Table of Contents
The 7 bowls represent 7 appointed workers from the Tabernacle of the Testimony who witnessed the betrayal and destruction. The bowls being poured out signify them testifying and revealing judgments on the betrayers (congregation of the old Tabernacle Temple) and the destroyers (Stewardship Education Center/Babylon). Specific symbolism includes: 1st bowl – sores represent the wound of the heart from realizing their betrayal, 2nd bowl – sea turning to blood means doctrines of destroyers exposed as lies, 3rd bowl – rivers/springs turning to blood judges false evangelists/pastors, 4th bowl – scorching sun is the false pastor (Mr. Tak) persecuting believers, 5th bowl – beast’s kingdom in darkness means destroyers’ lies fully exposed, 6th bowl – dried Euphrates river opens the way for God’s kingdom (144,000 kings/priests), 7th bowl – great earthquake/hailstones bring judgment/wrath on Babylon (SEC). The 7 bowls parallel the trumpet judgments, executing judgments on the same entities affected by the previous destruction. Key figures are the one who overcomes/New John as the 7th bowl/Promised Pastor, and the 144,000 kings/priests as the remnant seed that becomes God’s royal priesthood. The central message is the judgment and exposure of the betrayers and destroyers through the overcomers’ testimony, making way for God’s true kingdom.
Reflection on Persecution
Being part of God’s Kingdom requires tremendous courage because we must carefully consider our actions. What we are doing now isn’t familiar to most people. Although this has been happening and continuing, we were unaware of it before, simply living our lives of faith as we thought appropriate. As it was in the times of Noah and Lot, people were carrying on with their regular lives – drinking, marrying, and so forth.
However, God saw something special in you and called you to be part of His kingdom. Since you are walking this path, and as the Bible describes it as a narrow road, what will you encounter on your journey to the kingdom of heaven? Persecution.
Who will be used to persecute and put you on trial?
– Family
– Friends
– Strangers
– Close personal people
Are these trials strange or promised? They are promised. Amen.
Because you are doing something different from the world and becoming someone who is no longer part of it, the world will hate you and try to stop you at every opportunity. We must be determined not to let our fear prevent us from getting closer to God. In the end, God will acknowledge those who stand firm.
These people will prove themselves to be the true overcomers, the true victors. If we encounter hardships and give up because we feel it’s too much to bear, have we won or lost? We lost.
The only way we can truly win against the enemy is to continue pushing forward, even when:
– It gets hard
– We feel we have nowhere else to go
– We’re between a rock and a hard place
Why are we able to push forward? Because our strength doesn’t come from ourselves – it comes from God.
And God is the word. Therefore, the more of the word you have, the more of God you have. With God with you, you can withstand persecution.
You can withstand hardships. In these last days, we cannot be those who cower because of circumstances around us, regardless of who is involved. For many of you, you are the only one in your family who has this sword.
You alone in your family know the path to heaven. If you cannot overcome, what chance remains for your family members? What chance exists for your friends and those connected to you? None – there is no chance.
You are very, very special because you were called to be that light, to be that lifeline for those connected to you. The enemy knows this, which is why he will try even harder to hinder your journey.
But we must persevere. We need faith that recognizes God is with us and we can succeed. As the saying goes, “I can do all things through Christ.”
These are not mere words – they are our lifeline. We must believe every word in the Bible is truly our lifeline and have complete faith in it.
We must also be obedient, even if it means hindering those around us, upsetting them, or disappointing them. In the end, God will reward you for standing firm. Moreover, God will use you to help even those who persecuted you.
So let’s be true peacemakers. Amen.
Let’s be true peacemakers – but to reach that point, we must first overcome.
Rev 16: The Seven Bowls of Wrath
Today’s lesson focuses on how God utilized those who overcame, and we pray that like them, we can become the reality of overcomers to enter God’s kingdom.
In Revelation chapter 15, we learned about the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony – the place where all nations must come to worship.
The establishment of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony came after the betrayal and destruction. It was established through the remnant seeds – those who overcame the beast, his image, and the number of his name. These overcomers became one with the overcomer and were able to establish this kingdom.
Because they witnessed everything from the beginning, including the betrayal and destruction, they became God’s workers who could testify about what happened. These people have the word in their hearts, and because of this, they can be likened to Bowls.
Today, we will learn about these bowls that were filled with the wrath of God.
So this is a picture summary of Revelation chapter 16.
When we examine the 7 bowls mentioned in Revelation chapter 16, some people interpret these bowls as literal representations of modern warfare, such as nuclear bombs or atomic weapons that will be released during the second coming. However, this interpretation is not accurate.
What is the true meaning of a bowl in this context? A bowl represents a person.
Evidence from Scripture:
Acts 9:15 provides clear evidence of how a bowl symbolizes a person. In this verse, Paul becomes God’s chosen instrument and vessel. Therefore, when we encounter references to instruments, bowls, or containers in Scripture, we should understand them as representing people.
It is a Tool that holds Food
The bowl represents a tool that holds food, and food symbolizes the word of God. The word should be contained in a person’s heart.
There are 2 types of food and 2 types of bowls to consider. We must ensure we are the proper bowl – one that belongs to God, not Satan.
If we find ourselves as Satan’s bowl, we must empty it out and fill it with God’s food.
Only then can we become a proper vessel useful to God. Eventually, the bowl will be weighed on the scale. When this happens, if the bowl is full of Satan’s teaching, it will be light. Even if in our eyes we think we have much teaching and understanding, if it’s not God’s word, it amounts to nothing.
We must always keep in mind the coming judgment, where God will weigh our hearts to see if we have the proper knowledge and deeds. Amen.
– The bowl of our heart needs to be filled with God’s food
– When filled with God’s food, we can become appointed workers who can do God’s will
This connects to what we will see in Revelation chapter 16, where the 7 bowls come from the Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony (TTT).
