for all recorded verses, and knowing that there is even more that has been fulfilled than we have time for. But God always keeps His promises.
God’s Food and Satan’s Food
Jn 6 (Rv 2, Rv 17-18)
Today, we’re going to gain a deeper understanding of these two things. I’m sure we have ideas about what they are, but we really need to see them from the perspective of Scripture.
Our main reference chapters here should begin to cue us into the meaning of God’s food and Satan’s food.
John Chapter 6 is a long chapter. What are some of the things that happen in this chapter? He feeds the 5,000. Then he walks on water. After that, he begins to teach. And what does he say we need to do? Have faith.
According to John 6, what do we need to have faith in? What do we need to do? How do we exercise faith? The word.
What do we need to do with that word? Testify for ourselves first.
We need to eat.
The title of the lesson is “God’s food and Satan’s food.” Jesus tells the people that we need to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
Very important. And then we have listed here Revelation 2. Revelation 2:17 is the focus, which mentions the hidden manna. And then Revelation 17:18, which really dives into Satan’s food, the maddening wine of adulteries, and the food sacrificed to idols.
So, God’s food at the first coming is in John 6. And God’s food at the second coming, as well as Satan’s food at the second coming, is mentioned in these Revelation chapters.
That’s kind of the flow of these chapters that are listed here. Are we understanding the main points for the lesson today, “God’s food and Satan’s food”?
Our hope is to be those who eat God’s food but fast from Satan’s food at the time of the second coming.
What does it mean to fast? To abstain, to not eat, to go without food for a time – that’s physical fasting. But when we go on a fast from Satan’s food, it should be permanent.
We should not be going back and snacking on the side. Once we’ve identified where Satan’s food is, we should avoid it forever.
1.- The Two Kinds of Food in the Bible
Today, we will discuss the content related to God’s food and Satan’s food. In the Bible, there are two kinds of food presented on two levels – physical food and spiritual food.
ONE – Physical Food → Consumed through the Mouth
To consume physical food, it is eaten with the mouth. When someone eats good food, it gets digested, making them feel nourished and leading to sustenance for the physical body. However, if someone consumes an excessive amount of unhealthy food, it can lead to weight gain and potentially accelerate the deterioration of the physical body. Consuming nutritious food prolongs the living process, while consuming contaminated or rotten food hastens the dying process. Just as there are physical characteristics, there are also spiritual characteristics.
TWO – Spiritual Food → Consumed through the Ears | Deuteronomy 8:3, Job 34:3-4, Romans 10:17
Spiritual food is not consumed through the mouth but through the ears. As Job 34:3-4 states, “For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.” Just as good physical food gives life to the flesh, good spiritual food gives life to the spirit. The spirit lives when it consumes good spiritual food, which is the nourishment humanity has always needed. Deuteronomy 8:3 says, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” God allowed us to experience physical hunger to help us understand that our spirits also require nourishment.
In our world today, spiritual food is often ignored because people neglect their spirits. This neglect can lead to various ailments such as anxiety, stress, turmoil, anger, and hatred. However, when someone begins to feed themselves with good spiritual food, it brings life not only to their spirit but also to their body, as stated in Proverbs 18:14: “A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear.” If a person’s spirit is crushed or dead, there is little hope until that spirit is revived. Jesus described the type of food we need to consume to nourish our spirits.
John 6:1-15, 22-27 | Jesus fed the 5,000
For the sake of time, we won’t read all of these verses. I’m going to summarize them, but please take some time to read John chapter 6 in its entirety after class. In the first 15 verses, it talks about how Jesus fed the 5,000.
When he fed the 5,000, he turned five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed thousands of people. It was an epic miracle, and all of these people were able to eat.
However, Jesus did not feed them physically for no reason. We need to understand that when we don’t look at Jesus’s actions through the lens of prophecy and fulfillment, and the role and task he had to do, we often interpret what Jesus did with just moral teachings.
The things he did were not only because Jesus was a loving person, a servant, or someone who took care of people. Yes, but there was always a reason Jesus did anything and everything. And it was always to teach both on the physical level when he did the thing, but then connect it to the spiritual. He always did both.
So, in the first half of John chapter 6, Jesus physically fed the people. Then, in the second half, Jesus spiritually fed them. One type of food they received willingly from Jesus, but the second type, they rejected. They accepted the physical food, yummy, yummy in their tummies. They ate until they had their fill.
But when Jesus started to give them spiritual food, what did they say? “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” They rejected his spiritual food. Part of what happened in John chapter 6, and Jesus called them out for this, actually. Let’s read how Jesus called them out for their true intentions.
