[Lesson 117] Rev 11: The Two Witnesses & the 7th Trumpet

by ichthus

Table of Contents

The lesson covers the pivotal events described in Revelation chapter 11, with a primary focus on the two witnesses, identified as New John and his helper Mr. Hong, who boldly testified for 1,260 days (3.5 years) about the betrayal and destruction unfolding within the Tabernacle Temple, facing fierce opposition and persecution from the “beast” – a group of false pastors who had fallen into deception.

During this tumultuous period, a 42-month span of destruction occurred from September 1980 to March 1984, which was mercifully shortened from the originally prophesied 70 years, allowing a remnant to survive as the “elect.” Despite being imprisoned briefly for their uncompromising stance, the two witnesses miraculously received the “breath of life” (the word of life) and continued their testimony undeterred. The climactic event was the sounding of the 7th trumpet by New John, revealed as the reality of this prophecy, which heralded the unveiling of the long-awaited mystery of God’s salvation plan – the promise of resurrection and eternal life for those who remained faithful.

This trumpet blast signified a monumental shift, marking the transition from the “kingdom of the world” under the influence of false teachings (“Babylon”) to the establishment of the true “kingdom of God” as people were liberated from deception and joined the revealed truth through the testimony of New John. The lesson emphatically encourages steadfastly holding onto this word until the very end, emphasizing the paramount importance of participating in the “first resurrection” in order to attain the promised eternal life.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 10:8-11 NIV84
Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” [9] So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” [10] I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. [11] Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”

Yeast of Heaven

The boat we ride on, it’s like the ark of Noah. Like Noah, who welcomed a new era and a new kingdom, our family members are going with their bodies stowed on the Ship of Heaven. Even in anguish or hunger, we must not miss this ship we are on, the ship headed towards heaven. We must hold on tight and go to the destination.

Shincheonji Services

Today’s lesson is very important and timely for the period we are living in, especially considering what we can hear through God’s fulfilling work.

Let us remember what Romans 12:1-8 teaches us about offering proper service to God. We must offer our bodies as living sacrifices, which is acceptable to God. This offering of our bodies as living sacrifices is our true act of worship.

Service is the most important basic foundation of a life of faith. We should maintain the mindset to never miss service, as it is our time to spend with God – a time to receive the water of life from His throne and to be truly cleansed.

As discussed yesterday, referring to Numbers Chapter 19, when we are in the world, we are unfortunately surrounded by many people who do not have the truth. They remain spiritually dead and dirty. However, God is not keeping you dead in a grave. Instead, praise God, He is calling you out to be part of the living.

The best time for this cleansing is on wash days – Wednesdays and Sundays. Currently, as you are studying, you only need to attend Sundays at 6 p.m.

On Mount Zion, services are held at 11:30 am on Sundays. This timing is biblical because at noon, the sun is at its highest and brightest in the sky. This represents when we should let God shine upon us most fully.

The structure at Mount Zion is:

– Praise and worship for 30 minutes starting at 11:30 am

– Main service begins exactly at noon

– We should arrive even earlier than 11:30 am

– Wednesday services are at 7 p.m.

While evening classes are not currently required, remember that we’ll be passing over soon. 

If you have schedule conflicts preventing you from attending Wednesdays at 7, please discuss with your evangelist and seek God’s help to keep both days honorable to His power.

Basics of Faith: SEEVMO

Regarding the basics of life of faith, what should we maintain to present ourselves properly in God’s eyes?

There are 7 basics we must keep:

1.- Service

We must maintain service under all circumstances.

2.- Prayer

Father God instructs us to pray constantly without ceasing. As believers, especially as we receive the word, the more of the word we have, the more we should pray. 

This demonstrates to God that we are relying on Him, not being arrogant or thinking we can handle everything by ourselves.

3.- Evangelism

You had the opportunity to meet the head of the evangelism department through video. It was amazing to have them appear and provide encouragement. You will see them more frequently, including during class two, where you will learn from them. By God’s grace, they are amazing people and teachers.

4.- Education

We must develop the habit of receiving education. 

Without education:

– We cannot be transformed

– We cannot be cleansed

– We cannot become the proper kingdom of God

Through education, our mindset is transformed. As mentioned in Romans 12, while we are in the world, we shouldn’t be of the world. We are in the world but not part of it. Amen.

5.- Volunteering

When we become part of God’s kingdom, we must develop a heart for volunteering. 

Many students in this class have already demonstrated this spirit through actions like voluntarily reciting memory verses. We shouldn’t let fear of daunting tasks hold us back. Instead, we should push ourselves to volunteer, both in class and especially after we pass over.

6.- Meeting

The habit of meeting together is crucial. Although we are surrounded by many people who don’t have the word, coming together allows us to encourage one another. 

Hebrews 10:25 specifically instructs us not to give up meeting together. Our response to meetings shouldn’t be casual like “I’ll be there from time to time” or “Where? I’ll be there, no problem.” 

Rather, we should be committed to attending meetings as we transition into becoming true children of God.

7.- Offering

Finally, let’s discuss offering. In the world, we practice tithing and giving offerings, but unfortunately, these were given to the enemy without our knowledge. Because of this, God wasn’t accepting these offerings. Now that we know the true kingdom of God, we should tithe properly – giving a tenth of our income willingly and with a cheerful heart to Father God.

In the days ahead, we will continue to learn more about these teachings so we can keep them. These 7 basic principles are essential for everyone who is a true believer in God to maintain.

We must not only be people who speak these words, but we should actively follow and put them into action.

Opening Prayer for Revelation Study

Let us open with a prayer before proceeding to the next chapter of Revelation.

“Heavenly Father God, creator of all things, to whom we give all our thanks:

We thank you for this opportunity to come before you and learn how to live a proper life of faith that is acknowledgeable by you. We pray for each student here to keep all seven basics, and help them examine their hearts to have your word within, so they can live in accordance with it, find the kingdom, receive you, and live with you forever.

Help us as we learn the actual realities of Revelation. Let us not be cowards in your eyes or those who shrink back. Help us believe in the work of fulfillment and accept it, as you have worked for this for so long, and finally we get to see its reality.

We thank you, Father God, for not forgetting about us and for doing this work in our lifetime. We pray to be truly recreated and be a new creation, harvested into your kingdom, becoming workers for you and not workloads.

Please forgive us for anything we have done wrong against you, both knowingly and unknowingly.

Help us to:

– Study well

– Do well in our tests

– Memorize our home blessing

– Keep our seven basics

– Be truly recreated in your image and likeness

Though this speaker is lacking in many ways, please send many angels to be with each of us, especially the speaker, so the words will be clear as crystal and easy to understand. May all students learning together master revelation and do what is pleasing to you at this time. Send angels to enhance their understanding and perception.

We love you and thank you for everything.

In Jesus’s matchless and holy name,



The Time is Approaching Fast

Today, we’re covering Revelation chapter 11, and it’s remarkable that we’re almost finished. We’ve reached the halfway point of Revelation, and for some of us, it feels like we’re moving through it incredibly fast.

