Table of Contents
This lesson covers Revelation chapter 9, focusing on the locusts from the abyss and the angels who sinned. It discusses where these events fall on the Revelation timeline in relation to the 42 months of destruction that began in September 1980. Key points include: The 7 trumpets of Revelation, with 4 sounded in chapter 8, 2 in chapter 9, and the final 7th trumpet in chapter 11. The trumpets declare the events of the chosen people’s corruption, betrayal, expulsion, and subsequent destruction in thirds after uniting with Gentiles. Revelation 8 introduces the star Wormwood (Mr. Oh, beast from the earth), who became a destroyer. Revelation 9 reveals the king of the abyss (Mr. Tak, beast from the sea), the leader of the locusts, working with the beast from the earth in destruction. The 6th trumpet differs from the 7th, as the first 6 focus on destroying the betrayed chosen people, while the 7th concerns Babylon’s destruction and announces salvation. Detailed verse-by-verse explanations interpret the symbolic language of Revelation 9:1-12 (5th Trumpet) and 9:13-21 (6th Trumpet), connecting it to specific individuals and events.
By God’s grace, we previously studied Revelation chapter 8.
God is diligently working to reunite His people and help them understand the truth. His purpose is to create a new kingdom composed of people who will belong to Him and be without sin. These are the people with whom He will descend to dwell forever. Amen.
Through God’s grace, we have received this same understanding, and as we continue to learn about the fulfillment of Revelation, we will remain sealed.
Rev 9: The Locusts from the Abyss & the Angeles Who Sinned
Today’s lesson focuses on the locusts from the abyss and the angels who sent a man.
Having covered 8 chapters previously, we are now proceeding to chapter 9. It is crucial to understand where these events fall on the timeline.
To comprehend how we can qualify what has been fulfilled according to Revelation, we need to examine Revelation 13:5. Revelation 13:5 NIV84 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.
Revelation’s fulfillment does not follow a chronological order. Instead, it follows the sequence of events: betrayal, destruction, and salvation.
When examining Revelation, specifically chapters 13:5 and 11:2, we can identify that the period of destruction lasted for 42 months.
The destruction began in September 1980. Therefore, we can understand where the chapters of Revelation fall into three timeframes:
- Before September 1980
- During the 42 months of destruction
- After the destruction period
This timeline helps us understand the placement of Revelation’s chapters within these periods.
Revelation Timeline
Before 42 months – it was the work of Betrayal and Rebellion.
The chapters that were affected by rebellion are:
- Revelation 1-3
- Revelation 4-6
- Revelation 6
The 6th seal marks a significant point that indicates the beginning of destruction. This was evident in September 1980, when all 7 stars resigned from their positions.
During this time, the church’s name was changed from a heavenly name to a worldly denomination. This change initiated the 42 months of destruction.
During the 42 months – Destruction is taking place.
Revelation 7 begins after the judgment in Revelation 6 and continues through to the present day.
You are here because you are the reality of those being harvested into God’s bond in Jesus. This harvest work continues now but will soon stop. After learning this, and even while learning, we should have the mindset to help God harvest more of His people so they can come out of Babylon and be sealed to create the 12 tribes today.
The chapters that fell under destruction are:
- Revelation 8-9
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 13
As we learn more chapters of Revelation, we will incorporate them into our timeline to gain a clearer picture of past events, current happenings, and future occurrences.
Regarding Revelation 8-9, these events have already occurred.
This is known because only 3 chapters remain unfulfilled: Revelation 18, 19, and 20.
Since we are living in the time of salvation, the destruction has already taken place.
Up to Revelation 17 has been fulfilled. We are currently living in the time of Revelation 7, where we see the 12 tribes being created and sealed, and a great multitude coming out.
What remains is God’s judgment of Babylon. However, God cannot judge Babylon while His children are still there, as they would be affected. Therefore, all who belong to God must come out. This makes it urgent to understand when God says, “Come out my people.” If someone belongs to God, they must come out. Remaining there indicates not belonging to God.
The sequence of events will be:
– God’s people come out
– God judges Babylon
– The wedding banquet occurs
– The first resurrection takes place
We are very close to everything being completed. We cannot delay anymore. We must make every effort to know this information, be sealed, and pass over from death to life.
Until then, we must:
– Keep persevering
– Keep overcoming
– Become the embodiment of the word
Only when we are sealed can we overcome. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of overcomers. Let us be counted among those who are victorious.
Key Points
So then what are some key points we must keep in mind regarding Revelation chapter 9.
ONE – 7 trumpets are sounded in Revelation.
In Revelation 8, we see that there are 7 trumpets that were given to 7 angels. 4 trumpets were sounded in Revelation chapter 8.
Today, we’ll look at the 2 in Revelation chapter 9. And then the last one we’ll see together in Revelation 11.
So all of these trumpets, they have to be sounded, and that work that is promised has to be done because God said so.
TWO – Content of the Trumpets
The trumpets in Revelation declare the events concerning the chosen people of the first tabernacle – how they became corrupt, betrayed, and were thrown out, as described in Revelation 6.
The sounding of these trumpets makes known their destruction after their betrayal and expulsion.
As revealed in Revelation 8-9, because these people have now united with the Gentiles, they face destruction in thirds – being killed one-third at a time, three times.
THREE – Rev 8: Star Wormwood, Mr Oh (Beast from the Earth)
The Relationship Between Revelation 8-9
Both Revelation 8 and 9 concern the work of destruction.
Specifically, Revelation 8 focuses on the star Wormwood who fell from the sky to earth.
The reality of this star Wormwood is Mr. Oh, who is the beast from the earth. He was once part of the Tabernacle Temple, but unfortunately, he created a sect and became a destroyer who went against God’s people.
This is the main point we can see in Revelation 8 about the beast from the earth, the star Wormwood.
In Revelation 9, we learn about the king of the abyss, who is also the king of the locusts and an angel of the abyss. This refers to Mr. Tak, the outsider who’s a destroyer. He is the beast from the sea.
There are 2 beasts in Revelation, and both do the work of destruction, but their positions differ – one was on the inside, part of the Tabernacle Temple, while the other was on the outside.
