[Lesson 89] The Sons Who Will Receive God’s Inheritance

by ichthus

The lesson discusses who will be revealed as the sons of God to receive His inheritance at the second coming of Christ, tracing this concept back to Adam who originally received but lost the world’s inheritance to Satan through disobedience. At the second coming, there must be overcomers who fight and defeat Satan, led by “the one who overcomes” with teaching authority to show others how to overcome. Throughout biblical history there has been a repeated pattern of God establishing covenants which people betrayed, necessitating new covenants – Jesus fulfilled the promise of a new covenant at his first coming. At his second coming, Jesus harvests those born of God’s seed to be revealed as the promised sons receiving the inheritance of heaven and eternal life, as prophesied in Romans 8. To attain this, believers must leave spiritual immaturity under “guardians” (traditional churches) and reach maturity by being harvested to Mount Zion. There is an ongoing conflict where those “born of the flesh” persecute those “born of the promise/spirit,” like Ishmael and Isaac. The goal is to be among the overcoming 12 tribes harvested out of spiritual Babylon to become the promised sons revealed at the second coming.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Revelation 10:7

But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

Revelation 11:15

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,

 and he will reign for ever and ever.”

Yeast of Heaven

Not only must we believe, but we must be created perfectly through the Word. Since our Father God is the Word, we must also be the Word. If one is born of God’s seed, one must also become the Living Word. Let us become walking Bibles.


Our Hope: To become sons of God and receive the inheritance promised!

I’m glad that everyone here is able to come and set aside time in our busy days. As we know, our days are increasingly busy, but every time we set aside time, God notices and God remembers. So, thank you for making that effort.

Today, we’re going to be understanding more about the kind of people that really receive God’s big blessing. There are some important things I want us to note for today. We’re really focused on the second coming and understanding it well, as well as noticing the differences between the first coming and the second coming, and who is being talked about in each coming.

This will be especially important today. So, keep in mind the importance of understanding the difference between the people talked about in the first coming and those talked about in the second coming, and the relationship between them. Another crucial point to note is that it’s really important for us to understand spiritual matters more than physical ones.

In fact, the physical actually matters quite little to God, and He’s always looking for the spiritual.

Galatians 3:26-29

26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

This topic will be part of our discussion today.

Paul made a crucial point: there is no distinction between male and female, emphasizing that the spiritual son is what truly matters. Regardless of your physical gender, the ultimate goal is for everyone to become a spiritual son of God. Why is this important?

What do sons possess?

Physically, what distinguishes a son from a daughter? What do they have? The seed.

The seed is the key difference.

Therefore, whether you are physically male or female is irrelevant as long as you have God’s seed within you, which makes you a son. Are we grasping this concept? So, physical gender is not important.

Spiritual gender, however, is crucial. This is a very important distinction to understand.

The Sons Who Will Receive God’s Inheritance

Gal 4:1-7, Rev 21:7

May that be the case for all of us. However, I want to emphasize clearly that it will not automatically apply to everyone. It is something that must be given and delivered to those who fight and overcome.

Our main reference verses for today will be Galatians 4:1-4, which continues directly after the passage we just read, and also Revelation 21:7.

We hope to become sons of God and receive the promised inheritance. May this be true for all of us.

So, at the time of the second coming, remember my earlier point. What does it mean to become a son of God? And how are the sons of God of the first coming different from the sons of God at the second coming?

Keep that question in mind.

Previous Lesson Review


In our previous lesson, we explored the seventh trumpet, a profound topic. We discussed how trumpets are promised to sound at the time of the second coming, as mentioned in Matthew 24, Luke 17, and 1 Corinthians 15. While we may have previously interpreted these trumpets literally, we now understand that prophecy is spoken in parables.

1.- By studying parables, we gain a better understanding of how to interpret prophecies of our time. We now recognize that a trumpet represents a person. Isaiah 58:1 mentions that a trumpet is a person.

In every era, God appoints trumpets whose role is to speak. The word declares many things: sin and rebellion, salvation, and clear instructions for people. The sound is the word that declares, and the spirit guides the mouth of the trumpet.

A trumpet cannot blow on its own; it needs a trumpeter. Let us all become trumpets that can be used by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus, and the spirits of heaven.

You too can become a trumpet, as Jesus promised in Matthew 10, saying to his disciples that it will be the voice of their Father speaking through them. Let this be true for all of us.

2.- Revelation promises seven trumpets. The first six trumpets, or six people, announce the sacrifice of the chosen people. This sacrifice refers to the destruction of the chosen people by destroyers. The destroyers enter the tabernacle of the chosen people, destroying them and rendering their word null and their faith destroyed.

The six trumpets tell people what is happening. In Revelation chapters 8 and 9, we see what happens to the people in this place. Locusts invade and sting the hearts of men.

3.- The seventh trumpet announces something different: salvation through God’s victory. Two significant events occur when the seventh trumpet sounds.
The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God. This happens on multiple scales: the individual person (happening now) and the world scale.

Kingdom is another way of saying church. What happens? Death is swallowed up in life and victory.
Keep in mind Revelation 10:7 and Revelation 11:15, which mention the work of the seventh trumpet.

4. At the time of the second coming, the seventh trumpet is new John. His sound, the words he speaks not only in Class but also to the world, is the word of testimony of Revelation’s fulfillment.

What has taken place? When? And how?


  1. Trumpeter = Spirit, Trumpet = Person, Trumpet Sound = The Word that Declares | Isa 58:1, Mt 10:20
  2. First 6 Trumpets → Sacrifice of Choshen People (Betrayers) by Destroyers | Rev 8 and Rev 9
  3. 7th Trumper → Salvation thru the victory of God (Kingdom of the World → Kingdom of God, Death swallowed up!) Rev 10:7, Rev 11:15.
  4. Second Coming: 7th Trumpet → New John

Sound → Word of Testimony of Revelation Fulfillment

1.- The Days of Adam

Today, our discussion will focus on the sons of inheritance. To fully comprehend this concept, we need to look back to the very beginning. We must ask: Who was the first to receive an inheritance from God? The answer is Adam.

Genesis 2:15, 19-20

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.