This swift pace reminds us of our Passover meal, which shouldn’t be eaten slowly. Just as in Moses’ time, we should eat in haste, ready to enter God’s kingdom. The beauty lies in this being an eternal gospel.

What does this mean for us? We will hear this message repeatedly, and each time it will be fresh and new, providing more details and deeper perception. I can personally testify to this experience.

The Promised Pastor continuously encourages us to review Revelation again and again. Throughout this entire year, we’ve had the opportunity to memorize all chapters of Revelation and study them repeatedly. During each chapter review, new insights emerge, making me think, “Oh yes, I didn’t remember this part.”

It’s easy to forget if we’re not constantly studying and making the effort, primarily because this isn’t the lifestyle we grew up with. That’s precisely why it requires extra effort.

Your current learning is just the beginning – it’s helping you understand the overarching picture of God’s final work. As you receive more oil, you will continue to learn even more.

Rev 11: The Two Witnesses & the 7th Trumpet

Today’s lesson focuses on two main topics from Revelation 11: the two witnesses and the seven trumpets.

We will examine:

  1. The events and actions of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:1-14)
  2. The consequences when the seventh trumpet sounds (Revelation 11:15-19)

From our previous studies in both the intermediate and parable sections, we understand that the sounding of a trumpet serves a specific purpose. As believers, this requires a response from us.

What should our response be?

– We should listen

– We should obey

– We should carry out the action commanded by the seventh trumpet

The significance of this response is directly connected to salvation. Without hearing, listening, and obeying the sound of the seventh trumpet, salvation cannot be achieved.

This makes this chapter, particularly the second part, critically important for understanding.

Previous Lesson Review and What we learned so far.


Before we proceed to new material, let’s review what we have learned up to this point.

ONE – Rev 2-3 New John is commanded by Jesus to send Letters to the 7 messengers who betrayed

In Revelation 1:17, Jesus appointed his messenger, New John, and gave him a specific command. This command was to send letters to the 7 messengers. The purpose of Jesus sending these letters to the 7 messengers was to call them to repentance, as they were walking the path of betrayal.


The Timeline of Events Related to Revelation 2-3:


In Revelation 2-3, we see New John sending letters on behalf of Jesus in 1979. Here’s the sequence of events that led to this:

  1. 1966: The Tabernacle Temple was established

   – In 1967, they betrayed

  1. 1967: New John entered the Tabernacle Temple

   – The church was very alive and the word was fresh

   – People lived very far from the church

   – There was a need for houses near the church

   – New John joined as one of the construction workers

  1. 1971: Conflict at the Tabernacle Temple

   – When New John learned about issues and tried to confront people to understand

   – They thought he would go against them

   – They tried to kill him

   – He had to leave

  1. 1975: Mr. Oh entered the Tabernacle Temple
  1. 1977: Jesus appointed New John
  1. 1979: New John sent the letters

This sequence of events explains the context of Revelation 2-3.

TWO – Rev 6 Jesus used the 4 Living Creatures to judge the Chosen People who Betrayed, and became one with the Gentiles.

Despite the letters being written, the chosen people did not heed the warning. Due to their lack of repentance, Jesus used the 4 Living Creatures to judge those who betrayed, as shown in Revelation 6.

When discussing which heaven contains the chosen people who betrayed, it refers to the first heaven and first earth. The reason for calling it heaven is because Jesus was present with them. Jesus came and chose the 7 stars to begin the work of preparing the way and to fulfill Revelation.

It’s important to understand that the first heaven and first earth are distinct from the new heaven and new earth. The first heaven and first earth passed away, as they came first. The new heaven and new earth were shown to New John, which we will explore further in Revelation chapter 11.

As a consequence of the judgment, the sun, moon, and stars went dark and fell. This figuratively represents that they no longer had the power to speak the word of truth, as what remained in them was lies.

They had received food sacrificed to idols from the destroyers, and unfortunately, they became one with the Gentiles.


The 6th Seal Opens

This refers to the 6th seal. When the 6th seal is open, we witness the sun, moon, and stars going dark and falling, marking their end. During this time, the 7 stars resigned.

What followed was a significant change – the church’s name was changed to Central Isaac Presbyterian Church. The SEC (Central Christian Training Stewardship Center) represents destruction, serving as the destroyer’s headquarters.

It’s crucial that we review these events to understand them clearly. Through repeated review, we can piece together the full picture. The change of name from Tabernacle Temple to Central Isaac Presbyterian Church symbolizes their unification with the Gentiles.


Fulfillment – In September 1980: The Begining of the 42 Months of Destruction

In September 1980, a significant event occurred that marked the beginning of the 42 months of destruction. 

This period extended from September 1980 until March 1984, which will be discussed further in today’s topic.

THREE – Rev 8-9: The Chosen People who betrayed are killed ⅓ at a time. 6th and 7th trumpets are sounded to announce the destruction of the betrayers.

In Revelation 8-9, when the chosen people became one with the Gentiles and lived among them, they betrayed their faith. As a result, destruction came upon them in thirds, announced by the sound of trumpets. 

Specifically, there are 4 trumpets mentioned in Revelation 8 and 2 trumpets in Revelation 7, totaling 6 out of the 7 trumpets. 

These 6 trumpets sounded to announce the destruction of those who betrayed.

FOUR – Rev 10: The Promised Pastor received and ate the revealed book from heaven and becomes the 7th trumpet who makes known the work of salvation.

In Revelation chapter 10, we learned about two significant things regarding the Promised Pastor and the reveal book from heaven, and their relationship.

The Promised Pastor is the one who ate the reveal book, making it his. This reveal book contains knowledge that is essential for all of us to understand. However, if we were to ask God directly about the revelation, He would say He doesn’t have it because He gave it to Jesus. If we asked Jesus, He would say He gave it to the angel. The angel would then say he gave it to John.

Therefore, to truly understand the revelation, we must find the New John of our time, today.

In Revelation 10, we see that the Promised Pastor received and ate the reveal book of revelation from heaven. Following this, he becomes the 7th trumpet, tasked with announcing the work of salvation. The Promised Pastor holds great importance.

Jesus promised three essential things we must know:

  1. The Promised Pastor
  2. The Promise Theology
  3. The Promise Temple

We must remember to know, find, and believe in:

– The Promised Pastor

– The Promise Word

– The Promise Temple

This is how we can demonstrate ourselves as complete believers in God’s eyes – by finding these promises and believing in them.

Key Points of Revelation 11

There are three essential points to understand about Revelation chapter 11:

1.- The Two Witnesses and Their Testimony

The chapter begins with the two witnesses who testify about the work of betrayal in destruction for 1,260 days. Their testimony is crucial as it reveals the work of betrayal.

2.- Death and Resurrection of the Two Witnesses

After completing their testimony, the beast kills the two witnesses. However, they do not remain dead. They resurrect after three and a half days, demonstrating God’s power over death.

