[Lesson 126] Rev 18: The Marriage with Satan Who Destroyed the Nations

by ichthus

Table of Contents

This lesson covers Revelation chapters 18 and 19, contrasting the “marriage with Satan” (Rev 18) and the “marriage with Jesus” (Rev 19). It explains how Rev 16-18 occur simultaneously during the 7 bowl judgments.

Rev 18 has a small-scale fulfillment in the judgment of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) shown as the “prostitute”, as well as a larger fulfillment still to come against the whole “Babylon” system representing the Christian world’s churches.

The “cargo” and “merchants” in Rev 18 refer to false teachings, doctrines and those profiting from them. When Babylon falls, no one will “buy” their cargo anymore.

The “bridegroom” of Babylon is Satan himself, seeking to marry God’s people to his system to prevent them from the true marriage to Christ.

God will completely judge and destroy the spiritual Babylon system, celebrated by heaven. The “millstone” thrown into the sea symbolizes Babylon’s permanent destruction.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with Evangelist


Revelation 17:14 NIV84

They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”


Yeast of Heaven

The most precious thing we can think about is the relationship between this Word that God planned and me. This does not apply to those who walk this faithwalk only when they can and if they can’t, they won’t, and even if they do, they do not do so with much importance or value. This will be very precious to those who truly wan to walk this faith.



We cannot just be here to learn the open word and study passively. We must be those who believe in God’s words, recognizing they are true and of great importance and value.

Learning through history and having endurance to the very end will encourage us more in our journey. This journey leads to complete understanding and hundred percent faith in God’s word. Let us make efforts to be in the word so we can see more of God in us and truly change to become walking Bibles.

I hope most of us were able to take a break, similar to what it will be like for God when He takes His final rest. We are all looking forward to that time when there will be no more death, mourning, crying, and pain. Right now is a time to fight, so let us be those that fight and overcome no matter what.

Let’s open in prayer as we have two chapters of Revelation to cover today.

“Dear Heavenly Father, 

I thank you so much for bringing all of us together on this wonderful Tuesday evening. I pray that this is a blessed time of study and fellowship with your word. Help us understand things that have already taken place and things that must take place in the future. Give us hope in heaven and eternal life. Grant us hope that heaven will come down and be with each of us, where there will be no more death, mourning, crying, and pain. We hope that you will be able to come and reign as you have been wanting to do for the last 6,000 years, not just in the spiritual world but here on earth as it is in heaven. We pray all of this in your son Jesus’ name, amen.”

Rev 18: The Marriage with Satan Who Destroyed the Nations

Revelation 18 discusses the marriage with Satan, who was responsible for destroying the nations. There is a significant connection between Revelation chapters 18 and 19 that needs to be understood.


The relationship between these two chapters presents a contrast:

– Revelation 18 depicts the marriage with Satan

– Revelation 19 shows the marriage with Jesus

These chapters are deliberately placed next to each other to highlight their contrasting nature. Today’s study will examine both chapters.

Before proceeding further, we need to refresh our memory about the relationship between Revelation chapters 16, 17, and 18.

Key Points between Revelation 16, 17 and 18

ONE – Revelation 17 and the Time Period of 7 Bowls (4-6)

Revelation chapter 17 occurs during the time period of the 7 bowls, specifically bowls 4 through 6. Chapter 18 is also partially included in this timeframe. These chapters are interconnected as multiple events take place during this period.

TWO – Revelation 16-18 Occur Simultaneously

Revelation 17 is integrated within the timeframe of the seven bowls that were poured out in Revelation 16. During this seven-year period, Revelation chapters 16, 17, and partially 18 occur simultaneously. The partial nature of chapter 18’s fulfillment will be explained further.

THREE – Revelation 18’s Small Scale Fulfillment (SEC Shown as False)

Revelation 18 manifests on two different scales. On the small scale, it involves the judgment of the prostitute – the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) – which is shown as false and ceases to exist.

FOUR – Revelation 18’s Large Scale (All of Babylon – Christian World) Yet to be Fulfilled

On the large scale, the rest of Babylon (representing the Christian World) still exists and awaits judgment. This aspect of Revelation 18 remains to be fulfilled. During the seven-year period of the 7 bowls of wrath, Revelation 16, 17, and the small-scale version of 18 occurred together. Specifically, Revelation 17 took place during the seven years of the bowls pouring out, while Revelation 18 was fulfilled on a small scale through the judgment of Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center.

Previous Lesson Review


We examined Revelation 17, which contrasts God’s food with the devil’s food – the wine of adulteries.


ONE – Rev 17: Devil’s Food – Wine of Adulteries

The devil’s food comes in various forms, including spiritual junk food. These are lies, commentaries, thoughts, and rules created by man. People unknowingly consume this food because there is no nutrition label printed on the product. The thoughts originate from many sources, but ultimately come from one source – the enemy.

