Shincheonji’s reinterpretation of the Great Tribulation in light of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates significant inconsistencies in its theological framework. This shift highlights the organization’s need to adapt teachings to reconcile doctrinal contradictions and maintain credibility, despite these changes undermining its claims of prophetic authority.
The Original Framework: Immunity from Judgment
Before COVID-19 and the Great Tribulation, Shincheonji used to teach that the winds would only blow against the Babylonian churches.
Revelation 7:3 states:
Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.
- Land: Represented the denominations of the world.
- Sea: Symbolized Babylon, the falsehoods of Satan, and mixed teachings.
- Trees: Referred to the people inside of the churches of Babylon. They also taught that the 144,000 are to be exempt from this Tribulation.
We can see this with the below literature of Shincheonji, directly quoting Lee Manhee:
What is the great tribulation from which those dressed in white come? As mentioned, the winds are held back until the angel with God’s seal marks the 144,000 people of the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel. In Rv 7:13-14, because the 144,000 have been gathered, the four archangels release the wind and let it blow over the land, over the sea and over every kind of tree. As explained in Rv 7:1, wind represents judgment, and the land, sea, and every kind of tree represent all of the churches and churchgoers of the world (Is 5:7, 1 Pt 1:24).
(The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation, 2014, page 163)
The earth and sea mean the physical word, and the various trees signify the men of the churches (Isaiah 5:7).
(Reality of Revelation, 1993, page 107)
We can safely conclude that the “winds” of judgement mentioned in Revelation 7 were not supposed to affect Shincheonji.
What happened in Reality
Yet, in reality, the opposite happened.
First, Lee Manhee referenced that the winds blowing was the devil’s deed, which technically would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Second, we can see that Shincheonji was affected by this Great Tribulation in a more harsh way than the “Babylonian Churches”, considering how Lee Manhee was imprisoned, and eventually found guilty of embezzlement.
Shincheonji lost close to 100,000 members at least due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite claiming to have multiple “100,000” graduations, they’re official numbers are still in the 300,000 range.
Adjusting the Doctrines of Revelation 7 and Shincheonji’s Immunity.
In response to the doctrinal issue, Shincheonji updated and modified their doctrines and interpretation of Revelation 7:3.
Revised teachings of Revelation 7:3 –
- Land: Represented the denominations of the world.
- Sea: Symbolized Babylon, the falsehoods of Satan, and mixed teachings.
- Trees: the people born of God’s imperishable seed.
With the updated doctrine, Shincheonji now teaches that the Great Tribulation also judges those inside of Shincheonji.
Before COVID-19:
Shincheonji was taught to be immune from the Great Tribulation, as seen with their interpretation of the “trees” of Revelation 7:3.
After COVID-19:
Shincheonji now teaches that the trees are those who are born of the imperishable seed, 1 Peter 1:23, and also face the same judgement and need to overcome.
Concluding Thoughts
The doctrinal shifts surrounding the Great Tribulation and Revelation 7 reveal significant inconsistencies in Shincheonji’s theological claims. These changes underscore the challenges faced by an organization that must reconcile failed prophecies with its narrative of prophetic authority. Ultimately, these contradictions call into question the credibility of Shincheonji’s teachings and highlight the necessity for critical examination against biblical standards.
There are more examples of doctrinal shifts within the last few years.
The Sealed 144,000?
Following the events described in Revelation 6, the winds are held back, and 144,000 individuals—12,000 from each tribe—are sealed.
Once this number is reached, the restrained winds are released, leading to a period of great tribulation as a vast multitude dressed in white gathers.
[Claimed Physical Fulfillments]
- The establishment of Shincheonji’s 12 Tribes and the sealing of 144,000 members.
- The “Great Tribulation” prophecy is said to have been fulfilled through the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The great multitude in white, gathered from all nations, is associated with the global influx of members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Special Letter - Jooang
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The JoongAng Culture: General Culture [Exclusive] Shincheonji Lee Man-hee, special letter “Corona, Revelation tribulation” JoongAng Ilbo.
Three days ago, Lee Man-hee, president of Shincheonji Church of Jesus and the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, sent a special letter to believers. This letter, serially numbered ‘Official No. 115-Special Letter from the Chairman of the General Assembly’, was sent to the lower level through the Shincheonji General Assembly. |
Written from Prison by Lee Manhee
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<Written from Prison by Lee Man-hee> aka The Road of the Cross.