3.- The Seventh Trumpet’s Significance

The climax occurs with the sounding of the seventh trumpet, which announces a momentous transformation: the kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of God. This is particularly significant because:

– It reveals the mystery of God

– It represents the work of salvation

– It fulfills the promise of resurrection and eternal life

These points from Revelation chapter 11 outline the progression from testimony through death to ultimate victory and transformation. This chapter demonstrates how resurrection and eternal life are realized through the sounding of the seventh trumpet.

Revelation 11:1-2 | The “I”

Revelation 11:1-2 NIV84

I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. [2] But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

ONE – “I”: Prophecy: Apostol John; Fulfilment: New John

When we examine who the “I” is in this context, it refers to John. In the prophecy, while it was written by Apostle John, the fulfillment would come through someone else, not the original writer.

This is similar to what we see in Acts 8:34, which asks whether the prophet was speaking about himself or someone else. Just as Isaiah was prophesying about another person, Apostle John wasn’t writing about himself, because he wouldn’t be present during the time of fulfillment. However, someone needs to be present to reveal the meaning, otherwise we would remain doomed.

This person is New John, who becomes the witness in our era. As stated in Revelation 22:8, he is the one who saw and heard all these things – the complete fulfillment of Revelation from chapter 1 to chapter 22, encompassing all 404 verses.

TWO – Reed like measuring rod: Weak Faith

“I was given a reed like a measuring rod.”

A rod represents someone who has strong, unmoving, unwavering faith. However, in this case, it specifically mentions a reed that is like a measuring rod, indicating it’s not actually strong, but rather like a reed.

When examining this spiritually, the reed isn’t referring to a physical reed. Instead, spiritually, a reed represents a person with weak faith – a weak person.

This reed was given to John, serving as a helper to New John. They were meant to work together to testify. However, between the two of them, New John is the true witness.

This helper to John would work alongside him, but due to their weak faith, they would eventually fall away. This person actually assisted New John in writing letters to send to the 7 messengers.

The Promised Pastor considered himself just a farmer, not well educated, with little worldly possessions. Therefore, God provided him with someone to help with this work. However, God was speaking to New John the entire time.

This relationship mirrors that of Moses and Aaron, where God spoke to Moses, and Moses then instructed Aaron what to do.

Unfortunately, this reed’s character is very similar to Eve’s. Just as Eve betrayed, this person would do the same.


Actual Reality

Mr. Hong is his real name.

Despite his strong beginning working alongside the Promised Pastor and the chairman, he unfortunately followed the same path as Aaron, John the Baptist, and Eve – he also chose betrayal.

Therefore, we must examine ourselves carefully. We should ensure not only that we maintain our good start but also finish even stronger.

THREE – Measure the Temple of God: Evaluating the Knowledge & Faith of the hearts of those who overcame.

The instruction was to measure the temple of God. However, this wasn’t about using an actual measuring tape on a physical temple.

What is this spiritual temple that needed to be measured? The spiritual temple represents humans, people – it’s our hearts. This is confirmed in 1 Corinthians 3:16: “Don’t you know that you yourself are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives in you.”

The temple here refers to people’s hearts. The act of measuring the temple of God is figurative, representing the evaluation of knowledge and faith within one’s heart.

What exactly are they measuring? They are measuring people’s hearts, evaluating the knowledge and faith contained within. However, there’s a specific instruction: “go and measure the temple of God in the altar and count the worshipers there, but exclude the outer court.”

By excluding the outer court, this measurement isn’t meant for everyone. It specifically refers to those who have come out and followed the one who overcome. It’s about those who have also overcame. These people’s hearts need to be measured to evaluate how much knowledge and faith they possess.

The key point is that they must evaluate or measure the knowledge and faith in the hearts of those who overcame.

FOUR – Outer Court

The focus is not on those from the outside, but those who are on the inside. The question arises: what is this outer court that is being excluded, and why?

The outer court represents those who have betrayed. 

Looking back to Moses’ time, he built a tabernacle for God. This tabernacle had two rooms:

  1. The outer room – called the holy place
  2. The inner room – called the most holy place

At the fulfillment of revelation, the destroyers came into the outer court, destroyed it, and made it one with them. This is the reason for its exclusion.


Actual Reality

The Reality of the Courts in the Temple

1.- Outer Court

– Identified as the Tabernacle Temple (TT)

2.- Inner Court

– Known as the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (TTT)

– The most holy place

– These courts are special because they contain the testimony

Important Note:

The outer court is left out because it has been given to the Gentiles.


3.- Who are these Gentiles?

– They are the Christian Stewardship Training Center (CSTC)

– Described as the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns

– Also known as the Stewardship Education Center



Due to their betrayal, these courts are being destroyed (trampled on) for 42 months.

FIVE – 42 Months: The Period of Destruction

Actual Reality

The actual reality spans from September 1980 to March 1984. In March 1984, a significant event occurred – the creation of Shincheonji and the establishment of the TTT. This creation is particularly important as it marks the work of salvation.

God showed his grace to those living in the present day by shortening the period of destruction.

Jeremiah 25:9-11 NIV84

I will summon all the peoples of the north and my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,” declares the Lord, “and I will bring them against this land and its inhabitants and against all the surrounding nations. I will completely destroy them and make them an object of horror and scorn, and an everlasting ruin. [10] I will banish from them the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, the sound of millstones and the light of the lamp. [11] This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

During the Old Testament era, the judgment and destruction lasted for 70 years. However, in our time, this period has been shortened. 

The reason for this shortening was for the sake of the elect, because if it had remained 70 years, no one would have survived.

Matthew 24:22 NIV84

If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

Glory to God – because the time was shortened, we now live in the time of salvation rather than the time of destruction.

The elect who received this blessing are:

  1. The 144,000
  2. The great multitude in white

Together, these two groups form the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel. These are the special elect, comprising the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.



So, if God went through all of this work to do this miraculous thing for us, shouldn’t we make every effort to become part of the elect today? Yes. Amen.

We must make every effort not to be deceived by those who attempt to deceive us. 

The enemy never stops. You might have noticed things becoming very hard for you. Suddenly, you may find yourself without energy to come to class, or unwilling to take time to study, or reluctant to take any tests, feeling weary.

This should not surprise us. The enemy is doing this deliberately because he knows how close you are. He knows you have been chosen.

So what will you do? Will you simply give in and let the enemy win? No, that would be foolish. Amen. God has selected us to do something great.

While we don’t know what it is yet, you will be able to find out as soon as you come to God’s kingdom. However, if you don’t make it to God’s kingdom, how can you discover what it is?

Let us realize how special we truly are in God’s eyes, that He gives us this time to be living today. Let us ensure that we do not get deceived, and we do not give up, no matter what.

Revelation 11:3-5 | The 2 Witnesses

Revelation 11:3-5 NIV84

And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” [4] These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. [5] If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die.

ONE – 2 Witnesses: New John and his helper, Mr. Hong.

This section discusses the two witnesses who are clothed in sackcloth. These two witnesses are New John and his helper, Mr. Hong. 

However, among them, New John is identified as the true witness, as he was the one who received the revelation from heaven. He was specifically commanded to create heaven on earth.

