[Special Lesson 96] Preparing for Jesus’ Return

by ichthus

This parable about the wise and foolish virgins in Matthew 25 is specifically for believers awaiting Jesus’ return in the end times. The wise have the lamp (word) and oil (testimony of fulfillment). To prepare, we must study the parables containing God’s coded plan, understand God’s consistent working pattern through the Bible, master Revelation without altering it, and gather more frequently as the day nears. Revelation describes three main events: rebellion, destruction, and salvation – functioning like a blueprint for how its prophecies unfold. Learning about the Book of Life is crucial for avoiding the lake of fire. Requirements to study Revelation include passing the test, punctuality, cameras on, and persevering through challenges. We live in Revelation’s era, so grasping the parables and God’s plan is vital to be ready as wise virgins for Jesus’ imminent return.


Study Guide SCJ Bible Study

Shincheonji holds distinct theological views that differ from mainstream Christian denominations, yet it also shares some common teachings. This overlap can sometimes blur the lines between their beliefs and those of traditional Christianity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise critical thinking and discernment to differentiate between these shared elements and the unique doctrines they present.

While their interpretations warrant careful examination through a critical and biblical lens, it is equally important to approach these matters with an open yet discerning mindset.

The following notes were documented in person during Shincheonji’s 9-month Bible Study Seminar. They provide insight into the organization’s approach to introducing and explaining its beliefs to potential new members, often referred to as the ‘harvesting and sealing.’ This process is described as being ‘born again’ or ‘born of God’s seed,’ which involves uprooting the old beliefs and replanting new ones. This uprooting and replanting must occur continuously. By examining this process, we can gain a better understanding of the mindset and beliefs held by Shincheonji members.

Review with the Evangelist

Yeast of Heaven

Have you been created according to the new covenant, Revelation? Only those who are created according to the New Testament Revelation can enter heaven (ref. Rv 22:18-19). You must ask yourself, “Who am I according to Revelation? Am I truly created according to Revelation?” Simply saying “I believe” does not guarantee entry into heaven. Also, even if one says he has gained everything in the world, that does not grant access to heaven. One must be born again and recreated according to Revelation to enter heaven.


Here is a revised version of the text, preserving the key vocabulary and ideas while improving readability:

The revelation is our new covenant, and we must understand it to enter the kingdom of heaven. We need to ask ourselves: Who are we according to Revelation? Am I keeping the new covenant?

Class, consider this question: Are those who simply read the Bible and say, “Lord, Lord,” guaranteed a spot in the kingdom of heaven or access to Mount Zion?

Not everyone is guaranteed entry. As Jesus explained in Matthew 7:21-23, those who say, “Lord, Lord,” and do things for God, but do not act according to God’s will, will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do the will of the Father will enter. Merely believing in God does not guarantee entry.

What are the requirements to enter the kingdom of heaven or act according to God’s will? We must be born of God’s seed and remember the seven criteria:

  1. Be harvested.
  2. Be sealed.
  3. Have the lamp and the oil.
  4. Be registered among the 12 tribes of new spiritual Israel.
  5. Have our names in the book of life.

I pray that we all take these seven criteria to heart and not be satisfied with just going to church.  Class, remember how far we’ve come in our studies over the past seven months. We’ve come a long way.

I encourage all of you to keep up the fight and continue overcoming. How do we overcome the enemy, Harvest Class? We use two weapons: the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony, as stated in Revelation 12:11.

We must ensure that we have the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony. Let’s keep the word of God close to our hearts, put on the armor of light, and enter Mount Zion together.

[Guest Instructor]

Instructor Nate has worked diligently since the beginning of the class to teach everyone, always preparing lessons. All the evangelists have been faithfully present from the start until now, ensuring you understand the lessons you’ve been reviewing and studying. Hopefully, you’re grateful for their efforts, especially Instructor Nate and your respective evangelists. They work extremely hard to make sure your experience studying the word is the best possible.

There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work you don’t see. The time we spend in class is only a fraction of the time instructors and evangelists actually meet. We gather and pray for everyone. Those tests don’t grade themselves, so we’re all very active in your class. I hope you’re thankful for all their efforts.

However, we should be most thankful for God’s efforts to keep you on track until now. Who knows all the difficulties and situations God has saved you from? Who knows how many times Satan tried to take you down? We must be very thankful to God and Jesus, and also to those through whom God and Jesus are working at this moment to help you learn the open word – your evangelists and Instructor Nate. Let’s be thankful.

Today, we have a special lesson. We’re doing a series of special lessons until next week when we begin Revelation. We’ll start with an overview of Revelation, then look at chapters 1, 2, all the way to 22. After studying Revelation, we have one lesson on Genesis chapter 1. We’ll look at the end and then go back to the very beginning. It’s exciting for everyone here. It’s been a long road, but we’re thankful to God and Jesus for carrying us up to now.

Haven’t we gone through many difficult things in the last 6-7 months of studying? A lot happens in each other’s lives that we may not know about because we focus so much on the word, which is good. But our brothers and sisters are always going through some kind of trial or difficulty. So what should we do? We should look into the Bible to see what it says about times of hardship.

Let’s go to Psalm 119:28. The best encouragement comes from God, through the Bible.

Psalm 119:28

My soul is weary with sorrow;

    strengthen me according to your word.

It says, “My soul is weary with sorrow. Strengthen me according to your word.” This is the kind of believer I hope we can all become. Whenever we go through any difficulty, what would give us the most strength is the word.

When someone is sad, anxious, or going through a difficult time, typically the first thing we grab is the TV remote and Doritos. We just want to relax, right? That’s usually the first thing.

But we want to be those who instead grab onto the word and never let it go. Amen. Let us receive strength from the word.

I hope that even through today’s lesson, it would renew your strength, especially as we transition into this time of revelation. Amen. Because this is a time when you’ve been studying for 6 or 7 months now, and you could feel a little tired.

Don’t lie to me. I see it. It’s difficult, but I pray that through this lesson, your strength will be renewed once again.

Amen. Let’s open it in prayer, and then we’ll get right into the word today. Dear Heavenly Father, the one to whom we give all glory, honor, and thanks, we thank you so much for this time you’ve given us to gather as the hardest class, and as children born of your seed who have a hope of being harvested into the barn.

