[Lesson 108] Rev 6: The Judgement of the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed Part 2

by ichthus

Table of Contents

Those who received judgment were the 7 stars (pastors/leadership) and the saints/congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple because they did not repent after receiving the letters/messages from Jesus in Revelation 2-3, which warned them about their spiritual failings. The martyrs, those killed for upholding the Word of God and their faithful testimony, cried out seeking vengeance for the shedding of their blood. The white robe given to them symbolizes that their righteous actions and unwavering devotion are acknowledged by God. Symbolically, the sun, moon, and stars represent the pastors, evangelists, and saints of the Tabernacle Temple (the former spiritual Israel). Their falling and going dark symbolizes their betrayal and lack of repentance after receiving the letters from Jesus in Revelation 2-3, marking the end of the era of spiritual Israel as they have fallen away from their appointed place in heaven. This connects to prophecies about celestial bodies going dark before the coming day of the Lord.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 6:6 NIV84

Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

The Yeast of Heaven.

Revelation is the most precious time in all of God’s work because it is the last of God’s work. All that is left is the work of recreation. It will be done on earth as it is in heaven, this means, we have to be born of his seed.


The Book of Revelation marks the final chapter of the Bible, with no additional books following it. This is where God’s ultimate victory is achieved. Throughout 6,000 years of God’s work on earth, the Bible has served as our compass, guiding us in life to overcome and defeat Satan by exposing his methods of working in our lives.

We are considered the most blessed among all people because we have access to understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We are even more blessed now as we receive the oil and the wine – the explanation of the word and the testimony.

In Revelation 6, we learned about the judgments taking place. God chose us from the field because He wants us to be part of His kingdom rather than part of the judgment. As we move forward to study Revelation 7, we will learn how God recreates His final people – those who have no lie in them, meaning they know God completely and truthfully.

This work of recreation is about completely recreating your spirit to be perfect according to the word in God’s eyes. That’s why we’re here in class to learn. If God says this is possible, then it truly is. The instructions for this recreation are written in the Book of Revelation, which details God’s final work of how He recreates a kind of people, a priest that will rule with Him forever.

All that remains is this work of recreation, which is accomplished through being reborn of the seed – being reborn through the word of God.

Glory to God for that beautiful promise.


Glory to God. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Lord’s Day, this beautiful Sunday.

Today has been wonderful, despite the sweltering heat in Atlanta – and I’m sure it’s even hotter in other places. As we dive into Revelation chapter 6, things are about to heat up here as well with more action-packed content.

Rev 6: The Judgement of the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed Part 2

Previous Lesson Review


Last time, we examined the first 4 of the 7 seals that were being opened.

ONE – Revelation 6: Judgment of Sun, Moon and Stars

We focused on the first four seals in their opening sequence.

TWO – First 4 Seals: Judgment by 4 Living Creatures

The judgment is executed by the four living creatures. Each Living Creature says “Come,” and then a horse with its rider appears.

The next 2 seals follow a different pattern.

THREE – 5th Seal: Martyrs Cry Out

The 5th seal represents the crying out of the martyrs.

FOUR – 6th Seal: End of Era (Spiritual Israel)

The 6th seal, in summary, marks the end of an era.


Summary of the Seals:

– First four seals: Judgment carried out by the four living creatures

– Fifth seal: The crying out of the martyrs

– Sixth seal: The end of an era


We will examine these in greater detail today.

To review our previous coverage: Revelation 6 occurs after the events of Revelation 4 and 5, following the sending of the letters. The people did not heed the warnings contained in those letters.

God initiates the opening of the seals by giving the sealed book (which we saw in Revelation 5) to Jesus, who now proceeds to open the seals of that book.

The Core Points of Revelation 6

  1. Rev 6 Judgment due to lack of repentance
  2. Why Judged? Rev 2-3
  3. Jesus judges through the 4 Living Creatures
  4. Location of Rev 6: Tabernacle Temple (TT)
  5. Jesus Opens = Jesus Fulfills
  6. New John Witnesses
  7. End of an Era (Spiritual Israel)

The judgment occurs due to the lack of repentance. The reason for this judgment is specifically because they did not repent after receiving the letters mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3.

Jesus executes this judgment through the four living creatures. These events take place at the Tabernacle Temple (TT). When it states “Jesus opens,” this represents Jesus fulfilling prophecy.

New John is present to witness these events, allowing him to testify to their fulfillment. Revelation 6 represents the conclusion of an era, which connects to our previous discussion about contrasting chapters.

The 3 sets of contrasting chapters in Revelation:

  1. Revelation 6 and Revelation 7
  2. Revelation 13 and Revelation 14
  3. Revelation 18 and Revelation 19

In the Book of Revelation, there is a significant contrast between consecutive chapters. Each pair of chapters represents opposing spiritual conditions:

When comparing chapters:

– Revelation 6 represents the end of spiritual Israel

– Revelation 7 represents the beginning of new spiritual Israel


– Revelation 13 represents those receiving the mark of the beast

– Revelation 14 represents those receiving God’s seal who can sing the new song


– Revelation 18 represents marriage with the devil, demons, and Babylon

– Revelation 19 represents marriage with the Lamb and the spirits of heaven

The placement of these contrasting chapters next to each other is very important. This understanding serves as a review before examining the 4 seals again, followed by seals 5 and 6.


The Judgement

The judgment is directed at the 7 stars and their congregation members. There is a principle: where the head goes, the body follows.

Think about it – has anyone ever experienced their body leaving their head behind, or their head separating from their body? Of course not – that would mean death.

This same principle applies spiritually: when there is a separation between the head and body, it results in death. In a church context, when the head (leadership) is gone, the entire church suffers. This is why churches quickly try to replace leadership when there’s a vacancy – to ensure the church’s survival and continued growth.

Some of you may have experienced such leadership transitions and understand the turmoil it creates. A similar situation occurred with these people – there was a transition of heads in authority because the beast came and took their power. However, this was permitted to happen because they did not repent after receiving the letters.

And now, judgment is coming.


Comparing to the story of Jonah

The story presents an interesting contrast to Jonah’s narrative. When God planned to judge Nineveh, He ensured they would first understand their wrongdoings. This made Jonah’s role as a messenger crucial – he needed to testify to the people of Nineveh.

By God’s grace, when the Ninevites heard about their sins, they repented, and their situation changed. However, consider this scenario: if the people had rejected Jonah, saying “get out of here,” Jonah would have told God, “I told you these people are awful. Look what they did to me.”

It’s noteworthy that even after the people’s repentance, Jonah remained angry with them – he didn’t like the Ninevites. Had they dismissed Jonah’s message, their judgment likely would have been as severe as Sodom and Gomorrah’s.

This demonstrates that everyone receives a chance, but when someone refuses it by saying “no, thank you,” judgment must follow because God and Jesus are just.

Revelation 6:1-8 | 1st – 4th Seals


Let’s review the first 4 seals before examining seals 5 and 6.

