[Lesson 85] The Reality of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

by ichthus

The lesson discusses the symbolic meaning of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil mentioned throughout the Bible. The tree of life represents Jesus, the true Word of God that gives eternal life, while the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents Satan’s deceptive words and lies that bring spiritual death. At the first coming, Jesus was the reality of the tree of life, while the corrupt religious leaders represented the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In Revelation, the tree of life reappears with 12 branches (12 tribes) bearing monthly fruit (evangelizing), tended by the one who overcomes. Babylon, guided by Satan, is the manifestation of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, producing confusing words. Only the tree of life remains after Babylon’s judgment. The key is to avoid the fruit of the tree of knowledge and consume only the true Word from the tree of life.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist


John 14:26

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 16:25

“Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.


Yeast of Heaven

People needed to listen to Moses’ words and Moses’ generation, Isaiah’s words and Isaiah’s generation, and Jesus’ words and Jesus’ generation. And today, shouldn’t we listen to the words spoken on behalf of God and Jesus and believe them so that we can put in the effort to live according to them?



In every era, we hear words spoken to us through a specific channel. These words are spoken on behalf of God and Jesus. It would be illogical if we hear these words but don’t believe or pay attention to them.

What does this say about us as believers? In every past era, we needed to listen to the words spoken on behalf of God and Jesus through the person they sent. Why do we need to do this?

As believers, we all hope to enter heaven and eternal life. That’s why we need to hear God’s word. By doing so, we can understand His overall plan and who we are according to that plan. This allows us to put in the effort to act according to God’s will.


Our Hope: To eat from Tree of Life that bears 12 crops of fruit every month!

Throughout our week, many things can occur. However, when we approach the Word, these distractions vanish. We can then focus on God’s current work and His actions through us.

God’s work is indeed happening through us. We are reaching various realizations, some of which might frighten or shake us. This is intentional. A shaking must occur before one can understand who they are, where they stand, and what actions they need to take.

Jesus was undoubtedly a shaker. His words were not always easy for everyone to accept. However, those with resilience and a desire to continue learning were able to receive more from Jesus after the initial shaking.

Therefore, if we experience shaking, we shouldn’t worry. It’s part of the process. After being shaken and coming to a realization, we become stronger. This allows God to use us even more effectively.

The Reality of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Jn 15 (Gn 2-3, Dn 4, Rev 22)

As we go through this lesson today, there are a few things we should consider carefully.

Are the things I’m hearing now something I’ve always known? There’s a difference between being familiar with Bible content and truly understanding its meaning. We often say, “Oh yes, I’ve read this parable before, so I knew what it meant.” However, when we actually study its meaning, it’s different. Or when asked, the answer doesn’t come quickly or smoothly. So first, ask yourself: Have I really heard this before?

If not, why? Also, consider why God is choosing to reveal this to you now. How can this impact your life of faith? How can it affect those around you? What ways can those around you come to the same knowledge of the truth, so we can all understand each other together?

Today, we’re examining the reality of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. This is somewhat a continuation of our previous discussion on God’s food and Satan’s food. We’ll dive into specifics about these two trees. Note that these two trees essentially begin the Bible, showing their importance to God. They appear again, not just once, but a few times in the Bible. We’ll review the different times they appear and the significance of each occurrence.

We’ll explore why it’s important and why it matters.

Our main reference verses are John chapter 15, Genesis 2 and 3, Daniel 4, and Revelation 22. You might wonder why John 15 is relevant to today’s topic.

Why John 15? 

Jesus says, I am the true vine, and you are my branches. 

What about Genesis 2 and 3?

It is at this point that we are first introduced to the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

What about Daniel 4?

In this chapter, Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The king had dreamed about an enormous tree that reached up to the sky. This tree provided food for all kinds of beasts and birds. Its size and reach were so great that it nourished creatures both on the ground and in the air.

Why Revelation 22?

The discussion focuses on the tree of life and the healing of nations.

We are examining the main points of the chapters to facilitate a better understanding of the full study we will undertake later.

Our hope is centered on eating from the tree of life, which bears 12 crops of fruit every month.

As we consider this concept of eating from the tree of life that produces 12 crops of fruit monthly, several questions arise. If it is claimed that the tree of life has reappeared, there should be a clear explanation of the types of fruit it bears each month.

The meaning behind this should be evident. We should understand why there are specifically 12 crops, not 13 or 11. What does the fruit symbolize? And what is the significance of this occurring every month?

Keep these questions in mind as we proceed.

Previous Lesson Review


In our previous lesson, we delved into a profound topic. It was exceptionally deep, and I hope it helped us gain a deeper understanding of God and His spirits.

1.- All spirits belonging to God are Holy. This is true for every single one of God’s spirits.

2.- What is the role of a counselor or advocate?

A teacher who:

  1. Protects
  2. Teaches with grace

They protect and teach, always with grace.

3.- Jesus was the counselor during the first coming. He spoke to God on our behalf and to us on God’s behalf, acting as our mediator.

4.- Jesus promised to send another counselor. What other names is this promised counselor known by? The spirit of truth.

5.- Another Counselor is the Spirit of Truth. All spirits must work through flesh. Spirits operate through human bodies.

For example, the devil worked through Peter and Judas, while God worked through Jesus. Spirits work through flesh, as seen with Elijah and John the Baptist.

They execute their words through a person. That person speaks, and people hear those words, leading to greater understanding.

This has been the logic since time began. It’s God’s preferred method of communication.


1.- All the spirits of God are Holy
2.- Counselor (Advocate): A teacher who protects and teaches with grace
3.- The first Counselor was Jesus
4.- Another Counselor is the Spirit of Truth
5.- Spirits work through flesh

John 15 Introduction

John chapter 15 is connected to the previous chapters, as we’ve discussed before.

John 13, John 14, John 15, and John 16 are all part of the same conversation. What is their relationship? These chapters contain Jesus’ teachings to his disciples.

The sequence of events is as follows: Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. Then, he begins to teach them about his departure and return. He explains that he is preparing a place for them. Jesus also states that seeing him is equivalent to seeing the Father, because the Father is in him, and he is in the Father.

Jesus then speaks about his promise to send a spirit, a counselor. He emphasizes that he is telling them these things before they happen, so that when they do occur, the disciples will believe.


