[Lesson 78] Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, The Lamp and the Oil

by ichthus

The lesson covered the parable of the 10 virgins and the wise having enough oil (testimony) to meet the bridegroom at the wedding banquet, representing Christ marrying his bride (the church) at the Second Coming. Qualifications to attend include the lamp (Word), oil (testimony), and wedding clothes (righteous actions). The sign the banquet is coming is the revelation of the two foods – the betrayers (oxen) and destroyers (fattened cattle). Many will make excuses and miss the invitation while others eagerly accept, depicting those who come into the truth. Satan has a counterfeit “banquet” in Babylon (fallen church) deceiving nations. The timeline shows around 6000 years from Adam to the Second Coming, then a 1000-year millennial reign. Three groups at the First Resurrection are mentioned – martyrs, those who didn’t take the mark, and the rest of the dead. The wise virgins/overcomers attend the real banquet and never see death, reconnecting the spiritual and physical realms. The key was understanding the wedding imagery and being prepared with the oil (testimony).


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Matthew 24:45-47

45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47 I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.

Yeast of Heaven

If one does not offer up his heart to receive salvation today in our times, such a person will not be saved even if heaven comes a thousand times over. What is it that you are looking for if you ignore it when it is here?


Our Hope: To attend the wedding banquet, be prepared with the lamp, oil, and wedding clothes and eat the wedding feast.  

There are quite a few exciting concepts related to Revelation that we’ll be covering today. We’re going to learn about some new ideas that might surprise you because they are probably very different from what we’ve heard before. However, when we hear new things that we haven’t heard before, it doesn’t mean we’re special or that no one else will hear this. It’s not because we must have been this or that.

When we’re hearing new things, even though we’ve been believers for a long time, it is because God has determined this time to reveal those things to us. We should receive it with grace and excitement, knowing that God is living and active, and there is much more He wants to show us because His word is everlasting.

As we go through the content today, keep in mind the heart to be ready and prepared to welcome Jesus. We’ll even learn about how Jesus has determined to come and how He left us clues as to how He would come. We may have missed them the first time, the second time, or the hundredth time around, so we’ll go over that content today.

Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, The Lamp and the Oil

Mt 25 (Mt 22, Lk 14, Rv 19)

We are going to be discussing Matthew 25 extensively today. We will also examine Matthew 22, Luke 14, and Revelation 19. All of this content is related to a wedding that a master must organize for his son.

Where can we find the reality of this wedding? Which book provides the most detailed account of it?

The reality will be found in Revelation. We should expect to find content related to a wedding in Revelation.

Our hope is to attend the wedding banquet, be prepared with the lamp and oil, and partake in the wedding feast.

May we all be able to represent the true meaning of these words, because that is what we aspire to be at this time – those who are able to participate in the wedding banquet of the lamb, with the lamp and the oil.

Previews Lesson Review and Timeline


In the previous lesson, we looked at Matthew 24. We examined the signs of the end times and the second coming, and what we should expect during that period. There are a few key points we were meant to take away from that lesson.


1.- Firstly, Matthew 24 is a mini-revelation or a teaser for the book of Revelation. It contains words from Jesus to his disciples about the end times. Jesus was speaking to his disciples, who had asked him, “Lord, what are the signs of your coming and of the end of the age?” Jesus then provided meticulous details about the signs they should look for and the events that will take place in our time, which we should be expecting.

2.- The flow of Matthew 24 follows the pattern of betrayal, destruction, and salvation, which should not be surprising as the book of Revelation also follows this pattern. Since Matthew 24 is a mini-revelation, can anyone describe the betrayal that took place based on our understanding from the previous lesson?

In Matthew 24:29-31, after the sun, moon, and stars go dark and fall, what happens before verse 29? There is a great something mentioned. In fact, there are two great things described in Matthew 24. What are they?

The great distress is the abomination that causes desolation. What does this abomination do? It overpowers the people and enters a holy place. The reason it was able to enter was because the people had betrayed.

So, it enters and destroys them. But there are people who are told not to go back into the house if they are on the roof and not to go back for their cloak in the field. They are instructed to leave those things behind, stay awake, and be prepared for what is taking place, as the sun, moon, and stars are going dark and falling.

However, after that occurs, the elect will be gathered from the four winds, meaning the four directions: north, south, east, and west. They will be gathered and take their seats at the wedding banquet of the Lamb. So, Matthew 24 leads directly into Matthew 25. Matthew 24 talks about the events of betrayal, destruction, and how salvation comes about, while Matthew 25 discusses who will partake in the wedding banquet of the Lamb.

In Matthew 25, we see the wise and foolish virgins, the parable of the talents (ten talents, two talents, and one talent), and the parable of the sheep and the goats. Jesus says, “This is what takes place, and these are the people.” Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 are connected in this way. Does this make sense to everyone?

There is one additional critical concept about the Second Coming that I was unable to mention previously, which explains why it seems like nothing is happening when, in fact, events are always unfolding.

Matthew 24:30-31

30 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Hopefully, some things are standing out to you about what we’re reading here.

In Matthew 24:29, the sun, moon, and stars have become dark and fallen. Starting at verse 30, Jesus says, “At that time, the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.”

He will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. So, Matthew 24 makes it seem like we’re going to see Jesus, and he’s going to open the sky and come down. That’s what most people are waiting for.

But we should pause for a moment and think, “Hmm, what kind of content am I reading here?”

We’re reading prophecy, which is spoken in parables. So, let’s understand something about the way Jesus comes. Let’s turn to Luke chapter 17, which contains very similar content to Matthew 24.

Luke 17: 22-24

22 Then he said to his disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23 Men will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. 24 For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other.

Jesus provided us with an important clue about how he will return in these passages. During his first coming, what form was Jesus in? He was in physical form, a flesh form that people could see, touch, hear, hug, cry with, and follow his footsteps.

However, Jesus said that at the time of the coming of the Son of Man, people will long to see one of his days, but they will not see it. This is significant. What is he implying here? People will wish to see Jesus again, but in what form? They are expecting to see Jesus physically once more. But he said, “You will not see it.”

Instead, what form will the Son of Man take when he returns? The only beings I know of that can flash from one end of the sky to the other are spiritual beings. So, at the time of the second coming, Jesus will not return in a physical form that can be seen clearly with the naked eye. Jesus, at the second coming, will be in spiritual form, the same form he teased to his disciples in Matthew 17:1-9 during the transfiguration scene where he met with Peter, James, and John, showing himself alongside Elijah and Moses. This is also the same form that Jesus shows John in Revelation 1:9-16.

The crucial point about the way Jesus will return is that he will come in a way where people will not see him with their naked eyes. So, if people are staring at the sky, waiting for the Son of Man to come, how long will they wait? Forever, because Jesus will return as a Spirit, and we cannot see spirits with our naked eyes.

However, what can we see with our naked eyes? The flesh that the Spirit uses to work through. Exactly. Just like people couldn’t see God directly, they saw the one God was using, as mentioned in John chapter 14. That’s why Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father,” because the words he spoke were not his own but God’s words. That’s why they called him “my Lord and my God,” realizing who was working through him. It was like heaven was walking around with him.

So, at the second coming, Jesus will not appear in his physical form but in his spiritual form, which is glorious. Please take the time to read these passages. His form is incredible, with his face shining like the sun, eyes like blazing fire, head and hair white like wool, feet like bronze glowing in a furnace, a white and long robe with a golden sash around his chest. His form is incredible, the type that can walk through walls even though the door is locked. This is part of the reason why his disciples did not recognize him at first, as he didn’t look the same as in his physical form before the crucifixion.

So, please don’t be staring at the sky, expecting Jesus to crack open the sky and appear. That’s not what’s going to happen. If people are expecting that, it means they haven’t yet understood the parable language and do not have the open word.