Revelation 15:5-7 NIV84 After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of the Testimony, was opened. [6] Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues. They were dressed in clean, shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests. [7] Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God, who lives for ever and ever. The HWPL, The Work of Peace The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony became a gathering place during an event called the Warp Summit. This summit brought people from around the world to learn about the work of peace. In our previous discussion, we learned about HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light), which is God’s organization. When someone becomes like a proper bowl filled with the word, they can participate in this work of peace. Therefore, we all have the opportunity to become part of this organization. It’s important to understand that the work of peace isn’t limited to believers only. Everyone in the world, regardless of their background – whether they are atheists or Muslims – can become part of HWPL because they share the common desire for world peace. While everyone who belongs to God’s kingdom is part of HWPL, not everyone who is part of HWPL belongs to God’s kingdom. HWPL is an inclusive peace organization open to everybody. However, those who are part of God’s kingdom have a unique position because they know how to bring true peace through their connection with God and Jesus. The 7 Angels Here is the text restructured while preserving the original vocabulary and meaning: From Revelation 15:6, 7 angels came out of the Temple – specifically the Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony (TTT). These 7 angels were given seven bowls, which they would pour out on the sea and the land. The sea represents the Stewardship Education Center (SEC). Those who did the work of destruction – Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh, along with the 17 evangelists, 7 heads, and 10 elders who belong to them – all represent the sea. This includes those who betray. The 7 stars and the 7 golden lamps will also face judgment because the 2 of them have become one man. When one betrays, they get destroyed. Those who destroy will also be judged by God. The saints from the tabernacle who were part of the first covenant saw the mouth of the beast and worshipped him. As a result, they are judged along with the beast when the seven golden bowls are poured out. Because they became one, the judgment is poured out on all of them (the Tabernacle Temple’s congregation members). Never Betray God We must always remind ourselves to never betray. When we leave the word, it is betrayal, and leaving God means sentencing ourselves to death. This is why we must stay close to the word. We should think that we can never get close enough to the word – we need to get even closer. By doing so, God can acknowledge us. Amen. The Graduation, get closer to the Fulfillment The fulfillment draws closer through participating in this year’s graduation ceremony. When asked who wants to attend in person, many expressed interest, including myself – I will be there. I sincerely pray to see you there. If you’re concerned about attending, please discuss your situation with your evangelist to explore possible arrangements. For those unable to attend physically, online participation will be available. However, let’s maintain the mindset of wanting to be there in person. Earlier this year, we had an opportunity to travel to the country of the one overcome to celebrate Founders Day, which is commemorated on March 14, 1984. We were invited to participate in the Founders Day celebration in March in the country of the one overcome. A Story to Reflect I really wanted to go, but work commitments and financial concerns held me back. When I received the last-minute invitation to go and bring light to the world, I was hesitant due to the cost, timing, and unfamiliarity with the language and people. After discussing with my evangelist, the head of the department, and others, we found ways to make it possible. I purchased my ticket at the very last minute, but this led to complications. I accidentally bought a ticket for the wrong plane and had to switch it. Additionally, I ended up on a different flight than my group, which meant traveling alone to an unfamiliar country. I was scared, to be honest. However, I convinced myself it was worth it and that God would make it work. I arranged time off with my boss and ensured my work responsibilities would be covered by colleagues. Despite having a longer flight route than necessary due to the plane changes, I remained determined to go. I realized that going demonstrated my desire to be part of that number and to be a priest – someone who wants to be as close to God as possible and do whatever it takes. By God’s grace, even though I arrived later than my friends, they waited for me. We found each other and were able to witness the foundation day live in person. It was truly an amazing experience. Walking the same path as the one who is chosen today was significant. Many people today go to Israel to see the work of the first coming, but we are living in a time when second coming events are being fulfilled. Therefore, shouldn’t we also go there to see for ourselves and walk the same path? Yes, if we can, we should. Amen. When we simply believe that God will make a way, without focusing on our circumstances, and work through whatever problems we face while trusting in God, we demonstrate our true faith. God doesn’t typically give us advance warnings. Sometimes He just says “move,” and when He does, we must act immediately. This is God’s style – the style of heaven moves very quickly. Things can change in a matter of seconds. We must maintain a heart that acknowledges our thoughts are not God’s thoughts – we must remember that God’s ways are higher than our own. While situations may appear unplanned to us, in God’s eyes, everything is orchestrated. God is constantly working behind the scenes to ensure all things work together well. I pray that you won’t feel anxious or worried about circumstances. Instead, step out in faith, so you can witness everything unfold with your own eyes. Let us be obedient to where God wants us to be and what He wants us to do. Amen. Revelation contains 3 sets of plagues: 1.- 7 Seals These 7 bowls are not literal bowls, but rather represent people. When these bowls are poured out, it signifies judgment upon the betrayers and destroyers. This is the fulfillment of Revelation 10:2, where an angel stands with his right foot on the sea and left foot on the land, holding an open scroll, showing the New John how to judge those who destroy and betray. The actual fulfillment occurs in Revelation chapter 16. The bowls originated from the TTT, who witnessed all events of betrayal and destruction. This period of judgment they carry out lasts 7 years. This connects to God’s promise in Revelation 18:6 to pay Babylon back double for destroying His people. It also relates to Revelation 13:10, which states that those who kill with the sword will be killed with the sword – in this case, the sword represents the word. In Revelation 6:9-11, we see the souls of martyrs under the altar crying out, “How long, sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you avenge our blood and judge the inhabitants of the earth?” God carried out this judgment against the destroyers who had Satan’s spirit working through them. By judging the flesh, the spirit within them was also being judged. Revelation chapters 16, 17, and 18 show God avenging the martyrs’ blood. These three chapters are interconnected: – Chapter 16 shows the judgment being carried out – Chapter 17 details the judgment of the prostitute (Mr. Tak) – Chapter 18 describes the judgment of her kingdom (Babylon) and its destruction Regarding Revelation chapter 16, there is an important connection to Revelation chapters 8 and 9. In Revelation chapters 8 and 9, there were 6 trumpets that sounded. These 6 trumpets revealed the destruction of the chosen people, occurring one-third at a time. In Revelation chapter 16, God executes His judgment on the destroyers and those who betrayed and joined with them, following the same exact order as the destruction that occurred in chapters 8 and 9. Let us examine this parallel pattern in the 6 trumpets from chapters 8 and 9. 1.- First Trumpet and Bowl: Both were poured upon the earth and the land, showing parallel judgments. 2.- Second Trumpet and Bowl: When the trumpet sounded and the bowl was poured, both judgments affected the sea. 2.- Third Trumpet and Bowl: These judgments targeted the rivers and springs. They affected two groups: – Those who belonged to God but betrayed Him – Those who belonged to Satan and carried out destruction 4.- Fourth Trumpet and Bowl: – Trumpet: Involved the sun, moon, and stars – Bowl: Specifically focused on judgment of the sun 5.- Fifth Trumpet and Bowl: – Trumpet: Revealed the abyss and the beast emerging from it – Bowl: Brought judgment upon the beast 6.- Sixth Trumpet and Bowl: – Trumpet: Showed events at the river Euphrates when four angels emerged – Bowl: Judgment was poured on the same river Euphrates – During this time, people unfortunately received the mark of the beast This overview covers Revelation chapter 16 and its key points, with more detailed examination of each bowl judgment to follow. Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.” [2] The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The witness in Revelation is New John, who sees and hears these events. He is not just observing, but witnessing as Jesus fulfils these prophecies, enabling him to testify about what he sees. In Revelation 16:1-2, the events of the first bowl unfold. When this bowl is poured out upon the earth, it results in ugly and painful sores appearing on people. A loud voice from the temple instructs the seven angels. – It is the TTT (Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony) – The act of “pouring out” represents Testifying This loud voice originates from the Temple where the angels received their bowls. As confirmed in Revelation 5:5-7, this specifically refers to the Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony (TTT). Revelation 15:5-7 NIV84 After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of the Testimony, was opened. [6] Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues. They were dressed in clean, shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests. [7] Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God, who lives for ever and ever. Chapter 15 begins with “after this,” describing a vision of heaven where the temple, which is the tabernacle of testimony, was opened. From this temple came seven angels carrying the seven plagues. These angels were dressed in clean, bright linen with golden sashes wrapped around their chests. These same angels appear in chapter 16, where they pour out the bowls that were given to them. This is confirmed when a loud voice from the temple in heaven commands these 7 angels to “go pour out” the bowls. To understand this better: 1.