25 When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” 26 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. 27 Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
John 6:25-27
Jesus called them out, didn’t he? After feeding them, Jesus left them for a time to get away, because imagine being like Jesus and having people constantly surrounding you.
They looked for him, and when they found him, they said, Where have you been all this time? Jesus replied, You’re not looking for me because I did miraculous signs. You’re looking for me because you want more food. You’re seeking physical fulfillment.
Your intentions aren’t pure. But let me give you the food that you actually need. So Jesus told them, Do not work for food that spoils, physical food. And you can even look at that figuratively as the work we do in the world to obtain physical food. The work we do in the world, it too, spoils.
If you go to your job and you’re a model employee for a week, and then the next week you do nothing and stop showing up out of nowhere, what will your employer think? Will they remember that week where you did great if you spent a week doing nothing? The week where you did great vanishes almost. ‘Hey, where have you been? We needed you for these meetings. We were counting on you. We need you to do this task.’
It’s spoiled. ‘What have you done for me lately?’ And we put so much effort into the physical work that we have to do. Of course, we have to feed ourselves and our families. Yes, we have to pay the bills. Yes, these things are important. But we put too much emphasis on these things and ignore the food that endures to eternal life to our detriment.
The whole world seems to be fashioned to get us to focus only on the physical, things that will blow away in the wind, things that are dust. But the food that endures to eternal life is what we need.
These people rejected that food from Jesus, partly because they did not understand what he was saying, but ultimately, it was because they didn’t have the heart to understand what he was saying.
Instead of saying, Jesus, okay, so you said we need to eat your flesh and drink your blood. Can you explain this more so that we make sure we don’t misunderstand? If they had said that, Jesus would have said, Absolutely. This is what I meant. And Jesus did that for his disciples who stayed, but many who followed him left.
Their heart condition was the problem, not the fact that they didn’t understand, because no one understood at first. They had to hear it again and hear the explanation. And then they could go, Oh, that’s what you meant. Because Jesus spoke in parables intentionally to weed out everyone whose hearts were not really in it in the first place, to weed out those who were only looking for physical food. Jesus was looking for the ones who were truly desiring that spiritual food he had to offer, like what Peter said in John 6:68.
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
John 6:68
To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
There’s nowhere else for us to go. That’s the mindset of one who has realized the nourishing food they are now receiving. And I hope that’s the mindset we’re all having more and more as we continue to study.
It was the mindset just like Peter’s when we hear the open word. We need to feel just like Peter.
So I pray that’s the case for us. And so they realized we can’t go anywhere else.
We can’t go and continue eating food from the Pharisees when their food is clearly poisoned. We can see it clearly now. We didn’t before Jesus met us, but now we do, and we cannot go back.
But those who didn’t realize that it was poison went back to that food. So let’s see why that was the case. And let’s see the beginning of the difference between the food that leads to life and the food that leads to death.
2.- The Two Kinds of Spiritual Food
And it goes all the way back to what time? Food that leads to life versus the food that leads to death.
Adam and Eve. So let’s go back to Genesis.
In the Bible, there are two types of food: physical food and spiritual food. And when it comes to spiritual food, there are two types: God’s food and Satan’s food.
Or you can say, in this case, Genesis 2:9 mentions fruit. Let’s see the introduction of these two types of food and where they come from.
Food = Fruit
And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 2:9
In the Garden of Eden, there were two types of trees that provided food appealing to the eye. Generally, there were two kinds of trees: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Previously, the explanation I heard was that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented knowledge, and God did not want Adam and Eve to have knowledge. However, that is not the correct interpretation.
Hopefully, we now have a better understanding. What knowledge did God want them to avoid? The evil part, which means they had knowledge of good. The only knowledge we need.
Evil was something Satan introduced into the world. God wanted to protect Adam and Eve from the evil desire to become like God. That’s what God wanted them to avoid, not that they lacked knowledge of good and evil or had no morals, as commonly explained. If you hear such explanations, you should consider whether that place will provide the food of the second coming.
If they still refer to it as knowledge, implying Adam and Eve were ignorant, childlike, or unintelligent, that is incorrect. They did not have knowledge of Satan’s ways because such knowledge was unnecessary and remains unnecessary today. That’s why God wants to evaporate it.
Another crucial point to understand is whether the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was an apple. The type of fruit is not mentioned, but it is depicted as an apple, which is a human interpretation.
The truth is that the fruit represents something else, let’s see.
33 “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. 34 You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 35 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36 But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matthew 12:33-37
How important is it to speak what is right? Very important, because your words will come back and judge you.
