Table of Contents
The lesson covers the figurative meanings of the groom representing the spirit/Word of God and the bride representing those who receive and bear fruit from that Word. It discusses the Old Testament prophecy of God betrothing a faithful bride (Hosea 2:19-20) which was fulfilled at Christ’s first coming when the Spirit descended on Jesus (Matthew 3:16). At the second coming, there will be a “wedding banquet of the Lamb” (Revelation 19:7-9) where the faithful bride has made herself ready. To attend requires having righteous deeds as “wedding clothes” (Matthew 22:11-14), the “lamp” of the Word (Matthew 25:1-13), and the “oil” of the Spirit’s testimony (Revelation 10:8-11). In contrast, Babylon represents the unfaithful “bride” married to Satan (Revelation 18:23). A “widow” is a pastor/church who betrayed God’s covenant, and the congregation are “orphans” (Revelation 18:23). The main point is distinguishing the faithful bride from counterfeits and ensuring proper spiritual qualifications.
Secrets of Heaven, the Figurative Groom, Bride, Widow, and Orphan
I hope that the second coming is becoming clearer. Previously, it was a bit of a blurry picture. We had some idea, but we really didn’t know the details. However, now that we’re learning the open word, the details are beginning to be filled in, especially regarding what we’ll be discussing today.
The groom represents a spirit, and the bride represents flesh.
The widow represents a pastor who has betrayed and is without the Holy Spirit.
An orphan would be a believer belonging to the pastor who has betrayed, meaning that pastor’s congregation.
Hopefully, as we’ve been studying, the logic behind this is already starting to make sense.
A pastor is supposed to be able to receive the seed from above, the word from above, and give that word or seed that he has received to his congregation. That’s how things are supposed to work.
However, if a pastor becomes a widow, it means they are no longer receiving the word from above but receiving it from a different source, or not receiving it at all. This is the logic behind what we’ll be discussing today. Additionally, we’ll also be learning about the wedding banquet.
Our hope for today is to be qualified to enter the wedding banquet at the second coming.
What does it mean to be qualified? Qualification means that you meet specific criteria for something.
God doesn’t allow just anyone to stay at the wedding banquet. One must meet specific qualifications, and we’ll understand what those qualifications are today.
Figurative Groom and Bride
Old Testament Prophecy
Hosea 2:19-20
19 I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,
In love and compassion.
20 I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord.
I will betroth you. Let’s understand this a little bit here. This is an Old Testament prophecy.
If you look at all of Hosea chapter 2, God, at the beginning of the chapter, is lamenting about one who became like a harlot or prostitute. And how this harlot or prostitute had many different other husbands, figuratively speaking. And how God would basically divorce that harlot or prostitute.
But at the end of the chapter, starting from verse 19, there would be a different one that He would then betroth. This is why this “you” here (I will betroth you) is actually very important. Because when God says this one has no longer kept my covenant, God then moves on to another one.
So keep in mind that there is a different “you” here. The word betrothed represents another word for saying marry. So God is saying I will marry a different you.
And this you that I will betroth will be betrothed in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion, in faithfulness and acknowledgment of the Lord. Let’s understand what this means in more detail and how it plays out at the time of the first coming and also the time of the second coming as well.
1. Physical Characteristics of a Groom and a Bride
Romans 1:20 and Hosea 12:10
Romans 1:20 suggests that God uses physical things to explain Himself. He uses His creation to represent Himself.
And Hosea 12:10 states that God speaks through the prophets in dreams, parables, and visions. So, as we understand the physical characteristics, we can comprehend the spiritual characteristics. This is why we study the parables in the first place.
1. The groom gives the seed to the bride, and the result of that is a child.
These are the physical characteristics that God designed and created for a reason. Another crucial aspect is that before the seed is shared in normal or biblical circumstances, a covenant is established between the groom and the bride.
The covenant represents a serious promise, a vow that the two make to never break their commitment and remain together forever. It is within this covenant relationship that the seed is transferred in normal circumstances. Keep these points in mind.
2. Spiritual (True) Meaning of Groom and Bride
Remember, spirit and flesh. What does that mean?
Let’s see it in detail.
Jeremiah 31:31-32
31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.
ONE – God is upset, similar to Hosea 2. If God wasn’t upset, there would be no need to establish a new covenant, different from the one established with the ancestors. At the end of verse 32, God said it will be different because they broke His covenant, though He was a husband to them.
God, who is a spirit, is calling Himself a husband. This is the reason why God holds covenants, especially the marriage covenant, in such high regard.
The marriage between a physical man and woman is a figurative representation, a copy, an example, or model of what God does with His chosen people. Since the beginning, in the book of Genesis, what has God been doing? Establishing covenants with His chosen people, over and over again, like a husband does with his wife.
