Table of Contents
Revelation 12 figuratively depicts the spiritual war between the dragon (Satan) and God’s forces. The woman clothed with the sun, moon, and crown of stars represents the pastor Mr. Yoo of the Tabernacle Temple. She gives birth to a male child, who is identified as New John (the promised pastor), who will rule all nations as one who overcomes. The enormous red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns is the beast system led by Mr. Tak of the Stewardship Education Center, which tries to devour or destroy the child at birth. This parallels the spiritual war raging both in heaven between Michael’s angels and Satan’s angels, and on earth between New John and the beast system. Ultimately, victory is achieved through the blood of the Lamb (the life-giving words of Jesus) and the word of their testimony (seeing and understanding the fulfillment of Revelation). During the 3.5 year period, the woman (Mr. Yoo) flees into the desert (the theology school in the U.S.) while the beast system takes over the Tabernacle Temple. Though Satan spews waters of persecution and lies, the earth (the faithful people) helps defend the woman by absorbing the deceptive waters. In the end, those victorious ones who obey God’s commands are able to establish the new unified Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony for all nations to worship the truth.
Rev 12: The War Between The Dragon and God
Revelation 12 depicts the war between the dragon and God. This chapter is very important because it sets up the victory that must take place, the overcoming that must take place for the one who overcomes and his brothers that overcome with him.
We’ll see that in this important battle. We’ll also understand where Revelation 12 falls in the timeline of Revelation’s fulfillment so that we can properly place it in our minds.
Revelation 12:1-5
Revelation 12:1-5 A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.
Revelation chapter 12 contains many significant events. Let’s examine it piece by piece.
In verse 1, we read about a great and wondrous sign that appeared in heaven. The Bible distinguishes between two types of heaven:
- The spiritual heaven (as described in Revelation 4)
- The physical heaven in this world
3 Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. 4 If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already men who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. 5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”
Hebrews 8:3-5
ONE – Heaven: Tabernacle of Heaven (Actual Reality: Tabernacle of Testimony, Rev 13:6
They served at a tabernacle that figuratively represents a copy and a shadow of what already existed in heaven. In the physical world, there are two types of heavens:
- The first heaven and the first earth
- The new heaven and the new earth
These physical heavens are made according to the pattern of heaven in the spiritual world. Between these two types, one betrays and passes away, while the other type remains forever.
God has long desired to build this place, as mentioned in several biblical passages:
– Isaiah 65
– 1 Peter 3
– 2 Peter
– Revelation 21
God’s purpose has been to seek a new heaven and a new earth – essentially a new kingdom and new people – so that He can finally come down.
When reading Revelation 12, it’s important to understand that the “heaven” mentioned refers not to the spiritual realm where God dwells, but to a heaven in the physical world. This heaven is specifically the tabernacle of heaven.
The actual reality of this tabernacle of heaven, where the war occurs, is the tabernacle temple. This is referenced in Revelation 13:6, which we read earlier, stating “slandered those who live in heaven.” This refers to the slandering of those dwelling in the tabernacle temple.
TWO – Sun, Moon and Stars (People of the Tabernacle Temple), Gn 37:9-11
In Revelation 12, we encounter a significant vision: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of 12 stars on her head.
Previously, many interpreted Revelation literally. However, let’s consider this logically – could a woman physically be clothed with the sun? A practical example helps us understand: if someone were to travel by rocket ship toward the sun, they would perish thousands of miles before reaching it. This simple fact demonstrates that this imagery cannot be interpreted literally, but must have a spiritual meaning.
Through our study, we have come to understand the spiritual symbolism of these elements:
- The woman represents a pastor of flesh
- The sun represents a pastor
- The moon represents evangelists
- The stars represent saints (the congregation)
This imagery reveals the actual reality of the people of the Tabernacle Temple: the sun symbolizing the pastor, the moon representing the evangelists, and the stars representing the saints who are born again from the seed of the word.
THREE – Woman is a Pastor, Gal 4:19, 1 Cor 3:1-4
A pastor, who is a woman, serves as the shepherd of her people.
In the context of any church, a pastor is clothed by their congregation, and the congregation represents who the pastor truly is. Because the congregation feeds on the pastor’s words, the pastor’s true nature shapes the identity of the congregation. In the spiritual world, a spiritual woman receives the seed from the groom – this should be a spirit if things are proceeding correctly, though it could be a different spirit.
The pastor’s responsibility is to nurture the congregation with the seed received, providing either milk or solid food.
As Apostle Paul expresses in Galatians 4:19, “I am in the pains of childbirth until Christ is fully formed within you.” This concept is further elaborated in 1 Corinthians 3:1-4, where Paul explains how he had to give milk to the Corinthian congregation, as they weren’t prepared for solid food. Like a mother who understands her child’s nutritional needs and knows when to transition from milk to solid food, a pastor must do the same.
A pastor must evaluate their congregation’s spiritual maturity to provide appropriate spiritual nourishment. However, there’s a problem: for 2000 years, pastors have only been giving milk – not even fresh milk from the udder, but spoiled milk. This is what people have been consuming all these years.
When solid food is introduced, it appears strange and weird – likely similar to how this class felt initially (though hopefully not anymore), because solid food has a different taste than milk, especially rotten milk. This discernment is a crucial aspect of a pastor’s role.
Before examining some explanatory diagrams, let’s consider another sign from Revelation chapter 12. Revelation 12:2-3 states, “She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
Then another sign appeared in heaven, an enormous red dragon with seven heads and 10 horns, and with seven crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so he might devour her child the moment it was born.”
The Dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns
Let us examine the dragon mentioned in Revelation. This dragon represents a being with 7 heads and 10 horns, which is described in more detail in Revelation 13. Additionally, this dragon has a tail that swipes a third of the stars from the sky.