I pray, Heavenly Father, that this would be a very blessed and precious time, because we know we’re not here for people, but we’re here because your spirit is teaching us and revealing the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. And very soon we’ll learn about the realities of the book of Revelation. I pray, Heavenly Father, that this lesson today on preparing for Jesus’ return would inspire us, give us hope, but also help us have a sense of conviction towards your word and a sense of urgency that the time is really at hand.

I pray, Heavenly Father, that none of us would be bound by the things of this world that we cannot take to the kingdom of heaven, that only rust and moth come and destroy, but help us to set our minds on heavenly things and to seek your kingdom first above everything else. For anybody going through a difficult time, Heavenly Father, I pray that they would be strengthened through your word. And now that we’ve taken the Bible logic test, I pray that everybody would have passed so that everybody can move on to the Revelation level.

I also pray for guidance during today’s lesson. May it be you that speaks through the person who will speak at the front. And may we realize the work of your Holy Spirit at this time.

I ask and I pray all of these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Preparing for Jesus’ Return

MainRef: Mt 25:1-13

Experiencing an unexpected visitor when your house is a mess is one of the worst feelings you can go through. Has this happened to anyone here? It’s not a pleasant experience. You wish they had informed you in advance so you could have prepared everything and at least had something small for them to eat, especially if it’s a family member or a longtime friend. An unexpected visitor you’re not prepared for is truly a horrible experience.

When it comes to Jesus’ return, we all want to be prepared so it doesn’t come upon us unexpectedly. Today’s lesson aims to ensure we know what we must do to prepare for Jesus’ return because he’s coming back. The time is not far; in fact, it’s near.

You might wonder how we know this and what evidence supports it. Consider what you’ve been learning for the past 6 or 7 months.

Can we understand the parables at any time we choose? No, the words have to be given to you. The word first has to be open to understand the parables. According to Daniel 12:8-9, the word is closed up and sealed until the time of the end.

This means that one of the signs we’re living in the end times is the word being open. Consequently, the parables are being explained. If we’re living in the end times, then Jesus must be close to returning.

Therefore, we need to make every effort to prepare starting from today, yesterday, last year, or whenever you began this class. That’s when we need to start preparing. Let’s go through today’s lesson.

Our main reference is Matthew chapter 25, which you know well. It’s about the wise and the foolish virgins.

Matthew 25:1-13

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11 “Later the others also came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said. ‘Open the door for us!’

12 “But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’

13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

As we read any part of the Bible, the first person we should think of is ourselves. We shouldn’t point to others, but rather reflect on our own relationship with the words of the Bible. If we can’t see ourselves in the Bible, or use it as a mirror for our own faith journey, then it won’t be of much use to us.

Our goal in understanding this parable is not just to identify what the lamp, oil, and foolish virgins represent. Instead, we want to reflect on who we are according to these words in the Bible. Can we approach Matthew 25 with this mindset?

It’s challenging because we often want to think about others who need to hear this message. However, these words are actually meant for us to hear and internalize.

When we read the Bible, we need to understand how it relates to our own lives. If we can’t see ourselves in its pages, how can it serve us? The Bible should act as a mirror, reflecting our own faith journey.

Through this parable, our hope is to go beyond simply understanding the symbolism of the lamp, oil, and foolish virgins. We want to be able to see ourselves in these words and reflect on our own spiritual state.

Can we approach Matthew 25 with this perspective? It’s not easy, as we often want to think about others who need to hear this message. But in reality, these words are meant for us to hear and take to heart.

1.- Who is this Parable For?

The parable in Matthew 25:1-13 is often misunderstood. It’s crucial to recognize who this parable is about and for whom it’s intended. Many mistakenly believe that the wise ones automatically represent believers, while the foolish ones represent nonbelievers. However, this isn’t true. This parable is actually about believers, and among them, there are those who are wise and those who will be like the foolish virgins.

How can we be sure? Both groups are waiting for Jesus’ return – they’re waiting for the bridegroom. You rarely, if ever, hear a nonbeliever say, “I can’t wait till Jesus returns.” This is because they’re not anticipating His return. So, this parable is about believers waiting for Jesus’ return – in other words, it’s about us.

Verse 1 states, “At that time, the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” We need to understand what “at that time” refers to. When is this parable set? What time period is it really discussing? It’s about the end times or the second coming.

How do we know this parable is about the end times? The answer isn’t simply because it says “at that time.” 

Look at Matthew 24:3 in the previous chapter. It reads, “As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen? And what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?'”

The disciples approached Jesus privately, asking about His coming and the end of the age. Jesus provided a thorough answer. If you look at Matthew 24:4 and continue reading the verses in red letters (in a red letter Bible), you’ll see that Jesus doesn’t stop teaching until Matthew 26. This means that Matthew 24 and 25 are Jesus’ response to the question about the signs of His coming and the end of the age. Both chapters are about the second coming.

This is how we know that the parable of the ten virgins specifically relates to the second coming when the bridegroom is promised to return. There are wise virgins and foolish ones. What distinguishes them? What makes them wise or foolish? It’s the amount of oil they have.

Both the wise and the foolish had lamps, but the problem lay with the oil. Only the wise ones had enough oil. The foolish virgins didn’t know they didn’t have enough oil.

What do the lamp and oil represent?

For us, the lamp symbolizes the word. How do we know this? Psalm 119:105 states, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Thus, the lamp represents the word.

What about the oil? It signifies the word of testimony.

In the parable, we see wise and foolish virgins. The foolish ones run out of oil and ask the wise ones for some. The wise ones respond by telling them to go to the oil sellers. This is the correct answer; they didn’t simply say no.

Now, we need to identify who these oil sellers are. We’ll address this soon.

An important part to note is Matthew 25:10-13. It reads: “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. ‘Sir, sir,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’ Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

Imagine a very important person tells you they’re going to visit, but doesn’t specify when. How clean would you keep your house, and for how long? We’d likely do some cleaning every day to be prepared for their visit at any time.

Similarly, because we don’t know when the groom will return, our duty is to be prepared. We must have the lamp ready and enough oil – not just a little.

The Two Witnesses

We need to get this oil from the oil sellers. So, who are these sellers?

It’s crucial to identify them because without them, we can’t obtain the oil to prepare.