Tree = Jesus → True Vine | Jn 15:1, Jn 14:6

In John 15, Jesus presents himself as the true vine, with his followers as the branches, and God as the Gardener.

Jesus explains that his words have already cleansed his disciples. He states, “You are already clean because of the words I’ve spoken to you.” He then instructs them that their primary task is to bear much fruit, but emphasizes that to do so, they must remain connected to him.

Jesus stresses that without being attached to him, they cannot bear fruit. While some may have previously interpreted this as referring to the fruits of the Spirit, a closer examination of Jesus’ words reveals that he is actually talking about people. The disciples’ job is to bring more individuals to be attached to Jesus, who is the tree of life. This is what it means to bear fruit.

Jesus then discusses commandments that his followers are to keep. These commandments are centered on the love of Jesus, as described in John 15:9-17.


Jesus teaches his disciples about love and commandments. In John 15:18-27, Jesus explains that those who truly belong to God will face persecution. Persecution is not something that God’s children do; it is a characteristic of those born of Satan.

Persecution can take many forms. It might involve preventing someone from sharing the words they have been instructed to spread, or lying about the person who has come to speak these words. It can include slander, prevention of speech, and even murder.

These acts of persecution are not behaviors exhibited by those who belong to God. An excellent example of how disciples responded to persecution can be found in Acts chapter 7, starting from verse 54. Although we don’t have time to explore it fully today, I’ll summarize it briefly.

In this passage, Stephen is testifying about the wonders of Jesus. However, the people refuse to listen and instead throw stones at him. Stephen’s response is not to curse them or ask God to punish them. Instead, he says, “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do,” echoing Jesus’ words on the cross. This aligns with Jesus’ teaching to turn the other cheek.

Therefore, we should not be people who persecute. Instead, we should strive to be:

  1. Someone who loves
  2. Someone who forgives
  3. Someone who blesses

Let’s aim to embody these three qualities consistently, rather than being someone who persecutes. Now, let’s delve into John chapter 15.

1.- True Vine, 12 Branches and Fruits


John 15:1-5

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Jesus provides a significant hint that we may have overlooked or not examined deeply enough. Let’s analyze the tree Jesus described in detail.

Let’s review all the elements, recalling our previous parable lessons as we proceed.

Verse 1 begins with, “I am the true vine.”

Who is speaking, and who is this referring to? It’s Jesus.

Jesus is speaking, equating himself to a tree. A vine is a type of tree.


Jesus is saying, “I am a tree.” And who is the gardener, pruner, or tender of this tree? God.

God is the caretaker, protector, or guardian of the tree. He’s the farmer who guides, leads, and prunes the tree.

Jesus then states that God “cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit.” What does this mean? It suggests that He removes the unproductive parts, like burning weeds. He eliminates the things within us that are not true.

Jesus describes who the branches are. Who does he say the branches are in verse 5?

Jesus says, “You, the disciples, are the branches.”

  1. The gardener is God. John 15:1
  2. The tree is Jesus. John 15:1
  3. The disciples are the branches. John 15:5

They are branches of the tree. Now, does a tree simply appear on its own? No, it doesn’t.


A tree begins with a planted seed. What is the seed that starts the tree? It’s the word.

How do we know this? Luke 8:11, Mark 4:14, and 1 Peter 1:23, among many other verses, tell us that the word and the seed are one and the same.

Jesus was born of the word, both literally and spiritually. He was the word in the beginning and was born by the seed of the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary. In every possible way, Jesus is born of the seed of God, the word.

Jesus’ mission was to ensure that as many people as possible were also born of that same seed. He told his disciples they had a very important job to do.


Jesus needed those who could help bring more people to God. Those who bear fruit are the ones who fulfill this role. Fruitless branches are cut off, while those that bear fruit are pruned.

What does pruning mean? It means taking care of the branches by cutting off diseased and malnourished parts, ensuring the plant has the best chance to be more fruitful.

God makes fruitful branches even more fruitful. But how does a branch become more fruitful? Is it through one’s own effort, intelligence, or amazingness alone?

The secret to increasing fruitfulness is being attached to the vine.

Starting from verse 5: “I am the true vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do Nothing.”

How does Jesus remain in a person? The word has to be in the person.

Verse 7 confirms this: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you.” We need more of Jesus’ seed within us.

If we find it hard to bear fruit, it might be because we don’t have enough of Jesus’ seed within us. It’s time to get to work: read, study, do our own blessings, review, and study for tests. We want to have Jesus’ words within our hearts.

The disciple’s primary job was to remain connected to the vine and not become detached.


What grows from branches? Leaves and fruit. Consider the physical characteristics of leaves. What are they used for?

Leaves protect the tree and gather sunlight to produce food. When crushed and ground up, leaves are often used for medicine in the world. Many of our medicines come from plant products. This is not an accident; everything is intentional with God.

In Revelation 22:2, it says, “the leaves are for the healing of the nations.” This suggests that those who need to do the work of healing must be attached to the main tree.

What is the reality of a leaf? They represent evangelists who go out and give the medicine of the Word of God. Today, God needs many leaves. Some may say, “I was in the class a long time ago. That’s where I got my start.” Let’s become leaves.


A tree needs to be fruitful. Jesus told a parable about a man who came to a tree and found it wasn’t fruitful. He gave it another year, but when it still bore no fruit, he wanted to cut it down. God pleaded for one more year. Being fruitful is very important.

Think back to what God first told Adam and Noah in Genesis 1, 2, and 9: “Be fruitful and multiply.” This is not an accident. It’s very important to God for His people to grow and prosper.

A leaf and a branch need to bear fruit. What fruit must be born? It’s saints being born through the Word, born again of the seed of the Word. James 1:18 says, “He chose to give us birth through the Word of truth, so that we might be a kind of first fruits.”

What is a first fruit? It’s the first of the harvest. In the Bible, people offered the first of their harvest to God. In James 1:18, God is looking for a first fruit person, one that He can use to heal all nations.


Let’s read about the mustard seed in Matthew chapter 13.

Matthew 13:31-33

31 He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. 32 Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.”

33 He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.”

Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed that grows into a large tree. The birds of the air come and perch on its branches. In this parable, these spiritual birds represent Holy spirits.

