[Lesson 109] Rev 7: The Newly Created 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel Part 1

by ichthus

Table of Contents

This lesson covers Revelation 7:1-8, introducing the sealing of the 144,000 from the 12 tribes of the newly created spiritual Israel after the judgment of the previous spiritual Israel in Revelation 6.

The four angels holding back the four winds represent a pause in judgment to allow the sealing work. An angel from the east with God’s seal (the word/fulfillment of Revelation) comes to seal the 144,000 servants of God on their foreheads (engraving the word in their hearts and minds).

The 144,000 are comprised of 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes, whose names are listed using the sons of Jacob as parables. They are being prepared as a priestly kingdom to replace those who betrayed previously.

The sealing work of gathering the 144,000 priests and the great multitude is an ongoing process of fulfillment happening today through the promised pastor who was commanded to eat the scroll in Revelation 10.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 6:12-13 NIV84

I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, [13] and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

Yeast of Heaven

Lot’s wife could not forget her old life, so she turned around. Think about how much Lot’s heart must have been burning. Even though Lot shouted: “Please hurry! If you don’t, you will burn to death!” She didn’t listen and became a pillar of salt. God has been working for the last 6,000 yeats for this very day. If one clearly knows the times, then one should offer up one’s heart, thoughts, actions and everything before God, and be faithful to the last work God is doing.

But if one cannot forget about the world, and thinks about worldly things thinking: “What if…” – this is turning around and looking back. If those who are walking the same road as God cannot forget about the world and only think about the world day and night, then won’t they suffer the same fate as Lot’s wife?



In this era, God has been working for 6,000 years until today. We must clearly understand the time and era we are living in – it is the era of fulfillment of revelation and the fulfillment of the second coming.


We must:

– Change our heart, thoughts, and actions

– Be born of God’s seed

– Be harvested and sealed

– Flee to the mountain without turning back


Though we live in this world, we are not of this world where Satan rules. We acknowledge that change is not easy, yet it is essential in becoming a new creation where God and heaven can dwell.

Let us not follow the steps of Lot’s wife who couldn’t give up her old life. Instead, we should be those who look forward to our new life, walking the same road as God and Jesus.

Speaking of change, there will be changes that you all will be looking forward to. Since many of you have a deeper understanding of the word, there have been questions about what the Sunday service is like in Mount Zion. Next Sunday, we – the instructors and evangelists who are part of Mount Zion – will show you how it looks.


By God’s grace, we begin our week with the Word. As we gather today, we’re delving into the deeper understanding of Revelation, and there’s excitement each time we come before this Word.

Let’s reflect on our journey through Revelation so far, particularly focusing on the major lessons we’ve learned from chapters 1 through 6. These chapters are fundamental as they represent the end of a particular era and the beginning of a new era. Today, our focus will be on this new era.



“Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for bringing each and every one of us here at this time. We’re grateful for:

– The opportunity to hear this Word

– To understand this Word

– To live this Word

– To be a part of this Word

Help us become the reality of Revelation chapter seven – those who gather on the mountain, whether as part of the number or part of the great multitude, all washed by your blood and receiving the promised blessings.

Make us catalysts and links to those around us, serving as conduits to spread the Word that has been given to us. Help us identify even one person who would understand and love this Word deeply.

We pray this all in your son Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Review of the Book of Revelation Chapters Covered so Far



Review of the Book of Revelation’s Content – Chapters Covered so Far:

Rev 1:8 serves as the summarized conclusion of the entire book of Revelation. 

The main points of this chapter demonstrate the flow of how the scroll was opened:

– From God

– To Jesus

– To the angel

– To New John

The significance of the first 8 verses is that they encompass the complete narrative of Revelation, revealing:

– How it begins

– What must take place

– How it ends

Revelation 1:9-20: The Beginning Events of Revelation and the Mystery of the 7 Stars and 7 Lampstands

Main Points:


New John witnesses Jesus along with the 7 stars and 7 lampstands. In this passage, New John receives his appointment and is given a specific task: to deliver letters containing three aspects:

– What he has seen

– What is now

– What will take place later

John’s Initial Reaction:

When he heard God’s voice, it sounded like a trumpet coming from behind him. He recognized the presence as “someone like the son of man.”


New John’s Response Upon Seeing Jesus:

He fell down to his feet in surprise, which is understandable given what he saw:

– Eyes like blazing fire

– Feet like bronze

– Voice like the sound of rushing waters and like a trumpet

– A double-edged sword coming out of his mouth


Anyone would be scared seeing such an entity, leading to New John’s natural reaction of falling to His feet in fear when encountering such a powerful divine presence. You would be scared too.

Rev 2-3: The Letter sent to Messangers of the 7 Churches

Jesus’s Spirit instructed John to send letters to the 7 churches.

The letters’ content can be summarized as follows:

– Good news and acknowledgment of their faith

– Addressing their current issues and problems

– Warning of consequences if they don’t repent

– Promises of blessings for those who do repent


The message was divided into 3 parts:

  1. What New John had seen: The vision of Jesus’s appearance, the seven stars, and the seven golden lampstands
  2. What is now: Satan’s ongoing deception affecting the people
  3. What will take place later: The promise of 12 blessings to those who overcome

Rev 4: The Throes and Structure of God in the Spiritual Realm.

When New John’s spirit was brought up into heaven, this is what he witnesses:

  1. He sees God seated on the throne.
  1. While Jesus is present next to God, John doesn’t mention Him until Revelation chapter 5.
  1. From his heavenly vantage point, John sees:

– The 24 elders

– The 7 spirits

– The sea of glass

– The 4 living creatures

During this time, from God’s throne come:

– Flashes of lightning

– Rumblings

– Peals of thunder

These represent the commands of God and how the spirits carry out His word, moving swiftly like lightning.


All these spirits lay their crowns before God, declaring:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God who was and is and is to come.”

Rev 5: The Book Sealed with 7 Seals.

Revelation Chapter 4 continues with John’s vision in heaven within the spiritual world. 

In this vision, John observes a sealed book in God’s hand. He realizes that no one in heaven, on earth, or under the earth could open it or look inside. This realization causes John to weep. His weeping stems from understanding that as long as the scroll remains sealed, God’s plan of salvation – final and complete salvation – cannot be fulfilled, and the revelation cannot be accomplished.