One very important thing to keep in mind is that when Matthew 24 mentions Jesus cracking open the sky, it means that Jesus promised to return, but not by himself. Jesus will come with a host of angels, and we’ll talk about the martyrs taking part in the first resurrection today.


I wanted to go through a timeline with everyone as well. This timeline is to help us really understand where we are in the state of things and what we are to expect.

Draw the timeline as big as you can on your paper. Draw three lines, with the lines being equidistant, but the last line should be approximately half of the others.

Let’s fill in the timeline. Put Adam at the beginning and us at the end. Wait, not the end yet. Also, put some key people inside. Abraham is here, and Jesus, his first coming, is here. At the very end, put an infinity symbol.

How much time in between these different sections? 2,000 years between Adam and Abraham. Is it another 2,000 years between Abraham and Jesus? Between Jesus and us, approximately 2,000 years. So, what is this last period over? 1,000.

So, between Adam and us, it’s 6,000 years. Between the time God decided to begin working with man, and he gave Adam the word, and he became the first pastor in the garden of Eden, his kingdom, it’s been 6,000 years. And between Adam and us, it’s been 6,000 years.

All of these key people have been working to fulfill God’s plan of returning. Let’s fill in some other key details, some important things to keep in mind, some key people.

Noah was 1,000 years between Adam and Abraham. Noah was Adam’s 9th descendant, and Abraham was Noah’s 10th descendant. So, 9 generations between Adam and Noah, and 10 generations between Noah and Abraham. Then, approximately 500 years after Abraham’s birth, we get Moses.

This is when the first book of the Bible was recorded, Genesis. Genesis covers 2,500 years of human history, starting from Adam. 2,500 years, which really, we should say, history of the chosen people. So, when God came to Moses and showed him the events of Genesis, as well as the law to give to the people of this time, this is when God really started to have his word and seal his word.

The Old Testament began to be written here (Moses’ time), or we can say the law was given here. During the time of the law being recorded, up until the last book of the Old Testament was recorded, during the time of Malachi, that was 400 years before Jesus was born. So, the last book of the Old Testament was written 400 years before Jesus, which means God was quiet for a long time. A long time.


No new words were recorded in the Bible until it was time for prophecy to be fulfilled. This is Malachi. He was 400 years before Jesus. So, this encompasses the recording of the Old Testament.

By the time we get to Isaiah, Isaiah was 700 years before Jesus. The word began to be sealed because the people had broken the covenant and they had begun to embrace man’s traditions over God’s true word.

So, the word was sealed right here (from Malachi to Jesus). Isaiah 29:9-13. And what that means is, no matter how hard people tried, no matter how righteous they were, those words would be inaccessible to them.

Words like a virgin would give birth to a child. She’ll give birth to a son, and his name is to be Emmanuel. We didn’t know who that son would be or who that child would be until they appeared.

So, the word was sealed. If you existed in this timeline between Malachi and Jesus, Isaiah’s words were forever opaque to you. You would have lived your entire life and died not knowing the reality of Isaiah’s words.

Opaque. The words before were open, but the words during were sealed (Malachi to Jesus timeline). This is why Jesus said in Matthew 13:16-17, “Blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.”

Many righteous men longed to see what you now see and longed to hear what you now hear, but they could not hear it because it was not the right time.


The same thing happened during the time of the first coming. The oldest transcript of the book of Revelation that we found was from A.D. 95. That’s when the book of Revelation was recorded.

And when it was recorded, it too was sealed. The New Testament prophecy was sealed, and it remained sealed for how long? Approximately 2000 years because Jesus prophesied about it. This is prophecy, not moral teachings like “treat others how you want to be treated” as mentioned in Matthew 7:12. That wasn’t sealed.

Moral teachings like “Be a good person” or “Turn the other cheek” were not the sealed words. The words that were sealed were about “an abomination that causes desolation, enters the holy place, flee to the mountains.”

The sun, moon, and stars will go dark and fall. What does that mean? The farmer sows good seed in his field. What is the good seed? Who are the good fish? Who are the bad fish?

The sun man will come like a thief in the night, and you will not know what time he will come to you. These words were sealed for a long time.

You know what happened during that time when these words were sealed? People came up with their own ideas and confused the people of their time.


So, at the time of the first coming, the people could not recognize Jesus when the word was open because the Old Testament was open, and Jesus explained the prophecies. The same thing happens at the time of the second coming.

When the New Testament prophecies are open, many may feel that they have the open word because their church teaches them to be a good person. However, that’s not the standard of the open word. The standard of the open word is the explanation of prophecy and its fulfillment.

If the explanation of prophecy and fulfillment is not happening at that place, that place does not have the open word yet, and they need to hear it. And then we have a thousand years that are promised in Revelation chapter 20.

This thousand years is a fascinating time, and we’ll discuss it plenty during the lessons to come, including a little bit today. But I just wanted us to really understand this well. Not every place has the open word, but the place that has the prophecy and fulfillment explanation, that place has the open word where people are understanding the who, what, when, where, why, and how of Revelation’s fulfillment.

Not guesses and theories, but fulfillment. When and where things took place.

And starting very soon, we will start understanding more about fulfillment. Not just lessons that are important to understand the context but the who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Key Points of Matthew 25

Let’s discuss the wedding banquet because many important things are mentioned here.

We’ll look at a very important parable, Matthew 25:1-13, and some key points about Matthew 25 that are significant. Firstly, Matthew 25 is about those who will enter the kingdom of heaven after the events of Matthew 24.

As we mentioned before, who are the people that will partake? It will be the wise virgins, the five-talented, and the two-talented people.

The sheep will partake, but the foolish virgins, the one-talented people, and the goats will not take part in the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus was trying to warn us about the people we need to be at the time of the second coming. We also get lessons about who those people are going to be in Matthew 25, 22, and Luke 14. And these all culminate in Revelation 19.

That’s when the wedding banquet of the Lamb is discussed in Revelation 19. So, let’s break down the content of the wedding.

Who are the ones that will be there, and how will they be? A lot of this will feel like a review, but we’ll be inserting new content as we go along. Now, let’s read the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.

1.- Marriage in the Bible

Matthew 25:1-13

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11 “Later the others also came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said. ‘Open the door for us!’

12 “But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’

13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Jesus gives a very important parable here that describes two groups of people. One thing to note about these two groups is that both sets are waiting for Jesus. The foolish virgins are not unbelievers; they’re waiting for Christ to return.

So, what is the difference between the foolish virgins and the wise virgins? Both the virgins have lamps, but only the wise virgins have enough oil. The foolish virgins run out of oil, and their lamps go out. The foolish virgins do not get to enter the wedding banquet. Instead, they are thrown out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. So, the foolish virgins do not go to heaven.

But the wise virgins go to heaven because they meet the requirements. They have enough oil. What is the oil that they have? The word of testimony.

Yes, how do we know it’s the word of testimony? From the witness. How many witnesses are there in Revelation? There are two. Revelation 11 mentions two witnesses and compares them to olive trees, saying, “These two witnesses are my two olive trees.” We also see this prophesied in Zechariah 4, where two olive trees appeared who stood before the Lord.

The difference between the wise and foolish virgins is not that they didn’t have Bibles (that’s the lamp, as Psalm 119:105 says). It’s also not that they weren’t waiting for Christ because they both were. The difference was that the foolish virgins ran out of the testimony.

This can happen in several ways: forgetting, neglecting (not caring enough to ensure a sufficient amount of oil), or ignorance (not knowing they needed oil at all). We must be the wise virgins. Now that we know what it means, we’ve got to make sure we get oil. If we stop halfway, we’ll become the foolish virgins. Don’t stop halfway. Get the oil. The difference is having sufficient oil or not.