When considering birds, this comparison makes sense. Jesus, speaking to Nicodemus, discussed those born of the spirit, explaining how they behave in ways that may seem incomprehensible to those not born again. Spirits are transient, quickly moving from one place to another, always at work without needing rest.

Observing a bird’s behavior, you notice its short attention span – here for two seconds, there for two seconds, and then gone. This mirrors how angels respond to God’s commands, moving like lightning to fulfill them before moving on to the next task.

Sometimes, you might experience a sudden, strange thought while going about your day, like in a grocery store. You may wonder where this thought came from and reject it immediately. This is because spirits work swiftly through thoughts and then vanish.

However, some spirits desire to stay. In Matthew 12, Jesus speaks of an evil spirit leaving a man, only to return with seven more wicked spirits when it finds the house empty. Spirits seek suitable dwelling places. We must ask ourselves: Are we suitable for Holy Spirits or evil spirits?

We should strive to be suitable for Holy Spirits. We must pray, “Lord, clean the house of my heart. May I put more of Your word in my heart and remove Satan’s influences.” We need to throw out the metaphorical ugly couch and dirty dishes Satan has placed in our hearts, ensuring everything is clean.

Understanding the true vine and the branches follows this same logic throughout the Bible.


John 15:6-8

Why is this vine called the true vine? And what is the opposite of the true vine?

The opposite of a true vine is a wild vine. A true vine represents God’s tree of life.

The vine must be qualified as “true” because there are two types. Something only needs to be described as true if its opposite exists.

The wild vine has become corrupt, as mentioned in Isaiah 5 and Jeremiah 2:21. It represents Satan’s tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We need to stay away from wild vines that produce the maddening wine of adultery and bear false fruit or false words. These wild vines always try to make their words and fruits appear similar to those of the true vine, just as what happened to Eve.

Let’s keep these things in mind.


True Vibe = God’s Tree of Life

Wild Vine = Satan’s Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Isa 5, Jer 2:21)

2.- About the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Now, let’s delve deeper into the topic of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We’ll begin by examining their origins, which takes us back to the book of Genesis.

Genesis 2:9

And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

In the center of the garden stood two crucial trees, which essentially mark the beginning of the Bible’s narrative. These two trees initiate the entire sequence of events in the Bible, representing the two greatest secrets within it. What do these trees actually symbolize?

For over 3,500 years, believers have pondered these questions: What are these two trees? Are they literal? Do they still exist? Generations have searched for these trees, hoping to discover them in various locations.

The Bible describes the Garden of Eden as surrounded by four rivers, which we can identify today. People thought that by searching diligently, they might stumble upon the garden and find these trees. It was frustrating for those who spent their lives searching but never found them because we didn’t truly understand God’s message. God intentionally presented it this way to protect His plan and secrets from the enemy.

In the garden, we have two types of trees: one that leads to life when its fruit is eaten, and another that leads to death when its fruit is consumed. What is the true nature of the fruit from each tree?

As we discussed previously, the reality of the fruit is words – either the word of truth or words of lies. Truth and lies are the ultimate currency of the spirit; it’s how spirits operate.

Consider John 8:44, where Jesus reveals how Satan works: “Your father is the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” This is the fruit that Satan delivers.


So, in the book of Genesis, the tree of life that gives fruit represents God, while the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that gives lies represents Satan. Both fruits contain seed, which is also the word. What happens when someone consumes a particular seed?


They grow fruit, either good fruit or bad fruit depending on whose seed they eat.


Indeed, but what happens to the person when they consume the fruit containing either seed? They become the image of the seed.


How can Satan be in the same place with God in the garden of Eden?


I’ll answer this question briefly. Remember, the garden is figurative and represents Earth. When Satan fell from heaven, where was he cast? He came down to Earth.

Satan, a spirit, was here and works through flesh, people. He prefers to be incognito, spreading lies through individuals. His seed, his fruit. People who cannot discern willingly eat from that fruit and spread those lies to many others.

The main distinction lies in the fruits and the words they produce. God’s words lead to life, while Satan’s lead to death. When someone consumes these words, they either become life or death. That’s why God said in Genesis 3:22 man has become like one of us, mortal, knowing good and evil. God’s image is not the image of mortality or death.

It’s concerning when people blame God for death. I cringe internally, as that person may not fully understand yet. So, we should respond with love, forgiveness, and blessings, sharing the word with them. But internally, I’m frustrated because they’re blaming God for something Satan is responsible for. God intended for us to live forever, eating only from the tree of life. That was his original intention. Death was not God’s plan but Satan’s work.

Blame Satan for the world’s current state, not God. Let’s get angry and fight him. First, we must fight him within ourselves, then help others. The battlefield is in our hearts, and we can only win with the word, not by ourselves.

This battle rages in all of you. I can see it in your questions. Win that battle, but remember you can only do so with the word. It’s not possible to win by yourself.

3.- First Coming: Reality of the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Godd and Evil

At the time of the first coming, we need to consider the reality of two trees: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. As we have previously discussed, Jesus represented the reality of the tree of life.

There are several important points we should understand about this concept. These points will help us gain a better understanding of how God will utilize the same tree of life during the second coming.

Matthew 13:34-35

34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. 35 So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet:

“I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.”

God concealed His secrets in parables since the creation of the world. These secrets were also contained within creation itself. Jesus began to reveal these secrets to His disciples, as He stated in Matthew 13:10-11: “The secrets of the kingdom of heaven have been given to you, but not to them.”

However, Jesus promised to reveal these secrets to everyone else as well. In John 16:25, He said, “Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.” This refers to the time of the first coming and the time of the second coming.

God sowed His secrets, His word, in parables. These secrets then grow into a mighty tree, which represents God’s kingdom. This process illustrates the concept of prophecy and fulfillment, which is truly amazing. That’s God’s tree.

In contrast, Satan’s tree grows differently.

Daniel 4:20-22

20 The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, 21 with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the beasts of the field, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds of the air— 22 you, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.

Let’s understand the context of the book of Daniel. Daniel was an amazing man of God who held true to his faith while working and living in Babylon. It must have been a frustrating experience, surrounded by people with different beliefs, but Daniel remained steadfast in his faith. God used him in many powerful ways.