When each of the first four seals were opened, one of the four living creatures said “come.” With each command, a rider and a horse appeared.

The first appearance was a rider on a white horse. In this specific case, we know the identity of both the rider and the horse: Jesus was the rider, and New John was the white horse.


  1. The rider on the white horse is Jesus. And the horse is a person is a flesh. And the flesh in this case is New John.
  1. Then we see a rider on a red horse
  2. A rider on a black horse and
  3. A rider on a pale horse

Each of the riders holding a different tool of judgment.

To summarize the first three tools, what can you summarize them by?

  1. The bow
  2. The sword, and
  3. The scales

You can summarize them all as the word. The word that judges and weighs. That’s how you can kind of summarize all three tools together.


The word that judges and weighs (Tools 1-3)

Through the mouth of New John and his helpers, the word of judgment is weighing those who betrayed. They declare to these people: “This is what is happening to you – you need to repent and turn back to Jesus.”

When people hear this message, their hearts begin to shake, questioning: “What did we betray? Is it true? Is what he’s saying right?”

However, some rejected him, saying “Get out of here!” They didn’t call him John, but used his name instead. To those who refused to hear these words he was speaking, judgment began to come upon them.


Tool 4 – Death (4th Seal)

When examining the 4th seal, we see death and Hades being introduced. It’s important to remember that death and Hades are the keys that Jesus holds.

This judgment is one that Jesus permits upon the people. The rider carries the title of death, similar to the angel of death during the time of Exodus. This is not Satan’s angel, but rather God’s angel.

The angel called death has a specific duty – the duty of killing. We can see a parallel example of this in Ezekiel 9:4-6. (Though we don’t have time to read it today, please read it later.)

This judgment falls upon those who do not repent – they are the ones who face death. However, it’s crucial to understand that this killing is spiritual in nature, not physical. It refers to the death of the spirit.


Those who don’t repent.

The angel called death kills their spirits, and Hades follows closely behind. Hades acts as a collector who gathers and cleans up those who have been killed, like a trash person collecting the dead who have fallen.

Beast of the Earth (BFE) – Destroyer

The reality is that these spirits work through someone who was physically present to carry out the killing. 

This person can be described as beast-like, specifically referring to the beast of the earth (BFE) mentioned in Revelation 13 and Revelation 11. This entity acts as a destroyer, killing through falsehood – using false teachings and false word.


Comparing to Adam and Eve Story

When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their spirits died instantly, which is how the enemy kills people’s spirits. This spiritual death became evident through their immediate behavioral changes.

Their transformation was clear: they started hiding from God, blamed one another instead of taking responsibility, and became prideful. They also became aware of their nakedness – not in a positive sense. 

This instant spiritual change eventually led to their physical death. However, the original plan was for them to live eternally – for Adam and Eve to still be alive today. That was God’s intention during that time.


One more detail – A fourth of the earth. 

Before we move on to seal number 5, there is a detail that I did not cover that I want us to cover. Let’s read together the fourth seal in Revelation 6.

Revelation 6:7-8 NIV84

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” [8] I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Understanding the Fourth Part of Earth

When we examine closely, a fourth of the earth was killed by sword, famine, and plague. But we need to understand what this “earth” represents. This earth refers to the first heaven and first earth, but not in a literal sense.

The earth or soil is figurative, as shown in Luke 8 where it represents people’s hearts (the parable of the 4 fields). In this context, the earth represents people or saints, while the tabernacle represents heaven.

Mathematical Understanding:

A fourth of them dying means that out of all people, a fourth was first killed spiritually. 

This indicates that the teachings weren’t accepted by everyone simultaneously. It took time for the teachings to take root in people’s hearts. This first quarter was killed spiritually, while three-quarters (75%) remained.

Timeline of Spiritual Death:

In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus mentions some congregations where:

– Some hate the teachings of the Nicolaitans

– Some tolerate that woman Jezebel

– Some have eaten the teachings or committed sexual immorality

The acceptance of these false teachings was gradual.

People gradually began to accept these false teachings. Initially:

– One quarter (25%) accepted

– Three quarters (75%) remained faithful

The remaining three-fourths face death in stages through Revelation chapters 8, 9, and 12:

  1. An additional third dies (Revelation 8)
  2. Another third dies (Revelation 9)
  3. The final third dies (Revelation 12)

Note on Biblical Mathematics:

Some might question why it’s expressed as “one-third” rather than “one-fourth.” This is simply how the Bible presents these proportions, referring to thirds of the remaining people after Revelation 6.

This understanding connects to the letters in Revelation, showing how people gradually accepted false teachings over time.

In Revelation 6, a fourth of people die spiritually. Then, from those who remain, a third die spiritually at different points, continuing this pattern through subsequent chapters until Revelation 12, where everyone has died spiritually. This progression shows the tragic spiritual death that occurs:

  1. A fourth die (Revelation 6)
  2. A third of the remaining die
  3. A third of those still remaining die
  4. By Revelation 12, a third of the final remaining group die, completing the total spiritual death

This mathematical progression demonstrates the sad fate that befalls the people throughout these chapters of Revelation.

Revelation 6:9-11 | 5th Seal

Now, let’s proceed to examine the fifth seal. We will understand the significance of these numbers and why I dedicated time to explaining them.

Revelation 6:9-11 NIV84

When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. [10] They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” [11] Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.

During the opening of the 5th seal, we see the martyrs appear.

The Martyrs – Avenge our Blood!

Revelation Chapter 6:9 – “When he opened the 5th seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained.”

This passage reveals the martyrs positioned under the altar before God’s throne. These martyrs are crying out to God, pleading “Avenge us! Avenge our blood!”

Looking at verse 9 more deeply, these martyrs are specifically from the time of the first coming – those who fell asleep in Christ during that era. They are now in heaven, in the spiritual world, speaking directly to God.

Revelation 6:10-11 continues: “They called out in a loud voice, ‘How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?’ Then each of them was given a white robe and they were told to wait a little longer until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed has been completed.”

The remaining number that had to be killed was 75%. These were referred to as their brethren. They are called brothers because they once possessed the word of Christ, but they did not repent, so judgment had to come upon them.

The martyrs’ cry comes from witnessing those who once had the word being killed spiritually. The avenging of blood could not occur until the complete number designated to be killed was fulfilled.

Let’s break down each thing:

I’ll help structure this while preserving the exact vocabulary and key messages. Here’s the organized version:

ONE – Altar before God’s Throne (Rev 4)

The altar mentioned is located before God’s throne, which is the same location described in Revelation chapter 4, situated in heaven in the spiritual world.

TWO – Martyrs receives White Robes (Rev 19:8)

The martyrs are given white robes, which represents the righteous acts of the saints. This is an acknowledgment of their actions during the first coming. Their actions are deemed righteous, and as a result, they receive white robes to wear. They are instructed to wait a little longer until the complete number of those who were to be killed is fulfilled. They cry out, “avenge our blood.”