TWO – Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns: Great Prostitute = Mr. Tak (Babylon)

The beast with seven heads and ten horns, which represents the great prostitute, is in reality Mr. Tak. This is a realization that New John comes to during the fulfilment of Revelation 17. He did not understand this during the fulfilment of Revelation 13, but gained this understanding later when the angel took him to the spiritual desert and showed him. Remember, Mr. Tak was part of the group that invaded the Tabernacle – he is the reality of the prostitute.

The logic of fulfilment shows that Revelation 13 occurred during the 42 months of destruction, while Revelation 17 takes place during the 7 years of God’s payback time.

THREE – Beast with 10 horns: 8th King = Mr. Oh, Takes 10 horns

One event happened first: the ten horns join Mr. Oh, and they judge and devour the prostitute. They take her teachings, expose her, and shame her.

The beast with 10 horns takes the 10 horns from the 7 pastors, who by this point are scattered. Five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come. They are no longer united by Revelation 17 because they’re being judged, so they flee in 7 ways.

FOUR – Beast with 10 horns: Judges Prostitute

In Revelation 17, we see how the 8th king takes the 10 horns and they devour Mr. Tak. New John comes to this realization – understanding that Mr. Tak represents the prostitute of Revelation 17, the mother of prostitutes Babylon. He holds a golden cup in his hands, which figuratively represents his commentaries that he finds very valuable.

Those on Satan’s side, though united for a time, often turn against and judge each other. This is shown in Revelation 17, where they turn on each other. However, this was God’s purpose, as God’s word must be fulfilled. God will put everything in place to ensure this happens, because that is the God we serve.

Revelation 18:1-3


Revelation 18:1-3 NIV84

After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. [2] With a mighty voice he shouted:

 “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. [3] For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

During these months in our class, we have frequently revisited Revelation 18, particularly focusing on four specific verses. We will examine verse 4 shortly. These verses have been studied multiple times as they describe the location where Satan, unfortunately, carries out his work.

ONE – “After this” refers to the events following the Judgment of the Prostitute.

The opening words of Revelation chapter 18 begin with “After this.” It’s noteworthy that the phrase “after this” appears six times throughout the book of Revelation.

  1. Revelation 4:1
  2. Revelation 7:1 
  3. Revelation 7:9 
  4. Revelation 15:5
  5. Revelation 18:1 
  6. Revelation 19:1

Revelation 18:1 appears for the fifth time out of six total appearances in the book of Revelation.

TWO – Babylon: Churches (Christian World)

To understand Babylon, we must recognize that historically, it was a giant conglomerate nation. 

This is illustrated in Daniel 2:37-44, where we see a prophecy of a giant statue composed of multiple materials:

– Gold

– Bronze

– Iron

– Clay

These materials are conglomerated into one big statue. Daniel explains that each material represents a nation, and all these nations are combined together. However, when different materials are improperly connected, they become structurally weak and can easily break apart. This is demonstrated when a large rock, cut out but not by human hands, strikes the statue, shattering it into a million pieces.

Therefore, Babylon should be understood as a conglomeration of many nations – a kingdom of many nations that are loosely united and easily broken apart due to their differences.

In today’s reality, this kingdom of many nations represents the peoples, multitudes, nations, languages, kings, and tribes mentioned throughout Revelation.

What summarizes all these places in one word? Churches.


The number of church nations exceeds 30,000, all loosely connected by the word they proclaim. Unfortunately, this place has become:

– A home for demons

– A haunt for every evil spirit

– A dwelling for every detestable bird


Those who profit 

The kings and merchants mentioned represent specific roles – kings represent pastors, while merchants represent evangelists. These are the ones who make their living by selling the merchandise of Babylon.

In the early days of the class, we discussed how the word of God should be delivered. It should be given freely, just as the disciples and apostles taught: “Freely you have received, freely you shall give.” God describes His word of life like a spring, saying “Let he who is thirsty come and drink” and “Drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” The key point made was that the true word of God must be delivered freely, without cost.

“Wow, a 9 month class where I don’t have to pay a dime? That’s cool!” But indeed, it has to be that way.

However, there are those who sell the merchandise, selling it to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. The result? It makes people drunk.


Taking Teachings from many places, mixing them.

The practice of drinking alcohol, particularly mixing different types of alcohol, has been known to be very dangerous. It increases the potency of the effects, which, if not done properly, could result in hospitalization. The danger lies in the mixing itself.