- The temple mentioned is not the TT, but rather the TTT The testimony will be poured out about what they have seen and heard. This pouring occurs on the earth, but specifically refers to the congregation members of the Tablernacle Temple (TT) who betrayed those who united with the Gentiles. In reality, their lies and actions are being revealed to everyone. This is happening because they have received the mark of the beast as described in Revelation chapter 13. The order of fulfillment follows this sequence: – First: Revelation chapter 13 – Second: Revelation chapter 12 – Third: Revelation chapter 15 – Fourth: Revelation chapter 16 The 7 bowls that are being poured out represent the 7 appointed workers. These workers come from the TTT, who are also known as the overcomers. To be specific, there are 7 appointed workers from the TTT. Overcomers: New John and his brothers (Revelation 12,15) These individuals are the witnesses who have seen everything unfold. Because of their complete witness, they now have the ability to testify. Their victory is documented in Revelation chapter 12, which led to their subsequent position standing by the sea of glass, as described in Revelation chapter 15. When examining what happened after the bowl was poured out, we observe that “ugly and painful sores broke out under people.” This imagery bears a striking similarity to the fatal wound of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13. These ugly and painful sores actually represent a wound of the heart. The reason for this heart wound is that people are beginning to realize what they have done – accepting Satan’s teachings – and now find themselves unable to escape from it. This realization causes them to experience what is described as “ugly and painful sores.” This parallel can be drawn to the time of Exodus. During Moses’ time, one of the plagues inflicted upon the people was boils, which is documented in Exodus 9:8-11. This current manifestation appears in a spiritual form, yet maintains the same symbolic significance. It’s important to note that the judgments described in Revelation chapter 16 share many similarities with the plagues that occurred during Moses’ time. The spiritual affliction of sores represents the internal suffering of those who come to understand their misguided choices. Revelation 16:3 NIV84 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died. The second bowl being poured out caused the sea to turn into blood. This event bears similarity to what occurred in Exodus when the Nile River was turned into blood. When considering the sea turning into blood at the second coming, we must understand its figurative meaning. This event is not literally occurring worldwide, but rather refers to a specific location – the Stewardship Education Center. This interpretation connects the sea to the world or the destroyers, but is focused on a particular place (small scale) rather than a global occurrence (big scale). When the bowl was poured out and the testimony was given, we observe what happened to the living things, specifically those in the sea. Every living thing in the sea died. These living things in the sea, if we think about fish – fish represents people. These living things symbolize the believers of the world and the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple (TT). They are dying because they no longer belong to God, but instead belong to Satan, specifically Satan’s beasts. These are the believers and congregation members of the TT who now belong to the beasts. By this time, the TT no longer exists – it was completely destroyed with nothing left. The only thing that remained was the Central Isaac Presbyterian Church, which was later changed to a church. This is very ironic because there was no hope there. The passage discusses the sea turning to blood and its spiritual significance. When the sea, a body of water, turns to blood, it becomes undrinkable. This figuratively represents the doctrines of the destroyers being exposed as lies. It reveals Satan’s doctrines as untruthful. This event parallels the time of Moses, as referenced in Exodus 7:15-18. Though we may not read all these verses now due to time constraints, it’s important to read them personally to understand the similarities and comprehend how God works. This demonstrates the continuation between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Many believers incorrectly think there’s no connection between the two testaments, believing in separate Gods for each era. However, God remains the same throughout. In the Old Testament, many events happened physically, while now we understand them in a spiritual sense. These physical manifestations were shown so people could: 1.- See God’s work When the testimony was given, people should have realized they had one God and responded by: – Repenting – Drawing closer to God The plagues described show parallels with the Old Testament: the first one resembles the boils in Egypt (Exodus 9:8-11), while the second is similar to the Nile turning to blood (Exodus 7:15-18). The Old Testament serves as a copy in shadow of the New Testament. However, we shouldn’t consider the New Testament as completely opposite; rather, we need to understand both testaments together. Many events in the New Testament can be understood in a spiritual sense, while we can observe their copy and shadow in the Old Testament. This is confirmed in Hebrews 10:1, which states that the law is only a shadow, not the reality themselves. As mentioned in the key points, this mirrors the plague of the trumpets. In the second trumpet, we observe how the sea was affected when the wind was blown, and the sea turned into blood. This reference to Chapter 8 shows how the living creatures in the sea died. Similarly, now we see the bowl performing the same function for both the destroyers and the betrayers. If you don’t recall the events from Chapter 8, please review it. Due to time constraints, we cannot revisit everything, but it’s important to review these passages yourself to enhance your perception. The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. [5] Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: “You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, the Holy One, because you have so judged; [6] for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.” [7] And I heard the altar respond: “Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments.” The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water. These rivers and springs have a figurative meaning – they represent evangelists and pastors respectively. It’s important to note that these rivers and springs being judged are different from those mentioned in Revelation chapter 8, where the star fell and made the waters bitter. The rivers and springs in this context refer specifically to pastors and evangelists who belong to Satan. When the bowl is poured out, it exposes these religious leaders, revealing that everything they have been teaching is lies and false teachings. There is a parallel here: Just as these false teachers used deceptive teachings to harm the spirit of betrayers, God is using His word of truth to judge them and expose their wrongdoings. When the bowl was poured out, the waters they drink became blood. This event mirrors what happened during the time of Moses with the Nile. The giving of blood to drink represents a test. They are testifying about their false teachings. Being forced to drink blood symbolizes being forced to hear that their doctrines are false. The true witnesses can testify about this because they know exactly what was happening. There will come a time when all of Babylon will clearly understand the sins they have committed against God. When this becomes very clear – understanding what they were doing – people will feel conviction in their hearts about their wrongdoing. If we experience this conviction, we should be careful about our response. Don’t say, “I feel uncomfortable, so this must not be for me.” Instead, we should repent and draw closer to God, putting more of His word in our hearts. As mentioned before, to become a proper bowl, you must first empty yourself. You cannot contain both kinds of food – it’s impossible to mix them, as it would no longer be God’s truth. Amen. Exodus 7:19-21 NIV84 The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Take your staff and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt—over the streams and canals, over the ponds and all the reservoirs’—and they will turn to blood. Blood will be everywhere in Egypt, even in the wooden buckets and stone jars.” [20] Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had commanded. He raised his staff in the presence of Pharaoh and his officials and struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was changed into blood. [21] The fish in the Nile died, and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water. Blood was everywhere in Egypt. Revelation 16:5 speaks of judgment: “You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, the holy one, because you have so judged.” This raises the question of who carries out this judgment. The judgment is executed by God through the overcomers, particularly the one who overcomes. Revelation 16:6 continues: “for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets.” These saints and prophets refer to the martyrs. This passage in Revelation 16 demonstrates how God repays what was done to His people throughout generations, directly connecting to Revelation 6:9-11. Amen. The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. [9] They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him The 4th bowl was poured out on the sun. This connects to the fourth