During my time in Babylon, there was a common teaching about the angels who fled with Satan. The teaching claimed that Satan took one-third of all angels, and this interpretation came from this passage. However, let’s analyze this carefully.
When considering God’s angels, their number is beyond human counting. Even John, in his writing, could only express it as “thousands upon thousands, 10,000 times 10,000” – essentially describing a countless number. He couldn’t see where the multitude ended.
This raises a logical question: if you take one-third of a countless number, wouldn’t that still be countless? It’s not logical to suggest that Satan could have taken a countless number of angels from God.
This illustrates how people sometimes interpret figuratively meant passages in a literal way. However, we do have a specific number in Revelation 9, where “10,000 times 10,000” is mentioned twice, equaling 200 million. This represents the actual number of angels Satan took from God.
Therefore, we can conclude two things: first, the number isn’t countless – it’s 200 million. Second, 200 million cannot be one-third of a countless number. This indicates that these stars in the passage do not represent angels. Furthermore, since Revelation is a prophecy about the future, and Satan’s taking of the angels occurred thousands of years ago, these must be two separate events.
FOUR – Tail of Dragon: False Pastors
Let us examine what the third of the stars that Satan took away represents.
To understand this, we must first look at the tail. In its figurative spiritual meaning, the tail represents false pastors, as revealed in Isaiah 9:15.
The 17 Evangelists Explained:
These false pastors, also called prophets, were specifically the 17 evangelists from the stewardship education or the tabernacle temple.
They were appointed as pastors at a precise moment:
- The hour: 2 p.m.
- The day: the 20th
- The month: September
- The year: 1981
The ordination of these 17 evangelists as pastors was conducted illegally. The full understanding of this illegal process will be explained later. These individuals, now serving as pastors, continued to spread false doctrines, misleading the congregation further. As a result, the remaining third that had not been killed was subsequently killed.
To better comprehend this relationship, we can refer to a diagram.
To review our previous discussion: we first examined the woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars. She appeared with:
– The sun as her clothing
– The moon beneath her feet
– A crown of 12 stars on her head
In Revelation, there appears a woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars who gives birth to a male child. This male child holds an iron scepter, which represents authority to rule. When the dragon notices this, it hates it.
The dragon attempts to devour the child at the moment of birth. As the dragon attacks the child and the woman who gave birth, it also sweeps a third of the stars from the sky – the last third that remains alive.
While some have suggested this child is Jesus, this interpretation is incorrect. The child is actually New John, and here is the explanation why:
The male child holds an iron scepter. In Revelation 2:26-27, it is written that the one who overcomes receives the iron scepter. This means:
– The male child is the one who overcomes
– The one who overcomes receives the iron scepter from Jesus
– Jesus could not have given himself the iron scepter
Therefore, the woman clothed in the sun and stars cannot be Mary. Instead, she is a figurative representation of the tabernacle that was called heaven.
This situation has occurred multiple times throughout the Bible, beginning with a prophecy in Genesis 3:14-16. The depth of this understanding goes even further.
Genesis 3:14-16 14 So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” 16 To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
In verse 14, God pronounces a curse upon the serpent. While we understand the serpent’s reality today, it’s important to note that Satan is the ultimate serpent, using anyone who opposes God.
Revelation 20:2 reveals that Satan is cursed and “will eat dust all the days of his life.” This statement is figurative, not literal. What does dust represent in a spiritual sense?
Dust represents a person without the word. As stated in 1 Peter 5:8, “Your enemy, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” This shows how Satan easily devours those who are like dust – those without the word.
The curse continues, stating “cursed you are above all the livestock.” In verse 15, God declares, “I will put enmity between you, the serpent and the woman.”
Genesis 3:15 contains a crucial phrase that indicates the nature of this passage – “I will.” This signals that we’re reading prophecy. God declares, “I will put enmity between you, the woman and the serpent.” This demonstrates God’s amazing nature, prophesying events thousands of years before their occurrence.
As Isaiah 46:10 states, “I make known the end from the beginning. From ancient times, what is yet to come.” This verse shows how the beginning and end are tight together in God’s perspective, allowing Him to prophesy about both Genesis and Revelation simultaneously.
The fulfillment of this prophecy in Genesis 3:15 involves:
– The woman giving birth in pain to a child
– Enmity between the offspring
– Conflict between the child and the serpent
This prophecy indicates that the serpent and the child will engage in war, which is detailed further in Revelation 12.
The Woman clothed in the sun, moon and stars – Rev 1:20
The woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars figuratively represents the Tabernacle Temple – specifically Mr. Yoo, the son, not the father.
The explanation for why it’s the son begins with the establishment of the Tabernacle Temple in 1966. The temple was referred to as a lampstand, which operates on a specific logic: oil flows through the middle branch before filling the other branches. In this structure, Jesus worked directly through Mr. Yoo, the father, who served as the middle branch, disseminating the word to the other branches (people).
A conflict arose when the other branches believed God was working through them as well, not exclusively through the father. This situation paralleled the biblical account in Numbers 12:1-9, where Aaron and Miriam quarreled, claiming God spoke through them, not just Moses. This in-quarreling and internal strife among family members led to Mr. Yoo, the father, being kicked out in 1967.
The person who would later become known as New John discovered this quarreling among the seven stars. This discovery led to threats against his life, forcing him to flee in 1971. When the middle branch (Mr. Yoo, the father) was removed, the word ceased to exist, and God departed.