THREE – Inhabitants of earth – The Destroyers that invaded

The inhabitants of the earth continue their same patterns of behavior – they are the same people who killed the martyrs. 

Instructor Nate, this is Revelation’s fulfillment. How did the people who exist in our time kill the martyrs 2,000 years ago? How is that possible?

The people in our present time are connected to those who killed the martyrs 2,000 years ago through the same spirit at work. 

The inhabitants of the earth are the destroyers – the ones who invaded. 

This is why they are called “inhabitants” – they have invaded and now inhabit the place they conquered. 

This follows the historical pattern of all conquering nations: they come, conquer a territory, and leave their people behind to maintain control of that location.

In each Era

Satan’s destructive spirit has been consistently working throughout history, beginning with Adam and Eve’s spiritual death, and then manifesting in Abel’s physical death as the first recorded murder in the Bible. This same evil spirit has operated through different individuals across every era. Jesus himself drew this parallel in Matthew 23 when he pronounced judgment on the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Let us examine Matthew 23 to see this example that Jesus provided.

Matthew 23:33-35 NIV84

“You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? [34] Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. [35] And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.

Jesus was addressing the Pharisees and Sadducees when He said “whom you murdered.” These people were not physically present during the murders of Abel, the prophets, or Zechariah and Barakiah. However, Jesus was actually speaking to the spirit that was present during all these events.

People inherit both the title and responsibilities of the spirit that uses them. Therefore, when Satan’s spirit uses a person, they become guilty of the actions they commit under that influence.

This is what Jesus meant in this context. This is also what the martyrs cry out about – the same spirit that continues to kill righteous people.

They cry “How long, sovereign Lord?” until God ends this. But God’s response was “not yet,” as His word must be fulfilled.

FOUR – Blood Avenged

The avenging of blood takes place in the book of Revelation. While we are currently discussing Revelation chapter 6, the full judgment occurs in three parts – one-third at a time – as described in Revelation chapters 8, 9, and 12. These events are yet to take place.

The judgment will occur where the Tabernacle Temple is located. God’s judgment brings about this avenging, which is specifically detailed in Revelation chapters 16 and 18, chapters we will examine later.

Revelation 6:12-17 | 6th Seal

Revelation 6:12-17 NIV84

I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, [13] and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. [14] The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. [15] Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. [16] They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! [17] For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”

Let’s break down what’s going on here.

The Heaven is leaving the people (Go dark and fall)

The opening of the 6th seal reveals a great earthquake, accompanied by the sun, moon, and stars going dark and falling. This topic, which has been previously mentioned in parables and intermediate discussions, will now be examined in detail.

During this event, not only do the celestial bodies darken and fall, but the sky also recedes like a scroll. This brings us to an important question: What is the significance of the sun, moon, and stars going dark in fall, and what broader meaning does this carry?

The darkening and falling of these celestial bodies represents betrayal. These heavenly bodies – the sun, moon, and stars – should naturally be positioned in the sky, in heaven, where they belong. Their falling indicates they are departing from their proper place.

The description of the sky receding like a scroll is particularly significant because the sky represents heaven. When the sky recedes like a scroll, it means heaven is departing from these people – a dire situation indeed.

The reason for their darkening and falling is clear: they betrayed and did not repent. This explains why they went dark and fell from their positions.


Story of Joseph

Genesis 37:9-11 NIV84

Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” [10] When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” [11] His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.

Let’s examine this in more detail.

This dream belongs to Joseph, who was one of Jacob’s sons. Joseph was specifically the 11th son of Jacob, and the first child born to Rachel, Jacob’s true love. By the time of this dream, Benjamin, the last son, had already been born.

Joseph was known as a dreamer, and God blessed him with many dreams. In this particular vision, being the 11th son, Joseph saw a representation of his family. It’s important to note that Jacob’s family would later become the physical Israelites.

In the dream, there were specific figurative representations:

– The sun represents Jacob (the father)

– The moon represents the mother

– The stars represent the 11 brothers

Together, these celestial bodies – the sun, moon, and stars – represent the chosen people, which was Jacob’s family.

The Chosen People

The Bible consistently shows a logical pattern where the sun, moon, and stars represent God’s chosen people. 

Throughout Scripture, God maintains this figurative representation without changing its meaning. These celestial bodies – the sun, moon, and stars – symbolize those whom God has appointed, and their proper dwelling place is meant to be in heaven.

This symbolism presents a small microcosm that reflects all of God’s chosen people, whose true home should be in the heavenly realm.

So the modern day version of this is the sun, moon, and stars of the tabernacle of heaven.

  1. The sun is the one whose job it is to deliver the light – the pastor.
  1. The moon is the one whose job is to reflect the light of the sun – the evangelists.
  1. The stars are those who take the light and continue to reflect it themselves, for which there should be countless in number – the saints.

So the sun, moon, and stars are the pastors, evangelists, and saints. Pastors, evangelists, and saints – in a tabernacle that is heaven.

At the Tabernacle Temple (TT)

ONE – Great Earthquake

In the spiritual heaven, specifically at the Tabernacle Temple, there was a great earthquake. This earthquake was not physical, but rather represented what was happening as people were hearing these words. Something was shaking.

What exactly was shaking? It was the hearts of the people in the TT (Tabernacle Temple). Their hearts were shaking as they began to realize and understand what was happening to them. This realization came as the testimony of these events was being made known to them.

As this understanding dawned on them, something significant took place, as described in Revelation chapter 6.

TWO – Sun, Moon and Stars (Daniel 12:3)

In Revelation chapter 6, following the earthquake, the sun, moon, and stars were affected. These celestial bodies fell, shaken by a strong wind. 

The wind here has specific meaning – it represents angels and the judgment they bring. It was specifically noted as a strong wind.

THREE – Mountain and Island Removed

When verse 14 describes “the sky receded like a scroll rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place,” this has a figurative meaning related to churches and organizations.

Specifically, this refers to the church of the 7 stars. In this context:

– The mountain represents the headquarters (HQ)

– The islands represent the branch churches

To understand this better:

An island is essentially a mountain surrounded by water. If all the water were removed, an island would appear as a large mountain.

The structure of branch churches works like this:

  1. A branch church is established in a location
  2. That location becomes the centerpiece
  3. The HQ aims to grow by:

   – Sending out “mini mountains” into areas like the sea

   – Bringing people out of the sea in that location

   – Establishing more branches surrounded by the sea

However, when the text mentions mountains and islands being removed, it signifies:

– Their position of authority is being taken away

– Their authority is being destroyed

FOUR – Rock and Caves (Babylon’s Organization, churches), People Flee

In Revelation 6:15-16, people are being removed from their God-given place and fleeing to a different location not designated by God. These people specifically flee into rocks and caves. 

A cave represents darkness, as it is essentially an inverted mountain. Both rocks and caves lack light within them. These people seek to hide themselves from God’s wrath in these dark places.

