Revelation 14: The Unreliable 144,000

by Chris

One of the most important doctrinal pieces of Shincheonji is their interpretation of the 144,000 and the reality of who they are today.

Over the years, the requirements of who the 144,000 are and how to become a “sealed priest” has changed and shifted dramatically.

The First Period: 1980-1987

The first was from 1980 to 1987. It was prophesied that the 144,000 would be completed and a spiritual change would occur in 1987, and all the followers believed it . However, when 1987 came to an end and there were only about 600 people, those who experienced it said that they had faith that God would fill the 144,000 in the remaining months. However, when the 144,000 were not filled and no change occurred, the 600 or so followers all left, leaving about 40. At this time, it was quietly delayed by 4 years and 1984 was changed to the first year of Shincheonji.

Church pastors and instructors are prohibited from purchasing long-term insurance.

Shincheonji church pastors and instructors are prohibited from purchasing long-term insurance. If you are currently insured and the expiration date is within 6 months, please go ahead and process it. However, if it is more than 6 months old, cancel the insurance contract.

The idea that the 144,000 were supposed to be selected by 1987 is also supported by a former leader who was apart of the Shincheonji sect since the 1980’s.

Cultish: Shincheonji Interview w/ Former Leaders


1987 – 2014 – the 144,000 are those who are apart of the Book of Life

The second changed condition was that being registered in the Shincheonji General Assembly membership register was claimed to be recorded in the Book of Life. So when the head of the Bartholomew branch, Shin**, died in 2004, Shincheonji denounced him as an apostate who died because he did not have faith to enter eternal life in order to defend the doctrinal contradiction. Then in 2005, a special order was given to all branch leaders and instructors who had long-term insurance to report. Despite this, the executives made a fuss, receiving health checkups for fear of dying themselves.

Even a mission can die

The third change is ‘Even a missionary can die.’ As Jeong**, who worked at the Shincheonji headquarters, died, and Jeon**, the head of the Shincheonji legal department, died, the doctrine that Shincheonji members do not die was no longer accepted, so the doctrine was changed to ‘Even a missionary can die before the unity of God and man is achieved.’ This was considered a stepping stone considering the death of Lee Man-hee, who was 75 years old.

You must receive the “seal of the word”

In 2006, when the number of members exceeded 50,000, the doctrine was changed again to say that it was no longer enough to just enter the Shincheonji membership register and that one must receive the seal of the word.

You must be a teacher

In 2010, when the number of believers approached 100,000, the doctrine of the new believers’ union changed once again. Now, it was not enough to just receive the seal of the word, and it was said that ‘you must be at least a gospel teacher to enter the 144,000 and become a priest like a king.’

2014 – The number exceeds 144,000

In 2014, when the number exceeded 144,000, they had to find an excuse for the lack of change, and the alternative they came up with was religious integration. They said that it was God’s will for religions around the world to be integrated, and that Lee Man-hee and Shincheonji would achieve this. They focused on the idea that there needed to be 12,000 “sealed” kingdom of Priests per tribe.

The Great Tribulation of COVID-19 and the 144,000

It used to be taught that the 144,000 were to be sealed and selected first, and then after this, the Great Tribulation would resume.

More Changes found for Revelation 7

The 144,000 doctrine has been modified, changed, and updated on multiple occasions.

To read more about these changes, click here.

Progressive Revelation?

This is also a new teaching, as before it was not taught that Lee Manhee would receive a progressive revelation, but instead had an understanding of the physical fulfillment of Revelation. To read more about these changes, click here.

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