God does the same thing. So, how do you think God will feel if someone breaks His covenant, similar to how someone in a spousal relationship would feel if their covenant is broken? It would be an extremely painful experience.
We really have to understand how important God considers this and not overlook what God has promised He will do when covenants are broken. If God, who is a spirit, compares Himself to a husband, then who is He marrying spiritually? People.
And those people have a job to do, those that God marries or betroths. They have a job to do. Let’s see an example of what this job is like.
Galatians 4:19
My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,
TWO – Is Paul physically a woman? No, he is a man, right? So, how can he be in the pains of childbirth? Ah, it must be spiritual, figurative, not literal. Of course, that makes sense. So, what is the logic here?
Well, which spirit did Paul encounter that changed his whole life? Jesus. Jesus comes to Paul and changes his entire existence. And what does he say to Paul? “You are now my chosen vessel.” In Acts 9:15, “You are my vessel to the world, to the Gentiles.” Go out and share the word that you have received, essentially. So, Jesus comes to Paul, and now Paul’s job is to be fruitful, to have children. And what does Paul give them? He gives them the seed, the seed that he received. He gives birth.
Now, is childbirth in any situation that you can describe it as easy? Only 50% of the class can answer this one because 50% of the class will actually go through it. How is childbirth, everybody? A piece of cake? Easy? No, no. Yeah, hands down, thumbs down, right? I’m sure it’s extremely painful. I’m not trying to make light of that situation because I understand it is not easy. Physical childbirth is extremely difficult. In fact, it could risk the life of the mother. That’s how difficult it is.
Well, guess what? Did Paul go through great risks to establish churches? Yeah, he had his life threatened numerous times. And then he would hear about the children that he had just given birth to, and they were up to shenanigans. So, he would have to write letters to them. I’m sure it was really painful. But his heart was like that of a mother. They must have Christ formed within them. They have to grow up and become mature believers because I will not always be here for them.
They have to be strong enough to take the torch after me, just like Jesus ensured that his disciples were strong enough to take the torch after him. And how every parent makes sure that their children can survive without them.
A child that cannot survive without their parent is a super sad situation. Not a good situation. So, maturity is really important.
But until that point, the person who was receiving that word has to make sure the children are mature. And Paul often called the early Christians his children, like in 1 Corinthians 6:13, where he says, “we call you children.”
Why? Because we gave birth to you. So, in this situation here, Paul is representing himself like a spiritual woman, which essentially means a pastor.
One who receives the word from the Spirit and must then give birth and nurture the congregation who are his children, essentially. So, let’s see an example of how Paul treated the maturity level of his children and made sure they received the food appropriate for where they were at that time.
1 Corinthians 3:1-3
Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?
So, what was Paul doing here as one who was in the pains of childbirth, and also something that a mother does with their child?
A mother cannot feed steak to a baby because the baby is not yet ready for solid food. A mother has to understand that the baby still needs milk.
Every child reaches the stage of being ready for solid food at a different time, right? One older child might get there by around 18 months, but another might need 19 or 20 months. A mother will be able to determine when that point is reached.
A mother is supposed to be able to know when one child needs milk and when another is ready for solid food. This is just an example of how Paul, as a nurturing spiritual mother, was providing the appropriate nourishment to the congregation. The spirit, husband, and wife represent the bride and groom, and the seed is given from one to the next, resulting in spiritual children being born from that situation.
If we look back at Hosea 19:20, where God prophesies to betroth you, who is the specific “you” being referred to?
Hosea 2:19-20 (Old Testament Prophesy)
God promises to betroth you.
So who is this “you” here? And what does it mean to betroth? To betroth means to marry or become one.
That’s what it means to get married. We often talk about this in detail. When we look at the relationship between a man and a woman, two people become one flesh, with one heart, one desire, one will, one plan.
It’s often difficult for two very different people to be able to become one. I’m learning that as well. It takes time for two to become one because they usually have different wills or ideas.
They have to understand and communicate with each other. Keep that in mind. Now let’s look at the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Who was the one that God came to at the time of the first coming? Jesus.
First Coming Fulfillment
Matthew 3:16
As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.
The passage mentions that Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending from heaven like a dove and alighting on him. This “you” refers to Jesus himself.
The question is raised about understanding what Paul meant regarding Jesus’ relationship with the Father. To clarify this, a reference is made to John 10:30, where Jesus speaks about his relationship with the Father.
John 10:30
I and the Father are one.”
What did Jesus say? “I and the Father are one.”
So, what was Jesus’s role during his first coming? What was he meant to do with the word or the seed that he received from God?
His role was to share it with many people, as stated in John 17:8, “For I gave them the words that you gave me, and they accepted them and believed that you sent me.”
