[Lesson 47] Figurative Seal

by ichthus

The lesson covered the figurative meanings of the “seal” representing God’s word of truth, and the “mark” representing Satan’s lies and falsehoods mentioned in Revelation. At the first coming, Jesus was God’s “seal” spreading God’s truth, and those accepting his words were sealed by God. At the second coming, someone guided by God will testify to the fulfillment of prophecies, sealing the 144,000 and a great multitude who accept this testimony. In contrast, the beast will spread Satan’s lies, and those accepting those lies will receive the deceptive “mark of the beast.” The number 666 ties back to Solomon being led astray, just as the mark leads people away from God’s truth. The main point is understanding the spiritual significance of the seal versus the mark in the end times, and being sealed by accepting fulfilled prophecies rather than being deceived by lies.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Figurative meanings:

Seal = The Word  |  John 1:1  |   The mark of the Beast = Satan’s lies and falsehood | John 8:44

Beast = False Pastors  | Babylon = Christianity, Orthodox Churches, Christian churches outside SCJ

Flee the Mountain  –> Mount Zion = Shincheonji Church of Jesus  |  Buy = to listen   |   Sell = to speak   |    Isaiah 55:1-3

– All of Revelation is expressed in figurative language because it presents prophecy

–  At the second coming, the one who receives the testimony and is instructed to consume it becomes the seal (New John). Jesus was God’s seal at the first coming.

– Go out and make disciples, to seal others, like the 144,000, they will be sealed in Mount Zion, and then they too will go around the word and tell people what has been fulfilled.

– God’s will for my life is be part of the 144,000, to hear and speak the word of testimony of what is been fulfilled.

– Understand the process of fulfillment (Betrayal, Destruction and Salvation, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

– Having the lamp = the Word, you are able to explain the meaning of the prophecy

– Only the person who has seen and heard can give that kind of testimony, A testimony means: the who, what, when, where, why and how – 5W1H. To be able to testify what has been fulfilled according to the prophecy.

– There are 2 groups of people: Those who heard and accepted and those who heard and rejected when testimony was given. To be sealed means to hear and accept and be certified

– God’s love in Jesus is Obedience, Hosea 6:6, John 14:23-24

– Be able to discern (Isaiah 5:20-21). It is so important, especially in our time, because there are many things around us that claim to be the truth. It is hard to know unless we can discern.

Review with the Evangelist


Habakkuk 2:18

“Of what value is an idol carved by a craftsman? Or an image that teaches lies?

For the one who makes it trusts in his own creation; he makes idols that cannot speak.

Yeast of Heaven

One has to have faith in the fulfilled reality because after Jesus came, the prophecy was fulfilled, and the reality. Why is that? The first is because Jews were ignorant of the Bible at the time of Jesus’ First Coming, and the second is because they say they believed in the prophecy of the Bible but did not think beyond the thoughts of the flesh (Ref John 1:1-4)


Our Hope: Let’s be sealed at the second coming and be sure to not receive the mark of the Beast!

Secrets of Heaven: Figurative Seal (Mark)

My favorite days of the week are Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Why? Because I have the opportunity to be filled. The best way to learn? The best way to feel fulfilled is to pour into someone else. And I have the opportunity to pour into 80 plus people three times a week.


This is the best, the most refreshing time. So, I pray that we all also feel refreshed after each lesson. And I pray that we will definitely feel refreshed after today’s lesson. Today’s lesson is going to be like, whoa.


At the end of today’s lesson, we will all understand what God’s will is for each of our lives. What does God desire of us? It will be very clear. It will no longer be vague. Very clear.

Isaiah 5:20-21

20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes  and clever in their own sight.

Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. A person who does this lacks the ability to discern. They don’t know what is truly good or evil. So, how do they operate? Verse 21 says, “Who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.” One who is wise in their own eyes will not be able to know what is truly good or evil. For they will call the wrong things the wrong things. If you think about people who embody this, you should be thinking about people like the Israelites at the first coming, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees. They were very wise in their own eyes, but when Jesus, who was good, came, they called him evil. They slandered him as demon-possessed and a Samaritan. We want to be those who make sure that we call good, good, and evil, evil, but that means we have to be able to discern.


Let us keep that in mind. We’ll always talk about this, right? It’s a basic principle. We’ve been discussing it since the very beginning. But it matters. It’s so important, especially in our time, because there are many things around us that claim to be the truth. It’s hard to know unless we can discern.

Figurative Seal (Mark)

One thing to understand about the seal and the mark is that the seal is good, and the mark is bad. Now, when we say “seal” here, English is a bit figurative, right? The same word can represent multiple things. We are not talking about a seal that binds or closes, like a sealed word. What we’re actually discussing is a seal like a stamp, a certification. That’s the kind of seal we’re referring to today. So, we’ll really dive into this content.


Again, we’re not talking about something that binds or closes like a sealed word. That’s not what we mean. We mean a stamp, something that certifies. A certification stamp. That kind of seal. So, what do we think the figurative seal represents?

And as you’re thinking about the seal, you should also be considering the mark. What is the mark? What does it represent? Okay, we’ll talk about that in just a moment. We’ll discuss the seal first.


All right, let’s read our hope for today:

“Let’s be sealed at the second coming and be sure to not receive the mark of the beast.”

So, we want to be sealed, and we don’t want the mark. Right, very clear.

That’s why we looked at Isaiah 5:20-21. Good, evil; evil, good. We must be able to discern.

It’s very important. If we’re not super clear about what the seal is and what the mark of the beast is, how can we know for sure if we have one or the other? That’s why we’re studying. Glory to God that you’re here.

Previous Lesson Review


In the last lesson, we looked at the figurative idol and image. We learned how an idol represents a false teacher or a pastor, one who cannot speak the truth.


Like Habakkuk 2:18 that we read, right? So, we want to be those who are able to know and understand the truth and speak only the truth. And not hold ourselves as those established by men, saying, “Oh, I have this credential. I have this credential.” But those who are credentialed by God, certified by God. Let’s be that instead. There are three types of idols that we talked about:


  1. There are idols in history.
  2. There are idols in moral teachings.
  3. And there are idols in prophecy.


So, history would be like the golden calf in Exodus 32. A literal object that was carved by men, that cannot speak or has no breath, is dead but is still worshiped or respected.