The betrayal that began in 1967 with the expulsion of the middle branch due to in-quarreling continued to evolve. Their betrayal and mindset deteriorated to such an extent that by 1975, when Mr. Yoo, the son, appointed Mr. Oh as an educator, they failed to recognize they had invited a destroyer into their midst. This demonstrated how far they had strayed from Jesus, losing their ability to recognize false teachings. This sequence of events illustrates how betrayal manifests.
New John, the male child, attending Tabernacle Temple, Rev 10:8-11
From 1967 to 1971, New John was a member of the tabernacle, during which time Mr. Yoo’s son was responsible for preaching. New John was present in the early era when Mr. Yoo preached, and this is figuratively expressed as Mr. Yoo giving birth to New John. However, it’s important to understand that New John was not actually evangelized by any person in the early stages of his life of faith – he was evangelized by heaven.
When someone is young in their life of faith, they need a place where their faith can grow and develop. This is a natural process, just as Jesus himself spent time in the temples and synagogues before beginning his ministry, as recorded in the book of Luke.
Luke 2:41-52 41 Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the Feast, according to the custom. 43 After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. 44 Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 46 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Jesus demonstrated profound wisdom even at age 12. The Bible records that in the temples, he was not only listening but also speaking and teaching, showing his deep understanding from an early age.
John the Baptist followed a similar path in his spiritual development. Before Jesus appointed him for his three-year ministry, John was already deeply engaged in his faith, listening and asking many questions.
In the Bible’s figurative language, when it speaks of “the woman gave birth to the male child,” this represents how John the Baptist was present among them for a period before departing.
The male child mentioned is John the Baptist, who receives the iron scepter as one who overcomes. This iron scepter represents the authority to rule, and ruling in this context means teaching, as explained in Malachi 2:7 and 1 Peter 2:9. These verses discuss the royal priesthood, whose primary responsibility is to teach the word of God.
The Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns (Actual Reality: Mr Tak)
Satan the serpent works through people, similar to how God works through a person. The beast is represented by the dragon with seven heads and ten horns.
Mr. Tak leads the beast. He holds two positions: he is the head of the stewardship education center and serves as the main head among the seven heads and ten horns.
The seven heads represent the seven pastors at the stewardship education center, including Mr. Tak. When they entered the tabernacle temple, they appointed ten authority figures. These ten authority figures were tabernacle temple members who were appointed as elders. Together with the seven heads, they worked to destroy the tabernacle.
The stage for the upcoming war is now set. We know who the participants in this battle are. When we zoom out, we can understand the logic behind each participant’s role.
What We Understand So Far
The woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars figuratively represents Mr. Yoo, the son. During that time, he was in charge as the main branch, head pastor, or representative pastor of the 7 stars and of the tabernacle. New John, who was at the temple during this period, fled to protect his life after discovering the corruption and quarreling happening among the 7 stars.
Being in the tabernacle during that era is symbolized as giving birth, similar to how Jesus spent time in the tabernacles and synagogues in Jerusalem. Although New John was a member in the tabernacle temple in the early days, his words do not originate from there. Mr. Tak and the beast, now in charge, began to attack New John after learning about his origins. They attempted to snatch him up before he could grow, wanting to stop his preaching and prevent him from doing his job.
The enmity, which is the war between the offsprings, has manifested in various ways throughout history. Satan consistently attempts to snatch up those whom God appoints for important tasks while they are young. The first instance of this was with Moses – Satan, recognizing that Moses would become significant in God’s work, tried to snatch him up in his youth. However, by God’s grace, Moses was saved and protected.
This pattern repeated with Jesus, when King Herod wanted to snatch him up as a young child. This recurring theme demonstrates why God speaks in parables to protect His plan. Satan continuously tries to interrupt God’s plan before it can take effect, always causing problems.
This is precisely why God asked to speak in parables – to prevent the evil one from stopping His plan.
Revelation 12:6
The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
Revelation 12:6
ONE – Desert: Place without Water (Word), Dt 32:3
In this passage, we learn about a woman fleeing to a desert from a dragon. To understand the physical representation of a desert, we look at Romans 1:20, which describes it as a dry, arid place without water.
A desert’s key characteristic is the absence of water. From a spiritual perspective, this represents a place lacking life-giving water. Water here figuratively represents the word, as explained in Deuteronomy 32:2: “Let my teachings fall like rain and my word descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.”
The woman, who spiritually represents Mr. Yoo, goes to a place that is spiritually a desert – a concerning situation. Mr. Yoo is absent for a specific period: 1260 days, which equals 42 months or three and a half years. This is known as the period of destruction.
During this three and a half year period of destruction, Mr. Yoo, the representative pastor of the tabernacle, is not present. In his absence, and after the resignation of the 7 stars, Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak take charge. This enables them to carry out the destruction by feeding people false teachings.
TWO – Actual Reality: Theology School
The woman went to a desert – which in reality was a theology school in the United States. God considers the United States a desert because it is a place without the word.
Those who have attended theology schools often describe their experience as spiritually dry. Rather than focusing on the word, these institutions primarily teach church history and administration.
The actual events unfolded as follows: Mr. Yoo departed from the Tabernacle Temple to attend theology school in the United States from October 1980 to April 1984. During his absence, Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak took control and corrupted the place with false teachings.
Mr. Oh, who had a special relationship with Mr. Yoo, persuaded him to seek official ordination. Mr. Oh said to Mr. Yoo: “You haven’t been to theology school. You will only learn the 7 stars teachings, which we’ve shown are wrong. Go become someone who is official. Attend this theology school in the United States. Let them train you while you’re gone. We’ll take over from here while you’re away.”
Believing this would give him official recognition in the world’s eyes, Mr. Yoo agreed and went to the United States from October 1980 to April 1984.