Interestingly, the wise virgins tell the foolish ones to go to the oil sellers and buy more, which means the foolish virgins know where to get the oil. They know who the oil sellers (the witnesses) are. If someone doesn’t know who the witnesses are, they’re not even in the category of foolish virgins yet, because they don’t know where to buy more oil.

Technically, until we know the witnesses (the oil sellers), what, when, where, why, and how, we’re not even in this parable yet. But once we’re in it, we’ve got work to do to have sufficient oil. God and Jesus will ensure that everyone knows who the oil sellers are.

But what about those who lived in times when this wasn’t revealed? How could they have possibly known any of this? Would it be fair for God to hold them to a standard that didn’t exist in their time? No, it would not be fair.

That’s why Peter lets us know about God’s plan for even those who have died, in 1 Peter 3 and 1 Peter 4. He tells us that the gospel is preached to those who are now dead so that they too can be held to the same standard as everyone else who happens to be alive when these things are taking place.

So, we shouldn’t worry about those who have already died. God has a plan for them. We should worry about us who are currently alive. We are the ones we need to be worrying about. The physical marriage is being used here as a parable, which means that each thing mentioned is an important thing to note. Let’s understand this parable a little bit more.

ONE – Physical Marriage

In marriage, a man and a woman, a groom and a bride, partake in a sacred covenant that they will be sworn to each other in sickness and in health until death parts them. This is a covenant, and God takes covenants very seriously, as we know. The two partake in the covenant of marriage, and this covenant is as old as the time when Adam married Eve, when a man and a woman will be joined together and will leave their father and mother. God has always established a covenant with his chosen people because it’s essentially the same as marriage, and the two flesh become what?

The two become one flesh. That’s the logic of marriage.

Before marriage, the two individuals were separate, used to doing things their way – washing the laundry when they wanted, cooking the meals they preferred, and leaving clothes lying around or picking them up immediately. They were very different. However, now they have to become one flesh, one heart, one will, one desire, as a unit. That is the sacred covenant that God has established, both physically in marriage and spiritually in the spiritual marriage.

TWO – Spiritual Marriage

In a spiritual marriage, the groom represents the spirit, and the bride represents the flesh. What does it truly mean for them to be married? Jesus marries the church.

In a spiritual marriage, the spirit marries the flesh, and they become one, working together as a single entity. The words spoken by the flesh are actually the words of the spirit. This is why Jesus said, “The words I speak are not my own. They belong to the Father who sent me.” The spirit becomes the groom, and the flesh becomes the bride, working together in unity.

Some things to note about a spiritual marriage: God prophesied through the prophet Hosea 2:19-20 that God will betroth, meaning to marry. In Jeremiah 31:31-32, God calls Himself a husband to the people because before Jesus, God was the husband, and He gave a covenant to His people. However, the people struggled to keep that covenant, causing God’s anger, as one should be in an unfaithful covenant relationship. The seed that goes from spirit to flesh is the word.

The one who receives the seed and has the job of rearing spiritual children, which can also be called a woman’s job to bear spiritual children, is a pastor. As Galatians 4:19 states, “I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is fully formed within you.” It is the pastor’s job to provide spiritual milk until the congregation is mature enough to handle spiritual solid food. One of the favorite passages about this, not because of the context but because it explains the role of a pastor quite clearly, is that a pastor truly needs to understand and know the condition of their flock to administer the right care, provide the right medicine, or give the right food, so that they can get better and grow.

Let’s quickly go to 1 Corinthians chapter 3 to see an example of how a pastor administers the right kind of food and medicine to the people at the right time based on their current situation.

1 Corinthians 3:1-4

Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men? 4 For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere men?

Paul’s assessment of the church in Corinth was not favorable. He said, “Are you not still worldly? I gave you milk, not solid food, because you were not ready, for you were still arguing and quarreling amongst yourselves.” He had to assess the condition of his flock, his children, and give them the right food they needed. Sometimes, it required a stern message, not a pleasant one. Both approaches were required for the growth of a child. As many of you here who have kids know, there needs to be a soft hand and a strong hand so that their child can learn.

Quick Review

Quick Review

We’re looking at the time of the wedding between the lamp and oil. We looked at how Jesus will return as a spirit, and He even promises to marry someone during the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.

We also see the difference between when the word is open and when it is sealed, and why it’s crucial to determine what the open word and sealed word truly mean. It’s much more than just teaching us to be good people, which is something we sometimes struggle with. It really represents the explanation of prophecy and fulfillment, the realities that have appeared: names, places, dates, locations, and events that took place. That’s what the open word means. 

To understand the actual reality, there needs to be an understanding of the word that had been sealed too. That’s why we studied the parables first, so we have the keys to unlock the actual reality when it comes, and a lot of it has already come. When we see the actual reality, it will make sense, it will click, and we’ll become excited that things are taking place.

We looked at the key points of a wedding marriage in the Bible and the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Out of the ten virgins, five were wise, and five were foolish. What the foolish lacked was sufficient oil, and we understand now that the oil is the word of testimony, the word from the two olive trees, which were compared to the lampstands and witnesses in Revelation chapter 11.

Two people are appointed; they will see many things, but the testimony of one will be greater than the other. The testimony of that one is the new John, and his testimony is the one that lasts the longest because things have already taken place. The testimony goes out, and people hear it, receiving oil that gives life to their lamp. One can read a passage in the Bible, the lamp, but not understand it well until they hear the testimony.

A great example of this is the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 8. Though intelligent, in charge of an entire country’s finances, and zealous enough to journey 1600 miles from Ethiopia to Jerusalem, he left Jerusalem on his way home without understanding. However, he had the heart to understand. The spirit saw that heart and told Philip to go near the chariot and listen. When Philip arrived, he found the eunuch reading the book of Isaiah but not understanding. 

When Philip asked if he understood what he was reading, the Ethiopian eunuch humbly said, “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” Philip then told him about Jesus from that Scripture passage. What did Philip give the Ethiopian eunuch that he was missing? Understanding, which we can also call the open word or parable oil. He gave him oil, and what happened to his lamp? It ignited! The eunuch’s heart quickened because he now understood the word that had been sealed to him. 

The word became open, he understood who Isaiah was talking about, and he was so overjoyed that he desired to be baptized and began to spread the gospel in Ethiopia. That’s what it means to have the lamp and the oil working together, where the actual reality brings joy to one’s life because they understand that things are taking place.

2.- First Coming Wedding Banquent of the Lamb of the Kingdom of Heaven

Hosea 2:19-20

19 I will betroth you to me forever;

    I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,

    in love and compassion.

20 I will betroth you in faithfulness,

    and you will acknowledge the Lord.

What’s truly remarkable about the Old Testament prophecies is their ability to refer to multiple individuals simultaneously. At the beginning of Hosea chapter 2, it is figuratively speaking about Israel, which had angered God and found itself in an unfortunate situation. God, like a disappointed husband, promised to betroth (marry) them forever. 

However, at the end of the chapter, as we just read, God’s promise to betroth and redeem through the one represents its fulfilment through Jesus. As Jesus said in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one,” and God, of course, gave the seed to Jesus (John 17:8 and John 1:32, when John testified to seeing the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on Jesus after his baptism). So, God promised to betroth, which was fulfilled by giving the seed to his son Jesus – the wedding at the first coming. 

Now, Christ also promised to marry someone else at the time of the second coming. Who did Christ promise to marry? This happens on two levels: the church, amen. Christ promised to marry the church, but did you know that Christ promised to marry another too?

Shall we see it? So, let’s understand the time of the second coming.

