[Lesson 88] The Sound of the Last, Seventh Trumpet

by ichthus

The lesson focuses on the sound of the last, seventh trumpet in Revelation. This trumpet announces salvation and God’s victory over death, fulfilling the “mystery of God” which is eternal life where the mortal is clothed with immortality and death is swallowed up in victory (1 Cor 15:51-54). When the seventh trumpet sounds, the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God (Rev 11:15).

There are three groups involved in the first resurrection (Rev 20:4-6) – the martyrs/disciples who died for their faith, those alive who don’t worship the beast/receive its mark, and the “rest of the dead” who must wait until after the 1000 years.

The lesson outlines the three mysteries of Revelation – the mystery of betrayal (the 7 stars/churches), the mystery of destruction (the beast/Babylon), and the mystery of salvation (announced by the 7th trumpet).

When the trumpet sounds, it goes out as a call to gather God’s people (Isaiah 18:3). This gathering represents the harvest, rapture, and wedding banquet.

The lesson warns that like snakes targeting hatchlings, Satan targets new/inexperienced believers through attacks on thoughts, relationships, and actions not aligned with God’s will. Aligning one’s heart and actions with God strengthens against such attacks as the time of gathering draws near.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 1:5-6

5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

Yeast of Heaven

God’s great love in giving the one and only righteous person – His son – to die on the cross for sinners… The 33-year old young adult prayed, sweating drops of blood with the end of his life right before him (Lu 22:42-44). We must not be immature believers. We must know God’s pain and his situation. The Bible is about God and His Son, Jesus’, tragic and unfortunate circumstances.



Have you ever lost something valuable? Perhaps you’ve been scammed out of money when you had bills to pay. Or maybe you’ve experienced the terrifying moment when a small child wandered off. These situations can be devastating and turn our world upside down.

But have we ever considered what God has lost? He sent His one and only son to this sinful world. How did we respond to Jesus? We called him a cult leader, a heretic. We crucified him and persecuted his followers, murdering them. This prevented Jesus from fulfilling his purpose on earth, which was Satan’s goal – to make God’s mission unsuccessful.

At the time of the second coming, Satan is working in the same way. He wants to make sure you disbelieve in Jesus, so that the blood shed on the cross at the first coming won’t have an effect. You must believe in Jesus and His blood for it to impact your life.

Let’s try to understand God’s situation and the sacrifice He made for us. It’s crucial to be a true believer and recognize the blessings that come with faith in God and His work.


Our Hope: To hear the sound of the last 7th trump and gather on the mountain!

I’m always glad and grateful to gather with all of you. There are many things we could be doing during this time, yet every week you decide to set aside two hours, three times a week, to study with us.

We’re very grateful for your efforts and sacrifices. We also know that God is grateful because He has many plans for those of us who will inherit the kingdom of heaven when it comes down. What type of believers will be put on the right? Sheep-like believers.

That’s who we want to be – those who are put on the right and not the left. We don’t want to be put on the left, as it doesn’t end well for those placed there. So let’s strive to be those put on the right side of God and Jesus.

We’re going to jump into today’s content because we have a lot to cover. I’m excited for us to come to an even greater realization about the time we are living in and things we should be looking forward to.

The Sound of the Last, Seventh Trumpet

1 Cor 15:51-54 (Rev 10:7, Rev 11:15)

Our hope is to hear the sound of the last seventh trumpet and gather on the mountain.
Do we need to gather on a literal mountain? No. That wouldn’t make much sense. In the past, some people have made such claims.

These people went to specific locations at designated times. They waited and waited until the time passed.
Afterwards, they made excuses to explain why nothing happened. However, that’s not what we’re discussing here.

When we hear the trumpet call, we are all meant to gather. But the mountain where we gather is not a physical one; it’s a spiritual mountain.

Previous Lesson Review


Let’s consider some key takeaways from this important lesson we discussed.

1.- God’s covenant provides details about atonement. It contains the necessary instructions for people to receive atonement.

2.- The Old Covenant, also known as the Old Testament or the law, is referred to by Apostle Paul in Hebrews 10:1 as the shadow.

The law is only a shadow. Everything that occurred from Moses’ time until the first coming was a shadow.

This implies that there was a reality to which the shadow pointed. Who was the reality behind the Old Testament shadow? Jesus.

Jesus was the reality of everything they had to do in the Old Testament.

3.- When the Old Testament mentions a one-year-old lamb, what was the reality of this young, unblemished lamb?

It was a 33-year-old man without sin. Who was that? Jesus.

As one who was tempted in every way we are, but never succumbed to sin. Hebrews 3, 4, and 5.

We are grateful for everything Jesus did for us. It is because of His blood that we receive atonement.

4.- There’s a key point we need to understand to avoid confusion:

Firstly, Jesus’ blood atones for committed sin for all time – past, present, and future. This is the first coming.

5.- At the second coming, His blood frees people from sin completely.

This means they will no longer commit sin that needs atonement. Do you understand this point?

The first coming atones for sins committed, meaning sins are forgiven.

At the second coming, Jesus’ blood purchases people from sin and death, meaning they will no longer commit sin.

This happens at the time of the second coming to those who are freed, purchased, and wash their robes to welcome heaven down. Rev 1:5-6, Rev 5:9-10, Rev 7:14

May this be true for all of us. This is the point Paul was making in Hebrews 9:28. Jesus shed His blood at the first coming, once for all. At the second coming, He brings salvation – salvation from sin by capturing the devil and destroying sin forever.

This applies to those on the mountain, those who welcome heaven down. This was the point of our previous lesson.

We want to be these people. Imagine a world where people no longer commit sin – a beautiful world we look forward to seeing.


  1. God’s covenant details atonement
  2. Old Covenant Heb 10:1 → Shadow → Reality (Jesus)
  3. 1 year lamb without deficit = 33 year-old man without sin Heb 3-5
  4. Blood → Atones for commited sin at First Coming, Heb 9:28
  5. Blood → Frees people from sin at Second Coming, Rev 1:5-6, Rev 5:9-10, Rev 7:14


Let’s delve into today’s content, which is closely related to the point I just made about the trumpets. We’ll now go through this lesson.

Our main reference verse will be in Matthew 24, but before we get to that, there are a few important introductions we need to understand.

The trumpet, particularly the seventh trumpet, announces two significant things:

  1. God’s victory and the resurrection
  2. Eternal life

So, the seventh trumpet declares these two crucial aspects.

Firstly, it announces God’s victory and the resurrection. But which resurrection does this trumpet proclaim? It’s the first resurrection, where the spiritual world and the physical world become one. When this occurs, death will be swallowed up in victory, and eternal life will begin.

May this come quickly.

Now that we have some context about what the trumpet call will bring, let’s turn to Matthew 24. We’ll examine how Jesus described it in the mini-revelation.

Matthew 24:29-31

29 “Immediately after the distress of those days

“‘the sun will be darkened,

    and the moon will not give its light;

the stars will fall from the sky,

    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

30 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Some very deep things have been discussed here, but hopefully you were able to get a pretty compelling image of what we had just read. I’m only showing here exactly as it is described in the picture or in the verse. We’re going to see this exact same image again later on, but it will look a little different.

