Table of Contents
The lesson covered Revelation 20, which marks the conclusion of the events in Revelation before a retelling in chapters 21-22. It centered on the 1,000 year period and two main events within it – the dragon’s capture and the first resurrection. An angel with wisdom and the word of testimony binds Satan in the abyss for 1,000 years. The first resurrection involves the 12 disciples judging through the 12 tribe leaders, the resurrected souls of martyrs, and the overcomers from the Tabernacle Temple who rejected the beast. They reign with Christ for 1,000 years, freed from the second death. This period began in 1984. After 1,000 years, Satan is released to deceive the nations to attack Shincheonji but is destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire. The final judgment separates the dead into eternal life or the second death based on the books and the book of life. The lesson emphasizes participating in the first resurrection through overcoming, maintaining etiquette, and ensuring one’s name is written in the book of life.
Encouragement to Passing Over
Today we’re studying Revelation 20. We’re approaching the end of Revelation, and you might wonder what comes next in our studies. After Revelation, we’ll move on to Genesis, followed by the new family education.
The ultimate goal is to pass over into God’s kingdom. As we’ve learned, becoming a part of Mount Zion is comparable to becoming a citizen of a new country. Think about this: would anyone typically move to a new country without first learning about it? While some might be spontaneous in their physical life decisions, when it comes to spiritual matters, it’s essential to understand the customs, culture, and way of life of where we’re going.
Heavenly Cuture
In God’s kingdom, we need to learn about the culture of heaven through family education. As you become a new family of God, these educational sessions will teach you about heavenly culture, what to expect, and how to live a proper life of faith.
During the new family education, you will be taught by church leaders who are waiting to meet you. These leaders are amazing, devoted people who are very skilled with the word. They will guide you through each lesson to help you understand how to be a saint.
Previously, even while living a life of faith, we didn’t know how to do things according to God. We acted based on feelings or followed others’ instructions without understanding the scriptural basis. Now, however, we get to see things from God’s perspective.
When learning from new people, it’s important not to think, “I don’t know this person” or “Where is my instructor Nate?” We shouldn’t focus on the person teaching because it’s about the word, not the individual. We must remember that even though instructors are teaching, it’s really the spirit working.
By God’s grace, the same people who taught us, who have the same spirit and the same seed, will come to meet you. They are truly excited and looking forward to this opportunity.
Let us warmly welcome and greet one another. We should be quick to unmute and respond with “Amen,” demonstrating our understanding and agreement with what is being shared, recognizing that it comes from the spirit at work, not just from the person speaking.
You are all very loving people, and I am confident you will treat everyone with the utmost kindness. While we will remain in the class, our roles will be different than teaching during these times.
As we move into new family education, we are taking one step closer to becoming part of God’s kingdom. This means we need to learn how to live a proper life of faith.
Before coming to God’s kingdom, we were accustomed to Babylon’s culture. Some might not want to admit this, saying “I’ve never been a child of Satan” or “I’ve always been righteous.” However, we cannot make such claims.
Instead, we should humble ourselves before Father God and acknowledge that without His guidance in turning us around and bringing us closer to Him, we would all be lost. Glory to God, He saw your heart and brought you to a place where you can learn the truth.
We will learn about heavenly culture, including how to properly greet one another. This doesn’t mean shouting “I’m a God” loudly, especially in God’s temple – no, this is not the way.
Praying and Bowing
When we come before Father God, we must always maintain a respectful attitude. Just as when entering a class, we begin with prayer.
The purpose of this prayer is to greet God and acknowledge His presence, saying, “God, I am in your presence. Thank you for allowing me to be here. Please help me understand what I’m about to learn.”
Similarly, when you visit for your Passover in person, the first action we take is to pray before the altar. We also pray when we leave. This practice represents saying hello and goodbye to our Heavenly Father when we visit His temple.
Regarding our interactions with one another, we practice bowing. We bow to show respect to each other, regardless of age or gender. When we meet, we bow and say “fangasamida.”
This practice of bowing is also found in the Bible and is common in Asian culture. It’s not unusual for us to bow to one another – it’s simply a sign of respect.
Let’s practice the proper bowing technique:
– Place your left hand above your right hand
– Position both hands together at your belly button
– Even though we are not together in person, please practice this position
– Your right hand should be underneath, with your left hand on top
– Place your hands on your belly
– Say 사랑합니다 “fangasamida” and bow
This is how we show respect both to God and to one another.
Showing Respect and Greetings
When we meet in person, we greet one another with respect as we learn more about proper heavenly culture. When someone comes to teach us and we are excited to see them, we should bow to show respect to that person.
Consider how you would react if you were truly before God – you would be very humble. Because the person who is speaking is speaking on behalf of God, we show respect through these actions.
Some people misunderstand and think we are worshiping the person when we bow to them, but this is not the case. We regularly bow to show respect to lesser things in our daily lives, so how much more respect should we show to people within God’s kingdom, especially those teaching us the word?
When someone comes to teach, particularly in person:
– We bow to them
– We kneel
– We clap for them to express our gladness that they are taking time to teach us
These practices are important to remember as we transition into becoming proper saints within God’s kingdom.
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father God, Creator of all things, we give our thanks to you for allowing us this opportunity to learn your truth.
We are grateful for bringing us to a place where your word is reigning and clear as crystal. Father God, I pray for each student here who is approaching the end of their journey, learning how to become proper family members of your kingdom. Help them to see beyond just finishing Revelation and saying goodbye. Instead, guide them to truly endeavor to live out the life of faith.
Father God, mold them to be not just receivers but retainers of your information, who can work for you. Enable us to call those who belong to you out of Babylon and bring them back to you, to complete the work you have left, which will be done a day sooner.
Please help us understand our hope as we learn about Revelation chapter 20, and strengthen us to learn even harder so we can participate in the first resurrection. Be with us today as we proceed with this lesson.
May you be sovereign over this moment from beginning to end. Send your many mighty angels and Holy Spirits from heaven to be with both the speaker and the students, so that everything would make sense and we would all truly:
– See you, Father God
– Understand
– Believe
– Obey
We love you and thank you for all things.