One of the gifts God granted Daniel was the ability to interpret dreams, not through his own intelligence, but by hearing God’s words. When King Nebuchadnezzar had dreams and wondered about their meaning, he would call his seers, magicians, and those who practiced magic arts. They couldn’t explain the dreams and feared for their lives.

However, when Nebuchadnezzar called Daniel, he was able to interpret the dreams through God’s grace. In one particular dream, Daniel describes not a small tree or tiny shoot, but a giant tree reaching to the heavens. This massive tree becomes a home for beasts and birds of the air. We should recognize that beasts and birds often represent evil spirits in this context.

This tree is compared to a person – Nebuchadnezzar himself, the king of Babylon. It’s a prophecy about a huge tree representing Babylon. This is not a coincidence and should be kept in mind for the time of the second coming.

Interestingly, at the time of the first coming, God also spoke about trees He was displeased with.

Remember, this prophecy and its interpretation involve figurative language and represents the fulfilment of God’s word. It’s a parable of sorts, teaching us to flee from false hope and lies, and to seek the true seed of God’s lesson. This message spans across time and eras, opening what was once sealed.

Isaiah 5:1-2, 7

I will sing for the one I love

    a song about his vineyard:

My loved one had a vineyard

    on a fertile hillside.

2 He dug it up and cleared it of stones

    and planted it with the choicest vines.

He built a watchtower in it

    and cut out a winepress as well.

Then he looked for a crop of good grapes,

    but it yielded only bad fruit.

7 The vineyard of the Lord Almighty

    is the house of Israel,

and the men of Judah

    are the garden of his delight.

And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed;

    for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.

God uses a parable to tell a prophecy about His choicest vines. However, instead of producing wonderful fruit, these vines yield bad fruit. As a result, God is not pleased with the outcome.

Isaiah 5:3-7

3 “Now you dwellers in Jerusalem and men of Judah,

    judge between me and my vineyard.

4 What more could have been done for my vineyard

    than I have done for it?

When I looked for good grapes,

    why did it yield only bad?

5 Now I will tell you

    what I am going to do to my vineyard:

I will take away its hedge,

    and it will be destroyed;

I will break down its wall,

    and it will be trampled.

6 I will make it a wasteland,

    neither pruned nor cultivated,

    and briers and thorns will grow there.

I will command the clouds

    not to rain on it.”

7 The vineyard of the Lord Almighty

    is the house of Israel,

and the men of Judah

    are the garden of his delight.

And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed;

    for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.

The choice vines, which were expected to produce good grapes, are now yielding bad ones. This suggests that something has happened to alter the vines belonging to the choice.

These choice vines have transformed into wild ones. As a result, they are now wild vines that produce bad grapes.

Quick Review

Quick Review

God is the gardener or pruner, and Jesus is the true vine. As Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” He then refers to himself as a tree, revealing that Jesus is the tree of life at his first coming.

Jesus was born of the seed in every possible way – physically and spiritually. His mission was to bear much fruit through his disciples, whom he called branches. There are 12 disciples, which is no accident, as there are no accidents with God.

The leaves of the tree are for healing nations, as leaves are used for medicine. Fruit grows from the tree, representing both the fruit that comes from a person’s mouth and their words. In Matthew 12:33-37, Jesus describes fruit as words. Fruit can mean both a person and the words of a tree-like person.

Everyone is a tree. Be a good tree that gives good fruit.

In the Garden of Eden, there were two types of trees: God’s tree of life and Satan’s tree of death, called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan’s tree is mixed, good and evil together, which is ultimately 100% evil because God is only pure good.

Satan has been trying to get people to eat from his tree for 6,000 years. God prepared us to overcome Satan’s tree by speaking in parables and holding the secrets of the kingdom of heaven until it was time for fulfillment. God and Jesus spoke in parables to protect their plans from Satan, who wants to destroy them.

When the time comes, that small seed becomes the kingdom of heaven, a large tree. God hid the secret of the characteristics of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Babylon is described as a huge tree reaching up to the sky, becoming a home for all kinds of beasts and birds. This should bring Revelation 18 to mind.

God’s people who bear bad fruits can go from being choice vines to wild vines. We must be careful not to become wild vines while growing in God’s vineyard and hearing his word of truth. It’s always possible to become a wild vine, so be extra cautious and protect yourself.

4.- Second Coming: Reality of the Tree of Life and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

How do these trees appear at the time of the second coming?

Let’s discuss this now. There are many details we need to talk about to reach a deep understanding of this topic. We will begin by discussing where the trees appear at the time of Revelation.

The second coming reality of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: Where do they appear again? Because they do reappear.

We’ll start by reading Revelation 22:1-2 to learn about the tree of life.

Revelation 22:1-2

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

It is prophesied that something appears again. What reappears? The tree of life. Glory to God. Where is this tree located? On either side of the river. This river of the water of life flows from where? From the throne of God and the Lamb, who are also present. It’s a beautiful image.

I hope you’re beginning to visualize how beautiful this tree will be. However, we’re in Revelation, so what we’re reading is prophecy. What kind of language is used? Figurative language. But this figurative language represents real people and real events. Just as Jesus and his disciples were real people who did real things, the tree of life must also be real.

It must be comprised of people who do real things. So who are the people that make up the tree of life? Should it be us? According to Revelation, how is it described? The 12 tribes are definitely part of the tree. But which part? They’re the branches. Why? Because the branches are the disciples.

Yes, the branches are disciples. Good. But how many branches does the tree of life have? According to Revelation 22:1-2, twelve. Wow. Is that an accident? No, for there are no accidents with God.

The One Who Overcomes

Let’s explore more aspects of the tree of life as described in Revelation. This will help us develop a deeper understanding of it. First, let’s consider the gardeners of this tree of life.

After all, there must be a gardener present to prune it, right?

Revelation 3:12

Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.

The one who overcomes is mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3, and this person must meet specific criteria to receive certain blessings. These blessings include:

  1. A name written on a white stone
  2. An iron scepter
  3. The morning star
  4. The book of life
  5. The crown of life
  6. Hidden manna

This isn’t just anyone who believes in Jesus, but someone who fulfills all these criteria. The phrase “To the one who overcomes, I will give” is repeated, emphasizing its importance.

The one who overcomes will receive:

  1. The name of God
  2. The name of the Holy City, New Jerusalem
  3. Jesus’s New Name

God, Jesus, and heaven are with this person, who is like a gardener or pruner tending to branches. The 12 tribes are these branches, bearing fruit every month.