Here’s a hint: If Matthew 25 is about the second coming, where should we find more details about it? We should be able to find more information about these oil sellers in the book of Revelation.

We know the oil represents the word of testimony. Testimony is a specific term, typically used when a witness is involved – someone who has seen and heard certain events and can testify about them.

Revelation 11:1-4

I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.

As we read Revelation chapter 11, we all saw two witnesses. These two witnesses are also referred to by other names. The text states that these two witnesses are the two olive trees, drawing a comparison between the witnesses and olive trees.

Why does God use this comparison? He uses physical things to explain spiritual concepts, similar to the use of parables we discussed a couple of months ago.

Olive trees produce olives, which in turn produce olive oil. In a similar manner, we can receive spiritual olive oil from these two witnesses. However, oil doesn’t physically come out of a witness’s mouth. Instead, what comes out is their testimony.

Just as an olive tree produces olive oil, the two witnesses produce the word of testimony, which is the spiritual olive oil. Therefore, we can identify the ones who sell oil in the Book of Revelation as the two witnesses.

With seven and a half billion people in the world, finding these two witnesses is like finding a needle in a haystack. More specifically, in Revelation 11:1, it says, “I was given a reed like a measuring rod.” Who is this “I” referring to?

It’s John. The one speaking here is actually John. In the prophecy recorded in Revelation 11, it’s John. However, I understand you’re thinking ahead to the fulfillment of Revelation, not just the prophecy itself.

That’s why you said “New John,” right? So yes, in the prophecy, it’s John. But when the promise is fulfilled at the second coming, someone must appear in John’s place. For short, we can call this person “New John” or someone like Apostle John.

Revelation 22:8

I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.

John states that he is the one who heard and saw all these things. This raises a question for us: Who saw the vision? Who witnessed the prophecy of Revelation from chapters 1 through 22? It was John.

John sees Revelation 1 through 22 as a vision, witnessing the prophetic events of all chapters. However, when these prophecies are fulfilled, someone needs to appear to see the fulfillment of chapters 1 through 22 and provide testimony about how they have been fulfilled. John sees and records the promise, the prophecy, which is why we have the book of Revelation. But when that promise is fulfilled, someone else, a “new John,” must appear to testify about the fulfillment of Revelation.

The Reed

You might wonder about the two witnesses. In Revelation 11:1-2, John says he was given a reed like a measuring rod. Spiritually, do you know what a reed represents? It’s a person with weak faith. So, the new John and this person who’s like a reed are called the two witnesses in Revelation 11. What do you think happens to the reed if they have weak faith? In the end, this reed ends up betraying.

That’s why in Revelation 22:8, it says, “I, John, am the one.” It doesn’t say “me and the reed are the ones.” It states, “I, John, am the one who heard and saw all these things.” So, in the end, there’s only one witness who sees the events of Revelation from beginning to end, from chapters 1 through 22.

This testimony about Revelation’s fulfillment would mainly focus on three things: 

  1. Betrayal, 
  2. Destruction, 
  3. Salvation. 

You can use this to discern. 

If someone claims they can explain the book of Revelation, you can ask them: 

  1. When did rebellion take place? 
  2. When did destruction occur? 
  3. Who are the destroyers? 
  4. And who betrayed? 

Someone who truly knows Revelation should be able to testify about these main events.

If someone can’t even testify about the main events of Revelation, how can they testify about the details? They cannot. Today, we must be able to discern using the word. We need to receive the oil, to hear the testimony about Revelation’s fulfillment, about rebellion, destruction, and salvation.

Imagine this scenario: One day, you arrive at a place of worship and take a seat. You have your Bible and notes with you, eager to receive the oil and hear the testimony about Revelation. However, day after day, week after week, all you hear are messages about being a good person, being the light of the world, having good morals, and learning historical stories from the Bible. The teachings focus on how to become prosperous in life and manage your marriage.

Is this a place that truly has the oil? No, it isn’t.

How prepared will you be for Jesus’ return if these are the only teachings you’re receiving? We’ll likely be very surprised when He returns and asks, “Where’s your oil?” We don’t want to find ourselves in that situation.

So today we need to discern.

It’s actually simple to discern now. Can I receive the testimony where I’m listening to the word? If yes, fill up on oil. If no, go to a different station to get oil. This is our standard of discernment today. This parable is for us at the second coming.

We want to be wise, so we must have the lamp, which is the word and the word of testimony. Having the lamp alone is not enough; we need both the lamp and the oil.

The foolish ones had oil for a time but ran out. People easily forget the word. If I ask about a home blessing from three months ago or questions from the previous parables test, it wouldn’t be easy to answer. We forget the word easily, so we must stay in it. The more we’re in the word, the easier it is to remember.

Evangelists emphasize review because none of us want to run out of oil after having it. The number one thing we must do to prepare for Jesus’ return is to have oil.

Let me give an example to clarify the difference between lamp and oil, or the word and the word of testimony. The lamp is the word. If I ask what seven heads and ten horns are, you’d say seven pastors and ten authorities. That’s having the lamp – explaining the word. But the testimony goes further: What are their names? When and where did they appear?

Another example: What’s a mountain? A church organization. In Revelation, there’s Mount Zion where Jesus promised to return. With the oil and fulfillment of Revelation, I should know where that Mount Zion is that I must flee to. When did it appear? What does it look like?

The lamp is like the prophecy, and the oil is like the fulfillment. Is this clear to everyone?

2.- How Can We Be Prepared?

We need to prepare the lamp and the oil. Let’s examine some other ways we can prepare for Jesus’s return. Since we don’t know the day or the hour, we must be ready.

How can we be prepared?

ONE – Study the parables

Why study the parables? Parables are like a code language. God’s plan for the second coming is recorded in parables.

If we don’t understand the parables, we won’t be able to act according to God’s plan. We want to follow God’s plan, so we need to study the parables.

Thankfully, you’ve already done that. Glory to God. Step one, check.

You can mark that off your list. Study the parables. But should you only hear them once?

All the evangelists have taken the class at least four times. I’m not saying become an evangelist. Please don’t misunderstand. I’m just saying that the more you listen to it, the easier it becomes to remember. That’s why when you meet with them, haven’t you ever wondered how verses just come out?