New John was instructed to go to the churches and testify. While Mr. Hong serves as his helper for a period, it is New John who holds the position of the true witness.

TWO – Sackcloth: Words Calling for Repentance

What does this mean that they are clothed in sackcloth?

Let’s look together.

Matthew 11:20-21 NIV84

Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. [21] “Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

In Asian dramas, which illustrates this ancient practice, when someone passes away, people dress in sackcloth as a sign of mourning. Similarly, in this verse, the sackcloth represents the work of repentance. 

The wearing of sackcloth is a call for those who have betrayed to repent. This reflects the heart of God and Jesus – they desire for people to repent and do what is right in God’s eyes. It shows acknowledgment that their actions were wrong and spiritually dead. However, through repentance, they can be forgiven.

Unfortunately, they did not heed that warning. Thus, the sackcloth symbolizes the word calling for repentance.

THREE – 2 Olive Trees: The two witnesses who served the Lord. 2 Lampstands: Have the spirits of lamps before God’s throne.

Referring back to Revelation 11:4, which states “These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands.”


The Olive Trees

What is the significance of them being called the two olive trees? To understand this figurative language, we need to examine what olive trees represent. In this context, trees symbolize people. These specific individuals are called olive trees because they possess oil, which represents the word of testimony.

These two olive trees represent the two witnesses who served the Lord, as we can find reference to this in Zechariah chapter 4.

Zechariah 4:11-14 NIV84

Then I asked the angel, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?” [12] Again I asked him, “What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipes that pour out golden oil?” [13] He replied, “Do you not know what these are?” “No, my lord,” I said. [14] So he said, “These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth.”

The Lampstand

Those who are anointed to serve the Lord are anointed with the word, enabling them to give their word of testimony.

Why are they called lampstand? A lamp’s purpose is to give light, and light represents the word. These two are called lampstand because they have the spirits of the lamb working through them.

The lampstands were previously seen in:

  1. The holy place
  2. The temple
  3. The throne of God (where they returned after the betrayal of the 7 stars)

Revelation 4:5 NIV84

From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. Before the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.

The 7 spirits before God’s throne are working for the 2 witnesses. 

Their purpose is to enable these witnesses to testify and prophesy for 1,260 days.

FOUR – The Word of Testimony → 2 Olive Trees

Looking at Revelation 11:4, we see “These are the 2 olive trees and the two lampstands who stand before the Lord of the earth.” This specifically refers to the 2 witnesses.

The connection between witnesses and olive trees is significant:

– Witnesses provide testimony

– Olive trees produce olive oil

This helps us understand that the oil we need isn’t physical oil. While we can use physical oil for anointing if we choose, the true oil we need is the word of Testimony. 

This oil is essential for:

– Standing before God

– Finding the kingdom of Father God

However, this oil can only come from the true chosen one.

The importance of this oil is illustrated in Matthew 25:1-13, the parable of the 10 virgins. Those without oil couldn’t enter the wedding banquet. This shows that in our life of faith, oil is necessary to welcome the bridegroom. To become a wise virgin who can welcome Jesus and enter His kingdom, we must find a witness who has this oil.

But not just any testimony will do. The testimony we need specifically covers:

  1. Rebellion
  2. Destruction
  3. Salvation
  4. The 5W1H (in full details, the who, what, when, where, why and how)

Without understanding this specific testimony, we cannot find God. 

Thankfully, we have one who overcame and can explain this clearly.

FIVE – Fire: Word of Judgement

Looking at Revelation 11:5, the scripture states that if anyone attempts to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies.

This doesn’t literally mean they will physically breathe fire like a circus performance. Rather, the fire from their mouth represents the word of judgment. 

These words of judgment will be directed specifically at those who have betrayed and destroyed, particularly targeting those who work to harm God’s chosen people.

SIX – Enemies: Evil spirits of False Pastors.

The enemies who must be devoured are the betrayers and the destroyers, particularly the destroyers. These enemies specifically refer to the pastors, or more precisely, the evil spirits that dwell within these pastors. 

When we consider the word, we must understand what it judges and fights against – it is the spirit. This is because words themselves are spirits. Therefore, the enemies that will be devoured are the evil spirits of the false pastors.

Revelation 11:6-10 | No Rain

Revelation 11:6-10 NIV84
These men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. [7] Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. [8] Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. [9] For three and a half days men from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. [10] The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

ONE – Shut up sky → No rain: No Word for the betrayers.

The scripture speaks about having the power to shut up the sky. This is not meant to be taken literally – it’s not about physically turning the sky black or shutting it off. 

The sky here figuratively represents spiritual heaven. When it mentions that rain will no longer be given, this represents that the word will no longer be given, as referenced in Deuteronomy 32:2.

Which heaven will no longer receive the word? It is the first heaven and first earth. The reason for this is betrayal.

When we betray, God will not continue to share His secrets with us. This is why when the scripture says “to shut up the sky so that no more rain would be given,” it means that no more word will be given to those who have betrayed. The betrayers will no longer receive the word.

TWO – Water into blood: Exposing doctrines of the destroyers as falsehood (lies).

Matthew 7:6 NIV84

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

The betrayers are viewed as dogs or pigs in God’s eyes. What becomes of those who betray and abandon following the word of truth?

God instructs not to give His word to them. This applies to the outer court situation.

The two witnesses instruct the saints not to share the word with those who betrayed in the Tabernacle Temple, as they have become part of the outer court. Their fate is to be trampled and completely destroyed.

Verse 6 mentions water turning into blood. If water represents the word, once it becomes blood, it is no longer drinkable.

This reminds us of a similar event in the Old Testament – in Exodus, when the Nile was turned to blood. As referenced in Exodus 7:20-21, when the Nile became blood, it was undrinkable. This same principle applies to the doctrine of the destroyers.

This transformation of water to blood symbolizes the exposure of the destroyers’ doctrines as false. Once revealed as false, people will no longer want to receive these teachings because they are lies.

We should recognize that what we previously consumed was also blood – not proper water nor the blood of Jesus, but merely mucky water. The appropriate response is to stop drinking it. Consider what happens to one’s spirit when consuming blood.

God is currently providing abundantly. However, if one cannot distinguish and simultaneously receives both God’s word and Satan’s lies, God will view them as a dog or pig and cease providing water. The rain will no longer fall upon them.

Therefore, we must not treat God with contempt. Instead of taking these teachings lightly, we should recognize their value and receive only the truth.

The result is clear – they no longer receive the word, and their stories are proven false.

THREE – Beast from the Abyss (Hell): Group of false pastors.

In Revelation 11:7, it states: “Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes from the abyss…” This verse introduces a beast emerging from the abyss.

The abyss represents the headquarters of the destroyers, which is the stewardship education center. The beasts coming from this abyss are the destroyers, specifically referring to the group of false pastors.

The action of these beasts is clear: they overpower the two witnesses and kill them.



The fulfillment of Revelation 1:7 is demonstrated when it speaks of piercing Jesus. The significance lies in understanding that when the two witnesses, who belong to Jesus, are pierced, it is figuratively piercing Jesus himself. 