This beast from the sea, Mr. Tak, is in charge of the beast with seven-headed 10 horns who comes out of the sea to do the work of destruction within the Tabernacle Temple.
FOUR – Difference between the 6th trumpet and the 7th trumpet.
When discussing the blowing of the trumpets, there is an important distinction between the first 6 trumpets and the 7th trumpet.
The 7th trumpet is the most significant as it brings salvation.
The Trumpets’ Purpose:
All trumpets serve the work of judging, but in different ways:
- The First 6 Trumpets (Revelation 8-9):
– Focus on the destruction and judgment of the chosen people who were betrayed
– The Gentiles are used as instruments of this destruction
- The 7th Trumpet:
– Concerns the destruction and judgment of Babylon
– This is the most important trumpet
– Announces the news of salvation
– Its completion is necessary before God proceeds to the wedding banquet
The seventh trumpet’s sounding is particularly significant as it reveals what is made known to us. This is amazing news in the progression of events.
Revelation 11:15 NIV84 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.”
When the 7th trumpet sounds, the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of God.
Those who belong to God, who were part of Babylon, will come out to create a new kingdom and new people for God. This mystery was revealed to us in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, where we see a wonderful thing happen – the spirit and flesh become one. Through this, there is the hope of eternal life. Therefore, we should hear the sound of the 7th trumpet.
Are we hearing it today? Yes, we are hearing it through God’s word.
This explains why we’re now able to understand what was sealed for 2000 years. It is being made known very clearly to us so that we can act. When the trumpet is sounded, an action is required – we have to flee quickly.
Where do we flee to? To Mount Zion.
The movement is from Babylon to Mount Zion.
Now let’s understand more clearly regarding the events of Revelation chapter 9.
Revelation 9:1-12 | 5th Trumpet
Verses 1-6
The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. [2] When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. [3] And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. [4] They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. [5] They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. [6] During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.
Revelation 9:1-6 NIV84
In Revelation 9:1-12, we witness the event of the 5th trumpet being sounded. When the 5th angel sounded his trumpet, we observe an angel performing this action.
The trumpet mentioned here is not a physical instrument, but rather represents flesh – a person. The angels are given flesh of people who become mouthpieces, speaking on their behalf and clearly announcing what has occurred.
These flesh being used are:
– The court of wheat
– The court of barley
– The few mentioned in Revelation 3:5 and Revelation 6:6
These were the ones who, despite destruction happening within the Tabernacle Temple, maintained the truth. They kept the word and did not soil their clothes.
Similarly, as we learn more about the truth, we must keep our clothes clean. It makes no sense to mix teachings by going to the wrong place and receiving the food of the enemy. This would cause our spirit to die, as we see happening when destruction takes place.
In every chapter of Revelation, there is someone who:
– Saw
– Heard
– Looked
This indicates the presence of a witness.
ONE – So in reality (Fulfillment), it is New John (Rev 22:8, Jn 3:31-33), but in the prophecy, “I”, it is apostle John.
In the prophecy, it refers to Apostle John, but in reality, it speaks of a New John – not the original John resurrected, but rather someone new who will witness and testify to the fulfillment of the prophecy.
This New John will see everything as described in Revelation 22:8: “I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things” – referring to all that was revealed from Revelation chapter 1 through chapter 22.
When this testimony is given, believers have three responsibilities:
- We have to listen
- We have to accept it
- We have to act
This is what is expected of us as believers. John 3:31-33 NIV84 “The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. [32] He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. [33] The man who has accepted it has certified that God is truthful.
When the testimony is given, we must be among those who believe and accept it. Through our acceptance, we certify that God’s word is truthful.
We should not follow the path of those in the past who rejected the testimony. Instead, we should strive to be people who can truly understand it and please God in our present time.
TWO – Star Wormwood: Mr Oh (Beast from the Earth)
In Revelation chapter 9, a vision is described where a star had fallen from the sky. This is the same star mentioned in Revelation 8:10-11, identified as the star Wormwood.
The star Wormwood had fallen from heaven to earth. What does this mean in figurative terms?
This represents a fall from being part of the Tabernacle Temple (which represents heaven) to becoming part of the Gentiles (represented by the earth). The reality of this star Wormwood is Mr. Oh, who is the same entity as Nicholas, who is also the beast from the earth.
In the vision, this fallen star was given the key to the shaft of the abyss. This detail helps us understand that this cannot be referring to a literal physical star, as a star cannot open the abyss. Therefore, this is a figurative representation of a person.
THREE – Key to the Abyss: Hell (Satan’s Organization: HQ of the Destroyers)
When we consider an abyss, we naturally think of a deep, dark pit without light – a place where nothing is visible.
In reality, the abyss represents a place without the word.
This abyss serves as the headquarters of the destroyers, comparable to hell, being Satan’s organization.
The Reality of the Destroyers’ Headquarters:
It was known by two names (translated from Korean):
- Stewardship Education Center (SEC)
- Christian Stewardship Training Center (CSTC)
Note: SEC and CSTC refer to the same organization. This organization was established to train stewards – specifically pastors who teach the word in Korea. Mr. Tak served as the director of this Stewardship Education Center.
The Significance of the Key:
The key represents the wisdom to know Satan’s secrets.
According to Revelation 1:18, Jesus initially possessed this key, which was later given to Mr. Oh. The purpose of giving Mr. Oh this key was to enable him to punish those who have betrayed.
The Final Purpose:
Mr. Oh, together with the pastors from the Stewardship Education Center, will judge those who have betrayed.
FOUR – Smoke of the Abyss: False teachings frpm False pastors.
In Revelation 9:2, it describes: “When he opened the abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the abyss.” This passage shows smoke emerging from the abyss.
What does this smoke from the abyss represent? It represents the false teachings that come from false prophets.
These false teachings specifically came from false pastors – the destroyers who invaded the Tabernacle Temple. They misused their ecclesiastical teaching authority to force people to accept their false teachings.
As a result, it was like smoke building up within the Tabernacle Temple.
FIVE – Sun and Sky
The passage discusses the darkening of the sun and sky in spiritual meanings:
- The Sun represents pastors, specifically referring to the pastors of the Tabernacle Temple.