In this passage, we observe the darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars. These heavenly bodies, typically associated with the spiritual realm, abdicate their positions of authority by going dark and falling. This is not to be taken literally, but figuratively.

Genesis 37:9-11 introduces the symbolic meaning of the sun, moon, and stars, representing Jacob, his mother, and his 11 brothers – the chosen people. Throughout the Bible, especially in prophetic books like Joel chapter 2, the darkening of these celestial bodies or the moon turning blood red signifies a loss of their usual light-giving function.

If these events were to occur literally, there would be no elect to gather, as we would all perish. Some stars in our universe are hundreds of times larger than our sun, and their proximity to Earth would result in complete destruction. Similarly, if the moon left its orbit and impacted Earth, it would cause worldwide tsunamis and devastation.

Thankfully, this is figurative, representing a chosen people losing their position of authority at the time of the second coming. At this point, Jesus returns to gather the elect from all directions – north, south, east, and west – to take their places in the kingdom of God.

The gathering of the elect is described in various ways throughout scripture:

1: Harvest
2: Fleeing to the mountains
3: Coming out of Babylon
4: Being purchased
5: Being caught in the net and placed in the basket

All these descriptions refer to the same event, just portrayed differently.

The trumpet call mentioned is another way to describe this gathering. It represents the fulfilment of prophecy and serves as a parable for the word of God calling His people. As we see these signs, we must be prepared to flee from what is false and embrace what is true. This gives us hope, like a seed planted in our hearts.

The lesson here is that we are living in a crucial time or era. What was once sealed is now open, and we must be ready to respond to God’s call.

1.- Trumpet

Let’s delve deeper into understanding this trumpet. We need to know if it’s already sounding, how we can be sure we’re hearing it, and where we should gather.
Does anyone recall what a trumpet represents? It represents a person.
How do we know this? You seem quite confident about it. Let’s assume I’m not familiar with the open word.
Can you explain it to me? Alright, it’s a parable. How do we know this? Because we learned about it in parables.
But suppose I haven’t studied parables. So, what does a trumpet signify?
Why do you say it represents a person? The answer lies in Isaiah 58:1.

Isaiah 58:1

“Shout it aloud, do not hold back.

    Raise your voice like a trumpet.

Declare to my people their rebellion

    and to the house of Jacob their sins.

The prophet Isaiah is instructed to shout aloud and raise his voice like a trumpet. He is told to declare two things to God’s people: their rebellion and their sins. This is necessary because people cannot repent for something they are unaware of doing wrong. They cannot apologize if they don’t know what they did.

In relationships, sometimes one spouse is angry, and the other is unsure what they did wrong. They don’t know what to apologize for, wondering, “What did I do this time?” They need to be told what they did before they can repent.

God has always appointed a trumpet to announce to the people what they’ve done wrong so they can change course. The trumpet sound, which represents the word that declares, serves two purposes:

  1. It declares rebellion.
  2. It declares sins.

This allows people to repent.

An excellent example of this is found in the book of Jonah. Although Jonah isn’t directly compared to a trumpet, the logic is similar. Jonah was asked to speak to the people of Nineveh, a Gentile people whose sins were well documented in other prophetic books.

Like Sodom and Gomorrah, God heard about the wrongs they had committed and decided a change was necessary. However, people need to know what they’ve done wrong. So Jonah was sent to them, but he initially abdicated his responsibility and fled.

God couldn’t allow the people to remain unaware of their wrongdoings, so He punished Jonah. God told Jonah, “I gave you a job to do. Go back and do what I told you to do.”

Jonah relented and accepted his punishment: three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish. The fish then dropped him off right where he needed to start speaking again. Finally, Jonah fulfilled his duty, and surprisingly, the people repented. It was refreshing to see a people repent for the things they had done wrong.

God needed a trumpet, someone to open their mouth and speak. This is still true today.

Jesus is now in spirit form, as are His angels. Spirits work through flesh, through people like Evangelist Mary, Jon, David, George, Mike, or Instructor Alex. These are just random names, but they represent those who have received the open word and are already on Mount Zion. Our job is to guide as many people there as we can.

The words we speak are not our own. They don’t come from years of studying theology. I was in your position not long ago, so I can’t claim ownership of these words. What a responsibility that would be! My job, like the Evangelists’, is simply to open my mouth and speak.

When Evangelist Ana calls, answer. She has a desperate heart to help you hear and understand these words. When Evangelist David reads from scripture, see it as the word of God entering you. Try to look beyond the person to the spirit behind them. You may not see the spirit directly or tell by someone’s appearance, but you can hear it. When you do, you should be able to say, “Amen” or “No thanks.”

These days, you should be able to recognize a true trumpet call and run towards it.

The word declares or reveals fulfilled events. Sin and rebellion are actions that have occurred, and people need to know about them to repent. Let’s now examine the trumpet sound in the book of Revelation more closely to understand when and where things are happening or may have already happened.

2.- Trumpet Sound at the Time of the Second Coming

Rev 8-9

Revelation 8:2

And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

Revelation chapter 8 begins with the opening of the seventh seal. When this seal is opened, what is revealed? The book of Revelation itself. This event did not occur 2,000 years ago.

In fact, it happened quite recently. The reason for this is that someone needed to witness and testify about the events they saw, which means this person must be alive in our time. The testimony had to be based on firsthand observation.

If you examine Revelation, you’ll notice that every chapter is written in the first person, from the perspective of a witness. In verse 2, it states:

“And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.”
Seven angels receive seven trumpets. When each of these angels sounds their trumpet, specific events unfold. Things happen as a result of these trumpet blasts.

The Last Trumpet Sound of Revelation

Let’s now understand the seven angels and the seven trumpets in more detail.

The sound of the last seven trumpets of Revelation does something very special. We’ll get to that in a moment. We have seven angels who receive seven trumpets.

Of the trumpeter and the trumpet, which ones are the angels? The angels are the trumpeter. The person is the trumpet.
A person sounds the words received from the spirit. The words they are told to speak to God’s people. They must ensure the people hear the sound they need to hear so they can repent for the things they are doing and come out.

When we read Revelation 8, 9, and 11, we should think of the voice of seven people. If we think logically about it, we may have believed in the past that it was a literal trumpet sound heard by everyone in the world at the same time.

A sound that loud would eviscerate everything in its vicinity. If the whole world heard it, there would be nothing left. It would be as powerful as many multiple nuclear explosions all at once. It would end everything. That’s how we used to think.

We didn’t really think of it as seven trumpet sounds. Maybe some of us did, but not all. Some thought it was one sound, and then heaven would crack open, and we would see Jesus coming from the clouds.

People waiting for that are going to be waiting a long time. How long? They’re going to be waiting forever, just like those still waiting for the Messiah to come for the first time. They will wait forever because he already came and is about to come again.

This is why it’s so important to understand the parables and how Revelation has been fulfilled, not how people think it will be fulfilled. People’s thoughts will lead them to waiting a long time. Let’s not wait a long time. Let’s be at the place where it actually happens.