When you meet with them, it’s really impressive, right? You ask a question, and they say, “Let’s turn to this verse.”

So just listen to the word more than one time. That’s really the best thing you can do. Since you’ve already set aside this time in your schedule, keep it as your time with God.

Typically, once one class finishes, we start another one right away, usually on the same days. The schedule is already open.

Keep going. Why not? Do it for God, not for man.

Study the parables because God’s plan is recorded in parables.

TWO – Understand the logic of God’s work through the Bible. 

Number two, which you’ve already done: Understand the logic of God’s work.

When we study the Bible’s logic section, we realize God works in very similar ways, despite different eras. For example, in Noah’s time, how many people did God appoint to take care of his people? One: Noah. What about in Moses’ time? How many were in charge of bringing the Israelites out of Egypt? One: Moses. At the first coming, who was the one person that everybody had to follow? Jesus. There weren’t multiple Jesuses, just one.

So Noah, one. Moses, one. Even Adam, there was one. Jesus, there’s only one Jesus. At the second coming, do you think God and Jesus will suddenly change their plan? No, they don’t change their plan. Today, too, in Revelation, it’s promised that one eats the open scroll.

Who then is the faithful and wise servant? Not servants, but servant. One was put in charge of the other servants. So there are other servants, but first there’s one servant, just like in every era. Today, too, we realize that the logic of God’s work through the Bible is the same.

God’s plan and purpose is always fulfilled, as stated in Isaiah 14:24.

Have any of you built a desk or a couch recently? When you do, do you throw away the directions and try to do it on your own? Some of us read through the whole instruction first and then get started. It depends on each person. In that case, it’s okay to choose whichever style you want when building a desk. That’s the plan for how the desk is supposed to be built.

For us, we don’t want to misunderstand God’s plan. We can’t just throw away God’s plan, the Bible, or the book of Revelation. If we can’t throw it away, then we have to understand it. That’s why we’re going to go into the Revelation level very soon.

We need to know God’s plan so that we can act according to it. If we don’t understand God’s plan, we risk going against it. The one who goes against God’s plan is an enemy, not a friend. I don’t want the enemy to use me to go against God. Therefore, I must know God’s plan.

That’s why we studied the parables and the logic.

THREE – Master the Book of Revelation

Number three, starting from next week, you will begin to master the book of Revelation.

In the past, mastering the book of Revelation was not something we considered. We were afraid of that book. Alternatively, we simply ignored it, thinking it didn’t apply to us or was too difficult to comprehend. However, now we are going to master the book of Revelation with God’s grace.

Revelation 22:18-19

18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Nobody here wants to lose their share of the tree of life and the Holy City. To avoid this, we must master the book of Revelation without adding to or taking away from it. If we do add or remove anything, we risk losing our place in the Holy City, leaving only one other destination.

However, by mastering Revelation, we can enter the kingdom of heaven, which is the greatest blessing anyone could receive. Imagine receiving a gift from a family member that moves you to tears, then multiply that feeling by a million – that’s what entering the kingdom of heaven would be like.

The effort you’re making to study Revelation is not in vain, even though it might sometimes feel that way. The devil wants us to think we’re wasting time and missing out on other things. But God’s mindset, as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:58, is to give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, knowing your labor is not in vain.

It’s up to each person to decide whether they’re wasting time or using it well when studying the word. Your evangelist can’t make that choice for you. Mastering the book of Revelation is an investment for eternity – the most long-term investment possible.

Don’t let anyone make you think you’re wasting time or doing something strange because you study so much. This is the best thing we can do. We have studied the parables, understood the logic, and now we must master the book of Revelation.



– Add and subtract , take away from Revelation = hell

– Master Revelation = Heaven

FOUR – Spend More Time Studying

This last point I’ll discuss is spending more time studying. Among all four points, I’m certain this one affects us the most profoundly.

It’s challenging, isn’t it? We juggle numerous aspects of our lives, managing various tasks, duties, and responsibilities.

Nevertheless, we must ensure that God remains our top priority. It’s difficult, undoubtedly. The Bible never claims that a life of faith is easy.

It’s described as narrow, filled with suffering, trials, tribulations, and hardships. That’s why when someone suggests spending more time studying, we feel a stirring in our hearts. But it’s merely our flesh battling against our spirit.

We need to view this from a believer’s perspective of spiritual warfare. Let’s examine what the Bible says in Matthew 5:6.

Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty

Matthew 5:6

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

The passage states, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Consider how someone who is extremely hungry or thirsty reacts when given food or water. They consume it quickly and ask for more because their need is so great.

Similarly, do we have the same hunger and thirst for righteousness? Even after months of studying, do we still crave knowledge about Revelation? Do we desire to understand each chapter and verse?

I believe this class remains hungry and thirsty for spiritual knowledge. At least, that’s my hope. What do you think, Evangelist?

My wish is for all of us to maintain this hunger and thirst. Amen. This suggests we should dedicate more time to studying.

As we approach Jesus’ return, the Bible instructs us to do certain things more frequently. You might be thinking about praying, keeping the covenant, or persevering. However, there’s one aspect you may not have considered yet. Let’s examine Hebrews 10:25 to learn more.

Gather more as the day approaches

Hebrews 10:25

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

As the day approaches, we need to do something more and more. It says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.” Instead, we should encourage one another even more as we see the day approaching.

Every single day, we’re getting closer to Jesus’ return, not further away. The text emphasizes that we need to encourage one another more frequently. As we heard in the song earlier today, we should encourage one another daily.

Daily encouragement happens through gathering. We need to gather more and more as the day approaches. Why? Because Satan’s attacks become more vicious as the day draws near.

Satan is not the gatherer; he’s the scatterer, just like a wolf. He wants the gazelle to be alone so he can capture it. Similarly, Satan wants us to scatter, but God wants us to gather more and more as the day approaches.

The question now becomes: Can we do it? Can we gather more? Can we study more? Can we be hungry and thirsty for this?


I’m going to share a personal story with you. This isn’t the standard, but it’s my experience.

As someone who teaches the Word, I’m required to attend various educations and classes. I’m sure many of us can relate, especially the evangelists. There are always classes and educations I must attend to stay sharp in the Word.

Can I tell you about a message I received today?

Interestingly, I got a message today. It said that starting about a week from now, I have to join a specific education for instructors who teach the Word.