The tree of life at the second coming begins with a seed, which is the revelation of Jesus Christ given to John. This revealed, or opened word, is eaten by John, who then prophesies about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. He receives hidden manna to provide food at the proper time, as mentioned in Matthew 24.

The prophecies in Matthew 24 and Revelation are aligned, with no gaps. The tree of life has 12 branches, representing the 12 tribes and the 12 gates to enter the Holy City. The leaves of this tree are evangelists, while the fruits are saints being born again through the word.

In Revelation 7:14, it mentions a specific group of people. The 144,000 are called the first fruits of this tree of life.

Shall we see?

Revelation 14:3-4

3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb.

The firstfruits are described as blameless, with no lie found on their mouths. Their role is to sing a new song. Their purpose is to bring people out of Babylon.

How many people are in Babylon? Many nations, languages, peoples, and kings. Indeed, there are many, many, many individuals. When these numerous people come out, they form a great multitude.

You can consider them as the later fruits that follow the firstfruits. These later fruits also receive many blessings.

Additionally, we have birds mentioned. Which birds? Holy Spirits. These Holy Spirits are referenced in Revelation 19:17, engaged in an intriguing activity.

What are these birds, these Holy Spirits, doing?

Revelation 19:17

And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God,

I observed an angel standing in the sun, calling out loudly to all the birds, which are figurative representations of spirits. This scene depicts a feast occurring. It’s important to remember that Revelation 19 is about the wedding. The food offered at this feast is significant.

Two types of food are being presented:

  1. God’s oxen
  2. Fattened cattle

These are mentioned in verse 18, representing the reality of God’s oxen and fattened cattle.

We will explore this concept further at a later time.

This imagery relates to the second coming tree of life. To summarize these points before moving on to discuss the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we must be mindful of our limited time.

ONE – Tree of Life → Person born of the Word

The tree of life generally represents a person born of the word. The word is like a seed. The 12 crops of fruit symbolize the 12 tribes evangelizing every month.

TWO – Second Coming Tree of Life

At the second coming, there will be the tree of life, New John, and the 12 tribes. This mirrors Jesus and the 12 disciples at the first coming.

The fruit of the tree of life has two aspects:

  1. The revealed word, which is the fulfilment of Revelation. This includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how (5W1H).
  1. Saints born from that revealed word.

We should strive to be born of the revealed word.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil | Rev 17:1-5, Rev 18:2-3

Although not directly named in Revelation, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil appears under a different name. In the book of Revelation, it is referred to as Babylon.

Let’s examine Babylon now.


The gardener of the Babylon tree is Satan, the devil. The dragon. And the dragon makes sure that he establishes a home for his evil spirits.


Those detestable birds of Revelation 18:2. The tree is comprised of many waters and the beast with seven heads and ten horns. The beasts are the branches and the many waters are the fruits.


And it calls the many waters, many peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages. Or you can say peoples, nations, languages, and kings are the many waters. Multitudes as well, which we know as churches today.

Churches and sin. 


Prostitute = Second Coming Tree of Life of Good and Evil → Wild Vine  | Rev 17:4

The prostitute, she gives the maddening wine of adultery. That is her seed.

Ultimately, the seed of Satan. And she spreads that seed to many people. And Babylon is small or large.

How big is Babylon today? It’s huge. It’s gigantic. But will it always be that big?

No. That tree gets cut down. By who?

Who cuts down this tree? Who brings this tree to an end? That’s a good question, right?


In Revelation 22, only the tree of life is mentioned. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is not mentioned again. This is because the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has been judged by God.

The judgment of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is represented by the judgment of Babylon in Revelation 16 and 18. Babylon’s end represents the end of an era.

Therefore, in Revelation 22, only the tree of life exists eternally. Hallelujah. To emphasize this point once more:


Gardener = The dragon 

The Tree of Knoledge of Good and Evil =  The prostitute and all the prostitutes seed. The prostitutes offspring.

The prostitute sits on many waters. Especially guiding and sitting on the beast with seven heads and ten horns. 

The Fruit of this tree = The maddening wine of adultery.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as we discussed, represents a person. In this case, it symbolizes the prostitute. More broadly, we can say it represents Babylon.

The prostitute and her associated organizations are significant. What, then, is the modern-day equivalent of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that we should avoid?

The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

A few things:
Dt 32:33, Rev 18:3, Rev 2:14

  1. Maddening Wine

The word is like wine, but it’s a word that confuses people. A word coming from many different sources is maddening.

  1. The Mark of the Beast

We should scrub off the mark of the beast, which represents lies.

  1. The Food Sacrificed to Idols

The word is like food. Idols are false prophets, false pastors, and false teachers, so their teachings are like food sacrificed to idols.

Today, we see the reality of these things in commentaries, of which there are thousands, all saying different things. This includes study Bibles, ecclesiastical laws, and authorities.

People claim, “I am this person. I am important. I’m a big deal here and there.” These claims, along with ecclesiastical laws, authority, and traditions, are manifestations of these three things.

Avoid all of these because they only confuse people and make them mad. Here, “mad” means unable to understand.

As mentioned in Revelation 18, this tree will be judged. It won’t exist forever, and God will bring it to an end. All people will eventually come to know the truth.

Don’t be among those who realize later, “Oh my goodness, I could have had a chance to come at the beginning.” Instead, be those who come at the beginning, for your blessing will be even greater. The disciples had a bigger blessing than those who came after them.


Revelation 22:1-2

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

Instructor Review


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life are figurative concepts. Ultimately, the tree of life represents God, Jesus, the 12 disciples, New John, and the 12 tribes. Alternatively, it can be described as God, the promised pastor, and the promised kingdom. This summarizes the various instances of the tree of life.

On the other hand, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents Satan, Babylon, the false pastor, and the false pastor’s kingdom. It is crucial to avoid this tree, but first, one must identify it.

The key is to not eat its fruit. This is why we emphasize the importance of not going beyond what is written. The scriptures will guide you to where God wants you to go.

Any other source will lead you to where Satan wants you to go. People’s thoughts, opinions, ideas, and guesses will not lead you to God. Instead, they will lead you to the opposite place.