But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

Adam’s inheritance was the world, beginning with the Garden of Eden. Had Adam not eaten from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, his inheritance would have encompassed the entire world.

Consider how different that world might have been, with many tragedies avoided. God initially gave Adam the world, instructing him to tend the garden and care for it as requested. This was the original state.

However, Satan, unable to leave well enough alone, always seeks to invade and disrupt God’s work. Satan was present as the tree in the middle of the garden that God had forbidden Adam to eat from. As a reminder, the tree represents both God and Satan.

Satan is figuratively the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, with lies as its fruit. God is the tree of life, bearing the fruit of truth.

Both the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil existed in the garden. Satan, operating through the false tree, sowed lies.

Satan’s goal was to take what belonged to God and, ultimately, what belonged to Adam. When Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, sin and death entered the world God had created. In Genesis 6, God’s spirit had to flee.

Who then came into possession of the world? Satan.

Luke 4:5-7

5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7 So if you worship me, it will all be yours.”

What do we observe about Satan’s claim regarding the world?

Satan asserted that the world was given to him. By whom? Adam. In reality, Satan stole it through deception.

Satan, being a liar, deceived Adam and Eve, taking the world God had created from Adam. As a result, sin, death, mourning, crying, and pain became commonplace.

As stated in 1 John 5:19, the whole world is under the control of the evil one. The inheritance was stolen.

For the past 6,000 years, Satan has ruled over the world, leading to the prevalence of horrible things. War, disease, famine, plagues, strife, conflict, lies, thievery, sexual immorality, idol worship, and idolatry became the norm. God, looking down on His creation, has been lamenting, as expressed in Genesis 6:3-6.

God has been in pain since this time. His mission is to create a new people and end the world’s corruption through them. Let’s examine Romans chapter 8 to see a beautiful promise for the second coming.

Remember: sons of the first coming, sons of the second coming.

Romans 8:18-25

18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Paul mentions some profound concepts here. I hope you’re grasping much of what he’s discussing.

Creation awaits the reveal of the sons of God. It wasn’t only humans subjected to death and decay. What else was subjected to this fate? Creation itself, in its entirety, was also subjected to decay, just like people.

This means that as beautiful as the natural world we see outside is, God’s intention was even better. God’s plan was grander than standing on a beach with a sunset and still water, making us think, “Can anything be more beautiful than this?” Yes, indeed. What we see pales in comparison to what God originally intended. So, let’s have hope.

Remember, Paul was talking about a future glory. He’s speaking to those who believe in Christ, but he said, “We are also waiting eagerly.” Verse 24 states, “For in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?”

There’s something to come – sons of God that need to be revealed. When will they be revealed? At the second coming.

This was my earlier point, to avoid confusion. Those who believed in Christ became sons of God, but there are promised sons of God at the second coming, for which all of creation is waiting. Paul gave us another clue about who these people would be.

He said in verse 23, “The Spirit groans inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”

When will that take place? At the first resurrection. That’s right. A little clue there.

Let’s discuss this further and understand more about the inheritance and why we’re waiting to become the second coming sons of God that will be revealed.


– Creation awaits and reveals of Sons of God at the Second Coming (Rom 8:18-25)

2.- Conditions for Receiving the Inheritance

First, we will discuss the conditions required to receive the inheritance.

What are the conditions to receive the inheritance? Who are the individuals that will receive this inheritance, and how? What needs to occur for this to happen?

Those who are to come or those who overcome will be the ones to receive the inheritance.

Let’s explore this further. We’ll begin by turning to Revelation 20:1-3, as there is something that needs to happen first. Something needs to be removed or go away before the inheritance can be received.

ONE – Dragon must be captured

Revelation 20:1-3

And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.

The devil, Satan, who initially caused our problems, must be captured. Only after his capture can the redemption of our bodies occur, allowing the sons of God to be revealed. However, the process of capturing Satan involves several steps.

Before Satan can be captured, a series of events must unfold. These events include multiple wars described in the book of Revelation.

TWO – Must Fight and Overcome to receive inheritance!

Revelation 12:9-12

9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,

    and the authority of his Christ.

For the accuser of our brothers,

    who accuses them before our God day and night,

    has been hurled down.

11 They overcame him

    by the blood of the Lamb

    and by the word of their testimony;

they did not love their lives so much

    as to shrink from death.

12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens

    and you who dwell in them!

But woe to the earth and the sea,

    because the devil has gone down to you!

He is filled with fury,

    because he knows that his time is short.”

Revelation describes the second war, which occurs on two fronts: the spiritual world and the physical world. In the spiritual realm, Heaven battles against Satan and hell. This same war also rages in the physical world.

The male child and his brothers are the ones fighting in this war. Verse 10 mentions “the accuser of our brothers,” referring to the male child and his brothers. They fight against the beast with seven heads and ten horns. Their victory comes through the blood of the Lamb, which represents the word, and their testimony of what they have seen and heard.

According to Revelation, you are identified as the prostitute and the beast. The ten people you appointed to work with you are the horns. Satan, the dragon, works through you. These entities needed to be exposed. Once people realized what was happening, they could be defeated, although this process takes time. We’ll understand the duration as we delve deeper into Revelation.

It’s crucial to understand more about the male child. Revelation 12:5 states, “She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all nations and inheritance with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.” The iron scepter represents the teaching authority to rule, not as a king, but as a teacher.

To identify this male child with the iron scepter, we can look at Revelation chapter 2, where the iron scepter is mentioned again.

Revelation 2:26-27

26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father.

Who is the one being referred to? It is the one who overcomes. The male child and the one who overcomes are, in fact, the same individual.

For what reason? This is because both are granted authority and inheritance.

The iron scepter is mentioned. Let’s examine what additional blessings are promised to the one who overcomes.

Revelation 3:12

Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.

The promise given to the one who overcomes is that they will become a pillar in God’s temple. Additionally, they will receive new names. These new names include:

1.- The name of God
2.- The name of the holy city, which is the new Jerusalem
3.- Jesus’ new name

Revelation 21:7

He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

The one who overcomes will inherit everything, and God will be his God, and he will be God’s son. However, it’s not just the overcomer who should become God’s son and receive the inheritance, but all of us should. The question is, how can we understand how to achieve this at the second coming?