I celebrated my 90th birthday on 31st August 2020 in a detention center alone. I was later released on bail on 12th November. And at the first trial, I was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and four years’ probation. I, an innocent man, was found guilty because of a bad wind and because of a man like Judas Iscariot. The man who sold me today was the same Judas who sold Jesus. At this time, I should say nothing; God knows best. Shincheonji Saints is a nation of 144,000 priests of the 12 tribes, created as if stamped with the words of the Bible (Rev. 7, 14), and the Great multitude in white, whose sins have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus, also belong to the 12 tribes. This is the time of great tribulation for the creation of the Great multitude in white, which will occur after the completion of the 144,000 sealed 12 tribes (Rev. 7:9-14). |
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The temptation of the whole world (Rev. 3:10) and the great tribulation (Rev. 7) occur after the 144,000 are sealed.
These are prophecies that will be fulfilled and cannot be avoided. We are now in the midst of the Great Tribulation. We are going through the great tribulation and temptations in the order in which they are written in prophecy. We must overcome these temptations. This is why it says “after these things” in Revelation. We should make sure that the great multitude in white emerges from this tribulation. We, the sealed 144,000, must collaborate to discover a way to make it public. Internet, newspapers, billboards, email, etc. |
The Sealed 144,000 of the 12 Tribes
Let’s take a moment to look at one aspect of Revelation 7. In Revelation 7 there are 144,000 from the 12 tribes who are sealed. There are also winds being held back in verse 1, and it states in verse 3 that these winds will not be released until the 144,000 have been sealed.
Rev 7:3 Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God. (NIV 1984)
Let’s better understand the reality of the events of Revelation 7 with some excerpts from some articles CHJN wrote:
Article 1191 ‘The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Rv 7, the Creation of the Priests of the Twelve Tribes’ (360822 – 22 Aug 2019)
After sealing 12,000 in each tribe, there comes a great tribulation. Through this great tribulation, a great multitude in white, the believers, come out from each nation, tribe, people, and language (Rv 7:9, 14).
‘To all the congregation members of Shincheonji’ (370229 – 29 Feb 2020)
I want to speak about the sealed 144,000 of the 12 tribes in Rv 7. We may have 300,000 congregation members, but there must be 144,000 who are actually sealed in God’s view, not just 300,000. What happens once the 144,000 are sealed is the great tribulation. And it is written that it is after the great tribulation that the multitude in white will come so this is the order in which this will be fulfilled.
Both the Bible and CHJN testify that the great tribulation does not take place until the 144,000 (12,000 in each tribe) have been sealed. Then, how much of this has been fulfilled today? Let’s turn to the words of ‘The One who ate the opened scroll’ to hear the testimony of the fulfillment of Revelation.
‘To all the congregation members of Shincheonji’ (370229 – 29 Feb 2020)
We are now facing this great tribulation and the whole country is facing this great tribulation.
‘Creation of God’s New Kingdom, New Era, New People‘ (370404 – 4 April 2020)
The fact this great tribulation has come (Rev 7) is the evidence that 144,000 of 12 tribes have been sealed.
‘The Re-Creation of Heaven and Earth, the Hidden Things from of Old, Prophecy, and Fulfillment’ (380915 – 15 Sep 2021)
Additionally, it is recorded that after the 144,000 are sealed, the trial that will come upon the whole world, that is, the great tribulation, will take place for the creation of the multitude in white, but this great tribulation (the Covid-19 pandemic) has currently begun.
‘To all the saints of the 12 tribes nationwide’ (380922 – 22 Sep 2021)
Now is the time of the great tribulation as mentioned in the Bible.
CHJN is clearly testifying that the great tribulation is currently taking place, and that this means the 144,000 of the 12 tribes have been sealed.
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Here’s the problem: Bartholomew tribe does not currently, and has never in the past, had 12,000 members. |
It may be hard to make out but if you look closely Bartholomew tribe had approximately 5000 members in 2019. Unfortunately, due to covid-19 there hasn’t been a similar tribe member report from the General Assembly for 2020. However, as we can see from the above quote CHJN said the great tribulation had started from at least 29 Feb 2020, so according to CHJN there should be 12,000 sealed per tribe before 29 Feb 2020. This would require the Bartholomew tribe to evangelise and seal 7000 members in 3 months, half the time it takes to complete centre classes. But we don’t even have to analyse Bartholomew tribe’s numbers to see the 144,000 weren’t sealed before the great tribulation started, because CHJN wrote in April 2021 that there were still 7 tribes that did not have 12,000 sealed.
