[Lesson 129] Rev 21: The Promised New Heaven and New Earth

by ichthus

The lesson is about Revelation 21 and the promised new heaven and new earth, referred to as Shincheonji or Mount Zion. March 14, 1984 marked the beginning of the 1,000 year reign of God and Jesus, and we are currently in year 41. After the 1,000 years, the final judgment will occur. The new Jerusalem represents the people of Mount Zion with branches worldwide, and over 100,000 people have recently entered to hear this word.

Revelation 21:1-7 describes the passing away of the first heaven/earth and the appearing of the new heaven/earth, representing the new tabernacle and saints. Those who overcome, like New John, will inherit and be sons of God. Revelation 21:8 lists those who won’t enter: the cowardly afraid to believe due to persecution/opinions, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, practicers of magic arts, idolaters, and liars.

Revelation 21:9-21 describes the holy city New Jerusalem’s structure with 12 gates (tribes), 12 foundations (apostles), measured as a cube representing 144,000 priests. Revelation 21:22-27 states no temple is needed as God/Lamb are the temple, and no sun/moon. Only those registered in the Lamb’s book of life can enter.

The lesson emphasizes being bold to enter Mount Zion and not cowardly due to fears or opinions. It promises blessings like no more death, mourning, crying or pain for overcomers who enter.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 20:6 NIV84

Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

Rev 21: The Promised New Heaven and New Earth

I hope you had a wonderful Lord’s Day and that you were able to spend time in the word of God.

But now we are going to have a time where we can worship him in spirit and in truth and go over a very important lesson today. 

Now in the language of the promised pastor, how do you say new heaven and new earth?

Shincheonji. So we’ll be learning about Shincheonji today, new heaven and new earth, and why it is the place God has promised to return to and why we need to be those who are at this place. And we need to be those who are at this place because there are many blessings promised to those who are at this place.

Previous Lesson Review


What are some key things that we learned in Revelation chapter 20?

  1. Rev 20: First Resurrection of the Spirit and the Flesh
  2. Dragon seized and lock up by Word of Truth
  3. Souls of Martyrs uinite with those who ovecomes
  4. God and Jesus Reign for 1000 years
  5. After 1000 years, the Final Judgement

In Revelation 20, several key events are described: The first resurrection involves both spirit and flesh. We learned that the dragon will be seized and locked up. In this chapter, we see how the souls of martyrs unite with those who overcome. During the thousand years, God and Jesus reign, but they don’t reign alone. The 144,000 reign with them. 

What this means is that they will be teachers of the word of God alongside God and Jesus. As stated in Revelation 20:6, they will come to Christ and reign with him as priests for a thousand years. The role of priests is to teach, so they will serve as teachers with Christ throughout these thousand years.

After the thousand-year period comes to an end, the final judgment takes place.


Facing Judgement

In the past, we believed that when someone died, their fate was immediately determined – either heaven or hell. However, our understanding has deepened now. We recognize that God has a plan even for those who have passed away. Everyone who has died will face the final judgment, where they will either go to heaven and return through resurrection, or face eternal punishment.

What determines this judgment? What standard are people compared to?

The answer is all 66 books of the Bible. As mentioned in Revelation 20, it speaks of books being opened, along with the book of life. While the book of life is singular, there are other books mentioned in plural form. These plural books refer to the 66 books of the Bible. A person’s actions are compared to the word.

So we must ask ourselves: How are we doing? When placed on God’s scale, are we heavy or light? We better be heavy.


What Actions Are Needed At This Time?

We need to flee – and not just partially flee. While some might think “I’ve learned a little bit of the Open Word, I’m good to go,” we must actually enter the place where God and Jesus have promised to be.

Today’s discussion focuses on that Place of Salvation. The goal is to enter. Jesus spoke about the end times in Matthew 24 and Luke 17, saying the second coming would be like the days of two individuals: Noah and Lot.


1.- In the Time of Noah

What happened in Noah’s time? The flood came. However, the flood did not destroy everybody. An ark appeared – though it didn’t just appear out of nowhere.

Someone built it. One person was appointed to build this ark, which became the place of salvation. Similarly, at the second coming, something like this must happen again.

An ark must appear – but not a literal ark. It won’t be a giant boat that we can visit or buy tickets to see. Rather, a place of salvation will appear, and we must be in this place. Being outside this place means death in the flood.

2.- In the Time of Lot

The significance of Lot’s story shows how they were pulled out from a place destined for destruction, and they were given a specific destination for their salvation.

Their destination was the mountains. The instruction was clear – they were to flee to the mountains. During the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his family received explicit instructions to flee to the mountains with a crucial warning: “do not look back.”

People today are very attached to their own “Sodoms” and “Gomorrahs.” While these cities are no longer called by these ancient names, they are now represented by “Babylon.” Though the name has changed, spiritually it remains the same place, and it too faces judgment.

According to Revelation 8:8, this judgment will come by fire. “I do not want to be here when this happens. And I don’t want you to be there either.”


We Must Flee

When God tells us to flee, one of the actions He will examine is whether we fled when asked to flee, or if we made excuses. Some might say, “This is too different from what I learned before.”

People often say, “I’m not comfortable with this or that,” or “This is different from what I was taught in the past.” But what kind of excuses can we really make to God?

We cannot make excuses to God when He has clearly told us what we should do, especially when things are taking place as promised. 

Actions are important. Actions matter, and we will be judged according to what we have done.

Let’s make sure that we are on the right track. Amen? We can do it.

Key Points of Revelation 21

1.- Rev 21:1-7: Elaborates on Rev 20:4-6

The book of Revelation 21 serves as the first of the ending summaries of Revelation. The actual events described in Revelation conclude in chapter 20, which marks the end of the chronological events.

Chapters 21 and 22 function as retellings and expansions of content that was previously introduced and explained in Revelation chapters 1 through 20. Specifically, the first 7 verses of chapter 21 elaborate further on the content found in Revelation 20:4-6.

2.- Revelation 21:8-21: Details the Holy City New Jerusalen joins the New Heaven New Earth.

Revelation 21:8-21 describes a joining of two realms: the Holy City New Jerusalem located in heaven (the heaven in the spiritual world above) unites with the New Heaven and New Earth in the physical world below. 

The passage explains this connection between the heaven above and the heaven below, and we will explore why there is a new heaven in the spiritual realm as well.

