[Lesson 73] The Promised Pastors of the Old and New Testaments

by ichthus

Identifying God’s Promised Pastors throughout history is crucial for believers. The Bible outlines four types of pastors: prophets who foretold the Messiah, the promised pastor who fulfills prophecies, general pastors who testify about the promised one, and false pastors who deceive.

Jesus proved he was the promised Messiah by fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. But the Bible also prophesies about a promised “John” figure preceding the Second Coming. Revelation gives specific criteria this person must meet, like receiving the revelation through the proper channel, accurately testifying about the visions, being the overcomer who rules, providing a matching testimony, not being worshipped, and leading the establishment of God’s kingdom.

Rather than rumors, we must evaluate claims against this biblical framework. The Greek “angelos” means both angel and messenger, explaining the 7 messengers to the churches. As we await Christ’s return, we must “test every spirit” (1 John 4:1) by the prophetic word – the one who fulfills these criteria will be the true promised pastor.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


Hebrew 8:10-12

10 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel

    after that time, declares the Lord.

I will put my laws in their minds

    and write them on their hearts.

I will be their God,

    and they will be my people.

11 No longer will a man teach his neighbor,

    or a man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’

because they will all know me,

    from the least of them to the greatest.

12 For I will forgive their wickedness

    and will remember their sins no more.”

Yeast of Heaven

One must keep the new covenant in order for that person to be one whom God is with (Heb 8:10-12). That person will be forgiven of his sin and be acknowledged by God.

Our Hope: To find and identify the promised shepherd (pastor) of the New Testament at the Second Coming!

We know that sometimes our days don’t go so well. But whenever we come before the word, what happens? You can expect better. Our day always gets better, right? So I always look forward to this time. I get to stand, and not just standing at the moment, but be before you all and really have the opportunity to grow because teaching is the best way to learn.

And so, every time I’m preparing lessons for the class, I’m truly amazed as to how often I’m seeing new things in the scripture. God is always showing new things as we continue to dive into the scripture. So have the word be your hobby. It’s the best hobby to have. Right? You may like to garden plants, watch movies, listen to music, draw, or take walks. Wonderful. But when you add the word to those things, they become even better.

So let’s have the word be our biggest hobby. Today, we’re going to be receiving more tools for discernment, tools for identifying who, what, when, where, why, and how. And this will really help us at this time. It’s one of the critical things that all of us as believers need to be able to do because many make claims. But only really one claim can be true. So let’s understand how to find that one true claim.

The Promised Pastors of the Old Testament and New Testaments

Mat 1, Rev 1:1-3, Rv 2-3, Rv 10, Rv 22:16

It’s crucial for us to comprehend how to identify the promised pastor, what a promised pastor is, and why we need to focus on two of them. We’ll delve into the major characteristics for identifying each.

Several important chapters are relevant. The first is Matthew chapter 1, which discusses two significant things: the genealogy of Jesus and the details about his birth.

We must understand that Jesus’s birth was not random but intentional by God and promised, beginning the fulfillment of the first coming.

We also have Revelation chapters 1, 2, and 3, a passage we’ve been reading more frequently lately. It talks about the flow of the opening of the word of Revelation from God to Jesus, to the angel, to John, and then to many people, nations, languages, and kings.

This must be fulfilled as prophesied in Revelation. However, we haven’t discussed Revelation 2 and 3 much yet. These chapters contain key elements for our understanding.

Revelation 2 and 3 are letters sent to the messengers of the seven churches. Each part of the letter is detailed to a different messenger or angel, and we’ll talk about something cool with that very soon. It discusses things they do well but also things they’re not doing well, for which they need to be held accountable. God and Jesus ask them to repent for these things.

Additionally, Revelation 2 and 3 importantly detail blessings to the one who overcomes. This is crucial, and we’ll explore it in more detail later.

Then, of course, we have Revelation 10, where the mighty angel gives John the scroll to eat, and Revelation 22:16, which we’ll save for later today.

Now, let’s talk about the promised pastors of the Old and New Testaments. Our hope is to find and identify the promised shepherd, pastor of the New Testament at the second coming.

We’ll use the terms “shepherd” and “pastor” interchangeably throughout the lesson today. Whenever you see “promised pastor” or “promised shepherd,” know that they mean the same thing. A pastor is a shepherd for his flock that follows him, which is why “shepherd” and “pastor” are the same word in Spanish and other languages.

Previous Lesson Review


In the previous lesson, we examined the importance of keeping the covenant.

1.- Deuteronomy 28 was our main reference chapter. In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, we see many blessings promised to those who keep the covenant.

2.- However, Deuteronomy 28:15-68 details curses for those who do not keep the covenant. The important thing to note is that this applies to those who have agreed to the covenant, who have agreed to follow it. For example, with the first covenant made through Moses, he read the covenant to the people, the law.

They listened intently, and then in Exodus 24, they confirmed that covenant. They said, “We will obey.” The blood of the lamb was sprinkled upon them and on the covenant as well to confirm it. Now, Deuteronomy 28 applies to these people because they have confirmed that covenant. Did the same thing happen for the new covenant, a confirmation? When did that happen?

Luke 22:14-20. The New Testament, or the new covenant, was confirmed by our spiritual ancestors, the 12 disciples. We have faith because of their work and efforts. So, the New Testament was confirmed then. Just like the original Israelites, their ancestors confirmed the covenant with Moses, and then they, as descendants, were required to keep it. The same logic applies to us too, as our spiritual forefathers, the 12 disciples, confirmed a new covenant with Jesus. As believers in Jesus, we are supposed to keep it.

3.- Unfortunately, the old covenant was broken. As it says in Hebrews 8:13, “What is aging will become obsolete.” So, someone cannot be justified before God today by keeping the old covenant law alone, for justification comes through Christ. Someone needs to follow Christ, the establisher of the new covenant, to continue being justified before God.

4.- How did God do this? He promised a new thing. In what chapter and verse?

Keep Jeremiah 31 in mind. Jeremiah 31 is referring to this. As you look at Jeremiah 31, there are many different promises. Hebrews chapter eight is not wrong because Hebrews 8:10-12 is a direct quote of Jeremiah 31:31-34.

So, it is not fully incorrect or what I was asking for. They are directly quoted, which means they are linked together. God was mentioning it in Jeremiah, and then in Hebrews 8, saying this still needs to happen. It is still something that must be fulfilled.

For today, we will be looking at the Old Testament and New Testament promised pastors.

1.- Four Types of Pastors in the Bible

We’ll first review the four types of pastors in the Bible.


ONE – Pastor of prophecy (Hosea 12:10) | Speaks about the future

What are some examples of pastors of prophecy, and what do they do?

The Old Testament prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Malachi, Zephaniah, Zechariah, and Malachi are all examples of pastors of prophecy.

Moses is also included in this category, as he prophesied to some extent.

Additionally, other individuals like David prophesied, specifically about what is to come.