- The Sky represents the first heaven that betrayed.
When considering the sky in spiritual context, it refers to heaven. In this case, it points to the first heaven that committed betrayal.
The sun figuratively represents both the pastors and congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple. As they receive false teachings from Mr. Oh in the 7 heads and 10 horns, they experience a loss of their light.
This means they can no longer speak the word of truth, and instead, they only possess the lies from the enemy.
SIX – Locus: Destroyers (Nicolaitans = Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns)
Let’s examine Revelation 9:6 together: “And out of the smoke, locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth.”
Locusts, though small in size, are incredibly dangerous creatures. Their primary action is to destroy by consuming crops. In this context, these locusts represent a group of destroyers.
These destructive locusts are identified in Revelation chapter 2 as the Nicolaitans, who are the same as the beasts with 7 heads and 10 horns. Joel 1:2-7 NIV84 Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the land. Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your forefathers? [3] Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. [4] What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten; what the great locusts have left the young locusts have eaten; what the young locusts have left other locusts have eaten. [5] Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail, all you drinkers of wine; wail because of the new wine, for it has been snatched from your lips. [6] A nation has invaded my land, powerful and without number; it has the teeth of a lion, the fangs of a lioness. [7] It has laid waste my vines and ruined my fig trees. It has stripped off their bark and thrown it away, leaving their branches white.
The passage talks about an invasion of locusts targeting God’s chosen people.
These people were invaded because they betrayed and went against God. As a result, they were being destroyed by these locust-like creatures, causing great destruction.
This situation draws a parallel to what happened in Tabernacle Temple. The invaders began feeding food offerings to idols and caused people to receive false teachings. When people received this food, it resulted in their spirits being killed, which represents the work of destruction.
SEVEN – Grass, Trees, etc: Believers of the denominations of the World.
In Revelation 9:4, it states “They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plants or trees, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.”
This reveals the significance of having God’s seal. Those who possess the seal of God, which represents the word of God, will be protected. Without God’s seal, people will be devoured by those who carry out destruction.
The scripture continues, “They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months.” This torture applies to those who lack the mark.
When referring to the grass, trees, and plants, it is actually speaking about those who have been destroyed – the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple (TT). However, the instruction not to harm the grass, plants, and trees indicates these are people outside of the Tabernacle Temple.
The ones who are not harmed by the locusts belong to the denominations of the world. Specifically, they are not the people of the Tabernacle Temple, but rather people from other denominations across the world who did not betray.
It’s important to note that when God judges, He begins with His own people – His family. While judgment occurs within the Tabernacle Temple, the rest of the world remains unharmed by these locusts. However, eventually, the world will also face judgment.
EIGHT – 5 Months (150 days) like days of Noah, Gn 7:24, Lk 17:26-30.
In Revelation 9:5, it states “they were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months.”
When calculating the duration of five months, with approximately 30 days per month, it equals 150 days (30 days × 5 months = 150 days).
This timeframe of 150 days draws a parallel to an event from the Old Testament – the flood.
Genesis 7:24 NIV84 The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.
Just as the flood waters covered the earth for 150 days during Noah’s time in the Old Testament, those who are destroying people in the Temple are doing so for the same duration. This period equals five months, matching the time of Noah’s flood.
We should be able to recognize when this is taking place. History serves as both a warning and an example for us to learn from. When these events occur, we must ensure that we don’t align ourselves with those who face destruction. Instead, we should make every effort to board our spiritual ark so that we can be among those who are saved.
Verses 7-12
The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. [8] Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. [9] They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. [10] They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. [11] They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. [12] The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.
Revelation 9:7-12 NIV84
Very interesting observation about these locusts! Have any of us ever encountered locusts that look like this? These aren’t ordinary locusts – they’re described as having bodies like horses, palm-like crowns on their heads, human faces, and human hair. In reality, we know locusts are tiny insects. If we saw creatures like these, we would certainly flee in fear.
This description is not meant to be taken literally – it is figurative. These locusts represents a group of destroyers, and their descriptions reveal their true nature and actions.
Let’s examine their characteristics and what they represent:
- Riders: Spirits and Horses: Flesh → belong to Satan
- Crowns of Gold: Position
- Resemble human faces: Pretending to be God’s people (2 Cor 11:13-15)
- Woman Hair: Congregation Members
- Lion’s Teeth and Breast Plates: False doctrines → Devour Congreation Members of TT
- Tails: False Prophets (Isa 9:15)
- King of Abyss: Director of SEC: Mr Tak (Beast from the Sea, Mother of prostitutes)
Belong to Satan
The description states they appear as horses ready for battle. This indicates that where there are horses, there must also be riders.
Regarding the identity of these riders: they are spirits, while the horses represent flesh. Both the riders and horses belong to Satan.
These riders (spirits) and horses (flesh) work together under Satan’s control with one purpose – to carry out destruction against God’s people.
In reference to the crowns of gold under their heads – a crown represents one’s position.
These positions were not bestowed by God; rather, they were self-appointed crowns of gold. When we assign positions to ourselves, these will not receive God’s acknowledgment. However, within God’s kingdom, different positions will be assigned to us.
Therefore, when we receive our positions – our crowns – we must make every effort to maintain them and fulfill our responsibilities to the best of our ability. This is our hope for you students who are learning to become saints, so you can assist in increasing God’s kingdom.
Let us all adopt the mindset of being a worker rather than becoming a workload.
When we look at their faces resembling human faces, it indicates they are wearing masks. This is figurative, as they are not truly human in God’s eyes – where a true human is one who has the word of God. By having faces that appear human, they are masquerading and pretending to be God’s people.
This represents their false nature, as they are merely putting on an appearance of being God’s followers while not being genuine. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 NIV84 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. [14] And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. [15] It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
The people within the Tabernacle Temple who were causing destruction appeared righteous on the outside. This is significant because the Stewardship Education Center was established as an academy for training pastors, with Mr. Tak serving as its director.
When the Tabernacle Temple was first established, it seemed strange to people, who suspected it was a cult. The Stewardship Education Center intervened, claiming they would eradicate false teachings and reveal the truth. However, they were actually doing the opposite – spreading Satan’s lies while removing God’s word, which is the light.