3.- Revelation 21:22-27: Who will enter the City

The final verses of Revelation 21:22-27 reveal important details about who will enter the city. 

To understand this better, we need to look at the key points of Revelation 21, particularly how its first seven verses elaborate on Revelation 20:4-6. When asked about what Revelation 20:4-6 discusses, the answer is clear – it talks about the first resurrection. This is where the souls of the martyrs and those who overcame become one, where they unite. The text promises to explore the blessings that happen for those for whom this is true.

Moving to verses 8-21, we learn about the Holy City New Jerusalem. These verses provide detailed information about the structure of the city, as well as the significant fact that it comes down to New Heaven and New Earth. 

This brings us to several important questions about the city’s foundations – both who they are and what they consist of. 

Ultimately, all of this leads to the crucial question of who will be permitted to enter this city. These elements will be explored today, helping us understand the complete picture of the Holy City New Jerusalem and its significance.



Regarding the timeline of Revelation, there are some key points to share from our lesson. 

1.- As we learned previously, March 14th, 1984 marked the beginning of the 1,000 years where God and Jesus Reign (1 Pt 1:9).

2.- It has now been 41 years since March 14th, 1984. In Shincheonji, we use a unique dating system that starts from the beginning of the thousand years. 

We are currently in Shincheonji year 41, and dates are written as SCJ year followed by month and day (MMDD). For example: 410314. This is the format used when the chairman writes letters, dating them with the Shincheonji year 41. 

3.- We are now in March 2024. In this era, heaven will soon come down. 

4.- During the thousand-year reign of God and Jesus, a significant event will occur: 

the healing of the nations. As mentioned in Revelation 22, which we will study in our next lesson, this healing will come through the leaves of the Tree of Life.

The healing of the nations will continue throughout the 1,000 years. 

5.- However, at the end of this period, Satan will be released. At this time, Gog and Magog will be gathered. Those who still refuse to believe, even after the 1,000 years, will face destruction.

6.- The final judgment will then take place. 

This is why we must not remain in Babylon after hearing this word, though it is promised that some will still do so.

The Reality of Revelation 21

Before we begin discussing Revelation 21, let’s address an important point.

In Revelation 21, the holy city, New Jerusalem – where Jesus and his martyrs will reside – will come down to those who are on the mountain. However, this mountain is not a physical location where everyone must gather. 

Mount Zion represents a church – it’s about people. It encompasses new Tabernacle, new saints, new kingdom, and new people. While headquartered in South Korea, Mount Zion has branches worldwide, in many cities in United States including one in […].

The structure of Mount Zion is described as a tree, with the people being the fruits growing from its branches. Each person belongs to the branch where they were spiritually born. In your case, you’ll be part of the […] church because the person who invited you belongs to the […] branch.

By God’s grace, many branches exist worldwide, and many people are hearing these words. You’re not alone in this journey. 

In fact, this coming November or early December, there will be a 110,000 graduation. This means that since the beginning of new classes (around January 1st or December of last year) until now, over 100,000 people worldwide have heard this word and chosen to enter Mount Zion. By deciding to enter, you’ll be counted among these graduates.

I hope you’re excited. Come with me. Let’s go together.

This will be a wonderful time – truly wonderful. Actually, it will be life-changing.

Revelation 21:1-7

Revelation 21:1-7 NIV84

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. [2] I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. [3] And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. [4] He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” [5] He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” [6] He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. [7] He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

ONE – “I”: New John

These passages are deeply moving and filled with hope. 

When analyzing them step by step, New John is the one speaking from his perspective. He begins by saying “Then I saw.” What New John witnessed was a New Heaven and New Earth. 

This vision appeared because the First Heaven and First Earth had passed away. The heaven being discussed here refers to the physical heaven, which represents the chosen people.

TWO – Heaven: Where God is (Dwelling, Tabernacle)

Ex 25:8-9, Heb 8:5, Rev 4 → Rev 14


What is Heaven?

Heaven is fundamentally where God is – any place where God dwells becomes heaven. This can be understood as God’s dwelling place or his tabernacle.

God’s true tabernacle, which is considered heaven, exists on earth. This concept was significantly demonstrated in Exodus 25:8-9, where God gave specific instructions to Moses.

Moses received a divine command to replicate what he saw in heaven on earth – the tabernacle. While on Mount Sinai, God showed Moses heaven in the spiritual world and instructed him: “Build my tabernacle, my heaven on earth as it is in heaven, exactly as the pattern I will show you.”

According to Hebrews 8:5, this earthly tabernacle was “a copy or a shadow of what was in heaven.” Moses was tasked with building this heavenly representation on earth.

Jesus followed a similar pattern, as recorded in John 5:17-19. He only did what he saw his Father doing, moving between heaven and the spiritual world. Jesus built a mountain comprising 12 tribes, but his mountain wasn’t a physical building. Instead, his own body became the tabernacle or temple, and his disciples formed his organization – his mountain.

Just as Moses built according to the heavenly pattern, Jesus built as he saw in heaven. These heavens served as a shadow for the heaven that is to come.


New Heaven

Jesus made a key promise to his disciples, which is recorded in John chapter 14. He promised that he would go up and prepare a place for them. Not only would he prepare this place, but he would also come back and take them there with him. This promise extends to us as well – he will come back and take us to that place too.

What Jesus was going to prepare was something new – a New Heaven, different from the one that Moses saw. This heaven, which we will examine in more detail today, is the Holy City, New Jerusalem.

THREE – First Heaven and First Earth

In the book of Revelation, there is mention of a New Heaven. However, before this, a place called heaven was destroyed. This place was the Tabernacle Temple, which was considered the first heaven.

The First Heaven and First Earth were connected to the Tabernacle, where the sun, moon, and stars went dark and fell. This first heaven specifically refers to the first tabernacle mentioned in Revelation.

The Tabernacle Temple (TT) included both the physical structure and its congregation members, who were known as the first saints.

According to Revelation, these TT members taught a new word during their time. Their growth was rapid as people gathered from everywhere to hear the parables they could speak. Though they couldn’t speak all parables, heaven had opened some to them. However, when they committed betrayal, heaven sealed these revelations, and they could no longer receive any words from above.