This situation parallels what happens in Babylon today. People gather teachings from multiple speakers, each saying something slightly different. They tend to pick and choose:

– “I like what this person says, so I’ll take this”

– “I’ll take a little bit from that speaker”

– “Oh, that was a powerful word from YouTube, I’ll take some of that too”


What results is a cacophony of different teachings from different places. When you carefully interrogate what each pastor is saying, you realize these teachings are not compatible – they don’t fit together.

How does God view this situation? God is not happy with it.

Therefore, God will insist that this practice comes to an end, and He will put situations in place to make it happen. God warned us that something like this would take place – He warned about a food of Satan that would be enticing but must be avoided at all costs. This warning has been present since the beginning of the Bible.


The Tree of Knwoledge of Good and Evil

In summarizing, we can observe the significance of trees in the Bible. In Genesis 2:17 and Daniel 4:20-22, we encounter a tree – not just any tree, but a massive one reaching to the heavens, providing shelter for birds and beasts of the field. This tree represents the king of Babylon, who represents his kingdom.

This giant tree parallels the original tree in Genesis – the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When someone ate from the original tree, the consequence was spiritual death.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil isn’t limited to Genesis; it appears throughout the Bible, including during the first coming of Jesus.

In John 15:1, Jesus declares “I am the true vine.” The use of the word “true” is significant because it implies the existence of false vines. Furthermore, in Matthew 12, Jesus teaches that a tree can be known by its fruit, and He states that any tree or plant not planted by His Father will be uprooted.



The false vine of Babylon produces fruit in the form of commentaries, which are typically taught by those who have lost the word of truth and can only deliver man-made teachings.

Throughout Bible history, the vine of adultery represents the same consistent pattern. These things, including commentaries and study Bibles, should be avoided.

I pray that no one continues to use study Bibles today. Instead, please obtain a pure word Bible without man’s thoughts placed alongside God’s words.

What does God want to do about this situation?

Revelation 18:4-8

Revelation 18:4-8 NIV84

Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; [5] for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. [6] Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. [7] Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.’ [8] Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.

ONE – Come Out My People: Believers born of God’s seed.

Let’s understand what we’ve read about. First, God states in Revelation 18:4, “Come out of her my people.” If someone says, “Instructor Nate, I don’t think Babylon represents the churches, I think Babylon really means the nations of the world,” we should consider this:

If you’re in those nations, and Revelation 18:4 mentions “my people” (as spoken by a voice from heaven), which nation would you need to leave, and which nation would you need to move to? Do you have your passport and visa ready?

Looking at the scriptures logically, we must ask: Is this about leaving a real physical nation, or is it about leaving a spiritual Babylon to have our registry in God’s nation? This refers to God’s people – believers born of God’s seed – whom God is still waiting to extract from Babylon.

Babylon is figurative of a field that was once planted by Jesus but was also planted by the evil one. These two – the wheat and the tares (tares means weeds in older English) – grow in the same field. The wheat must be harvested, an event mentioned repeatedly by Jesus in the New Testament.

This harvest was promised by God in Jeremiah 31, and it must take place. Is it happening now? Yes, Amen, it’s happening today. Stay in the basket; don’t fall out in the field before making it to the barn. Let’s get to the barn because God will bring plagues – this plague played out at one scale and will play out at a larger scale.

TWO – Judgement of Babylon at 2 Scales

Let’s look at this now the judgment of Babylon at 2 scales.


Small Scale:

1.- Receiving Plagues: Judgment

The small-scale judgment through plagues is described in Revelation 18:6. This judgment was specifically directed at a particular target.

2.- Her (The Prostitute): Mr. Tak and his organization (SEC)

According to Revelation 18:6, God commands to “give back to her” – referring to the prostitute mentioned in Revelation 17. The judgment demands double payback:

– 7 years, which is double the 42 months of destruction

– The judgment affects both the prostitute and the prostitute’s organization (Mr. Tak and SEC received this judgment)


Mr. Tak’s Position:

As the prostitute, Mr. Tak believes he remains on God’s side. This is evident in Revelation 18:7:

“Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.'”


Key Points:

– She claims not to be a widow because she believes she’s married to God

– In reality, she is married to Satan, though she either doesn’t know this or rejects this truth

– Satan is the one who destroyed the nations



Revelation 18 has been fulfilled on a small scale:

– Mr. Tak is no longer present

– The Stewardship Education Center has ceased to exist

– Both were judged and have disappeared



Mr. Tak serves as a representative figure, demonstrating what will happen to all of Babylon. His judgment is a small-scale representation of the larger judgment to come upon all of Babylon.


Large Scale: All of Babylon represents all of the churches of the world.

Revelation 18 speaks about the judgment that is yet to take place upon all of Babylon – which refers to all the churches of the world. These churches will be judged for misleading people and forcing them to drink the maddening wine of adulteries. The people, trusting these churches without knowing better, are drinking these things, which makes God unhappy.