However, at a precise and significant moment – 2 pm on September 20th, 1981 – he briefly returned. During this visit, he witnessed his people falling deeper into falsehood at the pastor ordination service. Afterward, he returned to the United States to continue his studies.
This sequence of events fulfills Revelation 12:6.
Revelation 12:7-11
Revelation 12:7-11 7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. 11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Let’s now look at Revelation 12 from verse seven to 11 to read about the victory, the war that happens and the victory that also takes place. Revelation 12, verses seven to 11.
A significant event unfolds in Revelation 12:7-11, marking the beginning of a major war that occurs on two distinct fronts: heaven and earth – encompassing both the spiritual and physical worlds.
In the spiritual realm, Michael and his angels engage in battle against Satan and his demons (angels). This conflict simultaneously manifests in the physical world.
The victory is achieved through two elements:
The Blood of the Lamb – Represents Jesus’ words of life
The Word of Testimony – Obtained through seeing and hearing
Understanding the Blood of the Lamb:
- Reference to John 6:63: “The spirit gives life. The flesh counts for nothing.”
- Jesus clarified the meaning when people misunderstood his words about eating his flesh and drinking his blood
- He emphasized that his words, not literal flesh and blood, give life
- Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life
The Flow of Life-Giving Words:
God → Jesus → Angel → New John (Promised Pastor) → Many peoples, nations, languages, and kings
The word of testimony is received through seeing and hearing, enabling understanding of the reality through the 5W1H:
Who: Identifying betrayers and destroyers
What: Actions according to prophecy
When: Timing of appearances
Where: Location of appearances
How: Method of manifestation
Why: Purpose behind events
The word and testimony must exist together during fulfillment. Just as Jesus preached his words of life, he also identified the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
He pointed out John the Baptist as the prophesied Elijah, and the Pharisees as those Isaiah spoke about. Jesus himself fulfilled prophecies as the light appearing in Galilee, the child born to a virgin, the one born in Bethlehem, the stone on Zion, the one who rode on a donkey, and more. He had to give those words.
The war described occurs simultaneously on two distinct fronts. First, in the spiritual realm, where Satan and his demons battle against Michael and his angels. Second, in the physical world, where the male child and his brothers fight against the beast with seven heads and ten horns.
This ongoing war’s intensity will become more evident when we view the movie about Revelation 12.
The nature of this war is particularly interesting. It’s not a conventional battle – John didn’t arrive at the tabernacle armed with guns, swords, and shields, saying “Hey, I’m coming over here. You guys are the betrayers. Get down.”
Instead, this is a doctrinal war – a war of words. This spiritual warfare has always been fought through doctrines, not with physical weapons like guns and bullets as seen in worldly conflicts.
This concept is supported by two key biblical passages:
- Ephesians 6:10-17, where Paul explains that we don’t wage war as the world does, but must put on the full armor of God, which is essentially the word of God. Each piece of this armor relates to the word in some way.
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, where Paul further elaborates on the nature of spiritual warfare.
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
We do not wage war as the world does, and we don’t use worldly weapons. Instead, we fight with our words to demolish strongholds and every pretension, making them obedient to Christ.
We demolish arguments through a war of doctrines.
In this conflict, the male child was proclaiming the word of truth, while the destroyers were spreading words of lies. Both sides claimed to possess the truth:
“We have the truth.”
“No, you are the destroyers.”
“No, we are not.”
“We have been around a long time.”
“No, you destroyed the Tabernacle Temple and took away their word.”
“No, you guys don’t know what you’re talking about.”
This back-and-forth war was waging, but it was a war of words. In Revelation 12, God’s side achieves victory. When there is a victory, similar to the blessing and curse described in Deuteronomy 28, the winner receives the blessings, while the loser is cursed.
According to Deuteronomy 28, how is the loser cursed? They flee in seven ways. This exactly happened to the pastors of the Stewardship Education Center when they were defeated. It took some time, but they came in one way and fled in seven ways, which is remarkable.
This war is fully detailed in Revelation chapter 16, which we will examine more closely in upcoming lessons.
Revelation 12:12-17 12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” 13 When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. 15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring—those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
When examining verse 12, we see Satan realizes his time is short. As we approach the complete fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation, Satan intensifies his fight. The more people learn the open word, the harder Satan fights against them, both individually and globally around the world. This explains why conditions appear to be continuously worsening.
We are getting closer to God’s return, which is why this escalation is occurring. Satan knows his time is short and that he is already defeated. However, as stated in verse 9, his main job is to lead the whole world astray. Despite knowing his final destination, Satan’s goal is to take as many people with him as possible.
Satan acts like a sore loser – his aim is to devour as many people as possible, leading them to join him in a place we do not want to be.
ONE – Earth: Tabernacle of Heaven, Tabernacle Temple of the Chosen People, Rev 13:3
Let’s examine verse 12: “Rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them. But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you.”
This prophecy speaks about “the earth” and “the sea” where the devil has descended. It’s important to note that this is not referring to events before Adam’s time. As a prophecy, these elements must find their fulfilment in our present era.
“The earth” and “the sea” represents the tabernacle of heaven, or more specifically, the tabernacle of the chosen people. In reality, this represents the Tabernacle Temple.
TWO – Sea: World of Satan, Dn 7:1-3, 17
The battle between Michael and Satan results in Satan being cast down. After his defeat, Satan goes to the sea, which figuratively represents Babylon.
This war manifests on two different scales, as further revealed in Revelation chapters 16, 17, and 18. The sea symbolically represents the world of the beast – Satan’s domain.
This domain encompasses everyone else, including all false pastors and churches across the world. Under Satan’s control are both the tabernacle of the chosen people (which no longer exists) and Babylon (Satan’s world).