However, by God’s grace, there was one who could open it – Jesus. He was worthy to open the seals and look inside because He was slain during His first coming, bore the cross, and shed His blood for the atonement of our sins. He is the only entity qualified for this task.

Jesus opening the seals means fulfillment. This is why it is called “the revelation of Jesus Christ,” as stated in Revelation 1:1. The revelation belongs to Jesus because He is the one who opened it. God gave this revelation to Jesus.

In Revelation 5, John witnesses the sealed scroll, which God gives to Jesus who was about to open it. This leads into Revelation 6.

All of heaven responds to Jesus with “Holy, holy, holy is the lamb. You are worthy to open the seals.” They give glory to God in Revelation 4 and to Jesus in Revelation 5.


Jesus’s blood purchases:

  1. A kingdom – which represents a great multitude of people
  2. Priests – the 144,000 who have a special duty to teach

While everyone receives the blessing of heaven and eternal life, the 144,000 are given this specific teaching duty, which will be amazing. Both the great multitude and the 144,000 receive the blessing of heaven and eternal life.

Rev 6: The Judgement of the Sun, Moon and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed.

The events in Revelation 6 mark the beginning of judgment because people did not repent despite the warnings in the letters. Jesus begins to open each seal, and with each opening (one, two, three, four), judgment manifests as actual realities. The 5th and 6th Seals (different from the first four).


The Pattern of Each Seal Opening:

– One of the four living creatures appears and says “Come”

– A rider appears on different horses

– Each rider holds or is followed by elements of judgment

– The riders carry items like the bow and scales, representing the word that judges in various ways


Specific Events:

  1. The pale (dappled) horse is followed by Hades, collecting the spirits of those spiritually slain.
  1. The 5th Seal reveals martyrs before the throne/altar, crying out:

   “How long, sovereign Lord, will you wait to avenge our blood? Our brothers are being killed as we were.”

   God’s response: “Be patient until their number is complete.”

The Progression of Spiritual Death:

– A quarter die spiritually in Revelation 6

– Of the remaining three-fourths:

  * A third dies in Chapter 8

  * A third dies in Chapter 9

  * A third dies in Chapter 12

– When complete, vengeance occurs in Revelations 16, 17, and 18

The Sixth Seal:

– Brings a spiritual earthquake (shaking people’s hearts)

– Sun, moon, and stars (representing pastors, evangelists, and saints) fall and lose their heavenly positions

– The sky rolls up like a scroll (heaven leaves them)

– People flee into caves (churches of Babylon without light)


The narrative then transitions to Revelation 7, which presents a contrasting picture – “night and day” compared to Chapter 6.


Rev 7: The Newly Created 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel Part 1

Today’s study covers Revelation 7:1-8, with verses 9-14 to be covered tomorrow due to the extensive content.


This chapter introduces two distinct groups:

  1. The 144,000
  2. The great multitude in white

Both groups are composed of members from the 12 tribes, with:

– The 144,000 serving in a priestly role

– The great multitude representing the people of the kingdom

Previous Lesson Review

Quick Review

Revelation 6 describes the judgment that came as a consequence of people’s lack of repentance after the letters were sent.

The judgment was executed by Jesus through the four living creatures. Each time one of the four living creatures said “come,” a different horse appeared, each bringing a distinct type of judgment.

Following this, there was the proclamation of the martyrs. They cried out to the Lord, saying, “How long, sovereign Lord, until our blood is avenged?” God’s response to them was to wait.

Then came the 6th seal, where the sun, moon, and stars turned dark and fell. This symbolized the completion of spiritual Israel’s end. With spiritual Israel ending, there was a need for a new spiritual Israel to emerge.

The ending process occurred gradually, not instantly. It began with a fourth, and then from those remaining, it continued in thirds – a third, then another third, and finally a third of what remained – until the complete number of those under judgment was fulfilled.

Revelation 7:1

Revelation 7:1 NIV84

After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.

ONE – After This: After the Events of Rev 6

The chapter begins with the words “After this.” These words carry significant importance in the book of Revelation, as they indicate a sequential order of events. Specifically, “After this” signifies that the events in Revelation 7 follow the events described in Revelation 6.

Revelation 6 and Revelation 7 form one of the three sets of contrasting chapters in the book. They stand in contrast to each other, presenting different perspectives and events.

1.- Sun, Moon and Stars Fall, First Heaven and First Earth (1H1E) = Tabernacle Temple (TT)

In Revelation 6, when discussing the sun, moon, and stars going dark and falling, this represents the end of the Tabernacle Temple (TT). 

The First Heaven and First Earth (1H1E), which passed away, was known as the Tabernacle Temple. This represented the conclusion of spiritual Israel’s era.


First Heaven and First Earth (1H1E) = Tabernacle Temple (TT)


When we say they were destroyed, it doesn’t mean the people physically ceased to exist or vanished. Rather, it signifies a change in their spiritual affiliation – they transitioned from belonging to God to no longer being affiliated with God.

1.1 The Beginning of Destruction: It starts in September 1980

In September 1980, a significant event marked the beginning of destruction. This period of destruction would last for 42 months, which is further detailed in Revelation chapters 8, 9, 11, and 13.

1.2 The 7 stars resigned

During this time, the 7 stars resigned from their positions of authority.

1.3 The name of the church changed


The church underwent a name change:

– From: TT (established by God and Jesus)

– To: The Central Isaac Presbyterian Church


The name change signified more than just a new title – it represented a change in affiliation. Although the Central Isaac Presbyterian Church name is less relevant today, as they have since changed their name again, the significance of this initial change remains important.

The people at that time believed they were making the right decision. They were influenced by representatives sent from the powerful government, who came with the backing of large churches and considerable authority. 

The congregation reasoned: “Though this is somewhat different from what we previously received, perhaps they are correct.” Seeing that the 7 stars had resigned, they took this as further confirmation and decided to accept these new teachings.


1.4 The beast invades. 

The beast with 7 heads and 10 horns enters and invades. This moment marks a significant event. From God’s and Jesus’ perspective, spiritual Israel was officially finished – it was over. 

At this point, God requires a new kingdom and priests to replace those who betrayed and were destroyed.