No one could discern their true identity from their outward appearance, which is why they had human faces.
Woman Hair
In understanding the figurative meaning of a woman’s hair, we need to recognize that a woman represents a pastor. When we think about a woman’s head, it has long strands of hair attached to it. Similarly, those who are attached to a pastor are the congregation members – they can be counted, just like strands of hair.
The woman’s hair, therefore, represents the congregation members. Interestingly, surveys have shown that there are approximately 144,000 strands of hair on a person’s head. This is significant because God wants 144,000 people who are sealed. Each one of us has the opportunity to be counted among these 144,000 if we make the effort.
Lion’s Teeth and Beast Plates
The lion’s teeth and breastplates have significant meaning. The lion’s teeth represent the ability to devour, and in this context, they are used for false teachings and doctrines from Satan. These false teachings are used to devour the congregation members of the TT.
The breastplates they wear serve a specific purpose. When people wear these breastplates of false teachings, they create a barrier that prevents the word of truth from entering their hearts. Even when they hear the truth, they cannot accept it because of these breastplates.
This is why we must always check our hearts and ask ourselves:
- Is the word of the enemy more precious to me than God’s word?
- Am I wearing the enemy’s teachings like armor?
If we find ourselves wearing these false breastplates, we need to remove them and put on the true armor that can protect us from the enemy.
The tails mentioned here are spiritually identified as false prophets. Isaiah 9:15 confirms that these tails represent false prophets and false pastors.
King of the Abyss
In Revelation, it describes that they had a king over them, who was the angel of the abyss.
The king of the abyss, who is the leader of the locusts, is identified as Mr. Tak, who came from the outside. He is the director of the stewardship education center. His position as king is significant because he was responsible for creating other pastors.
This is why in Revelation chapter 17, he is referred to as “the mother of prostitutes,” reflecting his role in creating other pastors. When someone doesn’t have the truth and continues to receive false teachings, they become like prostitutes in God’s eyes. These prostitutes can only produce more prostitutes.
The text mentions that his name was Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. As noted in the footnote, these names mean “destroyer,” indicating that he was the king of the destroyers.
Revelation 9:12 states “The first woe is passed; two woes are yet to come.” This first woe refers to the 5th trumpet, with the remaining two woes corresponding to the 6th and 7th trumpets.
Revelation 9:13-21 | 6th Trumpet
Revelation 9:13-21 NIV84 The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the horns of the golden altar that is before God. [14] It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” [15] And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. [16] The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number. [17] The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. [18] A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths. [19] The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury. [20] The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. [21] Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.
ONE – 4 Angeles from Eufrates: Angeles who sinned, 2 Pt 2:4, Jude 1:6.
When the 6th angel sounded his trumpet, someone heard what was taking place. This witness, who is the true messenger of Jesus, had the responsibility to testify to the churches.
What did this messenger hear? He heard a voice that came from the horns of the golden altar.
These horns represent the spirits working on God’s side in the spiritual realm, who are revealing the events that are taking place.
River Eufrates = HQ of Destroyers (SEC/CSTC)
In Revelation, it speaks of the 6th angel with the trumpet who was commanded to release the 4 angels that were bound at the great river Euphrates.
Who are these 4 angels bound in the river Euphrates? We know that on God’s side, there are 4 archangels.
However, Satan likes to copy what God has. Just as God has 4 archangels, Satan also has 4 angels.
These 4 angels are the ones who have sinned. 2 Peter 2:4 NIV84 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;
These angels who sinned against God – what awaits them? Judgment. Jude 1:6 NIV84 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.
The great day refers to this very moment when they are waiting to be released.
These beings are coming out of the river Euphrates. Since this references angels who sinned, they are spirits that belong to Satan.
What does the Euphrates represent in this context?
It represents Babylon, but more specifically, it refers to the headquarters of the destroyers. This headquarters of the destroyers that was previously mentioned is the River Euphrates, known as the SEC or CSTC.
The River Euphrates was first mentioned in Genesis, but here it is being used figuratively to represent the headquarters of the destroyers. The ones emerging from this location are the angels who sinned, who will carry out the work of destruction.
TWO – Time: Hour, Day, Month and Year → The Day of Destruction.
In Revelation 9:15, we learn about a very specific time: “the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour, day, and month, and year.”
This precise timing – the hour, day, month, and year – has been subject to many interpretations by different people. However, the truth about this specific date can only be known by:
- God
- Jesus
- New John (who witnessed it)
The reality of this timing can only be understood by those who have actually witnessed it. This specific hour, day, month, and year mentioned in Revelation refers to the date of destruction.
When exactly did this happen?
The reality:
- The hour: 2 p.m.
- The day: the 20th.
- The month: September.
- The year: 1981.
On this day, the people of God were completely destroyed and became the complete possession of Satan.
Event of receiving the mark of the beast, 666.
How did this happen?
This event occurred through receiving the mark of the beast. We can find this in Revelation 13. We will learn more about the details of this event when we study Revelation chapter 13.
What exactly took place during that time?
The actual reality was the Pastor commencement or commemorative service. Revelation 13:16-18 NIV84 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, [17] so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. [18] This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.
The mark of the beast, which is 666, represents false teachings.
On that specific day, people received this mark on their right hands and foreheads.
What were they actually receiving? They were receiving false teachings, and they raised their hands to acknowledge these teachings.
They were then anointed as pastors to spread these false teachings further.
This act constitutes receiving the mark of the beast, which will be explored more deeply in Revelation chapter 13.
To understand this better: if God’s mark or seal is His word, then the mark of the beast is not a literal, physical mark on our foreheads. Instead, it refers to false teachings.
This concept was previously mentioned in 1 Kings 10:11-14, which readers should study on their own time. We will examine this passage more thoroughly when we reach Revelation chapter 13.
THREE – Mounted Troops: Spirits and Flesh belonging to Satan
In Revelation 9:16, there is a reference to a third of mankind being killed. This specifically refers to the congressional members of the TT who were killed one by one, not through physical death, but through receiving false teaching and the mark of the beast.