THREE – Eagle: 4 Living Creatures, Rev 4:6-8
The woman received wings that were like those of a great eagle, enabling her to fly to her designated place in the desert.
This eagle figuratively represents one of the four living creatures. According to this, the woman must return to the specific place that was prepared for her.
FOUR – Serpent Spewed Water: Words of Persecution
The reality unfolded when Mr. Yoo briefly returned to participate in the service. Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak became enraged at him because of New John’s activities in their location during his absence.
In response to this situation, Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak began to slander Mr. Yoo. As a result, Mr. Yoo had to flee back to the United States after the service to escape their accusations. The serpent was spewing water, but this was not drinkable water – it was like the bitter water mentioned in Revelation 9, where a star falls on the springs and rivers, turning them into blood.
This water was not clean but dirty, representing the words of persecution that Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak directed at Mr. Yoo. Their anger stemmed from discovering that New John, who was fighting them with words of truth, was formerly a member of the Tabernacle Temple.
Their reaction was not happiness but anger, leading them to attack Mr. Yoo with words of persecution.
FIVE – Earth Swallowed
The earth swallows up the water, which figuratively represents the fulfilment of a prophecy or parable from the word.
Regarding the 7 stars and Mr. Yoo, there is more about the actual reality. The people deeply loved them. This makes logical sense.
The 7 stars arrived in a small town and began preaching a new word that no one had heard before. People traveled from everywhere to join this place. At this point, they had established over 80 branch churches and gathered 7,000 members. Mr. Yoo was loved by the people.
When Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak, who were new people, started to slander the one whom the people loved so much, the people absorbed these insults and defended Mr. Yoo. As the beast with seven heads and 10 horns, along with Mr. Oh, persecuted Mr. Yoo, those in the tabernacle temple defended him. They absorbed that false water, those slanders, those lies about him. However, these people now both belong to Satan.
On Satan’s side, they are not united in anything. They bicker and quarrel amongst themselves. Those who are betraying and destroying don’t even get along with each other, not really.
SIX – Those Who Obey and Hold
Satan represents division rather than unity, causing arguments among his followers. As stated in verse 17, “the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring.”
These offspring are the people who remain faithful to God’s teachings and Jesus’ commands. They are the few remnant seeds – those who rejected the teachings of the Nicolaitans.
They can be compared to “one quart of wheat, three quarts barley” – the remnant seed, also known as the brothers. Initially, they were in the tabernacle temple, but when John began preaching and testifying, they were the first to flee and come out. The dragon then attempted to wage war against these few people who had emerged.
These victorious people went on to establish a new kingdom – the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
SEVEN – Dragon on Shore of Sea: Rev 12:17 – Rev 13:1
Let’s examine the dragon’s location at the conclusion of Revelation chapter 12, which chronologically precedes chapter 13.
In Revelation 12:17, it states that the dragon went “to make war against the rest of her offspring.” Following this, “the dragon stood on the shore of the sea.” It’s important to note that this dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns is identical to the beast described with seven heads and 10 horns.
The connection between Revelation 13:1 and Revelation 17 is significant. The sea in this context represents Satan’s worldly domain. This will be explained in greater detail when we study Revelation chapters 17 and 18.
After the defeat of the beast with seven heads and 10 horns (the stewardship education center), Satan proceeds to target other pastors worldwide to continue his war against God’s people. The dragon’s position on the shore of the sea represents his stance against the world’s pastors and congregations, as he continues his warfare against the New John and Mount Zion.
The final point of today’s lesson is substantial: those who were victorious established a new kingdom.
Revelation 15:2-5 2 And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name. They held harps given them by God 3 and sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb: “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages. 4 Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” 5 After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of the Testimony, was opened.
The victorious ones mentioned in verse 2 are identical to those who gained victory in Revelation chapter 12. These same victorious individuals are the ones who establish a new temple.
Here is the text restructured while preserving the key vocabulary and meaning:
The new temple refers to the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony, which is where all nations will come to worship. Glory to God.
God’s desire is for the unification of churches worldwide. The old ways of division by denomination, country, creed, or people will end, as God brings everyone together in one place.
Whether you hear this word now or later (which is figurative and represents truth), the destination remains the same – this place. Therefore, it is better to enter now rather than wait.
Those who delay may later regret passing up the early opportunity, only to end up there anyway. As the fulfilment of prophecy and parable shows, all nations will ultimately come to worship.
it is better to come early.
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. 11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Revelation 12:10-11
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
The War in Heaven and on Earth: An Analysis of Revelation 12
I. Introduction: Setting the Stage for Victory
- This section introduces Revelation 12 as a pivotal chapter depicting the war between the dragon (Satan) and God, emphasizing the theme of victory for those who overcome. It also situates Revelation 12 within the broader timeline of Revelation’s fulfillment.
II. Review: Understanding the Context from Revelation 11
- This section provides a recap of key points from Revelation 11, including the two witnesses (identified as New John and Mr. Hong), the 42 months of their testimony, and the sounding of the seventh trumpet signifying the transition from the kingdom of the world to the kingdom of God.
III. Unveiling the Timeline: Before, During, and After the 42 Months
- This section clarifies the chronological order of events in Revelation, emphasizing that Revelation 12 actually follows Revelation 13. It establishes the 42 months of destruction (September 1980 – March 14, 1984) as a crucial reference point for understanding the sequence of events.
IV. Decoding the Symbols: Revelation 12:1-5
- A. The Tabernacle of Heaven: This section explains that the “heaven” mentioned in Revelation 12 refers not to the spiritual realm but to a physical representation—the Tabernacle Temple.