This represents the true reality of Revelation 1:7.

It is important to note that the first eight verses of Revelation serve as the summarized conclusion of the entire book of Revelation. Amen. 

They are indeed the summarized conclusion.

FOUR – Death of the 2 Witnesses: Spiritual death of appointed task.

The passage discusses the two witnesses who were killed. When it mentions they were killed, what does this truly mean? It raises a question – does it mean they didn’t have the word? 

This seems contradictory because just moments before, they were actively prophesying. Therefore, the meaning appears to be that they were not permitted to preach their word.


There are two types of death:

1.- The Physical Death of the body

2.- The Spiritual Death

Spiritual death can be further divided into two categories:

   2.1 The lack of the word

   2.2 The inability to carry out one’s duty (Lack of action)

In this context, the death being discussed refers to preventing the 2 witnesses from carrying out their appointed task. This represents spiritual death – specifically, the type where one is unable to fulfill their appointed duty or task.


Actual Reality

In reality, the Stewardship Education Center, along with Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak, collaborated with the government and accused the two witnesses of defamation. This accusation resulted in the two witnesses being imprisoned for 3 and a half days.

During their imprisonment, they were unable to prophesy about the destruction taking place within the Tabernacle Temple, which was like death to them.

We understand that God desires workers in His kingdom. When we enter God’s kingdom, we must work diligently to help accomplish His will sooner. Being unable to complete our duty is equivalent to being dead.

This relates to the 7 stars mentioned in Revelation 2-3, where Jesus pointed out that they had a reputation of being alive, but were actually dead.

We should not be those who fail to complete our mission. When God assigns us a duty, we must execute it to the best of our ability.

We must always be active in our appointed tasks. As James 2:26 states, “faith without deeds is dead.” Therefore, we must ensure we can fulfill our appointed tasks.

FIVE – Reality of 3 and half days: Jan 30th – Feb 2nd, 198: In prison for defamation.

The reality of the 3 and a half days refers to an imprisonment that took place from January 30th to February 2nd, 1981. During this period, they were imprisoned on defamation charges. 

The 3 and a half days specifically consisted of three full days plus half a day on February 2nd, 1981, when they were released.

This imprisonment occurred because local officials had banded together against them. However, what happened after their release is noteworthy – instead of fleeing or backing down due to the trouble they faced, they immediately returned to their work.

SIX – Great City: TT that betrayed.

Let’s examine Revelation chapter 11.

The scripture describes bodies laid in the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt. This great city represents the Tabernacle Temple (TT) that betrayed. The reason it was called “great” was due to its massive size – it was an enormous member within South Korea, having 80 branches.

While it was truly a great city, unfortunately, it became like Sodom, which was full of corruption and sexual immorality – the reason God destroyed it. It was also compared to Egypt, where God sent Moses and Aaron to fight against Pharaoh. Similarly, God sent his two witnesses to fight against those doing the work of destruction.

The scripture also mentions it being like the place where the Lord was crucified. The Lord wasn’t crucified in Sodom or Egypt, but in Jerusalem. 

In Matthew chapter 16, Jesus told his disciples he had to go to Jerusalem, where he would die and rise again. Similarly, innocent people, just like Jesus was innocent, were killed within that great city.

It’s crucial to understand this clearly. While many people have different interpretations of what this means, none align with scripture. 

Isn’t it better to learn and understand according to scripture?

SEVEN – Grave: Organization of false teachings.

In Revelation 11:9, it states, “For three and a half days, men from every people, tribe, language, and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial.”

This refers to the people from both the Tabernacle Temple and the Spiritual Education Center who are refusing burial to the two witnesses. To understand the concept of refusing burial, we must first understand what a burial place typically is – a graveyard. 

In spiritual terms, a grave represents a place without the word, specifically an organization of false teaching.

Therefore, when it says they’re refusing burial, it means they are not allowing the two witnesses to become members of their church. The question arises: would anyone want to be part of such a church anyway, especially if it’s a spiritual grave? The answer is clearly no.


After the two witnesses were imprisoned for three and a half days, the people were gloating and celebrating because the witnesses could no longer:

– Speak against them

– Say that they were the destroyers

This celebration was symbolized by them sending gifts to one another. They were rejoicing because the witnesses were in jail and could no longer testify against them.

Revelation 11:11-14 | Breath of Life


Revelation 11:11,13-14 NIV84

But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. [13] At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven. [14] The second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon.

ONE – Breath of Life: Word of Life

After their release, they didn’t say, “Maybe we should stop speaking against them since we’ll only keep getting ourselves in trouble.” Instead, they returned.

How did they come back to life? They received the breath of life.

What is the breath of life? It is the word of life. According to John 1:1-4, God’s word is life, and this is what we need to have life within us.

After their release, there was a great earthquake, which represents the shaking of the heart. They heard a loud voice from heaven saying “Come up here,” and they went up to heaven in a cloud.

Where were they? They were in the spiritual world. Both New John and the reed went up to the spiritual world – in spirit.

When the voice said “Come up here,” they went in a cloud while their enemies looked on. 

They ascended to the heavens, and then the spirits in heaven working with them returned to the tabernacle temple to continue their work of testifying about the wrongdoings that were taking place.

TWO – The 7,000 people: The number of people (members) in the Tabernacle Temple.

According to Revelation 11:13, at that very hour, a severe earthquake occurred and a tenth of the city – specifically the Tabernacle Temple – collapsed. During this earthquake, 7,000 people were killed.

This number, 7,000, is significant as it matches the exact number of members within all 80 churches of the Tabernacle Temple, as documented in a pamphlet. This remarkable correlation will become clearer when we learn more about the actual realities.

Tragically, all these members were destroyed. The verse continues to say that the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

The passage then states that the second war has passed, and the third war – which is the 7th trumpet – is coming soon.

Revelation 11:15-19 | 7th Trumpet


Revelation 11:15-19 NIV84

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” [16] And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, [17] saying: “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. [18] The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” [19] Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm.

The moment we have been anticipating has arrived – the sounding of the 7th trumpet.

Previously in Revelation 10:7, the seventh angel was prepared to sound his trumpet but did not do so at that time. This sounding was delayed until Revelation 11:15-19.

There is a distinct difference between the trumpets: The first 6 trumpets announce the destruction of the chosen people, while the 7th trumpet specifically reveals two things – the destruction of Babylon and the work of salvation.

ONE – Actual Reality of the 7th Trumpet

The reality of the seventh trumpet is New John. In Revelation 10:8-11, we learn that New John received the scroll from above and was commanded to prophesy to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. This identifies him as the seventh trumpet.


TWO – Sound of the 7th Trumpet: The Mystery of God (Rev 10:7)

Salvation: The Mystery of Resurrection and Eternal Life

The sound of the seventh trumpet is the word of testimony. What does this testimony reveal? According to Revelation 10:7, it reveals the mystery of God, which is salvation.

This work of salvation contains God’s promise to believers. What can we attain through salvation? We can receive eternal life through the work of the first resurrection.