Therefore, it is essential to stick to the word.

Review with the Evangelist



Today we learned a very, very deep lesson about the reality of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. At the time of the Second Coming, the reality of these two trees today is that the Tree of Life represents New John, while the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents Babylon, the Prosecute and her organizations. 

It’s important for us to recognize and understand the reality of these two trees because, just like at the time of Genesis, the results of eating the fruits from these two trees are polar opposite. One leads to life, the other leads to death. God and Jesus are showing us the reality today so we can eat from the Tree of Life, but also for us to avoid, at all costs, eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Every lesson we learn, we have to ask ourselves why it’s important for us today. We need to be connected to the right tree. If we’re connected to the Tree of Life, then we’ll get eternal life. If we’re connected to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, then we will miss out.

One last question to meditate on and send answers to your evangelist: Have I been able to identify the location of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Have I left it or avoided it?

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Outline: The Reality of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil


  • Setting the Stage: This section introduces the central theme of the lesson, focusing on the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and encourages introspection about prior knowledge and the relevance of these concepts.
  • Key Biblical References: It outlines the main scriptural passages to be explored: John 15, Genesis 2-3, Daniel 4, and Revelation 22.
  • Guiding Questions: The section poses questions to stimulate deeper thought about the symbolism of the Tree of Life bearing 12 crops of fruit monthly and the significance of this imagery.

Review: Foundations from Previous Lessons

  • Holy Spirits: This section reiterates the holiness of all God’s spirits.
  • Role of a Counselor: It defines the counselor as a teacher who provides protection and guidance with grace.
  • Jesus as the First Counselor: It identifies Jesus as the counselor during his first coming, mediating between God and humanity.
  • Promise of Another Counselor: It highlights Jesus’ promise to send another counselor, the Spirit of Truth.
  • Spirits Working Through Flesh: It emphasizes the concept of spirits operating through human bodies, using historical examples to illustrate this principle.

John 15: The True Vine

  • Connection to Previous Chapters: This section establishes the context of John 15 within the broader narrative of Jesus’ teachings to his disciples in chapters 13-16.
  • Jesus as the True Vine: It introduces the central metaphor of Jesus as the true vine, God as the gardener, and believers as the branches.
  • Bearing Fruit: It emphasizes the importance of remaining connected to Jesus (the vine) to bear fruit, interpreting “fruit” as bringing others to Christ.
  • Commandments of Love: This section focuses on the commandments centered around love for Jesus that his followers are to keep.
  • Persecution: It explores Jesus’ teachings about the inevitability of persecution for true believers and contrasts it with the behavior of those born of Satan.

Understanding the Tree Symbolism

  • Detailed Analysis of the True Vine: This section dissects the metaphor of the true vine, identifying each element: God as the gardener, Jesus as the tree, believers as the branches, and the word as the seed.
  • Function of Leaves and Fruits: It delves into the symbolism of leaves (representing evangelists who heal with God’s word) and fruits (representing new believers born again through the word).
  • Birds as Holy Spirits: It introduces the concept of birds representing Holy Spirits, drawing on the parable of the mustard seed and exploring the nature of spiritual beings.
  • Distinction Between True and Wild Vines: This section contrasts the true vine (representing God’s Tree of Life) with the wild vine (representing Satan’s Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), emphasizing the importance of discernment.

The Origins of the Two Trees: Genesis 2-3

  • Introduction of the Trees: This section revisits the Garden of Eden narrative, highlighting the central role of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
  • Symbolic Nature of the Trees: It emphasizes the symbolic nature of the trees, representing the choice between God’s truth and Satan’s lies, with their fruits being words that shape one’s spiritual nature.
  • Consequences of Consuming the Fruits: This section explores the ramifications of consuming the fruits of each tree, linking God’s word to life and Satan’s lies to death.

The Trees at the First Coming

  • Jesus as the Tree of Life: This section establishes Jesus as the embodiment of the Tree of Life at his first coming, highlighting his birth from the Word and his mission to bear fruit through his disciples.
  • Parables and God’s Secrets: It emphasizes God’s use of parables to conceal his secrets until their appointed time of fulfillment, contrasting God’s tree with Satan’s.
  • Prophecy of Babylon as a Tree: It analyzes Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, revealing Babylon as a towering tree harboring evil spirits, foreshadowing its eventual destruction.
  • Choice Vines Turning Wild: This section explores Isaiah’s parable of the vineyard, depicting God’s displeasure with the choice vines yielding bad fruit, signifying their transformation into wild vines.

The Trees at the Second Coming

  • Reappearance of the Tree of Life: This section analyzes Revelation 22:1-2, highlighting the reappearance of the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem, symbolizing God’s eternal kingdom.
  • Composition of the Tree of Life: It details the components of the Tree of Life: New John as the source, 12 tribes as the branches, evangelists as the leaves, and new believers as the fruits.
  • The Overcomer as Gardener: It identifies the “one who overcomes” as the gardener, based on the blessings described in Revelation 2-3, suggesting a role in guiding and nurturing the branches.
  • The Firstfruits and the Great Multitude: This section introduces the 144,000 as the firstfruits of the Tree of Life, tasked with leading people out of Babylon, who then become part of the great multitude (later fruits).
  • Babylon as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: It identifies Babylon, as described in Revelation 17-18, as the modern manifestation of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, representing a corrupt system opposed to God.
  • Composition of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: This section analyzes the components of Babylon as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Satan as the gardener, the beast as the branches, churches as the fruits, and the prostitute’s teachings as the seed.
  • Judgment of Babylon: It emphasizes the eventual destruction of Babylon, signifying the ultimate demise of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
  • Modern-Day Fruits to Avoid: This section identifies the maddening wine of confusing teachings, the mark of the beast, and food sacrificed to idols as contemporary manifestations of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’s fruits to be avoided.

Summary and Call to Action

  • Distinguishing Between the Trees: This section summarizes the key differences between the Tree of Life (representing God and his kingdom) and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (representing Satan and his deception).
  • Importance of Choosing the Right Tree: It emphasizes the critical choice between these two trees, highlighting the eternal consequences associated with each.
  • Adherence to the Word: The section concludes with a call to action, urging readers to rely solely on the scriptures for guidance, rejecting any other source that might lead them astray.

A Study Guide

The Reality of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: A Study Guide


Instructions: Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.