- B. Sun, Moon, and Stars: This section decodes the symbolism of the woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars, revealing their connection to the pastor, evangelists, and saints of the Tabernacle Temple.
- C. The Woman as a Pastor: This section identifies the woman as a pastor, drawing parallels with biblical examples like Mary and the church in Galatians 4:19. It highlights the pastor’s responsibility to nourish the congregation with spiritual food.
- D. The Dragon’s Tail: False Pastors: This section explains that the dragon’s tail, sweeping away a third of the stars, symbolizes false pastors who led people astray, specifically the 17 evangelists illegally appointed in the Tabernacle Temple.
V. Identifying the Key Players: The Woman, the Male Child, and the Dragon
- A. The Woman Clothed in the Sun, Moon, and Stars: This section identifies the woman as Mr. Yoo, the son, who led the Tabernacle Temple after his father’s expulsion.
- B. New John, the Male Child: This section identifies the male child as New John, who witnessed the events in the Tabernacle Temple during his early faith journey and later received authority (the iron scepter) to teach the truth.
- C. The Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns: This section identifies the beast, led by Mr. Tak, as the head of the stewardship education center and a force of destruction within the Tabernacle Temple.
VI. The Woman’s Flight and the Dragon’s Pursuit: Revelation 12:6-11
- A. The Desert: A Place Without the Word: This section explains the woman’s flight into the desert as Mr. Yoo attending a theology school in the United States, symbolizing a spiritual drought or absence of true teachings.
- B. The War in Heaven and on Earth: This section describes the war taking place on both spiritual and physical fronts, with Michael battling Satan in the spiritual realm and New John confronting the beast in the physical world. It emphasizes that this is a doctrinal war fought with words of truth against words of lies.
- C. Victory Through the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Testimony: This section outlines the means of victory: the blood of the Lamb (Jesus’ words of life) and the word of testimony (gained through seeing and hearing, providing a clear understanding of events).
VII. The Dragon’s Fury and Continued War: Revelation 12:12-17
- A. Satan’s Descent and the Earth and Sea: This section identifies the “earth” and “sea” as the Tabernacle Temple and the world of Satan, respectively, signifying the expansion of the conflict beyond the confines of the Tabernacle Temple.
- B. The Eagle’s Wings and the Woman’s Escape: This section describes the woman receiving eagle’s wings (representing the four living creatures) and escaping to her designated place, symbolizing divine protection.
- C. The Serpent’s Spewed Water: Words of Persecution: This section interprets the serpent spewing water as words of persecution directed at Mr. Yoo, illustrating the ongoing attacks against those who uphold the truth.
- D. The Earth Swallowing the Water and the People’s Defense: This section explains the earth swallowing the water as the people defending Mr. Yoo against false accusations, demonstrating loyalty to the true pastor.
- E. The Dragon’s War Against the Faithful Remnant: This section identifies the “rest of her offspring” as those who obey God’s commands and hold to Jesus’ testimony, representing the faithful remnant who resist the dragon’s attacks.
VIII. The Establishment of a New Kingdom: Revelation 15:2-5
- This section highlights the establishment of a new kingdom—the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony—by those who overcome the beast and remain faithful to God’s word, symbolizing the triumph of truth and the gathering of all nations to worship God.
IX. Conclusion: The Urgency of Entering the New Kingdom
- This section concludes with an exhortation to join the new kingdom without delay, emphasizing the importance of embracing the truth and avoiding the consequences of following the path of the dragon.
A Study Guide
Revelation 12 Study Guide: Decoding the War Between the Dragon and God
Short Answer Quiz
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- Explain why Revelation 12 chronologically follows Revelation 13.
- What is the spiritual meaning of the “woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars”?
- Who does the “male child” in Revelation 12 represent, and why is this significant?
- What does the “desert” symbolize in Revelation 12:6, and what is its real-world equivalent?
- How is the dragon’s tail described, and what does it represent?
- What two elements are essential for achieving victory in the war described in Revelation 12?
- Explain the meaning of “the blood of the Lamb” in the context of overcoming.
- What does “the word of their testimony” signify in Revelation 12:11?
- How does Revelation 12:12 describe the reaction of the dragon (Satan) after being cast down?
- What new kingdom is established by those who are victorious, according to Revelation 15?
Short Answer Quiz Answer Key
- Revelation 12 shows the dragon already in heaven, while Revelation 13 details how the dragon ascends to heaven, implying a chronological order where the events of Revelation 13 precede those of Revelation 12.
- The woman symbolizes the pastor of the Tabernacle Temple, clothed by her congregation. The sun represents the pastor, the moon represents the evangelists, and the stars represent the congregation – reflecting the structure and spiritual reality of the Tabernacle Temple.
- The male child represents New John, symbolizing his early presence within the Tabernacle Temple and his receiving the iron scepter (authority to rule/teach) as one who overcomes.
- The desert signifies a place without water, spiritually representing a lack of the word. This refers to Mr. Yoo’s attendance at a theology school in the United States, a place perceived as spiritually dry.
- The dragon’s tail sweeps a third of the stars from the sky. This refers to the 17 evangelists appointed as pastors who spread false doctrines and led to the spiritual death of the remaining third of the Tabernacle Temple congregation.
- Victory is achieved through the blood of the Lamb (Jesus’ words of life) and the word of their testimony (obtained through seeing and hearing the fulfillment of prophecies).
- The blood of the Lamb represents Jesus’ words of life, as clarified in John 6:63 where Jesus emphasizes that his words give life.
- “The word of their testimony” signifies understanding the fulfillment of prophecies and witnessing the reality of the events unfolding according to God’s word.
- Revelation 12:12 states that the devil is filled with fury, knowing his time is short. This signifies Satan’s heightened efforts to lead people astray as God’s plan progresses.