These rocks and caves are figurative – they represent Babylon’s organizations, specifically Babylon’s churches where there is no light. 

These are churches that lie in falsehood, and people flee to these locations for refuge. This is not a good situation.

Quick Review

Quick Review

Let’s review what we’ve covered so far about the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars of the former heaven that betrayed (Part 2).

We are examining what happened to specific people who were in the first heaven and first earth, who are now being judged. Looking at the fifth and sixth seals, we see in the fourth, fifth, and sixth seal the introduction of how these people will be judged. 

Judgment means the killing of the spirit – the spirit that was once alive is now dying, similar to what happened to Adam and Eve who did not repent of their sin, and the same logic applies to others who did not repent.

With the fifth seal, we see the martyrs crying out, “avenge our blood, O Lord.” Each of the martyrs received a white robe, acknowledging their actions as righteous. 

They are told to wait until the number of those who had to be judged was completed – the remaining three thirds, the remaining 75% of people that needed to be judged. 

This happened because the destroyers had invaded. Those who are being used by Satan, who has killed every righteous person in the Bible, are now using a new group of people to do it spiritually. 

Their blood will be avenged after Revelation 8, 9, and 12 play out, and the killing of the remaining one third, one third, and one third takes place. 

God will avenge the martyrs and those who had died. That avenging, or judging, will take place in Revelation 16, 17, and 18, which we will see when we get to those chapters.

The sixth seal represents the end of an era. 

The sun, moon, and stars that are supposed to be in heaven fall to the earth because they did not repent. Heaven, that was supposed to be with them, is now gone. 

The sky receded like a scroll. A great earthquake took place as the people’s hearts began to shake. 

Every mountain and island was removed from its place – the HQ and the branch churches, of which there were several dozen, over 70 branch churches at that time, began to shake too. 

Instead of returning to God and repenting, they fled into the mountains, rocks, and caves of Babylon, saying, “hide us, protect us from the wrath of God.” Really sad to see.

This really is the end of spiritual Israel.

FIVE – End of One Era, Beginning of a New Era (Rev 7)

Revelation 6 represents the conclusion of one era, while Revelation chapter 7 marks the beginning of a new era. 

These chapters demonstrate the transition between different time periods. This timeline specifically relates to Israel’s relationship [with God], which is the central focus of these passages.

Start of Physical Israel, Ex 19:5-6

God’s promise to Abraham marked the beginning of physical Israel. This promise began its fulfilment through Moses, who received the law from God. Moses’ responsibility was to deliver this law to the 12 tribes of physical Israel.

Throughout their timeline, physical Israel faced numerous challenges while attempting to follow God’s laws. They struggled significantly, largely due to Satan’s deliberate attempts to make them stumble through various temptations. 

These temptations came in two forms:

  1. Internal temptations: As seen in Exodus 32, when the people created the golden calf during Moses’ absence on the mountain.
  1. External temptations: When Gentile nations approached them with their women, wines, gods, and crafts, causing Israel to repeatedly stumble.

This pattern of stumbling continued until the time of the prophets. The events described in 1 Kings 11, where Solomon worshipped Gentile gods, became the final turning point. As a result, God permitted Assyria and Babylon to ravage and destroy His people.

God then began communicating His future plans through the prophets – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel – revealing His intention to start anew.

End of Physical Israel, Joel 2:28-32, Isa 13:10.

Now we will examine Joel chapter 2, which comes directly after the book of Hosea in the Bible. 

In this chapter, we can find an example of prophecies that demonstrate God’s intention to make a new beginning.

Joel 2:28-32 NIV84

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. [29] Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. [30] I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. [31] The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. [32] And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

When you truly grasp the Bible’s logic, you notice the same patterns appearing throughout. Even when reading a verse for the first time, or after a long time, you can say, “I understand that logic.”

We discussed this before – recognizing who God is talking about in different passages. I hope you’re experiencing this more frequently as you study the Old Testament.

Let’s look at what we see here:

God declared in Joel 2, “and afterwards, I will pour out my spirit.” This passage is significant because Apostle Peter quoted it in Acts 2 during the day of Pentecost. This was when God began pouring out His spirit upon the people. The spirit was initially poured out through Jesus, and then upon the disciples as well, including Matthias who replaced Judas.

God poured out His spirit on these people because He planned to do something new with them – something that hadn’t happened before.

Furthermore, in Joel 2:30, it states: “I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.”

And Joel 2:31 continues: “The sun will turn to darkness, and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful coming of the Lord.”

Start of Spiritual Israel, Jn 1:11-13

When Jesus came for those living in darkness, it was truly dreadful. The arrival of the light was especially difficult for many people to accept.

For the survivors mentioned in Joel 2:32, it was a great moment because the Lord had come. This day of the Lord marked Jesus’ first coming appearance.

At Jesus’ first coming, as described in John 1:11-13, we see that “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” However, to all who received him, to all who called upon his name (as stated in verse 32), they were given the right to become children of God. These people were not born of human decision or husband’s will, but born of God. This fulfilled God’s plan of starting something new with Christ’s appearance.

Jesus himself prophesied about the end, speaking of the sun, moon, and stars falling again. During the first coming, we entered securely into the era of spiritual Israel. People were no longer born in the normal natural way (which was common in this era), but were being born of the Spirit.

In this new era, people from all over the world could become part of God’s plan, as the disciples were sent worldwide to preach the gospel. This created a spiritual Israel, and people from physical Israel could certainly be part of this spiritual Israel. The disciples themselves were those survivors from physical Israel.

This addresses the arguments about replacement – God continues to work through the descendants of Abraham.

End of Sipiritual Israel, Mt 24:29-32, Rev 6:12-14.

The concept focuses on those born of the promise, highlighting a transition from physical to spiritual rights that applies to all. Jesus prophesied about this transition coming to an end through different parables and signs.

Jesus provided prophecies through the parable of the farmer and his field. Additionally, in Matthew 24, He gave signs involving the falling of the sun, moon, and stars.

Matthew 13 contains the parable of the sower, which further illustrates this message. In this parable, Jesus sowed good seed in his field, but the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.

While this passage has been read many times, it essentially conveys the same message about the transition from physical to spiritual inheritance.

Matthew 24:29-31 NIV84

“Immediately after the distress of those days ” ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ [30] “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. [31] And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Did we see the parallels of Matthew 13 when reading this? 

The parable of the field and the parable of the sower – where two seeds are sown in the same field. Who are the harvesters of that field? The angels. Jesus is telling us the same thing here in verse 31. That’s the harvest – the same event.

He gave us the prophecies of the farmer and his field, and in Matthew 24, the falling of the sun, moon, and stars as a sign. 

And in Matthew 13, which is the parable of the sower – Jesus sowed good seed in his field, but the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat. We’ve read that passage many times, and this is essentially saying the same thing.

The Field is not our Destination

When we look at what happened 2,000 years ago, there was a newly established sun that must come to an end. This indicates that spiritual Israel and the field are not our final destinations.