It’s a couple of times a week, and each class lasts about an hour and a half. My first thought was, how am I going to manage that?

There’s already Bible study class, right? There are other classes I’m involved with too. And now there’s this instructor’s training I have to be part of.

So I had to pray, “Father God, please soften my heart.” Because right now, I’m unsure if I can do it. I’ve been going back and forth all day.

Can I do it? Can I not do it? Is it too much? Is it too little?

In the end, I thought, if this is what God wants me to do, then amen, let’s do it. Everything else, He’ll have to help me figure out if this is what He really wants me to do.

That was my struggle today. It’s interesting that it happened today specifically. Because for Harvest class, how many times a week do we gather?

Only three, right?

Would you have still taken the class if it was Monday through Friday?

What about Monday through Sunday?

It would have been hard, right? Yes, really hard. I think we can all be honest and say it would have been really difficult.

So yes, that’s what we’ve been studying so far, three times a week.

Adding one more day of class

We’re planning to add one more day of class for Revelation. Why? Not to burden you, but to help us be prepared more quickly. When studying Revelation, we’re looking at prophecy and fulfillment. We’re getting the oil, and it’s better to be prepared sooner rather than later. Please mark it on your calendar.

Our first Monday class will be in 7 days. I’ll be honest, this puts pressure on everyone, including the evangelists. They’re not just evangelists; they have jobs and families too. Evangelist Anna has two kids, Evangelist Dave has a family, and Evangelist Mary works hard at her job. I also have a family and various classes to teach and attend.

Still, we want to finish Revelation quickly. It’s easy to think Jesus won’t come tomorrow, but it’s better to believe it could be any moment now. The time is near, and I hope you all can feel that. Revelation is being fulfilled at this time. God promised He’ll return. We’re not living in Noah’s time or during the first coming. This is the end of God’s work.

Think about how crazy people might have thought Noah was when he kept saying the flood was coming. Day after day, he repeated it, and people probably thought he was insane. But imagine if you had called Noah crazy and then felt the first raindrop. You’d be running to that ark, right? Similarly, no one knows when the door will be shut. Right now, it’s still open, so let’s study hard. Amen.

If you have questions, please stay back with your evangelist or talk to me. I’m always open to answering questions.

[Student]: How many hours can we request if we have questions?

[Guest Instructor]: How many hours do you have?

[Student]: Is sleep becoming a luxury?

[Guest Instructor]: Yes, sleep is becoming a luxury. We value luxury very well. If we do a Saturday, we have from midday to midnight.

[Student 2]: I’ll take that. I’m on summer break, so I don’t have school.

[Guest Instructor]: Amen. Let your evangelist know, and they’ll let me know too. I’m serious – if you have questions and want them answered, we can meet. We have hours. We can do it. Why not?

[Student]: As many hours?

[Guest Instructor]: Yes, I’m not kidding. As many hours as you need. I’ll be waiting.

3.- Requirements for Revelation

The main events described in the Book of Revelation are rebellion, destruction, and salvation. This is hinted at in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. These themes provide insight into some of the concepts we will explore as we study Revelation.

Revelation = Blueprint / Movie script

Revelation consists of 22 chapters. Each chapter can be categorized into one of three themes: rebellion, destruction, or salvation.


For example:

1.- Destruction:

Chapters 8 and 9 of Revelation describe events of destruction. These chapters serve as a reference for this theme.

2.- Rebellion:

Chapter 6 of Revelation discusses betrayal, which falls under the rebellion category.

3.- Salvation:

Chapter 14 of Revelation, which mentions Mount Zion, is an example of salvation.

All chapters in the book of Revelation can be classified into one of these categories.

This categorization provides a helpful hint when studying Revelation. Additionally, it’s important to understand that Revelation functions like a blueprint or a movie script.

A blueprint is an outline that provides measurements and specifications for constructing a building. The actual building is the realization of that blueprint.

Similarly, a movie script details actors’ lines, actions, and instructions (e.g., “gasp here” or “fall on your feet here”). The script contains all the necessary instructions, while the movie itself is the result of following that script.

In the same way, Revelation serves as a movie script, and its fulfillment is like the movie that unfolds according to the script. The word “fulfillment” here represents the realization of the prophecy described in Revelation.

Book of Life

Another very important thing we’ll learn about is Book of Life. It’s the Lamb’s Book of Life. Why do we need to learn about the Book of Life?

Even just this one verse will show us. 

Revelation 20:15

If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

It states that if anyone’s name was not found written in the Book of Life, they were thrown into the Lake of Fire. How many of us want our names in that Book of Life?

Indeed, all of us do. We all desire our names to be written in the Book of Life. But shouldn’t I know very clearly whether my name is written in the Book of Life or not?

To be sure, I should know. When we study the Book of Revelation, we’re going to dedicate one whole lesson just to the Book of Life.

It’s that important. So I hope to see you all when we study the Book of Revelation, which means I hope that everybody has passed the test up to this point.

Pass the Test and Follow the Strict Rules

There are certain requirements to continue into the Revelation course, one of which is passing the test. This might create some pressure, but it’s godly pressure – good pressure. Pressure to study the word more is beneficial, while pressure to study it less is not. Studying the word more is one of the requirements.

ONE – Come to class on time

The first requirement is to come to class on time, or preferably early. The bare minimum is to be punctual. For the Revelation course, which begins next Tuesday at 7:15 p.m., that’s the cutoff time. If you haven’t entered by 7:15 p.m., you won’t be allowed to enter for that class. I’m informing you now so that when it happens, you won’t be surprised. If you’re in the waiting room at 7:16, it shouldn’t come as a shock.

You might wonder why it has to be this way. Well, consider the parable of the foolish virgins – they had a habit of being late. They did get the oil, but it was too late. We should learn to be timely even in small things.

Of course, if you have an extremely unavoidable situation, please communicate it to your evangelist. Communication is key. If you let them know, we’ll let you in or find a solution together. We want everyone to study, but we also need to be orderly, efficient, and organized.

By 7:15, everyone should be in the class. We don’t want to worry about where people are at 7:30. The evangelists want to listen to the word too, but they can’t listen well if they’re concerned about your whereabouts.

So, remember: come to class on time.