Their job was to speak about the future, to prophesy about the future.

But what aspect of the future did they really need to focus on? What did they truly emphasize in their prophecies?

TWO – The promised pastor (John 5:39) | Fulfills and Testifies

They were talking about the one who was supposed to come, the promised pastor or promised shepherd.

The one who comes to fulfill the prophecies that were spoken about him. But not just to fulfill the prophecies, the promised pastor has another responsibility. He has to testify. Part of testifying includes explanation. I want us to turn to John chapter 4.

Because I really like the way the Samaritan woman describes the Messiah and what the Messiah needs to do.

John 4:25-26

25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

26 Then Jesus declared, “I who speak to you am he.”

So what did the Samaritan woman say that was so key for us to understand this?

What must the Messiah do? Come and explain.

1.- Number one is the pastor of prophecy. The prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, all the way up to Malachi, including some others before them, testified about the one who was to come in the future. They had a really important job to do.

As stated in Amos 3:7, God does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. So they had a very important job. They testified about the promised pastor, and the promised pastor is the one who fulfills what was prophesied about him.

2.- But he also has the job to testify and explain. So when Jesus came, he didn’t just say, “I am the Messiah,” and expect people to go with it. Jesus then said, “Here’s why.”

Because people would question, “Okay, well, you have to prove it, man. We’ve been waiting for this guy for hundreds of years, thousands of years, even. How do we know that you are the one we were waiting for?”

And that’s part of the question that John the Baptist asked Jesus in Matthew 11, “Are you the one who was to come? Or are we to expect someone else?”

It was really sad for that question to come from John, who baptized Jesus and saw heaven open and descend upon him. He had bad influences around him, and they really turned his heart from Jesus. Our company truly matters.

But the main point here is that people were waiting for a long time. So Jesus didn’t just say, “I am the Son of God. I am the Messiah and Christ.”

He explained why and helped people understand. So the promised pastor of this New Testament will also have to do the same. Otherwise, people will just see a person and say, “Why should we listen to you?”

Which is a valid question. So he has to explain that. He has to explain.

THREE – General pastors (Acts 1:8) | Testifies about the Promised Pastor

Pastors like who?

Paul, right? So people like the Twelve Disciples and Paul are like general pastors. And when you look at 1 Corinthians 12-15, and it talks about the specific roles and gifts, all of those fit under the category of general pastor.

So the general pastors, they testify about the promised pastor who came. That’s their job. They testify about the promised pastor.

Jesus came according to the scriptures. He fulfilled everything that he had said and promised according to the scriptures. He died according to the scriptures.

He was born of a virgin according to the scriptures. He escaped to Egypt as a child and came out according to scriptures. He began his ministry in Galilee according to scriptures.

And that’s how the testimony or the gospel was preached in the early days. We tend to forget or not focus too much on the importance of prophecy in the gospel these days. We focus more on the love of Jesus, but we don’t really focus on why so many people believed in him then, which was much harder to do.

And that was because people understood that the person they were waiting for was the one who fulfilled the prophecies that they had been expecting. Not everyone, though, was able to do that, unfortunately. So let’s be those that learn from the mistakes of those in the past and be with where God and Jesus are working today.

FOUR – False Pastors (2 Cor 11:13-15) | Hinders and Teaches lies

The religious leaders of Jesus’ time – the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, and Zealots who made up the Sanhedrin – chose to oppose Jesus rather than learn from him. Instead of saying “OK, Jesus, teach us,” they created tricky questions, plotted to kill him, and tried to silence his disciples. They actively hindered Jesus’s work and spread lies.

This is evidenced in John 7:45-52, where they falsely claimed, “Look into it. You’ll see in the scriptures that a prophet does not come out of Galilee.”

In John chapter eight, they questioned Jesus with hearsay: “Are we not right in saying that you are demon-possessed and a Samaritan?” This shows how rumors spread about Jesus: “Have you heard about this Jesus of Nazareth? I heard he was a Samaritan…” People would discuss: “He’s ministering in Galilee, but claims to be the Messiah… Did you hear about this guy? He said we need to eat his flesh and drink his blood.”


People often misunderstood Jesus by taking figurative statements literally. For example:

– “One cannot see or enter the kingdom of heaven unless he is born again” was met with “How can a man who is old enter his mother’s womb?”

– “If you drink from this water, springs of living water will flow from within you” was misinterpreted as literal water.

– “Be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees” was mistaken for actual bread.

Even the disciples made these literal interpretations until Jesus explained the true meaning. However, false pastors showed no interest in understanding – they only wanted to hinder, tell lies, and maintain their power and ecclesiastical authority, while believing they served God.

Scripture teaches that a person’s actions reveal their identity. We must discern: Do we see those who persecute and tear down, or those who love, forgive, bless, and build up? Do we see people thankfully helping God’s work in this time? Distinguishing between them requires sharp eyes that can see and hear.

Regarding the promised pastor of the Old Testament, it’s important to understand the relationship between Spirit and flesh. They are united as one, working together – the flesh testifies to the words received by the Spirit. As Jesus said, “The words I speak are not my own. They belong to the Father who sent me.” Those truly sent by the Spirit can justify why they should be heard, and their message differs from others.

John 3:31-34

31 “The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. 32 He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. 33 The man who has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. 34 For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.

The one who is from above, Jesus, is above all and speaks as one from above. His words represent something different from those who are from below. That is why when Jesus was speaking, people were always astonished by His teachings.

They would question, “Where did this man come from? Where did He receive His training? Isn’t He the carpenter’s son? We know His family and mother. How is He able to speak in such a profound way? And how is He able to perform the miraculous deeds that we witness?”

The people were dumbfounded by Jesus’ wisdom and abilities, as they did not align with their perception of His background. Thus, the promised Messiah truly had an important mission and role to fulfill, which was a prophecy that astonished the people of that era. His words and actions were a parable, revealing deep spiritual truths that were previously sealed but now open to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Types of Pastors in the Bible

Type of Pastor Description Examples
Pastors of Prophecy Old Testament prophets who spoke about future events and the coming Messiah Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel
Promised Pastor Fulfills prophecies and testifies about them Jesus (Old Testament), New John (New Testament)
General Pastors Testify about the Promised Pastor Paul, the Twelve Disciples
False Pastors Teach lies and hinder God’s work Pharisees, Sadducees

2.- About the Promised Pastor of the Old Testament

We’ll discuss the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. What does that imply? It was prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled at the appointed time.

That’s the meaning. So who was prophesied in the Old Testament and came to fulfill it? Jesus.

What does Jesus say in John 5:39?

You diligently study the Scriptures because you believe that through them you will have eternal life. Well, guess what?

These very Scriptures testify about me. I am the life you were reading about. I am the way you were seeking.

I’m the one you were waiting for. So generally, the Old Testament points to the time of the first coming. When Jesus came, he had a crucial task to accomplish.