We can do this by following the person who overcomes, who has seen and heard the events of Revelation and can explain the parables. This individual will show us how to become sons of God at the second coming. Just as Paul explained how to do it at the first coming, it must be explained for the second coming as well, fulfilling the promise in Romans chapter 8.

This is what needs to happen. We want to be the reality of Romans chapter 8 – the sons of God that all of creation is waiting for.

So why is it this way? Why is it taking so long for the sons of God to be revealed? What events have led up to this?

We will go through Bible history again to seal it in our hearts and minds. This way, when we open our mouths, it will come out smoothly. As it is said, out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Before we delve into Bible history, let’s take a short break now.

Quick Review

Quick Review

We are examining the sons who will receive God’s inheritance. We first looked at the days of Adam, who was the first to receive an inheritance from God on Earth. However, his inheritance was stolen by Satan.

This created what Romans chapter 8 calls “present sufferings.” Following God’s path means going against the world’s path, which causes suffering. It’s difficult to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Satan tries to lead the whole world astray and makes life challenging for those receiving the open word, especially at the time of the second coming. This includes you in this class.

But you are overcomers. As Paul said in Romans chapter 8, “Creation awaits the reveal of the sons of God.” Our hope is not in what we have now or what is seen today, but in what will be revealed in the future. These words were written 2,000 years ago. Imagine how joyous Paul would be if he could see what’s happening today, saying, “Wow, you guys are so close to what I recorded and promised.”

To set up the events we experience today, there had to be a battle, a fight, and overcoming. Revelation chapter 12 talks about how the male child fought and overcame the group of the dragon – the beast with seven heads and ten horns. He exposed them with the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony, with the iron scepter in hand (figuratively). He becomes the one who overcomes, receives a new name, and becomes God’s son. Then he teaches the rest of us how to do the same.

But why did it have to happen like this? Let’s track the flow of Bible history now.

3.- Sons Who Inherit God’s Inheritance

We will examine how this identical logic has repeated itself throughout historical events.

Old Testament

Adam’s Covenant (Genesis 2-3)

Adam was the first to receive God’s inheritance. His covenant with God was to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This covenant was not kept, resulting in betrayal. Consequently, God had to reset and start again.

Noah’s Covenant (Genesis 9)

God had to recreate, which He did through Noah and his family. Recall the eight steps of creation and recreation from the early intermediate days:

  1. Selection of a pastor
  2. Creation of a kingdom
  3. Covenant with the chosen people
  4. Betrayal of the covenant by the chosen people and destruction
  5. Selection of a new pastor
  6. Judgment and salvation
  7. Creation of a new kingdom
  8. New covenant

This cycle repeats continuously throughout history.

Noah was given a covenant, detailed in Genesis chapter 9. However, a rift occurred in Noah’s family line, caused by Ham, his second son. Ham fathered Canaan, who was likely with Ham during the incident, although this is not explicitly stated. Canaan was cursed due to Ham’s actions, resulting in the cursing of both Ham’s and Canaan’s lineages.

The blessing came through the descendants of Shem, Noah’s other son and Abraham’s ancestor. Meanwhile, the descendants of Canaan were cursed. Over many generations, as described in the Bible, these two lines began to war against each other.

All the “-ites” mentioned in Genesis – Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, and others – were descended from Canaan. The land of Canaan had to be overcome by the Israelites to fulfill God’s promise, allowing them to claim the Promised Land.

Ultimately, there was a betrayal in Noah’s line, leading to these complex historical developments.

Abraham’s Covenant | Genesis 12, 15

To keep His promise made through Noah, God came to Abraham, Noah’s 10th descendant from Shem. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars and the sand on the seashore. These descendants would come from Abraham’s own lineage.

First Covenant Through Moses and Joshua | Exodus 19:5-6, Exodus 20:3

This promise was fulfilled through the events of the first covenant that God gave to the people of Israel through Moses. Moses led the people out of Egypt, and they conquered the land of Canaan, fulfilling the promises made. This was their task. Moses, and later Joshua, who continued Moses’ work into the promised land, established the covenant. However, something happened.

First Covenant is Broken | 1 Kings 11, Hosea 6:7

We know what occurred after this. We reach Solomon, and unfortunately, in 1 Kings 11, Solomon also betrays God by worshiping false gods and bringing those gods into Israel.

Promise of a New Thing by Jeremiah | Jeremiah 31:27, Jeremiah 31:31

God had to start again, this time with a new covenant. This new covenant is promised in many places, but in great detail through the prophet Jeremiah. The promise of a new thing was spoken through Jeremiah, mentioning two seeds: the seed of man and the seed of animals, as well as a new covenant.

First Coming

Fulfilled the New Thing promised by Jesus | Mt 13:24-30, Lk 22:14-20

Jesus spoke of two types of seed and a new covenant or promise to take place. This was fulfilled at the time of the first coming through Jesus, who established the new covenant and sowed the good seed.

Satan then came and sowed weeds, as God allowed this to happen to fulfill his word. Jesus sowed good seed in his field to fulfill what was promised he would do. God had in mind to create a people who would come from this seed.

This seed represents the start of the sons of the second coming who will establish a new kingdom and receive the new inheritance. Students like Jason, Richard, and Rose should be included in this. The seed is the word, but it grows into a tree. We should be part of this growth.

Second Coming

Fulfillment of Harvest | Matthew 13:37-39, Revelation 14:14-16

The growth of the seed must culminate in a harvest, which will take place. Those who are harvested will become the sons of God. This harvest will lead to the emergence of God’s sons at the second coming, an event that all of creation has been anticipating.

While we are familiar with these concepts, we need to view them through a new perspective. It’s important to remember that two types of seeds were sown in this field. Weeds were also planted alongside the good seed, which is why not everyone who claims to be a believer automatically becomes a son of God at the second coming. This is contrary to how we often discuss this topic.

The presence of weeds in the same field necessitates a distinction and separation to occur for the true sons of God to be revealed. The question then arises: How does this revelation process unfold? How does this separation and unveiling of God’s sons take place?