Our true destination is the barn – Mount Zion. One cannot remain in the current place and expect to be justified before God in the end times.

God will remind us of Matthew 24:15-16, where He warned, “When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place… flee.” He might ask, “Why didn’t you flee when I told you to?”

What will be our response to God? Will we say, “It was strange to me” or “It was different from what I learned before” or “I felt uncomfortable”? 

Consider this: Were the disciples comfortable? Were the early Christians comfortable? God didn’t call us to be comfortable – He called us to be in the specific place He designated.

At the time of the second coming, there will be new 12 tribes celebrating because:

  1. They have come out of Babylon
  2. They are where God asked them to be
  3. They are witnessing the end of God’s plan – His 6,000-year work

Let this be your story. If you’re still struggling with things in your heart, pray like the man whose son was demon-possessed, asking God to help your unbelief.

Now is the time – we’re in the era of new spiritual Israel. People will come from the north, south, east, and west to take their seats. You must be among them.

Continue Study for the Test

Continue to study the test questions thoroughly. There are some bigger updates coming soon that we will share later. Things are going to become more exciting as our class may grow slightly – consider this a small teaser for now.

When reviewing, it’s important to focus on the main points. While we share many details during our verse-by-verse study, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Instead, concentrate on identifying the three to five most important points from each chapter that you need to remember. The review we cover at the beginning of each lesson typically highlights these key points.

Regarding the tests, there is substantial content and numerous questions. Focus on understanding why specific answers are correct. Some questions, like question two, may not be clear yet because we haven’t covered those topics. I acknowledge this, and we will address these questions that relate more to actual reality later.

For other questions, concentrate on comprehending why certain answers are correct. If something isn’t clear, use it as a discussion point with your evangelist during your next meeting. For example, you might say, “I was reviewing question five – I understand the first two sub-questions, but the third one doesn’t make sense. Can we discuss it?”

This approach will help us master the test together. We will soon have a dedicated test review session where we’ll spend the entire class going through all test questions before the actual test.


Revelation 6:12-13 NIV84

I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, [13] and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

Instructor Review


We examined the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars of the former heaven that betrayed. Upon their betrayal, they were judged.

The judgment was first executed by the four living creatures who sent the four forces. They carried out the judgment using the word, and God used death in Hades. Jesus also used death in Hades to kill the spirits of the people and carry them away.

In Revelation 6, the first to die was a fourth. Of the remaining three-fourths, a third died in each subsequent chapter:

– A third in Revelation 8

– A third in Revelation 9

– A third in Revelation 12

In the fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11), we see the martyrs crying out because of their brothers’ death. God tells them to wait a little longer for the rest to be judged, as this needs to take place. This is because the inhabitants of the earth had taken over the territory.

These people will be judged in Revelation 16 and 18.

In the sixth seal, three events occur:

  1. The sun, moon, and stars go dark and fall
  2. A great earthquake happens
  3. The pastors, evangelists, and saints lose their position of authority from heaven

Heaven has left them, and they have run into the mountains and caves of Babylon – the false organizations and false churches. This represents the end of spiritual Israel.

The tabernacle temple was the representative of all spiritual Israel, as they had received the word directly from Jesus about the second coming. However, they failed, which symbolized all of spiritual Israel failing simultaneously.

Therefore, God needs to bring a new spiritual Israel – new 12 tribes comprised of people from every tribe, people, language, and nation, from the north, south, east, and west. These people will take their seats in the kingdom of heaven.

Let that be you.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation Chapter 6 contains many judgments, and we will review it in detail. Let’s begin with a summary in parable form of what occurs in this chapter.

In Revelation 6, seven messengers were chosen by Jesus and had a covenant with God. These messengers were doing God’s work and Jesus’s work. However, they were deceived by Satan’s pastors.

Throughout 6,000 years of history, whenever God begins His work, Satan attempts to snuff out the light. Satan continuously tries to interfere and intervene in God’s work because he doesn’t want God to take back the creation that he stole from God. The messengers who originally belonged to God and did His work were deceived by the pastors of the world.

In Revelation 2-3, these messengers were given letters to repent. Jesus urged them by:

  1. Identifying Himself to them
  2. Telling them their condition
  3. Giving them promises – “If you overcome, I will bless you like this”

However, instead of repenting, they chose to reject Jesus’s letters. As a result, Revelation 6 contains their judgment.

The first seal reveals a white horse, who represents New John. It’s important to understand that the horse represents the flesh, and the rider represents the spirit. Jesus carries out the work of fulfillment through the four living creatures in heaven.

In the spiritual realm, we see God and Jesus on the throne, along with the seven spirits and 24 elders. There are also four living creatures that Jesus uses to fulfill the work of judgment in Revelation 6.

Jesus is portrayed as the conqueror bent on conquest because He overcame Satan and the world during His first coming, and will fight Satan again at the second coming. He carries a bow, which represents the word.

All three riders carry different weapons:

– First rider: A bow (the word)

– Second rider: A sword (the word)

– Third rider: Scales (to weigh faith and deeds)

The scales demonstrate that we must not only believe but also act according to our beliefs. In Revelation 2, a red horse rider with a sword is given power to take away peace. This is illustrated when peace was taken away in the tabernacle temple – for example, when mother and daughter stopped understanding each other due to different beliefs within the same church. As Jesus said, He came not to bring peace but to bring the sword.

The third rider on a black horse holds scales to measure faith and deeds, determining who was worthy of God’s word. The measurement revealed “a quart of wheat and three quarts of barley” – representing the remnant seed, showing that not many people truly listened, took it to heart, checked scripture, and believed. However, with this remnant seed, Jesus begins the work of Revelation 7. Glory to God for those who overcame the lies.

In Revelation 6:7-8, the fourth seal reveals a rider called Death, with Hades following. This rider was permitted to kill one-fourth of the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple spiritually. They were given over to plagues and beasts of the earth – spiritually speaking, becoming possessions of pastors who were considered as beasts. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith according to scripture.

In Revelation chapter six, the fifth seal reveals martyrs pleading for their blood to be avenged. Jesus acknowledges their efforts but tells them to wait until the judgment is fulfilled.

Glory to God, the winds (judgment) are held back in Revelation chapter seven for a purpose. This allows for those who are harvested from the field to be sealed with the word of God. The angels pull back the winds of judgment for the one hundred and forty-four thousand and the great multitude to come out, which will be studied next week in Revelation chapter seven.

At the end of the picture, we see the sun, moon, and stars growing dark and falling. This represents those who used to belong to God but no longer do, marking the end of spiritual Israel. When something has an end, there must be another – the work of recreation. This is about destroying the old and replanting the new.

Just as John the Baptist was the lampstand who marked the end of physical Israel, and the disciples were like the court wheat and three quart barley (they were the ones who believed in Jesus’s first coming), the same pattern appears in Revelation time. The tabernacle temple marks the era – one era finishing and a new era being created through the work of recreation.