TWO – Camera On

For the second point, please ensure your camera is on. You might wonder why this is necessary. There are two main reasons. Firstly, it’s for accountability. With our cameras on, it becomes challenging to multitask, like cooking dinner simultaneously. You might feel a slight guilt if you try to do so. I know this from personal experience, having attended many classes with my camera on while attempting to do other tasks. However, when it comes to studying Revelation, we should avoid such distractions.

Secondly, having cameras on helps the instructor. It allows us to see your faces and gauge your understanding. If we notice confusion, we can rephrase or explain concepts differently. So, please keep your camera on during the class.

THREE – Heart to Overcome

The third point concerns our attitude – having a heart to overcome. This means choosing to defeat difficult situations rather than being defeated by them. Consider the martyrs who maintained their faith despite facing the hardest times. None of us are being persecuted or chased from our homes for studying the Bible. Comparatively, we have it much easier.

Let me share a personal example of overcoming. In a work situation, why is it often easier to tell your evangelist you can’t attend class than to tell your boss you can’t be at work? This reveals where we place our priorities. While some situations are truly unavoidable, many can be overcome with effort.

As we study Revelation, be prepared for increasing challenges. Satan will make it harder, much like the final mile of a race is the most difficult. But I believe you can persevere. More importantly, God knows you can do it, and His opinion is what truly matters. Let’s cultivate this heart to overcome for the sake of God, His word, and His work.

I pray that we all prepare well for studying the book of Revelation. Everyone here is deeply loved by God, evidenced by the fact that you’ve continued this far. There’s a divine plan at work. You may have noticed the class size decreasing since the beginning, as some become like the thorny path or rocky soil in the parable. Few become the good soil who hear the word, retain it, and persevere.

You’ve persevered to this point, but remember, it’s God who gives us strength. Let’s give Him all the glory. Amen.

Review with the Evangelist




Class, who aspires to be one of the wise virgins? The wise virgins possessed two essential items: a lamp and oil. The oil represents the word of testimony, which enables us to discern truth from falsehood. With this word of testimony, we can distinguish between the clean cooking pot containing the water of life and the encrusted pot. We know the location of Mount Zion, don’t we?

The word of testimony testifies to the actual reality of revelation. To be wise virgins prepared for Jesus’s return, we must study the parables and understand God’s logic. God has a consistent pattern: in every era, He selects only one pastor. God always fulfills His promises and does not change. His pattern remains the same from the beginning.

We must also master revelation. Why is this important? So we don’t add or subtract from it, as it is our covenant to keep. We are living in the era of revelation and recreation. The words of revelation are written in figurative language, so we must know the parables to understand God’s plan for us and the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven.

We have been gathering three days a week, but how many of you look forward to meeting four days a week? We can do it, although it’s not easy. As you make your way to Mount Zion, have you noticed increased attacks from the enemy? The attacks intensify as you get closer to Mount Zion.

We must overcome these challenges and gather together more often. The day is approaching, and as iron sharpens iron, one person can sharpen another’s understanding. Let’s come together and work together, for we are not alone in this journey.

Let’s Us Discern

Discernment is still a work in progress ….  Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)

“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”


Questions to Self-Reflect


Preparing for Jesus’ Return


  • Welcome and Acknowledgements: A brief welcome and expression of gratitude to the instructors and evangelists for their dedication to teaching the word. (This section emphasizes the importance of the upcoming lessons and the effort put forth by the instructors.)
  • Course Overview: An introduction to the upcoming lessons, covering Revelation from chapters 1 to 22, followed by an analysis of Genesis chapter 1. (This section highlights the transition to the Revelation level and the excitement surrounding it.)
  • Encouragement and Strength from the Word: A reminder to rely on the Bible for strength during difficult times, using Psalm 119:28 as an example. (This section emphasizes the importance of turning to the word for strength and guidance, particularly during trials and tribulations.)

The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

  • Contextualizing the Parable: Explanation that the parable of the ten virgins pertains to believers in the end times, signifying the importance of preparation for Jesus’s return.
  • Symbolism and Interpretation: An analysis of the symbolism in the parable, identifying the lamp as the word and the oil as the word of testimony.
  • The Importance of the Oil: Emphasis on the crucial role of the word of testimony, represented by oil, in distinguishing between wise and foolish believers.

The Two Witnesses and the Word of Testimony

  • Identifying the Oil Sellers: Introduction of the two witnesses from Revelation 11 as the “oil sellers” who provide the word of testimony.
  • The Role of New John: Explanation of the “new John” figure, who will witness the fulfillment of Revelation and provide testimony about it.
  • Key Themes of Testimony: Highlighting the three main themes of the new John’s testimony: betrayal, destruction, and salvation.
  • Discerning True Teachings: A call to discern teachings based on their alignment with the word of testimony and their focus on the key themes of Revelation.

Preparing for Jesus’ Return

  • Studying the Parables: The significance of studying parables to understand God’s plan for the second coming, encoded within these allegorical stories.
  • Understanding God’s Logic: Understanding the consistent patterns in God’s work throughout the Bible, emphasizing the appointment of a single leader in each era.
  • Mastering the Book of Revelation: A call to overcome fear or neglect of Revelation and to diligently study it to avoid the consequences of misinterpreting or disregarding it.
  • Spending More Time Studying: An exhortation to prioritize studying the word, particularly as the day of Jesus’s return approaches and spiritual warfare intensifies.
  • Personal Reflections and Challenges: A personal anecdote highlighting the challenges and commitment required to prioritize spiritual growth amidst other responsibilities.

Requirements for the Revelation Course

  • Introduction of the New Schedule: Announcement of the addition of a fourth day of class to facilitate a deeper understanding of Revelation and the fulfillment of prophecy.
  • Strict Requirements: An emphasis on the importance of discipline and commitment in studying Revelation, mirroring the urgency and significance of the subject matter.
  • Punctuality: The requirement to arrive on time for class, highlighting the importance of respecting time and demonstrating readiness to learn.
  • Accountability and Engagement: The requirement to keep cameras on during class to enhance accountability, focus, and interaction with the instructor.
  • Heart to Overcome: Encouragement to cultivate a resilient spirit and overcome challenges that may arise as students delve deeper into the study of Revelation.