Right? These idols are not the ones that get believers today. We’re not going to worship a toy that you put in front of us. That’s silly. That method does not work anymore. But there is a method that is much more effective than Satan still uses.

Colossians 3:5

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

Let us put to death all the things of the flesh that ultimately lead to greed and idolatry. These things should be snuffed out within us, and it’s different for every person. We should not be one who says, “Oh, I don’t have any of those things. Everything in verse 5, I do not do.” That person is not able to see themselves very well. If they make a statement like that, everybody has something.


So, we need to kill that thing within each of us so that we aren’t idol worshippers of ourselves. And then, there are idols in prophecy, like we studied. We looked at false teachers or people who teach lies, false teachers, like Habakkuk 2:18.


The mindset for today is related to what we’ll learn about with this seal.

Proverbs 7:1-3

My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you.

2 Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.

3 Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

So, what is said here by Solomon? Of course, these are God’s words spoken through Solomon. It says, “My son, keep my words and store my commands within you. Write them on the tablets of your heart.” Similar to what we talked about when we looked at the figurative stone or rock, where you inscribed something on stone. How permanent is that thing? Very permanent. It’s not going anywhere. So, God is saying, “Inscribe my words, my teachings, my will, my desire—all of these things—put them on your heart.” That’s why we do the home blessings, so that we can remember the Word of God. And when we remember the Word of God, we can live by those words. But if you do not remember the words of God, how can you possibly live by them? And if we don’t know the Word of God, how can we distinguish good from evil? So, having the word within us is critically important. And that’s related to what we’ll talk about today when it comes to sealing or stamping, certifying like that.

Main Reference

Revelation 7:1-4

After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

Let’s all draw the diagram I’m drawing here. We’ll take just a moment to do that. Just to give us a little bit of a visual as to what’s going on in this prophecy.


So, we see here at the beginning of Revelation 7 something very important that will continue to harp on. What does it say? What is the third word in verse 1? So, it might be a different word, but what does it say at the beginning of the verse? After this, what? “I”. After this, “I saw”. Who is the “I” here? Whose perspective is it from?


It’s from John’s perspective. So, John is seeing this. So, John says, “I saw the 4 angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth.” We’ll get to that content very soon. Then, verse 2.


“I saw another angel.” So, different than the first 4. “I saw another angel coming from the east, having the seal of the living God in his hand.” And what does he do with that seal?


He takes that seal and puts the seal on the foreheads of the servants of God. And then it numbers the number of servants. And it totals 144,000 servants.


We know that there are some who talk about how these may be the only ones saved, but that is incorrect, right? We’ve talked about that, just read verses 9 and 14 to know that there’s also a great multitude.


But these people have a special job to do when Revelation is fulfilled. And we’ll talk about that. There’s a reason why God is the one that mentioned this first. Not a denomination. It’s in the Bible.


So what matters, we need to know about it. Amen. So, the seal of the living God is put on the foreheads of the servants of God. So what does it mean? What are they supposed to do? And what does that mean?


So, we’ll talk about that now. So we’ll look at the physical characteristics of a seal so that we can really make sense of what is going on here.

1. Physical Characteristics of a Seal

1. A seal is an object that resembles a stamp, usually. Many cultures use seals as signatures. For instance, in Asian cultures like Japan, Korea, or China, instead of signing their names or initials with a pen, people carry a seal with them and some ink. This seal serves as an official document or signature, confirming ownership or approval, or even certification that something is approved.


2. A seal is often carved out of wood or stone, giving it a sense of permanence for the image or signature engraved on it. When a seal is used, it stamps a mark or seal on the object. For example, farmers would typically brand their cows to indicate ownership, although this practice may not be as common nowadays. The branding process is painful for the cow, but it certifies that the cow belongs to the farmer.


Seals confirm ownership, approval, or certification. So, in Revelation 7, the sealing of people can be seen as a positive thing, where they are being certified or confirmed by heaven to do something specific or special.


  1. Confirm ownership , approval or certification
  2. Seal made of wood or stone

2. Figurative (True) Meaning of a Seal

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So, God is equating Himself to His Word. And when you equate yourself to something, you can also be called by that thing to which you equate yourself.


I am equated to the Mason family, or that is the family to which I belong; that is my last name. So, I’m equated to that name; that is how I’m called.


It is actually accurate to call God “The Word.” That is His name, or one of His names. He has many names, but that is His name, the Word, because He is the Word. The Word comes from within; it is this very essence that goes out and operates in the world.


That’s why in Isaiah 55:11, it says, “My word does not go out and return to me without doing the purpose for which I have sent it.” Right? So when God speaks, His words will then become reality. Amen.


So, God’s name and His Word are one and the same. When someone is signing something, they’re signing their name as their certification of approval or ownership.


So, what is the seal that God wants to put on people’s foreheads? The seal that God wants to put on people’s foreheads is His Word. Why? When God looks at someone and He sees His Word in them, He knows they belong to Him. But if God looks at someone and He does not see His Word, that one does not belong to Him.


This is partly why Jesus said in John 14…

John 14:23-24

23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

Jesus said, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teachings. And my Father and I will come to him and make our home with him.” Why? Because they have engraved my word, my commands, my teachings in their hearts, and they live by those words.


Does this make sense? So, God and Jesus consider their words as very important. If we want to be considered certified, approved, and owned by God, we need His word within us.


This is very important, like His seed, right? God gives His seed, which is the word, and the seed is planted in the heart. That seed grows into a big tree and bears fruit.


Or we can even think about it like reproduction. A father gives a seed to the mother. The mother gives birth to a child. That child will also then contain the seed of the Father within them. The very blood that runs through their veins is consistent with that.


The logic is the same. What does God want us to see? What does God want to see in us? His word. So, how does that take place?

John 3:31-34

31 The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. 32 He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. 33 Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. 34 For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

We read this passage a few times, but it should take on a whole new meaning for us. Today, in John chapter 3, this is actually John the Baptist speaking. He’s giving his testimony about Jesus. And he said this: “The one who is from above is above all,” and what kind of words does the one who was from above speak?