The verse mentions “the number of the mounted troops was 200 million.” These mounted troops represents the spirit and flesh that belongs to Satan.
Imagine being in a place with over 200 million evil spirits – it would not be a good place to be.
On that specific day, September 20th, 1981, there were approximately 200 million evil spirits present.
This is a significant day that must not be forgotten, as it represents the reality of what had taken place.
Although this event has already happened, people today can still receive the mark if they don’t have the seal of God. Therefore, if anyone has received this mark, they must wipe it off.
This specific date holds particular importance in accordance with the fulfillment of Revelation.
FOUR – Fire, Smoke and Sulfur: False doctrines
From Revelation 9:17, the vision describes horses and riders with specific characteristics. Their breastplates were colored fiery red, dark blue, and yellow (sulfur). These breastplates symbolically represent Satan’s word serving as armor.
This armor prevents them from receiving the truth, as the breastplate figuratively represents false teachings, as previously discussed.
The horses in the vision had heads resembling lions, and from their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur. Lions and bears are categorized as animals of destruction.
The fire, smoke, and sulfur coming from them represents false teachings. This imagery points to false doctrines emanating from these destroyers.
FIVE: Heads of horses and tails: False Pastors
The description mentions the horses with snake-like tails, which was a peculiar sight. These tails specifically represent false pastors.
The heads of the horses and their tails are figurative references to false pastors. In particular, these tails represent those who received the mark or were anointed, as mentioned in Revelation chapter 13. While we will understand more about this in the future, what we know now is that there were specifically 17 of them.
These 17 individuals were evangelists from the Tabernacle Temple who received the mark on their foreheads and right hands on that specific day.
But sadly, what do we see? Despite all this information being revealed, they did not repent. They continue to hold on to false teachings and false pastors. They persist in giving false prophecies and committing sexual morality, receiving wrong teachings from the enemy. And what’s more, they are also stealing.
Unfortunately, we can see their lack of repentance.
What about us? When we do something wrong against God, what kind of mindset should we have? We should repent – and not just repent, but be quick to repent. Amen.
Through quick repentance and change, we can receive forgiveness and be saved.
Let’s set a challenge for ourselves: practice giving a 10-minute speech on each topic.
Our goal is to master it by the end of the year. Amen.
And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
Revelation 9:15 NIV84
We will watch the Revelation movie..
The Revelation movie was created to help us better understand the Book of Revelation, as directed by our Promised Pastor, our chairman. It provides us with a visual understanding of these scriptures. It’s important to note that this is not a secular movie – it was produced directly under our chairman’s guidance, with saints serving as actors.
Tonight, we will watch Revelation chapters 1 through 3. As we watch, let us be those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts and minds to understand. Now, let us proceed with sharing the Revelation video.
[The Video]
Revelation Events: John, Jesus, Seven Stars, and the True Identity of the Nicolaitans
Main Reference: Revelation 1, 2, and 3
In 1966, on a mountainside in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (South Korea), people began the work of the lampstand by establishing signs of the seven stars at the Tabernacle Temple. These seven messengers were chosen by Jesus to prepare the way for the Lord’s second coming.
The Nicolaitans, who were prophesied in Revelation as the next entities, appeared in place of these messengers. They sought to devour the tabernacle appointed by Jesus by enticing its pastors and saints to eat food sacrificed to idols and commit adulteries with the spirits of Satan. While the seven messengers were on the path of betrayal, Jesus chose one saint from the Tabernacle Temple.
This saint is the witness of the Revelation events, the new John, who appeared as the third entity. In fall 1977, in Jeongdo, Jeongsangbuk-do, Jesus chose one of the brothers of the Tabernacle Temple, and the events of Revelation began to unfold.
The Dialogue:
Jesus (appearing as the third entity): [Called to the Tabernacle Temple]
New John: “He has put his right hand on me and told me to go. Do not be afraid.”
Jesus: “From now on, you will be baptized. I am the first, the last, and the last. I am the Lord and the only begotten Son. I have lived for three generations. I have the key to love and salvation. I will tell you what I have seen, what is in me, and what will happen to me.
This is the letter of the seven churches that will remember me. Seven stars, seven church lions. Seven temples, seven churches.
I will show you the secrets of the seven stars and the Tabernacle Temple. The Tabernacle Temple that I built was invaded by the Nicolaitans. The Nicolaitans who seduced my lions is the one who is with Satan. He cast the Tabernacle Temple to the priests and made them worship Satan.”
New John: “Lord, what about the Tabernacle Temple?”
Jesus: “Go there and give the letter of repentance to the seven lions and the people who betrayed me. Take my horse and go through the letter of repentance. Let them know the whole truth and come back to me.”
Narrator: Jesus chose new John, showed him the reality of the Tabernacle, and gave him commands.
New John’s Message: “Leave the rest to the Lord and trust and obey Him. To the seven lions and the priests, I am a brother of the Tabernacle Temple. Please listen carefully to the letter of Jesus.
The Lord knows the patience and hard work of the people of the Tabernacle. But the lions abandoned the first love they had with Jesus. The Nicolaitans who came into the Tabernacle is called a Jew and is a brother, but in reality he is a servant of Satan.
The Tabernacle Temple he teaches is a sin of idolatry. It is not God’s word. To receive the word is to act with the God of Satan. This is an act of treason. Please restore the first love you had with the Lord. If you do not repent, the Lord will move you to a new place.
You must fight against the Nicolaitans of Satan. Whoever wins will receive all the blessings promised in the Book of Revelation. This letter is a great letter from Jesus to you.”
Final Words: “This letter is a great letter from Jesus. I still love you.”
This was our first time viewing the video presentation, which helped us visualize the concepts we’ve been discussing. When asked about the video, it was noted as beautiful, particularly regarding the actor who was singing at the end, representing New John with the new song. Interestingly, while the video was beautiful, it appeared different from what many had imagined.
Several years ago, saints at Mount Zion collaborated to film reenactments of various scenes to help us visualize the events of that time. We have only watched up to chapter 3 so far. As we continue our study of Revelation, we will see more videos for each chapter. These videos serve as helpful aids in understanding the content and help us realize there is a tangible reality to what we’re reading. This isn’t just opinion or speculation – this is what actually happened.
