Examination to Put “The New Covenant We Must Keep” into Action
26.1 How can those born of God’s seed and those born of the devil’s seed be differentiated?
Those who have been harvested and those who have not
26.2 Why is Jesus’ appearance in the first coming and his appearance in the second coming different?
Physical body at the first coming, spiritual body at the second coming
27.1 In Rv 2, 1 who are the betrayers and the destroyers?
The chosen people of the seven churches, Nicolaitans
27.2 What are the teachings and the food sacrificed to idols?
Satan’s doctrines
27.3 What does it mean to commit adultery?
Having a relationship with Satan, the groom
28.1 How many kinds of contents and what are the contents of the letters sent in Rv 2~3?
Three kinds:
1. What you have seen,
2. What is now, and
3. What will take place later
28.2 Write the three entities that appear in order,
Seven messengers, Nicolaitans, John
28.3 and write what each did.
Seven messengers: the work of the lamp that prepares the way
Nicolaitans: food sacrificed to idols, gave teachings, adultery
John: letter asking for repentance and word of promise
29.1 Write the 12 blessings promised to the one who overcomes.
01. Right to eat from the tree of life,
02. Crown of life,
03. Not be hurt at all by the second death,
04. Hidden Manna,
05. White stone,
06. Iron scepter,
07. Morning star,
08. White clothes,
09. Written in the book of life,
10. Pillar in God’s temple,
11. Write on him God’s name, the name of the holy city, new Jerusalem, and
12. Jesus’ new name, sit on Jesus’ throne.
29.2 What are the white stone and the iron scepter?
White stone: authority to judge,
Iron scepter: authority to rule
30.1 Which chapter shows what must be done in order to receive the promises of Rv 2~3?
Rv 12
30.2 With what
Jesus’ blood and word of testimony
30.3 and how was it achieved?
By overcoming the group of the dragon
30.4 What takes place after this?
God’s kingdom, power, and salvation
31.1 What is the food that Jesus gives at the time of the end (the time of Revelation)? Include a reference chapter.
Rv 2, the hidden manna (Jesus’ blood and the fulfilled reality of Revelation)
31.2 What is the wine of adulteries that the devil gives? Include a reference chapter.
Rv 17 (Rv 18), the serpent’s (Satan’s) doctrine, the wild wine, which is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
31.3 Who are the pastors of the organizations that give such food, respectively?
Jesus and his pastor, the devil and his pastor (God’s pastor, the one who overcomes, and Babylon’s pastor, the prostitute and the seven heads and ten homs)
32. In Ry 4~5, there is the throne of heaven and a voice that is heard. What is the new song that is sung at this time?
Gospel of the fulfilled reality of Revelation
32.2 With what are God’s kingdom and priests made?
Jesus’ blood
33.1 To whom and whom, and
The 12 tribes of the 144,000 and the multitude in white
33.2 In what events does Jesus’ blood in Revelation apply?
In fighting and overcoming the dragon, in receiving atonement for sin
33.3 Where in the Old Testament is there a passage written similar to the kingdom and priests of Revelation?
Ex 19:5-6
34. In Rv 6,
34.1 who
34.2 uses who
The four living creatures
34.3 to give judgment upon whom?
The chosen people, Israel, who betrayed (the congregation of the tabernacle of the seven stars)
34.4 In which 2 chapters are those who are thrown out in chapter 6 slain?
Rv 8, 9
34.5 What kind of people escape the judgment in Rv 6 and 18 like in the past and become saved? Describe in 3 ways.
The penitent, wheat and barley, oil and wine
35.1 In Rv 7, after what event do those who are sealed appear?
After the chosen people receive their judgment in Rv 6 (after the sun, moon, stars become dark and fall, after betrayal and destruction)
35.2 Where do they come from and how have they come?
Harvested from the harvest field
35.3 Who are they, and what have they been purchased with? Include reference verses.
Rv 5:9-10, the kingdom and priests who have been purchased with Jesus’ blood
35.4 Who are the multitude in white that come after this, and where do they come from?
People who received atonement for sin (those who belong to the 12 tribes), from every nation (tribe, people, language)
36.1 With what 2 things are God’s kingdom and priests and the multitude in white made?
With God’s seed and Jesus” blood, being sealed
36.2 After which event do they appear?
After being harvested (after betrayal and destruction, after the end and judgment of the sun, moon, stars).
36.3 Write 3 applicable references about God’s kingdom, priests, and the great multitude in white, and
Rv 1:5~6, Rv 5:9~10, Rv 7:14
36.4 Who are the actual entities of these?
harvested and sealed Shincheonji 12 tribes family members (12 tribes of the 144,000 and the multitude in white)
37. In Rv 8-9,
37.1 why are the trumpets blown in Rv 8?