Who will do this judgment?

God will judge with fire. 

We should not want to be in Babylon when this judgment takes place because when God judges, He finishes completely. We have already seen a taste of this divine judgment during the great tribulation. Therefore, we must ensure we are not among those who remain in Babylon when this judgment occurs.

Revelation 18:9-14

Revelation 18:9-13,15-19 NIV84

“When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her. [10] Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: ” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!’ [11] “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more— [12] cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; [13] cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men. [15] The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn [16] and cry out: ” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls! [17] In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’ “Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. [18] When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city ?’ [19] They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: ” ‘Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!

Let’s understand what we’ve read, now that we comprehend the parables and are receiving actual reality.

Revelation 18 discusses the fall of Babylon. In Revelation 18:9, it states: “The kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared in her luxuries see the smoke of her burning.” They witness the prostitute and the kingdom of Babylon ablaze, and they respond by lamenting, “Woe! Woe, oh great city of Babylon!” They cry out for their nation as all its wealth and treasures vanish.


1.- No One Buys: No One Accepts Anymore

Who are these lamenting kings, and what are they lamenting over?

Babylon’s pastors and evangelists are the ones lamenting. Revelation 18:11 explains why: “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargo anymore.”

What does “no one buys” mean?

“No one buys” means no one accepts their doctrines anymore, no one accepts their words anymore. This relates to Isaiah 53:1-3, where God says to come and eat and drink without costs.

We’ve been using this terminology casually in our language – when someone says “I don’t buy it,” they mean “I don’t believe it” or “I don’t accept it.” This comes from the Bible spiritually, meaning that no one accepts their teachings anymore. When Babylon is judged, it is exposed, and people realize that Satan is working there. When people realize where Satan is, they will leave him because no one will voluntarily follow Satan when they desire to be with God. People follow Satan because they do not know. When God judges, He will make known Satan’s dwelling place, and people will come out – not just 144,000 or 100,000 a year, but a great multitude that no one can count. That will be a beautiful time.

The text then mentions various cargos: fine linen, purple, scarlet, citron wood, articles of all kinds, wood, bronze, iron, and marble. This is similar to Daniel 4 and Daniel 2, which describe the statue made of many different things.


2.- Cargo: Doctrines, ecclesiastical Laws, Commentaries.

The cargo represents things that no one will buy anymore. These include doctrines, ecclesiastical laws, commentaries, and even organizational leaders. Their great city will experience a devastating crash as it is set ablaze.

Several groups of people connected to the sea: the ship people, sea captains, sailors, those who travel by ship, and those who make their living from the sea – which represents Satan’s world.

Jesus gave a similar judgment to the Pharisees and Sadducees in Matthew 23:15, saying “You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.” These people are doing something similar, and when their scheme is exposed, they lament and cry.

As referenced in Daniel 7:3,17, the Sea represents Satan’s World.

Revelation 18:20-24

Revelation 18:20-24 NIV84

Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you.’ ” [21] Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: “With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again. [22] The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again. [23] The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. [24] In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth.”

ONE – Heaven, saints: Spirits of God’s kingdom

According to Revelation 18:20, when the judgment is concluded, heaven begins to celebrate: “Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints, apostles, and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you.” The spirits of heaven and God’s kingdom celebrate because Babylon has finally been judged for the last time. Glory to God, as Satan’s kingdom comes to an end.

God judges not only the physical realm but also the spiritual realm. This is significant because none of us in this time killed any prophets or apostles of the past – we weren’t around.

TWO – God judges evil spirits

God must judge the evil spirits. These are the same evil spirits of Babylon who killed Abel, the prophets, and the apostles.

THREE – Milestone into sea: Babylon disappears

God takes a giant milestone (a massive rock often used for construction and anchoring) and throws it into the sea. This represents how Babylon disappears and exists no more.

FOUR – Instruments: Commentaries no more

The instruments played in Babylon, even at the wedding banquet of Babylon, disappear. The music, instruments, commentaries, and false doctrines of Babylon are snuffed out, and no one sings those tunes anymore.

FIVE – Bridegroom and Bride: Satan, Evil Spirits

In Revelation 18:23, it states “the light of a lamp will never shine in you again, the voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again.”

This reveals that Babylon also has its own bridegroom and bride. The bridegroom of Babylon is Satan, and the evil spirits are with him. Their desire is to marry as many of God’s people as possible and prevent them from attending the wedding banquet of the Lamb.

As for the brides of Babylon, while we do not know who they are specifically, they are those who are realizing that the words they thought were true are not.