  • Encouragement and Perseverance: A reminder of God’s love and support for those who persevere in their study of the word, emphasizing the importance of continuing on this path.
  • Review of Key Concepts: A brief recap of the main points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the role of the word of testimony, the two witnesses, and the importance of preparing for Jesus’s return.
  • Final Exhortation: A concluding call to gather more frequently, support one another, and diligently study Revelation as the day of Jesus’s return draws near.

A Study Guide

Preparing for Jesus’ Return: A Study Guide


Instructions: Please answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

  1. Why is the parable of the ten virgins specifically relevant to believers?
  2. What is the symbolic meaning of the lamp and oil in the parable of the ten virgins?
  3. Who are the oil sellers mentioned in the parable, and what is their significance in preparing for Jesus’ return?
  4. How does the guest instructor connect the two witnesses in Revelation to the concept of oil in the parable?
  5. What three key themes should be present in the testimony of the one who truly understands Revelation?
  6. Besides acquiring oil, name and briefly explain two other ways believers can prepare for Jesus’ return.
  7. According to Hebrews 10:25, what should believers do more frequently as the day of Jesus’ return approaches? Why?
  8. What are the three requirements for participating in the Revelation course?
  9. Why is the book of Revelation compared to a blueprint or a movie script?
  10. According to Revelation 20:15, why is it essential to learn about the Book of Life?

Answer Key

  1. The parable is relevant to believers because both the wise and foolish virgins are waiting for Jesus’ return, signifying those who profess belief but differ in their level of preparedness.
  2. The lamp symbolizes the Word of God, while the oil represents the Word of Testimony, indicating a deeper understanding and application of biblical teachings.
  3. The oil sellers represent the two witnesses in Revelation, who provide the Word of Testimony, essential for believers to be prepared for Jesus’ return.
  4. The two witnesses are compared to olive trees, which produce olive oil. Similarly, they provide the Word of Testimony, the spiritual equivalent of oil, needed for believers to keep their lamps burning.
  5. The testimony should include betrayal, destruction, and salvation, signifying the major events leading up to and following Jesus’ return.
  6. Believers should study the parables to understand God’s plan and the logic of His work throughout the Bible to recognize His consistent patterns and faithfulness.
  7. Believers should gather and encourage one another more frequently as the day approaches to withstand the increasing attacks of Satan, who aims to scatter and isolate believers.
  8. The requirements are: arriving on time for class, keeping cameras turned on for accountability and engagement, and maintaining a heart to overcome challenges with God’s help.
  9. Revelation is compared to a blueprint or movie script because it outlines the prophetic events that will unfold during the end times, providing a framework for understanding the fulfillment of God’s plan.
  10. Learning about the Book of Life is crucial because it determines eternal destiny; those whose names are not found in it will face eternal condemnation in the lake of fire.

Additional Questions

1. How can we receive the Oil today?

– Through the oil seller – New John, who saw and heard the fulfillment of the events of Revelation (Rv 22:8, Acts 8:34)

2. What are the 4 things we can do to prepare for Jesus’ return?

– Study Parables
– Understanding the Logic of God’s work through the Bible
– Master Revelation
– Study more!

3. What are some requirements as we transition into the Advanced Revelation level?

– Coming to class early
– Having camera on
– Heart to overcome
– Heart to Sacrifice

Glossary of Key Terms

Word of God: The Bible, considered to be the inspired message of God to humanity.

Word of Testimony: A deeper understanding and application of biblical teachings based on the fulfillment of prophecy and the realization of God’s plan in history, especially during the end times.

Two Witnesses: Two individuals prophesied in the book of Revelation, who will appear during the end times to testify to the truth of God’s Word and proclaim His judgment upon the earth. They are associated with the olive trees, symbolizing the provision of spiritual oil or the Word of Testimony.

Book of Life: A book containing the names of those who are saved and destined for eternal life with God.

Revelation: The last book of the New Testament, containing a prophetic vision of the end times and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Parables: Stories used by Jesus to teach spiritual truths.

Lamp: A symbol of the Word of God, providing light and guidance.

Oil: A symbol of the Word of Testimony, fueling and sustaining the lamp (the Word of God).

Mount Zion: A symbolic place of refuge and safety for God’s people during the tribulation period, often associated with the true church or gathering of believers who have remained faithful to God.


Timeline of Events:

This lesson doesn’t provide a timeline of events in the traditional sense. Instead, it focuses on the present and future, specifically the preparation for Jesus’ return, interpreted through the lens of biblical prophecy.


  • Ongoing Class: A class focusing on biblical parables and logic has been ongoing for 6-7 months.
  • Upcoming Revelation Study: The class is transitioning to focus specifically on the Book of Revelation, starting with an overview and then proceeding chapter by chapter.
  • Increased Spiritual Warfare: Students are experiencing increased trials and difficulties, interpreted as satanic attacks intensifying as the “Day” (Jesus’ return) approaches.
  • Additional Class Day Added: To accelerate preparation for Jesus’ return, an additional class day focused on the Book of Revelation is being added to the schedule.


  • Jesus’ Return: The central focus is the anticipated second coming of Jesus, believed to be imminent.
  • Entry into the Kingdom of Heaven: The ultimate goal for believers is to be prepared for Jesus’ return and gain entry into the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Judgment and the Book of Life: A key element is the concept of judgment based on whether one’s name is written in the Book of Life, with those not included facing condemnation.

Cast of Characters:

Instructor Nate:

  • The primary teacher for the ongoing class, who has been diligently instructing students on biblical parables and logic.

Guest Instructor:

  • The individual leading the specific lesson on preparing for Jesus’ return.
  • Emphasizes the importance of studying Revelation, understanding God’s logic, and discerning truth through the “word of testimony.”


  • Assisting Instructor Nate in the class, meeting regularly with students to review material and provide support.
  • Described as having gone through the class multiple times and possessing a deep understanding of the teachings.
  • Examples: Evangelist Anna, Evangelist Dave, Evangelist Mary.


  • The individuals taking the class, actively engaged in learning about biblical prophecies and preparing for Jesus’ return.
  • Encouraged to ask questions, seek clarification, and persevere despite facing challenges.

John (Apostle John):

  • Author of the Book of Revelation, who received the visions and prophecies recorded within it.