All the actors in the video are Korean and speak Korean. In heaven, they can speak any language they want, as demonstrated in Acts chapter 2. Through God’s grace, we were able to hear the English translation as well. For any questions, messages can be sent to your evangelist before proceeding to small group time.
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
Unlocking Revelation: A Guide to Chapters 8 and 9
I. Setting the Stage: Understanding the Timeline of Revelation
- A. The Importance of Timeframes: This section emphasizes the non-chronological structure of Revelation, dividing it into three periods: before, during, and after the 42 months of destruction (September 1980 being the starting point). This framework helps place chapters 8 and 9 within the “during destruction” timeframe.
- B. Significance of the 7th Trumpet: This section distinguishes the 7th trumpet from the previous six, highlighting its role in announcing salvation and God’s kingdom on earth. It emphasizes the urgency of heeding its message and fleeing from Babylon to Mount Zion.
II. Decoding the 5th Trumpet: Revelation 9:1-12
- A. The Sounding of the 5th Trumpet: This section analyzes the symbolic meaning of the trumpet as a person, specifically a witness who announces God’s judgment. It introduces New John as the prophesied witness to the fulfillment of Revelation.
- B. The Fallen Star, Wormwood: This section identifies the fallen star as Mr. Oh, the beast from the earth, who betrayed the Tabernacle Temple and joined the Gentiles. It explains his role in spreading destruction through false teachings.
- C. Unlocking the Abyss: This section interprets the abyss as a place devoid of God’s word, representing the headquarters of the destroyers (SEC/CSTC) led by Mr. Tak. The key given to Mr. Oh symbolizes his access to Satan’s secrets and authority to punish the betrayers.
- D. The Smoke and its Effects: This section explains the smoke rising from the abyss as false teachings from false pastors, darkening the spiritual light of the Tabernacle Temple’s pastors and congregation members.
- E. The Locust Army: A Force of Destruction: This section identifies the locusts as the Nicolaitans, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, symbolizing destroyers who target those without God’s seal. It draws parallels to the destruction caused by locusts in Joel 1, emphasizing the spiritual destruction within the Tabernacle Temple.
- F. Protected by God’s Seal: This section contrasts the vulnerability of those within the Tabernacle Temple who lack God’s seal with the temporary protection afforded to members of other denominations. It emphasizes that God’s judgment begins with his own people.
- G. The 5 Months of Torture: This section links the 5-month (150-day) period of torture to the duration of Noah’s flood, serving as a historical reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the importance of seeking refuge in God.
- H. Decoding the Locusts’ Appearance: This section unpacks the symbolism behind the locusts’ unusual appearance, revealing deeper meanings:
- 1. Horses and Riders: The horses represent flesh and the riders are spirits, both belonging to Satan and working together to destroy.
- 2. Crowns of Gold: Represent self-appointed positions, not recognized by God.
- 3. Human Faces: Signify a deceptive outward appearance masking their true nature.
- 4. Woman’s Hair: Represent the congregation members attached to the false pastors.
- 5. Lion’s Teeth and Breastplates: Symbolize false doctrines that devour and shield against truth.
- 6. Tails: Represent false prophets and pastors, spreading deception and destruction.
- 7. King of the Abyss: Identifies Mr. Tak, the director of SEC/CSTC, as the leader of the destroyers and “mother of prostitutes” who produces more false pastors.
III. Deciphering the 6th Trumpet: Revelation 9:13-21
- A. The Voice from the Golden Altar: This section interprets the voice as a message from God’s side, revealing events through His messengers. It emphasizes the role of the witness in testifying to the churches.
- B. The Four Angels and the Euphrates: This section identifies the River Euphrates as the headquarters of the destroyers (SEC/CSTC) and the four bound angels as fallen angels, representing the forces of Satan waiting to be unleashed.
- C. The Appointed Time of Destruction: This section highlights the precise timing (hour, day, month, year) of the destruction, pinpointing it to September 20, 1981, at 2 p.m. It links this event to the receiving of the mark of the beast, which symbolizes accepting false teachings.
- D. The 200 Million Mounted Troops: This section interprets the vast army as a symbolic representation of the spirits and flesh belonging to Satan that were present during the destruction event.
- E. The Deadly Weapons of Falsehood: This section explains the fire, smoke, and sulfur coming from the horses’ mouths as representing false teachings, highlighting the destructive power of these doctrines.
- F. The False Pastors and Their Legacy: This section reiterates the connection between the tails and the heads of the horses with false pastors. It specifically identifies 17 evangelists who received the mark of the beast and continue to spread its influence.
- G. The Call to Repentance: This section concludes by emphasizing the lack of repentance among those deceived and the vital need for believers to repent quickly and turn away from false teachings to receive forgiveness and salvation.
IV. Key Takeaways: Applying the Lessons of Revelation 9
- A. Understanding the Historical Context: This section emphasizes that the events of Revelation 9 have already occurred, providing a valuable lesson from history.
- B. Aligning with the Savior: It urges believers to identify themselves with the Savior group (Thaddeus’ tribe) and reject the paths of the betrayers and destroyers.
- C. Embracing True Repentance and Transformation: This section stresses the importance of genuine repentance, being born again through God’s word, persevering in faith, and overcoming until the end.
A Study Guide
Revelation Chapter 9 Study Guide
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- What is the significance of the timeline presented in the lesson, and how does it help us understand the events of Revelation?
- Explain the spiritual meaning of the “star Wormwood” and its connection to the “beast from the earth.”
- What does the “key to the abyss” symbolize, and who possesses it in the context of Revelation 9?
- Describe the locusts in Revelation 9 and explain their symbolic meaning. What specific group do they represent?
- What is the significance of the “five months” mentioned in Revelation 9:5 and 9:10? How does it relate to a past biblical event?
- Who are the riders of the horses in Revelation 9, and what do their horses symbolize?
- What do the “crowns of gold” worn by the locusts represent?
- Explain the symbolism of the “woman’s hair” attributed to the locusts in Revelation 9.