Ensure that people understand who I am, not by my own authority, but by the authority and words of the Father who sent me. And how did Jesus go about doing that for the people? What did he do?

What did he have to do regarding that fulfillment? What did we see in John chapter 4?

What did he have to do about it? What I mean by that question is, when Jesus was speaking to the people, in order for them to believe in him, what did he have to do? Besides the miracles, what was more important?

He had to testify and explain.

So we’re going to create a table.

And we’re going to make this table similar to question 5 on the test.

Old Testament Prophecy —> First Coming Fulfillment Verses
Born of a virgin Is 7:14  —> Mt 1:18-23
Born in Bethlehem Mic 5:2 —> Mt 2:1-12
Riding on a donkey (colt) Zec 9:9 —> Mt 21:1-11
Eat the scroll → Testify → Rebellions Physical Israel Ez 3 —> Mt 15:24
Bearing the cross Ps 40-41 —> Mt 27:35, Is 53
Cast lots for his clothing Ps 22:18 —> Jn 19:24

What does Isaiah 7:14 talk about? It talks about the prophecy of Jesus being born, and how Jesus will be born of a virgin. 

If someone claimed to be the Messiah but said they were born in the normal way, that person cannot be the Messiah. The first step to being the Messiah is that you had to be born to a virgin, which was really difficult, especially 2,000 years ago. Someone couldn’t claim that unless it actually happened to them.

What about Micah 5:2? It states that if you wanted to be the Messiah, you had to be born in Bethlehem. If you were born in any other location, you cannot be the Messiah. So now there are two criteria you have to meet: you have to be born in Bethlehem to a virgin, which is impossible unless you were the actual person.

But Jesus didn’t just stop there. Anyone know what Zechariah 9:9 talks about? It talks about riding on a donkey or colt. Before this was fulfilled, people might have wondered what it meant. But Jesus, knowing who he was according to scripture, asked his disciples to get him a donkey, fulfilling that prophecy by riding on a donkey into the city and being welcomed.

What about Ezekiel 3? Ezekiel had to testify to rebellious Israel. In chapter 3, Ezekiel sees an open scroll and is told to eat it, which tastes sweet like honey. Then he is told to go and testify to God’s rebellious house, whether they listen or not. Ezekiel, after experiencing that vision, sat stunned for seven days, overwhelmed and unable to move. Throughout that time, Ezekiel was being called “son of man,” which is who Jesus really is, the Christ.


Jesus experienced in reality what Ezekiel and other prophets like Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, Malachi, and Zechariah saw in visions. Psalm 40 and 41 talk about bearing the cross, as does Isaiah 53. Psalm 22:18 mentions casting lots for his clothing when he was on the cross.

This is only 6 of hundreds of different prophecies that had to be fulfilled by Jesus, which is why he was on a mission for 3 and a half years and his whole life. In order for someone to be the Messiah, all of these and much more have to be accounted for. If any one is missing, then that person cannot be the Messiah.

Jesus had to explain all of these things to the people so that they can have faith in him, that he is who he says he is, and that he was sent by God. Looking at this in totality, God descended upon his son, as stated in Matthew 3:16 and John 1:32. And in John 19:30, after all had been completed, Jesus said, “It is finished.” What was finished? The Old Testament prophecy concerning him, because there’s Old Testament prophecy for the second coming, which is still to come. But everything related to Jesus was fulfilled.

Jesus then explained it to the people in great detail after he resurrected, so that they had a firm grasp of the testimony of the gospel before he ascended, and then they went out to the world to testify. Let’s actually turn to Luke 24 to read those passages.

Luke 24:25-27, 44

25 He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

44 He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”

So, what did Jesus meticulously do?

He explained who he was according to scripture. Because that’s the job of the promised pastor. The promised pastor doesn’t expect people to just believe. Instead, he proves who he is, not only by the actions that he does, like Jesus’ miracles, but also by the word. He explains things that were unable to be understood before.

So, the second coming will actually be quite similar. The promised pastor will prove his identity through actions and by explaining the scriptures, allowing understanding of what was previously sealed.

Quick Review

Quick Review

The title is “The Promised Pastors of the Old and New Testaments.” It covers Matthew 1, Revelation 1:133, Revelation 2 to 3, Revelation 10, and Revelation 22:16. We have the 4 types of pastors in the Bible.

We have pastors of prophecy, like Isaiah and Jeremiah. We have the promised pastor or promised shepherd who fulfills and testifies, like Jesus and the new John. We have general pastors who testify about the promised pastor who came, like the 12 disciples, like Paul, and like all those who worked with Paul.

As well as at the second coming, those who were appointed or sealed by the angel to teach, as mentioned in Revelation 14. And then we have the false pastors, those who hinder and teach lies. Although they think they’re doing God a favor, like John 16 states, they actually are not.

The Spirit and the flesh work together as one, and the flesh speaks the words of the Spirit to the people so that they can hear, repent, and come out of the captivity that they now realize they are in, and come to the place where the Spirit is working.

So, during the time of the Old Testament, which was fulfilled at the first coming, there were many things prophesied that must be fulfilled by one person. This couldn’t have been fulfilled by many people because they had to fit all of the criteria.

They had to be born in Bethlehem to a virgin. They had to request a donkey and ride on one. They had to eat the scroll and testify what they had received.

They had to bear the cross. They had to cast lots for His clothing. He had to begin His ministry in Galilee and flee from Egypt as a child.

He had to speak good news to the poor. Many things had to be fulfilled in order for one to be considered the Messiah. And, of course, Jesus fulfilled them all, which is why He said on the cross, after He had received the sour wine vinegar to drink, when He said, “I am thirsty,” which was the last thing He had to fulfill.

Then He said, “It is finished,” and laid down His head and gave up His spirit because the job was finally done.

The time of the second coming is similar.

3.- About the Promised Pastor of the New Testament

God and Jesus provide us with ample evidence to believe in the one they are sending at the time of the second coming. The person who is sent also has to meet numerous different criteria in order to be considered the one we are waiting for. It cannot simply be a self-proclaimed individual claiming, “I am this person because I feel like being this person.” That is not how this process works.

Revelation 1:1-3

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

So whose revelation is the book of Revelation? It is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Why? Because God gave it to Him.

Then what happened? Jesus had to open it. It’s called Jesus’ revelation because He opened it. That’s why.

And when He opened it, He then gave it to the angel, and the angel gave it to John. John then had a job to do. What did John have to do? He had to testify to many peoples, nations, and languages. But there’s a way for us to identify this person. And Jesus left us plenty of evidence to do so.

Let’s talk about that now, so we can understand what we should be expecting and not be surprised or know what to expect. And He won’t be like what we expect. I can say that with certainty. And Jesus wasn’t like what people expected either.

The four Gospels and the book of Revelation testify about the promised pastor of the New Testament. Jesus promised He would send someone, and He promised this in many different places.


The revelation of Jesus Christ, as we mentioned, is His revelation because He opened it. And what does the word “revelation” mean?