There was a great earthquake, causing people’s hearts to be shaken. Instead of repenting, they flee into caves and rocks, saying “hide us.” They go into rakes (the Gentile churches). This is a picture summary in parable form of Revelation chapter six.

When we go verse by verse and receive the oil for our lamp, it burns bright. We’re able to understand everything well. Glory to God and to all the people that do the work of God to help us understand the word, so we can have complete faith in front of God and He can acknowledge us.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


A Detailed Look at the Fall of Spiritual Israel: An Examination of Revelation 6

I. Introduction and Context

  • A. Core Points of Revelation 6 (Summary: This section outlines seven key concepts that form the foundation for understanding Revelation 6, including the reasons for judgment, the role of the four living creatures, and the presence of New John as a witness.)
  • B. Contrasting Chapters in Revelation (Summary: This section establishes the importance of analyzing paired chapters in Revelation, such as 6 and 7, 13 and 14, and 18 and 19, to grasp the contrasting spiritual conditions they represent.)

II. Judgment Upon the Unrepentant

  • A. The Judgment (Summary: This section delves into the reasons behind the judgment upon the seven stars and their congregations, emphasizing the principle of spiritual death resulting from a separation between leadership and followers.)
  • B. Comparison to the Story of Jonah (Summary: This section draws parallels between the judgment in Revelation 6 and the story of Jonah, highlighting the opportunity for repentance and the just consequences of rejecting it.)

III. Unveiling the Seals: A Breakdown of Judgment

  • A. Revelation 6:1-8 | 1st – 4th Seals (Summary: This section provides an overview of the first four seals, identifying the riders, their horses, and the tools of judgment, symbolizing the power of the word to judge and weigh.)
  • B. The Word that Judges and Weighs (Tools 1-3) (Summary: This section elaborates on the first three seals, emphasizing the power of the word to expose falsehood and pronounce judgment, leading to shaking hearts and questioning.)
  • C. Tool 4 – Death (4th Seal) (Summary: This section focuses on the fourth seal, introducing the concept of spiritual death brought by an angel and the beast of the earth, drawing parallels with Adam and Eve’s fall.)
  • D. Understanding the Fourth Part of Earth (Summary: This section analyzes the concept of “a fourth of the earth” being killed, interpreting it as the spiritual death of a quarter of the people, those initially accepting false teachings.)
  • E. Timeline of Spiritual Death (Summary: This section outlines the progression of spiritual death throughout Revelation, with a fourth dying in chapter 6, followed by a third of the remaining population in chapters 8, 9, and 12, signifying gradual acceptance of falsehoods.)
  • F. Revelation 6:9-11 | 5th Seal (Summary: This section examines the fifth seal, introducing the martyrs crying out for vengeance, highlighting their white robes as symbols of righteousness, and their plea to wait until the full number of the spiritually dead is complete.)
  • G. Breakdown of the 5th Seal: (Summary: This section breaks down the symbolism of the fifth seal into four parts, focusing on the altar, the martyrs and their white robes, the “inhabitants of earth,” and the avenging of their blood in later chapters.)
  • H. Revelation 6:12-17 | 6th Seal (Summary: This section examines the sixth seal, marked by a great earthquake and the darkening and falling of celestial bodies, signifying the departure of heaven and the loss of authority due to betrayal and lack of repentance.)
  • I. The Heaven is Leaving the People (Go Dark and Fall) (Summary: This section interprets the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars as a representation of betrayal and departure from their rightful place in heaven.)
  • J. Story of Joseph (Summary: This section uses the story of Joseph’s dream in Genesis 37 to solidify the symbolism of the sun, moon, and stars representing God’s chosen people.)
  • K. So the Modern Day Version… (Summary: This section applies the symbolism of the sun, moon, and stars to the modern church context, with the sun representing pastors, the moon representing evangelists, and the stars representing the saints.)
  • L. At the Tabernacle Temple (TT): (Summary: This section analyzes the events of the sixth seal, focusing on the earthquake representing shaking hearts, the strong wind signifying angelic judgment, and the removal of mountains and islands symbolizing the loss of authority of church headquarters and branches.)
  • M. Rock and Caves (Babylon’s Organization, Churches), People Flee (Summary: This section interprets the imagery of people fleeing to rocks and caves as seeking refuge in false churches, representing the darkness and falsehood of Babylon’s organizations.)
  • N. Quick Review (Summary: This section summarizes the judgments detailed in seals 4-6, emphasizing spiritual death as a consequence of unrepentance, the martyrs’ plea for vengeance, the completion of the number judged, and the invasion of the “destroyers.”

IV. The End of an Era: From Physical to Spiritual Israel

  • A. FIVE – End of One Era, Beginning of a New Era (Rev 7) (Summary: This section transitions the discussion to the end of spiritual Israel and the beginning of a new era, emphasizing the timeline of God’s relationship with Israel.)
  • B. Start of Physical Israel, Ex 19:5-6 (Summary: This section highlights the beginning of physical Israel through God’s covenant with Abraham, the giving of the law through Moses, and the challenges and temptations faced by the Israelites.)
  • C. End of Physical Israel, Joel 2:28-32, Isa 13:10 (Summary: This section marks the end of physical Israel, citing prophecies in Joel and Isaiah that foretell the destruction of the nation and God’s intention to start anew.)
  • D. Start of Spiritual Israel, Jn 1:11-13 (Summary: This section outlines the start of spiritual Israel with Jesus’ first coming, referencing John 1 and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, enabling people from all nations to become children of God.)
  • E. End of Spiritual Israel, Mt 24:29-32, Rev 6:12-14 (Summary: This section addresses the end of spiritual Israel, referencing Jesus’ prophecies in Matthew and the parable of the sower, highlighting the transition from physical to spiritual inheritance and the need to flee to God’s designated place.)

A Study Guide

Revelation 6 Study Guide


  1. What is the primary reason for the judgment described in Revelation 6?
  2. Who are the four riders, and what do they represent?
  3. Explain the significance of the “fourth part of the earth” being killed in Revelation 6:8.
  4. Who are the martyrs mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11, and what is their plea?
  5. What does the darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars symbolize in Revelation 6:12-13?
  6. Describe the meaning of the “mountains and islands” being removed in Revelation 6:14.
  7. Where do the people flee for refuge, and what do these places represent?
  8. Explain the concept of the “end of an era” and the “beginning of a new era” in the context of Revelation 6 and 7.
  9. How does the story of Joseph and his dream (Genesis 37:9-11) relate to the symbolism of the sun, moon, and stars in Revelation?
  10. What is the overall message and significance of Revelation 6 in the broader narrative of Revelation?