3.- Second Coming Wedding Banquet of the Lamb of the Kingdom of Heaven

Revelation 20:4-6

4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

The Apostle John writes about three important groups of people here, three groups that are crucial to note and understand. The first group is mentioned in verse 4: “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.” Who are those people? 

The 12 disciples, and who else? “And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.” We keep seeing these two together, don’t we? “Word” and “testimony” always go together because they matter. So, we see the souls of the martyrs, those who were martyred because of their faith in Jesus. Who else do we see?

We see something that appears at the time of the second coming: “Those who had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received the mark on their foreheads or their hands.” They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This is group number two. These are those who are alive when the prophecy of Revelation is being fulfilled, in our timeline. 

The first group, the souls of the martyrs who were beheaded, represents the early Christians in the timeline after Jesus ascended. That’s group one and two. But then there’s group three, who’s group three?

They come later in the passage, verse 5: “The rest of the dead.” That’s group three.


There are three groups mentioned:

Group One: The twelve disciples, the souls of the martyrs, and the early Christians who died because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

Group Two: Those who do not receive the mark of the beast or worship the image or number of his name.

Group Three: These people are alive, and this may be us and the rest of the dead, everybody else.

Remember, God has a plan for everybody, did I not say that? He has a plan for them too, so worry about me. I need to worry about me. God has a plan for them too, so the martyrs and those who are alive, the spirits and the flesh, what happens to them? They become one, marry, that’s right, they become one, and then they reign for a thousand years. Why a thousand years? Why not 2,000 or 3,000 or 6,000? Why a thousand?

Satan is bound during this time period of 6,000 years between Adam and Jesus’ second coming, and then a thousand-year reign completes God’s work. 2 Peter 3:8 says, “To the Lord, a day equals 1,000 years, and a thousand years are like a day.” So, how long did God create for? He created for six days, and what did he do on the seventh day? He rested. So, the thousand years are actually the day of rest where God finally can reign over a world where Satan has been locked up, and no one is able to be deceived. 

But people still have to learn the open word, so God needs a people who will go out and teach the people. And in order for the entire world to be healed by the leaves of the tree of life, it’s going to take a thousand years. But sadly, even after a thousand years, there will still be a Gog and Magog who refuse to believe, and their end comes in Revelation 20:7 and onwards. But that’s why it’s a thousand years. It’s the time when the 144,000 and heaven and the great multitude will reign, but not in heaven away from everything, as is also commonly taught, but in the place where God wants to heal.

So, let’s talk about that wedding. I’ve kind of given us some preamble here, some setup. The wedding at the second coming, the event of Revelation 20:4-6, which we just read, takes place after two important events:

1.- In Revelation 19, the marriage actually takes place. We’ll get to that after the events of Revelation 18, where Babylon, the place where people become drunk, is judged by God. Glory to God, there will be no longer any deception from Babylon.

2.- Blessings

The blessings are for those who take part in the wedding banquet and the first resurrection. For those who take part in the wedding banquet, the blessing is the first resurrection, where spirits and flesh become one, and the perishable are clothed with the imperishable. This is the internal life that Paul was describing in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. The wedding banquet will be between the holy city New Jerusalem, which includes Jesus and the martyrs like the 12 disciples, Apostle Paul, and all of the early Christians. We’ll read more about them in Revelation chapter 6. They become one with those who are waiting, the 12 tribes of Revelation chapters 7 and 14. The 12 tribes will welcome heaven down, and the two will become one. Then, it’s time to heal all nations.

Revelation 19:7

Let us rejoice and be glad

    and give him glory!

For the wedding of the Lamb has come,

    and his bride has made herself ready.

Let us rejoice and give him glory, for the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. How did the bride make herself ready? What are the things that she needs?

3.-  Qualifications for Brides:

The three things that the bride needs are the three things that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 22 and Matthew 25, which are:

  1. The lamp
  2. The oil
  3. The wedding clothes

That’s why the man in Matthew 22 was kicked out for not wearing wedding clothes. “Sir, how did you get in here without wearing wedding clothes?” We know what the wedding clothes are based on verse 8: “fine linen, bright and clean.” Fine linen stands for the righteous actions of the saints. So, the lamp represents the word, the oil represents the testimony, and the wedding clothes represent righteous actions, doctrines, and hearts. Those are the people who will get to stay at the wedding banquet. Though everyone is invited, only those who are prepared will get to stay. That’s the point that Jesus was making over and over again. That’s why preparation is important. I, for one, want to take part in both of these events.

Let me be clear. I might not have been super clear here. The wedding banquet of the Lamb is the first event, and the first resurrection is the second event.

  1. The wedding banquet is the first event, and
  2. The first resurrection is the second event, as mentioned in Revelation 19, then Revelation 20, like that.

We want to be a part of both. Those who take part in both will never see death.

But what is this guy talking about? What is the instructor mentioning here? This is what Jesus meant when he mentioned John 11:25-26. We can read that passage to really bring this together.

John 11:25-26

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; 26 and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Jesus is talking about two groups of people here:

Group One: Believe + die = Live

Those who believe in Jesus will live, even though they die. Going back to our timeline, which is handy, Jesus is referring to all these people before our timeline, particularly those who also learned about Jesus. This group encompasses everyone who has died over the last 2000 years. They believed, even though they have died.

Group Two: Spirit + Flesh = Never die

Those who live and believe will never die. They will never see death, which means it won’t just be the spirit that comes to life, but also the flesh. Their spirit and flesh will never die because heaven is coming down. When life is connected, the lifeline is unbroken, and there is no more death, as God intended in the beginning with Adam and Eve before they were expelled and not allowed to eat from the tree of life.

Do we understand why this is so important and why we want to be a part of this? This is what Paul meant in 1 Corinthians 15, that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. So, when Jesus returns, he will reconnect the lifeline that was disconnected, and people will never die.

If you think about it, all the strife in the world comes from people trying to make the most of what is a short life. People lie, steal, kill, and abuse others because they will die. People struggle to keep the covenant with God because they die, and their children aren’t as zealous as they are, and their children’s children aren’t as zealous, and it gets worse every generation because people die.

So, what does God intend to do? “I’m going to create a people who will forever keep my covenant because death will no longer be an issue for them. It will no longer be a concern.” Imagine a world filled with such people. Imagine how much healing people like this will bring to the world. “I dream about it every night. I’m ready for that world to be here. I’m tired of sickness, mourning, death, crying, and pain. I’m sick of these things, and so is God.”

Our desire should be, “I want to see this happen in my lifetime. I want this to be true about me. God, let me see this event take place. I want to be there when it happens. How can I help? How can I be a part of this mission?” When I first learned about this, many things became less important. What could be greater than this?

4.- Sign of the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb (Food)

There’s a little more I wanted to share, so we’re going to go through this quickly. These points have been covered before, so there will be a review. The sign of the wedding banquet coming is the evidence of the two types of food. In your notes, write “Sign of the Wedding Banquet” and draw a cow and cattle. 

Matthew 22 talks about the wedding banquet as well, and the food offered is God’s oxen and fattened cattle. We should remember this from the parable on animals in prophecy. What does an oxen represent spiritually? Workers. But these oxen are being eaten, which means they have been slaughtered. Something bad has happened to these workers, as they are being consumed. That’s right, the betrayers. They were God’s workers, but because of their betrayal, they are now being offered as a meal. Of course, not literally, but spiritually, meaning that people are hearing about the testimony of what happened to them. That’s the meal.

And who are the fattened cattle? The destroyers, yes. Similar to the dream that Joseph explained about the seven years of feast and the seven years of famine, where the skinny cows ate the fat ones. Very similar to that dream from many years ago. But in this case, the destroyers devoured the betrayers. However, the meal is the testimony about them both – who, what, when, where, why, and how these things took place, and where. The people who come to the wedding banquet are the ones who eat this meal.