He speaks the truth. He speaks the words from above, for that is where he has come from. And he speaks not only the word from above but he also speaks what he has seen and heard. So, what does it mean when someone speaks what they have seen and heard? What word do you use for that?


When someone sees and hears something, they speak a testimony. And when they speak a testimony, people are supposed to hear that testimony, and there are two ways they can react to what they hear. Either the person hears the testimony and says, “Oh, amen,” and accepts it, or they hear the testimony and reject it.


That’s it. So, what is the difference between the person who hears and accepts, saying “Oh, wow,” and the person who says, “That doesn’t sound like what I’ve always thought,” and rejects it? Well, what does it say about the person who accepts? Let’s read verse 32 once again.


It says he testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony, except a few out of an entire country. That’s basically no one. The one who has accepted has certified that God is truthful. For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God. For God gives the Spirit without limit. So there are two kinds of people who hear the words from above.


There are those who hear and accept. These people who hear and accept will be sealed, certified. So those who hear and accept will be sealed. Those who hear and reject will not be sealed.


So, Jesus is the one who is sealing, and those who hear and accept are being sealed. Are we understanding? Those who hear are being sealed, and the one who is speaking is the sealer.


So that’s why it says in verse 33, “The one who has accepted has certified that God is truthful.” So to really break this down very clearly: to seal means to testify, to testify what was seen and heard, to testify the word.


To be sealed means to hear and accept. That person then becomes sealed with that word. And the purpose of this is to certify who belongs to God and who does not, to confirm God’s people, his seed, those that belong to him, to confirm God’s people who truly belong to God and who do not.


Okay, so we will now talk about the seal at the first coming and the second coming.

Quick Review

Quick Review

We looked at the figurative seal. A seal represents a tool meant to stamp one’s certification, ownership, or approval on something like an important document or even a thing that is owned, like an animal, for example.


God’s seal is His word. Why? Because God equates Himself with His word, and it is what God is looking for within each person. Does this person have my word? Does this person truly know me? Then they belong to me if they have my word.


And one who obeys that word can truly show love for God in Jesus because their love language is obedience. 


Does everyone here know their love language? Do you know what the love language is? It’s a psychological test that helps people identify how they receive love and how they like to give love because not everyone receives love the same way.


There are typically 5 love languages: acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, and quality time. As I mentioned that list, some of you might have thought, “I value physical touch and quality time more.” Those are mine. Some of you might have said, “I value acts of service and words of affirmation more.”


So if a couple comes together, and one person likes physical touch and quality time, while the other person likes acts of service and words of affirmation, and they give the other what the other prefers, they’re not able to give love in a way that makes sense for that person.


If my significant other only speaks words of affirmation when what I really need is a hug, then we’re having a disconnect. Or if I’m only giving hugs, and my significant other needs words of affirmation, then they’re not receiving love in the way they need.


Understanding how we receive love and how someone else needs to receive it allows us to give love in a way that works for that person. And so we can grow closer together. And sometimes it takes practice to operate in a different love language than the one we typically like to receive, right?


Someone who doesn’t care much for gifts ends up being a terrible gift giver. That’s actually me. I don’t care much for gifts, so I’m really bad at giving gifts.


So, that’s how things tend to be. So with God and Jesus, their love language is obedience. But if someone does throw up their hands and praise, “I praise God every day. But how are you hearing my word and listening to it and doing it? But I praise you every day though.” They’re not giving love in the way that’s needed. Please praise God, but first obey so that God can be like, “Yes, this person truly knows me.”


Like in Hosea 6:6, where God says, “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I desire acknowledgment over burnt offerings.” So the people at that time, because they had broken the covenant with God, they continued with the rituals they were used to practicing. But God was saying these things are not satisfying me anymore because you no longer know me. You don’t operate in the way that I need you to operate like that.


So you’re actually wasting your time doing the same things over and over again, repeating the same rituals, thinking that they’re being sanctified by them when God is over here saying, “I wish you would just crack open my law.” They need to actually know what I need like that. So let’s be able to give God and Jesus love in the way that they require it.


We talked about sealing. John 3:31-34 is very important because Jesus spoke the words from above. And there were two groups of people: those who heard and accepted and those who heard and rejected. Those who heard and accepted were sealed with that word, that testimony that was given. Testimony means this has been fulfilled according to this prophecy.


We’ve studied now the figurative beast, the figurative head, horn, and tail. So when we read Revelation 13 and we see a beast with seven heads and ten horns coming out of the sea, we shouldn’t be thinking a monster is going to appear. Now we know, oh, a beast is actually a false pastor. And there are seven of them because there are seven heads which are the heads of the body. And they have ten people who work with them—authority figures like deacons or assistant pastors, elders that are appointed. So seven pastors appear. They have ten authority figures.


That’s like having the lamp, having the word; you’re able to explain the meaning of the prophecy. But you’re not finished yet. What is the oil? The oil is their names. Who are they? Have they appeared already? Where did they appear? What did they do in accordance with prophecy? How long did they do it for? Are we understanding the distinction? So there’s understanding the prophecy and being able to explain it.


And then there is saying this person at this time in this place—that’s the testimony; that’s the oil. Are we getting that distinction? Only the person who has seen and heard can give that kind of testimony as a witness.


This is what we need to be sealed. This is what separates sealing from not sealing.


Let’s turn back; let’s turn to Revelation 13. We’ll see this example again. 

Revelation 13:1-2

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

In Revelation 13, we see that a beast with seven heads and ten horns is prophesied to appear. If someone claims to know who this beast is, they need to provide a detailed account – its names, origin, and the sea it came out from. If the prophecy has been fulfilled, there should be a testimony of how it has been fulfilled.


Let’s revisit the example of Jesus and Mary, as it’s easy to understand. Seven hundred years prior, it was prophesied that a virgin and child would appear. For seven hundred years, no one could know who the virgin or child was. But when Mary came and Jesus was born, we could identify that Isaiah was talking about Mary, the virgin, and Jesus, the child born to the virgin.


That’s what a testimony means – the who, what, when, where, why, and how.