trumpet in Revelation 18:12, where the sun, moon, and stars became dark and could no longer give light, which represents the word. In this passage, the sun is being scorched. However, instead of showing remorse, the sun made conditions even harder for those it was scorching. This situation parallels Pharaoh’s response in biblical times. When Moses repeatedly asked Pharaoh to “let my people go,” and plagues kept occurring, Pharaoh’s heart didn’t soften but grew harder. What does the sun symbolize here? The sun represents a pastor. However, this particular sun is scorching God’s people. Therefore, this cannot be a sun that belongs to God. This is referring to a false pastor from the outside – Mr. Tak. The Actual Reality Mr. Tak of the SEC represents the sun that is being judged in this context. This section describes how the false pastor scorches the congregation members of Tabernacle Temple (TT) with his words, which is a form of persecution. The Fire Explained: Biblical Connection: This persecution aligns with what believers were told they would experience. Field Classification: Among the 4 fields mentioned, this scenario represents the rocky field. Matthew 13:20-21 NIV84 The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. [21] But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. During times of hardships and persecution, we must remain steadfast and not fall away. Our faith needs to be built upon a strong foundation that comes from the word. That’s how we will never, never waver and will prove ourselves to have an unchanging faith. So what is this very similar to? Exodus 8:15,32 NIV84 But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said. [32] But this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go. Just as Pharaoh’s heart grew harder with each plague he received, similarly Mr. Tak became increasingly angry and intensified his persecution of God’s people when the bulls and overcomers testified about the wanderings of the stewardship education center. Does that make sense, everyone? The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony [11] and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done. The passage describes how wicked people, despite feeling in their hearts that something is wrong, are not repenting of their actions. The bowl was poured out onto the kingdom of the beast, causing it to plunge into darkness. To understand this, we need to examine what this kingdom represents: The text maintains its original discussion about the bowl being poured onto the throne of the beast, keeping the spiritual context and interpretation intact. Let’s discuss the throne of the beast. The throne is not referring to a literal physical throne. Rather, it figuratively represents flesh that a spirit inhabits. This throne specifically belongs to the beast. The Actual Reality The reality reveals the false pastors within his organization. Among them, Mr. Tak would be identified as the throne of the beast. The actual reality shows that the beast from the sea, as previously discussed, is Mr. Tak and his organization, the Stewardship Education Center (SEC). Revelation 13:1-2 NIV84 And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. [2] The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. The reality of this is actually Mr. Tak. What does it mean for the kingdom to be torn into darkness? Darkness represents ignorance – not having the word, not having light. Since light is the word, darkness refers to the absence of the word. The reality of the kingdom being plunged into darkness shows how the doctrines of the destroyers are revealed to be lies. Once these doctrines are exposed as lies, they can no longer claim it as truth. This is what it means to be plunged into darkness. When God judges the destroyers, they cannot say “We have the truth” or “We have the light” or “God is with us” because the testimony has already shown that they are liars. When they speak, it reveals that they are hypocrites. There have been interviews with former members of the temple and the SEC who talk about what happened within those organizations. However, what are they missing? They cannot see it as a fulfillment of revelation. They say “Yes, that happened” but deny it as fulfillment of revelation. How ridiculous! If it truly matches the fulfillment, then surely it is the work of God. The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. [13] Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. [14] They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. [15] “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.” [16] Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. When examining the 6th bowl, it was poured out on the river Euphrates. This event caused the river Euphrates to dry up, creating a path for the kings of the east to cross through. This scenario reminds us of a similar biblical event – when Moses parted the waters, allowing people to pass through. Yes, very similar. Amen. Let’s examine this topic more deeply. The great river Euphrates appears in both Genesis as one of the original rivers, and later in Revelation 9:14-16, which describes the release of four angels from this river. When we look at the spiritual context in Revelation, the river Euphrates is not portrayed in a positive light. Rather, it figuratively represents the kingdom of the beast – it symbolizes hell and serves as the headquarters of the destroyers. The Actual Reality The Stewardship Education Center (SEC) represents the reality. Previously in Revelation chapter 9, we saw the river Euphrates. This indicates that these people are located in Satan’s dwelling place. The drying up of the river has a figurative meaning related to water. When the river dries up, it signifies that truth no longer flows from that source. This happens because that place was exposed as a source of lies. When false doctrines are exposed as lies, they can no longer be spoken. The drying up represents how these lies could no longer come from their lips – they became unable to continue speaking these falsehoods. As a result of their inability to spread lies, people could only hear the truth. This allowed those who listened to gain a deeper understanding of God’s work. The kings of the earth are the ones who are able to come out. We have already learned that the kings of the east are connected to the place where God began His work. Who are these three kings coming from the east? The 144,000 are the ones who will become kings in God’s kingdom. Therefore, these kings of the east specifically represent God’s kingdom and priests. Revelation 5:9-10 NIV84 And they sang a new song: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. [10] You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” The way for us today is the word, specifically the word of testimony. The actual reality is being able to hear the testimony. God is making a way by teaching us the word of testimony. Amen. Because we are hearing the word of testimony, it leads us to God. This is the same way that led the 144,000 to come out, and this process continues today. Where are they coming to? They are coming to Mount Zion. Therefore, we should not be afraid about becoming part of God’s kingdom today. Note: I’ve maintained all key terms and concepts while improving readability and flow. The message remains faithful to the original seminar notes, preserving the question-and-answer format and the spiritual context. I’ve kept the reference to the 144,000 and Mount Zion as they appear in the original, and maintained the concluding rhetorical question and answer about fear. Crossing Over and Passing Over: Obedience Just as in Moses’ time, people had to trust God to pass through the Red Sea to the Promised Land, we must do the same today. For inspiration, read Exodus chapter 13, which shows us opportunities to build more trust in God. When we trust God and follow His guidance, we move from a place of darkness to a place of light. We must cross over and be obedient. Through this obedience, what do we receive? We receive freedom. Many people think, “If I’m too obedient, I’m losing myself and my freedom.” However, in God’s kingdom, this isn’t true. Obedience actually sets you free. When we do things our own way, following our thoughts and other people’s opinions, we become trapped. If we trust God wholeheartedly, we will never be led astray. I pray that all of us would be obedient all the time. Yes, it might sound strange when someone says, “I don’t want to be obedient.” But that’s exactly what we’re supposed to be – we’re supposed to be sheep. When we’re obedient to God’s will, we’re showing our trust in Him. We’re saying, “Yes, God, you will take care of everything for me. I believe it 100%. I will be safe in your hands.” Reflecting a Story That’s what obedience can do for us. Let me share another story that happened to me today. Last month, I was involved in a car accident. Although it wasn’t my fault, I was blamed for it and had to go to court. When I received this news, I thought, “Oh my goodness, really? That’s not fair. What am I going to do?” Today, when I went to court, I was really mad, thinking, “I can’t believe I have to be here.” Many thoughts were running through my head – What’s going to happen? How much will the fine be? But then, I decided to pray about it while facing the judge. I said, “Okay, God, whatever it is, I’m going to face the consequences,” even though I knew it wasn’t my fault. Glory to God – when I stood before the judge, the person who was supposed to be there wasn’t present, and neither was the officer. Since no one else was there except me, the judge said, “Okay, all charges are dropped.” I was like, “Wait, what?” Amen, glory to God! I had been really worried because I didn’t have money to pay for this. I kept thinking, “I don’t know how much it’s going to be. It’s going to be too much.” But in the back of my head, I kept hearing Him say, “Don’t worry, it’s okay. Just pray. Whatever it is, it’s going to be okay.” And that’s what I trusted. By the grace of God, it turned out to be a victory. Amen. Glory to God, Philippians 4:7. Let’s always keep that mindset. Never worry, because God always takes care of those who do right by Him, even when it seems impossible. Amen. I’m sure all of you have had moments like this. This is God actually trying to show Himself to you. Because He has shown Himself to you previously, you have to trust He’s going to continue to do that