This led to their exposure to Satan’s Nicolaitans, who invaded from the sea. The invasion began with Mr. Oh, who then opened the key to the shaft of the abyss, allowing other locusts to invade – the beasts with 7 heads and 10 horns. Their invasion resulted in the destruction of this place, causing it to pass away.

The tragic aspect was that they had such a strong and promising beginning. This aligns with Satan’s strategy of targeting those who are doing well.


You can lose you Salvation: Heaven

If you ever find yourself thinking, “I’ve been doing so well in the class, understanding everything perfectly, and the tests haven’t been difficult for me. I do my home blessings and I’m doing great” – be warned: such thoughts signal trouble.

All it takes is one small thing to trip you up, and you could lose heaven. Something tiny on the grand scale of things can make you miss that opportunity, that chance. This is why we must always remain humble.

We cannot let pride or greed gain even a foothold within us by thinking we’re doing well. Instead, throw those thoughts out. Always rely on God, saying: “God, I need more. God, show me more. God, I’m still hungry.” Don’t fall into thinking, “I’ve absorbed all of this, now look at me.”

Anyone with such pride will definitely fall. Unfortunately, this was the mindset of these people as they grew and established many branch churches. They said, “People are coming to us. What do you mean we’re failing? Look at all the people! Look how well we’re doing. We are growing. We even have a renowned biblical teacher here with us. We’re doing just fine.”

When New John came to rebuke them about their wrongdoings, they dismissed him, saying, “Wasn’t that the carpenter? Didn’t he help build houses?” They reminded everyone about his background as a builder, a construction worker. “What’s this guy? He’s nothing. What is he telling us about? Why does he keep peppering us with these words? Why does he keep coming back to this place and yelling at us?”

They thought they were fine. The beast, the destroyer, thought the same way: “I am not a widow. I married to Jesus. I don’t need a thing.” Yet spiritually, he was a prostitute.

Pride is an awful thing. Cast it away immediately. If there’s any semblance of it, you must throw it out, because it only leads to destruction every time.

FOUR – Sea: Satan’s World

In Revelation 21:1, we learn that after the first heaven and first earth passed away, the sea was also no more. This sea represents Satan’s world, as evidenced in Daniel 7:3,17, where the beast emerging from the sea is compared to the world – specifically, the enemy’s world. The Leviathan, who comes from the sea, invades God’s kingdom and drags people into Satan’s world.

Satan’s strategy is particularly cunning. Rather than using those who are obviously in his domain or those who openly oppose God, he targets God’s people. In fact, God’s own people become the most effective tool to consume other God’s people, because people willingly enter the sea when it appears enticing.

Jesus’s metaphor of fish and fishermen is significant. When He said, “Come, my disciples, and I will make you fishers of men,” He established an important parallel. Just as fishermen catch fish and put the good ones in baskets, the goal is to bring people out of the sea (Satan’s world) and keep them out. However, many fish choose to jump back into the sea and never return.

In Revelation 8:8, we read about a huge mountain, all ablaze, being thrown into the sea – a horrible event. But Revelation 21:1 provides hope: there will be no more sea. When this happens, the fish will have nowhere to go except into the basket.

This interpretation is figurative, not literal. If the actual seas disappeared, life on Earth would cease – all food would vanish, and the planet would heat up to a thousand degrees, causing death within minutes. Those in Babylon take these passages literally, but these things are figurative in nature, by God’s grace. It should raise concerns about their understanding.

FIVE – New Heaven and New Earth: New Tabernacle and New Saints

Ps 132:12 – Ps 133:1-3, Is 2:1-4 Heb 12:22-23

What replaces the First Heaven, the First Earth, and the sea? The New Heaven and New Earth will replace them:

– A new heaven and a new earth

– A new kingdom and a new people

– A new tabernacle and new saints

They all describe the same replacement of the old with the new. The people who are part of this new creation will receive a wonderful blessing, another example is in Isaiah 2:1-4 speaks of a mountain being a temple.

Psalm 133:1-3 NIV84

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! [2] It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the collar of his robes. [3] It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.

The World Mindset: No Unity

God bestows His blessing – life forevermore – on Mount Zion, where brothers gather in Unity.

Unity is scary to the world because our world celebrates individualism. Think for yourself. Don’t be a sheep. These are characteristics that are celebrated in our world.

Satan was the first to buck the trend, to think for himself. Satan has been ruling this world for the last 6,000 years. The world follows his mindset and celebrates his mindset as something to be achieved. What’s so sad is that Satan’s mindset has even snuck itself into the church too.

Follow your heart. Follow your feelings. Is your heart troubled? It must not be from God then. And what is the Holy Spirit telling you? We’ve been taught to follow ourselves. Not literally saying follow yourself, but that’s essentially what happens.

People just follow their own thoughts. Oh, I’m uncomfortable. This must not be where God is. All these people all say the same thing at the same time and they clap in unison when they worship. That’s scary. I don’t know.

That’s Satan’s thoughts. Satan is the one who didn’t want to be unified with God. Unity is not scary. It’s scary to the world. So what do you think is going to happen when Mount Zion has millions of people? The world’s going to be terrified.

Good. They need to be shaken up. Things need to happen. The world is going in the wrong direction too much.

Revelation 21:2-4 NIV84

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. [3] And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. [4] He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

SIX – Blessings: No more

Gn 6:3 → 1 Cor 15:27-28 → Rev 21:3-4

Revelation 21:4 is beautiful in its promise: God will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death, grief, crying, or pain. Just imagine – no more death, no more mourning, no more crying, and no more pain. Are you ready to wake up without those mysterious backaches that appear out of nowhere? You know those pains – when you didn’t even do anything the day before! Are you truly prepared for a life without physical ailments? For life forevermore?

I don’t think we’re really ready yet. Because right now, our world is overwhelmed. There’s too much death, too much mourning, too much crying, too much pain. And as sin increases in our world, these sorrows only multiply.

But God reminds us, as written in 1 Corinthians 15:27-28, that His desire is to be “all in all” again. To accomplish this, God placed everything under Jesus, who is under God, so we can be “all in all.” When this happens, when heaven comes down and God is with His people, all suffering will cease.

This transformation isn’t just about our spiritual state after death – it’s about earth too. Think about it – what did the planet earth do to deserve destruction? What did the tree outside your house do to God? That tree has been mad at us! As Romans chapter 8 tells us, creation is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. What’s taking so long?