2.- New Heaven New Earth, Beginning of New Spiritual Israel

Revelation 7 is currently in the process of fulfillment. While some chapters in Revelation have clear beginning and end points, this chapter continues to be fulfilled in the present time, specifically after the described destruction takes place.

2.1 A crucial detail about Revelation chapter 7 is its ongoing fulfillment in our current time, today.

This chapter is considered one of the long-running chapters in Revelation because it describes the gathering of new spiritual Israel, which is still taking place today. Unlike other chapters with definitive timeframes, this process continues.

The new heaven and new earth mentioned here refers to the TTT (Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony), as described in Revelation chapter 15. 

It’s important to note that this should not be confused with TT. In some Bible versions, particularly NIV, this may be referred to as “the temple of the covenant law” – they refer to the same place.

2.2 The Sealing of the 144,000 Priests

Revelation 7 continues its fulfillment in our present time. The sealing of the 144,000 priests is an ongoing process that extends to today. For those who are hearing this message, it signifies that there is still an opportunity for you to become one of the 144,000.

Yes, this includes you – don’t run! You still have time. The evidence is clear as we witness many people graduating each year. This is your chance to secure your position.

To break down the numbers: The 144,000 priests are composed of 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes, which equals 144,000 in total.

2.3 The Great Multitude in White

The gathering includes a great multitude that no one can count, comprising people from every tribe, people, language, and nation worldwide. While this gathering continues, it is better to strive to be a priest.

Continuing with Revelation chapter 1, it’s important to understand the logic of why Revelation chapters 6 and 7 are positioned next to each other. Although we paused at the point where Jesus was opening the seals, with the last seal being opened in the next chapter, there’s a specific reason for Revelation 7’s placement beside Revelation 6.

Even though these chapters don’t occur at exactly the same temporal moment, God and Jesus want us to clearly see the contrast between the end of one era and the beginning of a new era. The narrative then continues in Revelation 8.

This understanding wasn’t available until the fulfillment occurred. The relationship between Revelation 6 and 7 wasn’t something that could have been intuited beforehand – it became clear only after these events had taken place.

Revelation 7:2-3

Revelation 7:2-3 NIV84

Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: [3] “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.”

TWO – 4 Angels = The 4 Living Creatures

Looking at Revelation 7:1, the scripture describes four angels positioned at the four corners of the earth. 

Their purpose was to prevent the winds from blowing on three specific areas: the land, the sea, and any tree.

These four angels are identified as the four living creatures, also known as the four archangels. The word “arch” here represents leadership.

The four corners mentioned refer to the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west.

This connects to Zechariah 6:6, which we previously studied in Revelation 6, where it describes chariots moving in different directions.

Each of the four living creatures was assigned to guard one of these four directions – north, south, east, and west.

THREE – 4 Winds = 4 Armies

The 4 winds represent the 4 angels who bring judgment, serving as judges in God’s army. Similar to what we see in Joshua chapter 5, these ark angels function as commanders.

These commanders have authority over other angels under them, and they are described as being surrounded by many eyes. Each of the four living creatures commanded their eyes to stop.

In Revelation 6, there is mention of a strong wind blowing, causing stars to fall as if shaken by this strong wind.

However, the angels’ winds were commanded to stop. Why? The purpose was to allow the sealing to take place. The judgment had to pause momentarily.

This created a period of peace and quiet necessary for the sealing work to begin. 

The four winds represent the four armies of heaven, with each army belonging to one of the four living creatures who serve as commanders in God’s army.

As commanders, each has four sets of many eyes, or spirits. When they gave the command to stop, the angels obeyed.


Important Biblical References:

  1. Hebrews 1:7 – Angels are compared to winds
  2. Jeremiah 4:12-13 – Winds are compared to judgment

Therefore, the four winds represent both the angels themselves and the judgment these angels bring.

FOUR – Winds Stopped

The angels are told to stop for a moment, causing the winds to cease, as previously discussed. This pause in the winds allows the sealing to take place. The judgment is temporarily halted for this sealing process.

During this pause in judgment, who is to be sealed? First, the 144,000 are sealed, followed by the great multitude in white. The 144,000 are the initial group to receive the sealing.

Note: The sequence of events: stopping of winds → pause in judgment → sealing of 144,000 → followed by the great multitude in white.

Review Revelation 7:1.

After this – referring to what? It refers to the judgment of those who betrayed: the sun, moon, and stars of the former heaven. This shows why titles are so significant.

The title alone can provide a summary of the entire chapter.

Revelation 7:2 NIV84

Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea:

ONE – East: Ps 84:11

In verse 2, John writes “I saw another angel.” This angel came from the east. The east has special significance because it is where the sun rises. 

In the spiritual world, God is compared to the sun. This is why the angel’s appearance from the east is meaningful.

Psalm 84:11 NIV84

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.

The Lord God is a sun and a shield, and the east symbolizes where the sun rises. In a deeper spiritual sense, the east represents where God begins His work.

God’s work encompasses restoration and illumination. There is a common saying that “it is darkest before the dawn,” which perfectly describes the situation at The Tabernacle Temple. When they had fallen into deep darkness, God decided it was time to begin His work anew, metaphorically “rolling up His sleeves.”

This new beginning is like a second creation, specifically the creation of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel. The angel rising from the east signifies this divine initiative. While some might interpret this as a specific signal for Korea, it more fundamentally represents the location where God chooses to begin His work.

Sun = God, Ps 84:11 

TWO – Seal

The angel coming from the east holds a seal, but what is the significance of this seal he’s holding? The seal represents the word.

How can we understand that a seal symbolizes the word? To comprehend this, we must first understand what a seal is. A seal functions like a stamp. In official documents, while signatures are common, certain cultures use personal stamps or signet rings. These are pressed into wax to mark documents, serving as an official seal of approval, indicating that the contents have been approved and condoned.

When we consider God’s seal, what content is He seeking to approve? It is the word. The most significant thing we can store in our hearts and minds is God’s word. Therefore, the seal is God’s word.

This concept is similar to putting someone’s name on something – God’s word is what needs to be sealed, like His name. 

This is referenced in John 1:1. Additionally, a person can also become a seal.