4.- An Inheritance from God

Now, we will turn our attention to Galatians chapter 4. In this chapter, Paul explains the logic of inheritance, which is a concept that runs quite deep. Let’s examine this explanation together.

ONE – Sons under guardians → leave to reach maturity → Be part of the 12 tribes

Galatians 4:1-5

What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. 4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, 5 to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

Very deep concepts are mentioned here. What did Paul say in verses 1 and 2 about a son?

Initially, the son’s state is that of a slave. Until when? Until he becomes an heir. When does he become an heir? What needs to happen to him? He has to mature. Exactly. He cannot take on the estate until he is mature enough to handle the responsibilities.

This is why I always viewed old earth monarchies as problematic. Imagine a 12-year-old becoming king after his father’s death. The kingdom would likely fall apart because the young ruler lacks understanding. This scenario must have occurred numerous times throughout history.

Ideally, the king lives a full life, allowing the son to grow to maturity before taking the crown. This enables him to rule with understanding. Of course, this didn’t always happen perfectly. Even mature individuals sometimes lacked intelligence and mismanaged their kingdoms. However, the general principle is that one must first reach maturity.

We should view this concept not with physical eyes. Physical age is irrelevant to God. He can use a 12-year-old or a 90-year-old. What matters is spiritual maturity – a complete understanding of God’s will for them.

Consider Jesus, who spent time in temples and synagogues as a youth, amazing priests with his wisdom. At 30, after enduring 40 days and nights in the desert, he was ready to begin his ministry and save the world.

The logic is that sons are under guardians and trustees until they reach maturity. This applies to us as well. We were under guardians and trustees, but the time has come for us to reach maturity and claim our inheritance. We must become sons of God at the time of the second coming. However, we cannot achieve this if we remain under guardians.

We must leave the guardians and move towards maturity. We cannot have our feet in both worlds. Jesus didn’t remain under the teachers and synagogues; he surpassed them. You must do the same.

Who are these people who come out from under the law? Not the first coming law or Old Testament law, but the way things have been for a long time. Those who are revealed are washed by Jesus’s blood, freed, and purchased. They are freed from sin, washing their robes white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 1:5-6, 5:9-10, 7:14). These people, from 12 tribes, become the sons of the kingdom – those who move on to maturity. This should be our goal.

Identify the guardians who have led us to this point. We cannot remain under guardians any longer. We must move on to maturity and receive Jesus’s second coming blood of the Lamb.

TWO – What God GIves → Inheritance: Heaven and Eternal Life

Galatians 4:6-7

6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Let’s discuss two significant promises for the sons of God that will be revealed:

  1. No longer a slave.
  2. The spirit of the son.

What does God provide? Freedom from slavery and the spirit of the son. Ultimately, the inheritance is heaven and eternal life for all who are at Mount Zion.

Heaven and eternal life represent the greatest inheritance. Nothing surpasses these.

This is our hope at present. We don’t have to wait until we die, close our eyes, and hope we made it. Instead, we can know and be alive when it happens here at Mount Zion.

5.- Persecution of the Inherited Son

Now that we understand what is required to become God’s children at the second coming, those born of God’s seed, we must consider what happens to those who first come to this realization. How does this relate to what has always occurred to those who first reached this understanding?

Those who fail to recognize the promised sons of God often engage in persecution. Let’s examine Galatians 4, starting from verse 21, as it contains some profound concepts that we need to comprehend fully to avoid confusion.

Turning to Galatians 4:22-31, we’ll pause periodically to discuss. The passage is titled “Hagar and Sarah,” referring to the two women who bore sons to Abraham. Paul addresses those who desire to be under the law, under guardians and trustees, asking if they are aware of what the law says.

It is written that Abraham had two sons: one by the slave woman and another by the free woman. The son born to the slave woman was born in the ordinary way, while the son born to the free woman was born as a result of a promise.

These events can be interpreted figuratively, as the women represent two covenants. One covenant, from Mount Sinai, bears children who are to be slaves. This is Hagar. Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present-day city of Jerusalem, as she is in slavery with her children.

What’s being described here? We have Abraham, to whom God gave the promise in Genesis 15 and 12, assuring him of numerous descendants from his own lineage. However, in the following chapter, someone grew impatient and encouraged Abraham to have a child with her slave servant.

This resulted in a child born out of desperation: Ishmael, the son of Hagar, born in the ordinary way – the son of the flesh. In contrast, we have Isaac, the son born of the promise God gave to Abraham.

So we have two sons: one born in the ordinary way, of the flesh, and another born of the promise.

The sons of the promise will be on the right, and the sons born in the ordinary way will be on the left. 

In Genesis chapter 21, we observe what occurs between the son born in the ordinary way and the son of the promise. Ishmael sets the standard.

Genesis 21:6-10 reads: Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” She added, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.” The child grew and was weaned, and on that day Isaac was weaned, Abraham held a great feast. But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking. She said to Abraham, “Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.”

What did Ishmael do? He persecuted the son of promise. He mocked him, which led to their expulsion. However, God said that because Ishmael was born from their loins, he too would become a great nation. Many in the Middle East today trace their lineage back to Ishmael, though we won’t delve into those politics now.

Continuing with this logic, we return to Galatians 4:25: “Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.”

Persecution at the First Coming | The law → Cross-over

The next pillar in this drawing represents the sons of the law versus the sons of the Jerusalem that is above.

We have physical Jerusalem, Mount Sinai, which comes from the law, versus those who come from the Jerusalem that is above – Spiritual Jerusalem or New Jerusalem.

These are not the same Jerusalem. Those born in the ordinary way, under the law, were slaves, as Paul said. What did they do? They persecuted Jesus and the 12 disciples, the sons of God. Why? Because they held on to the old way of doing things, clinging to the shadow and refusing to accept the reality. However, not all of them did this.

As God promised many times in the prophecies of the Old Testament, He set aside a remnant for Himself. Who are the remnant? They are the sons of the promise and everyone they attach to the right tree. They came out of this place and became part of the inheritance. That’s why Jesus said, “Today you are no longer slaves, but you are my friend.”