In Jesus’ precious and loving name we pray, Amen.
Rev 20: The First Resurrection of the Souls of the Martyrs & Those Who are Living
Today’s lesson focuses on learning about the first resurrection. We will examine this topic in detail. During the first resurrection, a significant event occurs – the souls of the martyrs unite with those who are living, becoming one.
This is God’s promise to us. All believers should anticipate this promise, particularly in our generation.
Key Points of Revelation 20
ONE – Time of Fulfillment: After inviting guests of spirits and flesh to the Wedding Banquet (Rev 19)
The timing of Revelation chapter 20 occurs after the invitation of guests (both spirits and flesh) to the wedding banquet of the Lamb, which is described in Revelation 19. The Promised Pastor indicates that once Revelation 18 is fulfilled, chapters 19 and 20 will follow quickly – possibly within a day.
For those who believe in God and Jesus, it becomes crucial to be at the right place. There exist two different wedding banquets in the world:
– One leads to eternal condemnation
– One leads to eternal paradise
What is the evidence of the proper wedding banquet? What do we need to look for? Well, let’s be honest – whenever you go to a wedding, what’s the best part? The food! Let’s be honest, okay. We go to a wedding for the food. For the cake. (Just kidding!)
But just as people value food at physical weddings, the spiritual food helps determine the authentic wedding banquet of the Lamb.
What is this spiritual food we need?
In Matthew 22:4, God provided a specific menu:
– The butchered ox
– The fattened cattle
To determine if we have found the proper wedding banquet, we must listen for the testimony about:
– Those who betray
– Those who destroy
The accurate testimony will only be found at Mount Zion, through the one who overcomes.
While receiving this testimony confirms finding the wedding banquet, complete passing over is necessary. When God comes, He must be able to see you, allowing the spirit in heaven to become one with you, leading to transformation.
TWO – Location
The location being discussed is specifically the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
THREE – Revelation 20: Marking the End of Revelation’s Events
Revelation chapter 20 presents a sequence of significant events:
– The capture of the dragon
– The first resurrection
– The dragon’s release
– The final judgment
An important understanding about Revelation chapter 20 is that it marks the conclusion of all events in Revelation.
You might wonder: “What about Revelation chapters 21 and 22?”
The explanation is that Revelation chapters 21 and 22 are actually a retelling of the fulfilled events of Revelation. The actual fulfillment of events concludes in Revelation chapter 20. This becomes clear when we examine chapter 20’s ending, where we see:
– The final judgment occurs
– People are separated into two destinations:
- Heaven
- Hell
After this separation, no further events take place. Therefore, chapters 21 and 22 serve as a retelling of these events.
FOUR – Summary of Revelation 20
Revelation Chapter 20 – Key Summary Points
The chapter centers around the thousand years, which is a significant period discussed in detail. While many people have different interpretations about what this thousand-year millennial city represents, there is one person who has been given the testimony to understand its true meaning.
We have the opportunity to understand the reality of this thousand years, and this will be part of today’s learning.
The chapter focuses on 2 main points, specifically highlighting 2 events that occur within the thousand years period.
1.- Events within 1,000 years (Rev 20:1-6)
The Dragon’s Capture and First Resurrection (Revelation 20:1-6)
1.1 – Dragon’s Imprisonment
– According to Revelation 20:1-3, the dragon is captured and bound in the abyss
– This event occurs within the thousand years period
1.2 – First Resurrection Participants
– The spirits of the martyrs
– Those who are living at New Heaven New Earth
– These participants take part in the first resurrection
1.3 – Timing of Events
– The first resurrection occurs during the thousand years
– The participants reign with Jesus for 1000 years
2.- Events that happen after 1,000 years.
Revelation 20:7-15 describes what happens after the thousand years, when the final judgment takes place.
During the thousand-year period, three key events occur:
- The dragon will be captured and locked in the abyss
- The first resurrection of spirit and flesh will occur
- The 144,000 will serve and reign as priests alongside Christ for 1,000 years
Following this thousand-year period comes the final judgment, where everyone will face separation into one of two destinies: eternal life or eternal punishment. This marks the conclusion of the story.
Revelation 20:1-3
And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. [2] He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. [3] He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
Revelation 20:1-3 NIV84
ONE – The “I”: New John (Rev 22:8, Rev 1:2)
In Revelation, we encounter the phrase “I saw,” which indicates there is a witness to all the events described. This witness is crucial because without someone to observe these events, there would be no testimony.
The identity of this “I” in Revelation 20:1 is New John. There are two key pieces of evidence that confirm New John as the witness who saw and heard everything:
- Revelation 22:8 directly states: “I, John, am the one who saw and heard all these things.”
- Revelation 1:2 further confirms there is one who saw everything – specifically “the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
This John is identified as the servant to whom Jesus sent the angel. He serves as the witness who saw and documented all these events.
TWO – Key to the Abyss: Wisdom to know Satan’s secrets
There was one who saw an angel descending from heaven, having the key to the abyss. This key wasn’t a physical key that the angel held in hand. Instead, this key to the abyss represents the wisdom of hell’s secrets.
When we think about an abyss, it represents a deep, dark pit with no end – this refers to hell. The key that the angel possesses is Wisdom, which relates to knowledge – specifically the wisdom to know Satan’s secrets.
Jesus originally held this key, as written in Revelation 1:18, where He possessed the key of Hades and death. Now we see the angel has this key, which means this angel understands how Satan works.
Understanding Satan’s tactics is crucial because it prevents us from being deceived. In a war, you must know how your opponent operates. It’s not enough to only know about yourself – you need to understand what’s happening and develop strategies to win.
As we get closer to entering the kingdom of heaven, we notice more attacks appearing. Everything might have been fine before, but because you are so close now, you face more hardships. Your family might suddenly get in the way. These aren’t coincidences.
Satan purposely tries to interfere and intervene with you coming into God’s kingdom. However, when you recognize that this is Satan’s work, you should overcome and not allow Satan to win. You can achieve victory by strategizing different approaches to ensure your ultimate success.