- What is the symbolic meaning of the “fire, smoke, and sulfur” that come out of the mouths of the horses in Revelation 9:17-18?
- What is the call to action for believers in light of the events described in Revelation 9?
Answer Key
- The timeline emphasizes that Revelation’s fulfillment is not strictly chronological, but rather follows a sequence of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. It helps us understand where specific events, like those in chapter 9, fall within this broader narrative.
- The “star Wormwood” symbolizes a spiritual fall from grace, represented by Mr. Oh, the “beast from the earth.” He was once part of the Tabernacle Temple but betrayed God and became a destroyer.
- The “key to the abyss” symbolizes the knowledge of Satan’s secrets and the authority to release destructive forces. Mr. Oh, the beast from the earth, receives this key from Jesus to punish those who have betrayed God.
- The locusts are not literal insects but symbolize a group of destroyers known as the Nicolaitans, identified as the “beast with seven heads and ten horns.” They represent those who spread false teachings and corrupt God’s people.
- The “five months” (150 days) parallel the duration of the flood in Noah’s time. This emphasizes the severity and widespread impact of the spiritual destruction occurring within the Tabernacle Temple.
- The riders are spirits belonging to Satan, and their horses symbolize the flesh they inhabit. Together, they carry out destruction against God’s people.
- The “crowns of gold” represent positions of authority. However, these crowns are not given by God but are self-appointed, highlighting the locusts’ illegitimate claim to power and leadership.
- The “woman’s hair” symbolizes the congregation members under the influence of the false pastors. Just as hair is attached to the head, the congregation is connected to their leaders, who are leading them astray.
- The “fire, smoke, and sulfur” represent false teachings and doctrines spread by the destroyers. These destructive words corrupt and spiritually kill those who receive them.
- Believers are called to repent of their sins, be born again through God’s word, and persevere in faith to overcome the forces of destruction. The lesson urges vigilance and a commitment to spiritual purity.
Essay Questions
- Analyze the significance of the distinction made between the first six trumpets and the seventh trumpet in Revelation. How does this distinction relate to the themes of destruction and salvation present in the book?
- Discuss the symbolic representation of Babylon and the River Euphrates in Revelation 9. How do these symbols contribute to the overall message of the chapter?
- Explain the concept of the “mark of the beast” as presented in Revelation 9 and its connection to false teachings. How does this concept apply to believers today?
- Compare and contrast the roles of Mr. Oh (beast from the earth) and Mr. Tak (beast from the sea) in the destruction of the Tabernacle Temple. How do their different origins and methods contribute to the fulfillment of the prophecies?
- Explore the theme of repentance in Revelation 9. Why is repentance crucial for believers in light of the events described, and what are the consequences of a lack of repentance?
Glossary of Key Terms
- Abyss: A spiritual realm of darkness and separation from God, often associated with hell and the headquarters of the destroyers.
- Beast from the Earth: A symbolic figure representing Mr. Oh, a former member of the Tabernacle Temple who betrayed God and became a destroyer.
- Beast from the Sea: A symbolic figure representing Mr. Tak, the leader of the destroyers and director of the Stewardship Education Center.
- Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns: A collective symbol representing the Nicolaitans, a group spreading false teachings and corrupting the church.
- Locusts: Symbolic creatures representing the destroyers who spread false teachings and inflict spiritual harm.
- Mark of the Beast: Symbolically represents accepting and adhering to false teachings, leading to spiritual death.
- River Euphrates: Represents the headquarters of the destroyers, specifically the Stewardship Education Center, where false teachings originate.
- Star Wormwood: Represents Mr. Oh’s fall from grace and his transformation into a destructive force.
- Stewardship Education Center (SEC): The physical institution where false pastors are trained and from which destructive doctrines emanate.
- Tabernacle Temple: The church or community that has been infiltrated and corrupted by false teachings.
- Trumpets: Symbolic pronouncements of judgment and events that unfold throughout Revelation.
Timeline of Events from “Copy of Class 115 – Rev 9: The Locusts from the Abyss & the Angeles Who Sinned”:
Before September 1980 (Betrayal and Rebellion):
- Events of Revelation 1-6: Covering the initial visions and the opening of the first six seals, leading up to the beginning of destruction.
- Change of Church Name: The church’s name is changed from a heavenly name to a worldly denomination.
September 1980:
- Sixth Seal Opens: Marked by the resignation of all seven stars (leaders) within the Tabernacle Temple.
- Beginning of 42 Months of Destruction: The 42-month period of destruction commences.
During 42 Months of Destruction (September 1980 – [Unspecified End Date]):
- Events of Revelation 8-9, 11, 13: These chapters detail the destructive events involving the locusts, the star Wormwood, and the angels from the Euphrates.
- September 20, 1981, 2 PM: The “Day of Destruction” occurs. Members of the Tabernacle Temple receive the mark of the beast (666) – signifying the acceptance of false teachings – at a pastor commencement ceremony.
Present Day (Salvation):
- Events of Revelation 7, 10, 12, 14-17: Current events involve the sealing of the 12 tribes, the emergence of a great multitude, and the ongoing judgment of Babylon.
- Harvesting of God’s People: The focus is on calling God’s people out of Babylon before its final judgment.
Future Events:
- God’s Judgment of Babylon: Babylon will be judged after God’s people have left.
- Wedding Banquet: Celebration of the union between Christ and His bride (the Church).
- First Resurrection: The resurrection of believers in Christ.
Cast of Characters:
Apostle John: The author of the Book of Revelation, who received the visions and prophecies.
New John: The individual who witnesses the fulfillment of Revelation’s prophecies and testifies to their accuracy (implied to be the source’s teacher).
Mr. Oh (Nicholas, Star Wormwood, Beast from the Earth): A former member of the Tabernacle Temple who fell and became aligned with the Gentiles. He is given the key to the abyss and leads the first wave of destruction with the 7 heads and 10 horns, spreading false teachings within the Tabernacle Temple.
Mr. Tak (Abaddon, Apollyon, King of the Abyss, Beast from the Sea, Mother of Prostitutes): The director of the Stewardship Education Center (SEC/CSTC). He is depicted as the leader of the locusts and the one responsible for releasing the four angels from the Euphrates. He represents the source of false teachings that corrupt and destroy those within the Tabernacle Temple.