Let’s look at the invitation to those who come to the wedding banquet because when we read this, you’ll really see how this applies to us at this time and how we sometimes let our lives get in the way of what God is trying to help us notice, see, and live by. Yes, we’re all busy, but if we live life like these people, we will miss out on an epic blessing. I think this is really important for us to read. We go to Luke chapter 14.

5.- Invitation to the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb

Luke 14:15-24

15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”

16 Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. 17 At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’

18 “But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’

19 “Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’

20 “Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’

21 “The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’

22 “‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’

23 “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full. 24 I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”

We can observe two distinct groups here. 

The first group consists of those who were initially invited but made numerous excuses. They said, “I have this,” “I have that,” “I’m too busy to attend.” Consequently, they received what they asked for – they did not get to partake in the banquet.

However, the second group comprises those who were walking on the streets and country lanes, even though they were blind, deaf, and lame. Despite their conditions, they heard the call to the wedding and decided, “You know what? Let’s go. I want to go and take part in the banquet.”

These two groups have been discussed for quite some time.

Group One – Those Who Do Not Come:

Those who do not come, those who were invited but did not come, are like the subjects of the kingdom thrown out, as mentioned in Matthew 8:12. They are also like those in Revelation 6, representing the first heaven and first earth that go dark and fall. The first heaven and first earth are figurative representations of the tabernacle and saints, symbolized by the established but invaded temple. However, they actually represent all nations who hear the call but say, “We’re good, we’re okay, we don’t need this. We’re busy with a new field to take care of, new workers we’ve just assigned. We don’t need to come, we’re okay.” So they do not come.

Group Two – Those Who Come:

On the other hand, there are those who do come from all over the place, from the north, south, east, and west (Matthew 8:11). They take their seats, representing the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel from Revelation 7. They come from all places and comprise the 144,000 and an uncountable great multitude. These are the ones who hear the call and say, “We want to come out of Babylon and attend the wedding banquet, where the one who overcomes is the representative bride, and all the other brides are preparing themselves and waiting.” That’s who we want to be, that’s where we want to go. Everyone hears the calling, but whether they come or not is up to them. So, be those who say, “I want to be there when this takes place.”

But how do we know for sure who will be these people? Well, in order to invite someone to an event, the people sent out to gather others are those who have already been to the event and know where it takes place, and they call people to come.


Importance of Meeting with your evangelists

Hebrews 10:22-25

22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I love these words by the writer of Hebrews, and he talks about the importance of not giving up on meeting together. When we meet, we encourage one another.

We evangelists are like guides. We’ve been to the top of the mountain. We know where the top is, and our job is to lead people through the treacherous path full of mountain lions, full of goats, full of potholes and trenches, full of threats from Satan.

Our job is to get you there, but if you do not meet with us, we cannot help you do that. It’s almost like you’re on your own. Meet with us.

Those who consistently meet with their evangelists, they do much better in the course because their questions are answered in a timely manner. But if you never meet with your evangelists, you’re in trouble. We’re here to help.

Please meet with us.

6.- Second Coming Marriage with the Devil

Satan also has his banquet, and it is not a good one. Just like Satan has his own water, food, cooking pots, and yeast, he copies everything that God does.

The devil does the same, and he has a wedding banquet too.

ONE – Place: Babylon

The place of Satan’s wedding banquet is the church. The church has become a fallen church, which is Babylon.

TWO – Those gathered

In Revelation 18, Babylon is called a home for demons. We do not want to be there, a home for demons.

At that place, two are gathered there.

Revelation 18:2, 23

2 With a mighty voice he shouted:

“Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!

    She has become a home for demons

and a haunt for every evil spirit,

    a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.

23 The light of a lamp

    will never shine in you again.

The voice of bridegroom and bride

    will never be heard in you again.

Your merchants were the world’s great men.

    By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.

Revelation 18 discusses the judgment of Babylon. It states, “The light of the lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of the bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s great men. By your magic spell, all nations were led astray.”

When Babylon is judged, those who were in charge of leading and receiving will also be removed. The deception in leading all nations astray will also end. Then, the wedding and the first resurrection will take place. The food served there, the wine of adulteries, will also be eliminated.

THREE – Food (Dn 4:20-22)

For the food sacrificed to idols will also go away by God’s grace. Wine of adulteries represents the words of men (Revelation 18:3).

Their explanations, their interpretations, their understanding that does not come from God, but comes from themselves. At the first coming, these things went by different names, such as Pharisees, Sadducees, teachers of the law, and scribes. And all of their words could be summarized as the wine of adulteries then.

But today, the wine of adulteries takes many shapes too. Blogs, internet posts, commentaries, interpretations, TikTok videos, you name it. The wine of adulteries is everywhere.

The sea water is vast and comprehensive. And most drink it willingly without knowing that what they’re drinking makes them even more confused than before.

Avoid it at all costs and stick to the pure word of God. Even study Bibles are like commentaries. I would suggest throwing those out too if you have some.

And just get you a pure Bible with just the words of God within it.


Guess what Tribe we belong to

At the time of the fulfilment of the prophecy in the book of Revelation, the Tree of Life will appear once again. 

The different tribes mentioned are represented figuratively as the 12 gates leading to that place. We have previously discussed the symbolic meaning behind each of the tribes. You will now reveal which tribe we will not be a part of during that era when the sealed mysteries are open to understanding.


  1. Matthew – NO
  2. Philip
  3. Simon
  4. Matthias
  5. John
  6. Bartholomew
  7. Andrew
  8. Peter
  9. James (A)
  10. James (Z)
  11. Thomas 
  12. Thaddaeus

Like a tree, a fruit is grown on a particular branch. So which tribe will we be a part of? We’ll find out which one exactly by the end of the Intermediate level.

However, we’re talking about the ones that we are not a part of. And what does that mean? The evangelists, even those who invited you to study, belong to a particular branch.

And you too will be a part of that branch when the time comes. So you can only be a part of one of the branches. We’re finding out which one we will be by identifying which ones we’re not a part of.

Does that make sense? We learned in the previous lesson that we’re not going to be part of the Matthew branch. And we’re also not going to be part of the Philip branch.

So we will belong to a different branch.


Matthew 22:4 

“Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’

Instructor Review


We looked at the wedding banquet of the Lamb, the lamp, and the oil. We looked at how Jesus will return as a spirit, meaning that we will not see him with our naked eyes, but we will see him with our spiritual eyes. And what does that represent?

By seeing the one through whom he is working. And the words that are being spoken by that person. We looked at the timeline of the Bible in detail.

I won’t go through it too much more, but just know that timing is really important to the words of the Bible. When they were prophesied and when they are fulfilled really matters. Understanding the timeline of the Bible helps us put the Bible into context.

The marriages in the Bible are used figuratively or as parables for spiritual marriages. If you understand a physical marriage, we should be able to understand the spiritual one too, where a bride and a groom come together, and the seed is exchanged, and children are born from that exchange. So in a spiritual marriage, the spirit gives the word to the flesh, and the flesh’s job is to bear fruit, to put the word into other people, so that they too can repeat that same work to others.

God promised to betroth one who would be the redeemer, and that was Jesus at the first coming. When they became one, “I and the Father are one.” And he spoke the words of God that came from above.

At the second coming, there will also be a representative bride who will help other people know how to be brides too. As Jesus said in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, “I will give the one who overcomes the bright morning star.” And he calls himself the morning star in Revelation 22.