If you are facing any difficulties, make sure to inform your evangelist. They are overcomers who have fought against the enemy to become part of God’s kingdom. They are experts and can help you through these challenges.
THREE – Great Chain: Word of Testimony (Revelation 12:11)
The angel possessed 2 items: a key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand. With these items, he seized and locked away the dragon, who represents the enemy. Since this dragon is a spirit rather than flesh, the great chain must be understood figuratively.
How can we expose this spiritual dragon? Through truth. The great chain that enables us to overcome and capture the dragon is the word of testimony. When we have the word of testimony, we can identify where Satan is working. This is precisely what those who overcame did in Revelation 12:11.
They achieved victory through two elements:
- The blood of the lamb
- The word of testimony
To be victorious like them, we must be willing to shrink from ourselves – not from death, but overcome our own nature. The word of testimony serves as this great chain that binds the enemy.
FOUR – Dragon: Spirit of Satan (Rev 12:9)
The dragon that is being captured represents the spirit of Satan. As written in Revelation, “he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” The dragon is called the ancient serpent because it is the same serpent mentioned in Genesis.
This dragon has been eating God’s people throughout the years, from Genesis until the time of Revelation. The dragon has been ruling and working continuously until the fulfillment of Revelation, when it will finally be done away with.
During the first coming, when Jesus encountered people possessed by demons, as recorded in Matthew 8 and Luke 8, the demons said, “It is not yet our time.” They said this because Satan would not be done away with until the fulfillment of Revelation.
In today’s time, Satan will no longer be able to affect God’s people – specifically those who are living within God’s kingdom. This is why we must make every effort to pass over, so Satan will have no power over us.
This dragon, the spirit of Satan, has one goal: to lead the whole world astray, as stated in Revelation 12:9. For 6,000 years, this dragon has been working, preventing God’s people from discerning, which has led to many betrayals.
We must be able to receive the word of testimony; otherwise, we risk becoming betrayers. Betraying God and His word makes one worse than a destroyer, because it means turning away after being very close to God. Let us not be such people, but rather be those who can truly overcome.
The Dragon get released
The dragon will be locked and sealed in the abyss, where he will remain unable to deceive people until after a thousand years have passed.
The reason for the dragon’s temporary seizure becomes clear – after the thousand-year period ends, he will be released to gather all those who belong to him. This is revealed in Revelation 20:7-10.
Revelation 20:4-6
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. [5] (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. [6] Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. This is the most important part of today’s lesson – it’s about the first resurrection. In the passage it states: “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.” When we see “thrones” mentioned here, we should understand it’s not referring to physical thrones, but rather to flesh. And if it relates to flesh, there must be spirits working through that flesh. So who are these individuals sitting on thrones with authority to judge?
Revelation 20:4-6 NIV84
ONE – Those who sit on thrones with Authority to judge are the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel (Matthew 19:27-29, Revelation 21:5)
The reality is that these represent the 12 disciples. However, since the 12 disciples are spirit, their thrones are manifested through the 12 tribe leaders. This refers specifically to the New Spiritual Israel, where the 12 disciples of Jesus work together with the 12 tribe leaders.
Let us confirm this together.
Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” [28] Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [29] And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
Matthew 19:27-29 NIV84
The disciples, who had literally given up everything to follow and work for Jesus, asked Him what they would receive in return.
Jesus spoke of “the renewal of all things.” When would this renewal occur? It would happen at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation.
In Revelation 21:5, it states: “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new.’ And he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'” This shows that the renewal of all things occurs when Revelation is fulfilled.
During this time, Jesus will be seated on His throne. Who will be Jesus’ throne? New John.
Jesus will rule through the New John, along with the disciples who followed Him – those who are now the foundation of God’s kingdom in the spiritual world.
Through whom will they work?
They will work through the twelve thrones, who are the twelve tribe leaders of today.
What will they do together?
They will carry out the work of judging.
Who will they judge?
They will judge the twelve tribes and the world.
This judgment is further detailed in Revelation 20:11-15.
TWO – Those who are beheaded: Spirits/souls of martyrs (I Thes 4:14-16, Rev 6:9-11, Rev 19:17)
Referring back to Revelation 20:4: “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given the authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded.”
This passage describes two groups of people:
- The 12 tribes and their leaders, who will be present both spiritually and physically.
- Those who had been beheaded – the martyrs.
These martyrs were beheaded specifically because of two reasons:
– Their dedication to the word of God
– Their testimony of Jesus
These are the spirits or souls of the martyrs, fulfilling Jesus’s promise that when He returns, He would come back with those who had fallen asleep with Him.
We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. [15] According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. [16] For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
1 Thessalonians 4:14-16 NIV84
Through these promises, we can see that Jesus will return accompanied by “those who have fallen asleep” – referring to the martyrs who died righteously doing God’s and Jesus’s will during the first coming. These spirits will return together with those who refused to worship the beast or take his mark (the number of his name), and they will all participate in the first resurrection.
These are the same martyrs mentioned in Revelation chapter 6, who cried out to God saying, “How long, Sovereign Lord, until you avenge our blood?” They were the spirits asking for judgment upon the destroyers of the earth.
These martyrs are also referred to as “the birds.”
And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God,
Revelation 19:17 NIV84
The birds mentioned relate to spirits, specifically the souls of martyrs who will participate in the first resurrection. These birds are gorging themselves on the testimony about the betrayers and destroyers.
Looking at Revelation 20:4, there’s an important grammatical distinction to note. When it says “they had not worshipped,” it might appear to refer to those who had been beheaded. However, these are actually two separate groups, and the text should be read with a comma instead of a period: “those who had been beheaded” and “those who had not worshipped.”
Here’s why they are different groups:
- Those who were beheaded – This occurred during the time of the first coming
- Those who did not receive the mark of the beast – This happened during the second coming, as described in Revelation chapter 13
The mark of the beast was given when those in the Tabernacle Temple received it and were not verified. This specific event occurred on September 28, 1981 at 2 p.m.
Therefore, those who did not receive the mark of the beast cannot be the same entities as those who were beheaded, as these events happened in different time periods.