They became the sons of promise. Why? Promise means prophecy. God had been promising the redemption of Israel, and that redemption came through Christ and all who believed in Him. Anyone who believed in Christ became a son of promise. This is the point Paul is making in Galatians 4, saying you cannot be justified anymore by only remaining in the old. You must transition. You must leave the old or you will remain a slave – a slave to the law that is now obsolete.

Let’s continue with verse 26: “But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. For it is written: ‘Be glad, O barren woman who bears no children; break forth and cry aloud, you who have no labor pains, because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.’ Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of the promise. At that time, the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the spirit. It is the same now. But what does the scripture say? ‘Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son.’ Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.”

So, we must be sons of the free woman. The believers in Christ became the children of the promise – the ones God prophesied about in the Old Testament who would be redeemed by the Redeemer. This includes everyone who believed in Jesus, whether Jew or Gentile.

But what did Jesus promise of those who believed in him? That there would be two kinds of seed: God’s seed and Satan’s seed. Both grow in the same field. He also promised, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

Traditional Churches → Harvested

Night has come, and though we began with strength, we have descended into disagreements, arguments, and fights. We are no longer waiting for the same things, but for different ones.

The field (Traditional Churches) has become divided, making it impossible to distinguish one from another. For the last 2000 years, we’ve all been here, descending further into the thoughts and traditions of man.

“We do this this way in this church. We do this this way in that church.”

“I don’t like how you do things over there. I’m going to this place where they do things completely differently.”

“But no, I don’t like what they do anymore. I’m going to go over here where they do things differently.”

“And I don’t like what they do anymore. So I’m going to go over here where they do things differently.”

This has happened 30,000 times. 30,000 different denominations, all saying different things about God.

We have descended into becoming the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, Zealots, all disagree with each other. All cannot understand God’s Word until the son of promise appeared.

The situation today is exactly the same.

Come Out

The field represents our current state, and we cannot remain here. We must come out. Being harvested is not optional for believers who desire heaven and eternal life. It’s a necessity.

We must emerge from this place. When people learn about the 12 tribes, they often react with persecution, just like those before them. The persecution can be heavy, very heavy indeed, because they don’t understand.

Now is the time for us to become the sons of the promise. We need to transform into the promised 12 tribes mentioned in Revelation chapters 7, 14, 15, and 21. If you’re wondering who these people are, read these chapters again. Read them daily, for this is our hope.

We must leave this place and move to a new spiritual realm. Be harvested, just as Jesus harvested, though in His time it was called fishing. He said, “Come with me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The logic is the same.

Being in this current state is not permanent. It’s not as fixed as it was when it was physical. Anyone can come out and become a son of the promise.

6.- Why do they persecute? 

Why is it always that the son of the flesh persecutes the son of promise?

John 15:18-19

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

The sons of God do not belong to the world, which is why they face persecution.

During the first coming, those who did not belong to Satan’s world, which had descended into his domain, were persecuted. This logic has remained consistent since Adam’s time. Even in the era of Cain and Abel, Cain belonged to Satan.

This is why Cain persecuted his brother Abel to death. If you find yourself in a place where persecution occurs, you should pause and reflect. However, if you’re in a place that loves, forgives, blesses, and extends an olive branch, that is where we need to be at this time.

This is the place that was promised.


Galatians 4:29

At that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now.

Revelation 21:7

He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

Instructor Review


The sons who will inherit God’s inheritance are discussed. Adam was the first to receive this inheritance, but he betrayed and lost it to Satan.

At the second coming, there must be those who fight and overcome, led by the one who overcomes. This person then teaches many people how to overcome. This happens because there has been a repeated pattern of establishment and betrayal throughout history. God intends to end this cycle.

There is a promise of a new thing. Jesus fulfilled that promise at the first coming. At the second coming, he and his angels come to harvest the sons of God, born of God’s seed.

We must fight to become these people because we cannot remain under guardians and trustees if we wish to reach maturity. The traditional churches are the guardians and trustees at this time. We will not reach maturity in the traditional church. Instead, we must be harvested so that we can receive the spirit of Jesus on the mountain and have heaven and eternal life.

The logic is that those born in the ordinary way always persecute those born of the promise. Currently, the children of the promise are those promised in Revelation 7, 14, 15, and 21. These are the people we need to become today.

Just as Israel was redeemed by the Redeemer and became spiritual Israel (Jews and Gentiles who believed in Jesus), at this time, it is those of the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel that are harvested out of Babylon. They come out and enter into Mount Zion. We need to be among these people today.

Review with the Evangelist


The title of today’s lesson was “Intermediate the sons who will receive God’s inheritance.” Our hope is to become sons of God and receive the promised inheritance.

We understand that the inheritance originally began with Adam. He was given the inheritance to rule over the world. However, because he betrayed God, Satan stole that inheritance. As a result, we must also fight to overcome and become those who receive the inheritance.

This inheritance refers to heaven and eternal life, which God will give to those at the second coming. It will go to those who are harvested, while those who remain in the field will be burnt.

So, what must we do? We must be among those harvested and brought into the barn. What happens to those who receive this inheritance?

As we reviewed today, we see that those born of the flesh persecute those born of the spirit. Why? It is because we do not belong to the world. We are not part of it. Therefore, we must ask ourselves: Have we become the promised sons at the second coming? Have we been taking the necessary steps to become promised sons at the second coming?

God can only rule over the world when we fight and are victorious against the devil. We must fight and overcome to receive heaven and eternal life. Amen.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect




  • The importance of understanding the differences between the first and second coming of Jesus and recognizing the spiritual over the physical.
  • This class will explore who the true sons of God are and how they can receive God’s inheritance.

Review of the Seventh Trumpet:

  1. Trumpets as People: The biblical concept of trumpets representing people who speak God’s word.
  2. The First Six Trumpets: The role of the first six trumpets in announcing the destruction of those who betray God.
  3. The Seventh Trumpet and Salvation: The significance of the seventh trumpet in proclaiming God’s victory and the establishment of His kingdom.
  4. New John as the Seventh Trumpet: Identifying New John as the seventh trumpet at the second coming, proclaiming the fulfillment of Revelation.