So one becomes a representative bride and trains other people how to be brides too, how they can also overcome, so that the fulfillment of Christ in the church becoming one becomes a true reality at the second coming fully. We were just doing things in the best way we could until the time when we understood fully what needs to take place. What happens at the wedding banquet of the Lamb?

Jesus and the martyrs come down, and they become one with those who are waiting for them, those who avoid the beast, his image, and the number of his name, and who are waiting patiently on the mountain, not just anywhere they find themselves. Well, because I’ve read these words of Revelation, it must be about me. No, that is because I know exactly where the wedding will take place, and the evidence of that wedding is the food that is being provided, the banquet, God’s oxen and fattened cattle. When I’m at that place and I’m eating that food, I am waiting.

And when that takes place, then the first resurrection will take place, and the spirits and flesh will become one, and death will become no more, and they will go out and heal all nations, as it says in Revelation 22:2, and take people out of Babylon who don’t know that they’re marrying demons and participating in the wedding banquet of the demon, of the devil, in Revelation 18. That will come to an end, and people will become attached to the tree once more. It’s kind of the flow of the end of Revelation.

So let’s really understand this well as Intermediate continues to get deeper and deeper. So please ask many questions and meet with your evangelist to answer those questions too.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, The Lamp, and the Oil


  • New Concepts and Revelation: Introduces the idea of progressive revelation, emphasizing that God reveals new truths in his own time.
  • The Heart of Preparation: Encourages readers to approach the material with a readiness to welcome Jesus and understand his coming.

Tittle: Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, The Lamp and the Oil

  • Scripture Focus: Highlights the key biblical passages related to the wedding banquet: Matthew 25, Matthew 22, Luke 14, and Revelation 19.
  • The Reality of the Wedding: Points to Revelation as containing the most detailed account of the wedding banquet.
  • Hope and Aspiration: Emphasizes the desire to attend the wedding banquet, be prepared with the lamp and oil, and participate in the feast.


  • Matthew 24: A Mini-Revelation: Reviews the previous lesson on Matthew 24, focusing on its connection to the book of Revelation.
  • Signs of the End Times: Summarizes the signs of the end times and the Second Coming of Christ.
  • Betrayal, Destruction, and Salvation: Explains the pattern of betrayal, destruction, and salvation found in both Matthew 24 and Revelation.
  • The Gathering of the Elect: Describes the gathering of the elect from the four winds after the period of distress.
  • Jesus’ Second Coming in Spirit Form: Clarifies that Jesus will return in spiritual form, as indicated in Luke 17:22-24, and not a physical form visible to the naked eye.
  • Timeline: Provides a detailed timeline of biblical history, emphasizing the 6,000-year period from Adam to the Second Coming and the 1,000-year reign of Christ.
  • Open and Sealed Word: Differentiates between the “open word” and the “sealed word,” explaining that the open word involves the understanding and fulfillment of prophecy.

Key Points of Matthew 25

  • Focus on Entering the Kingdom: Explains that Matthew 25 centers on those who will enter the kingdom of heaven after the events of Matthew 24.
  • Parable of the Ten Virgins: Analyzes the parable, highlighting the distinction between the wise and foolish virgins based on their preparedness.
  • Oil as Word of Testimony: Identifies the oil in the parable as the word of testimony, connecting it to the two witnesses in Revelation 11.
  • God’s Plan for the Deceased: Addresses the question of fairness for those who lived before the revelation of these truths, referencing 1 Peter 3 and 4 to explain God’s plan for their salvation.

1. Marriage in the Bible

  • Physical Marriage: Describes the nature of a physical marriage covenant, emphasizing the union of two individuals into one flesh.
  • Spiritual Marriage: Explains the spiritual marriage between the spirit (groom) and the flesh (bride), with Jesus marrying the church.
  • The Role of the Pastor: Discusses the pastor’s role as the one who receives the seed (word) and rears spiritual children, providing spiritual nourishment.

2. First Coming Wedding Banquet of the Lamb of the Kingdom of Heaven

  • Hosea 2:19-20: Examines the prophecy in Hosea 2, pointing to its fulfillment through Jesus at his first coming.
  • God’s Betrothal and Redemption: Explains God’s promise to betroth and redeem his people, fulfilled through the giving of the seed to Jesus.

3. Second Coming Wedding Banquet of the Lamb of the Kingdom of Heaven

  • Revelation 20:4-6: Analyzes the passage, identifying three groups of people involved in the Second Coming events: the twelve disciples and martyrs, those alive during Revelation’s fulfillment, and the rest of the dead.
  • The First Resurrection: Describes the first resurrection, where spirits and flesh become one and reign with Christ for a thousand years.
  • The Thousand-Year Reign: Explains the significance of the thousand years as God’s day of rest and a time for healing and teaching.

4. Sign of the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb (Food)

  • Oxen and Fattened Cattle: Interprets the oxen and fattened cattle in Matthew 22 as representing the betrayers and destroyers, respectively.
  • The Meal as Testimony: Explains that the meal at the banquet symbolizes the testimony about those who have betrayed and destroyed.

5. Invitation to the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb

  • Luke 14:15-24: Examines the parable, contrasting those who make excuses and do not attend the banquet with those who come despite their limitations.
  • Two Groups and Their Destinations: Identifies the first group as those who are cast out and the second group as the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel who participate in the wedding.

Importance of Meeting with Your Evangelists

  • Hebrews 10:22-25: Emphasizes the significance of meeting together for encouragement and spiritual growth.
  • Evangelists as Guides: Presents evangelists as guides who have experienced the reality of God’s promises and lead others through challenges.

6. Second Coming Marriage with the Devil

  • Babylon as the Place: Identifies Babylon, the fallen church, as the location of Satan’s wedding banquet.
  • Demons and Deception: Points to the gathering of demons in Babylon and the deception used to lead nations astray.
  • Food as Words of Men: Explains the wine of adulteries served in Babylon as representing the words of men and their deceptive interpretations.

Guess What Tribe We Belong To

  • The Twelve Tribes: Introduces the twelve tribes of Revelation as representing the gates to the Tree of Life.
  • Identifying Our Branch: Explains the process of elimination to determine which tribe we belong to, based on those we are not a part of.


  • Recap of Key Points: Reviews the main points covered in the lesson, including Jesus’ return in spirit form, the timeline, and the spiritual significance of marriage.
  • The Wedding Banquet and First Resurrection: Summarizes the events of the wedding banquet and the first resurrection, highlighting the union of spirits and flesh and the end of death.
  • The Healing of All Nations: Emphasizes the mission of those who participate in the wedding banquet to heal all nations and free people from the deception of Babylon.

A Study Guide

Revelation Study Guide: Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, The Lamp and the Oil

Short Answer Questions (2-3 Sentences Each)

  1. What is the significance of the “open word” and how does it relate to the parable of the wise and foolish virgins?
  2. Explain the symbolic meaning of the lamp and oil in the parable of the ten virgins.
  3. Describe the difference between the physical and spiritual marriages mentioned in the lesson.
  4. Who are the three groups of people involved in the Second Coming wedding banquet and first resurrection, according to Revelation 20:4-6?
  5. Why is the number “1,000” significant in terms of the millennial reign of Christ?
  6. What are the three qualifications for brides in the spiritual wedding banquet?
  7. Explain the symbolism of the “oxen” and “fattened cattle” mentioned in Matthew 22 in relation to the wedding banquet.
  8. Describe the two groups of people presented in the parable of the wedding banquet in Luke 14.
  9. Why is meeting with evangelists important, according to the lesson and Hebrews 10:22-25?
  10. What is the “wine of adulteries” mentioned in Revelation 18, and how does it relate to Satan’s wedding banquet?