God was working through the flesh of his Son, Jesus, to accomplish the work of bearing many spiritual children during his first coming. These are the Christians, those who will keep the new covenant that he promised. We’ll explore this relationship further in the next level of Bible logic.
So the purpose of the first coming was along these lines. The second coming has a very similar logic behind it.
3. Spiritual Marriage (Wedding) at the Second Coming
Matthew 22:1-4
Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
ONE – What did Jesus compare this parable to? A wedding banquet.
What did he compare it to at the beginning? The kingdom of heaven.
The kingdom of heaven is likened to a wedding banquet.
And we are familiar with the kingdom of heaven being compared to things, right? In Matthew chapter 13, the kingdom of heaven is compared to six different things.
What are those things? It is compared to yeast, a net, a man who found treasure in a field, a seed, the mustard seed, and the weeds in the field. So, it is compared to many things.
If someone were to ask you, “What does the kingdom of heaven look like?” You should be able to answer, “Like a wedding banquet,” and that would be the correct response. But really, what does that mean?
First, let’s break down the different parts of this parable. A king representing the kingdom of heaven is mentioned. Who is that king? God is the king.
So then, who is the son that is getting married? Jesus.
Pretty straightforward, right? The king is God, and the son to be married is Jesus. But we know that the descriptions of the kingdom of heaven are the secrets of heaven that are opened and fulfilled at the time of the second coming.
Jesus was prophesying about what would take place in the future, and people needed to understand and be ready for what was promised. So, at the time of the second coming, we should be expecting a wedding to take place.
Who here was expecting a wedding to take place at the second coming? I hope so. But we’re here, and we’re studying.
A wedding must take place, for it is prophesied. But what kind of wedding? A wedding where we’ll all be dressed like this?
All right, here we go. Let’s crawl down the aisle. Well, something like that.
Well, let’s understand in a little bit more detail. Let’s now turn to the book of Revelation. And I’m going to give us details about who is the bride, for we haven’t talked about the bride yet in this situation.
Revelation 2:18
“To the angel of the church in Thyatira write:
These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze.
These are the words of the Son of God. Revelation chapters 2 and 3 contain letters sent from Jesus through a messenger to the seven churches.
In each letter, Jesus provides specific details about what the church has done and what it needs to do to repent. This is the context for Revelation 2:18. It starts by saying, “These are the words of the Son of God.”
However, the Son of God is also referred to by another title. If we look at verses 26 to 29, pay attention to how the Son of God is mentioned there.
Revelation 2:26-29
26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. 28 I will also give that one the morning star. 29 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Let’s examine some details mentioned here that need to be given to the one who overcomes.
A white stone, an iron scepter, and a morning star must be bestowed upon them. Keep in mind that the morning star must be given to the one who overcomes, along with the iron scepter.
And what did the last verse state? Verse 29 says, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
But which Spirit is speaking here? It is Jesus speaking. So, it refers to Jesus as the Spirit.
And Jesus intends to marry, as the one participating in the wedding banquet prophesied in Matthew 22. Let’s examine a few more details here. What else is given to the one who overcomes?
Revelation 10:8-11 should provide us with a clue regarding this.
Revelation 10:8-11
8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”
9 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” 10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. 11 Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”
John was given the open scroll that Jesus had opened, and his task was to deliver the word he received and consumed to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. Jesus did not entrust the open scroll to just anyone, but to one with a crucial mission, akin to Paul and the disciples, to make numerous children of the word being received in that era, our era.
Let us now turn to Revelation 22 to comprehend the relationship of this in greater detail. And let us read further about the messenger who must be sent.
Revelation 22:8,16-17
8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
The text suggests that John was witnessing these revelations unfold before him. After seeing all these things, he fell down at the feet of the angel who was showing them to him.
Then, Jesus says, “I have sent my angel or messenger to the churches.” Jesus refers to Himself in a particular way.
Did you notice what Jesus called Himself at the end of verse 16? He said, “I am the offspring of David and the morning star that he also promised to give the one who overcomes in Revelation 2.”
This is no accident. There are no accidents in the Bible.
The text then directs our attention to Revelation chapter 19, specifically the verse that talks about the wedding at the second coming.
Revelation 19:6-9
6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:
For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7 Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made herself ready.
8 Fine linen, bright and clean,
was given her to wear.”
(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)
9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”
What was promised?
It was foretold that the bride would prepare herself with fine linen for the wedding banquet of the Lamb, and blessed are those invited. As we saw in Revelation 22, the Spirit and the bride say, “Come, come, come to the wedding banquet,” for the wedding banquet is taking place. But where must it occur?
At the same place where the Lamb is. And where is the Lamb?