1.- It is the revelation of Jesus because Jesus opens it.
2.- Revelation means to open and show, or to open and reveal, which is in the word itself.

New Testament Prophecy —> Second Coming Fulfillment Verses
God → Jesus → Angel → New John → People, Nations, Language and Kings Rv 1:1
Testifies and masters Revelation Rv 1:2-3
Sees Heaven in Spiritual World Rv 4:1
Eat the scroll → Testify → People, Nations, Language and Kings Rv 10:8-11
Male child → Iron scepter Rv 12:5 (Rv 2:26-27)
Sees Book of Revelation → Sent to churches Rv 22:8, 16
Faithful and Wise Servant → Food at the proper time Mt 24:45-47
Heaven and Spirits are with Jn 14:26 (Jn 14:17, 1 Cor 3:9, 16)

The New Testament prophecy figuratively represents the time of the second coming’s fulfilment. The second coming era and the period of Revelation will be the time when all the remaining Bible’s prophecies will be fulfilled. By the end of Revelation, nothing will be left unfulfilled.

Revelation is a critical book because it concludes God’s 6,000-year work. God has been working tirelessly for 6,000 years, watching His people suffer, be destroyed, and betray Him repeatedly.

What has God been desiring? For this cycle to finally come to an end. And it will.


First, we have Revelation 1:1. What can we understand about the promised pastor from this passage? It outlines the flow: from God, to Jesus, to the angel, to the New John, to peoples, nations, languages, and kings.

If someone claims to be the New John at this time, they must provide an explanation or testimony of how this took place. They should say, “This is what I saw when this happened. I was at this location when that occurred. When I saw the angel, here’s where I was. Here’s what happened. Here’s what I did.”

We should expect this from that person. And you should ask them, “What did the word taste like?” If they say “steak,” they are not the one we were waiting for. Does that make sense? What should it taste like? Honey.

These are keys for discernment. You can ask, “What did the word taste like when you ate it? Ate it?” If they respond, “Oh, you’re not the one we were waiting for either. You didn’t even know you were supposed to eat the scroll?” Then, “No, thank you.”


Revelation 1:2-3 states, “Who testifies to everything he saw. That is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Word and testimony are closely intertwined. The testimony is an important companion to the word because first, someone must see or hear something to testify, “Here’s what I saw and heard.”

Like Jesus in John 3, he understood the word and could testify, “You, Pharisees, are the reality of Isaiah 29. You, John, are the Elijah we’ve been expecting since Malachi 3 and 4.” Jesus could do this because he saw, heard, and understood the word.

First, there must be an understanding of the word. Then, there is seeing, hearing, and testifying. This is why the promised pastor is first given the word to eat. Eating the word brings understanding. Then they can realize, “Oh, that person is this verse. That person is this verse. I understand. Thank you, Lord, for showing me.” Does that make sense?


What happens in Revelation 4:1?

He sees heaven in the spiritual world. If someone claims to be the new John, they must provide a detailed explanation of what they saw that matches Revelation 4. We should not expect vague descriptions like, “I saw lots of light, and it felt warm and cozy.” That is insufficient.

If you were John, you would be able to describe, “I saw someone on the throne, and this is what he looked like: like jasper and carnelian. And there was a rainbow around him that resembled an emerald. And then I saw 24 elders, and this is what they looked like.” You should be able to describe it according to Revelation 4. Otherwise, you are not the one we’re waiting for.

Not only seeing, but you must also demonstrate what you saw on earth. “I built the tabernacle according to what I saw. Let me describe it. According to the 24 elders, I did this. According to the four living creatures, I did this. According to the seven spirits, I appointed these.” Like that. You have to show what you saw on earth, the equivalent. That’s what you have to do. If any of these three things are missing, you are not the person we’re waiting for.

And there’s more to come. Of course, in Revelation 10, what does he have to do? He has to eat, just like Jesus. And do what? Eat and then testify to whom? Many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. Just like Jesus of the Old Testament, he has to do the same thing in the New Testament. There are many mirrors that we did not realize from the first coming and second coming. They are quite similar.

In Revelation 12, we see the introduction of a beast, a dragon with seven heads and ten horns. We also see the introduction of the woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars. And that should make us think, “Hold on, we know what a figurative woman represents. A figurative woman is someone who delivers the seed that she has received to many and bears children spiritually, like Paul.”

“Clothed in the sun, moon, and stars” – well, we learn that the sun, moon, and stars are a symbolic representation of God’s chosen people, according to Genesis 37:9-11, based on the vision that Joseph saw. His father was the sun, his mother was the moon, and his 11 brothers were the stars. And, of course, they became physical Israel. But we know what happens to the sun, moon, and stars throughout the Bible – they go dark and fall. So this must be a really important person among the chosen people of God in Revelation 12. That’s what we should all be able to understand by now.


Let’s review the parables. So, now, this woman in Revelation 12 is pregnant. And she’s pregnant with a male child. And the dragon wants to destroy this male child before it is born. He fails, though, and the child is born. And the child is then also given something.

Revelation 12:5 says, “She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.”

So we see a child, and that child is holding something – an iron rod or iron scepter. Now, what’s interesting about this iron rod is if you look at Revelation 2:26-27, you see that an iron scepter is given to the one who overcomes, who is to rule all nations. So you should be able to say, “Hold on, if it’s given to the one who overcomes, who is to rule all nations, and it’s given to the male child, who is to rule all nations, then they must be the same person – the one who overcomes.”

So this person has to give an explanation of what happens in Revelation chapter 12. Describe to us, who was the woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars? Who was the dragon with seven heads and ten horns? And how did you defeat this dragon? Now, two really important verses here.

Revelation 22:8,16

8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. 

16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Every chapter of Revelation carries a very important message from John. In each chapter, he says, “I saw,” or “I heard,” or “It was shown to me.” At the end of Revelation, John ensures that people understand he is the one who heard and saw these things. He has to provide a full and complete testimony of everything he witnesses, and then Jesus sends him to the churches.

Why are the churches sent to? Because they need to hear what has been fulfilled, just as the Israelites had to hear what was fulfilled. Jesus even promised this directly to his disciples. When they asked him in Matthew 24 about the signs of the end times and his second coming, Jesus described many things, which we see in more detail in the book of Revelation, hence it is called the “mini revelation.” In Matthew 24:45-47, Jesus said, “And what must the faithful and wise servant give? Food at the proper time. He has to give food at the proper time.” The servants are receiving that food at the proper time, which is the open word, the revealed word, which we are learning now. They must give this until the master returns and finds them doing so when he returns. It is a really important job for the faithful and wise servant.

Importantly, whenever someone is truly set by heaven, they are never alone. The promised pastor of the New Testament has to be someone with whom heaven and the spirits are present because they have a job to do. Just as Jesus said in John chapter one, “You will see angels ascending and descending upon the son of man.” It is crucial for us to understand this about this person and be at the place where he is.