  1. What is the central metaphor used in John 15 to describe the relationship between Jesus and his followers?
  2. How do leaves and fruit function as symbols in the teachings about the true vine?
  3. Why are the two trees in the Garden of Eden considered symbolic rather than literal? What do they represent?
  4. According to the lesson, how does Satan primarily operate in the world?
  5. What is the significance of the parable in Daniel 4, and how does it connect to the concept of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
  6. Explain the meaning of “choice vines” and “wild vines” in Isaiah 5.
  7. How is the tree of life depicted in Revelation 22?
  8. Who are the “first fruits” mentioned in Revelation 14:3-4, and what is their role?
  9. In Revelation, what symbol is used to represent the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
  10. What three examples are given of the “fruit” of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the modern day?

Answer Key

  1. The central metaphor in John 15 is the vine and branches. Jesus is the true vine, God is the gardener, and Jesus’ followers are the branches. This metaphor emphasizes the vital connection between Jesus and his followers for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
  2. Leaves symbolize evangelists who spread the healing Word of God. Fruit symbolizes the saints, or believers, who are born again through the Word. Both leaves and fruit are essential for the tree’s growth and flourishing.
  3. The two trees are symbolic because they represent spiritual realities rather than physical entities. The tree of life symbolizes God and the truth that leads to eternal life. The tree of knowledge of good and evil symbolizes Satan and the deception that leads to death.
  4. Satan primarily operates through lies and deception. He spreads his seed, or his word, through individuals who willingly consume and disseminate falsehoods.
  5. The parable in Daniel 4 describes a massive tree that symbolizes King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian empire. This connects to the tree of knowledge of good and evil because both represent worldly power and pride, ultimately leading to judgment and downfall.
  6. “Choice vines” represent God’s chosen people, expected to produce good fruit, or righteous actions. “Wild vines” represent those who have turned away from God and produce bad fruit, or sinful actions.
  7. The tree of life in Revelation 22 is described as flourishing on each side of the river of the water of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit every month. Its leaves provide healing for the nations.
  8. The “first fruits” are the 144,000 redeemed from the earth, who sing a new song before God. They are blameless and follow the Lamb wherever he goes, serving as a special offering to God.
  9. In Revelation, the tree of knowledge of good and evil is represented by Babylon, a symbol of worldly corruption and rebellion against God.
  10. The “fruit” of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the modern day includes maddening wine (confusing and contradictory teachings), the mark of the beast (acceptance of lies), and food sacrificed to idols (following false prophets and teachers).

Additional Questions

1. What is the Tree of Life and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

– Tree of LIfe: God’s Church
– Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Satan’s Church

2. What was the actual reality of Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil at First Coming?

– Tree of Life: Jesus and the 12 disciples (Jn 15:1-5)
– Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: The Pharisees, Sadd, Teachers of the Law (Is 5:1-2, 7, Dn 4:20-22)

3. What is the actual reality of Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil at Second Coming?

– Tree of Life: New John and the 12 Tribes
– Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Babylon, The prostitute and her Organizations

4. At the Second Coming, what is the fruit of the Tree of Life and the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

– Tree of Life” The revealed word = Fulfillment of Revelation, Saints born from revealed word.

– Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Mark of the Beast, Maddening wine (Rev 18:3), and Food sacrificed to idols (Rev 2:14)

Glossary of Key Terms

True Vine: A metaphor for Jesus Christ, representing the source of spiritual life and nourishment.

Branches: A metaphor for Jesus’ followers, who must remain connected to the true vine to bear fruit.

Leaves: A symbol of evangelists who spread the healing Word of God.

Fruit: A symbol of the saints, or believers, who are born again through the Word.

Tree of Life: A symbolic representation of God and the truth that leads to eternal life.

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: A symbolic representation of Satan and the deception that leads to death.

Seed: A metaphor for both God’s word and Satan’s deception, representing the potential for either spiritual growth or destruction.

Choice Vines: God’s chosen people who are expected to produce good fruit, or righteous actions.

Wild Vines: Those who have turned away from God and produce bad fruit, or sinful actions.

First Fruits: A special offering to God, representing the first and best portion of a harvest.

Babylon: A symbol of worldly corruption and rebellion against God, representing the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Revelation.

Maddening Wine: Confusing and contradictory teachings that lead people astray.

Mark of the Beast: A symbol of acceptance of lies and allegiance to Satan.

Food Sacrificed to Idols: Following false prophets and teachers, consuming teachings that are not aligned with God’s truth.


Timeline of Events:

This lesson focuses on interpreting biblical metaphors and doesn’t present a chronological timeline of events. Instead, it uses stories from Genesis, Daniel, and Revelation to illustrate the concepts of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Cast of Characters:

1. God: – The gardener of the true vine (Tree of Life). – Planted the Garden of Eden and desires humanity to live eternally, consuming only from the Tree of Life. – Uses parables to conceal secrets and protect his plan from Satan.

2. Jesus: – The true vine (Tree of Life) during the first coming. – Born of the seed (the Word) both physically and spiritually. – Sent to bring people to God and bear much fruit through his disciples. – Revealed God’s secrets and promised to speak plainly about the Father.

3. Disciples: – Branches of the true vine during the first coming. – Tasked with bringing more people to God. – Represent those who bear fruit.

4. Holy Spirits: – Represented as birds perching on the branches of the Tree of Life. – Swift and transient, working through thoughts and actions. – Seek suitable dwelling places in people.

5. New John: – Likely the author of the source material. – Represents the Tree of Life during the second coming. – Receives the revelation of Jesus Christ and prophesies about the future.

6. 12 Tribes: – Branches of the Tree of Life during the second coming. – Represent those who evangelize and spread the Word of God.

7. 144,000: – The first fruits of the Tree of Life during the second coming. – Described as blameless and chosen to sing a new song. – Tasked with bringing people out of Babylon.

8. Satan: – The gardener of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. – Tempts people to consume from his tree and spread lies. – Responsible for death and the world’s current state.

9. Adam and Eve: – First humans who were tempted by Satan to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. – Their actions brought death into the world.

10. King Nebuchadnezzar: – King of Babylon who dreamed of a giant tree reaching to the heavens. – This tree, interpreted by Daniel, symbolizes Babylon and its eventual destruction.