Short Answer Key

  1. The “open word” represents the understanding and fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The wise virgins possess the open word, symbolized by their oil, enabling them to comprehend the true meaning of events and prepare for the bridegroom’s arrival. The foolish virgins, lacking the oil (open word), are left unprepared.
  2. The lamp symbolizes the Bible itself, providing light and guidance. The oil represents the word of testimony, specifically from the two witnesses, which illuminates the understanding of Scripture and allows believers to fully grasp its message.
  3. Physical marriage involves a covenant between a man and woman, becoming one flesh. Spiritual marriage symbolizes the union of the spirit (groom) and the flesh (bride), working together as a single entity. In this context, Jesus marries the Church, and believers become one with Christ.
  4. The first group consists of the twelve disciples, martyrs, and early Christians who died for their faith. The second group comprises those alive during Revelation’s fulfillment who reject the mark of the beast. The third group encompasses the rest of the dead, for whom God has a plan.
  5. The thousand-year reign represents God’s day of rest, completing His six days (6,000 years) of creation. During this time, Satan is bound, allowing Christ to reign over a world free from deception and for the Tree of Life to heal all nations.
  6. The bride must have: 1) the lamp (Bible), 2) the oil (word of testimony), and 3) wedding clothes (righteous actions, doctrines, and a pure heart). These represent the necessary preparation for entering the wedding banquet.
  7. The slaughtered “oxen” symbolize the betrayers, God’s workers who turned against Him, while the “fattened cattle” represent the destroyers who consumed the betrayers. The meal represents the testimony and consequences of their actions, serving as spiritual nourishment for those at the banquet.
  8. The first group, invited but filled with excuses, represents those who reject God’s call due to worldly concerns. They miss the banquet, symbolizing being excluded from the Kingdom. The second group, the poor, crippled, blind, and lame who readily accept the invitation, represent those who humbly embrace God’s invitation, regardless of their circumstances, and partake in the blessings.
  9. Meeting with evangelists, those who have experienced the “top of the mountain,” provides guidance and encouragement to navigate the challenges of faith. They offer timely answers and support, crucial for spiritual growth and perseverance, especially as the end times approach.
  10. The “wine of adulteries” refers to the deceptive teachings and interpretations of men, misleading people away from God’s truth. It symbolizes the false doctrines and philosophies prevalent in Babylon (fallen church), leading people to partake in a counterfeit wedding banquet with the devil.

Additional Questions

1. What is the difference between the foolish and wise virgins in Matthew 25:1-13?

Foolish virgins → heaven (X)

– Lamp (Check)
– Enough Oil (X)

Wise virgins → heaven (Check)

– Lamp (Check)
– Enough Oil (Check)

2. At the time of First Coming, who were the bridegroom and the bride of the wedding banquet of the lamb of the Kingdom of Heaven?

– At the time of First Coming (Jn 1:32, Jn 17:8)

Bridegroom: God
Bride: Jesus

3. At the time of Second Coming, who were the bridegroom and the bride of the wedding banquet of the Kingdom of Heaven?

Bridegroom: Holy City New Jerusalem, Jesus and the martyrs
Bride: New John, the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel

4. What are the qualifications for brides?

– Prepare the lamp, oil and wedding clothes

5. What is the marriage we need to avoid at all costs?

– Marriage with the devil (Babylon, wine of adulteries)


Glossary of Key Terms

Abomination that causes desolation: A prophesied event involving a blasphemous act or entity that defiles a holy place, leading to widespread destruction and chaos.

Betroth: To promise to marry; to engage in a covenant of marriage.

Bridegroom: The male participant in a marriage ceremony; symbolically representing Jesus Christ in the spiritual marriage.

Bride: The female participant in a marriage ceremony; symbolically representing the Church or believers in the spiritual marriage.

Elect: Those chosen by God for salvation and to participate in His Kingdom.

First Resurrection: The resurrection of believers at the Second Coming of Christ, receiving imperishable bodies and reigning with Him for a thousand years.

Foolish Virgins: Those who lack the oil (word of testimony) and are unprepared for the bridegroom’s arrival, symbolizing believers who neglect spiritual growth and understanding.

Gog and Magog: Nations that rebel against God after the millennial reign of Christ, ultimately facing judgment and destruction.

Lamp: Symbolizing the Bible, providing light and guidance for believers.

Martyrs: Believers who were killed for their faith in Jesus Christ, particularly in the early Church.

Millennial Reign: The thousand-year period where Christ reigns on earth with His saints after the Second Coming.

Oil: Representing the word of testimony, especially from the two witnesses, illuminating the understanding of Scripture.

Open Word: The revealed and understood truth of biblical prophecy, leading to proper preparation and readiness for the events to come.

Parable: A story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.

Sealed Word: Biblical prophecies that were hidden or difficult to understand until the appointed time for their revelation.

Second Coming: The future return of Jesus Christ to earth to establish His Kingdom and judge the living and the dead.

Spiritual Marriage: The union of the spirit (groom) and the flesh (bride), symbolizing the oneness of Christ and His Church.

Testimony: The witness and proclamation of truth, specifically from the two witnesses in Revelation, providing crucial understanding of God’s plan.

Wedding Banquet of the Lamb: A symbolic event representing the joyous celebration of the union of Christ and His bride (the Church) at the Second Coming.

Wise Virgins: Those who have the oil (word of testimony) and are prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival, symbolizing believers who actively seek spiritual understanding and growth.

Wine of Adulteries: Deceptive teachings and interpretations of men, leading people astray from God’s truth and into spiritual adultery.

144,000: A symbolic number representing the complete number of God’s people from all tribes of Israel, sealed and protected during the end times.


Timeline of Events:

Old Testament Era:

  • ~4000 BC: Adam – The beginning of God’s work with humanity. Adam is the first pastor in the Garden of Eden.
  • ~3000 BC: Noah – Adam’s 9th descendant.
  • ~2000 BC: Abraham – Noah’s 10th descendant.
  • ~1500 BC: Moses – Receives the book of Genesis, covering 2500 years of history. Beginning of the Old Testament/Law.
  • ~700 BC: Isaiah – Prophecies about the Messiah begin.
  • ~400 BC: Malachi – Last book of the Old Testament written. God becomes “silent” for 400 years. The word is sealed.

New Testament Era:

  • 0 AD: Jesus’ First Coming – Fulfills Old Testament prophecies. The Word is opened.
  • 33 AD: Jesus’ Ascension
  • 95 AD: Book of Revelation recorded. The New Testament prophecy is sealed for 2000 years.
  • Present Day: The New Testament prophecies are being opened. The events of Revelation are unfolding.
  • Future:The Wedding Banquet of the Lamb: Jesus and the martyrs descend and unite with the 12 tribes.
  • The First Resurrection: Spirits and flesh become one. Death is conquered.
  • The Millennial Reign: A thousand years of peace and healing under God’s rule.
  • Judgment of Babylon: The fallen church and all deception are destroyed.
  • Gog and Magog Rebellion: A final rebellion against God is swiftly defeated.
  • Eternity: God’s kingdom reigns forever.

Cast of Characters:

1. God: The Father, creator of heaven and earth. He establishes covenants with his chosen people, seeking a faithful bride.

2. Jesus: The Son of God. He fulfills Old Testament prophecies in his first coming, acting as the bridegroom at the first wedding. He will return as a spirit in his second coming for the final wedding and the first resurrection.

3. Holy Spirit: Acts as a guide, directing people towards truth and understanding. Prompts individuals like Philip to spread the gospel.

4. Adam: The first man and first pastor in the Garden of Eden. Represents the beginning of God’s covenant relationship with humanity.

5. Noah: Adam’s 9th descendant, chosen by God to survive the flood and repopulate the earth.

6. Abraham: Noah’s 10th descendant, considered the father of faith for the Jewish people. Receives God’s covenant promises.