The people who didn’t receive the beast’s mark are those who escaped when worship was fulfilled. These overcomers are now being used to create God’s new kingdom. This refers to people living in the present time, not those who passed away 2000 years ago.
THREE – Those who did not worship the beast (Beast from the sea), image, the number of name.
The participants in the first resurrection include those who did not worship the beast, his image, or the number of his name. These are the ones who overcame and came from the TTT ( Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony).
Let’s examine this in detail:
The beasts they overcame were:
- The beast from the sea – Mr. Tak
- The beast from the earth – Mr. Oh
In Revelation chapter 13, the image refers to the 17 false pastors – evangelists who became pastors in one day through the laying of hands. The number of his name is 666, which represents Solomon. In this era, Mr. Oh was like Solomon, confirming him as the beast from the earth.
Those who did not worship the beast are the ones who overcame:
– The beast from the sea (Mr. Tak)
– The 17 evangelists
– The beast from the earth (Mr. Oh) who gave food supplies to idols and caused people to commit sexual immorality against God
This serves as a lesson for us – we too must overcome. Before coming to study, we were receiving the mark of the beast, believing all things to be true and accepting everything without question. Now, through the word of testimony, we have gained clarity and can see that we need to be part of God’s kingdom, the TTT.
FOUR – The First Resurrection
The first resurrection will include two groups together. Those who will be present are God, Jesus, the 12 disciples, and the martyrs who are in heaven.
This represents the spiritual world of heaven, which is also known as the Holy City, New Jerusalem. All those in heaven will be Imperishable.
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— [52] in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. [53] For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. [54] When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
1 Corinthians 15:51-54 NIV84
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul discusses an event where the imperishable and immortal would clothe the perishable and the mortal. The timing of this event is significant.
This event will occur at the sound of the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet. We can identify it as the 7th trumpet because Revelation mentions seven trumpets in total. The 7th trumpet is not a physical instrument, but rather represents a person – New John, the promised pastor, who is the chairman of Shincheonji (SCJ). He becomes the trumpet because he is the one who sees and hears everything taking place. Through his word of testimony, people can come out of Babylon and reach the place of salvation.
The participants in the first resurrection – the flesh, the mortal, and perishable – will be:
- The 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel
- The 144,000 sealed priests
- The great multitude in white
It’s important to note that participation isn’t limited to just the 144,000. Revelation chapter 7 shows that God spread his tent over his servants, including the great multitude in white. Therefore, all members of the 12 tribes can participate in the first resurrection.
To participate in the first resurrection, one must have the seed within them. Simply passing over is not enough – continuous effort to overcome is required even after Passover. One must stand firm until the end to witness this event. If someone is doing well but later falters due to hurt, lack of motivation, or fear of letting go of the past, and doesn’t enter God’s kingdom, they won’t participate in the first resurrection.
Only those who have God’s seed and have been harvested into his barn will receive this blessing. The mindset must be “it must be me.” The 12 tribes are realized in all those who are part of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of of the Testimony (TTT).
Let Finish sending the Application
Let us quickly complete our book of life information and eagerly proceed with new family education.
Let us persist in asking questions and allow ourselves to be transformed as we await the amazing blessing of first resurrection. Amen. Through this process, they transform into the perishable and mortal.
God promised this.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; [26] and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11:25-26 NIV84
Do you believe this? Yes. Amen.
We must believe. Amen.
Jesus made this promise. And when we look at these verses, we belong to verse 26, not verse 25.
Those who live and believe in Him will never die. Amen.
This concept of eternal life was previously unimaginable and unfathomable to us. However, since this is a divine promise from God and Jesus, it must become reality. Through this promise, people will attain eternal life.
The Consume the right Food, part of the Cell group and Follow Orders
Your actions will determine your destiny. The Promised Pastor teaches that our habits determine our path to heaven. Today, we must examine our habits – are they bringing us closer to heaven or pushing us further away from God?
Ask yourself: Are you reviewing? Are you meeting with your evangelists? Are you truly committed to maintaining your 7 basics?
One of the most beautiful aspects of God’s kingdom is that spiritual hunger will never exist. There is an abundance of spiritual food always available at your disposal. However, when presented with abundant choices, we often struggle to decide. Yet, we must continue to consume the spiritual food provided to help us mature.
To assist in this spiritual nourishment, we have cell leaders. We are all part of the body of Christ, and just as bodies have cells, when you pass over, you will be assigned to cells, each with a cell leader – similar to your current small groups with evangelists as go-to persons. Your cell leader will be your main point of contact within your cell for any needs.
Remember, as stated in Revelation 4, heaven is hierarchical and orderly. Going against this order is sinning against God – it’s equivalent to being scattered. As Matthew 12 teaches us, “Whoever is not with me is scattered.” We must not be such people; instead, let us follow the established order.
We will continue to learn more about the cells and the nature of the kingdom as we proceed.
The rest of the dead
In Revelation 20:5, it is written that the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. The rest of the dead refers to everyone who died in the natural way. The martyrs will come first and participate in the first resurrection together with those who are at Mount Zion. After the thousand years are completed, the rest of the dead will then come to face the final judgment.
Revelation 20:6 declares a special blessing: “Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them.” To understand this, we must know that when you die physically, that is the first death. The second death occurs when your spirit receives eternal condemnation and eternal punishment. Those who participate in the first resurrection will not have to face the second death – this is God’s promise to us.
The blessings for those in the first resurrection include eternal life and freedom from the second death. Additionally, they will reign with Christ for 1,000 years.
This 1,000-year period began when God’s kingdom was opened on March 14, 1984. We are currently in the midst of this 1,000-year period. In fact, approximately 41 years have passed since God’s kingdom was established, placing us in year 41. This allows us to keep track of when the 1,000 years will reach their completion.
Let us focus on overcoming ourselves. One of the most important things we need to understand is maintaining proper heavenly etiquette. When we attend service, it is essential that we present our complete selves to Father God.
Therefore, we should develop the practice of turning our cameras on during our current meetings, as this prepares us for when we eventually pass over into God’s kingdom.
Revelation 20:7-15
After 1,000 years
So then what happens after this 1,000 years is ended?
Let us learn about it together.