In Revelation 14, the Lamb is at Mount Zion.
That is the location of the wedding banquet. That is where it will transpire. And there are some details we’ll cover now about how we know and how we can find this location, and what we need to be present at this location.
Let’s revisit Matthew 22:3-4, because they discuss what food will be served at the wedding banquet.
Matthew 22:3-4
3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.
4 “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
God’s oxen and fattened cattle have been made ready. What do these figurative representations mean?
Because these are the things that will be offered at the wedding banquet, the meal that will be given there. So if we want to understand if we’re at Mount Zion and the wedding banquet is taking place, this needs to be served at that wedding banquet.
Let’s now think back to the figurative animals in prophecy. Do we remember the animals of betrayal, the animals of destruction, and the animals of salvation? One of the animals of salvation was the oxen.
And do we remember what the oxen’s job was? What does an oxen do? They’re workers. And in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10, Paul refers to oxen as people, workers of God who are treading the grain and who will take part in the harvest. But these oxen are being eaten.
They are being butchered, which is not a good thing. Why are God’s workers being butchered? What happened to them that they are now being butchered and served up at the wedding banquet? Oh, we’re covering many new things today. What may have happened to them at the second coming that they are being butchered?
Rebellion happens before destruction. Those that once belonged to God betrayed and are now being butchered and offered at the wedding banquet. And who ate them or who destroyed them? Those that are now fattened, which means they just had a meal. Destroyers.
Who destroyed the betrayers? Think back to the parable in the time of Joseph, right? The seven healthy cows were eaten by the seven skinny cows. Essentially, the same logic applies here. What does it mean that they are butchered? They were judged by the word of testimony.
This is the first time we’re hearing this. Again, we will see this again, so don’t worry if you’re still not connecting the dots. But it’s important to mention these things because if a place claims to be where the wedding banquet is, they need to have a proper explanation of the food that is being offered there. Who, what, when, where, why, and how – these details must be mentioned, or that place is not the true wedding banquet.
So, more details as to what we should be looking for. At this wedding banquet, God expects everyone to be prepared, to be qualified. And there are three things needed for that person to be qualified.
At the end of Matthew 22, someone is thrown out of the wedding banquet because of what? What were they thrown out for? What were they lacking? They didn’t have the right clothes on.
1. One needs to be wearing their wedding clothes (heart, word, and actions | Deeds).
And we talked about figurative clothes, right? Hearts, actions, and doctrine. One’s clothes were not on.
In Matthew 25, we see the parable of two types of virgins. They were waiting for the master to return so that they could marry the master. And what other two things are also necessary for the wedding banquet?
2. The lamp (the Word)
3. The oil (The Word of Testimony)
All of these things are needed for the wedding banquet of the Lamb. So, let’s be prepared with all of these things at the time of the second coming, so that we are not caught off guard.
4. Satan’s Groom and Bride
Revelation 18:23
The light of a lamp will never shine in you again.
The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again.
Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
So, what was said here about the judgment of Babylon and what will be no more when Babylon is judged? The voice of the bridegroom and the bride will not be heard again.
We know that the bridegroom, or the groom, represents a spirit. The bridegroom is the devil or Satan, and also the demons that are in Babylon.
And they work through brides, or flesh. These brides deliver their own types of seed and produce their own types of children. We must not be a part of this wedding banquet that is happening. We don’t want to be those who are married to demons, as it says in Revelation 18:2-3.
That’s not where I want to be. I don’t want to be at a place like this because there is one who produces many children.
Revelation 17:1-5 talks about the prostitute, and it also calls this prostitute a mother. Meaning, this prostitute produces others. I don’t want this to be me, and I don’t want to be a part of a place like this. No, not me, not mine, and not anyone here in this class. So, we have to discern.
If these places are prophesied to appear, they will appear. And they have already appeared. So, we have to discern.
5. Figurative Widow and Orphan
What about the widow and the orphans?
Satan has his groom and bride. A widow is one who was once married to God but betrayed Him. So, think of a betrayer as a widow.
Once of God, and things were going well. And they had a wonderful congregation that was growing well. But something happens, and God’s spirit leaves. Because God’s spirit leaves, there is no more room in that relationship. So, the pastor at this location now has a word that is no longer open and becomes a widow.
And the congregation becomes orphans in that situation, fatherless, because the spirit of God has left that place, and the truth is no longer being spoken there. We don’t want to be at this place either, because both of these places come to an end. Both of these places are judged at the second coming by God’s grace. May it come quickly.
Galatians 4:19
My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
The Spiritual Dynamics of Betrayal and Faithfulness: Unveiling the True Wedding Banquet
A. Introduction: Unveiling the Second Coming
This section introduces the concept of the Second Coming, emphasizing the importance of understanding its details. It highlights the figurative meanings of groom, bride, widow, and orphan in a spiritual context, emphasizing the role of the pastor in receiving and disseminating God’s word.