- Those who are victorious establish the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, a new kingdom where all nations will come to worship.
Essay Questions
- Analyze the symbolism of the dragon in Revelation 12, drawing connections to its characteristics, actions, and significance within the broader narrative of the chapter.
- Explain the concept of spiritual warfare as presented in Revelation 12, contrasting it with worldly warfare and providing biblical support for your analysis.
- Discuss the significance of the “word of testimony” in achieving victory and overcoming Satan’s deception. Connect this concept to Jesus’ own ministry and his fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
- Examine the role of betrayal and destruction within Revelation 12, focusing on specific examples of betrayal within the Tabernacle Temple and the consequences that followed.
- Evaluate the ultimate message of hope and victory presented in Revelation 12, considering the establishment of the new kingdom and the implications for God’s plan for humanity.
Glossary of Key Terms
Blood of the Lamb: Represents Jesus’ words of life, which bring spiritual nourishment and salvation.
Desert: Symbolizes a place lacking the word, spiritually dry and devoid of life-giving water. In Revelation 12, it represents a theology school in the United States.
Dragon: Represents Satan, the serpent who opposes God and seeks to devour those chosen by God. It is depicted with seven heads and ten horns, symbolizing the beast’s power and influence.
Earth: Refers to the Tabernacle Temple, the physical location where the war unfolds.
Iron Scepter: Symbolizes the authority to rule and teach, bestowed upon the one who overcomes.
Male Child: Represents New John, symbolizing his early presence in the Tabernacle Temple and his reception of the authority to preach God’s word.
Sea: Symbolizes the world of Satan, encompassing those who follow false teachings and oppose God’s will.
Tail of the Dragon: Represents false pastors who spread deception and lead people away from God.
Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony: Represents the new kingdom established by those who are victorious, a place where all nations will gather to worship God.
Water: Represents the word of God, which brings life and spiritual nourishment. Perverted water symbolizes false teachings and deceptive words.
Woman Clothed with the Sun, Moon, and Stars: Symbolizes the pastor of the Tabernacle Temple, clothed and defined by her congregation. The sun represents the pastor, the moon represents the evangelists, and the stars represent the congregation.
Word of Testimony: Represents the understanding of the fulfillment of prophecy and the ability to see and hear the reality of God’s word unfolding.
Timeline of Events
- Establishment of the Tabernacle Temple: Mr. Yoo (father) serves as the central figure, spreading the word to the congregation (represented as the 7 stars).
- Betrayal Begins: Internal disputes and power struggles arise within the Tabernacle Temple, leading to the expulsion of Mr. Yoo (father). This marks the beginning of the church’s departure from the true word.
- New John Joins the Tabernacle Temple: He witnesses the growing corruption and quarreling among the 7 stars.
- New John Flees the Tabernacle Temple: Threats to his life force him to leave.
- Destroyer Invited: Mr. Yoo (son), now the representative pastor, appoints Mr. Oh as an educator, unknowingly inviting a destructive force into the church. This showcases the Tabernacle Temple’s inability to discern true teachings from false ones.
September 1980:
- The 42 Months of Destruction Begin: This period marks a time of intense spiritual turmoil and the spread of false teachings within the Tabernacle Temple.
- Mr. Yoo Departs for Theology School: He leaves for the United States, leaving Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak in control. This absence creates an opportunity for the spread of corrupt teachings.
September 20, 1981:
- Illegal Pastor Ordination: Mr. Yoo briefly returns and witnesses the illegal ordination of 17 evangelists as pastors, further solidifying the control of Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak and spreading their influence.
- Dragon Attacks with False Teachings: The dragon, represented by Mr. Tak and the seven pastors of the Stewardship Education Center, along with the 10 newly appointed elders, attacks the remaining third of the faithful with false teachings, causing spiritual death.
March 14, 1984:
- The 42 Months of Destruction End: The period of intense spiritual attack concludes.
- Mr. Yoo Returns from Theology School: He returns to a corrupted Tabernacle Temple.
Post 1984 (Events Occurring Before Revelation 12 but After Revelation 13):
- Doctrinal War Erupts: New John, armed with the true word, engages in a war of doctrines against the beast (Mr. Tak and the corrupted Tabernacle Temple leadership).
- New John and Followers Victorious: They overcome the beast through the blood of the Lamb (Jesus’ words of life) and the word of their testimony.
- Establishment of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony: New John and his followers, the victorious remnant, establish a new kingdom based on the true teachings.
- Satan Targets Other Churches: The dragon, enraged by his defeat, expands his attack, targeting pastors and congregations worldwide.
- All Nations Will Come to Worship: The prophecy foretells that eventually, all nations will come to worship at the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
Cast of Characters
Mr. Yoo (Father): The original founder and leader of the Tabernacle Temple. He represented the central figure through which God’s word flowed. He was expelled in 1967 due to internal conflict.
Mr. Yoo (Son): He took over leadership after his father’s expulsion. He was persuaded to leave for theology school, leaving the Tabernacle Temple vulnerable to corruption. Represents the “woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars.”
New John: A former member of the Tabernacle Temple who fled in 1971 due to threats against his life. He returns to engage in a doctrinal war against the corrupted leadership. Represents the “male child.”
Mr. Oh: A destructive figure who gained influence within the Tabernacle Temple. He persuaded Mr. Yoo (son) to leave for theology school, enabling him and Mr. Tak to seize control.
Mr. Tak: The leader of the beast, representing the seven pastors of the Stewardship Education Center and the ten appointed elders. He spearheaded the spread of false teachings and the persecution of Mr. Yoo and New John.
7 Stars: Represents the initial congregation of the Tabernacle Temple who later become corrupted and engage in power struggles.