When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison [8] and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. [9] They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. [10] And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Revelation 20:7-10 NIV84
ONE – Gog and Magog: Those outside God’s city, don’t belong to God.
During the 1,000 years, Satan is captured and locked away, giving God’s people the opportunity to spread the word of testimony for the healing of all nations. This is possible because Satan cannot continue his work during this period. However, after the 1,000 years, Satan will be released to gather Gog and Magog for battle.
It’s sad to note that even after 1,000 years, when people will be living for centuries, some will still choose not to believe. This parallels our current situation – even today, some people who have witnessed Jesus’s works with their own eyes choose not to believe. Unfortunately, those who don’t believe after the 1,000 years will be destroyed.
Regarding Gog and Magog:
– They represent those outside of the millennial city
– They are those who don’t belong to God
– Because they don’t belong to God, Satan cannot deceive them
Those who are part of God’s kingdom will not be deceived when the 1,000 years end because:
- They have been keeping track of the years
- The ones who overcome, along with God, will know when it takes place
- Satan will have no power over them
On a smaller scale, Satan being locked away was demonstrated when Mr. Tak was exposed as a false pastor. However, the Stewership Education Center (SEC), also known as CCK, is just a representative. Satan continues his work today through many workers in the physical world, although God has more angels on His side in the spiritual world.
Currently, those who have the truth or testimony are few, but these few will help others who truly belong to God to come to Him. Those who truly belong to God will:
– React when they hear the word of testimony
– Listen
– Flee and come out
As stated in Revelation 20:8, those who still don’t believe will be “like sand on the seashore” in number.
TWO – Camp of God’s People: Shincheonji
According to the scripture, they will march across the breadth of the earth and surround the camp of God’s city – the camp of God’s people, the city he loves.
This camp of God’s people, the city he loves, is identified as Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which is the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This is the actual place that non-believers will attempt to wage war against.
However, they will not be victorious. God will judge them. This judgment is necessary because Gog and Magog are actual physical people. Fire will come down from heaven and burn their flesh, leaving only their spirits behind. This is so their spirits can be judged, as described in verses 11-15.
[Speaker makes personal reflection]: “I don’t want to witness this. Amen. I don’t want to have my flesh burned and then experience eternal punishment. Therefore, I will do my very best to remain within the city that God loves.”
Finally, Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire. The beast (Mr. Tak), the false prophet (Mr. Oh), and all those who have opposed God will face judgment.
Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. [12] And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. [13] The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. [14] Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. [15] If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Revelation 20:11-15 NIV84
THREE – Judgement of the dead: Judgement of the spirits with the books.
This is the final judgment, which is different from the judgments we saw in Revelation 6, 16, and 18. In previous judgments, those who betrayed were made aware of their betrayal so they could repent. However, in this final judgment, after people have had many chances to repent and come to God, the books and the book of life will separate people into eternal life or eternal condemnation.
Those who will escape are the ones who participate in the first resurrection – the people of the millennial city. They escape because even when Satan was released, they were not deceived by him. They know exactly when this will take place because they are on the inside.
Revelation 20:11 shows a great, bright throne with God seated on it, who is the Promised Pastor New John. The text says “Earth and sky fled from His presence.” These earth and sky represent those who study and understand the word, allowing them to escape the final judgment.
The judgment will take place with the opened books – the Old Testament and New Testament. Jesus said the very words He spoke will condemn them in the last day, and God judges with His word. As discussed in the parable section, the word of God is like a scale. All 66 books will be used to judge.
When we make effort to keep our book covenant and become sealed, we truly become walking Bibles. When we are judged according to the Bible, we will be found heavy, not light.
The dead being judged are the spirits of those whose flesh were burned and the spirits of those who have passed away. This final judgment is a judgment of spirits with the word.
A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.
Daniel 7:10 NIV84
We can see that this shows a judgment that comes through the books. This final judgment specifically uses the 66 books of the Bible.
FOUR – The Book of Life
The book of life, which is essentially a registration, will be used alongside other books. The book of life appears 8 times in the Bible, with 6 of those occurrences being in Revelation.
The book of life represents the church registry of heaven. God is not remaining in the spiritual heaven, but is coming down. Today, heaven will be at Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This is because God declared it so. Amen.
Hallelujah, because He kept His promise. We now have a place where we can become part of it. If our names are written in that church registry, we will be able to escape the second death.
Referring to Revelation 20:15: “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Therefore, having one’s name in the book of life is literally a matter of heaven or hell, eternal life or eternal punishment.
Let us all ensure our names are written in the book of life.
Due to time constraints, some aspects weren’t covered. If you have specific questions about Revelation chapter 20, please feel free to ask myself or any of the evangelists.
Let us all participate in the first resurrection together. May this not remain mere words, but become reality by doing everything necessary to enter safely. Amen.
Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
Revelation 20:6 NIV84
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
A Detailed Look at Revelation 20: The First Resurrection
Part 1: Introduction and Context
- Encouragement to Passing Over: Emphasizes the importance of understanding the culture of heaven, urging listeners to actively engage in learning about God’s kingdom.
- Heavenly Culture: Introduces the concept of “new family education,” led by church leaders who will teach about heavenly customs and practices, including prayer, bowing, and showing respect.
- Review: Briefly summarizes the previous lesson covering Revelation 18-19, focusing on the judgment of Babylon and the subsequent wedding banquet of the Lamb.
- Title: Rev 20: The First Resurrection of the Souls of the Martyrs & Those Who are Living: Sets the stage for the current lesson’s focus on the first resurrection, where the souls of martyrs unite with those living in God’s kingdom.
Part 2: Key Points of Revelation 20
- ONE – Time of Fulfillment: Explains that Revelation 20 takes place after the wedding banquet in Revelation 19, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the true wedding banquet through the spiritual food offered, specifically the testimony about betrayers and destroyers found at Mount Zion.
- TWO – Location: Briefly states that the location being discussed is the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
- THREE – Revelation 20: Marking the End of Revelation’s Events: Clarifies that Revelation 20 concludes the main events of Revelation, with chapters 21-22 serving as a retelling of the fulfilled prophecies.