Christ is waiting for us. He’s waiting for these people. Let’s relieve God’s aching heart. He’s been waiting a long time for these people. How will this take place? Remember what God said.

These promises – let’s be honest here – no more death. Death has been the standard for how long? Since the beginning – 6,000 years. It is the way of death. We even celebrate death in certain cultures. Death is inevitable.

That’s why people think, “I need to do everything in my life because after I die, I’ve got nothing else.” That’s the way of the world. But God is trying to change things, to reset our understanding.

Revelation 21:5-6 NIV84

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” [6] He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.

Everything New and It is Done.

In Revelation 21:5, following the incredible promises of verse 4, He who was seated on the throne declares, “I am making everything new.” He emphasizes that these words must be written down because they are trustworthy and true.

This is God’s declaration: “I’m going to do what I said I’m going to do. No matter how wild it sounds, I’m going to get it done.” This is possible because He is God, and nothing is impossible for Him.

In Revelation 21:6, He makes another profound statement: “It is done.”

This statement should sound familiar. What exactly is done? The New Testament prophecy, especially Revelation, has been fulfilled. This mirrors another significant moment in Scripture – Jesus’s words on the cross.

When Jesus was on the cross, He said “It is finished” (John 19:30). The parallel is clear – just as Jesus declared the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies concerning Himself with “It is finished,” now in Revelation, we see the completion of all prophecy with “It is done.”

This leads us to verse 7, which is very important…

Revelation 21:7 NIV84

He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

New John as son of God

Verse 7 speaks about “the one who overcomes,” who is New John. He who overcomes will be my son – this is the 13th blessing.

The 12 blessings from Revelation chapters 2 and 3 are:

  1. Right to eat from the tree of life
  2. Crown of life
  3. Not be hurt at all by the second death
  4. Hidden Manna
  5. White stone
  6. Iron scepter
  7. Morning star
  8. White clothes
  9. Written in the book of life
  10. Pillar in God’s temple
  11. Write on him God’s name, the name of the holy city, new Jerusalem
  12. Jesus’ new name, sit on Jesus’ throne

The 13th blessing is “He will be my son.”

When New John says something, we should not just see a person. This is the mistake that the world makes, saying “Oh, he’s just a guy. Why should we listen to a guy?”

New John is not God – no, no, no, no. He’s not God. He is like a son of God, who speaks on God and Jesus in heaven’s behalf. He is a person, a flesh, like you and I, but appointed with a very important duty, to speak what he has seen and heard.

Quick Review

Quick Review

Let’s review what we’ve covered so far. In examining the first half of the promised New Heaven and New Earth, we began by discussing how the days of the second coming parallel the days of Noah and Lot. During those times, a place of salvation must appear – similar to an ark or a mountain – where people must flee to.

Jesus promised that such a place will appear for people to flee to, regardless of what anyone believes. If a place speaks about such matters, it is likely the designated place to flee to. We examined the breakdown of Revelation 21.

Our discussion now turns to the Holy City, New Jerusalem, and its description. It’s beautiful. We will examine who enters the city and who does not.

We discussed Mount Zion as representing a people – those who are on the mountain. These are the people to whom God will return. The 110,000 people, including this class, who decide to passover, will enter the city of Jerusalem.

In Revelation 21:1-7, we learned about John, a disciple who passed away due to betrayal and judgment. Unlike the sea which will disappear, there will be a new kingdom, new people, new tabernacle, and new saints. They will embody the unity of Mount Zion that God has awaited, receiving life forevermore with beautiful blessings: no more death, mourning, crying, or pain.

May this happen quickly, as God desires to be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:27-28). When God declares He will do something, it will be accomplished – nothing in the world can stop or interfere with His plans, though the world tries.

Revelation 21:7 makes a crucial statement: “he who overcomes will be my son.”

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 21:8 NIV84

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

ONE – Cowardly: Those Afraid to Believe and Act

We previously discussed those who enter – the ones God calls His people, those who are on the mountain He returns to. However, God calls those who do not enter “cowardly.”

Why are they called cowardly?

The answer lies in their fear of persecution and their excessive concern about people’s opinions. They are worried about what man thinks, specifically:

– What will their family think if they enter Mount Zion?

– What will their former church think?

– What will their spouse think?

– What will their children think?

According to Galatians 1:10, if you’re worried about what people think, you cannot please God. The cowardly are characterized by:

– Being afraid to act

– Being afraid to believe in fulfillment

– Being afraid to take action based on their beliefs

Like Lot’s wife who turned back and became a pillar of salt, they fail to move forward in faith. Two important verses emphasize this point:

– Isaiah 2:22

– Proverbs 3:5-7

These scriptures emphasize not to trust in man, but to trust in the Lord and His word.

Galatians 1:10 NIV84

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

I have no interest in pleasing men. Pleasing man gets you nowhere – it leads to nothing. I don’t do this seeking approval or to hear “Oh, wow, Instructor Nate teaches so well.” I’m not interested in that. No, thank you. I’m doing this because I was asked to and appointed – it is my duty. As stated in Luke 17:10, this applies to me.

When I’ve completed the job, I’m not doing it for accolades. I do it because I’m a servant. We too should adopt that mindset. My life of faith will not be governed by others’ opinions. Following others will lead me into the pit because they too are blind and not interested. This should be our mindset.

I don’t want to become one of the cowardly at the Second Coming – those who had a chance to believe but walked away for whatever reason. God describes others who will not enter: those who commit sexual immorality, practice magic arts, idolaters, liars, and murderers.

While the physical versions of these sins are terrible, the spiritual meaning behind each includes receiving other teachings, killing other people’s spirits, and feeding them lies. Other spiritual versions include receiving the mark of the beast, worshiping a false pastor, and false teachings. These are the things that destroyed the betrayers in Revelation 13. If someone commits these acts, they will be considered guilty of all these things in God’s eyes.

So we don’t want to be part of these people. God likes bold people – so let’s be bold and have courage. God is with us.

Revelation 21:9-10

Revelation 21:9-10 NIV84

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” [10] And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.

Shown: Spiritual World: Built on Earth as in Heaven (Spiritual World). Mt 6:10

How much confirmation do we need, everybody? We keep seeing verses that tell us the same thing. Instructor Nate, “I need to see four more verses,” we already have what we need.