As believers patiently waiting for the second coming, what testimony are we waiting for? What are we waiting to know?


Fulfillment. What kind of fulfillment? Prophecy.


Absolutely. So, what are some things we’ve learned that we want to know? The parables.

Yes, the parables. Which parable? Just name one.

The beast from Revelation. Okay, who was the beast? That’s a great question.

Any others come to mind? Where’s Mount Zion? That’s a good one. 


What’s another one? Who are the 144,000?

That’s a good one. Amen. 

Who are the 144,000? Have they been selected already?

Right? Those are questions we want to know. If we have those questions, it means we haven’t yet heard the testimony.


If it has been fulfilled, that’s what we need to hear. Are we understanding? So first, we’re understanding the word, the meaning, so that we can know what to look for. We’re looking in the right direction.


At the first coming, the Pharisees and people were looking for a mighty king to sit on the throne.


They were looking at the throne, expecting the Messiah to appear there.

Instead, the Messiah was born in a humble manger in Nazareth.


They were looking in the wrong direction because they didn’t understand the prophecy in the first place.


When fulfillment appeared, they turned away, saying, “Nazareth? This is a carpenter, not a king!” They didn’t recognize Jesus because they were looking in the wrong direction.


That’s why we’re focusing our gaze in the correct direction so that we can recognize fulfillment when it appears.


Okay, let’s continue with the lesson. Hopefully, this makes things a little clearer. We’ll continue to review this.


To seal —> To testify

To be sealed —> Listen and accept

Purpose —? To confirm God’s people

3. Work of Sealing at the First Coming

Old Testament Prophecy

Haggai 2:23

“‘On that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

On that day, which means we are reading a prophecy, so we should be thinking in parable language. Let’s understand this parable language a little bit more.


“On that day, declares the Lord Almighty, I will take you, my servant, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel,” declares the Lord, “and I will make you like my signet ring.”


What’s a signet ring? It’s basically a seal that can be worn as a ring. This was often worn by kings, royalty, and monarchy. So they would have their seal on them, and then they would put it in ink and stamp a document. Their ability to signify or certify something was always with them.


So God is saying through the prophet Haggai that He will make a person like His seal, representing authority and fulfilment of prophecy.


To understand how this prophecy was fulfilled, we’ll now turn to the book of John once more.

First Coming Fulfillment

John 6:27

Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

God has placed His seal of approval on Him, confirming His authority. So, what was the seal that God gave to Jesus as a confirmation?

John 17:8

For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.

So, what did Jesus say here? Something he often said, like in John 14, “For I gave them the words that you gave to me.” And they accepted them. So, they were sealed. Jesus said, “I gave them the words you gave me, and they accepted them.”


To his disciples, this is who Jesus was praying for in John 17, those who received and accepted the words from above, spoken through Jesus. So, Jesus became God’s Seal at the time of the first coming. And his job was to seal others. And those who accepted that became sealed as well, certified as those that belonged to God, and that God can use.


So, what about the second coming? The second coming is actually very similar. We read it in Revelation 7. The same process must take place in our time.

4. Work of Sealing at the Second Coming

At the time of the second coming, just like during the first coming, there must also be the work of sealing. 


During the first coming, people needed to hear the testimony about how God’s words had been fulfilled. This person appeared according to the prophecy: John the Baptist represents Elijah; the Pharisees are who Isaiah was talking about when he referred to the blind. “I am the Messiah. I am the one born to a virgin. I began my ministry in Galilee. I had to die on the cross for the atonement of sins.” Like that, Jesus had to explain these things that had been fulfilled.


The same thing must happen at the time of the second coming.


So, as mentioned in Revelation 7:2-3, the angel is holding the seal of the living God.

Revelation 7:2-3

2 Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.”

Until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God. So, how is this carried out? As we’ve read in other places in the book of Revelation, there is a specific process for which the prophecy must be fulfilled. There must be betrayal, there must be destruction, but then there must be the work of salvation, the work of the day of the Lord. Like 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, which you’ve read many times, and we’ll read it many more times. So, there must be betrayal, there must be destruction, and there must be salvation. We’re really focusing today on the work of salvation.


How does that take place? First, the word is sealed in God’s right hand, as mentioned in Revelation 5:1-3. Then, it is given to Jesus. The sealed book is opened. That sealed book is given to the angel, who then gives it to John. Now, we know that the book of Revelation is told through the perspective of Apostle John, who saw these things and recorded it in Scripture. He wrote and put ink to paper for the book of Revelation. 


However, Apostle John is no longer around. So, at the time of fulfillment, a new John must be the one who eats the open scroll, and then his job is to testify, prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. This is just a quick review of what we’ve read before, but please be familiar with this process.


As stated in Revelation 10:8-11, he is given that word, and then he must eat it and then testify to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. And when he testifies that word to them, their job is to hear it and come out and come to Mount Zion where the Lamb is.

Revelation 14:1

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

In Revelation 7, we see the sealing of the 144,000. And in Revelation 14, where are those 144,000 now? They are on Mount Zion. This is the place for which they were sealed, standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion. They hear the testimony of what has been fulfilled, and they come out. They go to Mount Zion, and they are sealed. So, God’s word of fulfillment is put on their hearts and minds.


However, it’s not just them. There are others who must go through this process too, like those who are called the great multitude in Revelation 7:9-14. John also sees a great multitude that no one can count, from every tribe, people, language, and nation. They too will gather on Mount Zion.


What’s interesting about these 144,000 is that they come from a specific location, which is quite intriguing. If we go back to Revelation 7

Revelation 7:4

Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

We move on to examine the rest of the chapter. It mentions 12,000 individuals from each of the 12 tribes. It names the sons of Jacob: 12,000 from this tribe, 12,000 from that tribe, totaling 144,000. We will study this in greater detail in the coming days.


However, it is crucial to understand that almost all of Revelation is expressed in figurative language because it represents prophecy. Keep this in mind. We often tend to interpret things literally when reading the Bible, but the nature of the content is figurative.


Are we understanding this concept?