- FOUR – Summary of Revelation 20: Outlines the chapter’s focus on the thousand-year period, dividing it into two sections:
- 1. Events within 1,000 years (Rev 20:1-6): Summarizes the events within this period, including the dragon’s imprisonment and the participants of the first resurrection.
- 2. Events that happen after 1,000 years: Briefly mentions the events after the thousand years, specifically the final judgment.
Part 3: Detailed Analysis of Revelation 20
- Revelation 20:1-3:ONE – The “I”: New John (Rev 22:8, Rev 1:2): Identifies “New John” as the witness who saw and heard the events in Revelation.
- TWO – Key to the Abyss: Wisdom to know Satan’s secrets: Interprets the “key to the abyss” as the wisdom to understand Satan’s secrets, crucial for overcoming his deceptive tactics.
- THREE – Great Chain: Word of Testimony (Revelation 12:11): Explains that the “great chain” symbolizes the word of testimony, the powerful tool used to bind and expose Satan.
- FOUR – Dragon: Spirit of Satan (Rev 12:9): Identifies the “dragon” as the spirit of Satan, whose work will culminate in his final defeat during the events of Revelation.
- The Dragon get released: Notes that Satan’s imprisonment is temporary, and he will be released after the thousand years to gather his followers.
- Revelation 20:4-6:ONE – Those who sit on thrones with Authority to judge are the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel (Matthew 19:27-29, Revelation 21:5): Identifies those seated on thrones as the 12 disciples working through the 12 tribe leaders of New Spiritual Israel, responsible for judging the world.
- TWO – Those who are beheaded: Spirits/souls of martyrs (I Thes 4:14-16, Rev 6:9-11, Rev 19:17): Explains that the “beheaded” represent the souls of martyrs who died for their faith in Jesus and will participate in the first resurrection.
- THREE – Those who did not worship the beast (Beast from the sea), image, the number of name: Identifies the “beast” as Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh, and explains that those who refused to worship them represent the overcomers who escaped from the Tabernacle Temple.
- FOUR – The First Resurrection: Describes the participants in the first resurrection as including the souls of martyrs, the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel, the 144,000 sealed priests, and the great multitude in white, emphasizing that only those with God’s seed and who continuously overcome will partake.
- Let Finish sending the Application: Urges listeners to complete their book of life information and eagerly proceed with new family education.
- The Consume the right Food, part of the Cell group and Follow Orders: Emphasizes the need for continued spiritual nourishment, cell group participation, and adherence to the established order within God’s kingdom.
- The rest of the dead: Explains that “the rest of the dead” refers to those who died naturally and will face judgment after the thousand years.
- Reminder: Stresses the importance of turning on cameras during online meetings as preparation for entering God’s kingdom.
- Quick Review: Summarizes the events within the 1,000-year period.
- Revelation 20:7-15: After 1,000 yearsONE – Gog and Magog: Those outside God’s city, don’t belong to God: Explains that “Gog and Magog” symbolize those outside God’s kingdom who will be deceived by Satan after his release and ultimately face destruction.
- TWO – Camp of God’s People: Shincheonji: Identifies “the camp of God’s people” as Shincheonji Church, the target of Gog and Magog’s attack.
- THREE – Judgement of the dead: Judgement of the spirits with the books: Describes the final judgment of both the spirits of Gog and Magog and those who died naturally, using the 66 books of the Bible as the standard.
- FOUR – The Book of Life: Explains that the “book of life” represents the church registry of heaven, located in Shincheonji, and having one’s name in it is essential for eternal life.
A Study Guide
Understanding the First Resurrection: A Study Guide on Revelation 20
Short Answer Quiz
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- Who is the “I” witnessing the events described in Revelation 20? What evidence supports this identification?
- What does the “key to the Abyss” symbolize in Revelation 20:1? Why is understanding Satan’s tactics crucial for believers?
- What is the “great chain” mentioned in Revelation 20:1? How does it help believers overcome Satan?
- What does the “dragon” represent in Revelation 20? What is its ultimate fate?
- Who are the two main groups of individuals participating in the first resurrection?
- What does “sitting on thrones” symbolize in the context of the first resurrection? Who are those granted this authority?
- Explain why “those who were beheaded” and “those who had not worshipped the beast” are distinct groups within the first resurrection participants.
- What is the significance of the 7th trumpet in relation to the first resurrection?
- Who are “Gog and Magog” after the thousand years? What motivates their actions?
- What is the significance of the “book of life” in the final judgment? What are the consequences for those whose names are not found within it?
Answer Key
- The “I” is New John, who is confirmed as the witness in Revelation 22:8 and 1:2. He is described as the one who “saw and heard all these things” and received the testimony of Jesus Christ.
- The “key to the Abyss” symbolizes the wisdom and knowledge of Satan’s secrets. Understanding these tactics is crucial for believers to avoid deception and overcome spiritual attacks.
- The “great chain” represents the word of testimony, which exposes Satan and binds his influence. Like the overcomers in Revelation 12:11, believers use this word to achieve victory.
- The “dragon” symbolizes the spirit of Satan, the ancient serpent deceiving the world. He is temporarily bound but eventually released to gather Gog and Magog before being cast into the lake of fire.
- The two main groups are the souls of the martyrs (those beheaded for their faith) and those living at the time of the first resurrection who have not worshipped the beast.
- “Sitting on thrones” represents having authority and judgment, specifically through possessing flesh. These individuals are the 12 disciples, working through the 12 tribe leaders of New Spiritual Israel.
- They are distinct because they lived in different periods. The beheaded martyrs died during the first coming, while those refusing the mark of the beast lived during the second coming events described in Revelation 13.
- The 7th trumpet, representing New John, signals the start of the first resurrection. This event marks the fulfillment of the prophecy in 1 Corinthians 15 where the perishable are clothed with the imperishable.
- “Gog and Magog” are those outside God’s city and don’t belong to Him. After Satan’s release, they are deceived into attacking the camp of God’s people.
- The “book of life” is the church registry of heaven, determining who receives eternal life. Those whose names are absent from the book face eternal condemnation in the lake of fire, the second death.