So, what is the fruit? What is the fruit really? The fruit represents words. And that makes sense.
As Jesus compared trees to people in this passage, “Make a tree good, and its fruit will be good. How can you, brood of vipers, say anything good? You will be condemned by what you say.” So, the true fruit represents words. And it makes sense when you think about how Eve was deceived.
Eve was not deceived by a thing that sparkled. She was deceived by words. “You won’t surely die. I’ll tell you a secret. God doesn’t want you to know that, in fact, you’ll be like him, knowing good and evil.” Eve thought, “Oh, that sounds interesting. It’s different than what I heard before. But okay.” She told Adam, “Guess what?” Like that, they ate the fruit and believed Satan’s words, which figuratively represents being born of his seed.
Two trees were in the garden: the tree of life (Genesis 3:22) and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). The entire Bible begins with these two trees, the most fundamental things, because our situation results from the conflict between them. We need to understand the difference between them if we want to eat from the tree of life and receive life.
The two types of trees are: the tree of life (TOL) and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (TOGAE). These two trees were in the garden. Genesis 3:22 states that if one eats from the tree of life, they will receive eternal life. That’s why Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, so they could not eat from this tree and live forever as mortal, corrupted beings.
As for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the result of eating from this tree is spiritual corruption, evil thoughts, and ultimately, death. One receives death.
After eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve did not immediately die physically. No, they continued to live for many years. But they died immediately, spiritually. You can tell right away from how they changed. Before, they could speak to God clearly, one-on-one, and see him clearly. But after they ate, they began to hide from God, meaning their spirits had changed (Ezekiel 18:4).
When they saw God, they felt fear. God asked, “Why are you hiding from me? Where are you?” Instead of taking responsibility, they began to blame each other: “The woman you gave me,” “The serpent said,” instead of saying, “God, I am sorry. I did what you told me not to do. I know there will be consequences, but I repent.” That’s what happens when poison enters the body – it starts killing a person right away, and they change totally, becoming different people when they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
It’s very sad what happened. In Genesis 3:5-7, they ate from that tree and died. Genesis 6:3 states, “Man increased in sin,” or “Sin increased in man.” So, God’s spirit left, and he gave us a life limit of 120 years, though no one lives even near that long – 70 to 80 years, if that. Genesis 5:5 says Adam lived to 930 years. But he wasn’t supposed to live forever; he was supposed to live eternally (eternity X). Now, he only lived 930 years, like a baby compared to infinity – 930 years is nothing in comparison to eternity, just dust. So, what happened to him? His spirit died, and then his flesh died eventually.
We need to understand this. Why is God telling us this story? Why did God ensure Moses recorded these words in the book of Genesis? As a warning, certainly. But a warning about things that happened in the past only? A prophecy of what could happen again, because these two trees didn’t only appear in Genesis but appeared throughout the Bible again.
3.- Spiritual Food at First Coming and Second Coming
First Coming
We had someone appear who had a very important job to do, which was to give the people the words he had received when he was in the presence of his Father.
The words I speak are not my own. They belong to the Father who sent me. Now this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent (John 6:51-58, John 17, 8, 3).
And I really like the way Jesus said in John chapter 8 why he was able to give the food that the people needed at that time. If we go to John chapter 8, I’ll show you a quick verse here that is really impactful.
34 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 I know you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you do what you have heard from your father. ”
John 8:34-38
So, what did Jesus tell the people?
You are a slave to sin, and if you believe in my words, you will be free. However, you have no room for my word because you believe yourself to be full, and you don’t need anything else. You think you’re doing the things you know to be right. So, when someone came and told them, “Actually, no, you’re no longer doing the things that are right before God’s eyes,” they said, “Nonsense, heresy! We’re okay, we’re good, we’ve been doing it right this whole time.”
And so, Jesus had to say, “Actually, I’m giving you what I received when I was in the presence of my Father, but you instead do the things of your father.” He then goes on later to call them children of the devil. These were naughty words to hear for those who were trying their best to keep the law.
But Jesus had to remind the people, “I am not just some person who is self-proclaiming things that I feel some kind of way about. I’m telling you what I’ve received, what I’ve seen, what I have heard, that you need to continue living.” So, let’s look at the food that Jesus gave to the people that proves who He is.
– Bread from Heaven → Eternal Life
– Keep the Word → Never taste death
51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” 52 Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” 53 Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.”