Let’s draw the diagram of this person. As we see, God holds a scroll in his hand. He gives it to Jesus, who opens it and then gives it to the angel. The angel then feeds it to John, and it is sweet in his mouth. John then has to testify to what he saw and give that testimony to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. There are a few other important details that John has to do.

Revelation 1:17-19

17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.

Which hand did Jesus place on John?

If someone claims to be the new John, and you ask them, “What hand did Jesus place on you when you first saw him?” and they say left hand, both hands, or no hands, then that person is not the new John. You should no longer listen to their words because the Bible is quite clear about what happened.

Jesus shows up and places his right hand on John, as he had fallen to his feet as though dead. If you read about Jesus’ appearance, from verse 12 to 16, it’s amazing and scares John.

He falls to his feet, but Jesus says, “Do not be afraid,” and then places his right hand on him.

There are so many important details like that throughout Revelation, so that we are never deceived or confused. Okay? Is everyone following? Because there are some other things that can help us identify this person. Again, all of these things have to be accounted for.

If even a single one of these is missing, then that person is not the one we’re waiting for. One thing that’s really important: Is the new John, Jesus? No.

No, because Jesus placed his hand on him. So he can’t be Jesus.

He’s flesh like us, a person. So we shouldn’t be deceived by such things. And Jesus warned us many times, “Don’t go if someone says Jesus is in the back room, or Jesus is in the desert, or Jesus is over here.”

He warned us about this so that people would be ready. Unfortunately, many people are claiming to be Jesus today, which is silly because Jesus is at the right hand of God. The new John is not Jesus.

He’s flesh, a person. So please don’t be confused about that. But he has a job to do.

And if you peek in Revelation chapter 22:8, he falls at the feet of the angel that was showing him the things that he was seeing. But did you see the angel’s reply? I like the way John, Revelation 19 says it.

Revelation 19:9-10

9 Then the angel said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”

10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

The angel who was showing him these visions referred to him as a “fellow servant.” This is highly significant. He is a servant, just like the description in Matthew 24. 

He is not someone to be worshipped, but rather someone whose words of testimony should be heeded, as they are intended to strengthen our faith in God and Jesus. God and Jesus are actively working at the place where he is, Mount Zion. This is a crucial point.

Does everyone understand so far? If so, let us examine some of the tasks that the New John must undertake during the time of the second coming.

4.- Accomplishments of the Promised Pastor of the Second Coming 

Revelation 12:10-11

10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,

    and the authority of his Christ.

For the accuser of our brothers,

    who accuses them before our God day and night,

    has been hurled down.

11 They overcame him

    by the blood of the Lamb

    and by the word of their testimony;

they did not love their lives so much

    as to shrink from death.

This is a really important passage. Revelation 12:10-11 shows how they overcame, and they overcame with two things:

  1. The blood of the lamb, as mentioned in Revelation 12:11.
  2. The word of their testimony.

That’s how they overcame the dragon. Of course, the dragon has seven heads and ten horns. The heads represent pastors, and the ten horns represent authority figures. This is the reality of the dragon, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and they go to war with each other, but they overcome with the truth, which overcomes the lies of the dragon.

In Revelation chapters 15 and 16, those who are victorious establish a temple, which is a tabernacle of testimony. It is a place where all nations must come to worship, as mentioned in Revelation 15 and Isaiah 2. Revelation 15:4-5 speaks of this. And then in Revelation 16, these people become bowls of wrath, and they must pour out the wrath of God on those who have betrayed and destroyed.

So, if someone claims to be this person, they must be able to testify to all of Revelation, including how they judged as a bowl of wrath. If they cannot do this, then they are not the person we have been waiting for because they have to fulfill this and testify about how it happened. These are just a few things, but for the sake of time, we will stop there.

Now, here’s one way that we will definitely not discern this person and the people who are with them. When someone hears a testimony, they have two choices: believe and accept or reject. If you look at the time of the first coming, Jesus preached to everyone equally and spoke to everybody in parables. But only to those who had the humble heart to want to know more did he begin to explain further. To everyone else, they went about spreading rumors about him, about who he was and what he was about, and what they did not understand, preventing others from coming to the truth.


So, you won’t really understand this person through the opinions of others. You really have to find this person through the word, which is how God always likes to do things. So, keep that in mind and avoid deceit in all its stances. Where is deceit? Everywhere that is not the word. Keep that in mind.

There’s one more thing, a geeky thing, that I wanted to cover before we close. It’s an important distinction so that we’re not confused by the prophecies.

The New Testament is recorded in Greek, which was the language that many people at that time spoke, especially the Gentile nations. In the book of Revelation, in two key places, you see this Greek word “άγγελοι”. This Greek word has two meanings: it means both angel and messenger.


If we turn to Revelation 1:20, it says, “The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.” But did you see a little footnote by the word angel? What does that footnote point you to? Revelation 1:20, or messengers.

Because the word that was used here in both Revelation 1:20 and Revelation 22:16 has two meanings. So the translators picked angel, but we didn’t fully understand if it was angel or messenger until it was fulfilled. And when it is fulfilled, we know, ah, okay, it’s actually talking about messenger.

But, of course, all of the messengers sent by heaven have angels working with them. So the seven lampstands, the seven messengers, they were seven people. And we know that in heaven, the seven spirits are also there. Guess who the seven spirits worked through before they betrayed? The seven people.

And the same thing with Revelation 22:16. We see the angel that was showing John the things and the one that he bowed down to by accident. The angel said, “Brother, get up.” Both are sent to the churches.

So I just wanted to make sure we understood that clearly. The word means both angel and messenger. Both are true.


Revelation 22:8

I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.

Revelation 22:16

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Instructor Review


We looked at the promised pastors of the Old and New Testament. And we specifically examined all the things they have to fulfill, which means that this cannot be something self-proclaimed but something testified. The person has to meet all the criteria.

It’s not something they intend to do, like, “Okay, I was born, and now I’m going to be the promised pastor.” No, it is revealed to that person.

Everything they see, they then need to testify about. And it needs to align with what is prophesied in Scripture. If a detail is missing or a detail is incorrect, then that person is not the one.

So, keep all these things in mind.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Understanding Promised Pastors: A Deep Dive into Biblical Prophecy


Part 1: Introduction and Context

  • Opening Remarks and Importance of Scripture: This section emphasizes the transformative power of engaging with the Bible, advocating for making scripture study a central part of life. It stresses the need for discernment in a world filled with competing claims, highlighting the importance of identifying the one true claim through biblical study.
  • The Promised Pastors – Key Chapters and Themes: This segment introduces the core theme of identifying promised pastors in both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting the importance of understanding their characteristics and significance. It outlines key biblical passages relevant to this topic, including Matthew 1, Revelation chapters 1, 2, 3, 10, and 22:16.
  • Covenant and Its Significance: This section reviews the concept of the covenant, emphasizing the blessings associated with keeping it and the curses for breaking it, referencing Deuteronomy 28. It establishes the transition from the old covenant to the new, highlighting the confirmation of the new covenant by the 12 disciples in Luke 22:14-20.