for you today too. Here’s the text restructured while preserving the original vocabulary and meaning: In Revelation 16:13, it states, “then I saw three evil spirits that look like frogs.” When people say they have a frog in their throat, one might jokingly question if they have an evil spirit in their throat. The scripture continues to describe that these spirits came out of three sources: – The mouth of the dragon – The mouth of the beast – The mouth of the false prophet This shows these spirits originate from the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth – clearly from Satan, not from God. The text explains they are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the Kings of the world. These Kings of the world represent Babylon’s pastors – the pastors of the world or pastors of Babylon. A war is taking place, but before that, there’s a crucial message in Revelation 16:15: “Behold, I come like a thief.” This means Jesus will come unexpectedly, and no one will know the timing because they are lost and without truth. The verse continues: “Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.” Currently, God is clothing people with truth and cleansing their hearts and thoughts. The question arises: Should one return to the world and become naked? No, because Jesus’s return timing is unknown, and everything will be completed soon. The message concludes with an encouragement to remain clothed. Let us now understand the true meaning of Armageddon. Armageddon is not about the end of the world, as many believe. Rather, it refers to a battlefield. 2 Kings 23:29-30 NIV84 While Josiah was king, Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt went up to the Euphrates River to help the king of Assyria. King Josiah marched out to meet him in battle, but Neco faced him and killed him at Megiddo. [30] Josiah’s servants brought his body in a chariot from Megiddo to Jerusalem and buried him in his own tomb. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in place of his father. In Revelation 16, a spiritual war is taking place – this is the Third War. This battle is between Satan’s false pastors and God’s kingdom. Today, God’s kingdom is in Zion, The TTT. The pastors of the world, whom Satan works through, are persecuting God’s kingdom. This persecution comes with the great tribulation. Even though there is much persecution during the great tribulation, we must remain firm and victorious. The one who wins will gain everything – God’s kingdom offers eternal life, plus a hundredfold return for what we give to Him. The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” [18] Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. [19] The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. [20] Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. [21] From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible. The pouring of the 7th bowl into the air has a figurative meaning. When we consider what pouring into the air represents, we need to think beyond the physical act. We understand that “pouring” refers to testifying. So what does testifying to the air signify? It’s not about testifying to the physical air itself. In broadcasting terms, when something is being transmitted, they say “going on air.” This helps us understand that the air in this context represents the press and media, through which rumors of destruction and betrayal were spread. As revealed in Revelation 14:20, these rumors traveled a great distance of 1,600 stadia throughout the entire country. Through the press and media, everything was revealed. The great city that was split into 3 refers to the Stewardship Education Center. When the testimony was given, it revealed 3different groups of people. This splitting into three represents how the people were divided. So we can see who belongs to the kingdom of God and who belongs to the kingdom of Satan. The division shows both the destroyers and the betrayers. The betrayers are the Tabernacle Temple. The destroyers are the Stewardship Education Center, Babylon. The saviors are God’s kingdom, the TTT. Some people were destroyed while others were able to come to the place of salvation. This is what it means for them to be split into 3. The mountains and islands mentioned in Revelation represent the branch churches, just as we learned in Revelation chapter 6. In this context, they specifically refer to the branch churches of the SEC. These churches were all exposed to the testimony that spread throughout the entire world. Subsequently, they disappeared, along with the other churches of the world. Interestingly, some of these former church buildings have been converted into restaurants, while others have become zoos – a rather fitting transformation considering their spiritual condition. Amen. These buildings are no longer places of worship. 1.- It is a stone that symbolizes the word of judgment. Therefore, the hailstone has dual significance – it is both the word of wrath itself and the person who delivers this word of wrath. The Actual Reality The 7th bowl represents New John, who is the Promised Pastor. The reference to “weighing about 100 pounds” is significant because the Promised Pastor’s weight was approximately 100 pounds during the time of persecution he endured. During his persecution, he experienced severe hardships: he was thrown into the river, kicked, and beaten. He had to spend time alone in the mountains. Despite all this, why did he persist? Because of his determination to do God’s work, never backing down. Through his perseverance, we today can learn the word of truth, which shows us the way to find the kingdom of God. If he could overcome such trials, we surely can too. Amen. Let us pray that we all become overcomers who can be used mightily for father God. May we all develop hearts like Abraham and Moses, those who can stand for us. Let us make the effort to see everything for ourselves. Let’s even make the journey for the graduation – so prepare your passports and come along. Amen. Together, we can experience something miraculous. VIDEO
“After this” refers to those who overcame and were standing on the sea of glass. We then see people coming from everywhere to worship God in His temple, and we can observe exactly where they are coming to.
Key Points of Revelation 16
1.- Pague of 7 bowls: Judgement on betrayers and destroyers. Fulfillment of Revelation 10:2.
2.- Bowls of Wrath: Overcomers from TTT, saw and heard the events of betrayal and destruction. (Revelation 12,15)
3.- Period of Judgement: 3 ½ x 2 = 7 years (1984-1990). Revelation 13:10, Revelation 18:6)
4.- Revelation 6:9-11: Fulfillment of God avenging the blood of the marytrs. And that’s bundled together with Revelation 16, 17 and 18.
5.- Revelation 16 = Judgement for destruction in Revelation 8-9
6.- The Book of Revelation Chapter 16 presents the final set of plagues being poured out.
2.- Trumpets
3.- Bowls
Revelation 16:1-2 | 1st Bowl – Ugly and Painful Sores
Revelation 16:1-2 NIV84
ONE – Regarding the Temple:
The connection between Revelation chapters 15 and 16 can be clearly seen.
2.- The angels are instructed to pour out the 7 bowls of God’s wrath upon the earth
3.- The bowl is figurative and relates to a person
4.- God’s wrath represents the word
5. Therefore, “to pour out” means to testify
TWO – Earth: Congregation Members of TT that betrayed.
THREE – 7 Bowls: 7 appointed workers from the TTT
The Actual RealityFOUR – Ugly and Painful Sores: Wound of the Heart
Revelation 16:3 | 2nd Bowl – Sea of Blood
ONE – Sea: World, Destroyers
TWO – Living thing: Believers and Congregation Members of TT belonging to the Beast.
THREE – Sea turns to blood: Revealing Stan’s doctrines as lies.
2.- Understand the consequences
Similarly, we need to do the same and always maintain a heart of repentance before God.
Revelation 16:4-7 | 3rd Bowl – Rivers abd Springs
Revelation 16:4-7 NIV84
ONE – Rivers and Springs: Evangelists and Pastors Belong to Satan
TWO – Blood to drink: Testifying about their false teachings and force to hear their doctrines are false.
The passage explains a parallel between water turning to blood and the revelation of false doctrines. When people discovered that the doctrines were false, they could no longer accept them, just as people couldn’t drink water that had turned to blood.
Revelation 16:8-9 | 4th Bowl – Scorching Heat
Revelation 16:8-9 NIV84
ONE – Sun: False Pastor (Mr Tak of SEC)
TWO – Scorch with Fire
When looking at this parable, we see the same pattern – it talks about the sun scorching the plants that were sown into rocky ground.
THREE – Similar to Pharaok in time of Moises, Ex 8:15,32
Revelation 16:10-11 | 5th Bowl – Kingdom of Darkness
Revelation 16:10-11 NIV84
ONE – Throne of the Beast: False pastor and his organization
The dragon gave his power, throne, and authority to the beast from the sea – the one that had 7 heads and 10 horns.TWO – Kingdom of Darkness: Doctrines of the destroyers revealed to be lies and no longer clain it as truth.
Revelation 16:12-16 | 6th Seal – Kings from the East
Revelation 16:12-16 NIV84
Many people have different ideas about Armageddon. The movie “Armageddon” relates to the end of days, but what exactly is Armageddon? Today, by God’s grace, we will understand this concept.
ONE – River Euprates
TWO – River dried up: False doctrines exposed to be lies
THREE – Kings of the East: God’s Kingdom and Priests (Revelation 5:9-10)
The kings of the east are able to come when the river dries up. They represent the remnant seed who become God’s royal priesthood. Similarly today, God is seeking those who will be His royal priesthood. Therefore, we must make every effort to find our way to become kings for God in this present time.
FOUR – The Way: Word of Testimony leads the way for the 144,000.
FIVE – Kings of the World: Pastors of the world (Babylon)
SIX – Armageddon: Battlefield (Spiritual War)
A battle can be viewed in another way, like Armageddon. Armageddon represents a spiritual battlefield.
SEVEN – 3rd War: Satan’s false pastors versus God’s Kingdom (TTT)
Revelation 16:17-21 | 7th Bowl – Great Earthquake
Revelation 16:17-21 NIV84
ONE – Air: Rumors from press and media
TWO – Great City: SEC split into 3 groups of people
THREE – Mountains and Islands: Branch churches of SEC
FOUR – Hailstone: Word of Wrath and Person with Word of Wrath
The hailstone represents 2 things:
2.- It represents not only the word of wrath but also embodies a person who carries the word of wrath.