Essay Questions
- Analyze the symbolism of the “key to the Abyss” and the “great chain” in Revelation 20. How do these symbols contribute to the overall message of spiritual warfare and victory for believers?
- Compare and contrast the descriptions of the first resurrection in Revelation 20 and 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16. What are the key similarities and differences? How do these passages contribute to our understanding of this event?
- Discuss the significance of the number 1,000 in Revelation 20. What is the nature of this period? How does it relate to the events before and after it?
- Examine the events that occur after the thousand years in Revelation 20:7-15. What is the significance of the release of Satan and the gathering of Gog and Magog? What does the final judgment reveal about God’s justice and the consequences of unbelief?
- Explore the concept of the “book of life” as presented in Revelation 20. How does this book function in the context of the final judgment? What does it suggest about the importance of faith, perseverance, and belonging to God’s people?
Glossary of Key Terms
- Abyss: A deep, bottomless pit representing hell or a place of imprisonment.
- Ancient Serpent: A symbolic reference to Satan, drawing upon the imagery of the serpent in Genesis.
- Beast from the Sea: One of the beasts in Revelation, representing Mr. Tak, a false pastor.
- Beast from the Earth: The second beast in Revelation, representing Mr. Oh, another false figure who deceives people.
- Book of Life: The heavenly registry containing the names of those who will receive eternal life.
- Dragon: A symbolic representation of Satan, emphasizing his destructive and deceptive nature.
- First Resurrection: The event where the souls of the martyrs and those living at New Heaven New Earth become one, receiving eternal life.
- Gog and Magog: Those who are outside God’s city and do not believe, representing the forces of opposition to God.
- Great Chain: The word of testimony that binds and exposes Satan’s influence.
- Key to the Abyss: Wisdom and knowledge about Satan’s secrets, enabling believers to overcome his tactics.
- Millennial City: The city of God established during the 1,000-year reign of Christ and His people.
- New John: The witness to the events in Revelation, believed to be the Promised Pastor, the chairman of Shincheonji (SCJ).
- Second Death: Eternal condemnation and punishment in the lake of fire, distinct from physical death.
- Shincheonji: The name of the church believed to be the true camp of God’s people, the city He loves.
- Thrones: Symbolic of authority and judgment, possessed by the 12 disciples working through the 12 tribe leaders.
- TTT (Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony): The specific designation for Shincheonji Church of Jesus, emphasizing its connection to God’s dwelling place.
- Wedding Banquet of the Lamb: The celebration of the union of Christ and His bride, the redeemed people of God.
Timeline of Events
Before the First Coming of Jesus:
- Genesis: The serpent (Satan) tempts Eve, leading to humanity’s fall. Satan begins deceiving and devouring God’s people.
During the First Coming of Jesus:
- Matthew 8 & Luke 8: Jesus encounters demons who acknowledge that their time is not yet over.
- Martyrdom of many believers: Many followers of Jesus are killed for their faith, becoming martyrs.
Between the First and Second Coming of Jesus:
- 6,000 years of Satan’s work: Satan continues to deceive and rule the world, preventing God’s people from discerning the truth.
Second Coming of Jesus:
- September 28, 1981, 2 p.m.: The mark of the beast is given at the Tabernacle Temple, signifying those who follow false teachings.
- March 14, 1984: God’s kingdom is opened, marking the beginning of the 1,000-year reign.
Events Within the 1,000 Years:
- Revelation 18: Judgment of Babylon, represented by the SEC (Stewardship Education Center) and eventually the entire world.
- Revelation 19: The wedding banquet of the spirit and flesh, symbolizing the unification of believers with God.
- Revelation 20:1-3: Satan (the dragon) is captured and imprisoned in the abyss, unable to deceive the nations.
- Revelation 20:4-6: The first resurrection occurs:
- The spirits of the martyrs return.
- Those living at the New Heaven New Earth who have overcome and possess God’s seed are resurrected.
- The 144,000 sealed priests and the great multitude in white reign with Christ for 1,000 years.
Events After the 1,000 Years:
- Revelation 20:7-10:Satan is released from prison.
- He deceives Gog and Magog, those outside God’s city, and gathers them for battle against Shincheonji (the camp of God’s people).
- Fire from heaven devours Gog and Magog.
- Satan, the beast (Mr. Tak), and the false prophet (Mr. Oh) are thrown into the lake of fire.
- Revelation 20:11-15:The final judgment takes place.
- The dead, both great and small, are judged according to their deeds recorded in the books (the Bible).
- Those whose names are not found in the book of life are thrown into the lake of fire (the second death).
After the Final Judgement:
- Revelation 21 & 22: Retelling of the fulfilled events of Revelation, describing the new heaven and new earth.
Cast of Characters:
God: The ultimate authority and creator, who judges and rewards according to His word. He has established His kingdom on earth at Shincheonji.
Jesus Christ: The son of God, who died and rose again. He returns with the martyrs at the Second Coming and reigns with His followers during the 1,000 years.
Holy Spirit: The active force of God, guiding and empowering believers.
New John (the Promised Pastor): The witness who saw and heard all the events of Revelation. He is the chairman of Shincheonji (SCJ) and serves as the throne of Jesus on earth. He possesses the key to the abyss, representing wisdom and knowledge of Satan’s secrets.
The 12 Disciples: The original followers of Jesus, who now serve as the foundation of God’s kingdom in the spiritual world. They work through the 12 tribe leaders to judge the 12 tribes and the world.
The Martyrs: Believers who were killed for their faith, particularly during the first coming of Jesus. Their spirits return during the first resurrection and reign with Christ.
The 144,000 Sealed Priests: A group of chosen believers who serve as priests during the 1,000-year reign.
The Great Multitude in White: A large group of believers who also participate in the first resurrection and escape the second death.
Satan (the Dragon, the Ancient Serpent, the Devil): The enemy of God and humanity, who deceives and devours God’s people. He is imprisoned during the 1,000 years but is released to gather Gog and Magog for a final battle. He is ultimately thrown into the lake of fire.
Mr. Tak (The Beast from the Sea): A false pastor who leads people astray. He is one of the figures judged and condemned to the lake of fire.