Answer Key:

  1. The judgment in Revelation 6 is due to the lack of repentance from those who received the letters in Revelation 2 and 3.
  2. The four riders symbolize judgment: 1st: Jesus on the white horse (New John) carrying the bow (the word), 2nd: rider on a red horse with a sword (war/conflict), 3rd: rider on a black horse with scales (judging faith and deeds), 4th: Death on a pale horse (spiritual death).
  3. “The fourth part of the earth” represents 25% of the people within the Tabernacle Temple (TT) who were the first to experience spiritual death as a result of accepting false teachings and rejecting the message of repentance.
  4. The martyrs are those slain for their faith during the first coming of Jesus. They cry out to God for vengeance against those who persecuted them, asking “How long, Sovereign Lord?”
  5. The darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars symbolizes the betrayal and departure of those in leadership positions within the TT (pastors, evangelists, and saints). Their darkening represents their rejection of God’s truth, and their falling signifies their removal from their rightful place in heaven.
  6. The “mountains and islands” being removed represent the destruction of the church’s authority and structure. The mountain symbolizes the headquarters of the church, while the islands represent the branch churches.
  7. The people flee to “rocks and caves,” which symbolize the false organizations and churches of Babylon, where there is no light or truth. They seek refuge in these places to hide from God’s wrath.
  8. Revelation 6 marks the end of an era – the end of spiritual Israel represented by the TT and its people. Revelation 7 signifies the beginning of a new era with the emergence of a new spiritual Israel, comprised of people from all nations who have remained faithful to God.
  9. Joseph’s dream, where the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed to him, foreshadows the symbolism in Revelation. The celestial bodies represent God’s chosen people, and their bowing suggests both honor and subservience to God’s plan. Similarly, the sun, moon, and stars in Revelation represent God’s chosen people, and their falling indicates their betrayal and separation from Him.
  10. Revelation 6 depicts the judgment upon those who have betrayed God and refused to repent. It highlights the consequences of rejecting truth and choosing darkness, emphasizing the importance of remaining faithful and obedient to God’s word. It sets the stage for the emergence of a new, faithful people of God in Revelation 7.

Essay Questions:

  1. Analyze the symbolic meaning of the four horsemen and their role in God’s judgment in Revelation 6.
  2. Discuss the concept of spiritual death as presented in Revelation 6, drawing connections to the story of Adam and Eve.
  3. Explore the significance of the martyrs’ cry for vengeance in Revelation 6:9-11. How does this plea connect to the broader themes of justice and judgment in Revelation?
  4. Analyze the imagery of the darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars in Revelation 6:12-13. How does this event contribute to the overall message of the chapter?
  5. Compare and contrast the concepts of “spiritual Israel” and “physical Israel” as presented in Revelation 6. How does the transition between these two concepts contribute to the narrative of God’s plan for humanity?

Glossary of Key Terms:

  • Tabernacle Temple (TT): Represents the spiritual dwelling place of God’s people, symbolizing a community centered on worship and obedience.
  • Sun, Moon, and Stars: Symbolically represent the leaders and followers within the TT. The sun is the pastor, the moon is the evangelists, and the stars are the saints.
  • Spiritual Death: Represents the separation from God and His truth due to sin and unrepentance. It is characterized by a rejection of God’s word and a turning away from His will.
  • Martyrs: Individuals who were killed for their faith in Jesus Christ, specifically those from the time of His first coming. Their plea for vengeance represents the cry for justice against those who persecuted them.
  • Mountains and Islands: Symbolize the established structures and authority of the church, with the mountain representing the headquarters and the islands representing branch churches. Their removal signifies the crumbling of the former spiritual order.
  • Rocks and Caves: Represent false organizations and churches (Babylon) that offer a deceptive refuge from God’s judgment. They symbolize a turning away from the true light and a descent into darkness and falsehood.
  • Spiritual Israel: Refers to the community of believers who are grafted into God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ, regardless of their physical lineage. It represents the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham in a spiritual sense.
  • Physical Israel: Refers to the descendants of Abraham according to the flesh. In Revelation 6, physical Israel’s failure to fully embrace God’s plan leads to the emergence of spiritual Israel.
  • End of an Era: Signifies the conclusion of a period characterized by a particular spiritual state or covenant relationship with God. In Revelation 6, it refers to the end of spiritual Israel represented by the TT and its people.
  • Beginning of a New Era: Represents the commencement of a new period marked by a renewed relationship with God and the establishment of a new covenant community. In Revelation 7, it refers to the emergence of a new spiritual Israel comprised of faithful believers from all nations.


Timeline of Events

This timeline focuses on the spiritual events described in Revelation 6 and their connection to a broader Biblical narrative.

Before the First Coming of Jesus:

  • Ancient Times: Satan’s destructive spirit operates throughout history, from the spiritual death of Adam and Eve to the murder of Abel. This spirit continues to work through various individuals in every era.
  • Time of the Martyrs: Many faithful followers of God are killed for their beliefs. These martyrs cry out for vengeance in the spiritual realm.

First Coming of Jesus:

  • Beginning of Spiritual Israel: Jesus comes to Earth, offering salvation and the chance to become a child of God. This marks the start of spiritual Israel, open to people from all nations.

Events Leading to the End of Spiritual Israel (Revelation 6):

  • Betrayal: The seven messengers of the Tabernacle Temple (representing spiritual Israel) are deceived and betray their covenant with God.
  • Warning Letters: Jesus sends letters to the seven churches (Revelation 2-3), urging them to repent and turn back to Him. They reject his message.
  • Judgement Begins (Four Seals): The Four Living Creatures, under Jesus’ command, unleash judgment upon the Tabernacle Temple.
  • First Seal: New John, the white horse rider, delivers the word of judgment, causing hearts to shake.
  • Second Seal: The red horse rider, wielding a sword (the word), takes away peace and divides people.
  • Third Seal: The black horse rider, holding scales, weighs faith and deeds, revealing a small remnant of true believers.
  • Fourth Seal: Death and Hades are unleashed, killing one-fourth of the congregation members spiritually.
  • Martyrs’ Plea (Fifth Seal): The martyrs in heaven cry out for God to avenge their blood and judge the inhabitants of the Earth. God tells them to wait.
  • End of an Era (Sixth Seal):A great earthquake shakes the spiritual realm, signifying upheaval and change.
  • The sun, moon, and stars (representing the leaders and members of the Tabernacle Temple) darken and fall, signifying their betrayal and separation from heaven.
  • The headquarters and branch churches lose their authority.
  • People flee to the “rocks and caves” of false churches and organizations for protection from God’s wrath.

Future Events:

  • Judgment Continues (Revelation 8, 9, 12): The remaining three-fourths of those who betrayed God will be judged in stages.
  • Avengeance of the Martyrs (Revelation 16, 18): God will avenge the martyrs and those who died spiritually.
  • New Spiritual Israel: God will establish a new spiritual Israel, made up of people from every nation who remain faithful.