God’s Seal → Servants of God (Those being sealed)


Let’s turn to the book of Haggai. You don’t read this book very often.

Haggai 2:23 NIV84

” ‘On that day, ‘ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

God said, “I have chosen you, Zerubbabel, who is like my signet rain.” A signet rain was a tool that kings used to stamp their official documents and decrees. Kings would carry this seal on their ring.

God called Zerubbabel, Jesus, a seal. Jesus’ mission was to seal many people by putting the word on their foreheads and hands. The angel, holding a seal, was putting it on the foreheads of the servants of God – those being sealed.

Who was God’s seal? Who was the angel using to accomplish this work of sealing? It was New John.


A person with the word, New John.


New John is sealing people with the words of Revelation’s fulfillment. God’s seal in the angel’s hand represents New John himself. He is sealing others with what he was first sealed with when he was commanded to eat.

In Revelation 10, the instruction was to eat the scroll. When the scroll reaches his stomach, it signifies that the word has been digested or understood.

His responsibility is to ensure others understand as well. The principle is: after you have eaten, help others to eat too. Therefore, God’s seal is beneficial.

This seal is something we all desire and have been receiving since the beginning of class. You can recognize you’re being sealed when you can quickly answer questions – the answers flow naturally from within you.

For example, when someone asks what John 1:1 says, and you can recite automatically: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” This demonstrates that the word has been stamped and engraved in the tablet of your heart.

It shows God’s work: when you memorize John 1:1, it becomes permanently sealed within you, never to be removed.

THREE – Satan’s Mark: Falsehood (lies) Rev 12, 666

Satan’s primary goal is to unengrave God’s word and separate us from God. While God wants to seal us with His word, Satan attempts to do the opposite – he wants to seal people with his word by corrupting God’s truth.

When people receive these lies, they are receiving Satan’s mark, as God’s seal is His word, and Satan’s mark consists of lies.

We previously held misconceptions about the mark 666, thinking it was related to barcodes, vaccines, or computer chips. This shows how wild the teachings of Babylon were. It’s a relief to no longer be part of that system, and hopefully, you feel the same way. It’s truly sad because people are making life-altering decisions based on false teachings. For example, some avoid necessary medical treatments believing they are the mark, which ultimately compromises their health.

Satan’s lies are dangerous because they lead people to act in ways that are detrimental to their well-being in many aspects.

Before our study, we already had the mark. In Revelation 13, it mentions people receiving the mark because initially they didn’t have it. They were God and Jesus’s chosen people to deliver the word and were the representatives, the lampstand. While everyone else was already in darkness with the mark, these chosen people later descended into darkness, and that’s when they received the mark. This is what Revelation 13 describes.

Quick Review

Quick Review

Let’s examine what we have covered in Revelation chapter 7, focusing on just two verses that are filled with significant events.

These two verses introduce us to the newly created 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel. The chapter begins with “after this,” referring to the events that followed Revelation chapter 6, when God and Jesus began gathering the elect.

In this passage, we see that the winds are held back, and the angels command them to stop blowing, creating a time of relative peace. This peaceful period allows for the sealing of those who need to be sealed.

In Revelation 7:2, an angel appears from the east with God’s seal. This angel’s purpose is to seal the foreheads of God’s people. The sealing process involves placing God’s word in their hearts and minds, effectively transforming them into walking Bibles.

However, there is a contrast presented: Satan has his own mark, which represents the opposite of God’s truth. Satan’s mark carries his falsehood and lies, leading people away from the truth and replacing God’s word with Satan’s word instead.

Revelation 7:3

Revelation 7:3 NIV84

“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.”

Three important points here:

ONE – The land and the trees:  It represents people

The land and trees represent people in figurative language. 

There are several Bible verses that illustrate this figurative representation:

When discussing land (or soil), two key references are:

  1. Luke 8:15 – The Parable of the Four Fields
  2. 1 Corinthians 3:9-16

Regarding trees and vegetation, 1 Peter 1:21-24 states that “all men are like grass” and speaks of being “born of the imperishable seed.”

Looking at Revelation 7:3, it says “Do not harm the land or the sea or any trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of our servants of our God.” 

This connects the figurative representation of land and trees to people who are God’s servants.

TWO – We: God and Jesus and the angels. 

Heaven exists in the spiritual world, and spirits work through people on earth. These spirits from heaven will preach to seal others, and this includes the one who overcomes.

The 12 tribe leaders have the responsibility to ensure each tribe is sealed. In heaven’s spiritual world, God, Jesus, and the angels work through these leaders to accomplish this task.

Together, they work as swiftly as lightning, functioning as one team.

THREE – Seal on Foreheads

The seals placed on the foreheads of the servants represent how the 12 tribes will receive the word. This word will be imprinted both on their hearts and minds. 

The 12 tribes will receive revelations, prophecy, and fulfillment – also known as the word of testimony or the oil. This understanding of the word will be deeply embedded in both their hearts and minds.

Hebrews 8:10-12 NIV84

This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. [11] No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. [12] For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. “

In examining this passage, we see God’s promise to establish a new covenant. What is the significance of God taking this covenant?

The scripture reveals that He will write the law on people’s hearts and minds. Here, the law represents revelation. Through this covenant, God declares He will be their God, and they will be His people.

According to the passage, there will come a time when people will no longer need to tell each other to know God, because everyone will know Him – from the least to the greatest. 

Additionally, their sins will be forgiven and not remembered anymore.

There is another significant verse in the book of John that adds impact to this message.

John 3:31-34 NIV84

“The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. [32] He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. [33] The man who has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. [34] For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

Jesus, who was from above all, spoke the words of heaven, yet “no one accepts his testimony.” When it says “no one,” it refers to the extremely small number of people who actually accepted his testimony. 

Initially, in an entire country, only 12 people believed – essentially no one (about 0.0001%). However, for those few who did believe, they “certified” that God is truthful. (Note: Some Bible versions might use different words here.)

This certification process happened at the first coming when Jesus was preaching. Similarly, at the second coming, people need to certify that God is truthful and seal themselves with the book of Revelation.