John 6:51-58
So, what did Jesus say? “I am the bread that came down from heaven. The manna that your forefathers ate, they ate, and though it came from heaven, they still died. But me, on the other hand, if you eat my words, you will live forever.” However, the way he said it was, “If you eat my flesh and my blood.” And so the people reacted negatively, saying, “How can this man say such things? We cannot receive these words. This is blasphemy.” (John 8:51-52)
That’s how they reacted. They did not react well to Jesus’s words because they did not understand them. But Jesus was trying to tell them something really profound. And he really confirmed this to his disciples when later on, he tells them in John 15:1, “I am the true vine. And if anyone eats my words, they will never see death.” That’s what Jesus said in John 8:51, “If you keep my words, you will never see death.”
So, the tree of life appeared again at the first coming. But just like in the time of Genesis, it was only here for a short time, and then it left. Until the tree of life appears again, we need to keep the words we had received from the tree of life and believe that even though physically we were going to die, something else would live forever, and that was the spirit.
But people did not make that connection. “I am the true vine. And my words are life.” The tree of life appeared again. But that means that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil also appeared again. What form did the tree of the knowledge of good and evil take? The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the teachers of the law (Matthew 23:33). “Make a tree good, and its fruit will be good. Make a tree bad, and its fruit will be bad. For a man speaks whatever is within him out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” The tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had appeared again. And so, people at that time had to make a decision: Will we eat the true words or continue receiving the lies?
So, this battle was waging among the Israelites, and they argued sharply amongst themselves. But there were a few who heard these words and said, “You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68), like Peter, James, John, and the other disciples. They realized who Jesus was, and they ate his words. But the majority did no such thing. They heard these words and said, “Nonsense, heresy, madness. He’s demon-possessed. We don’t want to hear what he has to say.”
This is the reason why Jesus said that the Pharisees are a “brood of vipers” because their leader, their master, was the original viper, the original serpent. And so, when the Pharisees spoke, they killed people’s spirits.
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.
Matthew 23:15
You Pharisees, you brood of vipers. How will you escape being condemned to hell? You will travel over land and sea, meaning that you have much zeal, tons of zeal. And you will make a lot of effort to win a single convert.
When you do, you do not make that person someone who has life. Instead, you make that person die. You make those people sons of hell.
I’m sure their intentions were good, or at least that’s what they thought, right? And not all the Pharisees were unreasonable people. We learned about two who were quite reasonable.
Do you remember the two Pharisees in the Bible that were actually quite reasonable? This is some good trivia right here.
Nicodemus and Gamaliel.
Gamaliel was actually the one who taught Paul. Paul was Gamaliel’s mentee, I should say. But just because they were reasonable, they still never came to Jesus.
Nicodemus came to Jesus and listened to him with a graceful ear, saying, “Tell me what you’re about. I believe that you are a good teacher.”
And he even defended Jesus in the courts later on in John chapter 7. But he still never joined Jesus. So even if someone is reasonable, we have to be able to discern.
It’s a must. We have to be able to discern. Because even well-intentioned words, if they are not the truth, they will kill the spirit all the same.
So, let’s quickly look at the difference between the tree that gave life (John 15:1) and the tree that leads to death. Let’s turn to Daniel 4 and read about the characteristics of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and how it will appear again and what it will look like.
This was given in the dream to King Nebuchadnezzar, which Daniel interpreted. And of course, John 15:1, as we talked about already, refers to the tree of life that appeared once more.
20 The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, 21 with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the beasts of the field, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds of the air— 22 you, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.
Daniel 4:20-22 (Is 5:1-7)
So, who was Daniel talking to here? King Nebuchadnezzar.
And what nation was he the king of? Babylon. The king represents the people. And what kind of creatures did this tree nourish? Beasts.
It represents a tree like Babylon that nourishes beasts. And is this a small tree? No, it’s a huge tree.
A tree like Babylon. But the tree of life is different. As Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and you, my disciples, are the branches.”
It started off small, right? Twelve disciples and a promised pastor. Now, by God’s grace, many people have heard about the promised pastor of the Old Testament and have come.
But Babylon is still larger. At the time of the first coming, there were twelve disciples out of an entire nation. That’s why Jesus said, “The path is narrow.”
But the path that leads to hell is giant. And many walk in this path. Easy.
It’s the way that the world is fashioned to. So, let’s see how these two trees appear at the second coming. And why it’s so important to discern.
We must.
Second Coming
At the second coming, the picture is quite similar. God’s food is promised to be given in the time of Revelation.
It goes by a few different names. In Revelation 2:17, it is called the hidden manna.
It is the food that John is told to eat, the revealed or opened word that he is instructed to eat in Revelation 10:8-11. And then he is to prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings, and tell them what is taking place.
Peoples, congregations, nations, churches. Languages, doctrines, kings, pastors. They all need to hear what is being fulfilled in this time.