It won’t happen literally. It’ll happen figuratively. But it will happen.

The seven trumpets are divided into two categories.

Category One

Let’s first examine when the trumpets sound, and then we’ll understand the category of their sounding.

The trumpets sound in three chapters of Revelation: Rev 8:1-4, Rev 9:5-6, and Rev 11:15. Actually, it’s four chapters, but they sound in three. This divides the groups of trumpets.

In Revelation chapter 8, four trumpets sound. This means four people sound trumpets in Revelation chapter 8.

In chapter 9, two trumpets sound.

So, we have a total of six trumpets. Four in chapter 8 and two in chapter 9.

These trumpets announce the sin, rebellion, and sacrifice of the chosen people. They announce the destruction or sacrifice of the chosen people by the destroyers.

This was allowed to happen because of their sin and rebellion and their lack of repentance. These six people are saying, “This is what has happened to you. You are in sin. You are in rebellion. Repent. The people standing in your midst are destroying you. Stop listening to their words.”

People’s hearts were trembling. They were thinking, “What? What are they saying? Are they right?”

There were many earthquakes. These are the first six trumpets. However, the seventh trumpet is different.

Category 2

The seventh trumpet announces something awesome. This last trumpet, the seventh trumpet, sounds in Revelation 11:15.

The trumpet is introduced in Revelation 10:7 but is actually sounded in Revelation 11:15. It is called the last seventh trumpet. It’s referred to as “last” because it is the seventh in a series of seven trumpets, making it the final one.

However, it’s worth noting that we didn’t always know how many trumpets there would be in total. I’ll explain why I mentioned this in a moment.

This trumpet announces salvation through God’s victory.

While the first six trumpets announce the sin, rebellion, sacrifice, and destruction of the chosen people by the destroyers, the seventh trumpet proclaims salvation through God’s victory.

3.- Sound of the 7th Trumpet

Let us understand the difference between the first 6 trumpets and the 7th trumpet. 

Mystery of God (Salvation) → Accomplished

Revelation 10:7

But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

Here’s a revised version of the text, preserving the key vocabulary and ideas while improving readability:

As we study Revelation chapter 10, you should be recalling the significant events that occur in this chapter. Let’s consider some of the major occurrences:

  1. John eats the scroll.
  2. The angel gives John the scroll.

Keep these events in mind as we examine the content. The passage states, “But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished.” This refers to the mystery of God, which represents the mystery of salvation, being fulfilled.

Amen. May this fulfilment come quickly.

God Resigns

Now, let’s see the rest of the sound of this trumpet.

Revelation 11:15

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,

    and he will reign for ever and ever.”

When this trumpet sounds, the kingdom that belongs to the world will become the kingdom that belongs to God. At this point, God finally rests, which is referred to as “reign” in this verse. For God, reigning and resting are the same thing.

God finally reigns because ever since Adam’s fall, the world has been the kingdom of the world, the kingdom of Satan, and the kingdom of darkness. This realm was filled with death, mourning, crying, and pain and suffering of all kinds – the worst things we can imagine. However, God intends to end this, and it happens at the sound of the seventh trumpet.

The sound of the seventh trumpet announces salvation. In contrast, the first six trumpets announce the destruction of the chosen people. These trumpets show how the chosen people were being destroyed and sacrificed by the destroyers. They also reveal the sins and rebellion that led to this destruction.

While the first six trumpets focus on destruction, the seventh trumpet announces salvation. This helps us understand more about the mystery of God.

1 Corinthians 15:51-54

51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

There are many amazing things to understand in this passage. Starting from verse 35 of 1 Corinthians 15, Paul discusses the difference between physical (earthly) bodies and spiritual bodies. He explains how bodies differ in splendor, comparing the sun, moon, and stars.

Paul describes how what is sown in disgrace is raised in victory. He uses the parable of a seed that must die for something greater to rise. This deep point illustrates God’s mystery, which can be summarized as the mystery of eternal life.

God’s mystery is connected to the 7th trumpet sound, which represents the swallowing of death. In verse 53, Paul mentions that the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When this happens, death is swallowed up in victory.

Death is swallowed by life, meaning eternal life not just for the spirit, but for the flesh as well. This implies that when this occurs, people who are alive and gathered at the mountain will no longer see death. They will live forever.

This concept sounds incredible and unbelievable. Death has been the way of things for 6,000 years. It’s all we know. We have fashioned our entire lives around the fact that people only live 70 to 80 years, leaving no time for anything.

Everyone rushes to accomplish everything in their short lifespan. This contributes to why people fight in wars over resources and why some abuse others to squeeze every drop out of life before they die. It leads to much corruption.

However, for people who are no longer worried about death, these concerns would evaporate. The question becomes, “Why am I rushing? I have time.”

Let’s focus on God. Try to imagine those people. We struggle to envision individuals who live forever, don’t we?

In movies depicting eternal life, the characters are often miserable because they’re living eternally in a corrupted world with corrupted bodies. Take vampires, for instance. They can’t even enjoy sunlight.

Or consider films where someone is irradiated and becomes immortal. These characters are usually the most miserable, longing for death but unable to receive it. However, this isn’t the eternal life Paul is referring to. It’s not the type God intends to bring.

Eternal life with God will be far superior. There will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain. This is what God wants to restore – the original intention for the Garden of Eden. So, what are the results of the sound of the seventh trumpet?

God’s kingdom is fulfilled. “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” What is God’s will? No more death. God is done with death. He actually hates it. The resurrection of the martyrs and those who are alive. Eternal life.

These are the consequences of the seventh trumpet’s sound. Death will be swallowed up in victory. Now, here’s something to consider closely:

If you were to ask a religious leader from your past about God’s mystery or the sound of the seventh trumpet, and they respond with “I don’t know” or “I think it’s this” or “It’s a literal sound that will crack open the sky,” we need to reflect on our position.

We should question what else this person has been teaching that might not be correct. If they don’t know what the sound is, we really need to contemplate that.

I want to be in a place that can explain these things clearly from the scriptures and from what has been fulfilled. Keep this in mind. We’ll explore further who are the ones clothed in victory, clothed with the immortal.


Rev 10:7 → Mystery of God (Salvation) → Accomplished
Rev 11:15 → Kingdom of the World → Kingdom of God (God Reigns)

– 7th Trumpet Sound → Salvation
1 Cor 15:51-54 (Rev 10:7, Jn 11:25-26)

– God’s mystery → 7th trumpet sound
– Mortal clothed with immortality
– Death is swallowed up in victory (by life) → Eternal Life

Results: God’s Kingdom, Resurrection and Eternal Life

Quick Review

Quick Review

We have examined the sound of the seventh and final trumpet. There was a point I wanted to make regarding 1 Corinthians 15, which refers to the trumpet as the “last trumpet.”

In verse 52, it states: “At the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”

Why does it say “last”? And based solely on this passage, do we know how many trumpets there are? From 1 Corinthians 15 alone, we cannot determine the total number of trumpets.

It is only through Revelation that we learn there are seven trumpets. This is why we say “last” and “seven.” 1 Corinthians 15 mentions the “last trumpet,” and Revelation informs us that there are seven trumpets. Therefore, we know that the last trumpet is the seventh trumpet.