Part 2: Identifying the Four Types of Pastors

  • Four Types of Pastors: This section categorizes biblical pastors into four distinct types:
  • Pastors of Prophecy (Hosea 12:10): These pastors, like Isaiah and Jeremiah, primarily focus on prophesying future events, particularly the coming of the promised pastor.
  • Promised Pastor (John 5:39): This pastor fulfills and testifies to the prophecies spoken about him. He is the central figure of both the Old and New Testaments, fulfilling prophecy and explaining its meaning.
  • General Pastors (Acts 1:8): These pastors, exemplified by the Twelve Disciples and Paul, testify about the promised pastor who has come. They spread the gospel, focusing on the fulfillment of prophecy by the promised pastor.
  • False Pastors (2 Cor 11:13-15): These individuals hinder God’s work and spread lies, actively opposing the truth and maintaining their own power. The Pharisees and Sadducees during Jesus’ time are presented as examples.

Part 3: Exploring the Promised Pastor of the Old Testament

  • The Promised Messiah of the Old Testament: This section focuses on Jesus as the promised Messiah of the Old Testament, whose coming was prophesied and fulfilled at the appointed time. It emphasizes the importance of Jesus fulfilling prophecies to prove his identity.
  • Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus: A table is presented, outlining key Old Testament prophecies and their fulfillment by Jesus at the first coming. Examples include his virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-23), birthplace in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1-12), and riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-11).

Part 4: Unpacking the Promised Pastor of the New Testament

  • The Revelation of Jesus Christ: This section delves into the Book of Revelation, highlighting that it is Jesus’ revelation as he opened it. The word “revelation” is defined as “to open and show” or “to open and reveal,” signifying the unveiling of hidden truths.
  • Prophecies Pointing to the Second Coming: A table outlines key New Testament prophecies and their anticipated fulfillment during the second coming. It emphasizes the importance of the promised pastor explaining the scriptures and revealing previously sealed truths.
  • Characteristics of the New John: This section outlines key traits and actions expected of the promised pastor of the New Testament (referred to as the “New John”) based on the Book of Revelation. These include seeing heaven in the spiritual world, eating the scroll and testifying to its contents, and overcoming the dragon with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

Part 5: The Mission and Accomplishments of the New John

  • Overcoming the Dragon: This section focuses on the New John’s role in overcoming the dragon (representing false teachings and opposition) through the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, as stated in Revelation 12:10-11.
  • Establishing the Temple of Testimony: This part highlights the establishment of a temple of testimony by the victorious ones during the second coming, as described in Revelation chapters 15 and 16. It emphasizes the role of the New John in this process and the importance of this temple as a place of worship for all nations.
  • Judging as a Bowl of Wrath: This section explains the role of the New John and his followers in pouring out the wrath of God on those who have betrayed and destroyed, based on Revelation 16. It stresses the necessity of the New John being able to testify to their actions as a bowl of wrath.
  • Discernment and Avoiding Deceit: This part cautions against relying on opinions or hearsay to understand the New John, emphasizing the importance of seeking understanding through the Word of God to avoid deceit.

Part 6: Clarifying the Role of Angels and Messengers

  • Angel or Messenger?: This section clarifies the dual meaning of the Greek word “άγγελοι” as both “angel” and “messenger,” referring to Revelation 1:20 and 22:16. It highlights the importance of understanding the context to correctly interpret the meaning of the word.

Conclusion: Summary and Final Thoughts

This section summarizes the key points discussed in the lesson, emphasizing the importance of discerning the promised pastors based on their fulfillment of prophecy and their testimony. It stresses the need for careful examination of their actions and teachings against the Word of God. The conclusion encourages continued study and vigilance to avoid deception and remain faithful to the true message of the Bible.

A Study Guide

Unmasking the Promised Pastor: A Study Guide for the Second Coming

I. Key Concepts Review

A. Types of Pastors

  1. Pastors of Prophecy: Old Testament prophets who foretold future events, particularly the coming of the Messiah. Examples: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel.
  2. Promised Pastor: Fulfills prophecies and provides testimony, explanation, and proof of their divine mission. Examples: Jesus (Old Testament fulfillment), New John (New Testament fulfillment).
  3. General Pastors: Testify about the Promised Pastor and their fulfillment of prophecy. Examples: The Twelve Disciples, Paul, those sealed in Revelation 14.
  4. False Pastors: Hinder God’s work and spread lies, often while believing they serve God. Examples: Pharisees, Sadducees.

B. Promised Pastor of the Old Testament: Jesus

  • Prophecies in the Old Testament pointed to Jesus’ first coming.
  • Jesus fulfilled numerous prophecies, including:
  • Birth from a virgin (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-23)
  • Birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1-12)
  • Riding a donkey (Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-11)
  • Bearing the cross (Psalm 40-41, Matthew 27:35, Isaiah 53)
  • Jesus explained the fulfillment of these prophecies, testifying to his true identity.
  • Jesus’ death marked the completion of Old Testament prophecy concerning him.

C. Promised Pastor of the New Testament: The New John

  • Prophecies in the New Testament, particularly Revelation, point to the second coming and the emergence of a new promised pastor, the New John.
  • The New John will receive revelation directly from God through Jesus and an angel (Revelation 1:1).
  • The New John will fulfill specific criteria:
  • Eating the scroll and testifying (Revelation 10:8-11)
  • Seeing heaven in the spiritual world (Revelation 4:1)
  • Being given the iron scepter and ruling nations (Revelation 12:5, Revelation 2:26-27)
  • The New John will testify to the churches, explaining the revealed word and fulfilling the role of the faithful and wise servant (Revelation 22:8,16; Matthew 24:45-47).
  • Heaven and spirits will be present with the New John (John 14:26).
  • The New John will overcome the dragon, establish a temple of testimony, and pour out God’s wrath (Revelation 12:10-11, 15-16).

II. Short Answer Quiz

Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. Briefly describe the role of a Pastor of Prophecy. Provide one example.
  2. What are the two key responsibilities of the Promised Pastor?
  3. How do General Pastors support the work of the Promised Pastor?
  4. Explain how false pastors hinder God’s work, despite their beliefs.
  5. What key event marked the completion of the Old Testament prophecy concerning Jesus?
  6. What is the significance of Revelation being “the revelation of Jesus Christ”?
  7. How does the New John receive the revelation from God?
  8. List three criteria that the New John must fulfill, according to the source material.
  9. What is the meaning of the Greek word “άγγελοι” and how does it apply to understanding the Book of Revelation?
  10. According to the source material, what should be the primary way to discern the true identity of the New John?