1. The Days of Adam:

  • Adam’s inheritance: Examining Adam as the first recipient of God’s inheritance, the Garden of Eden and the world.
  • Satan’s deception and theft: How Satan stole Adam’s inheritance through deception, leading to sin and suffering in the world.
  • Creation’s longing for redemption: Exploring Romans 8 and the concept of creation eagerly awaiting the reveal of God’s true sons.

2. Conditions for Receiving the Inheritance:

  • Capturing the Dragon: The necessity of capturing Satan before the inheritance can be received.
  • Fighting and Overcoming: The requirement of fighting and overcoming spiritual battles to receive the inheritance.
  • The Male Child and the Overcomer: Identifying the male child in Revelation 12 as the overcomer who receives authority and inheritance.
  • New Names and Sonship: The promise of new names and sonship for those who overcome.
  • Following the Overcomer: The importance of following the overcomer to understand how to become sons of God at the second coming.

3. Sons Who Inherit God’s Inheritance:

  • Old Testament Covenants and Betrayals: Examining the cycle of covenants, betrayals, and new beginnings throughout the Old Testament.
  • From Adam to Abraham: Tracing the line of inheritance from Adam to Abraham and the promise of numerous descendants.
  • The First Covenant and Its Failure: Analyzing the establishment and subsequent betrayal of the first covenant through Moses and Joshua.
  • The Promise of a New Covenant: Exploring the prophecies of a new covenant through Jeremiah.
  • Jesus and the Fulfillment of the New Covenant: Recognizing Jesus as the fulfillment of the new covenant and the sower of good seed.
  • The Harvest at the Second Coming: Understanding the harvest at the second coming as the gathering of God’s true sons.
  • Two Kinds of Seed: Acknowledging the presence of both good and bad seed in the world and the need for separation.
  • The Revelation of God’s Sons: Questioning how the revelation and separation of God’s true sons will occur.

4. An Inheritance from God:

  • Sons Under Guardians: Exploring Galatians 4 and the concept of sons being under guardians until they reach maturity.
  • Spiritual Maturity: Emphasizing the importance of spiritual maturity rather than physical age in inheriting God’s kingdom.
  • Leaving the Guardians: The necessity of leaving behind old ways of thinking and embracing spiritual growth.
  • Freedom from Slavery: Recognizing the promise of freedom from spiritual slavery for those who become sons of God.
  • The Spirit of the Son: Highlighting the gift of the Holy Spirit for God’s children.
  • Heaven and Eternal Life: Identifying heaven and eternal life as the ultimate inheritance for God’s sons.

5. Persecution of the Inherited Son:

  • Hagar and Sarah as Allegory: Examining the story of Hagar and Sarah in Galatians 4 as an allegory for two covenants.
  • Sons of the Flesh vs. Sons of Promise: Differentiating between those born in the ordinary way and those born of God’s promise.
  • Persecution at the First Coming: Recognizing the persecution faced by Jesus and his followers, the true sons of God.
  • The Remnant of God: Identifying the remnant as those who follow the true path and become part of the inheritance.
  • Leaving the Old Ways: Emphasizing the need to leave behind outdated traditions and embrace spiritual renewal.
  • The Divided Field: Observing the current state of the church as divided and confused.
  • The Call to Come Out: Urging believers to leave the divided field and join the true harvest of God’s sons.
  • Persecution and the True Path: Recognizing persecution as a sign of following the true path and separating from the world.

6. Why do they persecute?

  • The World’s Hatred: Exploring John 15 and the concept of the world hating those who do not belong to it.
  • Cain and Abel: Analyzing the story of Cain and Abel as an example of persecution stemming from spiritual differences.
  • Belonging to God: Recognizing the persecution faced by those who choose to belong to God rather than the world.
  • Seeking Love and Forgiveness: Urging believers to seek communities that embody love, forgiveness, and acceptance.


  • Recap of the key points discussed in the class.
  • Re-emphasizing the need to fight and overcome to receive God’s inheritance of heaven and eternal life.
  • The importance of being harvested as sons of God and separating from the world.


  • Final review questions to encourage self-reflection and application of the lesson’s teachings.
  • A call to action to become the promised sons of God at the second coming.

A Study Guide

Understanding God’s Inheritance: A Study Guide


Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. What is the main difference between the sons of God at the first coming and the sons of God at the second coming?
  2. How does the concept of the “trumpet” function within the context of biblical prophecy?
  3. Explain the significance of Adam’s inheritance and how it was lost.
  4. What is the meaning of the “seed” metaphor used in the source material?
  5. What is the role of the “one who overcomes” in the context of receiving God’s inheritance?
  6. What are the two covenants represented by Hagar and Sarah in Galatians 4?
  7. Explain the difference between the “sons of the flesh” and the “sons of the promise.”
  8. How does the source material connect the persecution of Jesus and the persecution faced by those who seek to become sons of God at the second coming?
  9. According to the source, what is the problem with traditional churches in relation to achieving spiritual maturity?
  10. What specific actions must individuals take to become part of the “harvest” and receive God’s inheritance?

Answer Key

  1. The sons of God at the first coming were those who believed in Christ, while the sons of God at the second coming are those who are harvested and receive eternal life. The second coming sons are revealed at the time of the first resurrection.
  2. The trumpet in biblical prophecy symbolizes a person appointed by God to speak His word. The trumpet sound represents the word itself, which declares God’s will, sin, rebellion, and salvation.
  3. Adam’s inheritance was dominion over the world, starting with the Garden of Eden. It was lost when he disobeyed God by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, giving Satan control over the world.
  4. The seed represents God’s word, which grows into a tree symbolizing the spiritual growth of believers. Those born of this seed are the true sons of God who will inherit eternal life.
  5. The “one who overcomes” is the male child described in Revelation, who has authority and receives God’s inheritance. He then guides others on how to become sons of God at the second coming.
  6. Hagar represents the covenant from Mount Sinai, which results in slavery to the law. Sarah represents the covenant of the Jerusalem that is above, which offers freedom and spiritual inheritance.
  7. The “sons of the flesh” are those born in the ordinary way, focused on worldly matters and bound by the law. The “sons of the promise” are those born through faith and obedience to God’s word, inheriting spiritual blessings.
  8. The source material highlights that the persecution of Jesus by those clinging to the old law mirrors the persecution faced by those who today leave traditional churches and seek to become sons of God at the second coming. Both groups challenge the established order and are therefore met with resistance.
  9. Traditional churches, with their varying doctrines and denominations, represent the guardians and trustees that keep believers in a state of spiritual immaturity. True spiritual growth, the source argues, requires leaving these institutions and seeking direct connection with God.
  10. Individuals must actively seek to be “harvested” by leaving the “field” of traditional churches and embracing the teachings of the “one who overcomes,” thereby becoming part of the new spiritual Israel and receiving the inheritance of heaven and eternal life.