So that they can flee. Why? Because just like the time of the first coming and every other time, Satan always invades with lies.
Lies that represent the truth, which is why they’re effective. And someone who was unable to discern eats this food willingly, thinking that it is good to eat.
These people also have much zeal and good intentions. But that is not the standard of truth. The standard is the word that has been revealed, the word that has been opened. And everyone needs to hear these words. No one is exempt from having to hear these words.
And thankfully, these words are going out. Because God’s intention is to bring what? What is God’s intention? To restore, this time forever. So the tree of life, a very clear definition that we should understand.
The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are this.
Tree of Life in every Era | Revelation 22:1-2
- God, God was the tree of life in Genesis.
- Jesus → Jesus’s disciples. Because they were branches on history. (at the first coming)
- Jesus → New John. And the 12 tribes. (at the second coming)
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil | Revelation 18:23, Revelation 18:2-3
- Satan, the demons.
- False teachers and their congregation members.
They represent the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was Satan’s words that Adam and Eve ate, which led to their downfall. And it’s Satan’s words that have been causing the demise of God’s believers since that time.
His mission is to get them to accept his seed so that they will die. But God’s intention is for them to receive his word, his seed. In Revelation 18, we see the judgment of Babylon.
And that tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, is no more when the prophecy of Revelation 18 is fulfilled. Meaning that no one will be deceived anymore. The only tree that remains at the end of Revelation is the tree of life.
And it remains forever. Those who partake in the tree of life, those who eat the fruit, are the ones whom Jesus’ blood purchases. Those who become a kingdom and priests, which is the 12 tribes, they’re the ones that eat when all is fulfilled.
And they eat even during the process. What are they eating? The true food. But those who do not eat, all nations, they eat Satan’s food, which has made them mad and drunk. The maddening wine of adulteries and the food sacrificed to idols.
All nations are mad and drunk on lies and false hopes. So they need to come out. Not just some people, but all people.
No one is exempt from having to flee from her. Because God said, “Come out of her, my people.” Have we come out yet?
Or are we trying to dip our toe into both? Are we eating both foods? Have we not realized where Satan’s food is yet?
At this point, we need to realize these things. Now is the time to realize. Let’s eat that revealed word, that hidden manna.
The manna that is becoming open to every lesson, we’re learning more and more. Has the tree of life appeared again? Or will it appear soon?
Please meditate on John chapter 6. Read the whole chapter again.
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”
Genesis 2:17
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
Outline: God’s Food and Satan’s Food
This lesson explores the concepts of “God’s Food” and “Satan’s Food” as presented in the Bible, highlighting their spiritual significance and the importance of discerning between them.
Review: God’s Objective and Purpose
This section recaps the previous lesson, emphasizing God’s overarching purpose to restore what was lost, tracing the biblical narrative from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, the global spread of the Gospel, the coming harvest, the re-creation of heaven and earth, and the wars leading up to the harvest.
1. The Two Kinds of Food in the Bible
This section introduces the concept of two levels of food in the Bible: physical and spiritual. It explains the consumption process and effects of both types of food, highlighting that spiritual food is consumed through the ears and nourishes the spirit.
John 6:1-15, 22-27: Jesus Fed the 5,000
This section analyzes the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000, emphasizing the spiritual lesson behind the physical miracle. It discusses how Jesus provided both physical and spiritual nourishment, but many rejected the latter due to their focus on earthly desires.
John 6:25-27, 68; John 8:34-38
This section further explores the rejection of Jesus’s spiritual food by some, as they prioritized worldly pursuits over eternal life. It contrasts this with the disciples’ understanding and acceptance of Jesus’s words as the source of eternal life.
2. The Two Kinds of Spiritual Food
This section delves deeper into the two types of spiritual food: God’s food and Satan’s food, linking them to the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. It clarifies the misinterpretation that the forbidden tree represented knowledge, explaining that God wanted to protect Adam and Eve from the evil desire to become like God.
Genesis 2:9, Matthew 12:33-37
This section analyzes the symbolic representation of the two trees and their fruits, highlighting that the fruit represents words. It explains that Eve was deceived by Satan’s words, emphasizing the power of language to corrupt and deceive.
Genesis 3:22, 2:17, 3:5-7, 6:3, 5:5
This section compares and contrasts the consequences of eating from the two trees, explaining that eating from the tree of life leads to eternal life, while eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil leads to spiritual death and corruption.
3. Spiritual Food at First Coming and Second Coming
This section explores the manifestation of God’s food and Satan’s food at the first and second comings of Jesus.