Let’s look at what we see here: One of the seven angels who had one of the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the lamb.” Then he was taken to a huge mountain. This is not an accident – there are absolutely no accidents.

The word is consistent and remains the same yesterday, today and forever. He has shown this place so that it can be built on earth as it is in heaven. Built on earth, a spiritual world, heaven on earth as is in heaven. That’s why he has shown it. He’s taken to a large mountain because he needs to build one.

Imagine being given that kind of task: “I need you to build my final kingdom.” It seems overwhelming – how does one do that? How does one go about establishing this? But there’s reassurance: “It’s OK, I will guide you along the way. I will show you what to do.”

And now, look at Mount Zion – large and getting larger by God’s grace.

Revelation 21:11-21

Revelation 21:11-21 NIV84

It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. [12] It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. [13] There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. [14] The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. [15] The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. [16] The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. [17] He measured its wall and it was 144 cubits thick, by man’s measurement, which the angel was using. [18] The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. [19] The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, [20] the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. [21] The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.

Holy City: Organization of God, Jesus, the 12 Apostles, spirits of the Martyrs.

A beautiful description unfolds of the holy city, New Jerusalem – the place Jesus had been preparing as promised. 

According to Revelation 21:10, this Holy City, Jerusalem, was to come down out of heaven from God.


The holy city represents the organization comprising:

– God

– Jesus

– The 12 apostles (disciples)

– The spirits of the martyrs

– Other spirits and angels of heaven

This collective forms God’s Holy City, New Jerusalem, whose purpose is not to remain in the spiritual world but to descend from heaven.

Looking at the structure of the holy city, New Jerusalem, we see:

In the Center:

– God on the throne

– Jesus at His right hand (as described in Revelation 4)

– God appears as Jasper and Carmelian (red and blue, representing heaven and earth)

Surrounding the Throne:

– An emerald-like rainbow (green in color, symbolizing the everlasting covenant from Genesis 9)

– Flashes of lightning and peals of thunder

– 24 elders wearing crowns

– 7 spirits (also the 7 lamps of God)

– A Sea of Glass, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne

– 4 Living Creatures (archangels) with four duties, surrounded by eyes (spirits) as mentioned in Revelation 5:6

The City’s Structure:

– 12 gates (each representing a disciple)

– Gates appear as pearls of different colors

– When arranged, the colors form a rainbow

This divine design reflects God’s creation, as demonstrated scientifically when light passes through a prism, splitting into all colors – everything interconnected as God’s creation. The holy city, New Jerusalem, is meant to be replicated on earth as it is in heaven.

TWO – 12 Gates, 12 Pearls: 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel

At Mount Zion, there are 12 tribes, where the Great Multitude gathers along with the 144,000 who are sealed. Here, the word is revealed.

The word is open and clear as crystal. Mount Zion stands as a mountain, a tabernacle, and a temple.

The structure includes: 24 ministries alongside 4departments: elderly, women’s, men’s, and young adult. 

These work in unity to maintain the health and organization of the saints, who are arranged like an army. 

In the spiritual world, Mount Zion mirrors heaven itself – a home constructed precisely according to the pattern shown on the mountain.

Mount Zion follows this same logic in its arrangement. 

The 12 gates and 12 pearls serve as representations of the 12 tribes – the New Spiritual Israel.

Each tribe possesses its own distinct color and beautiful emerald. When all 12 tribes unite, they create a beautiful sight.

Their coming together is truly wonderful. As promised by Jesus in Matthew 19:27-29, each tribe bears the name of a disciple.

THREE – 12 Foundations: 12 Disciples

Jesus made a promise to his disciples regarding the 12 foundations. This promise revealed that when Jesus sits on his glorious throne, his disciples would sit on 12 thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel.

According to Revelation 21:14, there were 12 foundations with the names of Jesus’s 12 disciples, not named after Jacob’s 12 tribes of Israel.


These disciples were:

– Philip

– Thaddeus

– Matthew

– Simon

– Matthias

– John

– Bartholomew

– Andrew

– James (son of Alphaeus)

– James (son of Zebedee)

– Thomas

Revelation 21:15-17 provides a description of an object: “The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. The city was laid out like a square as long as it is wide. 

He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length and as wide and high as it is long. He measured the wall of the city and it was 144 cubits thick by man’s measurement, which the angel was using.”

Let’s zoom in on these measurements. The description is of a cube – a square extruded in three dimensions with six faces. A cube has 12 edges, all of equal length. Each edge measures 12,000 stadia. When you multiply 12,000 by 12, you get 144,000.

This 144,000 represents the priests who will be the structure of the kingdom. They will help the kingdom function and work, and they will teach. This is figurative in nature, not a literal giant cube. Remember the 1,600 stadia mentioned in Revelation 14 – this measurement is different from the entire structure. If it were literal, it would be the biggest object ever constructed.

The city is also adorned with beautiful gemstones.

Revelation 21:22-27

Revelation 21:22-27 NIV84

I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. [23] The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. [24] The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. [25] On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. [26] The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. [27] Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Book of Life: Church Registry of Heaven

Important Notes About John’s Vision

In this place, John did not see the sun and moon. This signifies the absence of pastors and evangelists. Indeed, pastors have a time limit. A time is approaching when pastors will no longer be needed, as God and Jesus will be present in this place instead. (Time for pastors to find new jobs!)

The absence of night is significant because night represents the lack or ignorance of the word. 

In the Holy City, New Jerusalem, there will be no more darkness and no more lack of understanding of the word. These will be things of the past. Ignorance of the word will cease to exist. Wow. Wonderful. May this happen quickly.


This state of spiritual darkness will end. It will be perpetual spiritual day in this place.

Regarding who enters and who doesn’t – only those whose names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life can enter. 

The Book of Life is the church registry of heaven. 

It’s not something you have to die and wait to see if your name is there. Those at Mount Zion know their names are in the Book of Life because it is in the Book of Life. They worked to ensure their registration among the people of heaven. That person is born in Zion.

This heaven was constructed by the one who overcomes, who saw heaven and received the task of building it. The Lamb stays with the one who overcomes. While it remains the Lamb’s book, the one who overcomes is responsible for registering as many people as possible.

For those whose names are not recorded, indicating they don’t belong to Jesus, the outcome is unfavorable. Let’s ensure we are registered.

This concludes Revelation 21. Please study for the final test.