B. Qualification for the Wedding Banquet
This section underscores the necessity of meeting specific criteria to participate in the wedding banquet at the Second Coming. It emphasizes that God prioritizes the heart and the presence of His word within individuals over physical appearances.
C. The Figurative Grave: Organizations of False Truth
This section revisits the concept of the figurative grave as a representation of organizations promoting false truths, drawing parallels between the Pharisees and Sadducees of the past and the concept of Babylon in Revelation. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and escaping spiritual graves.
D. Spiritual Significance of Gender
This section clarifies the spiritual equality between men and women in God’s eyes, drawing upon Galatians 3:26-29. It emphasizes the importance of the “seed” as a representation of God’s word and the spiritual sonship it grants.
E. Figurative Groom and Bride: Unveiling Spiritual Marriage
- Old Testament Prophecy: This subsection analyzes Hosea 2:19-20, highlighting God’s promise to betroth a new “you” after the previous one broke the covenant. It emphasizes the gravity of covenant relationships in God’s eyes.
- Physical Characteristics of a Groom and a Bride: This subsection draws upon Romans 1:20 and Hosea 12:10 to explain how God uses physical examples to convey spiritual truths. It focuses on the covenant relationship between a groom and bride, the transfer of seed, and the resulting child.
- Spiritual (True) Meaning of Groom and Bride: This subsection delves into the spiritual significance of the groom and bride imagery.
- ONE: Analyzing Jeremiah 31:31-32, it highlights God’s disappointment with covenant breaking and His intention to establish a new covenant. It emphasizes the importance of God’s covenant with His chosen people, likening it to a marriage.
- TWO: This section uses Galatians 4:19 and 1 Corinthians 6:13 to demonstrate the role of spiritual mothers (pastors) in nurturing and guiding the congregation (spiritual children). It highlights the pain and dedication involved in spiritual childbirth and nurturing.
- Hosea 2:19-20 (Old Testament Prophecy) Fulfilled: This subsection connects the Old Testament prophecy to the First Coming, identifying Jesus as the “you” God betrothed.
- First Coming Fulfillment: This subsection focuses on Matthew 3:16 and John 10:30 to confirm Jesus as the recipient of God’s Spirit and His unity with the Father. It highlights Jesus’ mission of sharing God’s word and bearing spiritual children.
- Spiritual Marriage (Wedding) at the Second Coming: This subsection explores the concept of the wedding banquet at the Second Coming.
- ONE: This section analyzes Matthew 22:1-4, drawing a parallel between the Kingdom of Heaven and a wedding banquet. It identifies God as the king, Jesus as the son, and emphasizes the significance of this event in the Second Coming.
- TWO: This section delves into Revelation 2:18 and 2:26-29, identifying Jesus as the Spirit and highlighting the rewards bestowed upon the one who overcomes. It connects the morning star mentioned here to the one promised in Revelation 2.
- THREE: This section examines Revelation 10:8-11, describing John’s role in receiving and disseminating the open scroll, comparing it to the missions of Paul and the disciples.
- FOUR: This section utilizes Revelation 22:8, 16-17 and 19:6-9 to unveil the identity of the bride as those who have prepared themselves for the wedding banquet. It highlights the location of the banquet at Mount Zion.
- FIVE: This section analyzes Matthew 22:3-4, focusing on the food served at the wedding banquet – God’s oxen and fattened cattle. It interprets the oxen as God’s workers (betrayers) who have been judged and the fattened cattle as the destroyers who have consumed them.
- SIX: This section outlines the three qualifications for participating in the wedding banquet: wedding clothes (heart, word, and actions), the lamp (the Word), and the oil (the Word of Testimony). It stresses the importance of preparation to avoid being caught off guard.
- Satan’s Groom and Bride: This subsection explores Revelation 18:23, highlighting the cessation of the bridegroom and bride’s voices in Babylon. It identifies Satan and demons as the bridegroom, and their followers as the brides, emphasizing the importance of discerning and avoiding this counterfeit banquet.
- Figurative Widow and Orphan: This subsection defines the widow as a betrayer who was once married to God but lost His spirit, becoming a pastor with a closed word. The congregation, left fatherless, becomes the orphans in this scenario. It emphasizes the need to avoid such situations where truth is absent.
F. Conclusion: Discernment and Preparation for the True Wedding Banquet
This concluding section emphasizes the importance of recognizing and avoiding counterfeit spiritual paths, particularly those represented by Satan’s groom and bride or the figurative widow and orphans. It urges readers to actively prepare themselves by attaining the three qualifications – wedding clothes, the lamp, and the oil – to ensure their participation in the true wedding banquet at Mount Zion.