Additional Questions

1. What are the conditions to receive the inheritance?

– Fight and overcome the devil Rev 12:9-11

2. Who receives the inheritance at the second coming?

– Sons of God harvested into the barn

3. What is the inheritance promised by God?

– Heaven and Eternal Life

4. What is the difference between sons of God and the devil?

– Those born of the flesh persecute those born of the spirit Gal 4:29

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Sons of God: Individuals who have a spiritual relationship with God, both those who believed in Christ at the first coming and those who will be revealed at the second coming.
  • Inheritance: God’s blessings and promises, culminating in eternal life and a place in Heaven.
  • Trumpet: A symbolic representation of a person chosen by God to declare his message.
  • Seed: Metaphor for God’s word, which, when planted in the heart, leads to spiritual growth and transformation.
  • One who overcomes: The individual described in Revelation who fights against Satan and guides others towards receiving God’s inheritance.
  • Hagar: Represents the covenant from Mount Sinai, resulting in slavery to the law.
  • Sarah: Represents the covenant of the Jerusalem that is above, offering freedom and spiritual inheritance.
  • Sons of the flesh: Those focused on worldly matters and bound by the law, unable to receive spiritual inheritance.
  • Sons of the promise: Those born through faith and obedience to God’s word, inheriting spiritual blessings.
  • Harvest: The gathering of the faithful at the second coming, separating them from those who are not God’s sons.
  • Traditional churches: Institutions that, according to the source, hinder spiritual maturity by perpetuating outdated doctrines and practices.
  • Guardians and Trustees: Entities, including traditional churches, that prevent spiritual maturity.
  • Spiritual Maturity: A state of deep understanding and alignment with God’s will, essential for receiving inheritance.
  • Persecution: The suffering and resistance faced by those who follow God’s will and stand apart from the world.
  • Mount Zion: The symbolic place of God’s presence and the gathering place for the redeemed.
  • Babylon: The symbolic representation of the world’s systems and influences that oppose God.


Timeline of Events

Old Testament Era:

  • Creation: God creates Adam and gives him dominion over the world (Genesis 2:15, 19-20).
  • Fall of Man: Adam disobeys God, loses the inheritance to Satan, and sin and death enter the world (Genesis 3).
  • Noah’s Covenant: God makes a covenant with Noah after the flood, but betrayal continues through Ham’s lineage (Genesis 9).
  • Abraham’s Covenant: God promises Abraham countless descendants and a land for them (Genesis 12, 15).
  • Moses and Joshua: God establishes a covenant with Israel through Moses. Joshua leads them to conquer Canaan (Exodus 19:5-6, Exodus 20:3).
  • Covenant Broken: Solomon and subsequent kings lead Israel astray with idolatry (1 Kings 11).
  • Jeremiah’s Prophecy: Jeremiah prophesies a new covenant and a new thing (Jeremiah 31:27, 31).

First Coming:

  • Jesus’ Ministry: Jesus establishes the new covenant, sows good seed (the Word), and Satan sows weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, Luke 22:14-20).
  • Persecution and Redemption: Sons of the flesh (those under the law) persecute Jesus and his disciples, the sons of promise (John 15:18-19).

Second Coming:

  • Harvest: Jesus returns to harvest the sons of God from the field (traditional churches) (Matthew 13:37-39, Revelation 14:14-16).
  • Overcoming: The male child (the one who overcomes) fights the dragon (Satan) and his followers, exposing them with the word of testimony (Revelation 12:9-12).
  • Separation: The sons of God are separated from the sons of the flesh, leaving the traditional church and its guardians (Galatians 4).
  • New Jerusalem: Those who overcome inherit all things, becoming sons of God and entering the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:7).

Cast of Characters

Key Figures:

  • God: The creator and ultimate authority, seeking to establish His kingdom and bestow His inheritance.
  • Jesus Christ: The son of God, establishing the new covenant at his first coming and returning to harvest his followers at the second coming.
  • Satan (the Dragon): The deceiver who stole Adam’s inheritance and continues to wage war against God and His people.
  • The Male Child (the One Who Overcomes): A figure who represents those who fight and overcome Satan’s forces through the word of testimony, paving the way for others.

Other Important Figures:

  • Adam: The first man, given dominion over the world but loses it through disobedience.
  • Noah: Chosen by God to restart humanity after the flood, but his lineage also falls into betrayal.
  • Abraham: The father of faith, receiving God’s promise of countless descendants and a land for them.
  • Moses: The prophet who leads Israel out of Egypt and receives the law from God.
  • Joshua: Moses’ successor, leading Israel to conquer Canaan.
  • Solomon: King of Israel who falls into idolatry, breaking the covenant.
  • Jeremiah: The prophet who foretells a new covenant and a new thing.
  • Paul: Apostle who explains the concept of inheritance and the need to move from under the law to become sons of promise.
  • Hagar: Abraham’s slave woman, representing Mount Sinai and the old covenant.
  • Sarah: Abraham’s wife, representing the Jerusalem above and the new covenant.
  • Ishmael: Hagar’s son, representing those born in the ordinary way, who persecute the sons of promise.
  • Isaac: Sarah’s son, representing those born of promise, who inherit God’s blessings.