When the cargo is destroyed, the city is destroyed, and the spirits are judged, it will be a beautiful time. What should these people do when this happens? They should come out from this wedding banquet – this bad wedding banquet.

This represents Satan’s wedding with his bridegroom and bride, and we don’t want to be a part of it. We were before on the guest list in this place.

Oh thank goodness, thank you Lord for extracting me quickly – we should all also come out too.


Revelation 18:23 

Please continue studying for the third and final Revelation test.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


A Detailed Examination of Revelation 18 and its Connection to Revelation 19



  • This section establishes the connection between Revelation 18 and 19, emphasizing their contrasting depictions of marriage with Satan and marriage with Jesus, respectively.
  • It also recaps the relationship between Revelation 16, 17, and 18, highlighting their simultaneous occurrence during the seven-year period of the 7 bowls of wrath.

Key Points between Revelation 16, 17, and 18:

  • Point One: Revelation 17 and the Time Period of 7 Bowls (4-6): This section emphasizes that Revelation 17 and parts of 18 unfold during the outpouring of bowls 4-6 in Revelation 16.
  • Point Two: Revelation 16-18 Occur Simultaneously: This point clarifies that chapters 16, 17, and parts of 18 unfold concurrently within the seven-year period of the 7 bowls.
  • Point Three: Revelation 18’s Small Scale Fulfillment (SEC Shown as False): This section explains that Revelation 18 has a two-fold fulfillment, with the smaller scale involving the judgment of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) and its leader, Mr. Tak.
  • Point Four: Revelation 18’s Large Scale (All of Babylon – Christian World) Yet to be Fulfilled: This point highlights that the larger scale fulfillment of Revelation 18, involving the judgment of all of Babylon (symbolizing the Christian world), is yet to occur.

Revelation 18:1-3: The Fall of Babylon and Satan’s Influence:

  • Point One: “After this” refers to the events following the Judgment of the Prostitute: This section analyzes the phrase “after this” and its significance in the context of Revelation 18:1.
  • Point Two: Babylon: Churches (Christian World): This section interprets Babylon as a conglomerate of churches (the Christian world), highlighting its corruption and role as a dwelling place for demonic forces.
  • Those who profit: This section critiques pastors and evangelists (kings and merchants) who profit from selling God’s word instead of offering it freely.
  • Taking Teachings from many places, mixing them: This section warns against mixing incompatible teachings from various sources, likening it to the dangers of mixing different types of alcohol.
  • The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: This section draws parallels between the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Genesis and the false teachings found in Babylon, highlighting the consequences of consuming them.
  • Commentaries: This section condemns commentaries and study Bibles as fruits of the false vine, urging readers to seek pure word Bibles.

Revelation 18:4-8: The Call to Come Out and the Two-Scale Judgment:

  • Point One: Come Out My People: Believers born of God’s seed: This section interprets the call to “Come out of her, my people” as a spiritual exodus from Babylon for believers, emphasizing the ongoing harvest of God’s people.
  • Point Two: Judgment of Babylon at 2 Scales: This section analyzes the two scales of Babylon’s judgment, starting with the smaller scale that targeted Mr. Tak and the SEC.
  • Small Scale:
  • 1. Receiving Plagues: Judgment: This point describes the judgment of Mr. Tak and SEC through plagues, fulfilling the prophecy of double payback for their actions.
  • 2. Her (The Prostitute): Mr. Tak and his organization (SEC): This point identifies Mr. Tak and the SEC as the targets of the smaller scale judgment.
  • Mr. Tak’s Position: This section examines Mr. Tak’s belief that he remains aligned with God despite his false teachings.
  • Key Points: This section summarizes key points about Mr. Tak’s position and the reality of his connection to Satan.
  • Fulfillment: This point confirms the small-scale fulfillment of Revelation 18 through the disappearance of Mr. Tak and the SEC.
  • Significance: This point emphasizes Mr. Tak’s judgment as a premonition of the larger judgment awaiting all of Babylon.
  • Large Scale: All of Babylon represents all of the churches of the world:
  • This section predicts the future judgment of all churches for misleading people with false teachings, highlighting God’s role as the ultimate judge.

Revelation 18:9-14: Lamentation of the Kings and Merchants:

  • This section describes the lamentation of the kings (pastors) and merchants (evangelists) over the fall of Babylon and the rejection of their teachings.
  • 1. No One Buys: No One Accepts Anymore: This point explains that the phrase “no one buys” signifies the rejection of false doctrines and teachings by the people.
  • 2. Cargo: Doctrines, ecclesiastical Laws, Commentaries: This point identifies the cargo as symbolic of false doctrines, laws, commentaries, and organizational structures, highlighting their eventual destruction.