A Study Guide
Second Coming Revelations: A Study Guide
Key Concepts
- Second Coming: The prophesied return of Jesus Christ to Earth.
- Wedding Banquet: A metaphorical representation of the Kingdom of Heaven at the second coming, symbolizing union with God.
- Groom: Represents the Spirit, specifically Jesus Christ in the context of the Second Coming.
- Bride: Represents the flesh, specifically those who have accepted Christ and are prepared for his return.
- Seed: Figuratively represents the Word of God.
- Children: Those who have been spiritually reborn through the Word of God.
- Oxen: Represent workers of God, particularly those who are active in sharing the Word.
- Fattened Cattle: Represent those who have destroyed the betrayers of God, having feasted on their judgment.
- Wedding Garment: Represents a state of spiritual readiness, encompassing a pure heart, right actions, and adherence to true doctrine.
- Lamp: Represents the Word of God.
- Oil: Represents the Word of Testimony.
- Widow: Represents a pastor who has betrayed God and lost the Holy Spirit.
- Orphan: Represents a believer who belongs to a congregation led by a pastor who has betrayed God, symbolizing spiritual abandonment.
- Babylon: A metaphorical representation of false teachings and organizations that lead people astray, symbolizing the spiritual grave at the second coming.
Short Answer Quiz
Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.
- How does the parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22 relate to the Second Coming?
- Explain the spiritual significance of the groom and the bride in the context of the Second Coming.
- What is the role of the seed in the spiritual marriage metaphor?
- What is the significance of the oxen and fattened cattle being served at the wedding banquet?
- What are the three qualifications necessary to be prepared for the wedding banquet of the Lamb?
- What does the term “widow” represent in the context of the Second Coming?
- Who are the “orphans” and what is their spiritual state?
- How does the concept of spiritual marriage contrast with Satan’s groom and bride described in Revelation 18?
- According to the lesson, why is it important to be aware of the existence of false teachings and organizations?
- What action is encouraged when one realizes they are in a spiritual grave like Babylon?
Short Answer Key
- The parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22 is a direct metaphor for the Kingdom of Heaven at the Second Coming. It symbolizes the union of Christ with his followers and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for his return.
- The groom in the spiritual marriage metaphor represents the Spirit, specifically Jesus Christ, while the bride represents the flesh, symbolizing those who have accepted Christ and are ready for his return.
- The seed represents the Word of God, which is shared by the groom (Spirit) with the bride (believers). The result of receiving and living by the Word is the birth of spiritual children.
- The oxen represent workers of God who have been betrayed and judged. The fattened cattle represent those who have destroyed these betrayers and are now feasting on the resulting judgment. This imagery highlights the consequences of betrayal and the victory of those who remain faithful.
- To be prepared for the wedding banquet, one must possess: 1) the wedding garment (a pure heart, right actions, and true doctrine), 2) the lamp (the Word of God), and 3) the oil (the Word of Testimony).
- A widow represents a pastor who was once connected to God but has betrayed him and lost the Holy Spirit. They no longer receive or share the true Word of God.
- Orphans are the members of a congregation led by a pastor who has become a “widow.” They are spiritually abandoned and lack proper guidance due to their pastor’s betrayal.
- The spiritual marriage with Christ is based on truth, love, and faithfulness, leading to spiritual life and unity with God. In contrast, Satan’s groom and bride represent the union of evil spirits with those who follow false teachings, leading to spiritual death and separation from God.
- Being aware of false teachings and organizations is crucial because they represent spiritual traps, leading people away from God and into spiritual death. Discernment is necessary to avoid these pitfalls.
- Upon realizing one is in a spiritual grave like Babylon, one is encouraged to heed the call to “Come out of her, my people!” This means actively separating from false teachings and seeking the truth with urgency and passion.
Additional Questions
1. What is the meaning of the Figurative Groom, Bride, Widow, and Orphan?
– Groom: Spirit
– Bride: Flesh
– Widow: Pastor who debreayed and is without the Holy Spirit
– Orphan: Believers belonging to the pastor who betrayed
2. Who were the Groom and the Bride at the First Coming?
– Groom → God
– Bride → Jesus
3. Who are the Groom and Bride at the Second Coming?
– Groom → Jesus
– Bride → New John
4. Who has married Satan at the time of the Second Coming?
– All nations (Revelation 18:4)
Glossary of Key Terms
- Betroth: To promise to marry; to enter into a covenant of marriage.
- Covenant: A solemn agreement or promise; a binding agreement between two parties.
- Figurative: Symbolic; representing something else; not literal.
- Flesh: In a spiritual context, refers to the physical body and its desires, often contrasted with the spirit.