The one who receives the testimony and is instructed to consume it becomes the seal. Thus, the seal of the living God is upon John, who must then seal others with the testimony he had received. In every chapter of Revelation, we encounter phrases like “I saw,” “I heard,” “It was shown to me.” Let us examine how John summarizes this. This is a very important passage.

Revelation 22:8

I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.

I, John, the one who heard and saw these things, what was it that he saw and heard? Well, this is mentioned in the last chapter of Revelation. So he’s talking about the events from Revelation 1 to Revelation 22. I am the one who heard and saw all these things.


Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about himself? Or someone else? As mentioned in Acts 8:34.


So there must be one who appears at the time of the second coming, who will see and hear the events of Revelation, but not in their prophetic, parable state like Apostle John saw. Instead of seeing monsters, he will see people. Instead of seeing a prostitute, he will see a person.


Instead of seeing a desert, he will see a place. Instead of seeing a mountain, he will see a gathering place of believers like that.


And then he’ll be able to say, ‘This is what I saw. This is what I heard. These are the ones who betrayed. These are the ones who destroyed. These are the ones who do the work of salvation. These are their names. These are their locations.’ That’s the testimony that will seal people.


But someone who becomes sealed doesn’t just sit there and say, ‘Hey, look,’ right?


They don’t; that’s not what they do. What is their job after receiving the seal? To do what? To turn around and seal someone else, like the disciples. The disciples received the seal from Jesus.


And then Jesus told them, ‘Go out and make disciples of many nations.’ And so they went and sealed others.


Old Testament prophecy has been fulfilled, and this is what Christ promised to do. Wait patiently like that. That’s what it meant to seal others.


So the 144,000, at the time of the second coming, will also have a very important job to do. They will be sealed, and then they too will go around the world and tell people what has been fulfilled.


And we’ll talk about this, for it’s very interesting. So now that you’re hearing this, what should you be thinking?


‘God, why have you chosen now to tell me about this? What do you want from me? Hmm. What is God’s will for my life? Not just for me to hear these words as head knowledge and go, “Wow, that was a nice meal.”‘


But to say, ‘Oh, God is equipping me. God is equipping me to do something. God wants me or thinks that I could be part. Maybe I could be part of the number.’


Maybe that’s what God wants for my life. Maybe this is why God picked this perfect time in my life to study. Now was the right time for me to hear this word. God is never late. He is always on time.


Which is why when you say, ‘Oh, I gotta miss class, I got this thing come up,’ or like, ‘No, because it’s not going to get easier. Oh, maybe I’ll stop now and do it later.’ And then you’re like, ‘It’s busier and busier.’


God picked this time for a reason. Amen. Okay, now that’s the seal. We need to talk about the mark.

5. Satan’s Mark

I bet that’s what you’ve been waiting for – what is that mark of the beast? I hear a thousand different things on the news. This person says it’s this, that person says it’s that. I’m scared to get this vaccine. I don’t want to get this, right?


So many different interpretations. But what should we be thinking about? Okay, now I know what God’s seal is. It’s His word of truth. And Satan likes to take what is God’s and corrupt it.


So, what should we be thinking about Satan’s mark? Should we be thinking about it as a physical thing that some person makes? No, no. It’ll be the opposite of what God gives. Are you understanding? Are you picking up the signals that I’m putting down? Right? So, we should not be scared of the news. You won’t find fulfillment on the news. Quit worrying about those things.

Revelation 13:15-18

15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666.

We see here that anyone who receives the mark of the beast will no longer be able to buy and sell figuratively. We’ve talked about what figurative buying represents, and we’ve talked about figurative selling, like when we discussed treasure, in the figurative wine lesson.


 This is why we can’t forget about the parables we’ve studied so far. What does it really mean to buy and sell figuratively? What does it mean to buy? It means to listen. What does it mean to sell? To speak. Isaiah 55 says, “Come buy.”


Buy without cost. And then God says, “What? Come and listen to me,” Isaiah 55:1-3.


It’s not physical, everyone. It’s spiritual. Stop looking at the news. “Come, buy, and eat” means come and listen. So, the one who oversees the mark of the beast will be able to continue listening and speaking, but not God’s word of truth, but lies.


The mark of the beast represents Satan’s lies. Lies. Because lies are Satan’s native language. God is compared to the Word, while John 8:44 compares Satan to a liar and the father of lies.


All he speaks are lies. So, is it possible to already have the mark? Yes, it is possible to already have the mark.

Scrub, scrub, scrub. Wash with the word of truth like that. It’s possible you already have it.


I don’t want to be someone with Satan’s lies because the end is not good. The end for someone who has Satan’s mark is hell, which we definitely do not want. Remember, Revelation 14:9-11.


That is not what we want. We want instead to be those who have God’s seal and are united with heaven. So please read these verses, Revelation 20:4-5. We don’t have time to read them tonight because we still need to talk about the number.


But please read these passages. Heaven vs. Hell. Okay, so what does the number 666 mean, and we’ll close with this? It’s called the number 666, man’s number.

Did you pick that up? Man’s number. There was a reason for this, why it is called man’s number.

It’s supposed to remind us of a previous time when this number was mentioned. Who here knew that the number 666 appeared in another place in the Bible?

It appeared somewhere else in the Bible.

1 Kings 10:14-15

14 The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, 15 not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.

We see here that Solomon received 666 talents. Remember what talents represent, right? Talents are measures of gold, not skills or abilities, but measures of gold, treasure.


So, if we draw the nation of Israel here, this line represents the sea. Can everyone see this right here? Okay, so this is Israel. That means Solomon regularly received treasure from what nations? What kind of nations was he receiving treasure from? Arabia, merchants, traders, Gentile nations. He regularly received treasure from Gentile nations, those who did not belong to God.


And what happens when one receives a sufficient amount of treasure from those who do not belong to God? It corrupts them. What happened in the next chapter? 1 Kings 11, disaster strikes. Chapter 11. You don’t have time to read it all tonight, but this is something we will revisit many times.


I’ll summarize. Solomon had many wives from Gentile nations, many, 700. And 300 concubines, a lot. And over time, those women turned his heart away from God. And he built idols to those gods in Israel. This angered God very greatly. God was angered to such a point that he divided the nation and allowed it to be destroyed for 70 years by Babylon. That was the start of the era of Babylon.