To review what we’ve covered from the beginning, we discussed Matthew 24:29-31, examining how the sun, moon, and stars go dark and fall. These are not the same celestial bodies mentioned in Genesis 37, as those fell (or were prophesied to fall) in Joel 2, signifying the fall of physical Israel and the rise of spiritual Israel.

In Matthew 24, Jesus tells us that spiritual Israel will fall, and a new Israel will be formed once again. The sound of the trumpet represents a person’s voice. The trumpet is the person, and the sound they must speak or declare concerns the sin and rebellion of the people.

They must inform the people about fulfilled events and the need to repent. The time has come to repent and flee from the place of destruction. In Revelation, we learn about the seven trumpets.

Four of these seven sound in Revelation 8:1-4. The next two sound in Revelation 9:5-6, and the last sounds in Revelation 11:15 but is introduced in Revelation 10:7. The first six trumpets signal the sacrifice of the chosen people by the destroyers, meaning the destroyers invade and cause them to sin after they have rebelled and betrayed.

The seventh trumpet, however, announces something different: salvation through God’s victory. This seventh trumpet contains the mystery of God, which Paul expands upon.

The mystery of the seventh trumpet’s sound means that the mortal will be clothed with the immortal, and death will be swallowed up in victory, signifying no more death for those who receive this blessing. Death, mourning, crying, and pain will end.

Let’s delve deeper into understanding the people to whom 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, Revelation 10:7, and Revelation 15:5 apply. This exploration should help us comprehend the message more clearly.

4.- Who Changes

Revelation 20:4-6

4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

Let’s examine what’s occurring in Revelation 20:4-6, as it describes three distinct groups. To comprehend these groups, we need to consider the Bible’s timeline.
I’ll quickly sketch this timeline, starting from Jesus and extending to the end of the thousand-year period. We are approximately here, in the present.

From Jesus to our current time spans about 2,000 years. From us to the conclusion of the 1,000-year period is another 1,000 years. So, we have two thousand years from Jesus to now, followed by an additional thousand years.


            2,000 years                              1,000 years

         | ———————————– | ——————————|

Jesus  (Rev is sealed)                                 Us

Group 1: 12 Disciples and Martyrs


Revelation begins to be fulfilled in our time. The start of Revelation’s fulfillment has now been opened. Revelation was sealed when it was given around 95 AD.
Revelation was recorded at that time. The oldest transcript you can find is approximately from 95 AD. This is most likely when Revelation was recorded.
It remained sealed for two thousand years but is now open in our era. Let’s look at the different groups described in Revelation chapter 20:4-6.

The first group of people:

In verse 4, we see “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.” Who are these people? They are the twelve disciples.
This fulfills a prophecy. What promise was this a fulfillment of? It’s found in Matthew 19.
Jesus promised the disciples that they would sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel at the renewal of all things.
So the first group consists of the twelve disciples, but not just them.
The rest of verse 4 states: “And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God.” Who are these people?
They are the twelve disciples and the souls of the martyrs.
These are people who died during the time of the first Christians. This is the first group being discussed. These people are in heaven with God, Jesus, and the angels.
Because of their early sacrifice, they are being rewarded. They are the ones who will come back in our time. They are the ones Paul was talking about, starting from verse 35.
People might ask, “How will they come back? Their bodies no longer exist. At most, only their skeletons remain.”
Paul had to correct this misunderstanding. He had to explain that they will receive new bodies, spiritual bodies.
And they will return in our time.

The second group of people:

The passages discuss two groups of people. The second group consists of those who are currently alive. Why? Verse 4 explains that they had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received the mark on their foreheads or hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This second group represents people living in our time who do not worship the beast, his image, or the number of his name, nor receive the mark of the beast.

The first resurrection includes two categories: those who died early on with Jesus, martyred for their faith, and those alive today. These participants in the first resurrection are mentioned alongside the concept of the second death.

What is the second death? It essentially refers to judgment. Revelation 20:14 states, “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.” The first death is the death of the body, which occurs when someone dies. The second death is the death of the spirit in hell. We definitely want to avoid the second death.

Those who participate in the first resurrection need not worry about the second death because they will be alive.

There’s also a third group that doesn’t participate in the first resurrection. They must wait. Who are they? The rest of the dead return at the end of the thousand years. This includes everyone who died between the time of the first Christians (martyrs) and us (our time), as well as during the 1000-year period. They all come back after everything is completed. These are the ones to whom the gospel is preached, as mentioned in 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 1 Peter 4:6, which we’ve discussed previously.

Naturally, we want to be among those who welcome the returning spirits.


Those who participate in the first resurrection:

  1. The 12 Disciples and souls of the martyrs.
  2. Those who don’t worship the Beast, his image, the number of his name or receive the mark of the beast. 

Spirits and flesh on Mount Zion —> One (Wedding of the Lamb Rev 19, 1st Ressurection Rev 20)

To better understand this concept, let’s look at 1 Corinthians 15. It speaks of the immortal and imperishable (the martyrs).

Who are the mortal and perishable? They are us, the people here. What needs to happen? They need to become one.

This is what 1 Corinthians 15 discusses. It’s also the subject of Revelation 20 and what Jesus was talking about in John 11:25-26 when speaking with Martha after her brother Lazarus died.

Martha said, “Lord, if only you had been here, Lazarus might not have died.” Jesus replied, “Lazarus had to die so that the glory of God may be revealed. I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live even though they die. But he who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this, Martha?”

I do. Amen. I believe it.

May that be me. I want to see the first resurrection. The sound of the last seventh trumpet announces the coming of the wedding and the resurrection where the spirits of heaven and the flesh who are on the Zion will become one.

This is the wedding banquet of the lamb in Revelation 19 and the first resurrection in Revelation 20. Let’s hope to see these events take place.

Is everyone clear on what these are talking about?

If anyone is lost, please raise your hand. Are we okay?

We’re still a bit lost, so I’ll explain one more time to ensure we understand well. In the past, we thought eternal life was only after we died, living with God forever.

This is partially true. Living with God forever is eternal life. We couldn’t fathom that eternal life would happen to us because our standard was that this body gets old and dies.

Death has been the standard since before Adam. It’s so ingrained in us that we can’t imagine anything else. Even when Jesus speaks of a world without death, it sounds unbelievable. That’s why God had to emphasize in Revelation 21:5-6, after stating there will be no more death, mourning, crying, and pain, “I am making everything new. Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. It is done.”

God reminds us that although it may sound incredible, His promise will be fulfilled. Don’t doubt. These words are trustworthy. Whether you believe it will happen here or not, it will still occur.

God’s fulfillment is like a train, steadily moving forward, unaffected by anything. People who don’t believe in God’s promises are like dogs yapping at the side of the train. The train continues regardless of the yapping. Don’t be a yapping dog; be on the train.

These promises will come to pass. The world won’t know what to make of these people who never seem to age. They’ll ask, “What’s your secret? What’s your regimen?”

Revelation provides hope in a world that often lacks it. So run, be on the train that isn’t stopped by yapping dogs.