Revelation 21:4 NIV84

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


The Promised New Heaven and New Earth

Part 1: Introduction and Context

  • I. Review of Revelation 20: Briefly summarizes the key events of Revelation 20, including the first resurrection, the binding of the dragon, the reign of God and Jesus, and the final judgment.
  • II. Facing Judgment: Explores the concept of the final judgment and the criteria by which individuals will be assessed, emphasizing the importance of aligning one’s actions with the word of God.
  • III. What Actions Are Needed At This Time?: Emphasizes the urgency of fleeing from spiritual Babylon and entering the place of salvation, drawing parallels with the stories of Noah and Lot.
  • IV. Key Points of Revelation 21: Outlines the three main sections of Revelation 21: (1) elaboration on Revelation 20:4-6, (2) details of the Holy City New Jerusalem, and (3) criteria for entering the city.
  • V. Timeline: Presents a timeline highlighting key events in Revelation, starting with March 14th, 1984, as the beginning of the 1,000-year reign of God and Jesus.
  • VI. The Reality of Revelation 21: Clarifies that Mount Zion, representing the place of salvation, is not a physical location but a spiritual entity embodied by the church and its people worldwide.

Part 2: Analysis of Revelation 21:1-7

  • VII. Revelation 21:1-7 (NIV84): Provides the biblical text for analysis.
  • VIII. ONE – “I”: New John: Identifies New John as the narrator and discusses his vision of the New Heaven and New Earth, emphasizing the passing away of the old order.
  • IX. TWO – Heaven: Where God Is (Dwelling, Tabernacle): Defines heaven as God’s dwelling place and explores the concept of the tabernacle as a representation of heaven on earth, drawing on examples from Exodus and the life of Jesus.
  • X. THREE – First Heaven and First Earth: Explains the destruction of the “First Heaven and First Earth,” which represent the Tabernacle Temple and its congregation, emphasizing the dangers of pride and complacency in faith.
  • XI. FOUR – Sea: Satan’s World: Interprets the sea as a symbol of Satan’s world and explains the destruction of the sea as the eradication of evil and the triumph of God’s kingdom.
  • XII. FIVE – New Heaven and New Earth: New Tabernacle and New Saints: Introduces the concept of the New Heaven and New Earth, symbolizing the establishment of a new order characterized by unity, righteousness, and God’s blessings, drawing parallels with Psalm 133:1-3 and Isaiah 2:1-4.
  • **XIII. SIX – Blessings: No More…: ** Highlights the blessings promised in Revelation 21:4, emphasizing the elimination of suffering and the restoration of harmony between God, humanity, and creation.
  • **XIV. Everything New and It Is Done: ** Examines the significance of God’s declaration “I am making everything new!” and “It is done,” comparing it to Jesus’s words on the cross, “It is finished.”
  • **XV. New John as Son of God: ** Discusses Revelation 21:7, focusing on the designation of New John as “son of God” and his role as a messenger conveying God’s word.
  • XVI. Quick Review: Summarizes the key points discussed in the first half of the lesson.

Part 3: Analysis of Revelation 21:8-27

  • XVII. Revelation 21:8 (NIV84): Provides the biblical text for analysis.
  • XVIII. ONE – Cowardly: Those Afraid to Believe and Act: Identifies those excluded from the New Jerusalem as “cowardly” due to their fear of persecution and prioritizing human approval over God’s will.
  • XIX. Revelation 21:9-10 (NIV84): Provides the biblical text for analysis.
  • XX. Shown: Spiritual World: Built on Earth as in Heaven (Spiritual World). Mt 6:10: Analyzes the vision of the bride, the wife of the Lamb, emphasizing the building of God’s kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  • XXI. Revelation 21:11-21 (NIV84): Provides the biblical text for analysis.
  • XXII. Holy City: Organization of God, Jesus, the 12 Apostles, Spirits of the Martyrs: Describes the structure and symbolism of the Holy City New Jerusalem, highlighting its connection to God, Jesus, the 12 apostles, and the spirits of the martyrs.
  • XXIII. TWO – 12 Gates, 12 Pearls: 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel: Interprets the 12 gates and pearls as symbols of the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel, drawing connections to Mount Zion and its structure.
  • XXIV. THREE – 12 Foundations: 12 Disciples: Explains the significance of the 12 foundations bearing the names of Jesus’s 12 disciples, connecting it to Jesus’s promise and the role of the disciples in judging the 12 tribes.
  • XXV. Revelation 21:22-27 (NIV84): Provides the biblical text for analysis.
  • XXVI. Book of Life: Church Registry of Heaven: Explores the concept of the Book of Life as the church registry of heaven and emphasizes the importance of being registered in this book for entry into the New Jerusalem.

A Study Guide

Revelation 21: The Promised New Heaven and New Earth

Short Answer Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.

  1. What two historical figures does the speaker compare the Second Coming to? Explain why this comparison is significant.
  2. What is the “sea” symbolic of in Revelation 21:1? What does the disappearance of the sea represent?
  3. Explain the symbolic connection between “heaven” and the “Tabernacle” as presented in the source material.
  4. According to the speaker, what is the danger of pride within a spiritual community? Provide an example from the text.
  5. What does the number 144,000 symbolize in Revelation 21? How does this symbolism connect to the structure of the Holy City, New Jerusalem?
  6. What is meant by the statement “It is done” in Revelation 21:6? To what other biblical event does this statement relate?
  7. Who are the “cowardly” as described in Revelation 21:8? Why are they considered cowardly in a spiritual sense?
  8. What is the “Book of Life” and what is its significance in relation to entering the Holy City, New Jerusalem?
  9. What is the significance of the absence of the sun and moon in the Holy City, New Jerusalem?
  10. What is the overall message and call to action presented in the source material?