So, when we understand this history, we should be thinking in Revelation, oh, someone who is used to receiving much falsehood and makes others receive that same falsehood. It’s like bad marking, lies, lies, lies. From this place, from that place, it’s done spiritually. It’s just this gentle giving of falsehood to many people. And the lies spread like that.


We don’t want that. So we need to know and avoid the lies that appear at the second coming. That’s the mark. Amen. Does that make sense, everyone? So if you want to get the vaccine, go get the vaccine. It’s fine; it’s not the mark. Right? So don’t get confused by these things that people throw on the internet. It doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t follow the logic of the Bible.


Haggai  2:23

“‘On that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

Instructor Review



We’ve covered two parables: the seal and the mark.

The seal represents God’s word of truth, while the mark represents Satan’s lies and falsehood. A seal is like a stamp that puts the seal of approval on something or someone. God’s seal, His word of truth, certifies that God is true when one receives it. That person becomes sealed and can then turn around and seal someone else. This process continues, embodying the fulfilment of spreading the gospel.

Jesus certified those who listened to him because, as it was prophesied, he was God’s signet ring, His stamp. Jesus gave the word that he received from God to others, marking God’s seal of approval.

So, at the second coming, the same thing needs to take place. The sealed and living God will appear, guided by heaven, God, Jesus, and the angel. It is their job to seal many people—nations, languages, and kings—by giving the testimony as to what has been fulfilled.

In our time, when people hear about what has been fulfilled, they come running to gather at Mount Zion, where the Lamb is. A 144,000 and the great multitude gather there. However, there is the opposite: Satan’s mark lies in falsehood, and the beast, false pastors, spread those lies to many people.

When someone accepts the lie, they receive the mark on their foreheads and their hands.

Let us not be like that.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Unveiling the Seal and the Mark: A Revelation of Truth and Deception


I. Introduction

  • The Significance of Discernment: Emphasizes the importance of distinguishing good from evil in a world saturated with deceptive claims.
  • Unveiling God’s Will: Introduces the central theme of the lesson – understanding God’s will for our lives through understanding the seal and the mark.

II. Figurative Seal (Mark)

  • The Nature of the Seal: Clarifies the symbolic meaning of the “seal” as a stamp of certification or ownership, distinguishing it from the concept of a “sealed word.”
  • The Hope of the Faithful: Underscores the desire of believers to receive God’s seal and avoid the mark of the beast.
  • The Peril of False Idols: Reviews the concept of idols as false teachers who distort the truth and lead to spiritual deception.
  • Inscribing God’s Word on the Heart: Highlights the vital importance of knowing and living by God’s Word, using the analogy of inscribing it permanently on one’s heart.

III. Main Reference: Revelation 7:1-4

  • John’s Vision: Analyzes the passage from Revelation 7, emphasizing John’s perspective as the witness to the events of the prophecy.
  • The Sealing of the Servants: Explains the process of the angel sealing the foreheads of God’s servants, numbering 144,000.
  • The Special Mission of the Sealed: Acknowledges the unique role of the 144,000 in the unfolding events of Revelation.

IV. Decoding the Seal: Physical and Spiritual Dimensions

1. Physical Characteristics of a Seal

  • Seal as Signature: Explains how seals function as signatures or official marks of ownership, approval, and certification across various cultures.
  • Permanence and Ownership: Describes the physical characteristics of seals, often carved from wood or stone, emphasizing their permanence and association with ownership.

2. Figurative (True) Meaning of a Seal

  • God as the Word: Connects God’s identity with His Word, stating that He can be called “The Word” because He embodies it.
  • God’s Word as His Seal: Reveals the true meaning of God’s seal as His Word, which signifies ownership and approval. Those who have His Word within them are recognized as belonging to Him.
  • Obedience as Love Language: Emphasizes the importance of obedience to God’s Word as a demonstration of love for Him.

V. The Work of Sealing: First and Second Coming

3. Work of Sealing at the First Coming

  • Old Testament Prophecy: Analyzes Haggai 2:23, which prophesies about a person who will be like God’s signet ring, symbolizing authority and fulfillment of prophecy.
  • First Coming Fulfillment: Explains that Jesus, through his obedience and the words he received from God, became God’s Seal at the first coming, sealing those who accepted his testimony.

4. Work of Sealing at the Second Coming

  • The Process of Sealing: Details the process of sealing at the second coming, involving the opening of the sealed book, the angel giving it to John, and John’s role in testifying and sealing others.
  • The Gathering on Mount Zion: Describes the gathering of the 144,000 and the great multitude on Mount Zion, signifying their acceptance of God’s Word and their sealing.
  • The 144,000 from the Tribes of Israel: Explores the significance of the 144,000 being specifically chosen from the twelve tribes of Israel and the importance of interpreting Revelation figuratively.
  • John as the Witness: Highlights Revelation 22:8, where John identifies himself as the one who saw and heard the events of Revelation, emphasizing the need for a new John at the time of fulfillment.
  • The New John’s Testimony: Describes the role of the new John, who will see the fulfillment of the prophecy and testify to the events, sealing others with his testimony.

VI. Unmasking the Mark: Satan’s Counterfeit

5. Satan’s Mark

  • The Nature of the Mark: Contrasts God’s seal of truth with Satan’s mark of lies and falsehood, warning against interpreting the mark as a physical object.
  • The Consequences of the Mark: Analyzes Revelation 13:15-18, which describes the mark’s power to control buying and selling, symbolically representing the ability to listen and speak.
  • The Mark as Spiritual Deception: Explains that the mark represents accepting Satan’s lies, leading to eternal separation from God.
  • The Number 666: Connects the number 666 with man’s number, drawing a parallel to 1 Kings 10:14-15, where Solomon’s acceptance of treasure from Gentile nations led to his corruption and the nation’s downfall.

VII. Conclusion

  • The Seal and the Mark: Summarizes the key differences between the seal as God’s word of truth and the mark as Satan’s lies.
  • The Call to Discern: Urges readers to discern truth from falsehood, rejecting the lies of the beast and embracing the truth of God’s Word to receive His seal.
  • God’s Timing and Purpose: Encourages readers to see the present moment as the opportune time for studying God’s Word and understanding His will for their lives, potentially including a role in the events of the second coming.

