Christianity is Spiritual Israel, and Shincheonji is New Spiritual Israel
Shincheonji believes that Christianity is “Spiritual Israel”, built upon the foundation of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.
Creation of Heaven and Earth page 102
(a) Spiritual Israel After Jesus brought Physical Israel to an end, he chose twelve disciples and created Spiritual Israel (Jn 1:1-14; Lk 16:16). Before Jesus’ first coming, God’s chosen people were people born of the physical seed of Abraham, that is, through natural descent. After Jesus’ first coming, God’s chosen people were believers born of the spiritual seed of God. Spiritual Israel refers to Christians who have been born of God’s seed.
Christianity “Betrayed” God
Christianity is represented as the “Sun, moon, and stars” in Revelation 6:12-14, Matthew 24:29-31, that have “darkened and fallen away”, representing a total apostasy.
The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation
When Revelation is fulfilled at the time of the second coming, the darkening of the sun, moon, and stars (Rv 6:12-14) represents the judgment and destruction of all Christian pastors and their followers, it is not the end of the physical world. The tabernacle of heaven, which is the location of the sun, moon, and stars (Rv 13:16), is a representative church of the Christian world. Its destruction signals the end of the world of Christianity.
Christianity is Full of Lies
Physical Fulfillment of Revelation page 84
“Although Christianity is now the largest religion in the world, its theologians, pastors, and lay people do not know the Bible. The reality is that very few are even interested. It is, therefore, not an exaggeration to say Jesus’s words of rebuke from roughly 2,000 ago are just as applicable to the believers of this generation as they were to the Jews of that generation. Regardless of whether they have God or his word with them, Christians proudly claim, “I’ve received the Holy Spirit. I’ve received salvation. Give thanks. Give offerings.” Christianity is full of people shouting these lies; it has become thoroughly corrupt. Jesus said anyone who adds to or takes away from the prophecies recorded in Revelation will not be allowed to enter heaven”
Christian Pastors are “Drunk with Maddening Wine”
Physical Fulfillment of Revelation page 408
The sexual immorality of the kings of the earth The kings of the earth who commit sexual immorality with the prostitute are the pastors of the denominations that belong to Satan, The inhabitants of the earth who are drunk with the wine of the prostitute’s immorality are the congregation members of their churches. Spiritually speaking, sexual immorality is uniting with Satan instead of our true bridegroom, Jesus. The wine of immorality refers to mix- ing the teachings of demons with the words of Jesus, which are the true wine. Jesus is the true vine and the tree of life (Jn 15:1); his word is the true wine of the spirit. The prostitute is the wild vine and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Dt 32:33, Mt 23:33). Her words are the wine of evil spirits and the venom of serpents, which are their commentaries.
Physical Fulfillment of Revelation page 451
“What is Babylon’s lamplight and what are the sounds of its bride- groom and bride? What are its magic spells (Rv 18:23)?
Babylon’s lamplight is the opposite of God’s lamplight, which is his word (Ps 119:105). Babylon’s lamplight refers to Satan’s ecclesiastical laws, doctrines, and other false teachings. Babylon’s bridegrooms are evil spirits, not holy spirits. Its brides are the churchgoers who have committed adultery with evil spirits.
The bridegrooms of Rv 18:23 are evil spirits whose brides are the congregation members of Satan’s false pastors.”