Revelation 7:4-8

Revelation 7:4-8 NIV84

Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. [5] From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed, from the tribe of Reuben 12,000, from the tribe of Gad 12,000, [6] from the tribe of Asher 12,000, from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000, from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000, [7] from the tribe of Simeon 12,000, from the tribe of Levi 12,000, from the tribe of Issachar 12,000, [8] from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000, from the tribe of Joseph 12,000, from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.

Important points are revealed in this passage.

In verse 4, it states “Then I heard the number of those who had been sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.” The text continues to describe that 12,000 were sealed from each tribe.

This numerical prophecy must be fulfilled exactly as written at the time of the second coming. This is not a figurative number but represents a true count that will be precisely fulfilled as recorded in the scripture.

ONE – 144,000 from 12 Tribes: New Spiritual Isreal

The Fulfillment of 144,000

The requirement states there must be 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel, totaling 144,000.


This fulfillment happens in two steps:


Each tribe at Shinchonji Mount Zion must ensure they have at least 12,000 members in their tribe.


Within each tribe, 12,000 members must be sealed. Currently:

– Some tribes have exceeded the requirement with 30,000 or 40,000 members

– Other tribes have not yet reached the goal, having only 11,000 members

– These tribes still need to work to reach the minimum of 12,000

The tribes are distributed worldwide, actively evangelizing to reach these numbers for fulfillment.


Important Note:

Simply being at Mount Zion does not complete the requirement. Each individual must personally complete the work of sealing the book of Revelation in their hearts and minds.

TWO – 12 Tribes Names

The Priests

Now, let’s discuss who these people are: The 144,000.

These individuals will serve as priest-like people. To understand their role better, we need to examine what it means to be a priest and what their responsibilities entail. We can find examples of priestly duties in Malachi chapter two.

Let us explore what a priest has to do.

Malachi 2:5-7 NIV84

“My covenant was with him, a covenant of life and peace, and I gave them to him; this called for reverence and he revered me and stood in awe of my name. [6] True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many from sin. [7] “For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction—because he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty.

A priest has specific responsibilities that remain constant from the Old Testament era until today. The lips of a priest are meant to preserve knowledge, and they have three main duties:

  1. Turn many people from sin
  2. Seek instruction
  3. Keep the covenant

These fundamental duties of a priest were true in the Old Testament times and continue to be true today. The priest must maintain these responsibilities as part of their sacred role.

Names in Prophecy

Here’s the structured and grammatically corrected version while preserving the original vocabulary and meaning:

The Book of Revelation mentions 12,000 from each tribe. In Revelation chapter 7, we see the names of Jacob’s sons listed. To understand why Jacob’s sons’ names appear here, we must recognize that Jacob was outside the kingdom.

The Book of Revelation is a book of prophecy, and within prophecies are parables. Therefore, the names of Jacob’s sons serve as parables.

Previously, when discussing the 7 churches, we learned that God uses elements from both:

  1. The time when the prophecy was recorded
  2. The time before the prophecy was recorded

to speak about future events.

This explains why Revelation contains references to:

– Balaam and Balak from the book of Numbers

– Jezebel from 1st and 2nd Kings

– Babylon, a nation long gone

These names appear in Revelation, a prophecy about the future, because similar events and people will appear spiritually. Israel, too, is used figuratively.

This also signifies God’s redemption of His tribes, which have appeared three times:

  1. In the Old Testament with physical Israel, who betrayed
  2. At the time of the first coming with spiritual Israel, who also betrayed (Revelation 6)
  3. Now at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment with new spiritual Israel

The names of Jacob’s sons are parables, and […] prophesies about […]. We are the tribe of […]. 

Our use of Jesus’ 12 disciples’ names isn’t random (Is it on a whim? Because we felt like it?), but connects to Jesus’s promise in Matthew 19:27-28.

Matthew 19:27-28 NIV84

Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” [28] Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

At the time of renewal of all things, as Jesus spoke about, the fulfillment of Revelations takes place. During this renewal, those who are now spirits – including Jesus himself and his disciples who have died – will be present.

Jesus declared that when He sits on His glorious throne (which figuratively represents a person), at His second coming and the fulfillment of Revelations, His disciples too will sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.

Jesus honored His disciples in this way because they suffered alongside Him, remaining faithful through thick and thin. As a testament to their faithfulness, their names are inscribed on the foundations of the Holy City, New Jerusalem.

Revelation 21:12-14 NIV84

It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. [13] There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. [14] The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The 12 gates are positioned with three on each direction: north, south, east, and west. Each gate represents a tribe, and on the foundations were inscribed the names of the disciples. Mount Zion, Shinchonji, was not established by human whim but was created as if stamped by heaven itself.

In God’s kingdom, everything we do stems from the Bible. There is a specific reason for our actions. People who don’t understand often trip up because when they see us doing things differently, it doesn’t make sense to them.

They say, “That’s weird. Why do they do it like this? I always went to churches that did it differently.”

But our response is simple: we do it because it is written. We do it because it is recorded that it must be done this way.

We will learn more about how Mount Zion operates. It’s beautiful. I am excited for you all to get to see it. It’s something else.

And please study for the test.


Revelation 7:3 NIV84

“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.”

Instructor Review


Revelation 7 describes the newly created 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel, which occurs after the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars detailed in Revelation chapter 6.

Following this judgment, God, Jesus, and heaven commence the work of establishing a new kingdom. Revelation 7 continues to be fulfilled today, and you are evidence of this fulfillment.

Let’s return to the two essential questions raised at the beginning:

  1. Who am I according to the Bible?
  2. Have I been created according to the Bible?

We can now answer these questions. You should be able to declare: “I am part of the 12 tribes. I am striving to be among the 144,000. I am one who is striving to be sealed.” This chapter should be about you personally.

The word “should” is used here with specific intention. Despite good intentions, someone might deviate from their path and end up fulfilling a different passage in Revelation.

Don’t let that happen! Instead, declare: “Revelation 7 is about me.”

This should be our cry. This should be our hope.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 7: The Newly Created Twelve Tribes of the New Spiritual Israel

In our lesson today, we explore Revelation 7, which contrasts with Revelation 6. The phrase “after this” in Revelation 7:1 is significant as it shows the chronological sequence of events in Revelation. This follows the events where the sun, moon, and stars were judged and disappeared from a strong wind, marking the end of one era as the first heaven and first earth betrayed.