In the last part of the lesson, we learn that the people who are alive will be united with the spirits of heaven. When this happens, there will be no more death. For the next thousand years, their job will be to heal all nations, to reign with Christ and God, and to preach to many people. Despite 2,000 years of spreading the word, many still don’t believe in Jesus. There’s much work to be done until the end of the thousand years.

5.- Three Mysteries of Revelation and Order of Emergence

Let’s now discuss the mysteries of Revelation. We’ve already talked about one mystery, but there are actually three in total.

We’ll explore these three mysteries of Revelation before concluding. This content should feel familiar as it is. These mysteries are connected to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 introduces three events of Revelation Prophecy that must take place. First, there must be a rebellion. Second, the man of lawlessness is revealed; he is the man doomed to destruction. Third, the day of the Lord, which represents salvation, will come.

This order reflects the flow of events in Revelation, and it also applies to many other prophetic events in the Bible, not just the second coming. This pattern is familiar, as we have encountered it before in Scripture.
This is the Revelation and how it is fulfilled. So let’s go over the three mysteries now and how they fit into rebellion, destruction, and salvation.

Let’s turn to the first mystery: 

ONE – Mystery of Betrayal (Rebellion)

Revelation 1:20

The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

What did Jesus call the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands? The mystery.

The mystery of the seven stars and seven golden lampstands is the mystery of betrayal, also known as the mystery of rebellion.

Why is it called a mystery? Here’s the reason:

According to Revelation, the people who are the reality of these events didn’t fully know who they were. Though they may have known a little bit, there were still things they did not realize. This lack of understanding led them to actions that ultimately resulted in their destruction.

These people, who are the seven stars, didn’t even fully know their own identity. They were in this tabernacle and had a job to do. Their task was to shine a little bit of light in a time of darkness. However, something happened to them, and they betrayed the word they had received.

When they betrayed, it opened the door for something to happen.

TWO – Mystery of Destruction

The second mystery is the mystery of the beast and the prostitute who rides upon it. This mystery appeared and was revealed.

Revelation 17:5,7

5 This title was written on her forehead:


babylon the great

the mother of prostitutes

and of the abominations of the earth.

7 Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns.

We encounter another mystery here: the mystery of Babylon, the prostitute, and the beast she rides – the beast with seven heads and ten horns.

This beast was introduced in Revelation chapter 13. The beast and the prostitute represent the mystery of destruction, not betrayal or rebellion. This is the second mystery of Revelation.

What does this beast do? It invades the holy place.

Matthew 24:15-16 speaks of the abomination that causes desolation entering the holy place. The most holy place is actually Mount Zion. This is the connection.

The beast, the dragon, and the prostitute invade the holy place. The beast has an important task: to destroy those who have betrayed. And it does so.

But what is the reality of this beast? It’s not a literal monster with seven heads and ten horns emerging from the sea, resembling a lion, leopard, and bear. Instead, it represents seven pastors and their ten authority figures. They are the ones who invade and crush these people.

We’ll see how they crush them in future lessons. I’m speaking in past tense because these events have already taken place and been fulfilled.

They are no longer a mystery, though they were before. They are called a mystery for the same reason the betrayers are: because they, too, don’t know who they are.

They believe they’re doing what is right. They don’t realize until they hear something. What do they need to hear to understand what they’ve done wrong?

The trumpet. Or more accurately, trumpets.

Seven trumpets need to sound. When they do, they reveal, “Hey, you guys are the betrayers. And you guys are the destroyers. This is what you are doing.”

They didn’t know before. And interestingly, even the seventh trumpet didn’t know who he was either.

THREE – Mystery of Salvation

Revelation 10:7

But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

Here’s a revised version of the text, preserving the key vocabulary and ideas while improving readability:

In the days when the seventh angel was about to sound his trumpet (not yet sounded), the mystery of salvation is revealed. This mystery is connected to the seventh trumpet. Who became the seventh trumpet, and how did this happen?

It was John who became the seventh trumpet by eating the scroll when he prophesied what he saw and heard. This event occurred in verses 8 through 11. The one who ate the open scroll became the seventh trumpet and had a specific job to do.

Now, I understand what I need to do and what I need to speak.

The task is to announce to the people their sin and rebellion, revealing their actions. It’s important to note that the other seven trumpets are working alongside the seventh trumpet as a team.

They are announcing events in the tabernacle temple, the holy place. As they announce, destruction is taking place. When reading Revelation 8 and 9, one should consider that these people are being destroyed while still hearing about what’s happening to them, yet the destruction continues.

Here is a revised version of the text, preserving the key vocabulary and ideas while improving readability:

People are still refusing to repent, which is very sad. As Matthew 24:15-16 states, when the abomination enters the holy place, those in Judea should flee to the mountain.

We’ve discussed before that fleeing to the mountain is figurative. It represents the harvest, the wedding banquet, being caught in the net or basket, and being brought into the barn. This is the reality of what people today call the rapture.

The rapture will not occur as previously taught. If that’s what you’re waiting for, you’ll be waiting forever, because it won’t happen that way.

Prophecy is figurative, so discard all preconceived ideas about the rapture. We thought the harvest was the rapture. What Jesus described in various parables and prophecies is the true reality – the real harvest, the barn.

God gave this book to Jesus, who opened it and gave it to the angel. The angel then gave it to John, who testifies about what he has seen and heard.

To recap, the three mysteries are: 

ONE, the mystery of betrayal (the seven stars); TWO, the mystery of destruction (the prostitute, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and Babylon); and THREE, the mystery of salvation (the mystery of the seventh trumpet and the sound announcing what will take place).

Is the seventh trumpet sound happening now? Yes. In fact, you’re hearing that trumpet sound at this very moment. This sound is the testimony of fulfilment. You’re hearing about what has taken place now.

By God’s grace, the first people to hear the testimony of fulfilment were those who were part of the fulfilment. They heard it first, as prophesied.

After these events took place and they were judged, everyone now needs to hear about what has been fulfilled according to prophecy. This is so they can respond appropriately. 

Isaiah 18:3

All you people of the world,

    you who live on the earth,

when a banner is raised on the mountains,

    you will see it,

and when a trumpet sounds,

    you will hear it.

When the banner is raised and the trumpet sounds, you will see and hear it. At that moment, you will be called to gather.

This gathering represents the harvest. It is the wedding banquet, the basket, and the net. It is also known as the rapture. Jesus and the angels are currently harvesting people.

This is not a future event, so we don’t have the luxury of time. Today, we must act. Let’s run.

The time is now.


Revelation 10:7

But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”


Revelation 11:15

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,

 and he will reign for ever and ever.”

Instructor Review


The sound of the last seventh trumpet occurs after the fall of the sun, moon, and stars, as described in Revelation 6. When these celestial bodies go dark and fall, it becomes possible for the gathering of the elect or those who flee to the mountain, escaping the destruction. This includes those who weren’t nearby when the destruction happened but must gather from all directions.

This applies to us in this class, as we weren’t around when these events took place. We’re only now hearing the testimony, so it’s time for us to gather as well.