Therefore, this mystery encompasses both resurrection and eternal life. Paul specifically addressed this concept of the last trumpet and resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.


Heavenly Transformation

When this trumpet sounds, Paul tells us about a significant event that will occur. The spirits in heaven will descend to the new heaven and the new earth. There, they will unite with the one who overcomes, New John, among the 12 tribes of The New spiritual Israel. 

A profound transformation will take place – the two will become One. During this union, the spirits will receive a new heavenly body. As for us, our bodies will undergo a change.

We will be transformed.

This transformation is the key to attaining eternal life. Amen.

This reveals God’s mystery – His ultimate plan for us all along.

THREE – The Kingdom of the Word becomes The Kingdom of God

When the 7th trumpet sounds, as written in Revelation 11:15, a significant transformation occurs: the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our God. 

This means that those who were lost in Babylon, upon hearing the testimony from the New John, will receive and accept it. By doing so, they pass over into God’s kingdom and become God’s true everlasting family.

Who represents the kingdom of the world that is becoming the kingdom of God today? We are. We are the reality of this prophecy’s fulfilment.

However, when this happens, there will be two responses:

1. Some people will become angry and mad at God for carrying out His word, because they love Babylon so much and want to remain in it.

2. Others will rejoice and receive blessing – specifically, the blessing of eternal life.

FOUR – Hillstone

In the kingdom of God, we see there will be a great hillstone. While some people interpret this as representing a nuclear weapon or war, this interpretation doesn’t make sense in the context of God’s kingdom.

Who or what is this hillstone referring to? The hillstone represents:

  1. It is the word because it judges
  2. The promised pastor, New John

This explanation comes from Revelation chapter 11.

How are you feeling, Class? Grateful.



Revelation 11:15 NIV84

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.”

Review with the Evangelist



Title of Today’s Lesson: Revelation 11 – The Two Witnesses and the Seven Trumpets

The two witnesses identified are New John and Mr. Hong. They were forbidden to measure the outer court, which relates to measuring the faith and knowledge of the chosen people of the Tabernacle Temple.

The time period of destruction lasted 42 months, not 70 months. This was significant because if the period had remained at 70 months, no one would have survived. This took place from September 1980 to March 1984.

In Revelation 11:15, we learn about the mystery of salvation through the seven trumpets. When the trumpet sounds, it produces the sound of salvation. The reality of the seven trumpets is Nhu-Chanh.

When the trumpet is sounded, the kingdom of the world transforms into the kingdom of God. This transformation occurs as the people of Babylon leave Babylon and become part of the TTT (Tabernacle Temple) through the word of testimony given by the witnesses.

The message concludes with an encouragement to hold onto this word until the end and participate in the first resurrection.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Unveiling Revelation 11 – The Two Witnesses and the 7th Trumpet


I. Introduction and Context

A. Importance and Timeliness of Revelation 11: Emphasizes the relevance of Revelation 11 for contemporary believers and encourages diligent study for spiritual cleansing. B. Review of Previous Chapters: Recapitulates key events leading up to Revelation 11, highlighting the betrayal of the chosen people, God’s judgment, and the role of the Promised Pastor (New John). C. Key Points of Revelation 11: Introduces the central themes of chapter 11, including the testimony of the two witnesses, their death and resurrection, and the significance of the seventh trumpet.

II. Verse-by-Verse Analysis and Interpretation

A. Revelation 11:1-2: The “I” and the Measuring Rod 1. Identity of the “I”: Explains that “I” refers to New John, the recipient of the Revelation and the present-day witness. 2. The Reed like a Measuring Rod: Interprets the reed as a symbol of weak faith, representing Mr. Hong, a helper to New John who eventually betrays. 3. Measuring the Temple of God: Explains the spiritual meaning of measuring the temple as evaluating the knowledge and faith of those who overcame. 4. The Outer Court: Identifies the outer court as the Tabernacle Temple (TT), given over to the Gentiles (Stewardship Education Center) and excluded from measurement due to their betrayal. 5. 42 Months: Specifies the period of destruction from September 1980 to March 1984, shortened for the sake of the elect (144,000 and great multitude in white).

B. Revelation 11:3-5: The Two Witnesses 1. Identity of the Two Witnesses: Identifies the two witnesses as New John and his helper, Mr. Hong, with New John being the true witness. 2. Sackcloth: Interprets the sackcloth as a symbol of repentance, signifying the witnesses’ call for the betrayers to return to God. 3. Two Olive Trees and Two Lampstands: Explains the symbolism of olive trees representing the two witnesses anointed with the word (oil) and lampstands signifying their possession of the seven spirits of God. 4. The Word of Testimony and Olive Oil: Connects the oil produced by olive trees to the word of testimony, crucial for standing before God and entering His kingdom. 5. Fire: Interprets the fire coming from the witnesses’ mouths as the word of judgment against their enemies. 6. Enemies: Identifies the enemies as the evil spirits dwelling within false pastors.

C. Revelation 11:6-10: No Rain and the Death of the Witnesses 1. Shutting Up the Sky and No Rain: Interprets the closed sky and lack of rain as God withholding His word from the betrayers due to their unfaithfulness. 2. Water Turning into Blood: Explains the transformation of water to blood as exposing the doctrines of the destroyers as falsehoods and lies. 3. Beast from the Abyss: Identifies the beast from the abyss as the group of false pastors from the Stewardship Education Center. 4. Death of the Two Witnesses: Interprets their death as a spiritual death, meaning they were prevented from carrying out their appointed task of prophesying. 5. Reality of 3 and a Half Days: Specifies the time period of the witnesses’ imprisonment (January 30th to February 2nd, 1981) due to defamation charges. 6. The Great City: Identifies the great city as the Tabernacle Temple, compared to Sodom and Egypt for its corruption and betrayal, and to Jerusalem as the place of Jesus’ crucifixion. 7. Refusing Burial: Interprets the refusal to bury the witnesses as denying them membership in their church, symbolic of a spiritual grave devoid of God’s word.

D. Revelation 11:11-14: Breath of Life and the Earthquake 1. Breath of Life: Explains the breath of life as the word of life, empowering the witnesses to continue their work. 2. The 7,000 People: Identifies the 7,000 killed in the earthquake as the members of the Tabernacle Temple, signifying their spiritual destruction.

E. Revelation 11:15-19: The Seventh Trumpet 1. Actual Reality of the Seventh Trumpet: Identifies New John as the reality of the seventh trumpet, based on his mission to prophesy. 2. Sound of the Seventh Trumpet: Explains the sound as the word of testimony that reveals the mystery of God, specifically salvation through resurrection and eternal life. 3. The Kingdom of the World Becomes the Kingdom of God: Interprets the transformation of kingdoms as the people of Babylon leaving falsehood and joining God’s kingdom through New John’s testimony. 4. The Hillstone: Identifies the hillstone as both the judging word of God and the Promised Pastor, New John.