Revelation 18:20-24: Heavenly Rejoicing and the Disappearance of Babylon:

  • ONE – Heaven, saints: Spirits of God’s kingdom: This section describes the celebration in heaven over Babylon’s judgment, emphasizing the joy of the spirits of God’s kingdom.
  • TWO – God judges evil spirits: This point highlights God’s judgment on the evil spirits responsible for the deaths of prophets, apostles, and others throughout history.
  • THREE – Milestone into sea: Babylon disappears: This section interprets the throwing of a milestone into the sea as a symbolic representation of Babylon’s complete and utter disappearance.
  • FOUR – Instruments: Commentaries no more: This point emphasizes the silencing of the false music and doctrines of Babylon, signifying the end of their influence.
  • FIVE – Bridegroom and Bride: Satan, Evil Spirits: This section identifies Satan as the bridegroom and evil spirits as his bride in the context of Babylon, highlighting their desire to deceive and trap God’s people.


This final section reiterates the call to come out of Babylon and avoid participating in Satan’s wedding banquet, encouraging continued study of Revelation in preparation for the final test.

A Study Guide

Revelation 18: Marriage with Satan and the Destruction of Nations Study Guide

Short Answer Questions

  1. Explain the connection between Revelation chapters 18 and 19.
  2. What is the “small scale” fulfillment of Revelation 18?
  3. What does the phrase “Come out of her, my people” mean in Revelation 18:4?
  4. How is the judgment of Babylon depicted on both small and large scales?
  5. Explain the significance of the statement “no one buys their cargo anymore” in Revelation 18:11.
  6. What do the various “cargos” mentioned in Revelation 18:12-13 represent?
  7. Why do the kings of the earth weep and mourn over Babylon’s destruction?
  8. Who are the “bridegroom and bride” of Babylon mentioned in Revelation 18:23?
  9. What is the significance of the milestone being thrown into the sea in Revelation 18:21?
  10. How does Revelation 18:24 explain the reason for God’s judgment on Babylon?

Answer Key

  1. Revelation 18 and 19 present a contrasting view of two marriages. Chapter 18 depicts the marriage with Satan, responsible for destroying nations, while Chapter 19 showcases the marriage with Jesus.
  2. The “small scale” fulfillment of Revelation 18 refers to the judgment of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) and its leader, Mr. Tak, who represent a false prophet and organization.
  3. “Come out of her, my people” is a call from God to His true believers who are still within the spiritual Babylon (the corrupted Christian world) to separate themselves from its false teachings and impending judgment.
  4. The small-scale judgment is the downfall of the SEC and Mr. Tak, mirroring the larger judgment awaiting the entire corrupted Christian world. This demonstrates God’s pattern of judgment and the consequences of following false teachings.
  5. “No one buys their cargo anymore” signifies the rejection of false doctrines and teachings propagated by the corrupted church leaders. People recognize the deception and refuse to accept their messages any longer.
  6. The “cargos” symbolize the false doctrines, ecclesiastical laws, commentaries, and leadership structures of the corrupted church system. These hold no value in God’s eyes and are ultimately rejected by those seeking truth.
  7. The kings of the earth, representing the corrupt pastors and evangelists, weep and mourn because their power and influence, built on false teachings and exploitation, are crumbling. They lament the loss of their followers and the exposure of their deception.
  8. The “bridegroom” of Babylon is Satan, while the “bride” represents those deceived by him, clinging to false teachings and ultimately facing judgment. This unholy union stands in stark contrast to the pure union of Christ and His bride, the true Church.
  9. The milestone thrown into the sea symbolizes the complete and utter destruction of Babylon, leaving no trace of its existence. It highlights the finality and severity of God’s judgment upon this corrupted system.
  10. Revelation 18:24 reveals that Babylon is guilty of the blood of prophets, saints, and all those killed on earth. This points to the spiritual influence of Babylon’s deception, leading to persecution and death throughout history, making it deserving of God’s wrath.

Essay Questions

  1. Analyze the symbolic language used in Revelation 18 to describe Babylon, its fall, and its impact on the world. How does this imagery contribute to the overall message of the chapter?
  2. Discuss the concept of “spiritual adultery” as presented in Revelation 18. What are the implications of this metaphor for understanding the relationship between the true Church and the corrupted “Babylonian” system?
  3. Explore the contrast between the marriage with Satan in Revelation 18 and the marriage with Jesus in Revelation 19. How does this juxtaposition contribute to the overall narrative arc of Revelation?
  4. Analyze the call to “come out of her, my people” in Revelation 18:4. What does this command imply about the nature of Christian discipleship and the importance of separating from false teachings?
  5. Discuss the significance of the rejoicing in heaven described in Revelation 18:20. How does this response to Babylon’s judgment contribute to the understanding of God’s justice and the ultimate triumph of good over evil?