Cast of Characters

Key Figures:

  • Jesus: The central figure, enacting judgment upon those who betrayed Him. He is portrayed as the conqueror who will ultimately triumph over Satan.
  • New John: The rider on the white horse in the first seal, representing a messenger who delivers the word of judgment. He is likely a specific individual who received new revelations from Jesus, similar to the Apostle John.
  • Four Living Creatures: Heavenly beings who carry out Jesus’s commands, unleashing the forces of judgment upon the Earth.


  • Seven Messengers (The Seven Stars): Leaders of the Tabernacle Temple who represent the leadership of spiritual Israel. They betrayed God and led others astray.
  • Congregation Members of the Tabernacle Temple: Represent the members of spiritual Israel who followed the corrupt leadership and were judged accordingly.
  • Martyrs: Faithful followers of God from previous eras who were killed for their beliefs. They cry out for vengeance from heaven.
  • Inhabitants of the Earth: Those who follow Satan and occupy the spiritual territory previously held by God’s people.

Symbolic Figures:

  • Riders on the Red, Black, and Pale Horses: Represent forces of judgment, such as war, famine, and death, which are unleashed upon the Earth.
  • Sun, Moon, and Stars: Symbolize the leaders and members of spiritual Israel, who were meant to shine in heaven but fell due to their betrayal.
  • Mountains and Islands: Represent the headquarters and branch churches of the Tabernacle Temple, which lose their authority and are removed from their place.
  • Rocks and Caves: Symbolize false churches and organizations that offer refuge to those fleeing God’s judgment but ultimately lead them into darkness.


Overview: The Judgement of the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven That Betrayed


Main Themes:

  • Judgement and Betrayal: The core theme revolves around the judgement of the “sun, moon, and stars” (leaders and members) of the Tabernacle Temple (TT), symbolizing spiritual Israel. This judgement arises from their betrayal of God, specifically their failure to repent after receiving warnings in Revelation 2-3.
  • Spiritual Death: The judgement primarily focuses on spiritual death. Just as Adam and Eve experienced spiritual death upon disobeying God, those who reject the true word suffer a similar fate.
  • Historical Parallels: The source draws parallels between historical events and Revelation. It links the story of Jonah and the Ninevites to emphasize the consequences of rejecting God’s message. It also connects the actions of those who killed past prophets with the current generation, suggesting they are bound by the same destructive spirit.
  • End of an Era, Beginning of a New: Revelation 6 signifies the end of spiritual Israel, paving the way for a new spiritual Israel comprising individuals from all nations who remain faithful. This transition mirrors the shift from physical to spiritual Israel with Jesus’ first coming.
  • The Importance of Repentance: The text stresses the importance of repentance. It portrays the tragic consequences of clinging to false teachings and rejecting God’s call to turn back.

Most Important Ideas and Facts:

  • The Four Seals: The first four seals of Revelation are interpreted as tools of judgement wielded by Jesus through the four living creatures. These tools include the word (bow, sword, scales) and death (pale horse).
  • The Fifth Seal: The martyrs under the altar cry out for vengeance, representing those who suffered for their faith in the past. They are told to wait until the full number of those destined for spiritual death is complete.
  • The Sixth Seal: The darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars signify the betrayal of the TT leadership and their congregation. The receding sky represents heaven departing from them. The people flee to “rocks and caves,” symbolizing false churches and organizations.
  • Spiritual Death in Stages: The source presents a specific timeline of spiritual death. A quarter die in Revelation 6, followed by thirds in Revelation 8, 9, and 12, highlighting the gradual acceptance of false teachings.
  • New Spiritual Israel: The text emphasizes the creation of a new spiritual Israel, symbolized by the 144,000 sealed in Revelation 7. This new covenant is open to people from all nations who heed God’s call.

Key Quotes:

  • “This same principle applies spiritually: when there is a separation between the head and body, it results in death. In a church context, when the head (leadership) is gone, the entire church suffers.”
  • “This judgment falls upon those who do not repent – they are the ones who face death. However, it’s crucial to understand that this killing is spiritual in nature, not physical. It refers to the death of the spirit.”
  • “The darkening and falling of these celestial bodies represent betrayal. These heavenly bodies – the sun, moon, and stars – should naturally be positioned in the sky, in heaven, where they belong. Their falling indicates they are departing from their proper place.”
  • “The martyrs’ cry comes from witnessing those who once had the word being killed spiritually. The avenging of blood could not occur until the complete number designated to be killed was fulfilled.”
  • “Our true destination is the barn – Mount Zion. One cannot remain in the current place and expect to be justified before God in the end times.”
  • “Now is the time – we’re in the era of new spiritual Israel. People will come from the north, south, east, and west to take their seats. You must be among them.”


Revelation 6: The Judgment of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Q&A

1. What is the main reason for the judgment described in Revelation 6?

The judgment in Revelation 6 occurs because the seven stars (church leaders) and their congregations did not repent after receiving the warning letters from Jesus in Revelation 2-3. Their lack of repentance led to the execution of judgment through the four living creatures.

2. What role do the four living creatures play in the judgment?

The four living creatures, present before God’s throne in heaven, act as agents of judgment. Each creature summons a rider on a horse, representing different aspects of judgment. The first four seals, opened by the Lamb, unleash these riders.

3. Who are the riders on the white, red, black, and pale horses?

  • White Horse: The rider is Jesus, and the horse represents New John, who carries the message of judgment.
  • Red Horse: This rider takes peace from the earth, symbolizing division and conflict.
  • Black Horse: This rider holds scales, representing the judgment and weighing of people’s faith and deeds.
  • Pale Horse: The rider is Death, accompanied by Hades, symbolizing spiritual death for those who do not repent.

4. What does the darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars symbolize?

The darkening and falling of celestial bodies represent the betrayal of God’s chosen people—specifically, the leaders (sun), evangelists (moon), and saints (stars) of the Tabernacle Temple. Their departure from heaven symbolizes their separation from God due to their lack of repentance.

5. What is the meaning of the “great earthquake” in Revelation 6:12?

The great earthquake is not a physical event but symbolizes the shaking of hearts within the Tabernacle Temple as people begin to realize the consequences of their actions and the impending judgment.

6. What happens to the mountains and islands in Revelation 6:14, and what do they represent?

The mountains and islands being removed symbolize the destruction of the church’s authority and structure. The mountain represents the headquarters, while the islands represent the branch churches. Their removal signifies the loss of their position and authority.

7. Where do the people flee for refuge, and what do these places represent?

The people flee to the rocks and caves, representing false organizations and churches—Babylon’s system. These places offer no true refuge from God’s judgment, symbolizing a futile attempt to hide from the consequences of their actions.

8. How does Revelation 6 connect to the broader narrative of God’s plan for Israel?

Revelation 6 marks the end of spiritual Israel—those who believed in Jesus and received the Holy Spirit. Their failure to repent necessitates the creation of a new spiritual Israel, composed of people from all nations who remain faithful to God. This transition reflects the shift from physical to spiritual inheritance, emphasizing the importance of faith and obedience in God’s plan.

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