The sound of the seventh trumpet announces salvation. When heaven comes down, the wedding banquet of the lamb and the first resurrection will take place, and death will be swallowed up in victory. We should take care of ourselves, eat well, exercise, and avoid unnecessary risks to live to see this event happen.

We’ll learn more about the six trumpets that sounded before and who they were. The seventh trumpet is clearly new John, while the other six were his companions who worked with him during these events.

Regarding who will change, remember there are three groups:

ONE: Everyone who died outside of two critical times – the rest of the dead who will return at the end of the thousand years. This includes most of our ancestors.

TWO: Those martyred for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus – early Christians and disciples who died for their faith. They’ll be rewarded by returning with Jesus.

THREE: Those who gather on the mountain to welcome them back.

When these groups unite, death will be swallowed up in victory. The imperishable will clothe the perishable, the immortal will clothe the mortal, and death will be gone.

These people will be like legends, healing all nations. Let us strive to be among them.

Review with the Evangelist and Watch a Video




Let’s proceed to watch the video.

Please keep in mind that in parables, God utilizes physical elements to illustrate spiritual concepts, allowing us to learn from nature. This video presents a special mindset lesson from the natural world.

[Video Narrator]

Snakes have poor eyesight, but they can sense movement. If the hatchling remains calm, it might escape detection. This represents a nearly miraculous escape.




We wanted to show you this video and ask: Did those snakes discriminate against the baby hatchlings? Did they think, “Oh, these are baby hatchlings. We should go for someone more experienced. Let’s give them a chance”? No.

The snakes are there because they know these are baby hatchlings – easy prey. They’re inexperienced, don’t know how to outmaneuver them yet, and don’t have the strength either. Where do you think Satan is going to be working the most? With newborn Christians.

Inexperienced Christians don’t know how to distinguish yet, don’t understand yet, and don’t have the strength or muscle to overcome obstacles. Right now, you are learning the word, not just the word, but Jesus’s blood – flesh and blood. You’re hearing the prophecy and fulfillment of the new covenant. How do you think Satan will work?

Very diligently, like those snakes. Many, many snakes just for one iguana from many different places. Sometimes even our thoughts, our loved ones, maybe social media. We have to really not underestimate him, just like the snakes. He does not discriminate. In fact, he goes for the easy prey.

Think about the four fields and why that was even our first lesson to begin with. The four fields are four different heart conditions. Who gives us these? The enemy. It’s harder to overcome situations when they’re personal in our hearts because it seems like they’re not afflictions. We’re kind of maybe the busyness, the worry, or persecution that we bring on ourselves when we’re not careful with what we share as well. Sometimes those are harder to see and overcome because they come from within us.

We also have to be careful where our thoughts are. One way we can check how our heart is doing is by looking at our actions as well and seeing if they are in line with what God wants us to do. We wanted to show you that activity to also strengthen you.

We have our test coming up as well. Please do not be discouraged. God wants you to seal the word on your heart and mind.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Understanding the Sound of the Seventh Trumpet: A Detailed Table of Contents


I. Introduction and Background (Opening remarks – Introduction)

  • Opening Remarks: Expresses gratitude for the audience’s dedication to studying the word of God and sets the stage for a discussion about inheriting the kingdom of heaven.
  • Introduction: This section introduces the central theme – the sound of the seventh trumpet – and connects it to the concepts of God’s victory, the resurrection, and eternal life. It provides a scriptural foundation using Matthew 24:29-31, emphasizing the symbolic nature of celestial events and the gathering of the elect.

II. The Symbolic Nature of the Trumpet and Its Message (Reminder – Trumpet Sound at the Time of the Second Coming)

  • Reminder: Briefly reviews key points from a previous lesson, emphasizing the Old Covenant as a shadow pointing to Jesus, the atoning power of His blood, and the promise of freedom from sin at the Second Coming.
  • The Trumpet: Explores the symbolic meaning of the trumpet as representing a person appointed by God to declare rebellion and sin, prompting repentance. This is illustrated through the examples of Isaiah and Jonah.
  • Trumpet Sound at the Time of the Second Coming: Analyzes the seven trumpets of Revelation, highlighting the difference between the first six trumpets (announcing the destruction of the chosen people due to their sin) and the seventh trumpet (proclaiming salvation through God’s victory).

III. The Mystery of God and the Seventh Trumpet (Sound of the 7th Trumpet – Quick Review)

  • Sound of the 7th Trumpet: Examines Revelation 10:7 and Revelation 11:15, focusing on the accomplishment of God’s mystery (salvation) and God’s reign commencing at the sound of the seventh trumpet. It also explores 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, where Paul describes the transformation of the perishable into the imperishable at the last (seventh) trumpet, resulting in eternal life.
  • Quick Review: Clarifies the distinction between the “last trumpet” in 1 Corinthians 15 and the seven trumpets revealed in Revelation, highlighting the importance of understanding prophecy and its fulfillment. It also reiterates the symbolic nature of the sun, moon, and stars falling from the sky, representing the fall of spiritual Israel.

IV. Participants in the First Resurrection and the Concept of the Second Death (Who Changes – Reminder)

  • Who Changes: Identifies three groups of people in Revelation 20:4-6: 1) the twelve disciples and martyrs, 2) those alive today who resist the beast and its mark, and 3) the rest of the dead who return at the end of the thousand years. This section explains the concept of the second death (judgment) and its absence for those participating in the first resurrection.
  • Reminder: Reinforces the point that the first resurrection includes both those martyred for their faith and those alive today who remain faithful. It emphasizes the union of spirits and flesh on Mount Zion as the Wedding of the Lamb (Revelation 19) and the First Resurrection (Revelation 20).

V. Unraveling the Three Mysteries of Revelation (Three Mysteries of Revelation and Order of Emergence – SUMMARY)

  • Three Mysteries of Revelation and Order of Emergence: Analyzes the three mysteries of Revelation, connecting them to the sequence of events in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 (rebellion, revelation of the man of lawlessness, and the day of the Lord).
  • Mystery of Betrayal: Focuses on Revelation 1:20, where the seven stars and seven golden lampstands represent the mystery of betrayal (rebellion).
  • Mystery of Destruction: Explores Revelation 17:5,7, highlighting the mystery of destruction embodied in the prostitute, the beast, and Babylon.
  • Mystery of Salvation: Examines Revelation 10:7, linking the mystery of salvation to the seventh trumpet and the role of John as the seventh trumpet.
  • SUMMARY: Recapitulates the three mysteries and emphasizes the ongoing nature of the seventh trumpet sound as the testimony of fulfillment, urging immediate action and gathering for the harvest. It also touches on the importance of caring for oneself to witness these events.

VI. Application and Call to Action (Video)

  • Video: Uses the analogy of snakes preying on inexperienced iguana hatchlings to illustrate Satan’s focus on targeting new Christians. This section reinforces the importance of understanding the word of God, recognizing the enemy’s tactics, and persevering in faith. It encourages listeners to prepare for an upcoming test, emphasizing the need to seal God’s word in their hearts and minds.