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Babylon: Symbolic representation of the corrupted Christian world, filled with false teachings and under Satan’s influence.
  • Prostitute: Metaphor for the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) and its leader, Mr. Tak, representing false prophecy and a corrupt religious system.
  • Kings of the Earth: Pastors and evangelists within the corrupted church system who profit from false teachings and lead people astray.
  • Merchants of the Earth: Evangelists and those who peddle false doctrines for personal gain, exploiting the faith of others.
  • Cargo: False doctrines, ecclesiastical laws, commentaries, and leadership structures propagated by the corrupt church system.
  • Sea: Symbolic representation of Satan’s world and the realm of chaos and deception.
  • Bridegroom and Bride of Babylon: Satan and those deceived by his lies, representing a counterfeit union opposing the true marriage of Christ and His Church.
  • Milestone: Symbolic representation of God’s complete and utter judgment upon Babylon, signifying its total destruction and disappearance.
  • Come out of her, my people: Divine call for true believers to separate themselves from the corrupted Christian world and its false teachings.
  • Rejoice over her, O heaven: Celebration in the spiritual realm upon the destruction of Babylon, signifying the triumph of God’s justice and the end of spiritual deception.


imeline of Events in “Rev 18: The Marriage with Satan Who Destroyed the Nations”

This lesson does not present a chronological timeline of events. Instead, it offers a theological interpretation of Revelation 18, focusing on the symbolic meaning of Babylon and its judgment.

However, based on the lesson, we can discern a broad sequence of events:

1. The Rise of Babylon:

  • The Christian world, represented as Babylon, becomes corrupted, mixing teachings and straying from God’s word.
  • This corruption is likened to a “maddening wine” that intoxicates nations and their leaders, symbolized as kings.

2. Judgment of the Prostitute (Small-Scale Fulfillment):

  • Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) are judged as a representation of the prostitute from Revelation 17.
  • This judgment is a foreshadowing of the larger judgment to come upon all of Babylon.

3. Judgment of Babylon (Large-Scale Fulfillment – Yet to Come):

  • God calls His people to “come out” of Babylon before its final judgment.
  • Babylon is destroyed by fire, symbolized by a millstone thrown into the sea.
  • The destruction signifies the end of false teachings, doctrines, and the influence of Satan within the Christian world.

4. Rejoicing in Heaven:

  • Heaven, including saints, apostles, and prophets, rejoices over the downfall of Babylon.
  • This signifies the victory of God’s kingdom over the forces of evil.

Cast of Characters:

1. God: The ultimate authority who judges Babylon and delivers His people.

2. Satan: The bridegroom of Babylon, symbolizing the force of evil working within the corrupted Christian world. He is ultimately judged and defeated.

3. Mr. Tak: Represents the “prostitute” from Revelation 17. He and his organization (SEC) are judged as a prefigurement of the larger judgment to come upon Babylon.

4. The Stewardship Education Center (SEC): Mr. Tak’s organization, symbolizing a corrupted element within the Christian world that faces judgment.

5. Kings of the Earth: Represent pastors and leaders within the corrupted Christian world who lament the destruction of Babylon.

6. Merchants of the Earth: Represent evangelists and those who profit from the false teachings and doctrines of Babylon.

7. Saints, Apostles, and Prophets: Those who are faithful to God and rejoice over the judgment of Babylon.

8. God’s People: Believers who are called to “come out” of Babylon before its destruction.

9. Brides of Babylon: Unidentified individuals or groups who are deceived by and aligned with the corrupted system of Babylon.

10. Inhabitants of the Sea: Represent those aligned with Satan’s world who also lament the destruction of Babylon due to their own interests.

This cast of characters highlights the theological interpretation presented in the lesson, where individuals and groups represent broader spiritual forces and concepts.


Briefing Doc: The Marriage with Satan and the Fall of Babylon


Main Themes:

  • The Fall of Babylon: The lesson interprets Revelation 18 as a prophecy of the destruction of Babylon, symbolizing the corrupt Christian world.
  • The Marriage with Satan: Babylon is depicted as being in a metaphorical marriage with Satan, who has deceived and led astray the nations.
  • Judgment and Purification: God will judge Babylon, exposing its corruption and liberating His true followers.
  • Call to Separation: Believers are urged to “Come out of her, my people,” separating themselves from Babylon’s false teachings and corrupt practices.

Most Important Ideas/Facts:

  1. Babylon as the Christian World: The lesson interprets Babylon allegorically, not as a literal city, but as representing the multitude of churches and denominations within the Christian world. This interpretation is based on the imagery of Babylon as a conglomerate of nations in Daniel 2.