III. Answer Key

  1. Pastors of Prophecy foretold future events, particularly the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel are examples of such prophets.
  2. The Promised Pastor fulfills prophecies and provides testimony, explanation, and proof of their divine mission.
  3. General Pastors testify about the Promised Pastor and their fulfillment of prophecy, helping to spread the true message and build faith.
  4. False pastors, while often believing they serve God, actually hinder God’s work by spreading lies and prioritizing their own power and authority.
  5. Jesus’ death on the cross marked the completion of Old Testament prophecy concerning him.
  6. Revelation is “the revelation of Jesus Christ” because he is the one who opened the scroll containing the revelation, initiating the flow of information from God to humanity.
  7. The New John receives the revelation from God through Jesus and an angel, signifying a direct lineage of divine communication.
  8. The New John must eat the scroll and testify, see heaven in the spiritual world, and be given the iron scepter, signifying authority to rule nations.
  9. The Greek word “άγγελοι” means both “angel” and “messenger.” This dual meaning clarifies that certain figures in Revelation are human messengers with angels supporting them, rather than purely celestial beings.
  10. The primary way to discern the true identity of the New John is through aligning their actions and testimony with the prophecies detailed in the Bible.

IV. Essay Questions

1. What are the four types of pastors in the Bible? 4 types:

1. Pastors of Prophecy
2. Promised Pastor
3. General Pastors
4. False Pastors

2. Who was the promised pastor of the Old Testament?
– Jesus (Jn 5:39)

3. Who is the promised pastor of the New Testament?
– New John (Rev 1:1-3)

V. Glossary of Key Terms

Angel: A spiritual being that acts as a messenger of God. In the context of Revelation, “angel” (άγγελοι) can also refer to a human messenger.

Covenant: A sacred agreement or promise between God and his people.

False Pastor: An individual who presents themself as a spiritual leader but hinders God’s work and spreads lies.

General Pastor: A spiritual leader who testifies about the Promised Pastor and their fulfillment of prophecy.

Iron Scepter: A symbol of authority and power, given to the one who overcomes in Revelation.

Messiah: The anointed one, a savior figure prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled in Jesus.

Pastor of Prophecy: An Old Testament prophet who foretold future events, particularly the coming of the Messiah.

Promised Pastor: The chosen leader who fulfills prophecies and provides testimony of their divine mission.

Revelation: The act of God revealing his will or knowledge to humanity. Also, the name of the last book in the Bible, containing prophecies and visions of the end times.

Scroll: A written document, symbolic of divine knowledge or revelation in the Bible.

Testimony: A firsthand account or declaration confirming the truth of something. In the context of the Promised Pastor, their testimony serves as proof of their divine mission.

Temple/Tabernacle of Testimony: A sacred space where God’s presence and the truth of his word are manifested.


Timeline of Events


Old Testament Era

  • Pre-Prophecies: God establishes a covenant with the Israelites through Moses, promising blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience (Deuteronomy 28).
  • Prophets Foretell: Old Testament prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others receive visions and prophecies about a future Messiah (Promised Pastor of the Old Testament). These prophecies include details like birth from a virgin, birthplace in Bethlehem, riding a donkey, eating a scroll, bearing a cross, and having his clothes divided by casting lots.
  • Jesus Fulfills: Jesus is born, fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies. He preaches, performs miracles, explains the scriptures, and testifies to his identity as the promised Messiah.
  • Jesus Explains: After his resurrection, Jesus explains the scriptures to his disciples, highlighting how he fulfilled the prophecies (Luke 24).
  • Jesus Ascends: Jesus completes his earthly ministry and ascends to heaven.
  • General Pastors Testify: The disciples and Paul (General Pastors) preach the gospel, testifying to Jesus’ fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.

New Testament Era – Leading to Second Coming

  • Revelation Given: God gives Jesus a revelation, which he opens and gives to an angel. The angel delivers it to John (the author of Revelation).
  • John Eats Scroll: John eats a scroll, symbolizing his understanding of the Revelation, which tastes sweet like honey. (Revelation 10)
  • John Witnesses Visions: John receives visions detailing events of the end times and the second coming of Christ, including a woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars giving birth to a male child who will rule with an iron scepter (Revelation 12).
  • False Pastors Deceive: False pastors arise, teaching lies and hindering God’s work.

Second Coming and Beyond

  • Promised Pastor (New John) Emerges: A promised pastor (referred to as the “New John”) emerges, having received the revelation from God through Jesus and the angel. This individual fulfills specific criteria prophesied in the New Testament:
  • Receives the revelation in a specific order (God → Jesus → Angel → New John).
  • Testifies to what they have seen, demonstrating an understanding of the Revelation.
  • Sees heaven in the spiritual world and can describe it accurately.
  • Eats the scroll and testifies to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.
  • Is given an iron scepter, signifying authority to rule nations.
  • Overcomes the dragon (representing evil forces) through the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
  • Establishes a temple, a tabernacle of testimony where all nations will come to worship.
  • Acts as a bowl of wrath, pouring out God’s judgment on those who have betrayed and destroyed.
  • Disciples Receive Spiritual Food: The faithful and wise servants receive spiritual food (“the open word”) from the Promised Pastor, which they share with others.

Important Note: The timeline provided is based on a specific interpretation of biblical prophecies. It should be noted that various interpretations of these prophecies exist.

Cast of Characters

Old Testament Era

  • God: The creator and ultimate authority who establishes covenants and sends prophets.
  • Moses: Prophet who receives the law from God and leads the Israelites out of Egypt. He establishes the first covenant between God and the Israelites.
  • Old Testament Prophets (Pastors of Prophecy): Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. These prophets foretold future events, including the coming of the Messiah.
  • Jesus (Promised Pastor of the Old Testament): The Son of God, the Messiah, who fulfills Old Testament prophecies, preaches the gospel, performs miracles, and dies for the sins of humanity.

New Testament Era – Leading to Second Coming

  • Jesus: Continues to play a central role, providing the revelation of end times events.
  • Angel: The messenger who delivers the revelation from Jesus to John.
  • John (Author of Revelation): Apostle who receives the revelation, eats the scroll, witnesses visions, and writes the book of Revelation.
  • Paul (General Pastor): Apostle who preaches the gospel and establishes churches, testifying to Jesus’ fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
  • The Twelve Disciples (General Pastors): Jesus’ chosen followers who become the foundation of the early church, preaching the gospel and testifying about Jesus.
  • False Pastors: Individuals who teach lies and hinder God’s work, often claiming religious authority while misleading others.
  • Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, Zealots: Religious and political groups during Jesus’ time who often opposed him and his teachings.

Second Coming and Beyond

  • Promised Pastor of the New Testament (New John): The individual who fulfills the prophecies of Revelation, receiving the revelation from God through Jesus and the angel. They testify to their experiences, guide the faithful, and overcome evil forces.
  • Faithful and Wise Servants: Individuals who follow the Promised Pastor of the New Testament, receive spiritual nourishment, and share it with others.
  • Dragon (Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns): Symbolic representation of evil forces, with the heads symbolizing false pastors and the horns representing worldly authority figures.
  • Woman Clothed with the Sun, Moon, and Stars: A symbolic figure representing a group of God’s chosen people who give birth to the Promised Pastor of the New Testament.