Answer Key

  1. Answer: The speaker compares the Second Coming to the times of Noah and Lot. This comparison emphasizes the need to find a place of refuge and salvation, much like the ark in Noah’s time or the mountains in Lot’s story. Just as those who remained outside those places faced destruction, those who do not enter God’s designated place will face judgment.
  2. Answer: The “sea” symbolizes Satan’s world, a place of chaos and spiritual darkness. The disappearance of the sea represents the end of Satan’s influence and the establishment of God’s perfect kingdom, where righteousness and truth prevail.
  3. Answer: The “heaven” is depicted as the dwelling place of God, and the Tabernacle is seen as a physical representation of heaven on Earth. Just as Moses was instructed to build the Tabernacle according to the heavenly pattern, the Holy City, New Jerusalem, is a manifestation of heaven coming down to Earth, creating a unified dwelling place for God and His people.
  4. Answer: Pride can lead to complacency and a false sense of security within a spiritual community. The speaker warns against believing that one has “arrived” spiritually, citing the example of the first tabernacle members who, despite a promising start, fell into pride and were eventually destroyed due to betrayal and wrongdoings.
  5. Answer: The number 144,000 symbolizes the chosen priests of God, those who are sealed and will serve in His kingdom. The city of New Jerusalem is described as a cube with 12 edges, each measuring 12,000 stadia. When multiplied, this results in 144,000, indicating that the priests are the foundational structure of the Holy City.
  6. Answer: “It is done” signifies the fulfillment of all biblical prophecy, particularly those found in the book of Revelation. This mirrors Jesus’s declaration “It is finished” on the cross, which marked the completion of Old Testament prophecies. Both statements represent the culmination of God’s plan and the establishment of His kingdom.
  7. Answer: The “cowardly” are those who are afraid to fully embrace their faith due to fear of persecution or concern for what others might think. They hesitate to act on their beliefs and prioritize human approval over God’s will. This lack of boldness prevents them from entering the Holy City.
  8. Answer: The “Book of Life” is the heavenly registry of those who belong to God and are destined for salvation. Its significance lies in the fact that only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life are granted entry into the Holy City, New Jerusalem.
  9. Answer: The absence of the sun and moon in the Holy City symbolizes the absence of any need for earthly sources of light or guidance. God’s glory illuminates the city, and the Lamb, Jesus Christ, is its lamp, signifying that His presence and word provide all the light and understanding needed.
  10. Answer: The message emphasizes the urgency of finding spiritual refuge in God’s designated place, the Holy City, New Jerusalem, which is represented by Mount Zion. It calls for boldness and unwavering faith, urging listeners to overcome fear and worldly concerns, embrace the truth revealed, and strive to have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Essay Questions

  1. Analyze the symbolism of the Holy City, New Jerusalem, and its structural elements. Discuss how this symbolism reflects the nature and attributes of God and His kingdom.
  2. Compare and contrast the concepts of the First Heaven and the New Heaven as presented in the source material. How do they differ in terms of their inhabitants, their fate, and the reasons for those outcomes?
  3. Examine the speaker’s emphasis on the importance of unity within the spiritual community. How does this unity contrast with the “world mindset” and what are its implications for the establishment of God’s kingdom?
  4. Explore the speaker’s use of historical and biblical references to support the message of the source material. How do these references enhance the urgency and relevance of the call to action for the audience?
  5. Discuss the concept of the “Book of Life” and its role in the final judgment. What are the implications of having one’s name recorded or not recorded in the book, and how does this concept connect to the speaker’s message about the need for spiritual preparation?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • New Heaven and New Earth: The culmination of God’s kingdom, a place of perfect peace and righteousness where God dwells with His people.
  • Shincheonji: A Korean religious movement that believes its founder is the promised pastor and that they are the fulfillment of the New Heaven and New Earth.
  • First Heaven and First Earth: Represents the previous spiritual order, specifically the Tabernacle Temple and its people, which fell into corruption and were destroyed.
  • Sea: A symbol of Satan’s world, characterized by chaos, spiritual darkness, and separation from God.
  • Mount Zion: Represents the true church and the people of God, the designated place of refuge and salvation in the end times.
  • Holy City, New Jerusalem: The dwelling place of God and His people, a perfect city descending from heaven, adorned with precious stones and symbolic of God’s glory.
  • 144,000: The number of sealed priests who serve as the foundation of God’s kingdom and are tasked with teaching and guiding His people.
  • 12 Tribes: The New Spiritual Israel, representing those who are chosen by God and are part of His kingdom.
  • 12 Foundations: The foundations of the Holy City, each bearing the name of one of Jesus’s 12 apostles, symbolizing the apostolic foundation of the church.
  • Book of Life: The heavenly registry of those who belong to God and are destined for eternal life in the New Heaven and New Earth.
  • Cowardly: Those who are afraid to fully embrace their faith and act on their beliefs due to fear of persecution or desire for human approval.


Timeline of Events

This source primarily focuses on interpreting the Book of Revelation, specifically chapters 20 and 21, rather than presenting a straightforward chronological timeline. However, we can extract a timeline based on the source’s interpretations:


  • Creation to 1984: 6000 years of biblical history culminating in a world dominated by Satan and sin.

Present (Beginning March 14, 1984):

  • March 14, 1984: The start of the 1000-year reign of God and Jesus, according to the source’s interpretation. This marks the beginning of the “Shincheonji” era.
  • Current (March 2024): 41 years into the Shincheonji era (SCJ 41). Heaven is soon to descend to Earth.
  • November/December 2024: Graduation ceremony for 110,000 new members of Shincheonji.


  • Throughout the 1000 years: Healing of the nations through the leaves of the Tree of Life (as described in Revelation 22).
  • End of the 1000 years: Satan is released, gathers Gog and Magog, leading to the destruction of non-believers.
  • Following the 1000 years: Final judgment takes place.
  • Establishment of the New Heaven and New Earth: The sea (representing Satan’s world) will be no more. The Holy City, New Jerusalem, descends from heaven to unite with the New Heaven and New Earth. This is a place free of death, mourning, crying, and pain. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life may enter.