“Therefore, Babylon should be understood as a conglomeration of many nations – a kingdom of many nations that are loosely united and easily broken apart due to their differences… What summarizes all these places in one word? Churches.”

  1. Corruption and False Teachings: Babylon is accused of being filled with “demons” and “evil spirits,” symbolizing false teachings and corrupt practices that have infiltrated the church. The source condemns the “merchants” of Babylon, representing pastors and evangelists who profit from selling God’s word and promoting man-made doctrines.

“The kings and merchants mentioned represent specific roles – kings represent pastors, while merchants represent evangelists. These are the ones who make their living by selling the merchandise of Babylon.”

  1. Judgment on Two Scales: The lesson argues that the judgment of Babylon has already manifested on a smaller scale with the fall of a specific individual and his organization (Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center). This serves as a foreshadowing of the larger-scale judgment awaiting the entire Christian world.

“Revelation 18 has been fulfilled on a small scale: – Mr. Tak is no longer present – The Stewardship Education Center has ceased to exist – Both were judged and have disappeared”

  1. Rejection of Commentaries and Study Bibles: The lesson strongly criticizes the use of commentaries and study Bibles, viewing them as sources of human interpretation that distort the pure word of God. Believers are urged to rely solely on the Bible without external interpretations.

“I pray that no one continues to use study Bibles today. Instead, please obtain a pure word Bible without man’s thoughts placed alongside God’s words.”

  1. The Bridegroom and Bride of Babylon: The lesson identifies Satan as the bridegroom of Babylon and evil spirits as his bride. This represents the unholy union of those who follow Satan and embrace his deceptions. True believers are called to separate themselves from this spiritual adulterous relationship.

“This reveals that Babylon also has its own bridegroom and bride. The bridegroom of Babylon is Satan, and the evil spirits are with him. Their desire is to marry as many of God’s people as possible and prevent them from attending the wedding banquet of the Lamb.”

Key Quotes:

  • “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).
  • “Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.'” (Revelation 18:7).
  • “Rejoice over her, O heaven! Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you” (Revelation 18:20).

Overall Message:

The source presents a dire warning about the state of the Christian world, alleging widespread corruption and apostasy. It calls for believers to separate from false teachings and corrupt institutions, clinging to the pure word of God and anticipating the ultimate judgment of Babylon. The lesson uses vivid imagery and strong language to convey a sense of urgency and the need for spiritual vigilance.



1. What is the main theme of Revelation 18?

Revelation 18 focuses on the judgment of “Babylon,” which is interpreted in this source as the corrupt Christian world, specifically churches and their leaders who have strayed from the true gospel. This judgment occurs on two scales: a smaller scale that has already been fulfilled and a larger scale that is yet to come.

2. What does the phrase “Come out of her, my people” mean in Revelation 18:4?

This verse is a call for God’s true believers to separate themselves from the corrupt churches and teachings of Babylon. It is a spiritual call to leave the false teachings and practices of the Christian world and align oneself with God’s true word.

3. How is the judgment of Babylon described in Revelation 18?

Babylon’s judgment is depicted in vivid imagery, involving fire, destruction, and the cessation of all its activities. The “kings and merchants” (pastors and evangelists) who profited from Babylon’s false teachings will weep and mourn as their influence vanishes. The judgment is a complete and utter downfall of this corrupt system.

4. What does the “cargo” represent in Revelation 18:11-13?

The “cargo” symbolizes the false doctrines, ecclesiastical laws, commentaries, and teachings that the corrupt churches have been selling to the people. These things will no longer be accepted or believed once Babylon is exposed and judged.

5. Who are the “bridegroom and bride” of Babylon mentioned in Revelation 18:23?

The “bridegroom” is interpreted as Satan himself, while the “bride” remains less defined but symbolizes those who have been deceived by the false teachings and practices of Babylon. This imagery highlights the spiritual adultery that has taken place within the Christian world.

6. What is the significance of the millstone thrown into the sea in Revelation 18:21?

The millstone symbolizes the complete and utter disappearance of Babylon. Just as a heavy stone sinks without a trace, so will Babylon be destroyed and forgotten. This signifies the finality of God’s judgment.

7. How does the source interpret the statement that Babylon has the “blood of prophets and saints” in Revelation 18:24?

The source argues that this refers not to the literal blood of those martyred in the past, but to the responsibility that the evil spirits influencing Babylon bear for their deaths. God will judge these evil spirits for their role in persecuting and killing those who remained faithful to Him throughout history.

8. What is the overall message of hope found in Revelation 18?

While Revelation 18 paints a grim picture of judgment, it also offers hope. The destruction of Babylon signals the end of Satan’s influence within the Christian world. God’s true believers are called to separate themselves from this corruption and await the final victory of God’s kingdom.

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