- Gentile: A person who is not Jewish.
- Harlot: A prostitute; a woman who engages in sexual immorality.
- Judgment: The act of God determining the righteousness or wickedness of individuals or groups, often resulting in consequences.
- Parable: A story with a moral or spiritual lesson.
- Prophet: A person who speaks God’s message to people.
- Resurrection: The act of being raised from death to life.
- Spirit: The non-physical part of a person; the life force that animates the body; in a religious context, often refers to the Holy Spirit or a supernatural being.
- Testimony: A statement of truth based on personal experience or knowledge.
- Vessel: A container; in a spiritual context, a person chosen by God to carry out His purpose.
Timeline of Events:
This lesson doesn’t present a chronological timeline of events. Instead, it uses biblical verses and parables to explain spiritual concepts related to the Second Coming of Christ. Here’s a breakdown of the spiritual concepts discussed:
Old Testament Prophecy:
- God expresses his lament over a people who have broken his covenant and become like a harlot (Hosea 2).
- God promises to establish a new covenant with a new “you,” characterized by righteousness, justice, love, compassion, and faithfulness (Hosea 2:19-20).
First Coming Fulfillment:
- God fulfills the prophecy of the new covenant through Jesus Christ.
- The Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus, marking him as the chosen one (Matthew 3:16).
- Jesus declares his unity with God the Father (John 10:30).
- Jesus shares the Word of God, giving birth to spiritual children (John 17:8).
Second Coming and the Wedding Banquet:
- The Kingdom of Heaven is likened to a wedding banquet, symbolizing the union of Christ with his bride (Matthew 22:1-4).
- Jesus is identified as the groom and the Holy Spirit (Revelation 2:18, 26-29).
- The bride is the one who overcomes, receiving authority, the morning star, and the open scroll (Revelation 2:26-29, 10:8-11).
- The wedding banquet takes place at Mount Zion (Revelation 14).
- The food served represents the judgment of betrayers (oxen) by destroyers (fattened cattle) (Matthew 22:3-4).
- Three qualifications are needed for entry: proper wedding clothes (heart, word, actions), a lamp (the Word), and oil (the Word of Testimony) (Matthew 22, 25).
Satan’s Counterfeit:
- Satan also has a groom (devil/demons) and bride (those spreading false teachings) who produce their own children (Revelation 18:23).
- This counterfeit union is likened to a prostitute and mother, symbolizing its corrupting influence (Revelation 17:1-5).
Figurative Widow and Orphan:
- A widow represents a pastor who has betrayed God and lost the Holy Spirit.
- Orphans represent the congregation left without the true Word.
Overall Message:
The lesson emphasizes the importance of discerning the true from the false in preparation for the Second Coming. It calls believers to be prepared with the proper qualifications to attend the wedding banquet of the Lamb and avoid the counterfeit unions offered by Satan.
Cast of Characters
1. God:
- The King in the parable of the wedding banquet.
- The Father, with whom Jesus is one.
- The husband in the spiritual marriage covenant.
- The judge of betrayers and those involved in false religion.
2. Jesus:
- The Son of God.
- The groom in the spiritual marriage.
- The Lamb of God at the wedding banquet.
- The Spirit who speaks to the churches.
- The one who received the seed (Word) from God during the First Coming and will share it with his bride at the Second Coming.
3. The Bride:
- The true followers of Jesus.
- Those who receive the seed (Word) from Jesus and bear spiritual children.
- Those who qualify for the wedding banquet by having the proper wedding clothes (pure heart, right actions, and sound doctrine), the lamp (Word), and the oil (Word of Testimony).
4. Pastors:
- Spiritual mothers who receive the word from God and nurture their congregations.
- Can become widows if they betray God and lose the Holy Spirit.
5. Congregations:
- Spiritual children of pastors who receive the seed (Word) and are nurtured.
- Become orphans if their pastor betrays God and they are left without truth.
6. Satan:
- The bridegroom in the counterfeit spiritual marriage.
- Works through false prophets and churches to deceive people.
7. False Prophets and Churches:
- The bride in the counterfeit spiritual marriage.
- Spread false teachings and lead people astray.
8. John:
- The apostle who received the open scroll (Word) from Jesus and was tasked with sharing it.
- The one who witnessed the visions of Revelation.
9. Paul:
- An apostle who likened himself to a woman in labor, signifying his role in bringing people to Christ.
- Emphasized the importance of spiritual maturity and providing appropriate spiritual nourishment.
Overview: The Spiritual Significance of Marriage, Widowhood, and Orphanhood
Core Analogy: The central analogy presented is that of marriage. It is used to illustrate the relationship between God and his chosen people, and the crucial role of spiritual fruitfulness.