A Study Guide

Revelation Study Guide: The Sound of the Last, Seventh Trumpet


Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. What is the symbolic meaning of the sun, moon, and stars darkening and falling in Matthew 24:29-31?
  2. Explain how the trumpet is a parable and what it represents.
  3. What is the difference between the message of the first six trumpets and the message of the seventh trumpet in Revelation?
  4. What does it mean when 1 Corinthians 15:52 refers to the “last trumpet”?
  5. According to Revelation 20:4-6, who are the two groups of people who participate in the first resurrection?
  6. What is the second death, and how does it relate to the first resurrection?
  7. Explain what is meant by the “mystery of God” in Revelation 10:7.
  8. What are the three mysteries of Revelation and their connection to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3?
  9. Why are the betrayers, destroyers, and seventh trumpet considered “mysteries” in Revelation?
  10. According to the lesson, what should our response be to the sounding of the seventh trumpet?

Quiz Answer Key

  1. The darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars in Matthew 24:29-31 symbolize the fall of spiritual Israel. These celestial bodies represent the chosen people losing their position of authority at the time of the second coming.
  2. The trumpet is a parable because it uses a physical object to represent a spiritual concept. It represents a person, specifically a prophet or messenger, who speaks God’s word and declares His message to the people. Isaiah 58:1 illustrates this by comparing the prophet’s voice to a trumpet.
  3. The first six trumpets in Revelation announce the sin, rebellion, sacrifice, and destruction of the chosen people by the destroyers. The seventh trumpet, however, proclaims salvation through God’s victory and the beginning of eternal life.
  4. The phrase “last trumpet” in 1 Corinthians 15:52 signifies the final trumpet in a series. By comparing this verse with Revelation, we understand that there are seven trumpets in total, making the “last trumpet” the seventh one.
  5. The two groups who participate in the first resurrection, according to Revelation 20:4-6, are the 12 disciples and the souls of the martyrs, who died for their faith in the early Church, and those alive today who have not worshipped the beast or received his mark.
  6. The second death refers to the final judgment and eternal separation from God in the lake of fire, as described in Revelation 20:14. Those who participate in the first resurrection are promised victory over the second death, meaning they will not face judgment or condemnation.
  7. The “mystery of God” in Revelation 10:7 refers to the mystery of salvation. This mystery is accomplished when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, marking the fulfillment of God’s plan for redemption and the beginning of eternal life for believers.
  8. The three mysteries of Revelation are the mystery of betrayal (the seven stars), the mystery of destruction (the prostitute, the beast, and Babylon), and the mystery of salvation (the seventh trumpet). They connect to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 because this passage outlines a similar order of events: rebellion, the revelation of the man of lawlessness, and the day of the Lord (salvation).
  9. The betrayers, destroyers, and seventh trumpet are considered “mysteries” in Revelation because they did not fully comprehend their own identities and roles in God’s plan. They acted without complete understanding, and their actions ultimately contributed to the fulfillment of prophecy.
  10. Our response to the sounding of the seventh trumpet should be to heed its call to gather, which signifies joining the harvest, the wedding banquet, and escaping destruction. We must recognize that this is not a future event, but a present reality unfolding, and we must act now to align ourselves with God’s will.

Essay Questions

1. What is a trumpet, trumpeter, and trumpet sound?

– Trumpet = Flesh / Person
– Trumpeter = Angel
– Trumpet Sound = Word that declares

2. How many trumpets are in Revelation and what’s their difference?

7 trumpets
– 4 in Revelation 8 and 2 in Revelation 9: Sacrifice of the chosen people by destroyers
– Last in Rev 11:15: Salvation through victory by God

3. What is the sound of the 7th trumpet?

– Sound announcing salvation Mystery of God is accomplished

4. Who changes at the sound of the 7th trumpet?

Those who participate in the first resurrection
– 12 disciples and the souls of martyrs
– Those who don’t worship the beast, image, number of his name, and receive mark of the beast

5. How many mysteries are in Revelation and order of appearance?

3 mysteries:

– Mystery of betrayal (revelion) Rev 1:20
– Mystery of destruction, Rev 17:7
– Mystery of the 7th trumpet / Salvation Rev 10:7


  • Atonement: The reconciliation between God and humanity through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.
  • Beast: A symbolic figure in Revelation representing evil, often associated with the Roman Empire and its persecution of Christians.
  • First Resurrection: The resurrection of believers at the second coming of Christ, marking the beginning of eternal life.
  • Mystery of God: The hidden plan of God for salvation, revealed through the events of Revelation.
  • Prostitute (Babylon): A symbolic figure in Revelation representing a corrupt and apostate religious system.
  • Second Coming: The future return of Jesus Christ to Earth to establish his kingdom and judge the world.
  • Second Death: The final judgment and eternal separation from God in the lake of fire.
  • Seventh Trumpet: The final trumpet in Revelation, announcing the fulfillment of God’s mystery of salvation and the beginning of eternal life.
  • Spiritual Israel: The true people of God, comprised of believers from all nations, who have been grafted into the covenant through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Tabernacle Temple: A symbolic representation of God’s dwelling place among his people, often associated with the Church.
  • Trumpet: A symbol representing a prophet or messenger who declares God’s word.


Timeline of Events

It’s important to note that this is a specific theological viewpoint and may not align with all interpretations of the Bible.


  • ~95 AD: The Book of Revelation is written and sealed.
  • Time of the First Christians: The twelve disciples and early martyrs die for their faith.

Present (Time of the Speaker):

  • The Seventh Seal is Opened: This signifies the beginning of the events described in the Book of Revelation.
  • The First Six Trumpets Sound: These trumpets announce the sins and rebellion of the chosen people, leading to their destruction by the “destroyers.”
  • The Seventh Trumpet Sounds: This trumpet, embodied by “New John”, announces salvation, God’s victory, and the beginning of the “mystery of God” – the fulfillment of salvation and eternal life.
  • The Gathering of the Elect: Those who heed the call of the seventh trumpet are gathered to Mount Zion (a spiritual location). This is compared to a harvest, fleeing to the mountains, coming out of Babylon, being purchased, and being caught in a net.
  • The Wedding Banquet of the Lamb: The spirits of the martyrs and the twelve disciples return and are united with the gathered elect in a spiritual union. This is also referred to as the first resurrection.
  • Beginning of the 1000-Year Reign: The “mystery of God” is fully realized. Death is overcome, and those gathered on Mount Zion experience eternal life and begin their reign with Christ.


  • End of the 1000-Year Reign: The “rest of the dead” are resurrected and judged.

Cast of Characters

Jesus: The central figure of Christianity. In this interpretation, he has already returned in spirit form and is working through his chosen people to bring about salvation.

The Twelve Disciples: Jesus’ original followers who, according to the prophecy, will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. They are resurrected and join the elect on Mount Zion.

The Martyrs: Early Christians who were killed for their faith. They are resurrected and join the elect on Mount Zion.

The Seven Angels: Angelic beings who each receive a trumpet to announce significant events.

The Seven Trumpets: People chosen by God to speak his word and announce the events of Revelation. The first six trumpets announce the destruction of the chosen people due to their sin and rebellion. The seventh trumpet, “New John,” announces salvation and God’s victory.