  • Sons of God: Those who are born of God’s seed (the Word) and inherit eternal life.
  • Sons of the Flesh: Those born under the law, representing those who remain bound to the old ways and persecute the sons of God.
  • Guardians and Trustees: Figures of authority in the traditional church who hinder spiritual maturity.
  • The 12 Tribes: Symbolic representation of the complete and redeemed people of God, gathered from all nations.

This timeline and cast of characters provide a framework for understanding the message presented in the source. It emphasizes the recurring themes of God’s covenant, betrayal, and the promise of redemption through Jesus Christ. The ultimate goal is to become a son of God and inherit eternal life, a goal achieved by overcoming the world and its deceptions.


Overview: The Sons Who Will Receive God’s Inheritance

Main Themes:

  • Spiritual Inheritance: The true inheritance from God is spiritual, encompassing eternal life and a place in Heaven. This inheritance was initially given to Adam but lost due to his disobedience.
  • Sons of Promise: Throughout history, God has chosen individuals and groups to be his “sons of promise”, carrying his covenant and working towards his kingdom. These individuals are often met with persecution from those who represent the “old way”.
  • The Need for Overcoming: Receiving God’s inheritance requires a spiritual battle against the influences of Satan and the world. This involves overcoming the “guardians and trustees” that represent outdated laws and traditions.
  • Harvesting at the Second Coming: The second coming of Christ marks a harvest, where those who have accepted God’s new covenant and grown spiritually will be gathered into his kingdom.
  • Persecution and Separation: The sons of promise are often persecuted by those clinging to the old ways. This persecution serves as a test and separates the true believers from those who remain bound to worldly influences.

Most Important Ideas/Facts:

  1. Adam’s Lost Inheritance: God initially granted Adam dominion over the Earth (Genesis 2:15, 19-20), but this inheritance was lost due to Adam’s sin, giving Satan control over the world (Luke 4:5-7).
  2. The Cycle of Covenant and Betrayal: Biblical history reveals a recurring pattern of God establishing covenants with chosen people, followed by betrayal and a need for renewal. This cycle is evident in the stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses.
  3. Jesus as Fulfillment of the Promise: Jesus’ coming marked the establishment of a new covenant (Luke 22:14-20), fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament. He sowed the good seed, representing the beginning of the sons of the second coming.
  4. Two Types of Seed: Alongside the good seed, Satan has sown weeds, representing those who outwardly claim to be believers but do not truly belong to God (Matthew 13:24-30). This necessitates a separation and harvest at the second coming.
  5. Leaving the Guardians: To mature spiritually, believers must leave behind the “guardians and trustees” that represent outdated laws and traditions (Galatians 4:1-5). This often involves separating from established religious structures that hinder spiritual growth.
  6. Becoming Sons of the Free Woman: Paul uses the analogy of Hagar and Sarah to illustrate the difference between being enslaved to the law (Hagar) and being free through Christ (Sarah) (Galatians 4:21-31). True believers are the sons of the free woman, belonging to the New Jerusalem.
  7. Persecution as a Sign: The sons of promise will face persecution from those who belong to the world (John 15:18-19). This is a recurring theme throughout history, from Cain and Abel to Jesus and his disciples.
  8. The Necessity of the Harvest: The parable of the wheat and weeds (Matthew 13:37-39) highlights the need for a harvest to separate the true believers from those who are not truly of God. This harvest occurs at the second coming.
  9. The 12 Tribes as the Harvested Sons: Revelation 7, 14, 15, and 21 describe the 12 tribes as the redeemed people of God who are harvested from the corrupted world (“Babylon”) and brought into his kingdom (“Mount Zion”).

Key Quotes:

  • “The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” (Romans 8:19)
  • “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (Revelation 12:11)
  • “So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.” (Galatians 4:7)
  • “Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son.” (Galatians 4:30)
  • “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” (John 15:18)


The lesson emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth and overcoming worldly influences to become one of God’s chosen sons and inherit eternal life. This inheritance is not passively received but actively fought for through faith, obedience, and separation from that which hinders spiritual maturity. The second coming of Christ acts as a catalyst for this separation, harvesting the true sons of God into his kingdom.


Q&A: The Sons Who Will Receive God’s Inheritance

1. What is the inheritance being discussed, and who was the first to receive it?

The inheritance is dominion over the world, including eternal life and a place in Heaven. Adam was the first to receive this inheritance, tasked with caring for the Garden of Eden and, by extension, the world.

2. How was the inheritance lost, and what has been the state of the world since then?

Adam disobeyed God, allowing Satan to deceive him and steal the inheritance. This introduced sin and death into the world, leading to the suffering and corruption we see throughout history.

3. What is the significance of the “sons of God” at the second coming?

The “sons of God” at the second coming are those who will reclaim the lost inheritance and usher in a new era of peace and righteousness. They are the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem humanity and restore creation.

4. What are the conditions for receiving the inheritance at the second coming?

To receive the inheritance, one must be spiritually mature, having left behind old ways of thinking and embracing the truth revealed by the “one who overcomes” – the male child described in Revelation. This involves overcoming the temptations of the world and remaining faithful to God’s word.

5. Who is the “one who overcomes,” and what is their role?

The “one who overcomes” is a figure prophesied in Revelation who defeats Satan and exposes the corruption within the church. This individual receives divine authority and teaches others how to overcome, leading them to become the sons of God at the second coming.

6. Why is there persecution directed towards those who seek the inheritance?

Those who cling to the old ways, represented by the “son of the flesh,” persecute the “sons of promise” because they represent a challenge to the established order. This persecution stems from a rejection of God’s truth and a desire to remain in spiritual darkness.

7. What is the symbolism of Hagar and Sarah in relation to the inheritance?

Hagar and Sarah represent two covenants. Hagar symbolizes the old covenant, bound by law and leading to spiritual slavery. Sarah, on the other hand, represents the new covenant through Jesus Christ, offering freedom and the promise of inheritance to all who believe.

8. What action must individuals take to become part of the inheritance?

Individuals must be “harvested” from the corrupted field of traditional churches and come out of Babylon. This signifies leaving behind outdated doctrines and practices to embrace the truth revealed by the “one who overcomes” and join the 12 tribes of the new spiritual Israel.

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