Revelation 16:15 NIV84
“Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.”
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
The Seven Bowls of Wrath: A Detailed Table of Contents
I. Introduction: The Path of Overcomers
- Reflection on Persecution: This section emphasizes the courage required to be part of God’s Kingdom, highlighting the inevitability of persecution from various sources. It underscores the importance of perseverance and reliance on God’s word for strength.
- Rev 16: The Seven Bowls of Wrath: This section introduces the central theme of Revelation 16, focusing on the seven bowls filled with God’s wrath and their symbolic representation of overcomers who testify against betrayers and destroyers.
II. The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
- From the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony: This section utilizes an image to depict the seven angels pouring out the seven bowls of God’s wrath, emphasizing their origin in the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (TTT) and their targets, the beast and his followers.
- Evidence from Scripture: This section establishes the symbolic meaning of a bowl as representing a person who contains and delivers God’s word, drawing parallels with Acts 9:15.
- It is a Tool that holds Food: This section further explores the symbolism of the bowl as a vessel for God’s word, contrasting it with Satan’s teachings. It emphasizes the importance of being a proper bowl filled with God’s truth in preparation for judgment.
- The HWPL, The Work of Peace: This section introduces HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light) as God’s peace organization, highlighting the role of overcomers in promoting peace and the inclusive nature of HWPL.
- The 7 Angels: This section identifies the seven angels who pour out the bowls as originating from the TTT, representing overcomers who have witnessed betrayal and destruction and are tasked with delivering God’s judgment.
- The Sea: This section clarifies the symbolic meaning of the sea as representing the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), the location of those who betrayed and destroyed, including specific individuals like Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh.
- Never Betray God: This section reiterates the importance of remaining faithful to God’s word, warning against betrayal and emphasizing the consequences of leaving God’s path.
III. Towards Fulfillment and Obedience
- The Graduation, get closer to the Fulfillment: This section encourages participation in a graduation ceremony, symbolizing a step closer to fulfillment. It highlights the significance of witnessing second coming events and walking the path of the chosen one.
- A Story to Reflect: This section shares a personal anecdote about attending Founders Day celebration in the country of the one overcome, emphasizing the importance of faith, obedience, and seizing opportunities to witness God’s work.
- Key Points of Revelation 16: This section summarizes the key themes of Revelation 16, including the judgment on betrayers and destroyers, the symbolic representation of bowls, the seven-year period of judgment, God’s vengeance for the martyrs, and the connection between Revelation 16 and chapters 8-9.
IV. Examining the Seven Bowls
- Revelation 16:1-2 | 1st Bowl – Ugly and Painful Sores: This section details the first bowl’s judgment, revealing the meaning of “pouring out” as testifying and connecting it to the TTT. It identifies the earth as the congregation members of the TT who betrayed and highlights the sores as symbolic of a wounded heart due to accepting Satan’s teachings.
- Revelation 16:3 | 2nd Bowl – Sea of Blood: This section analyzes the second bowl’s judgment, symbolizing the sea as the world and the destroyers, specifically the SEC. It interprets the death of living things in the sea as the judgment on believers and TT members who followed Satan. The sea turning to blood signifies the exposure of Satan’s doctrines as lies.
- Revelation 16:4-7 | 3rd Bowl – Rivers and Springs: This section explains the third bowl’s judgment, identifying rivers and springs as representing evangelists and pastors who belong to Satan. It interprets the water turning to blood as revealing their false teachings and forcing them to acknowledge their lies. This section connects the judgment to God’s justice and the avenging of the martyrs’ blood.
- Revelation 16:8-9 | 4th Bowl – Scorching Heat: This section examines the fourth bowl’s judgment, interpreting the sun as a false pastor, specifically Mr. Tak. It portrays the scorching heat as persecution through false teachings and connects it to Pharaoh’s hardened heart during Moses’ time. This section emphasizes the importance of standing firm in faith during trials and persecution.
- Revelation 16:10-11 | 5th Bowl – Kingdom of Darkness: This section analyzes the fifth bowl’s judgment, interpreting the throne of the beast as the false pastor, Mr. Tak, and his organization, the SEC. It explains the kingdom being plunged into darkness as the exposure of the destroyers’ doctrines as lies and their inability to claim truth. This section criticizes those who deny the fulfillment of Revelation despite witnessing its events.
- Revelation 16:12-16 | 6th Seal – Kings from the East: This section explores the sixth bowl’s judgment, connecting the drying up of the Euphrates River to the exposure of lies and the inability to spread false doctrines. It identifies the Kings of the East as God’s kingdom and priests, specifically the 144,000, who are led by the word of testimony to Mount Zion. This section emphasizes the importance of obedience and trust in God’s guidance.
- Crossing Over and Passing Over: Obedience: This section expands on the theme of obedience, drawing parallels with Moses parting the Red Sea and highlighting the freedom that comes with trusting and obeying God. It encourages a mindset of complete reliance on God’s care and protection.
- Reflecting a Story: This section shares a personal anecdote about overcoming a court case through prayer and faith, emphasizing God’s intervention in seemingly impossible situations and encouraging trust in His provision.
- Revelation 16:17-21 | 7th Bowl – Great Earthquake: This section analyzes the final bowl’s judgment, interpreting the pouring into the air as testifying through the press and media, spreading rumors of destruction and betrayal. It identifies the great city as the SEC, split into three groups representing betrayers, destroyers, and saviors. The mountains and islands symbolize the branch churches of the SEC that disappeared. Finally, the hailstones represent the word of wrath and the person who delivers it, specifically New John, the Promised Pastor.
V. Conclusion: The Call to Overcome
- This section concludes the lesson by highlighting the perseverance of New John and encouraging the audience to become overcomers who are used for God’s work. It emphasizes the importance of witnessing God’s work firsthand and participating in the graduation ceremony. Finally, it ends with a Memorization and a call to prepare for the journey ahead.
A Study Guide
A Study Guide on Revelation 16: The Seven Bowls of Wrath
Short Answer Questions (answer in 2-3 sentences each):
- What do the seven bowls represent in Revelation 16? What do they contain?
- What is the “sea” being judged in the pouring out of the second bowl? What happens to it, and what does this symbolize?
- Who are the “rivers and springs” being judged in the pouring out of the third bowl? What does the pouring out of this bowl signify?
- What does the “sun” represent in the context of the fourth bowl? What does it do, and how does this relate to the concept of persecution?
- Explain the meaning of “darkness” in the context of the fifth bowl being poured out on the throne of the beast.
- What does the drying up of the river Euphrates symbolize? Who are the “kings from the East,” and what does their arrival signify?
- What is the significance of the seventh bowl being poured out “into the air”? How does this relate to the spreading of the testimony?
- What happens to the “great city” when the seventh bowl is poured out? How does this splitting into three parts reflect the division among the people?
- What do the “mountains and islands” symbolize in the context of the seventh bowl? What happens to them, and what does this suggest about the fate of those associated with the beast?
- Describe the dual significance of the “hailstones” that fall from the sky. Who is represented by the hailstones in the actual reality?
Answer Key
- The seven bowls represent seven appointed workers from the Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony (TTT). They contain the wrath of God, which symbolizes the word of God, specifically the word of testimony about the events of betrayal and destruction.
- The “sea” represents the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), symbolizing the world or the destroyers. It turns into blood, signifying that the doctrines of the destroyers are exposed as lies and are no longer drinkable as truth.