Key Figures and Their Symbolic Meanings:
- Groom: Represents the spirit, specifically God or Jesus, who provides the “seed” of the Word.
- Bride: Represents the flesh, specifically those who receive and nurture the Word, like pastors and individual believers, tasked with bearing spiritual children.
- Widow: Represents a pastor who has betrayed God and lost the Holy Spirit. They are no longer receiving or disseminating the true Word.
- Orphan: Represents the congregation of a “widow” pastor. They are left without the true Word and spiritual guidance.
Key Concepts:
- The Seed: The seed represents the Word of God, which is to be received, nurtured, and shared to produce spiritual fruit (new believers).
- Spiritual Childbirth: The process of sharing the Word and nurturing new believers in their faith is likened to the pains of childbirth, highlighting the commitment and effort required.
- Spiritual Maturity: The goal is to help new believers grow into mature Christians, capable of standing firm in their faith and continuing the work of spreading the Word.
- The Wedding Banquet: A metaphor for the Kingdom of Heaven, prophesied to take place at the second coming. Access to the banquet requires specific qualifications:
- Wedding Clothes: Represent a person’s heart, actions, and doctrine, signifying alignment with God’s will.
- Lamp: Represents the Word of God, signifying knowledge and understanding.
- Oil: Represents the Word of Testimony, signifying the application of the Word in one’s life and the ability to share personal experiences.
- Satan’s Counterfeit: The source warns of a counterfeit “wedding banquet” orchestrated by Satan, where the bridegroom is the devil, the bride is those who serve him, and the seed is false teachings.
Important Quotes:
- On Spiritual Sonship: “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith… There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:26-28)
- On the Role of the Pastor: “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” (Galatians 4:19)
- On the New Covenant: ““The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.” (Jeremiah 31:31)
- On the Importance of the Seed: “God did not give you the open word for you to keep it only to yourself.”
- On the Wedding Banquet: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.” (Matthew 22:2)
- On the Qualifications for the Banquet: “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:9)
Call to Action: The lesson emphasizes the importance of discerning between the true Word of God and the counterfeit teachings of Satan. It calls believers to prepare themselves spiritually for the second coming, ensuring they possess the necessary qualifications to partake in the “wedding banquet” of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Q&A: Spiritual Marriage and the Second Coming
1. What is the spiritual significance of the groom and the bride?
The groom symbolizes the spirit, specifically the Holy Spirit or the Word of God, while the bride represents the flesh, such as a person or a church. This analogy stems from the physical act of procreation where a man’s seed produces a child. Similarly, the Holy Spirit, through the Word of God, brings forth spiritual children (believers).
2. How is the concept of spiritual marriage connected to the Second Coming?
The Second Coming is depicted as a grand wedding banquet where Jesus, the groom, unites with His bride, which is the faithful remnant who have received the open word of God and lived according to it. This event signifies the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
3. What are the qualifications to attend the wedding banquet at the Second Coming?
To attend the wedding banquet, one must have:
- Wedding Clothes: Symbolic of righteous deeds, a pure heart, and adherence to true doctrine.
- Lamp: Represents the Word of God, which guides and illuminates the path of the believer.
- Oil: Signifies the Word of Testimony, the understanding and application of God’s Word in one’s life.
4. Who are the “oxen and fattened cattle” served at the wedding banquet?
This imagery represents the judgment of those who betrayed God. The “oxen,” symbolizing faithful workers of God who have strayed, are “butchered” or judged by the Word of Testimony. The “fattened cattle” are those who remained faithful and ultimately triumphed over the betrayers.
5. What is the meaning of the figurative widow and orphan in this context?
A “widow” represents a pastor or church leader who has abandoned the true Word of God and is now spiritually dead, devoid of the Holy Spirit. Their congregation, deprived of true spiritual guidance, becomes the “orphans,” left fatherless in their faith.
6. How does Satan counterfeit the concept of spiritual marriage?
Satan, as the counterfeit groom, establishes his own twisted form of spiritual marriage with those who follow him. He uses deception and false doctrines as his “seed” to produce spiritual offspring who are in rebellion against God.
7. How can we discern between true and false spiritual unions?
Discernment comes through studying the Word of God and understanding its true interpretation. A genuine spiritual union is characterized by the presence of the Holy Spirit, the proclamation of the true Word of God, and a life that aligns with God’s commandments.
8. What is the ultimate fate of those who choose Satan’s counterfeit marriage?
Those who choose to align themselves with Satan and his false doctrines will ultimately face judgment and destruction, symbolized by the absence of the bridegroom and bride in Babylon (Revelation 18:23). Conversely, those who faithfully follow God will participate in the eternal joy of the wedding banquet at the Second Coming.