All the seals became opened, making the scroll opened and able to be read
37.2 Who are the ones that are slain in Rv 8-9?
Those who are thrown out in Rv 6
38. Those who received judgment in Rv 6, 8, and 9 did not repent.
38.1 Who gave judgment and,
Jesus and the four living creatures
38.2 Who received it?
The chosen people who betrayed
38.3 Why did they receive judgment?
Because they betrayed
38.4 What did the sounds of the trumpets make known?
They make known the events that appear
39. After the seven seals are opened, the scroll became opened and fulfilled reality appeared. After this, seven trumpets were blown.
39.1 Write 4 reference chapters regarding the difference between the first six trumpets and the seventh trumpet.
Rv 8, 9, 11, 1 Cor 15
39.2 Who are killed and who are those that kill in Rv 8-9?
People who are killed: The chosen people who betrayed and are thrown out in Rv 6 Those who kill: The pastors of the dragon who invaded
40. In Rv 9, there are heads on the horses” tails and its riders. In Rv 19, a horse and its rider appear.
40.1 What kind of entities are these riders and the horses, and to whom do they belong?
The pastor who belongs to Babylon, the kingdom of the devil;
the pastor that belongs to God (The spirit and flesh (pastor) that belong to the devil, the spirit and flesh (pastor) that belong to God)
40.2 What are the tails and the heads?
Heads: Rulers (the seven pastors of the dragon)
Tails: False prophets (false pastors)
40.3 What are the fire, smoke, and sulfur that come out of the horses” mouths?
Church laws and doctrines (false teachings, commentaries)
41. In Rv 10, the mighty angel, planting his right foot on the sea and left foot on the land, shouts with the seven thunders.
41.1 What is shown to John?
With the words of the open scroll, the sea (destroyers) and the land (betrayers) receive judgment
41.2 To whom does John, who received and ate the open scroll, deliver these words?
Peoples, nations, languages, kings
41.3 Where is such content also found in the Old Testament?
Ezekiel 3
42.1 With what do the land and the sea receive their judgment?
With the bowls of wrath
42.2 Who shows this judgment?
42.3 To whom is it shown?
To his messenger (New John)
42.4 Why is it shown?
To carry out exactly what he has seen
43.1 Through whom is the sealed scroll in God’s hand given?
Jesus, angel, John
43.2 In which chapter are those who receive the scroll?
Rv 7
43.3 Who are they?
The 12 tribes
43.4 What is shown?
The events of the entire Revelation
44.1 Where is the place the two witnesses are killed and receive the breath to live again in Rv 11?
The first tabernacle
44.2 What is the city that collapsed?
The tabernacle that became the Gentiles
44.3 What is the difference between the sounds of the first six trumpets and the last (seventh) trumpet?
First six trumpets: Destruction of the chosen people.
The seventh trumpet: Destruction of the enemy, Babylon
44.4 What is the hail inside the temple?
The pastor with the wrath
45.1 Who is the one that fights and overcomes the beast in Rv 12?
The child who will rule all nations, and his brothers
45.2 What does he overcome with?
The blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony
45.3 What is the river that the serpent spewed out of its mouth?
The serpent’s doctrine
45.4 Who is the earth that swallows the river?
The physical bodies (his congregation and the entire nation)
45.5 Who are those who hold to the testimony?
Those who overcame
46.1 When do God’s kingdom and salvation come?
After fighting and overcoming the group of the dragon (after the events of betrayal and destruction),
46.2 Against whom does the dragon, standing on the shore of the sea, want to make war?
Those who overcame that hold to the testimony.
47. Regarding the beast from the sea and the beast “666” in Rv 13
47.1 How are they different from each other?
The beast: Came out of the sea (world).
The beast “666”: Came out of the earth, the tabernacle
47.2 Write two chapters that explain the difference.
Rv 17, 13
47.3 Who receive the mark on their foreheads and hands?
The chosen people of the first tabernacle
48.1 Who are the betrayers and destroyers in Rv 13?
Betrayers: The chosen people;
Destroyers: The group of the dragon
48.2 What is the sea that the beast comes out of?
Babylon, which belongs to the world
48.3 What are the kingdoms of the betrayers and the destroyers, respectively?
The tabernacle of the chosen people, Babylon
48.4 What are their actual entities?
The Tabernacle Temple and the Christian Stewardship Training Center
49.1 Who is the beast “666”?
The beast that came out of the earth, which is the tabernacle
49.2 Who figuratively represents this beast?
49.3 Who is its actual entity?
Oh – Ho
49.4 Which kingdom does it come from?
The tabernacle of the chosen people, Babylon
49.5 What does it do?
Sets up an image and makes the congregation receive the mark of the beast.
50.1 In Rv 14, the 144,000 have the names of Jesus and God written on their foreheads. Where (in which chapter) did they receive them?
Rv 7
50.2 Where did the 144,000 come from?
From the harvest field (Jesus’ field, the field where the seed was sown)
50.3 From what kingdom did the beast in Rv 13 come?
The kingdom of Babylon