Seven Stars: The seven leaders of the Tabernacle Temple who resigned in September 1980, marking the beginning of the 42 months of destruction.
7 Heads and 10 Horns: The group associated with Mr. Oh, representing false leaders (likely pastors) within the Stewardship Education Center. They spread false teachings and mark members of the Tabernacle Temple with the mark of the beast.
Four Angels from the Euphrates: The four fallen angels released from the river Euphrates to further the destruction. They symbolize evil spirits aligned with Satan.
Congregation Members of the Tabernacle Temple: Those who were betrayed and destroyed by accepting the false teachings and mark of the beast.
Denominations of the World: Those outside the Tabernacle Temple who are initially spared from the locusts’ destruction but will eventually face judgment.
Briefing Doc: Revelation 9 – The Locusts from the Abyss & the Angels Who Sinned
Main Themes:
- Timeline of Revelation: Revelation’s fulfillment is not strictly chronological. It follows a pattern of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. Chapter 9 falls within the 42-month period of destruction (September 1980 – present).
- Trumpets of Judgment: The seven trumpets in Revelation symbolize pronouncements of judgment. Trumpets 1-6 focus on the destruction of the chosen people who betrayed God, while the 7th trumpet announces the destruction of Babylon and the salvation of God’s people.
- Symbolic Interpretation: The events and figures in Revelation 9 are heavily symbolic, representing spiritual realities rather than literal events.
Key Figures and Events:
- Star Wormwood (Mr. Oh): A fallen star representing a leader who betrayed the Tabernacle Temple (representing Heaven) and joined the Gentiles (representing Earth). He holds the key to the abyss, symbolizing his knowledge of Satan’s secrets and authority to punish the betrayers.
- The Abyss: A place without God’s word, serving as the headquarters of the destroyers, equated to Satan’s organization. In reality, it refers to the Stewardship Education Center (SEC/CSTC), an organization that trained pastors in Korea.
- Smoke from the Abyss: Represents false teachings spread by false pastors.
- Locusts: Symbolize destroyers, specifically the Nicolaitans (beast with 7 heads and 10 horns) who invaded the Tabernacle Temple and spread false teachings. Their description highlights their deceptive nature and destructive power. “The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.” (Revelation 9:7)
- Five Months of Torture: Represents the 150 days of spiritual destruction inflicted on the betrayers, mirroring the duration of Noah’s flood.
- Four Angels Bound at the Euphrates: Represent fallen angels released to carry out destruction. The Euphrates symbolizes the headquarters of the destroyers (SEC/CSTC). “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” (Revelation 9:14)
- Specific Time of Destruction: September 20th, 1981, marked the day when the betrayers received the mark of the beast (666), symbolizing their acceptance of false teachings and their spiritual death.
- Mounted Troops: Symbolize the spirits and flesh belonging to Satan, employed to destroy God’s people.
- Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur: Represent the false doctrines spread by the destroyers.
- Tails of the Horses: Symbolize false prophets, specifically the 17 evangelists who received the mark of the beast and spread false teachings.
Call to Action:
- Repentance and Faithfulness: The lesson urges believers to repent of their sins and remain faithful to God, rejecting false teachings and aligning themselves with the Savior group, Thaddeus’ tribe.
- Spiritual Transformation: Believers are called to be born again through God’s word and persevere until the end, embracing the truth and actively fighting against spiritual deception.
1. What is the timeline of Revelation, and where do the events of chapters 8 and 9 fit in?
Revelation’s fulfillment does not follow a strictly chronological order. Instead, it follows the sequence of betrayal, destruction, and salvation. Chapters 8 and 9 depict the events of “destruction” that occurred during a specific 42-month period beginning in September 1980. This period saw the sounding of the first six trumpets, each representing a specific judgment upon the chosen people who betrayed God.
2. Who are the “locusts from the abyss” in Revelation 9?
The locusts are not literal insects but symbolize the destroyers, specifically identified as the Nicolaitans, or the beast with seven heads and ten horns. These destroyers represent individuals and groups within the Tabernacle Temple (TT) who spread false teachings and led people astray.
3. What does the “star Wormwood” represent, and what role does it play in the destruction?
The star Wormwood symbolizes Mr. Oh, a figure who fell from a position of authority within the TT (representing heaven) and joined the Gentiles (representing the earth). He is given the key to the abyss, which represents the wisdom to know Satan’s secrets and the authority to punish those who betrayed God.
4. What does the “smoke from the abyss” represent, and how does it affect the “sun and sky”?
The smoke represents false teachings spread by false pastors within the TT. The “sun” symbolizes the pastors of the TT, and the “sky” represents the first heaven that betrayed. The smoke darkens the sun and sky, signifying the loss of truth and light within the TT due to the influence of false teachings.
5. What is the significance of the “five months” of torment mentioned in Revelation 9:5 and 9:10?
The five months (150 days) of torment inflicted by the locusts parallel the duration of the flood in Noah’s time. This period represents the intensity and completeness of the spiritual destruction experienced by those within the TT who lacked God’s seal (the word of God).
6. Who are the “four angels bound at the great river Euphrates” in Revelation 9:14?
These four angels represent fallen angels aligned with Satan who were held captive and then released to carry out further destruction. The river Euphrates symbolizes the headquarters of the destroyers, known as the Stewardship Education Center (SEC) or Christian Stewardship Training Center (CSTC).
7. What is the significance of the specific “hour, day, month, and year” mentioned in Revelation 9:15?
This precise time refers to the exact moment when the chosen people were completely destroyed spiritually and came under Satan’s control. This occurred on September 20th, 1981, during an event where individuals received the mark of the beast (666), symbolizing their acceptance of false teachings.
8. What lessons can we learn from the events described in Revelation chapters 8 and 9?
We should remain faithful to God, avoiding betrayal and seeking to align ourselves with the Savior. We must recognize the danger of false teachings, symbolized by the locusts and smoke, and actively protect ourselves by clinging to God’s word. These events, though past, serve as warnings and examples, prompting us to repent, be born again through God’s word, and persevere in our faith.