‘The Prophecies of Revelation and the Four Gospels’ (380411 – 11 Apr 2021)
It is said in the Bible that “from each tribe 12,000 were sealed.” It is incorrect to say that 12,000 includes those who are not sealed. This is because it says, “those who were sealed.” Thus, the 12 tribes are taking Bible exams in order to confirm [who has been] sealed; those who receive a passing score on these exams are the ones who are sealed. However, there are 7 tribes that have not completely filled the sealed 12,000.
Quick sidenote: it could be argued that the article had to be translated and therefore could have been written before the great tribulation started. There are two problems with this argument: 1. CHJN’s articles are translated as quickly as possible because they contain the ‘food at the proper time’ and are considered waterflow and 2. The article references the Bible exams taking place to confirm who has been sealed and these were conducted early-mid 2021. This confirms that the article was written close to the date it was translated and significantly after the start of the great tribulation.
Let’s recap and summarise what we know:
- The order according to Rev 7:3 and CHJN’s testimony is:
First the 144,000 are sealed; Then, after this, the Great Tribulation takes place. - CHJN says the Great Tribulation has been taking place since at least 29 Feb 2020.
- CHJN said that 7 tribes had not filled the sealed 12,000 on 11 April 2021
- Bartholomew tribe does not have 12,000 members, so cannot have 12,000 sealed.
Is there any explanation for this glaring discrepancy? Let’s cover some counterarguments to make sure there isn’t something we’re missing.
> The 144,000 have been sealed, we just don’t know who they are yet.
A: The 144,000 is the exact same thing as the 12,000 per tribe – for the 144,000 to be sealed there must be 12,000 sealed per tribe. CHJN himself said in April 2021 that 7 tribes hadn’t filled their 12,000 and Bartholomew has never had 12,000 members. So, knowing which members are sealed is irrelevant because it’s been confirmed by CHJN that 7 tribes didn’t have 12,000 sealed as of April 2021, and Bartholomew has never had enough members to have 12,000 sealed.
> Members can move tribe, so perhaps some members will transfer to Bartholomew tribe to increase their numbers over 12,000
A: Even if those members moved today, it wouldn’t affect what we are talking about. All 12 tribes needed to have 12,000 sealed members before the start of the Great Tribulation (around 29 Feb 2020) according to both Rev 7:3 and CHJN’s own testimony. The fact they did not have 12,000 sealed as of 29 Feb 2020 is the problem.
> Perhaps there is some kind of spiritual explanation.
A: There needs to be 12,000 physical members with the seal of God in each tribe.
‘The Difference Between the First Heaven and First Earth and the New Heaven and New Earth’ (370619 – 19 Jun 2020)
This number was 144,000. This is an event in the physical world.
There simply is no way around it. CHJN’s current testimony that the Great Tribulation is taking place contradicts the order of events he testified. The fact there is at least 1 tribe (Bartholomew, and 6 others according to CHJN) which has not sealed 12,000 members cannot be ignored. To end this section, here is a quote from one of CHJN’s sermons, taken from a booklet of SSN quotes:
The reason that I speak about the 12,000 so often is because the 12,000 per tribe must be filled for the great tribulation to take place and the great multitude in white to come. This is the order that is in the Bible.
Great Multitude in White?
This is more of a minor observation but it demonstrates an important point nonetheless. In Rev 4:6 there is a sea of glass, clear as crystal, before God’s throne which represents God’s Word which is flawless and perfect, and this is what CHJN claims to be testifying. He claims to have God’s Word, clear as crystal, flawless and perfect. It is interesting to note, then, how much CHJN’s testimony about the great multitude in white varies each time he testifies.
‘The One and Only God’s Creation of the Heavens and the Earth: The End of the 6,000-Year World of the Former Heaven and the Creation of the Latter Heaven—the New Heaven and Earth’ (380219 – 19 Feb 2021)
The new heaven and new earth, that is, Shincheonji (Shincheonji Church of Jesus) became the actual entity of the 144,000 of the 12 tribes, which has been created today by harvesting the ripened wheat of the seed that was sown at the time of the first coming and sealing them. Now, the great multitude in white will rush in from the great tribulation (Rv 7:9, 14).