Cast of Characters

  • God: The ultimate authority, residing on His throne in the Holy City, New Jerusalem.
  • Jesus (The Lamb): God’s son, who prepared the New Jerusalem and will reign alongside God for 1000 years. He is the bridegroom of the bride (representing the faithful).
  • New John: The narrator of the source’s interpretation of Revelation. He is presented as a prophetic figure chosen by God to witness and proclaim the events of Revelation, tasked with establishing the New Jerusalem on Earth. He is referred to as “the one who overcomes” and is promised to become a “son of God.”
  • 12 Apostles (Disciples): The foundation stones of the New Jerusalem. They will judge the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel.
  • 144,000: A symbolic number representing the priests of the new kingdom who will teach and support the structure of the Holy City.
  • Great Multitude: Those who join the 144,000 in the New Jerusalem. They are the new spiritual Israel, gathered from all nations.
  • Satan: The adversary who is bound for 1000 years but will be released to deceive the nations one last time before his final defeat.
  • Gog and Magog: Symbolic names representing the forces of evil gathered by Satan at the end of the 1000 years.
  • Instructor Nate: The teacher presenting the interpretation of Revelation and promoting the Shincheonji movement.
  • Mr. Oh: A figure mentioned in passing as the one who opened the abyss, allowing demonic forces to invade the first tabernacle. He is associated with betrayal and the destruction of the “first heaven.”
  • Those Who Enter the Holy City: Characterized by their faith, courage, and unity. They are those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (which the source claims is synonymous with Shincheonji’s membership registry).
  • Those Who Do Not Enter the Holy City: Characterized as “cowardly,” “unbelieving,” and practicing various sins, both literal and spiritual. They are those who fear persecution, prioritize worldly opinions, and choose to remain in “Babylon” (symbolic of the corrupt world).


Overview: Revelation 21 and the Promised New Heaven and New Earth (Shincheonji Perspective)


Main Themes:

  • The Second Coming of Jesus and the Need to Flee to the Place of Salvation: The lesson heavily emphasizes the urgency of the Second Coming, drawing parallels to Noah’s Ark and Lot’s flight from Sodom and Gomorrah. It stresses that a new place of salvation will appear (represented by Mount Zion in Shincheonji teachings), and those who remain in “Babylon” (the world influenced by Satan) will face destruction.
  • The New Heaven and New Earth as a Spiritual Reality: The source interprets the “new heaven and new earth” not literally, but as a new spiritual reality manifested in the form of the Holy City New Jerusalem descending from heaven to unite with Mount Zion.
  • The Importance of Unity and Overcoming Worldly Influences: The source warns against pride and individualism, emphasizing the significance of unity among believers and the need to reject worldly mindsets and fears.
  • The Book of Life and Assurance of Salvation: The source teaches that the Book of Life is the “church registry of heaven” and that those who have chosen to enter Mount Zion and follow Shincheonji teachings can be assured that their names are written in it.

Key Ideas and Facts:

  • Timeline: According to the source, the 1,000-year reign of God and Jesus began on March 14th, 1984. The source emphasizes the urgency of the current time, stating, “We are now in March 2024. In this era, heaven will soon come down.”
  • The First Heaven and Earth: The source interprets the “first heaven and first earth” as referring to the Tabernacle Temple and its congregation (the first saints) who were ultimately destroyed due to betrayal and the influence of Satan.
  • The Sea: The source interprets the “sea” as representing Satan’s world, from which believers must be drawn out.
  • Mount Zion: Mount Zion, headquartered in South Korea with branches worldwide, represents the place of salvation in Shincheonji teachings. It is described as a tree, with the people being its fruits.
  • The Holy City New Jerusalem: The Holy City is described in detail, with its 12 gates representing the 12 tribes of the New Spiritual Israel and its 12 foundations representing the 12 apostles. The source interprets its measurements (12,000 stadia) figuratively, symbolizing the 144,000 priests who will support the kingdom.
  • The Cowardly: The source condemns those who fail to flee to Mount Zion out of fear of persecution or concern for worldly opinions, calling them “cowardly.”

Significant Quotes:

  • “An ark must appear – but not a literal ark. It won’t be a giant boat that we can visit or buy tickets to see. Rather, a place of salvation will appear, and we must be in this place. Being outside this place means death in the flood.”
  • “God bestows His blessing – life forevermore – on Mount Zion, where brothers gather in Unity.”
  • “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'”
  • “He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.”
  • “The Book of Life is the church registry of heaven.”


The source presents a highly specific and symbolic interpretation of Revelation 21, grounded in Shincheonji doctrines. It places a strong emphasis on:

  • Eschatological Urgency: The belief that the Second Coming is imminent and the need for immediate action to seek salvation in Mount Zion.
  • Exclusivism: The idea that only those who accept Shincheonji teachings and join Mount Zion will be saved and have their names written in the Book of Life.
  • Figurative Interpretation: The lesson consistently interprets biblical imagery (the sea, the Holy City, measurements) symbolically, linking them to specific elements within Shincheonji’s structure and beliefs.



1. What does ‘Shincheonji’ mean?

Shincheonji translates to “new heaven and new earth” in Korean. It represents the place God has promised to return to, signifying a new era of blessings and unity with His people.

2. Why is fleeing to the “Place of Salvation” crucial?

The “Place of Salvation” is analogous to Noah’s ark and the mountains Lot fled to – a refuge during judgment. It represents a spiritual haven, specifically Shincheonji, where one finds safety and true understanding of God’s word. Remaining outside this place means spiritual death in the face of God’s judgment.

3. What is the “First Heaven” and why did it pass away?

The “First Heaven” refers to a previous tabernacle and its congregation, symbolizing a spiritual realm that fell due to betrayal and the influence of Satan. Their initial strong faith was corrupted by pride and a refusal to heed warnings, leading to their spiritual downfall.

4. What does the absence of the “Sea” in the New Heaven and New Earth signify?

The “Sea” represents Satan’s world, a realm of chaos and deception. Its absence in the New Heaven and New Earth symbolizes the eradication of Satan’s influence, signifying a world free from his deceitful grasp.

5. How is the Holy City, New Jerusalem, described?

The Holy City is a dazzling cube-shaped structure, representing the organization of God, Jesus, the 12 apostles, and the spirits of the martyrs. It is adorned with precious stones, pearls, and gold, signifying its splendor and spiritual significance.

6. What do the 12 gates and 12 foundations of the Holy City represent?

The 12 gates, each made of a pearl, represent the 12 tribes of the New Spiritual Israel. The 12 foundations bear the names of Jesus’s 12 apostles, symbolizing the foundation of the New Testament church and their role in judging the 12 tribes.

7. What is the significance of the absence of the sun and moon in the Holy City?

The absence of the sun and moon signifies that pastors and evangelists are no longer needed in the New Heaven and New Earth. God and Jesus directly illuminate the city, representing a state of complete understanding of God’s word without intermediaries.

8. Who can enter the Holy City and what is the “Lamb’s Book of Life”?

Only those whose names are written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” can enter the Holy City. This book symbolizes the church registry of heaven, indicating those who belong to Jesus and have accepted the teachings of Shincheonji.

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