- The “rivers and springs” represent evangelists and pastors, specifically those belonging to Satan. The pouring out of this bowl signifies the exposure of these religious leaders’ false teachings, revealing them to be lies.
- The “sun” represents a false pastor, specifically Mr. Tak of the SEC. It scorches people with fire, symbolizing his persecution of the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple (TT) through false teachings. This relates to persecution as it shows how false leaders use their position to harm believers.
- “Darkness” symbolizes ignorance and the absence of the word of God (light). The kingdom being plunged into darkness shows that the doctrines of the destroyers are revealed as lies, and they can no longer claim to have truth or light.
- The drying up of the river Euphrates symbolizes the exposure of the false doctrines originating from the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), represented by the river. The “kings from the East” are the 144,000, representing God’s Kingdom and priests. Their arrival signifies the coming of God’s true people to Mount Zion, guided by the word of testimony.
- The seventh bowl being poured out “into the air” symbolizes the spreading of the testimony through the press and media. This relates to the testimony being broadcast to a wide audience, reaching even those far away.
- The “great city” splits into three parts, representing the division among the people: the betrayers (Tabernacle Temple), the destroyers (SEC and Babylon), and the saviors (TTT, Shincheonji). This splitting reflects the separation of those who follow God from those who follow Satan.
- The “mountains and islands” symbolize the branch churches of the SEC. They flee away and cannot be found, suggesting the destruction and disappearance of these churches as a result of the testimony exposing their falsehood.
- The “hailstones” represent both the word of wrath itself and the person who delivers it. They symbolize judgment and punishment for those who have followed the beast. In the actual reality, the hailstones are represented by New John, the Promised Pastor, who carries the word of wrath and who also suffered persecution.
Essay Questions
- How does the imagery of the seven bowls of wrath connect to the Old Testament plagues in Exodus? Discuss specific examples and analyze their symbolic meanings in both contexts.
- Explain the role of testimony in the outpouring of the seven bowls. How does the testimony function as a form of judgment?
- Analyze the portrayal of the “beast” in Revelation 16. What does the beast represent, and how is it connected to the events of betrayal and destruction?
- What is the significance of the kings from the East crossing the dried-up river Euphrates? Discuss this event in the context of salvation and the establishment of God’s kingdom.
- How does Revelation 16 depict the consequences of following false teachings and rejecting the word of God? What warnings or lessons can be drawn from this chapter for believers today?
Glossary of Key Terms
- TTT (Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony): Represents the true church or God’s kingdom, established by the overcomers. It is the source of the seven bowls of wrath.
- SEC (Stewardship Education Center): Represents the false church or Satan’s kingdom, often associated with the beast and the destroyers.
- Beast: A symbolic figure representing Satan and his forces, often depicted as having multiple heads and horns. The beast from the sea is associated with Mr. Tak and the SEC.
- Bowls: Figurative representations of seven appointed workers from the TTT, containing the wrath of God, which is the word of testimony.
- Wrath of God: Symbolizes the word of God, specifically the word of testimony about the events of betrayal and destruction.
- Sea: Represents the world, often associated with the SEC and the destroyers.
- Rivers and Springs: Represent evangelists and pastors, specifically those belonging to Satan and spreading false teachings.
- Sun: Represents a false pastor, specifically Mr. Tak of the SEC, who persecutes God’s people with false teachings.
- Darkness: Symbolizes ignorance and the absence of the word of God (light).
- River Euphrates: Represents the kingdom of the beast, symbolizing hell and the headquarters of the destroyers.
- Kings from the East: Represent God’s kingdom and priests (the 144,000) coming to Mount Zion, guided by the word of testimony.
- Air: Represents the press and media, through which the testimony is spread.
- Great City: Represents the SEC, which splits into three parts, reflecting the division among the people.
- Mountains and Islands: Represent the branch churches of the SEC, which disappear after the testimony is revealed.
- Hailstones: Represent both the word of wrath itself and the person who delivers it, symbolizing judgment and punishment. The hailstones specifically represent New John, the Promised Pastor.
- Armageddon: Represents a spiritual battlefield where the forces of good and evil clash. In this context, it is the battle between Satan’s false pastors and God’s kingdom (TTT).
Timeline of Events
This timeline represents a spiritual interpretation of the events in Revelation 16, as explained in the provided class notes.
Before the Seven Bowls:
- March 14, 1984: Founders Day of the Tabernacle of the Temple of Testimony (TTT).
- Undisclosed Period: Betrayal and destruction within the Tabernacle Temple (TT).
- Undisclosed Period: Formation of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) under Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh, along with 17 evangelists, 7 heads, and 10 elders.
The Seven Bowls (1984-1990):
- First Bowl: Ugly and painful sores break out on those with the mark of the beast, symbolizing a wound of the heart and the realization of accepting Satan’s teachings. This is interpreted as the exposure of lies within the TT congregation who betrayed and joined the Gentiles.
- Second Bowl: The sea turns into blood, symbolizing the exposure of the SEC and its doctrines as lies. The “living things” that die in the sea represent believers and TT members now belonging to Satan’s beast.
- Third Bowl: Rivers and springs turn into blood, symbolizing the exposure of false teachings by evangelists and pastors belonging to Satan. They are forced to “drink blood,” meaning they are confronted with the truth about their lies.
- Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches people with fire, symbolizing the persecution of God’s people by Mr. Tak, the false pastor (represented as the sun). His heart hardens, similar to Pharaoh’s during Moses’ time.
- Fifth Bowl: The throne of the beast is plunged into darkness, symbolizing the revelation of the SEC’s doctrines as lies. This “darkness” represents ignorance and the absence of God’s word.
- Sixth Bowl: The river Euphrates dries up, symbolizing the exposure and silencing of the lies coming from the SEC (representing the river). This allows the “Kings from the East” (God’s kingdom and priests, specifically the 144,000) to come to Mount Zion, guided by the word of testimony.
- Seventh Bowl: The bowl is poured into the “air,” representing the press and media spreading the truth about the destruction and betrayal. The “great city” (SEC) splits into three: betrayers, destroyers, and saviors. “Mountains and islands” (branch churches of the SEC) disappear. Hailstones, representing the word of wrath and New John (the Promised Pastor) as its deliverer, fall upon men.
After the Seven Bowls:
- Ongoing: Judgment of Babylon (the SEC) continues, as described in Revelation 17 and 18.
- Future: Jesus’s second coming will occur unexpectedly, like a thief. Believers are encouraged to remain clothed in the truth.
Cast of Characters
- New John: The witness and speaker in the class, representing the “overcomer” and Promised Pastor. He is a key figure in the TTT and delivered the word of wrath as the seventh bowl.
- The 144,000: Symbolizing the remnant seed who become God’s royal priesthood, coming out of the East after the river Euphrates dries up. They represent the true believers who follow God’s word.
- Mr. Tak: The false pastor represented as the “sun” scorching God’s people. He leads the SEC and is identified as the beast from the sea. He is depicted as having a hardened heart and persecuting God’s people.
- Mr. Oh: A leader in the SEC, associated with Mr. Tak and the other antagonistic figures.
- 17 Evangelists, 7 Heads, 10 Elders: Leaders within the SEC, working with Mr. Tak and Mr. Oh in carrying out destruction and spreading false teachings.
- Dragon: Represents Satan, who gives his power and authority to the beast from the sea (Mr. Tak).
- Beast from the Sea: Specifically identified as Mr. Tak and the SEC, representing a destructive force spreading lies and persecuting God’s people.
- False Prophet: Allied with the dragon and the beast from the sea, representing a source of deception and falsehood.
Other Key Figures:
- God: The ultimate authority and judge, working through the overcomers to carry out his judgment against the betrayers and destroyers.