A Study Guide

Study Guide: Understanding the Figurative Seal and Mark in Revelation


Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.

  1. What are the two key symbols discussed in this lesson, and what do they represent?
  2. According to the lesson, what is the physical characteristic of a seal and its purpose?
  3. How does the lesson connect God and His Word?
  4. Explain the difference between hearing and accepting versus hearing and rejecting God’s Word.
  5. Who was God’s “Seal” at the first coming, and what was his role?
  6. What must happen at the second coming for the work of sealing to occur?
  7. Describe the process of how the sealed book is opened and ultimately delivered to the people.
  8. What is the significant job of the 144,000 at the time of the second coming?
  9. According to the lesson, what does Satan’s mark represent, and how does it contrast with God’s seal?
  10. What is the significance of the number 666, and how is it connected to Solomon’s reign?

Quiz Answer Key

  1. The two key symbols are the seal, representing God’s word of truth, and the mark, representing Satan’s lies. These symbols signify opposing forces of truth and falsehood.
  2. A seal is typically a physical object resembling a stamp made of durable material like wood or stone. Its purpose is to certify, approve, or confirm ownership of a document or object.
  3. The lesson emphasizes that God equates himself with His Word. This means that God and His Word are inseparable, and to know God’s Word is to know God himself.
  4. Hearing God’s Word implies exposure to it, while accepting it means embracing it as truth and living accordingly. Rejecting God’s Word means refusing to believe and follow its teachings.
  5. Jesus was God’s “Seal” at the first coming. His role was to testify to God’s Word, seal those who accepted it, and send his disciples to seal others, spreading God’s truth.
  6. For the work of sealing to occur at the second coming, the sealed book containing God’s Word must be opened, revealed to a new “John,” and then testified to the people, leading them to Mount Zion.
  7. The sealed book is first sealed in God’s right hand, then given to Jesus, who opens it. The open book is then given to an angel, who gives it to “John,” who represents a figure chosen by God to receive and spread the revealed Word.
  8. The 144,000, sealed at the second coming, have the crucial task of spreading the testimony of fulfilled prophecy to the world. They act as God’s messengers, spreading truth and guiding others towards salvation.
  9. Satan’s mark represents lies and falsehood, directly contrasting God’s seal of truth. The mark signifies the acceptance and propagation of Satan’s deception, leading people away from God.
  10. The number 666, referred to as “man’s number,” is connected to the 666 talents of gold Solomon received annually from Gentile nations. It symbolizes the corrupting influence of worldly wealth and the acceptance of falsehood, ultimately leading to spiritual downfall.

Additional Questions

1. What is the meaning of the Figurative Seal?

– God’s Word and a person with the Word

2. How does God seal?

– He chooses one person

1C: God → Jesus Christ → 12 Disciples → The World
2C: God → Jesus Christ → Angel → New John → People, Nations, Languages and Kings

3. What is the importance of being sealed?

– The Seal / Mark shows who one belongs to

4. Where do I need to go to be sealed?

– Mount Zion (Revelation 14:1)

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Seal: A symbol of God’s Word of Truth. It acts as a certification, confirming ownership and approval. In a spiritual context, receiving God’s seal signifies accepting and living by His Word.
  • Mark: The symbol of Satan’s lies and falsehood. It represents the acceptance and propagation of deception, leading to spiritual separation from God.
  • Testimony: An account of fulfilled prophecy. It details the who, what, when, where, why, and how of events that confirm the truth of God’s Word.
  • Mount Zion: The gathering place for the 144,000 and the great multitude at the second coming. It symbolizes the unity and salvation found in embracing God’s truth.
  • 144,000: A symbolic number representing those chosen by God and sealed with His Word at the second coming. They have the specific task of spreading the testimony of fulfilled prophecy.
  • Great Multitude: A vast number of people from all nations, tribes, and languages who are also saved and gather at Mount Zion, demonstrating the universality of God’s salvation.
  • Signet Ring: A ring with a seal used by royalty to mark official documents. Jesus is referred to as God’s signet ring, signifying his authority and fulfillment of prophecy.
  • 666: Referred to as “man’s number,” it symbolizes the corrupting influence of worldly wealth and the acceptance of falsehood, as exemplified in Solomon’s story.
  • Figurative Language: Symbolic language used in prophecy to convey deeper meaning. It requires interpretation to understand the intended message.
  • Discernment: The ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, good and evil. It’s crucial for navigating the spiritual realm and avoiding deception.


Timeline of Events

This timeline is based on the interpretation of biblical prophecy presented in the lesson.

Past Events:

  • Prophecy of a Virgin and Child: Prophecy given 700 years before the first coming of Jesus.
  • Haggai’s Prophecy: The prophet Haggai prophesied that God would make someone like His signet ring, representing authority and fulfillment of prophecy.
  • First Coming of Jesus: Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of the virgin and child. He also acted as God’s seal by spreading His word and sealing his disciples.
  • Solomon’s Reign: King Solomon received 666 talents of gold yearly from Gentile nations, which led to corruption and the division of Israel.

Future Events:

  • Opening of the Sealed Book: The sealed book, representing God’s plan for the end times, will be opened by Jesus.
  • Testimony of the New John: A new prophet, symbolized by John, will receive the open scroll, understand the prophecy, and witness its fulfillment. This prophet will testify to many people, nations, languages, and kings.
  • Gathering on Mount Zion: Those who hear and accept the testimony will be sealed and gather at Mount Zion with the Lamb. This includes the 144,000 and the great multitude.
  • Spread of Satan’s Mark: False pastors, representing the beast, will spread lies and falsehood. Those who accept these lies will receive the mark of the beast, which prevents them from buying and selling (figuratively listening and speaking God’s truth).

Cast of Characters

God: The ultimate authority, equated with His Word. He seeks to seal those who have His word in their hearts and obey His teachings.

Jesus: God’s signet ring at the first coming. He sealed his disciples with God’s word and commissioned them to spread the gospel. He will open the sealed book in the end times.