First Coming
- This subsection highlights Jesus’s role as the provider of spiritual food at his first coming, emphasizing his words as the source of eternal life.
John 6:51-58, 17:8, 3, 8:34-38, 15:1
- These verses are analyzed to showcase Jesus’s claims about his words being the true bread from heaven that brings eternal life, contrasting them with the perishable manna that only sustained physical life.
Matthew 23:33, 15
- This section emphasizes the Pharisees’ role as purveyors of Satan’s food, their words leading to spiritual death despite their outward appearance of righteousness.
Daniel 4:20-22, Isaiah 5:1-7
- These verses, through the example of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, depict the tree of knowledge of good and evil as a powerful, expansive entity that nourishes beasts, symbolizing the dominance of worldly systems that promote spiritual corruption.
Second Coming
- This subsection parallels the first coming by explaining that the same spiritual struggle continues. God’s food is offered through the revealed word, while Satan’s food appears as deceptive lies disguised as truth.
Revelation 2:17, 10:8-11, 18:23, 2-3
- These verses introduce the concepts of “hidden manna” and the “maddening wine of adulteries” as symbols of God’s food and Satan’s food respectively at the second coming.
Tree of Life in Every Era & Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
- This section provides a concise summary of the representation of the two trees throughout biblical history, highlighting their consistent symbolism:
- Tree of Life: God, Jesus and his disciples, and Jesus and the New John/12 tribes.
- Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Satan and demons, and false teachers and their followers.
- This section reiterates the core message of the lesson, emphasizing the need to discern between God’s food and Satan’s food, choosing the former to attain spiritual life and avoid spiritual death.
- This section provides a final overview of the lesson, prompting the reader to recall the main concepts discussed, the biblical figures representing each type of spiritual food, and the consequences of choosing one over the other.
This study emphasizes the critical importance of spiritual discernment in navigating the complexities of faith and choosing the path that leads to true life.
A Study Guide
Discerning God’s Food: A Study Guide
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- What is the main difference between physical food and spiritual food, according to the lesson?
- Explain the symbolic meaning of the two trees in the Garden of Eden and the consequences of eating from each.
- How did Jesus represent the Tree of Life at the first coming? What kind of “food” did he offer?
- Who or what represents the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil at the second coming?
- Why is discernment crucial in choosing spiritual food, especially at the second coming?
- According to the lesson, what is the “hidden manna” and how can we access it?
- What is meant by the phrase “the maddening wine of adulteries” in the context of spiritual food?
- Why is it important to “fast” from Satan’s food, and what does that look like practically?
- What is the ultimate outcome for those who consistently partake of God’s food?
- What is the role of prophecy in understanding the concepts of God’s food and Satan’s food?
Quiz Answer Key
- Physical food is consumed through the mouth and nourishes the body, while spiritual food is consumed through the ears and nourishes the spirit. Deuteronomy 8:3 emphasizes that humans need both types of nourishment.
- The Tree of Life represents God’s truth and leads to eternal life. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents Satan’s lies and leads to spiritual death, corruption, and ultimately physical death. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge introduced sin and separation from God into the world.
- Jesus represented the Tree of Life by offering his words as spiritual food, stating that those who consume them will have eternal life. This is symbolized by his declaration “I am the bread of life” in John 6:51.
- At the second coming, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is represented by false teachers and their congregations, who spread deceptive doctrines and lead people astray. Their teachings appear appealing but ultimately nourish the beastly nature within individuals.
- Discernment is vital because Satan disguises his lies as truth, making it difficult to differentiate between God’s food and Satan’s food. Without careful examination of teachings against scripture, one may unknowingly consume spiritual poison and face spiritual death.
- The “hidden manna” represents the revealed word of God, specifically the opened scroll in Revelation 10, which contains God’s truth for the end times. Accessing it requires seeking out the teachings of the faithful and wise servant mentioned in Matthew 24:45-47.
- “The maddening wine of adulteries” represents the intoxicating allure of false doctrines and worldly philosophies that draw people away from God’s truth. It symbolizes spiritual unfaithfulness and a departure from the pure teachings of scripture.
- “Fasting” from Satan’s food means permanently rejecting and abstaining from false teachings and harmful ideologies. This involves actively seeking God’s word, testing teachings against scripture, and remaining vigilant against deception.
- Those who consistently partake of God’s food will receive eternal life, be part of God’s kingdom, and experience true spiritual nourishment and growth. They will be healed by the leaves of the Tree of Life, as described in Revelation 22.
- Prophecy provides the framework for understanding the ongoing battle between God’s truth and Satan’s lies throughout history, culminating in the end times. Studying prophecy reveals the pattern of the two trees reappearing in different forms, highlighting the importance of discernment and choosing God’s food.