Overview: The Promised Pastors of the Old and New Testaments


Main Themes:

  • Identifying and understanding the role of the promised pastor in both the Old and New Testaments.
  • Recognizing the importance of prophecy fulfillment and testimony as evidence of a true pastor.
  • Discerning between true and false pastors based on their alignment with scripture and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Most Important Ideas/Facts:

1. Four Types of Pastors in the Bible:

  • Pastors of Prophecy: These individuals, primarily Old Testament prophets, foretold future events, including the coming of the Messiah. Their role is to prepare the way for the promised pastor.

Example: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel

  • Promised Pastor: The central figure who fulfills Old Testament prophecies and testifies about God’s plan. This role was fulfilled by Jesus in the first coming and will be fulfilled by “New John” in the second coming.

Example: Jesus (First Coming)

  • General Pastors: Individuals who testify about the promised pastor and spread the gospel. They build upon the foundation laid by the promised pastor.

Example: Paul, the Twelve Disciples

  • False Pastors: Individuals who hinder God’s work and teach lies, often while claiming to serve God. They are identified by their actions and opposition to truth.

Example: Pharisees, Sadducees

2. Promised Pastor of the Old Testament (Jesus):

  • Jesus fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies, proving his identity as the Messiah. These prophecies included:
  • Being born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-23)
  • Being born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-12)
  • Riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:1-11)
  • Jesus not only fulfilled these prophecies but also explained them to the people, helping them understand their significance.

3. Promised Pastor of the New Testament (“New John”):

  • The Book of Revelation is the key to understanding the promised pastor of the second coming. It reveals the flow of revelation from God to Jesus, to the angel, to “New John,” and finally to the people.
  • This promised pastor will be identifiable through several criteria:
  • Revelation 1:1: They will receive the scroll from an angel and eat it, experiencing a taste of honey.
  • Revelation 4:1: They will have a detailed vision of heaven that aligns with the description in Revelation 4.
  • Revelation 10:8-11: They will testify to the nations, echoing the work of Jesus in the first coming.
  • Revelation 12:5: They will be identified as the “male child” who rules with an iron scepter, overcoming the dragon (false pastors) through the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

4. Discernment:

  • True pastors are distinguished by their adherence to Scripture, their reliance on the Holy Spirit, and their actions that reflect God’s love. False pastors are identified by their opposition to truth, their desire for power, and their tendency to spread lies.

“Where is deceit? Everywhere that is not the word.”

  • Individuals should not rely on the opinions of others to discern a true pastor but should instead seek truth through the word of God.

5. Key Point about Angels and Messengers:

  • The Greek word “άγγελοι,” used in Revelation, can mean both “angel” and “messenger.” This dual meaning is crucial in understanding that the “angels” of the seven churches (Revelation 1:20, 22:16) are actually human messengers chosen by God. These messengers are accompanied by angels, highlighting the collaboration between the spiritual and physical realms in God’s work.


The lesson emphasizes the importance of seeking and recognizing the promised pastor in both the Old and New Testaments. This individual is not self-proclaimed but is identified through the fulfillment of prophecies and their powerful testimony. The lesson provides specific criteria to aid in discerning the true promised pastor and emphasizes the importance of remaining grounded in the word of God to avoid deceit.


Q&A: Promised Pastors of the Old and New Testaments

1. What are the four types of pastors described in the Bible?

The Bible describes four types of pastors: * Pastors of Prophecy: These are Old Testament prophets who spoke about future events, particularly the coming of the Messiah. Examples include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. * Promised Pastors: These individuals fulfill prophecies and testify about them. Jesus Christ is the promised pastor of the Old Testament, while a figure referred to as the “New John” fulfills this role in the New Testament. * General Pastors: These individuals testify about the promised pastor who came. They spread the gospel and explain the fulfillment of prophecies. Examples include the Twelve Disciples and Paul. * False Pastors: These individuals teach lies, hinder God’s work, and often persecute those who follow the true promised pastor. Examples include the Pharisees and Sadducees who opposed Jesus.

2. How did Jesus fulfill the role of the Promised Pastor in the Old Testament?

Jesus fulfilled numerous prophecies from the Old Testament, proving his identity as the Messiah. These prophecies include being born of a virgin in Bethlehem, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, bearing the cross, and having his clothes divided by the casting of lots. He also actively explained the scriptures and taught people how they pointed to him as the Messiah.

3. Who is the Promised Pastor of the New Testament, and what are the key characteristics that identify him?

The Promised Pastor of the New Testament is a figure referred to as “New John.” He receives the revelation of Jesus Christ from an angel and is tasked with testifying about this revelation to people of all nations. He will have specific experiences outlined in the Book of Revelation, including seeing heaven, eating a scroll that tastes like honey, and overcoming the dragon (Satan) with the blood of the lamb and the word of his testimony.

4. How does the flow of revelation work in the Book of Revelation, particularly in relation to the Promised Pastor?

The revelation originates from God and is given to Jesus Christ. Jesus opens the revelation and gives it to an angel, who then delivers it to the New John. New John eats the scroll containing the revelation (symbolizing understanding and internalizing its message) and then testifies about its contents to all nations.

5. What specific prophecies must the New John fulfill according to the Book of Revelation?

The New John must fulfill several prophecies: He will see heaven, experience a vision of a woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars giving birth to a male child, and receive an iron scepter symbolizing his authority. He will also establish a tabernacle of testimony and pour out the wrath of God upon those who have been unfaithful.

6. Why is the Greek word “άγγελοι” significant in understanding the Book of Revelation?

The Greek word “άγγελοι” has a dual meaning: It can refer to both “angel” and “messenger.” This is important in understanding passages like Revelation 1:20 and 22:16, where the word is used to describe those who receive and spread the revelation. It highlights that the messengers are guided and empowered by angels, but they are also human individuals chosen to fulfill a specific role.

7. How can we avoid being deceived by false pastors or individuals claiming to be the Promised Pastor?

To avoid deception, we should rely on the word of God as the ultimate authority. Carefully compare the claims of any individual to the specific prophecies and characteristics outlined in scripture. Look for consistency with the biblical narrative and avoid relying on hearsay or personal opinions. The true Promised Pastor will not need to self-proclaim; their actions and experiences will align with biblical prophecy.

8. What is the significance of the Promised Pastor’s testimony and how does it relate to overcoming evil?

The Promised Pastor’s testimony, combined with the blood of the lamb (representing Jesus’s sacrifice), is the key to overcoming the dragon and his forces. The testimony represents the powerful truth of God’s word, which exposes lies, brings light to darkness, and empowers believers to stand firm in their faith.

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