In this sequence, four living creatures hold back the four winds of the earth, stopping the judgment for the new creation. This was done to allow the sealing of God’s servants – specifically 144,000 of them. After the sealing was completed, the winds were released again.

An angel brought the seal of God from the east where the sun rises. God is the sun, and where the sun rises becomes the location where God’s work begins – the place of revelation fulfillment. The seal represents God’s word, as referenced in John 1:1, and also refers to the person with the word who ate the open scroll in Revelation 10 – the New John.

Sealing means engraving the word of God in the mind and heart, as mentioned in Hebrews 8:10-12. Being sealed means accepting God’s word and recording it in our hearts and minds. The seal of God that we need today is the prophecies and fulfillment of Revelation. This work of sealing is carried out by both the spiritual realm (God, Jesus, and angels) and through people – specifically the Promised Pastor who received the open scroll in Revelation 10, along with the 12 tribe leaders.

The 12 tribe leaders each seal 12,000 in their respective tribes, totaling 144,000. These 144,000 are the sons of God born of God’s seed, sown by Jesus in the first coming. They are the harvested ones and the first fruits born through the word of truth. These sealed ones have mastered Revelation and will be appointed as pastors for the priest position in God’s new kingdom.

The sealing is crucial for several reasons: it ensures salvation at the appointed time, enables understanding of God’s word, allows us to help others flee from Babylon, and assists in fulfilling God’s prophecies. Those who are sealed become like wheat with seed, not like chaff (just a shell). When sealed with God’s word, we cannot be blown away by the wind, no matter its strength.

Therefore, we must strive to be the reality of the harvested wheat and become part of the new era – the newly created 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


The Newly Created 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel: An In-Depth Exploration of Revelation 7


I. Introduction: Setting the Stage for a New Covenant (Rev 7:1)

  • After the Events of Revelation 6: This section establishes the sequential nature of Revelation, emphasizing that chapter 7 follows the judgment of the former “heaven” (Tabernacle Temple) detailed in chapter 6.
  • Destruction and Transition: The destruction of the Tabernacle Temple symbolizes the end of spiritual Israel and the transition of its members away from God, highlighting the need for a new kingdom.
  • Beginning of New Spiritual Israel: This section introduces Revelation 7 as the ongoing fulfillment of the creation of new spiritual Israel, emphasizing the contemporary relevance and opportunity for listeners to become part of this new covenant.
  • The Sealing of the 144,000 Priests: The ongoing process of sealing 12,000 members from each of the 12 tribes is explained, emphasizing its importance for securing a position within the new spiritual Israel.
  • The Great Multitude in White: While the gathering of a vast multitude is acknowledged, the emphasis remains on striving to become one of the 144,000 priests.

II. The Four Angels and the Significance of the Winds (Rev 7:1-3)

  • Four Angels = The Four Living Creatures: This section identifies the four angels as the four living creatures (archangels) responsible for guarding the four corners of the earth (north, south, east, west).
  • Four Winds = Four Armies: The four winds are interpreted as representing both the angels themselves and the judgment they bring, drawing parallels to biblical references that compare angels to winds and winds to judgment.
  • Winds Stopped for Sealing: The temporary halt of the winds signifies a pause in judgment to allow for the sealing of both the 144,000 and the great multitude.
  • East: The Dawn of God’s Work (Ps 84:11): The angel arriving from the east is interpreted as symbolic of God’s restorative work beginning anew, aligning with Psalm 84:11, which describes God as the sun rising from the east.

III. The Seal of God and the Mark of Satan (Rev 7:2-3)

  • God’s Seal = The Word: This section explains that the seal represents God’s word, drawing parallels to official seals of approval and emphasizing the importance of internalizing God’s word.
  • New John as the Seal: New John, who ate the scroll in Revelation 10, is presented as God’s instrument for sealing others with the understanding of Revelation’s fulfillment.
  • Satan’s Mark: Falsehood and Lies: This section contrasts God’s seal with Satan’s mark, emphasizing that Satan seeks to replace God’s truth with lies and falsehoods, leading people astray.
  • Land and Trees as People: The figurative language of “land” and “trees” is interpreted as representing people, specifically God’s servants, based on biblical references that support this symbolism.
  • The Collaborative Sealing Work: The “we” mentioned in Revelation 7:3 is explained to encompass God, Jesus, angels, and human leaders, highlighting the collaborative nature of the sealing process.
  • Seal on Foreheads: Internalizing the Word (Hebrews 8:10-12): This section explains that the seal on the forehead symbolizes the deep internalization of God’s word, aligning with Hebrews 8:10-12, which describes God’s promise to write His laws on people’s hearts and minds.

IV. The 144,000: Priests of the New Covenant (Rev 7:4-8)

  • Fulfillment of the Prophecy: The specific number of 144,000 (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes) is emphasized as a prophecy that will be fulfilled literally.
  • Two Steps to Fulfillment: The process of fulfilling this prophecy involves first reaching the required number in each tribe and then ensuring that each member within the tribe is sealed.
  • Priestly Responsibilities (Malachi 2:5-7): The role of the 144,000 as priests is explained through Malachi 2:5-7, highlighting their duties to turn people from sin, seek instruction, and keep the covenant.
  • Names in Prophecy as Parables: The use of Jacob’s sons’ names is interpreted as parables within the prophecy, acknowledging that Revelation uses elements from both its own time and previous times to foreshadow future events.
  • Jesus’ Disciples as Judges (Matthew 19:27-28): Jesus’ promise to his disciples in Matthew 19:27-28 is connected to the fulfillment of Revelation, where they will judge the 12 tribes of Israel, emphasizing the significance of their names being inscribed on the foundations of New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:12-14.

V. Conclusion: A Call to Become Part of the New Spiritual Israel

  • Personal Reflection and Declaration: The lesson encourages listeners to personally identify with Revelation 7, declaring themselves as part of the 12 tribes and striving to be among the sealed 144,000.
  • The Importance of Sealing: This section reiterates the importance of being sealed with God’s word, emphasizing the benefits of salvation, understanding, resisting falsehood, and fulfilling prophecy.
  • The Call to Action: The lesson concludes with a call to become the “harvested wheat” and actively participate in the newly created 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.