The Angel: A messenger of God who plays a role in the fulfillment of prophecy. Will give the opened book to the New John.

John (Apostle): The author of the book of Revelation. He saw the events of the end times in symbolic form.

New John: A future prophet who will receive the open scroll from the angel, understand the prophecy, witness its fulfillment, and testify to others.

144,000: A group of believers, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, who will be sealed and stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion. They will have a special role in spreading the testimony of fulfillment.

Great Multitude: A vast number of believers from all nations, tribes, languages, and peoples who will also be sealed and gather on Mount Zion.

Beast (Figurative): Represents false pastors who will spread lies and falsehood.

Those who Receive the Mark: People who accept the lies of the beast and are prevented from spiritually buying and selling (listening and speaking God’s truth).

Zerubbabel: Mentioned in Haggai’s prophecy as someone God would make like His signet ring. This prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus.

Solomon: King of Israel who received 666 talents of gold from Gentile nations, leading to his corruption and the division of Israel. This historical event serves as a warning about the corrupting influence of falsehood.

Pharisees: Religious leaders at the time of Jesus who were looking for a Messiah in the wrong way and rejected Jesus. They serve as an example of those who misinterpret prophecy.

Disciples: Followers of Jesus who were sealed with God’s word and sent to make disciples of all nations. They serve as an example of those who receive the seal and then seal others.


Overview: Figurative Seal and Mark in Revelation


Main Themes

  1. Discernment between Good and Evil: The lesson emphasizes the critical importance of discerning truth from falsehood in an era saturated with deception. This ability to differentiate is directly linked to possessing God’s “seal.” As the lesson states, “Woe to those who call good evil and evil good… One who is wise in their own eyes will not be able to know what is truly good or evil.” (Isaiah 5:20-21)
  2. God’s Seal as His Word: The lesson identifies God’s seal not as a physical mark, but as His inherent word residing within believers. This internalization signifies ownership, approval, and certification by God. “The seal that God wants to put on people’s foreheads is His Word. Why? When God looks at someone and He sees His Word in them, He knows they belong to Him.”
  3. The Process of Sealing: The act of sealing involves a dynamic process: a) God’s word is revealed and testified, b) individuals hear and accept the revealed truth, c) those who accept are sealed with the word, signifying their belonging to God.
  4. Satan’s Mark as Falsehood: In contrast to God’s seal, Satan’s mark represents the acceptance and internalization of lies and deception. This mark is figuratively linked to the inability to “buy and sell,” symbolizing a restriction on receiving and spreading God’s truth.
  5. The Number 666: Man’s Number: The lesson draws a parallel between the 666 talents of gold received by Solomon and the mark of the beast. Both represent the corrupting influence of worldly treasures and the embrace of falsehood, ultimately leading to spiritual downfall.

Key Points

  • The Importance of Testimony: The lesson highlights the role of testimony in sealing. Hearing and accepting the testimony of fulfilled prophecy is crucial to receiving God’s seal.
  • Sealing at the First and Second Coming: The sealing process operates similarly in both comings. Jesus, as God’s signet ring, sealed believers at the first coming. At the second coming, the “new John” who receives the revealed word will act as the sealer.
  • The Role of the 144,000: The 144,000, sealed at the second coming, are tasked with spreading the testimony and sealing others.
  • Figurative Interpretation of Revelation: The lesson stresses understanding the figurative language of Revelation to avoid misinterpretations and misplaced fears.
  • Call to Action: The lesson concludes with a call for personal reflection on God’s will and a potential role in the sealing process, urging listeners to actively engage with the message beyond mere intellectual understanding.

Notable Quotes

  • “If we want to be considered certified, approved, and owned by God, we need His word within us.”
  • “To seal means to testify, to testify what was seen and heard, to testify the word.”
  • “Those who hear and accept will be sealed. Those who hear and reject will not be sealed.”
  • “You won’t find fulfillment on the news. Quit worrying about those things.”
  • “The mark of the beast represents Satan’s lies.”


This lesson provides a comprehensive understanding of the figurative seal and mark within the context of Revelation. By emphasizing discernment, the internalization of God’s word, and the role of testimony, the lesson equips believers to navigate a world rife with deception and to actively participate in the work of sealing others with God’s truth.


Q&A: The Seal and the Mark in Revelation

1. What is the difference between the seal and the mark in Revelation?

The seal represents God’s word of truth, certifying and confirming God’s ownership and approval. It’s a spiritual mark signifying belonging to God.

The mark, on the other hand, symbolizes Satan’s lies and falsehoods. It represents being deceived and controlled by Satan.

2. How does one receive God’s seal?

God’s seal is received by hearing and accepting the testimony of God’s word and its fulfillment through Jesus Christ. This involves understanding the prophecies of the Bible and recognizing their fulfillment in real-world events.

3. Who is responsible for sealing people at the second coming?

At the second coming, a new “John” figure will receive the opened scroll, the revealed word of God, and will testify to its fulfillment. Those who hear and accept this testimony will be sealed.

4. What is the role of the 144,000 in the sealing process?

The 144,000 are a group of believers who will be sealed at the second coming. Their role is to spread the testimony of the fulfilled prophecies to others, leading them to Mount Zion, the gathering place of the saved.

5. What is the significance of the number 666?

The number 666, referred to as “man’s number,” symbolizes the corrupting influence of worldly treasures and falsehoods. It draws a parallel to King Solomon, who was corrupted by accepting riches from Gentile nations and turned away from God.

6. Is the mark of the beast a physical mark?

No, the mark of the beast is not a physical mark or object. It’s a spiritual mark representing the acceptance of Satan’s lies and being under his influence.

7. What are the consequences of receiving the mark of the beast?

Those who receive the mark of the beast will be separated from God and face eternal damnation. They will be unable to “buy and sell” spiritually, meaning they will be cut off from hearing and speaking God’s truth.

8. How can I avoid receiving the mark of the beast?

To avoid receiving the mark, you must diligently study and understand God’s word, recognize and reject the lies and falsehoods spread by false teachers (represented by the beast), and hold fast to the truth revealed through Jesus Christ.

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