- Jesus: Expected to return unexpectedly, like a thief. He is the ultimate savior and will reward those who remain faithful.
- Congregation Members of TT: Some betrayed God and joined the Gentiles, while others were deceived and remained within the SEC.
- Evangelists and Pastors Belonging to Satan: Leaders within the SEC and other churches who spread false teachings and deceive their followers.
- Tabernacle of the Temple of Testimony (TTT): The true church, representing God’s kingdom and led by New John. They are the “overcomers” who witness the events of betrayal and destruction and deliver the word of wrath.
- Tabernacle Temple (TT): The original church that suffered betrayal and division, with some members joining the Gentiles and others remaining within the SEC.
- Stewardship Education Center (SEC): The false church led by Mr. Tak, representing Satan’s kingdom. They spread lies, persecute God’s people, and are ultimately judged by God.
- Babylon: A symbolic representation of the world’s corrupt religious systems, including the SEC. It stands in opposition to God’s kingdom and is destined for destruction.
This cast of characters represents the spiritual interpretation provided in the class notes. It is crucial to understand that these interpretations are specific to this particular religious group and their understanding of the Book of Revelation.
Overview: The Seven Bowls of Wrath (Revelation 16)
Main Theme: God’s judgment upon the betrayers and destroyers of His chosen people, specifically targeting the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) and its leader, Mr. Tak, who are allegorically identified as the “beast” from Revelation.
Key Ideas and Facts:
Persecution and Overcoming:
- Being a part of God’s kingdom necessitates enduring persecution, even from family and friends.
- Overcoming these trials through faith and reliance on God’s word is essential.
- “The only way we can truly win against the enemy is to continue pushing forward, even when…It gets hard…We feel we have nowhere else to go…We’re between a rock and a hard place.”
- Believers are called to be a “lifeline” for those connected to them.
Symbolism and Allegory:
- The Seven Bowls represent individuals, specifically appointed workers from the SCJ, filled with the “wrath of God,” which is interpreted as the word of God.
- The “Sea” represents the SEC, Mr. Tak, and his followers, who are the “destroyers.”
- The “Earth” refers to the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple (TT) who betrayed the chosen people.
- The “Rivers and Springs” symbolize false evangelists and pastors.
- The “Sun” represents Mr. Tak, the false pastor who persecutes the true believers.
- The “Throne of the Beast” refers to Mr. Tak and his organization, the SEC.
- The “River Euphrates” symbolizes the headquarters of the destroyers, equated with hell.
- The “Kings of the East” represent the 144,000 chosen people and God’s kingdom.
- “Armageddon” is not the end of the world, but a spiritual battlefield where God’s kingdom battles against the forces of Satan.
- The “Air” represents the press and media spreading rumors and revealing the truth.
- The “Great City” signifies the SEC, divided into betrayers, destroyers, and saviors.
- The “Mountains and Islands” represent branch churches of the SEC that have been exposed and abandoned.
- The “Hailstone” symbolizes both the word of God’s judgment and the Promised Pastor, New John, who delivers it.
The Seven Bowls and Their Judgments:
- First Bowl: Ugly and painful sores afflict those who bear the mark of the beast, symbolizing a wound of the heart from accepting false teachings.
- Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood, signifying the exposure of the SEC’s doctrines as lies and the spiritual death of those who follow them.
- Third Bowl: Rivers and springs turn to blood, revealing false evangelists and pastors and forcing them to confront the truth about their teachings.
- Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches people, representing Mr. Tak persecuting true believers with false teachings and hardening his heart against God.
- Fifth Bowl: The throne of the beast is plunged into darkness, signifying the revelation of the SEC’s doctrines as lies and the loss of their ability to claim truth.
- Sixth Bowl: The river Euphrates dries up, allowing the kings of the east (God’s kingdom) to cross over, symbolizing the exposure of the SEC’s lies and the preparation for the final battle.
- Seventh Bowl: A great earthquake splits the city into three parts, signifying the division of humanity into betrayers, destroyers, and saviors, and the ultimate judgment of God upon the wicked.
Emphasis on Obedience and Trust in God:
- The seminar emphasizes the importance of obedience to God, even amidst hardship, as the path to true freedom and victory.
- Personal anecdotes from the speaker illustrate the power of faith and trust in God to overcome challenges.
- The seminar concludes with a call to be overcomers, like Abraham and Moses, and to actively participate in God’s kingdom.
- “The only way we can truly win against the enemy is to continue pushing forward, even when…It gets hard…We feel we have nowhere else to go…We’re between a rock and a hard place.”
- “The bowl of our heart needs to be filled with God’s food…When filled with God’s food, we can become appointed workers who can do God’s will.”
- “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.”
1. What are the seven bowls of wrath in Revelation 16?
The seven bowls of wrath are not literal bowls but represent seven appointed workers from the Tabernacle of the Temple of the Testimony (TTT). These workers, having witnessed the events of betrayal and destruction within the Tabernacle Temple (TT), testify and carry out God’s judgment upon those who betrayed and destroyed. Their testimony is symbolized as “pouring out the bowls,” signifying the revelation of truth and the exposure of lies.
2. What does the first bowl poured out upon the earth symbolize?
The first bowl poured out upon the earth signifies the revelation of truth about the betrayers within the TT congregation who received the mark of the beast. This truth causes “ugly and painful sores,” representing a spiritual wound of the heart as they realize the consequences of accepting Satan’s teachings.
3. What is the significance of the sea turning to blood in the second bowl?
The sea turning to blood symbolizes the exposure of the destroyers’ doctrines, specifically at the Stewardship Education Center (SEC), as lies. Just as blood renders water undrinkable, the revelation of their falsehoods makes their teachings unacceptable to those seeking truth. This judgment mirrors the plague in Exodus where the Nile River turned to blood.
4. Who are the rivers and springs being judged in the third bowl?
The rivers and springs represent the evangelists and pastors who belong to Satan and spread false teachings. The pouring of the third bowl exposes their lies, forcing them to confront the consequences of their deception. It parallels the giving of blood to drink during Moses’ time, symbolizing the bitter truth they are forced to swallow.
5. What does the scorching sun represent in the fourth bowl, and how does it relate to persecution?
The scorching sun represents a false pastor, Mr. Tak, who leads the SEC. He intensifies his persecution of God’s people by spreading false teachings, represented by the scorching fire. This mirrors Pharaoh’s hardened heart during the plagues in Exodus, as Mr. Tak refuses to repent despite witnessing the testimony of the overcomers.
6. How does the fifth bowl, poured upon the throne of the beast, plunge his kingdom into darkness?
The throne of the beast represents Mr. Tak and his organization, the SEC. Plunging the kingdom into darkness signifies the exposure of their doctrines as lies, rendering them powerless to claim truth or light. This darkness, representing ignorance and the absence of God’s word, results from the testimony of the overcomers.
7. Who are the kings of the east in the sixth bowl, and what is the significance of the river Euphrates drying up?
The kings of the east represent God’s kingdom and priests, specifically the 144,000 who will reign with Christ. The drying up of the river Euphrates, symbolizing the SEC or hell, signifies the silencing of false teachings and the creation of a path for God’s kingdom to emerge. This mirrors Moses parting the Red Sea, allowing passage to the Promised Land.
8. What is the true meaning of Armageddon in Revelation 16?
Armageddon does not refer to the end of the world but rather a spiritual battlefield where the pastors of the world (Babylon), influenced by Satan, wage war against God’s kingdom (TTT). This spiritual war highlights the persecution faced by believers during the great tribulation and emphasizes the importance of remaining steadfast in faith to achieve victory and eternal life.