Mr. Oh (The Beast from the Earth): Another false leader who promotes idolatry and sexual immorality. He is condemned alongside Mr. Tak to the lake of fire.
The 17 False Pastors: Evangelists who became pastors illegitimately, representing the image of the beast.
Gog and Magog: Those outside God’s city who refuse to believe even after the 1,000 years. They are deceived by Satan into battling against God’s people and are ultimately destroyed by fire from heaven.
Those Who Overcame: Believers who rejected false teachings and came out of Babylon (represented by the TTT – Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony). They are the ones who participate in the first resurrection.
The Rest of the Dead: Those who died naturally and did not participate in the first resurrection. They face judgment after the 1,000 years based on their deeds.
Overview: The First Resurrection and the Millennial Kingdom
Main Themes:
- The First Resurrection: This event unites the souls of martyrs with believers living at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. They reign with Christ for 1,000 years.
- The Millennial Kingdom: A 1,000-year period where Satan is bound and God’s people dwell in His kingdom, identified as Shincheonji Church of Jesus.
- Judgment and Eternal Destiny: Following the millennial reign, Satan is released and gathers unbelievers (Gog and Magog) for battle. They are defeated, and the final judgment takes place, separating people into eternal life or eternal condemnation based on the “Book of Life.”
- Shincheonji Church of Jesus: Presented as the true church and the location of God’s kingdom on Earth, possessing the true interpretation of Revelation and the only path to salvation.
Most Important Ideas/Facts:
- Timing of Events:
- Revelation 20 occurs after the events of chapters 18 & 19, specifically the judgment of Babylon and the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
- The speaker suggests a rapid succession of these events, potentially within a day.
- The first resurrection happens within the 1,000-year period.
- The final judgment occurs after the 1,000 years.
- Chapters 21 & 22 are considered retellings of the fulfilled events in chapter 20.
- Key Figures and Symbols:
- The “I” in Revelation: Identified as New John, the servant of Jesus and witness to all events.
- Key to the Abyss: Represents the wisdom to understand Satan’s secrets, possessed by the angel and previously by Jesus.
- Great Chain: Symbolizes the word of testimony used to bind Satan.
- Dragon: Represents the spirit of Satan, who deceives the nations and will be bound for 1,000 years before being released.
- Thrones: Represent the 12 disciples working through the 12 tribe leaders of New Spiritual Israel, tasked with judging the world.
- Those Beheaded: The souls of martyrs who died for their testimony of Jesus.
- Those Who Did Not Worship the Beast: Believers who overcame the false pastors and teachings, identified as members of Shincheonji.
- Gog and Magog: Unbelievers who remain outside God’s city and are ultimately destroyed.
- Camp of God’s People: Identified as Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the target of Gog and Magog’s attack.
- The Book of Life: Church registry of heaven, determining who receives eternal life.
- Specific Interpretations and Claims:
- The 1,000-year reign began on March 14, 1984, according to the speaker.
- Mr. Tak is identified as the beast from the sea, Mr. Oh as the beast from the earth, and the 17 false pastors as the image of the beast.
- The Promised Pastor, New John, is identified as the chairman of Shincheonji and the 7th trumpet.
- Shincheonji Church of Jesus is presented as the true location of God’s kingdom on Earth, possessing the correct understanding of Revelation.
- The speaker emphasizes the need to join Shincheonji, receive the word of testimony, and participate in the first resurrection to escape the final judgment.
- “The ultimate goal is to pass over into God’s kingdom… becoming a part of Mount Zion is comparable to becoming a citizen of a new country.”
- “The dragon, the spirit of Satan, has one goal: to lead the whole world astray.”
- “Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.”
- “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”
- “Our goal should be to become the first resurrected ones and enter the hope of heaven and eternal life, as this is the objective of our life of faith.”
1. What is the First Resurrection?
The First Resurrection is a pivotal event described in Revelation 20. It marks the union of the souls of martyrs from the first coming of Jesus with those living and faithful during the second coming. This union results in spiritual and physical oneness with God, granting eternal life and freedom from the second death (eternal condemnation).
2. Who participates in the First Resurrection?
Two main groups participate:
- Souls of the Martyrs: Those who were killed for their faith in Jesus during the first coming.
- Overcomers of the Second Coming: Those who remained faithful to God’s word and resisted the deceptions of the “beasts” and their mark (referring to specific individuals and events within the provided teachings). This group includes the 144,000 sealed priests, the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel, and the great multitude in white robes.
3. When will the First Resurrection take place?
The First Resurrection occurs within the 1,000-year period mentioned in Revelation 20. This period is believed to have begun on March 14, 1984, with the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth.
4. What is the significance of the “thrones” mentioned in Revelation 20:4?
The “thrones” are not literal seats but represent the embodiment of spiritual authority through physical individuals. The twelve thrones symbolize the 12 tribe leaders of New Spiritual Israel, who, empowered by the 12 disciples of Jesus, will judge the 12 tribes and the world.
5. What happens to Satan during the 1,000 years and afterward?
Satan is bound and imprisoned in the abyss during the 1,000 years, preventing him from deceiving the nations. After this period, he is released for a short time to gather Gog and Magog (those who remain outside God’s kingdom) for a final battle, which they ultimately lose. Satan is then cast into the lake of fire, along with the beast and the false prophet.
6. What happens after the 1,000 years?
After the 1,000 years, the final judgment takes place. The dead, both great and small, are judged according to their deeds as recorded in the books. Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life (the heavenly church registry) are cast into the lake of fire, experiencing the second death.
7. Where is God’s kingdom located today?
According to the provided teachings, God’s kingdom is present today at Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. It is believed to be the place where the faithful gather and will be protected during the events of the final judgment.
8. How can I ensure my name is written in the Book of Life?
To have your name written in the Book of Life, one must:
- Believe in Jesus and God’s word.
- Remain faithful and resist the deceptions of the “beasts” and their mark.
- Actively participate in God’s kingdom by studying His word, overcoming personal challenges, and helping others come out of Babylon.
- Commit to spiritual growth and strive to become a part of the first resurrection.