A Study Guide

A Study Guide on Revelation 11


Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. What is the significance of the “reed like a measuring rod” given to John in Revelation 11:1-2?
  2. Explain the spiritual meaning of measuring the temple of God and why the outer court is excluded.
  3. Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11, and what is the significance of their clothing?
  4. What do the olive trees and lampstands symbolize in Revelation 11:4?
  5. Explain the figurative meaning of shutting up the sky and turning water into blood in Revelation 11:6.
  6. Who is the beast from the abyss, and what does its action towards the two witnesses represent?
  7. What kind of death do the two witnesses experience, and what is its practical implication in their ministry?
  8. How long are the two witnesses dead, and what event marks their return to life?
  9. What is the symbolic meaning of the earthquake and the 7,000 people killed in Revelation 11:13?
  10. What happens when the seventh trumpet sounds, and what is its significance for the people of Babylon?

Quiz Answer Key

  1. The “reed like a measuring rod” symbolizes weak faith and refers to Mr. Hong, New John’s helper who eventually betrays. This highlights the fragility of faith and the importance of remaining steadfast.
  2. Measuring the temple of God represents evaluating the knowledge and faith within the hearts of believers who have overcome. The outer court, representing those who have betrayed, is excluded because they are no longer considered part of God’s people.
  3. The two witnesses are New John and Mr. Hong. Their clothing of sackcloth symbolizes the call for repentance directed towards those who have betrayed God’s teachings.
  4. The two olive trees symbolize the two witnesses who serve the Lord and possess the oil of the word of testimony. The two lampstands signify that they have the spirits of God working through them, enabling them to testify and prophesy.
  5. Shutting up the sky so no rain falls symbolizes the withholding of God’s word from those who betrayed. Turning water into blood represents the exposure of the destroyers’ doctrines as falsehoods, making them undrinkable for believers.
  6. The beast from the abyss is a group of false pastors from the Stewardship Education Center. Their overpowering and killing of the two witnesses represents the silencing of their ministry and the persecution they face for speaking the truth.
  7. The two witnesses experience spiritual death, meaning they are prevented from carrying out their appointed task of prophesying. This highlights the challenges and opposition faced by those who spread God’s message.
  8. The two witnesses are dead for three and a half days, symbolizing their imprisonment. Their return to life is marked by receiving the breath of life, which represents the word of God empowering them to continue their mission.
  9. The earthquake symbolizes the shaking of hearts within the Tabernacle Temple due to the witnesses’ testimony. The 7,000 people killed represent the complete destruction of all members in the Tabernacle Temple who refused to repent.
  10. When the seventh trumpet sounds, the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God. This signifies the transformation of those who leave Babylon and join God’s kingdom through the word of testimony from New John, achieving salvation and eternal life.

Essay Questions

  1. Analyze the significance of the number 42 in Shincheonji doctrine, drawing connections between its historical and symbolic meanings in Revelation 11.
  2. Explain how the concept of betrayal plays a central role in Revelation 11, exploring the consequences and spiritual implications of those who betray God’s teachings.
  3. Compare and contrast the roles and characteristics of New John and Mr. Hong as the two witnesses, evaluating their contributions and eventual fates.
  4. Examine the figurative language used to describe the death and resurrection of the two witnesses, exploring the spiritual significance of these events and their impact on believers.
  5. Discuss the significance of the seventh trumpet in Shincheonji doctrine, focusing on the concept of salvation, the transformation of the world, and the ultimate fate of those who choose to remain in Babylon.

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Abyss: The headquarters of the destroyers, symbolized by the Stewardship Education Center.
  • Beast from the Abyss: A group of false pastors who oppose the two witnesses.
  • Breath of Life: The word of God that brings spiritual life and empowers believers.
  • Chosen People: The original members of the Tabernacle Temple who later betrayed God’s teachings.
  • Destroyers: False pastors who spread lies and lead people away from God’s truth.
  • Fire: The word of judgment that comes from the mouths of the two witnesses.
  • Gentiles: Those who are outside of the true faith and represent the Stewardship Education Center.
  • Great City: The Tabernacle Temple that betrayed, likened to Sodom, Egypt, and Jerusalem.
  • Hillstone: The word of God, personified by New John, that will judge the world.
  • Lampstands: The two witnesses who have the spirits of God working through them.
  • Measuring the Temple of God: Evaluating the knowledge and faith in the hearts of believers who have overcome.
  • New John: The Promised Pastor and true witness who received the revelation from heaven.
  • Olive Trees: The two witnesses who possess the oil of the word of testimony.
  • Outer Court: Those who have betrayed God and are excluded from salvation.
  • Reed like a Measuring Rod: Mr. Hong, New John’s helper who represents weak faith and eventual betrayal.
  • Sackcloth: A symbol of mourning and repentance.
  • Seventh Trumpet: The final trumpet that announces the transformation of the world into God’s kingdom and the beginning of salvation.
  • Shutting up the Sky: The withholding of God’s word from those who have betrayed.
  • Spiritual Death: The inability to carry out one’s appointed task or the lack of God’s word.
  • Temple of God: The hearts of believers, the true spiritual dwelling place of God.
  • Two Witnesses: New John and Mr. Hong, who testify against the destroyers and call for repentance.
  • Water into Blood: The exposure of the destroyers’ doctrines as falsehoods, making them harmful to consume.


Timeline of Events


  • Establishment of the Tabernacle Temple (TT): A significant religious organization is founded.


  • Betrayal within the Tabernacle Temple: A schism occurs within the TT, leading to internal conflict.
  • New John enters the Tabernacle Temple: Drawn to the church’s vibrant atmosphere and teachings, New John joins as a construction worker, contributing to the expansion of facilities.


  • Conflict and attempted assassination of New John: New John attempts to address internal issues within the TT, leading to a hostile response and attempts on his life. He is forced to flee the organization.


  • Mr. Oh enters the Tabernacle Temple: Mr. Oh, a figure who will later play a role in the conflict, joins the TT.


  • Jesus appoints New John as his messenger: New John receives a divine calling to serve as a messenger for Jesus.


  • New John sends letters to seven messengers: Acting on Jesus’ command, New John sends letters calling for repentance to seven key figures within the TT who have strayed from the true path.

September 1980:

  • Beginning of the 42 Months of Destruction: A period of judgment and turmoil begins, targeting the TT and those who betrayed the faith.

January 30th – February 2nd, 1981:

  • Imprisonment of the Two Witnesses: New John and his helper, Mr. Hong, are falsely accused of defamation and imprisoned for three and a half days, preventing them from continuing their ministry.

March 1984:

  • Creation of Shincheonji and establishment of the TTT (Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony): Marking the end of the 42 months of destruction, Shincheonji is founded, representing the true path and God’s kingdom on earth.

Undisclosed Date:

  • Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet: Symbolized by New John’s ministry, the seventh trumpet signifies the final judgment, the transformation of the world into God’s kingdom, and the promise of eternal life for believers.

Cast of Characters

1. New John:

  • Bio: The central figure in the narrative, chosen by Jesus as his messenger and the embodiment of the Seventh Trumpet. He experiences conflict and persecution within the Tabernacle Temple but emerges as the leader of Shincheonji, the true church representing God’s kingdom.