The Destroyers: Represented by the beast with seven heads and ten horns (seven pastors and ten authority figures). They are responsible for the destruction of the chosen people who have betrayed their faith.

The Prostitute (Babylon): A symbolic figure representing wickedness and corruption. She rides upon the beast and is part of the “mystery of destruction.”

New John: The speaker believes himself to be the seventh trumpet, tasked with announcing salvation and God’s victory. He believes that he is fulfilling the role of John the Apostle in the Book of Revelation.

Evangelists (Mary, Jon, David, George, Mike, Ana): Individuals who have received the “open word” and are already on Mount Zion. They are actively working to guide others towards salvation.

Instructor Alex: Another individual who has received the “open word” and is working to guide others.

The Elect: Those who hear and heed the call of the seventh trumpet and gather on Mount Zion to experience salvation and eternal life.

The Rest of the Dead: Those who died between the time of the martyrs and the end of the 1000-year reign. They will be resurrected and judged at the end of the 1000 years.


Overview: The Sound of the Last, Seventh Trumpet


Main Themes:

  • The Significance of the Seventh Trumpet: The seventh trumpet in Revelation signifies the culmination of God’s plan, marking His victory, the first resurrection, and the beginning of eternal life.
  • Understanding Revelation Figuratively: The events described in Revelation, including the trumpets and celestial phenomena, should be interpreted figuratively, not literally.
  • The Mystery of God’s Salvation: The seventh trumpet unveils the mystery of God’s salvation, where the perishable becomes imperishable and death is swallowed up by eternal life.
  • Urgent Call to Action: The sound of the seventh trumpet is sounding now, calling believers to gather on Mount Zion (figuratively), embrace the truth, and escape the coming destruction.
  • Spiritual Warfare: Believers, especially new Christians, are targets of Satan, who seeks to exploit their inexperience and weakness.

Most Important Ideas and Facts:

  • The First Resurrection: This resurrection involves two groups: the martyrs and disciples from the early Christian era and those alive today who resist the beast and his mark.
  • The Three Mysteries of Revelation:Mystery of Betrayal: The seven stars (angels of the seven churches) who betrayed God’s word.
  • Mystery of Destruction: The beast, the prostitute, and Babylon, representing forces that destroy those who have betrayed.
  • Mystery of Salvation: The seventh trumpet, embodying God’s victory and the promise of eternal life.
  • The Figurative Nature of Prophecy: Events like the rapture, the harvest, and fleeing to the mountain should be understood figuratively, not literally.
  • The Importance of Repentance: The sounding of the first six trumpets highlights the need for repentance from sin and rebellion to avoid destruction.

Key Quotes:

  • The Seventh Trumpet: “The seventh trumpet announces salvation through God’s victory.”
  • Eternal Life: “Death is swallowed by life, meaning eternal life not just for the spirit, but for the flesh as well.”
  • God’s Will: “What is God’s will? No more death. God is done with death. He actually hates it.”
  • The Three Groups:“Everyone who died outside of two critical times – the rest of the dead who will return at the end of the thousand years.”
  • “Those martyred for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus – early Christians and disciples who died for their faith. They’ll be rewarded by returning with Jesus.”
  • “Those who gather on the mountain to welcome them back.”
  • The Urgent Call: “This is not a future event, so we don’t have the luxury of time. Today, we must act. Let’s run. The time is now.”


  • Personal Responsibility: Individuals must actively seek to understand the truth revealed in Revelation and align their actions with God’s will.
  • Discernment and Vigilance: Believers need to be discerning and vigilant, recognizing the schemes of Satan and resisting his temptations.
  • Hope and Assurance: Revelation provides hope and assurance for believers, promising victory over death and eternal life in God’s kingdom.

Action Items:

  • Further study and reflection on the themes and concepts presented in the source.
  • Sharing the message of the seventh trumpet with others and encouraging them to seek the truth.
  • Living a life of faith and obedience, preparing for the coming of the Lord.

Note: Readers are encouraged to critically evaluate the information and seek further understanding from diverse theological perspectives.


Q&A: The Sound of the Seventh Trumpet

1. What does the seventh trumpet symbolize?

The seventh trumpet in the Book of Revelation symbolizes the announcement of God’s victory and salvation. It marks the transition from the kingdom of the world to the kingdom of God, ushering in an era of eternal life, where death is swallowed up in victory. This trumpet is distinct from the first six trumpets, which announce the destruction of the chosen people due to their sin and rebellion.

2. How is the sounding of the seventh trumpet different from the first six trumpets?

The first six trumpets of Revelation announce the sin, rebellion, sacrifice, and destruction of the chosen people. They act as a warning and call to repentance. The seventh trumpet, however, signifies salvation and the fulfillment of God’s mystery. It marks the beginning of God’s reign and the establishment of his kingdom on earth.

3. Who are the people who will experience the effects of the seventh trumpet?

The seventh trumpet’s effects will be experienced by three groups:

  • Group 1: The twelve disciples and the souls of the martyrs who died for their faith in the early Christian era.
  • Group 2: Those currently alive who have not worshipped the beast, his image, or received his mark.
  • Group 3: The rest of the dead, who will be resurrected at the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ.

4. What is the “mystery of God” mentioned in Revelation 10:7?

The “mystery of God” refers to the mystery of salvation, which is accomplished at the sound of the seventh trumpet. This mystery encompasses the resurrection of the dead, the union of the perishable with the imperishable, and the ultimate victory over death, leading to eternal life.

5. What are the three mysteries of Revelation and in what order do they appear?

The three mysteries of Revelation unfold in a specific order:

  1. Mystery of Betrayal (Rebellion): Symbolized by the seven stars and seven golden lampstands, this mystery represents the betrayal of the chosen people, who, despite receiving God’s word, ultimately rebelled against him.
  2. Mystery of Destruction: This mystery is embodied in the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the prostitute, and Babylon. It represents the destruction that befalls the betrayers due to their actions.
  3. Mystery of Salvation: Revealed at the sound of the seventh trumpet, this mystery marks God’s victory and the establishment of his kingdom, bringing about eternal life and the end of death, mourning, crying, and pain.

6. Is the seventh trumpet sounding now?

Yes, the seventh trumpet is currently sounding. This is evidenced by the fulfillment of the prophecies and the testimony of those who have witnessed these events. The sound is a call to gather, to flee from destruction, and to join the harvest of God’s kingdom.

7. What should we do in response to the sounding of the seventh trumpet?

We should respond to the seventh trumpet’s sound by:

  • Heeding the call to gather: This involves separating ourselves from the world’s ways and aligning ourselves with God’s will.
  • Fleeing from destruction: This means rejecting falsehood and embracing the truth found in God’s word.
  • Joining the harvest: We must actively seek to be part of God’s kingdom by accepting his salvation and living according to his teachings.

8. What does the video of the snakes and iguana hatchlings teach us?

The video of the snakes and iguana hatchlings illustrates the relentless nature of Satan, who, like the snakes, targets those who are most vulnerable – newborn Christians who are inexperienced and lack the strength to resist temptation. It emphasizes the importance of being vigilant, discerning, and rooted in God’s word to withstand the enemy’s attacks.

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