Additional Questions
1. How many types of spiritual food are there?
– Two types – God’s Food and Satan’s food (God’s teaching and Satan’s teaching)
2. For the second coming, what is God’s food and what is Satan’s food?
– God’s food = Hidden Manna (Food at the Proper Time)
– Satan’s Food = wine of adulteries (fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil)
3. Why do I need to eat God’s food?
– Only by eating God’s food can I enter the kingdom of heaven and receive eternal life
4. What should I not eat Satan’s food?
– If I eat it, I will surely die. Those who eat Satan’s food are judged (Revelation 18:1-4)
5. How can we eat God’s food today? (according to the promise)
– Matthew 24:45-47, through the faithful and wise servant who Jesus gives the food at the proper time to.
Glossary of Key Terms
- Physical Food: Food that nourishes the physical body and is consumed through the mouth.
- Spiritual Food: Food that nourishes the spirit and is consumed through the ears by hearing and understanding God’s word.
- Tree of Life: A symbolic representation of God’s truth, provision, and eternal life.
- Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: A symbolic representation of Satan’s lies, deception, and spiritual death.
- Hidden Manna: The revealed word of God for the end times, symbolizing spiritual nourishment and guidance.
- Maddening Wine of Adulteries: False doctrines and worldly philosophies that intoxicate and lead people away from God.
- Fasting from Satan’s Food: The act of permanently rejecting and abstaining from false teachings and harmful ideologies.
- Discernment: The ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, especially in spiritual matters.
- Babylon: A symbolic representation of worldly systems, false religions, and ungodly influences that oppose God’s kingdom.
- 12 Tribes: The restored spiritual Israel, representing those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ and are heirs to God’s promises.
Timeline of Events:
This lesson focuses on a specific theological interpretation of biblical events rather than a strict chronological timeline. However, we can extract a loose timeline of events based on the biblical narrative discussed:
Old Testament Era:
- Creation: God creates Adam and Eve, placing them in the Garden of Eden with the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
- The Fall: Eve is tempted by Satan (disguised as a serpent) to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. She shares the fruit with Adam, leading to their spiritual death and expulsion from the Garden.
- Spread of Sin: Humanity continues to stray from God, leading to increasing sin and spiritual corruption. God limits human lifespan.
First Coming of Jesus:
- Jesus’ Ministry: Jesus preaches the word of God, offering spiritual nourishment and the promise of eternal life to those who believe in him.
- Conflict with Religious Leaders: Jesus clashes with the Pharisees, Sadducees, and teachers of the law, who are portrayed as promoting a form of spiritual food that leads to death.
- Jesus’ Sacrifice: Jesus offers himself as the “living bread” come down from heaven, signifying his sacrifice for the sins of humanity.
Second Coming of Jesus:
- The Present Time: The speaker believes this is the time of harvest and judgment, where the tree of life (represented by the “New John” and the 12 tribes) is offering the true spiritual food (the opened word or hidden manna).
- The Judgment of Babylon: Revelation 18 describes the destruction of Babylon, which symbolizes the forces of evil and those consuming Satan’s food.
- Establishment of the New Kingdom: The tree of life remains, offering eternal life to those who have partaken in its fruit.
Cast of Characters:
1. God: The creator and ultimate authority. His primary purpose is to restore humanity to a state of spiritual wholeness.
2. Satan: The deceiver and adversary, who tempts humanity away from God with false promises and spiritual food that leads to death. He is often represented as a serpent or dragon.
3. Adam and Eve: The first humans created by God. They are tempted by Satan and disobey God, leading to their spiritual death and expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
4. Jesus: The son of God and the promised Messiah. He offers spiritual nourishment and eternal life through his words and sacrifice. He is seen as the embodiment of the Tree of Life at the first coming.
5. Pharisees, Sadducees, and Teachers of the Law: Jewish religious leaders during Jesus’ time. They are portrayed as offering a form of spiritual food that leads to death, based on legalism and hypocrisy.
6. “New John”: This figure is not explicitly named but seems to represent the individual (or group) responsible for sharing the revealed word (the “opened word” or “hidden manna”) at the time of the second coming.
7. 12 Tribes: This refers to the spiritual Israel, those who have accepted the true spiritual food and will inherit eternal life in the new kingdom.
8. King Nebuchadnezzar: King of Babylon mentioned in Daniel 4. He represents those who are nourished by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, ultimately leading to spiritual emptiness.