A Study Guide

The Newly Created 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel: A Study Guide

Short Answer Quiz

Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. What is the significance of the phrase “after this” at the beginning of Revelation 7?
  2. What do the four winds and the four angels holding them back represent in Revelation 7?
  3. Explain the symbolism of the angel coming from the east in Revelation 7:2.
  4. What is the meaning of the “seal” in Revelation 7, and how does it connect to New John?
  5. Contrast God’s seal with Satan’s mark. What do they represent?
  6. What is the symbolic meaning of “land” and “trees” in Revelation 7:3?
  7. Who is involved in the “we” mentioned in Revelation 7:3?
  8. How does Hebrews 8:10-12 relate to the concept of sealing in Revelation 7?
  9. Explain the two steps required for the fulfillment of the 144,000 prophecy.
  10. What is the connection between Jesus’ promise to his disciples in Matthew 19:27-28 and the names of the 12 tribes in Revelation?

Short Answer Quiz: Answer Key

  1. “After this” signifies that the events in Revelation 7 chronologically follow the events of Revelation 6. It marks the end of spiritual Israel, symbolized by the disappearance of the first heaven and first earth.
  2. The four winds represent the four armies of heaven, symbolizing judgment. The four angels holding them back are the four living creatures, acting as commanders in God’s army. This pause in judgment allows for the sealing of the 144,000.
  3. The east is where the sun rises, and in the spiritual realm, God is compared to the sun. The angel coming from the east symbolizes the beginning of God’s new work, a second creation of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.
  4. The seal represents God’s word, specifically the word of Revelation’s fulfillment. New John, who ate the open scroll in Revelation 10, represents this seal and is tasked with sealing others by helping them understand God’s word.
  5. God’s seal represents truth and is imprinted on the hearts and minds of believers through understanding His word. Satan’s mark represents falsehood and lies, leading people away from God’s truth.
  6. “Land” and “trees” are symbolic representations of people, specifically God’s servants who are being sealed with His word.
  7. “We” refers to the collective effort of God, Jesus, angels, and the 12 tribe leaders working through chosen people to seal the 144,000.
  8. Hebrews 8:10-12 describes God’s promise to write his laws on the hearts and minds of his people in the new covenant. This parallels the concept of sealing in Revelation 7, where God’s word is imprinted on believers through understanding and acceptance.
  9. First, each tribe at Shinchonji Mount Zion needs to have at least 12,000 members. Second, within each tribe, 12,000 members must individually complete the work of sealing the book of Revelation in their hearts and minds.
  10. In Matthew 19:27-28, Jesus promises his disciples that they will judge the 12 tribes of Israel in the renewal of all things. This connects to the names of the 12 tribes in Revelation, indicating that the 12 tribes represent the new spiritual Israel established through the work of Jesus and his disciples.

Essay Questions

  1. Analyze the contrasting relationship between Revelation 6 and Revelation 7. How do these chapters contribute to the overarching narrative of Revelation?
  2. Discuss the significance of the sealing process in Revelation 7. What are its implications for believers, both individually and collectively?
  3. Explore the symbolism of the number 144,000 in Revelation 7. How does this number relate to the concept of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel?
  4. Explain the role of New John in the sealing process described in Revelation 7. How does his experience in Revelation 10 connect to his task in this chapter?
  5. Compare and contrast the concept of God’s seal and Satan’s mark. How do these concepts contribute to the spiritual warfare theme present in Revelation?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • After This: A phrase in Revelation indicating a chronological sequence of events.
  • Four Winds: Symbolic representation of judgment and God’s army.
  • Four Angels: The four living creatures, acting as commanders in God’s army, holding back the four winds.
  • The East: Symbolic of the beginning of God’s new work, as it is where the sun rises.
  • Seal: Represents God’s word, particularly the word of Revelation’s fulfillment, imprinted on believers’ hearts and minds.
  • New John: The figure who ate the open scroll in Revelation 10 and represents the seal of God’s word in Revelation 7.
  • Satan’s Mark: Represents falsehood and lies, the opposite of God’s seal, leading people astray from truth.
  • Land and Trees: Symbolic representations of people, specifically God’s servants.
  • 144,000: The total number of sealed believers, composed of 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.
  • 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel: The new covenant community formed by God, replacing the former spiritual Israel that betrayed.
  • Shinchonji Mount Zion: The physical location where the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel gather and work towards fulfilling the prophecy.
  • Renewal of All Things: The time when Jesus returns and establishes his kingdom, fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation.


Timeline of Events

Before Revelation 6:

  • Old Testament Era: Physical Israel exists but eventually betrays God.

Revelation 6:

  • Unspecified Time: The sun, moon, and stars fall from the sky, signifying the end of the Tabernacle Temple (TT) era. This represents the end of spiritual Israel.
  • September 1980:Destruction begins, lasting for 42 months.
  • Seven stars (leaders) of TT resign.
  • TT changes its name to Central Isaac Presbyterian Church, symbolizing a change in affiliation.
  • The beast (with seven heads and ten horns) invades, marking the official end of spiritual Israel in God’s eyes.

Revelation 7 (Ongoing):

  • After the events of Revelation 6: God and Jesus begin gathering the elect for a new kingdom.
  • Four living creatures hold back the four winds of the earth, pausing judgment to allow for the sealing of God’s servants.
  • An angel from the east (symbolizing the beginning of God’s work) arrives with God’s seal.
  • Present Day: The 144,000 are being sealed with God’s word, a process still ongoing.
  • Future: The great multitude in white will also be gathered.

Matthew 19:27-28:

  • Future: At the renewal of all things, Jesus will sit on His throne and His twelve disciples will judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

Revelation 21:12-14:

  • Future: The Holy City, New Jerusalem, will have twelve gates inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel and twelve foundations inscribed with the names of the twelve apostles.

Cast of Characters

God: The ultimate authority and creator. He initiates the judgment of spiritual Israel and begins establishing a new kingdom.

Jesus: The Son of God, who will judge the twelve tribes of Israel alongside his disciples at the renewal of all things. He is also referred to as Zerubbabel in the prophecy of Haggai.

Four Living Creatures (Archangels): Angelic beings who hold back the four winds of judgment to allow for the sealing of God’s servants. They act as commanders in God’s army.