11. The Prostitute: – Represents the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil during the second coming. – Offers the maddening wine of adultery (lies and false teachings) to many people. – Symbolizes Babylon and its corrupt organizations.

12. False Prophets, Pastors, and Teachers: – Idols who offer food sacrificed to idols, representing false teachings and interpretations. – Contribute to the maddening wine of adultery that confuses people.


Overview: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil


Main Themes:

  • The Two Trees: The core theme revolves around the biblical symbolism of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, representing God and Satan respectively.
  • Fruit as Words: The fruit from each tree symbolizes the words we consume and produce – truth (life) from God’s tree and lies (death) from Satan’s.
  • Biblical Prophecy & Fulfillment: The lesson traces the prophetic imagery of these trees from Genesis to Revelation, emphasizing their relevance throughout biblical history and their manifestation in the Second Coming.
  • The Importance of Discernment: Recognizing and choosing the right “tree” (source of spiritual nourishment) is crucial for achieving eternal life, particularly in the face of modern-day distractions and false teachings.

Key Ideas & Facts:

1. The True Vine & Its Components:

  • Jesus is the True Vine (Tree of Life): “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener” (John 15:1).
  • God is the Gardener: He prunes the branches to increase fruitfulness.
  • Disciples are the Branches: Their job is to bear fruit (bring people to God).
  • Word of God is the Seed: The seed that grows the Tree of Life is the Word of God.
  • Leaves are Evangelists: Spreading the “medicine” of God’s word for healing.
  • Fruits are Saints: People born again through the Word, offering themselves to God.

2. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil:

  • Satan is the source: He tempts with lies and false promises.
  • The fruit leads to death: Consuming these lies results in spiritual death.
  • Modern-day manifestations: False teachings, commentaries, traditions, and authorities claiming special knowledge or status.

3. Second Coming Manifestations:

  • Tree of Life: Represented by “New John” (likely a symbolic figure) and the 12 tribes, reflecting Jesus and the 12 disciples in the first coming.
  • Fruit: Revealed word of Revelation (fulfillment of prophecy) and the saints born through it.
  • Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Manifests as Babylon, the “prostitute” spreading lies and confusion.
  • Fruit: “Maddening wine” – confusing words, the mark of the beast, and teachings of false prophets.

4. Call to Action:

  • Identify and avoid the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Stay away from false teachings and misleading sources.
  • Connect to the Tree of Life: Remain rooted in the Word of God and seek genuine spiritual nourishment.
  • Become fruitful: Spread the Word and contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom.

Important Quotes:

  • “The reality of the fruit is words – either the word of truth or words of lies. Truth and lies are the ultimate currency of the spirit; it’s how spirits operate.”
  • “Blame Satan for the world’s current state, not God. Let’s get angry and fight him. First, we must fight him within ourselves, then help others. The battlefield is in our hearts, and we can only win with the word, not by ourselves.”
  • “God and Jesus are showing us the reality today so we can eat from the Tree of Life, but also for us to avoid, at all costs, eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
  • “The scriptures will guide you to where God wants you to go. Any other source will lead you to where Satan wants you to go.”


This lesson utilizes vivid imagery and biblical interpretations to emphasize the importance of discerning between truth and falsehood in our spiritual journeys. It calls for a return to the pure Word of God as the ultimate source of life and guidance, urging individuals to actively participate in the growth of God’s kingdom.


Q&A: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

1. What do the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil symbolize?

These trees are figurative representations of spiritual realities. The Tree of Life symbolizes God and His word, which leads to eternal life. It encompasses Jesus, the true vine, and those who follow Him, bearing good fruit through their words and actions.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil symbolizes Satan and his deceptive words, which lead to spiritual death. It represents the allure of worldly knowledge and the temptation to rely on human understanding rather than God’s truth.

2. How do the trees manifest in different biblical eras?

  • Garden of Eden: God’s presence and His word are represented by the Tree of Life, while Satan’s temptation through lies is embodied in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
  • First Coming: Jesus embodies the Tree of Life, offering salvation and truth through his teachings and sacrifice. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil manifests in those who reject Jesus and choose to follow worldly ways.
  • Second Coming: The Tree of Life reappears in the New Jerusalem, symbolizing the fulfillment of God’s promises and the eternal life He offers to His faithful followers. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is associated with Babylon, a symbol of worldliness, deception, and spiritual corruption.

3. Who are the gardeners of these trees?

God is the gardener of the Tree of Life, nurturing and pruning its branches to produce good fruit. He guides those who follow Him towards spiritual growth and maturity.

Satan is the gardener of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, cultivating deception and leading people astray with false promises and teachings.

4. What are the fruits of these trees?

The Tree of Life bears fruits of righteousness, love, truth, and eternal life. These fruits are manifested in the lives of believers through their actions, words, and commitment to God’s word.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil produces fruits of sin, deception, confusion, and spiritual death. These fruits are evident in the lives of those who reject God’s truth and embrace worldly values and desires.

5. What is the maddening wine of adultery mentioned in Revelation?

The maddening wine of adultery represents the deceptive teachings and false doctrines that lead people astray from God’s truth. This “wine” confuses and intoxicates individuals, making them unable to discern truth from falsehood.

6. How can we avoid eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil today?

We can avoid the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil by:

  • Sticking to the Word of God: Relying solely on the Bible as our source of truth and guidance.
  • Discerning False Teachings: Identifying and rejecting teachings that contradict the Bible or promote worldly values.
  • Seeking Spiritual Guidance: Consulting with trusted spiritual mentors and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance in understanding God’s word.
  • Living a Life of Obedience: Aligning our actions and thoughts with God’s commandments and seeking to please Him in all we do.

7. What happens to those who eat from each tree?

Those who eat from the Tree of Life receive eternal life, dwell in God’s presence, and experience the fullness of His blessings.

Those who choose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil experience spiritual death, separation from God, and the consequences of their sin.

8. How can we identify the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in our modern world?

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil can manifest in various forms today, including:

  • False religions and cults
  • Deceptive ideologies and philosophies
  • Worldly distractions and temptations
  • Ungodly entertainment and media
  • Corrupt institutions and leaders

By diligently studying the Bible and seeking the Holy Spirit’s discernment, we can learn to recognize and avoid these modern-day manifestations of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

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