17 Evangelists: Illegally ordained as pastors by Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak in 1981, further solidifying the control of the beast.
The Dragon/Serpent: Represents Satan who works through people like Mr. Tak to oppose God and His chosen ones.
Michael and His Angels: Represent God’s forces engaged in a spiritual war against Satan and his demons.
The Remnant/Brothers: Represents those who remained faithful to the true teachings and joined New John in his fight. They become the foundation of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
Briefing Doc: Revelation 12 – The War Between the Dragon and God
Main Theme: This lesson offers a detailed interpretation of Revelation 12, focusing on the spiritual warfare between God’s chosen people and Satan’s forces. It emphasizes the role of doctrinal purity and the word of testimony in achieving victory over spiritual attacks.
Timeline and Context:
- Chronological Order: This lesson argues that Revelation 12 occurs after Revelation 13, despite the order in the Bible. This is supported by the dragon’s presence in heaven in Revelation 12 while entering heaven in Revelation 13.
- Three Periods: Events are categorized into:
- Betrayal: Marked by in-fighting within the Tabernacle Temple, culminating in the removal of Mr. Yoo (father) in 1967.
- Destruction: A 42-month period (Sept 1980 – Mar 1984) where Mr. Yoo (son) is absent, and false teachings spread under Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak.
- Salvation: Emergence of New John and the establishment of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
Key Figures and Symbolism:
- Woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars: Represents Mr. Yoo (son), the pastor of the Tabernacle Temple.
- Sun: Pastor
- Moon: Evangelists
- Stars: Saints (congregation)
- Male Child with iron scepter: Represents New John, the one who overcomes and receives authority to teach.
- Dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns: Represents Satan working through Mr. Tak and the false pastors of the Stewardship Education Center.
- 7 Heads: Seven pastors of the Stewardship Education Center
- 10 Horns: Ten authority figures appointed from the Tabernacle Temple
- Desert: Represents a place without the word, specifically the United States and the theology school attended by Mr. Yoo.
- Tail of the Dragon: False pastors, specifically the 17 illegally ordained evangelists.
- Sea: Represents Babylon, Satan’s worldly domain and the world of false pastors and churches.
The War and Victory:
- Nature of the War: Primarily a doctrinal war fought with words of truth against words of lies.
- Weapons:God’s side: The blood of the Lamb (Jesus’ words of life) and the word of testimony (obtained through seeing and hearing).
- Satan’s side: False teachings, slander, and persecution.
- Victory: Achieved through the word of God and the testimony of those who remain faithful.
Key Quotes:
- “Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads.” (Revelation 12:3)
- “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.” (Revelation 12:10-11)
- “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (Revelation 12:11)
Key Takeaways:
- Revelation 12 highlights the importance of doctrinal purity and discernment in the face of spiritual attacks.
- The word of testimony, rooted in accurate understanding and personal experience, is a powerful weapon against falsehood.
- Despite Satan’s attempts to disrupt God’s plan, victory belongs to those who remain faithful to God’s teachings and Jesus’ commands.
- Ultimately, God’s plan will prevail, leading to the unification of all nations in worship at the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.
Note: This interpretation of Revelation 12 is specific to the teachings presented in the lesson and may not align with other theological perspectives.
What is the significance of Revelation 12?
Revelation 12 is crucial because it depicts the ongoing war between God and the dragon (Satan). It highlights the victory of those who overcome Satan through the “blood of the Lamb” (Jesus’ words of life) and the “word of their testimony,” illustrating the ultimate triumph of God’s kingdom.
What is the chronological order of events in Revelation 12 and 13?
Although presented sequentially, the events of Revelation 13 actually occur before those in Revelation 12. Clues like the dragon’s location (already in heaven in chapter 12, entering heaven in chapter 13) and the theme of victory (present in chapter 12, absent in chapter 13) indicate this chronological shift.
Who are the key figures in Revelation 12 and what do they symbolize?
- The Woman: Represents Mr. Yoo, son of the Tabernacle Temple’s founder, who became its pastor.
- The Male Child: Represents New John, who witnessed the early days of the Tabernacle Temple and later received the “iron scepter” (authority to teach) from Jesus.
- The Dragon: Represents Satan, who works through the beast (Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center) to attack God’s people.
What is the “desert” the woman flees to, and what does it represent?
The “desert” symbolizes a place without the “water” of God’s word. In reality, it refers to a theology school in the United States where Mr. Yoo went to study. This absence of true spiritual nourishment allowed the beast (Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center) to corrupt the Tabernacle Temple.
How is the war in Revelation 12 fought?
This is a spiritual war fought not with physical weapons, but with doctrines and words. New John and his brothers used the “blood of the Lamb” (Jesus’ words of life) and “word of their testimony” to overcome the lies and false teachings spread by the beast.
What happens to the dragon after his defeat in heaven?
After being cast down from heaven, Satan descends to the “sea,” which symbolizes his worldly domain, including all false pastors and churches. From there, he continues his attacks, targeting Mr. Yoo and those who follow God’s commandments and hold to Jesus’ testimony.
What is the significance of the earth swallowing the water the serpent spews?
The “water” represents the words of persecution spewed by the beast (Mr. Tak and the Stewardship Education Center) against Mr. Yoo. The earth swallowing the water symbolizes the people of the Tabernacle Temple defending Mr. Yoo and absorbing the attacks. This shows the division and infighting characteristic of those on Satan’s side.
What happens to those who overcome in Revelation 12?
The victorious ones, including New John and his brothers, establish a new kingdom – the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. This signifies God’s desire to unify all churches and people under one true temple, fulfilling the prophecy that all nations will come to worship God.