Angel from the East: The angel carrying God’s seal. His arrival from the east symbolizes the start of God’s new work.

New John: The individual who received the open scroll in Revelation 10 and is responsible for sealing the 144,000 with the word of God. He represents God’s seal.

144,000: The chosen servants of God from the twelve tribes of new spiritual Israel, who are being sealed with God’s word. They will serve as priests in God’s new kingdom.

Twelve Tribe Leaders: Leaders of the twelve tribes of new spiritual Israel, working alongside New John to seal the 144,000.

Twelve Disciples: Jesus’ original followers, whose names are inscribed on the foundations of the Holy City, New Jerusalem. They will participate in judging the twelve tribes of Israel at the renewal of all things.

Jacob’s Sons: The twelve sons of Jacob, whose names are used as parables in Revelation to represent the twelve tribes of new spiritual Israel.

Satan: The adversary who opposes God and seeks to seal people with his mark of falsehood and lies.

People of the Tabernacle Temple (TT): Members of the spiritual Israel who betrayed God and were judged, marking the end of their era.

Great Multitude in White: A vast number of people from every nation who will also be gathered into God’s new kingdom.


Overview: The Newly Created 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel


Main Themes:

  • Judgment and Renewal: The source interprets Revelation 7 as the beginning of a new era following the judgment of the previous spiritual Israel (symbolized by the Tabernacle Temple) described in Revelation 6. This new era involves the creation of a “New Spiritual Israel.”
  • The Sealing of the 144,000: The source focuses on the selection and sealing of 144,000 individuals (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes) who will serve as priests in this new spiritual order. This sealing is ongoing and involves deeply understanding and internalizing the word of God, specifically the prophecies and fulfillment of Revelation.
  • Contrast Between God’s Seal and Satan’s Mark: The source highlights the distinction between God’s seal, which represents truth and understanding of his word, and Satan’s mark, which symbolizes falsehood and deception. It warns against accepting false interpretations of biblical prophecy.

Most Important Ideas/Facts:

  1. Sequential Events: The events in Revelation 7 follow those in Revelation 6. “After this” in Revelation 7:1 signals a chronological order.
  2. Symbolism: The source heavily relies on interpreting biblical symbolism, such as:
  • Four Angels: Represent the four living creatures or archangels who control the four winds (armies of heaven).
  • Four Winds: Symbolize judgment and destruction, which are held back to allow the sealing to take place.
  • Land, Sea, Trees: Figuratively represent people, particularly those who are God’s servants.
  • Seal: Represents God’s word and the act of internalizing and understanding it.
  • East: Represents the place where God begins his work, symbolizing renewal.
  • Names of Jacob’s Sons: Used as parables to represent the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel.
  1. The Role of the 144,000: These individuals are chosen to be priests in the new spiritual kingdom. Their responsibilities include:
  • Turning people away from sin.
  • Seeking and providing instruction based on God’s word.
  • Keeping the covenant with God.
  1. Fulfillment of Prophecy: The source emphasizes the literal fulfillment of biblical prophecies, including the specific number of 144,000 individuals being sealed.
  2. Ongoing Process: The sealing of the 144,000 is presented as an ongoing process, and the source encourages individuals to actively strive to be among them.

Key Quotes:

  • “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.” (Revelation 7:1)
  • “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” (Revelation 7:3)
  • “This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (Hebrews 8:10)
  • “For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction—because he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty.” (Malachi 2:7)



1. What is the significance of the phrase “after this” at the beginning of Revelation 7?

“After this” indicates a chronological sequence in Revelation, specifically referring to the events that follow Revelation 6. These events describe the judgment and disappearance of the sun, moon, and stars, symbolizing the end of spiritual Israel and the first heaven and first earth due to their betrayal. This marks the transition to a new era and the beginning of God’s work to establish a new kingdom.

2. What is the symbolism behind the four angels holding back the four winds in Revelation 7?

The four angels holding back the winds symbolize a temporary pause in God’s judgment. This pause is crucial to allow for the sealing of God’s servants, specifically the 144,000, before the judgment resumes. The winds themselves represent the forces of judgment and destruction that will be unleashed upon the earth.

3. What is the meaning of the “seal” in Revelation 7, and who carries it?

The seal represents God’s word, specifically the revealed truth and fulfillment found in the Book of Revelation. It also refers to the individual, New John, who received and understood the open scroll in Revelation 10. The angel coming from the east, symbolizing the dawn of a new era and the beginning of God’s work, carries this seal.

4. What does it mean to be “sealed on the forehead” in Revelation 7?

Being “sealed on the forehead” signifies receiving and internalizing the word of God, specifically the prophecies and fulfillment of Revelation. This seal is engraved on both the heart and mind, representing a deep understanding and acceptance of God’s truth. This process is described in Hebrews 8:10-12, where God promises to write his laws on the hearts and minds of his people.

5. Who are the 144,000, and what is their role in God’s kingdom?

The 144,000 represent the first fruits of God’s harvest, composed of 12,000 individuals from each of the twelve tribes of the new spiritual Israel. They are the ones who have been sealed with God’s word and have mastered the understanding of Revelation. Their role is to serve as priests in God’s new kingdom, guiding and teaching the people.

6. Why are the names of Jacob’s sons used to represent the 12 tribes in Revelation 7?

The names of Jacob’s sons are used as parables within the prophecy of Revelation. They represent a spiritual parallel to the physical Israel of the Old Testament and the spiritual Israel of the first coming, both of which betrayed God. This signifies God’s continuous work of redemption throughout history, culminating in the establishment of the new spiritual Israel.

7. Why are the names of Jesus’s 12 disciples connected to the 12 tribes in Revelation?

Jesus promised his disciples that they would sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel at the renewal of all things (Matthew 19:27-28). This promise is fulfilled in Revelation, where the names of the disciples are inscribed on the foundations of the Holy City, New Jerusalem, symbolizing their role as judges and leaders within the new spiritual Israel.

8. Why is it crucial to belong to the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel?

Belonging to the 12 tribes is crucial because God’s kingdom will be established within this new spiritual Israel. Only those who are part of these tribes, having been sealed with God’s word and accepted his truth, will be allowed to enter heaven and dwell with God in his eternal kingdom.

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