2. Mr. Hong:

  • Bio: Initially New John’s helper and a witness to the truth, Mr. Hong is described as having weak faith and ultimately betrays the cause, siding with the destroyers.

3. Mr. Oh:

  • Bio: A prominent figure within the Tabernacle Temple who becomes an antagonist to New John. He collaborates with the Stewardship Education Center and authorities to persecute the true believers.

4. Mr. Tak:

  • Bio: Another figure associated with the Stewardship Education Center and involved in persecuting the two witnesses.

5. The Promised Pastor:

  • Bio: Referred to as someone chosen by God who received the revealed book from heaven and becomes the Seventh Trumpet, making known the work of salvation. The source seems to sometimes use this title synonymously with New John.

6. The Two Witnesses:

  • Bio: New John and Mr. Hong are collectively referred to as the Two Witnesses. They preach repentance and testify against the betrayers within the Tabernacle Temple, facing persecution and imprisonment for their message.

7. The Seven Messengers:

  • Bio: Seven key figures within the Tabernacle Temple who have strayed from the true path and are called to repentance by New John in his letters.

8. The Beast from the Abyss:

  • Bio: Symbolically representing the group of false pastors and those associated with the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), they persecute the two witnesses and are associated with the forces of destruction.

9. The Twenty-Four Elders:

  • Bio: Heavenly figures who appear in the vision of the seventh trumpet, praising God for his judgment and the establishment of his kingdom.

10. The 144,000 and the Great Multitude in White:

  • Bio: Representing the elect who are saved and enter God’s kingdom, they form the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.

11. The Destroyers:

  • Bio: A general term used to describe the false pastors and those who betray the true faith, specifically associated with the SEC and those who lead the Tabernacle Temple astray.


Revelation 11: A Detailed Briefing


Central Theme: This lesson interprets Revelation 11 through the lens of Shincheonji doctrine, specifically focusing on the role of “New John” (believed to be Shincheonji founder Lee Man-hee) as the promised pastor and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy through Shincheonji’s establishment.

Key Ideas and Facts:

1. The Two Witnesses:

  • The lesson identifies the two witnesses in Revelation 11 as “New John” and his helper, Mr. Hong.
  • New John is presented as the true witness, receiving revelation from heaven and tasked with creating heaven on earth.
  • Mr. Hong is described as having weak faith and ultimately betraying the cause.
  • Quote: “These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.” (Revelation 11:4) – interpreted as representing New John and Mr. Hong, who hold the word of testimony and are empowered by God’s spirit.

2. Testimony and Judgment:

  • The two witnesses’ testimony is a call for repentance, symbolized by their clothing of sackcloth.
  • Their words are equated to “fire” that devours their enemies, representing judgment against those who betrayed God.
  • Quote: “If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies.” (Revelation 11:5) – interpreted as the power of the word to judge those who oppose God’s chosen people.

3. Betrayal and Destruction:

  • The lesson focuses heavily on the theme of betrayal within the Tabernacle Temple, a church that Shincheonji claims to have separated from.
  • The “outer court” given to the Gentiles is interpreted as the Tabernacle Temple, excluded from God’s grace because of their betrayal.
  • The 42 months of destruction are linked to a specific period from September 1980 to March 1984, culminating in the establishment of Shincheonji.
  • Quote: “They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.” (Revelation 11:2) – interpreted as the period of destruction upon the Tabernacle Temple.

4. Death and Resurrection of the Witnesses:

  • The death of the two witnesses is interpreted as their inability to preach due to imprisonment.
  • Their resurrection after 3.5 days is linked to their release from prison and continued testimony.
  • Quote: “But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them.” (Revelation 11:11) – interpreted as their renewed ability to preach after their release.

5. The Seventh Trumpet and the Kingdom of God:

  • The sounding of the seventh trumpet is identified as the word of testimony given by New John, revealing the mystery of God and offering salvation through the first resurrection.
  • This signifies the transformation of the world into the kingdom of God, specifically through the establishment of Shincheonji.
  • Quote: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15) – interpreted as the fulfillment of prophecy through Shincheonji.

6. Call to Action:

  • The sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing New John as the promised pastor and accepting Shincheonji’s teachings to attain salvation.
  • It warns against deception and urges followers to remain steadfast in their faith.

Quotes from Original Sources:

  • The sermon liberally quotes scripture, primarily from the book of Revelation, to support its interpretations.
  • It also references verses from other books like Matthew, Jeremiah, and 1 Corinthians to contextualize events and reinforce its doctrinal claims.

Overall Impression:

This lesson presents a highly symbolic and allegorical interpretation of Revelation 11, weaving it into Shincheonji’s narrative of fulfillment and salvation. It heavily relies on the authority of “New John” and positions Shincheonji as the true embodiment of God’s kingdom on earth. This briefing provides a detailed understanding of the group’s interpretation of this specific chapter of Revelation, highlighting its key themes and arguments.



1. Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11?

The two witnesses are New John (the Promised Pastor) and his helper, Mr. Hong. New John is the true witness who received the revelation from heaven and is tasked with establishing heaven on earth. Mr. Hong initially assists him, but his faith weakens, and he eventually betrays, much like biblical figures Aaron, John the Baptist, and Eve.

2. What does it mean that the two witnesses are “clothed in sackcloth”?

The sackcloth symbolizes a call for repentance directed at those who have betrayed God. It represents the message of repentance that the two witnesses preach to those who have strayed from the true faith.

3. What is the significance of the two olive trees and two lampstands in Revelation 11:4?

  • Two Olive Trees: Represent the two witnesses who are anointed with the “oil” of the word of testimony, enabling them to serve the Lord.
  • Two Lampstands: Symbolizing the two witnesses possessing the “light” of the word and having the seven spirits of God working through them to give testimony.

4. What does it mean to “shut up the sky” so there is no rain in Revelation 11:6?

This is symbolic language. “Shutting up the sky” means that God will withhold His word from those who have betrayed, just as He would withhold rain from a barren land. The betrayers will no longer receive the spiritual nourishment of God’s word.

5. Who is the “beast from the Abyss” that attacks the two witnesses?

The beast represents the group of false pastors, specifically those associated with the Stewardship Education Center, who persecute and try to silence the two witnesses. The abyss symbolizes their corrupt and destructive headquarters.

6. What does the “death” of the two witnesses signify?

Their death represents a spiritual death, specifically the inability to carry out their appointed task of preaching the truth. In the actual reality, this refers to their imprisonment, which prevented them from continuing their mission.

7. What happens when the seventh trumpet sounds in Revelation 11:15?

The sounding of the seventh trumpet marks a pivotal moment:

  • The kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of God. Those who hear and accept the testimony of New John leave the corrupt system (“Babylon”) and enter God’s kingdom.
  • The mystery of God is revealed, specifically the promise of salvation, resurrection, and eternal life for believers.

8. What is the “great hailstorm” at the end of Revelation 11?

The hailstorm is a symbolic representation of God’s judgment being poured out upon the wicked and those who have rejected His truth. It signifies a powerful and decisive act of divine intervention.

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