7. Moses: Receives the book of Genesis and the Law from God, marking the beginning of the Old Testament.

8. Isaiah: Prophet who foretells the coming of the Messiah 700 years before Jesus’ birth.

9. Malachi: Last prophet of the Old Testament. After him, God becomes “silent” for 400 years.

10. The 12 Disciples: Jesus’ closest followers who witness his ministry and receive his teachings. They will judge alongside Jesus in the future kingdom.

11. Martyrs: Early Christians who were killed for their faith in Jesus and their refusal to worship the beast. They will be resurrected and reign with Christ.

12. The 144,000: A symbolic number representing those who remain faithful to God during the tribulation and avoid the mark of the beast. They will be part of the bride of Christ.

13. The Great Multitude: A vast number of people from all nations who come to faith in Jesus and are saved from the tribulation. They will join the wedding banquet and experience the first resurrection.

14. Evangelists: Individuals who have received the open word and spread the gospel message, guiding others towards the truth of Revelation.

15. Satan: The enemy of God and humanity. He deceives the world through the fallen church (Babylon) and will ultimately be defeated and bound for eternity.

16. Inhabitants of Babylon: Those who remain in the fallen church, deceived by Satan’s lies and partaking in the “wine of adulteries,” or false teachings. They will be judged alongside Babylon.

17. Gog and Magog: Represent a final rebellion against God after the millennial reign. Their rebellion is quickly crushed, signifying the complete and utter defeat of evil.


Overview: Wedding Banquet of the Lamb, the Lamp and the Oil


Main Themes:

  • Second Coming of Jesus: The class focuses on the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus, highlighting the importance of preparation and understanding of prophecy.
  • Spiritual Marriage: The class uses the concept of marriage as a parable for the spiritual union between Christ (the groom) and the Church (the bride), emphasizing the need for believers to be ready for this union.
  • The Importance of Testimony and the Open Word: The class stresses the significance of having the “oil” (word of testimony) along with the “lamp” (Bible), drawing parallels with the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.

Most Important Ideas/Facts:

  1. Jesus will return as a Spirit: Contrary to popular belief, the second coming will not be a physical event visible to the naked eye. “Jesus, at the second coming, will be in spiritual form… So, if people are staring at the sky, waiting for the Son of Man to come, how long will they wait? Forever, because Jesus will return as a Spirit, and we cannot see spirits with our naked eyes.”
  2. The Open Word is Key: Understanding the open word, which refers to the explanation of prophecy and its fulfillment, is essential for recognizing the signs of the second coming. “The standard of the open word is the explanation of prophecy and its fulfillment.”
  3. The Wise and Foolish Virgins: The parable highlights the importance of having sufficient “oil” (word of testimony) to keep the “lamp” (Bible) burning. “The difference between the wise and foolish virgins is not that they didn’t have Bibles (that’s the lamp)… It’s also not that they weren’t waiting for Christ because they both were. The difference was that the foolish virgins ran out of the testimony.”
  4. Three Groups at the Second Coming: The class identifies three groups: 1) Martyrs and early Christians, 2) Those alive during Revelation’s fulfillment who reject the mark of the beast, and 3) The rest of the dead.
  5. The First Resurrection and the Thousand-Year Reign: The class explains the events of the first resurrection, where those who are part of the spiritual marriage reign with Christ for a thousand years. This is a time of rest and healing for the world. “So, the thousand years are actually the day of rest where God finally can reign over a world where Satan has been locked up, and no one is able to be deceived.”
  6. The Wedding Banquet of the Lamb: This event precedes the first resurrection and symbolizes the union between Christ and his bride. The food served represents the testimony of the betrayers and destroyers.
  7. Two Groups Invited to the Banquet: One group makes excuses and misses the banquet, while the other, despite hardships, accepts the invitation. “Everyone hears the calling, but whether they come or not is up to them. So, be those who say, ‘I want to be there when this takes place.'”
  8. Satan’s Counterfeit Banquet: The class warns against the devil’s counterfeit banquet in Babylon (fallen church), where people are deceived by the “wine of adulteries” (words of men).
  9. Importance of Meeting with Evangelists: The class emphasizes the need to consistently meet with evangelists who act as guides, leading believers to the “top of the mountain.”
  10. Identifying Our Spiritual Tribe: The class hints at the process of identifying our spiritual tribe, emphasizing that we can only belong to one branch of the Tree of Life.


  • On Jesus’ Return as a Spirit: “…at the time of the second coming, Jesus will not return in a physical form that can be seen clearly with the naked eye.”
  • On the Open Word: “…the place that has the prophecy and fulfillment explanation, that place has the open word where people are understanding the who, what, when, where, why, and how of Revelation’s fulfillment.”
  • On the Importance of Testimony: “The difference between the wise and foolish virgins… was that the foolish virgins ran out of the testimony.”
  • On the Thousand-Year Reign: “…the thousand years are actually the day of rest where God finally can reign over a world where Satan has been locked up, and no one is able to be deceived.”
  • On Accepting the Invitation: “Everyone hears the calling, but whether they come or not is up to them.”


This class session serves as a call to action for students to prepare themselves for the second coming of Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of understanding prophecy, possessing the word of testimony, and actively seeking guidance from evangelists. The ultimate goal is to be ready for the spiritual marriage with Christ and participate in the thousand-year reign of peace and healing.



1. How will Jesus return at the Second Coming?

Jesus will return in spiritual form, not in a physical body as He did in His first coming. This means He will not be visible to the naked eye. Instead, we will recognize His presence through the individuals He works through and the words they speak.

2. Will everyone recognize Jesus at the Second Coming?

No. Just as many failed to recognize Jesus during His first coming, many will not recognize Him at His second coming. This is because they lack understanding of biblical prophecy and its fulfillment, which constitutes the “open word.” Those who rely solely on moral teachings and lack a deep understanding of prophecy will likely miss His return.

3. What is the significance of the “open word” and “sealed word”?

The “open word” refers to the understanding and explanation of biblical prophecy and its fulfillment. The “sealed word” represents prophecies that remain hidden until the appointed time for their revelation. When the “sealed word” is opened, it reveals the true meaning of events and unveils God’s plan.

4. What are the two main events associated with the Second Coming?

The two main events are the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb and the First Resurrection. The Wedding Banquet symbolizes the union of Jesus and His bride, the Church, consisting of true believers. The First Resurrection marks the time when the spirits and flesh of the righteous are reunited, conquering death and ushering in an era of eternal life.

About the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb

5. Who will attend the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb?

The Wedding Banquet will be attended by those who are prepared, symbolized by having the “lamp,” “oil,” and “wedding clothes.” The lamp represents the Word of God, the oil signifies the testimony of the two witnesses, and the wedding clothes stand for righteous actions, sound doctrine, and pure hearts.

6. What is the significance of the food served at the Wedding Banquet?

The food, described as “God’s oxen and fattened cattle,” symbolizes the judgment upon betrayers and destroyers. Spiritually, it represents the testimony of the events surrounding their downfall, serving as a meal for those who attend the banquet, signifying their understanding of God’s judgment.

7. What prevents some people from attending the Wedding Banquet?

Many who are invited make excuses, prioritizing worldly matters over spiritual pursuits. They represent those who have heard the call but choose to remain in Babylon, the fallen world, clinging to their own desires and neglecting God’s invitation.

8. What is the role of evangelists in relation to the Wedding Banquet?

Evangelists serve as guides, having already reached the spiritual “mountaintop.” Their role is to lead others through the challenges and deceptions of this world, helping them reach the Wedding Banquet. Consistent fellowship and guidance from evangelists are crucial for spiritual growth and preparation for the coming events.

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