‘Special Letter from the Chairman’ (370416 – 16 Apr 2020)
We SCJ family know what the beginning and end of Revelation is. And we know the process and order, too. After the great tribulation is finished, the great multitude in white will come, and this is going to be the fulfillment of the word “when the seventh trumpet which is the last is sounded, the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our God.”
‘To all the congregation members of Shincheonji’ (370229 – 29 Feb 2020)
And it is written that it is after the great tribulation that the multitude in white will come so this is the order in which this will be fulfilled.
‘The New Heaven and New Earth That Is Good’ (380902 – 2 Sep 2021)
The great multitude in white will appear amidst the great trial and great tribulation that has come upon the entire world (Rv 7:9–14).
‘The Ones Who Are Qualified to Receive Heaven and Eternal Life’ (381017 – 17 Oct 2021)
The great multitude who come into this place are the ones who come out of the great tribulation after the creation of the sealed 12 tribes (Ref. Rv 7:9-14).
‘The Promised Pastor whom Jesus Promised in the New Testament’ (Article 1205 ~ 23 Sep 2019)
Shincheonji Church of Jesus is not the subjects of the kingdom, the church of tradition. It is the 144,000 (the priests) created of those who are harvested and sealed as promised when Revelation is fulfilled, and the multitude in white (the people) who came out of every place (nation, tribe, people, and language) on their own after this. They are the Twelve Tribes, the promised new kingdom and new people.
The above articles directly contradict each other. In some, CHJN teaches that the great multitude in white will come after the great tribulation is finished, while in others he teaches they will come out during the great tribulation. He even explicitly wrote they will come out after the great tribulation is finished, so it cannot be brushed aside as perhaps meaning after the great tribulation has started. These are clearly two different orders of events. As the mouthpiece of God and Jesus, shouldn’t CHJN’s testimony be clear and consistent?
Furthermore, if you were a member during Year 36 and 37 (2019 and 2020) you surely would have heard during sermons and educations that the great multitude would not need to be evangelised. You may even recall it was said the great multitude would start to flood in after seeing the 100,000 graduation. CHJN himself even said the great multitude would not need to be evangelised during a sermon on 6 June 2020, stating that it doesn’t say they will be evangelised in the Bible. However, it is now taught that the great multitude are currently being evangelised.
What about the “rapid” growth of Shincheonji?
Let’s assume for a moment that Shincheonji isn’t lying about their growth, and that they are experiencing large enrollments into their sect.
Even if it was true, they’re still the slowest growing group when compared to their peers.
For example, the World Mission Society Church of God was in a single country in 1998, and today, boasts close to 4 million members globally, in 175 countries.
Then there is the rapid growth n Lightning, which started in the 90’s, are already claiming up to 4 million members as well. With these statistics in mind, does this mean that Eastern Lightning has the highest truth?
Then there’s also another group, Falun Gong, which also started in the 90’s, and by 1999 some sources estimated that this group had close to 70 million practicing the faith.
Even the Pentecostals are growing at 35,000 converts per day. Objectively speaking, Shincheonji isn’t growing as fast as their propaganda makes it seem. Instead, they’re one of the slowest growing faiths.
This is also assuming that Shincheonji isn’t using “wisdom” to mask their numbers. Something that many former leaders are now claiming that their graduation numbers aren’t telling the full truth.
The immortality of the Great Multitude in White
Until the mid-20s of the SCJ year, the Great multitude in white was not taught to have eternal life. Actually, it was not taught, but only the 144,000 were taught to have physical eternal life.
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<The Complete Commentary on Revelation>
A millennial world with beheaded souls(martyrs) The souls of the beheaded who were given authority to judge, and those who were not marked by the beast, live and participate in the first resurrection. Those who participate in the first resurrection are made priests like Christ and reign as kings and high priests for a thousand years, while those who died without martyrdom wait in sleep until the Great White Throne Judgment a thousand years later. In the past, it was taught that only the 144,000 first resurrection participants would have physical eternal life, and those who did not martyr themselves and died would remain in a state of physical death for the subsequent thousand years. |
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<JSS article>
Those who are united with God in one are the first resurrection, and their place is the millennium castle. Of those who have died in the Lord, only those who have been beheaded for the word of God, the martyrs, and the twelve tribes of Mount Zion participate in the first resurrection. The rest of the dead will be judged after the millennium, and heaven and hell will be determined (Rev 20). |