9. Nicodemus and Gamaliel: Pharisees who were more open to Jesus’ teachings than others. However, they are still depicted as ultimately rejecting the true spiritual food offered by Jesus.
Overview: God’s Food and Satan’s Food
Main Theme: This lesson explores the concept of “God’s food” and “Satan’s food” as presented in the Bible, arguing that these represent truth and lies, respectively. It emphasizes the importance of discerning between the two to receive spiritual nourishment and eternal life.
Key Ideas and Facts:
- Two Kinds of Food: The source highlights the existence of both physical food, consumed through the mouth, and spiritual food, consumed through the ears. Deuteronomy 8:3 is quoted to emphasize this point: “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
- Spiritual Food as Words: The source uses the metaphor of “fruit” from Genesis to symbolize words. It argues that the fruit from the tree of life represents God’s true words, while the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil represents Satan’s lies.
- Jesus as the Tree of Life: The document draws heavily on John 6, where Jesus states, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” (John 6:51) This is interpreted as Jesus offering his words as spiritual nourishment leading to eternal life.
- False Teachers as the Tree of Knowledge: The source identifies the Pharisees and teachers of the law during Jesus’ time as representing the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It criticizes them for leading people astray with false teachings and hypocrisy. Matthew 23:15 is referenced: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.”
- Discernment at the Second Coming: The document stresses the importance of discernment, especially in light of the second coming. It argues that Satan will present his lies disguised as truth, making it difficult to distinguish between God’s food and Satan’s food.
- Babylon and the Maddening Wine: Revelation 18 is cited as the judgment of Babylon, which is interpreted as a symbolic representation of false teachings and systems that lead people astray. The “maddening wine of adulteries” is seen as the intoxicating effect of these lies.
- Call to Come Out: The document emphasizes the need to “come out” of Babylon, meaning to separate oneself from false teachings and embrace the true words of God.
- The Faithful and Wise Servant: Matthew 24:45-47 is mentioned, suggesting that the “faithful and wise servant” will provide God’s food at the proper time.
Important Quotes:
- “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 8:3)
- “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” (John 6:51)
- “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.” (Matthew 23:15)
Conclusion: The lesson concludes by emphasizing the urgency of choosing God’s food over Satan’s food to receive spiritual nourishment and eternal life. It urges readers to actively seek discernment and remain vigilant against deception.
God’s Food and Satan’s Food: Q&A
1. What are the two types of food in the Bible?
The Bible speaks of two types of food: physical food and spiritual food. Physical food nourishes the body and is consumed through the mouth. Spiritual food nourishes the spirit and is consumed through the ears by hearing and understanding God’s word.
2. What are the two kinds of spiritual food?
Just like physical food, spiritual food can be good or bad. The two kinds of spiritual food are:
- God’s food: This is the truth found in God’s word. It brings life to the spirit.
- Satan’s food: This is the lies and deception spread by Satan. It leads to spiritual death.
3. What do the trees in the Garden of Eden represent?
The trees in the Garden of Eden symbolize these two kinds of spiritual food:
- The Tree of Life: Represents God’s word and the promise of eternal life.
- The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Represents the temptation to disobey God and the consequences of sin, leading to death.
4. How do the trees of life and knowledge of good and evil manifest at the first coming of Jesus?
- Tree of Life: Jesus himself is the Tree of Life at his first coming. His words offer eternal life to those who believe.
- Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: This is represented by the false teachings of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and teachers of the law, who lead people away from God.
5. How do these trees manifest at the second coming of Jesus?
- Tree of Life: Represented by Jesus working through the “New John” (a prophetic figure) and the 12 tribes (spiritual Israel) to reveal God’s truth and gather His people.
- Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Manifests through false teachers and their congregations, who spread deception and lead people astray.
6. What is the “hidden manna” and why is it important?
The “hidden manna” refers to the revealed word of God in the time of Revelation. It represents the spiritual nourishment God provides for his people during this time of judgment and harvest.
7. What is Satan’s food at the second coming, and what are its effects?
Satan’s food is described as the “maddening wine of adulteries” and “food sacrificed to idols.” It represents the lies, false hopes, and worldly distractions that keep people from God. Those who consume it become spiritually drunk and unable to discern truth.
8. How can we avoid Satan’s food and consume God’s food today?
To avoid Satan’s food and consume God’s food, we must:
- Be discerning: Carefully examine teachings and beliefs, comparing them to the revealed word of God in the Bible.
- Seek truth: Actively study the Bible and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to understand God’s truth.
- Follow the faithful and wise servant: According to Matthew 24:45-47, Jesus provides spiritual food through a faithful and wise servant. Identify and follow this source of truth to be nourished by God’s word.