“New John”:

  • A figure believed to appear at the time of Jesus’ return to witness and testify about the fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation.
  • Described as one of the “two witnesses” mentioned in Revelation 11.

“Reed” (The Other Witness):

  • The second of the “two witnesses” in Revelation 11.
  • Represents a person with weak faith who ultimately betrays “New John.”


  • The central figure, whose second coming is the focal point of the teachings and the driving force behind the students’ preparations.


  • The ultimate authority, whose plan for humanity is believed to be revealed in the Bible, particularly through the parables and prophecies.


  • The adversary, who is believed to be intensifying his attacks on believers as Jesus’ return draws nearer.
  • Described as a scatterer, seeking to isolate individuals and hinder their spiritual progress.


Overview: Preparing for Jesus’ Return


Main Theme: This lesson focuses on preparing believers for the second coming of Jesus, emphasizing the need for spiritual readiness and the urgency of the times.

Key Ideas & Facts:

1. The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

  • This parable is specifically for believers, highlighting the importance of being spiritually prepared for Jesus’ return.
  • The “oil” represents the “word of testimony,” crucial for discerning truth in the end times.
  • The parable warns against complacency and emphasizes the need for constant spiritual nourishment.

Quote: “When it comes to Jesus’ return, we all want to be prepared so it doesn’t come upon us unexpectedly. Today’s lesson aims to ensure we know what we must do to prepare for Jesus’ return because he’s coming back. The time is not far; in fact, it’s near.”

2. The Two Witnesses & the Word of Testimony

  • The two witnesses in Revelation 11, identified as “New John” and a figure with initially weak faith (“the reed”), provide the “oil” or “word of testimony” necessary for understanding the fulfillment of Revelation.
  • This testimony reveals the details of rebellion, destruction, and salvation outlined in Revelation.
  • True understanding of Revelation hinges on receiving this specific testimony.

Quote: “Just as an olive tree produces olive oil, the two witnesses produce the word of testimony, which is the spiritual olive oil.”

3. Four Ways to Prepare for Jesus’ Return

  • Study the Parables: Parables reveal God’s plan for the end times, allowing believers to align themselves with His will.
  • Understand the Logic of God’s Work: Recognizing God’s consistent pattern of working through a single chosen leader in every era helps discern His chosen leader today.
  • Master the Book of Revelation: Understanding Revelation, without adding to or taking away from its prophecy, is vital for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Spend More Time Studying: Increased dedication to studying the word is necessary to withstand heightened spiritual attacks as Jesus’ return draws near.

Quote: “As we approach Jesus’ return, the Bible instructs us to do certain things more frequently… As the day approaches, we need to do something more and more… we should encourage one another even more as we see the day approaching.”

4. Requirements for Revelation Study

  • Punctuality: Attending classes on time demonstrates commitment and avoids missing vital teachings.
  • Cameras On: Accountability and improved instructor-student interaction are fostered through visible engagement.
  • Heart to Overcome: A willingness to prioritize spiritual growth and persevere through trials is crucial.

Quote: “This means choosing to defeat difficult situations rather than being defeated by them.”

5. The Urgency of the Times

  • The lesson emphasizes the nearness of Jesus’ return, comparing the current time to Noah’s era, where many dismissed warnings of impending judgment.
  • Believers are urged to prioritize studying Revelation and preparing for the second coming.

Quote: “Think about how crazy people might have thought Noah was when he kept saying the flood was coming… Similarly, no one knows when the door will be shut. Right now, it’s still open, so let’s study hard. Amen.”


This lesson serves as a powerful call to action for believers to intensify their spiritual preparation for Jesus’ return. It underscores the importance of receiving the “word of testimony” for understanding Revelation and actively choosing to prioritize God’s word in a world filled with distractions. The lesson instills a sense of urgency and the need for unwavering commitment in the face of increasing challenges.


Q&A: Preparing for Jesus’ Return

1. What is the significance of the parable of the ten virgins?

The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 emphasizes the importance of being spiritually prepared for Jesus’ return. It highlights that simply identifying as a believer is insufficient; one must possess both the “lamp” (the Word of God) and the “oil” (the word of testimony) to be ready. The foolish virgins, despite having lamps, lacked enough oil and were ultimately shut out from the wedding banquet, symbolizing exclusion from the Kingdom of Heaven.

2. What is the “oil” in the parable, and where can we obtain it?

The “oil” represents the word of testimony, specifically about the fulfillment of the book of Revelation. This testimony comes from the “two witnesses” described in Revelation 11, who are identified as a new “John” figure and a person with initially weak faith. To receive this oil, we must seek out teachings that focus on the fulfillment of Revelation, including its themes of betrayal, destruction, and salvation.

3. How can we prepare for Jesus’ second coming?

Besides acquiring the “oil” by studying the fulfillment of Revelation, preparation involves:

  • Studying the parables: Understanding their hidden meanings helps us grasp God’s plan for the end times.
  • Understanding the logic of God’s work: Recognizing the consistent patterns in God’s actions throughout history reveals His plan for today.
  • Mastering the book of Revelation: Diligent study helps us avoid adding to or taking away from its message, ensuring our place in the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Spending more time studying and gathering: As the day approaches, we need to deepen our understanding and encourage each other through frequent fellowship.

4. What are the signs that we are living in the end times?

One significant sign is the opening of the Word, enabling us to understand the parables, as indicated in Daniel 12:8-9. The parables, once closed and sealed, are now being explained, signifying that we are living in the time of the end.

5. What specific requirements are there for the Revelation course?

To effectively engage with the Revelation study, students must:

  • Arrive on time: Punctuality reflects the urgency of the message and the need for order and efficiency.
  • Keep cameras on: This fosters accountability, minimizes distractions, and allows instructors to assess understanding.
  • Cultivate a heart to overcome: Be prepared to face and conquer challenges as Satan intensifies his attacks as we draw closer to Jesus’ return.

6. What are the three main themes of the book of Revelation?

The book of Revelation focuses on the themes of rebellion, destruction, and salvation. Each chapter can be categorized under one of these themes, providing a framework for understanding its message. For instance:

  • Destruction: Chapters 8 and 9.
  • Rebellion: Chapter 6 (betrayal).
  • Salvation: Chapter 14 (Mount Zion).

7. How is the Book of Revelation like a blueprint or movie script?

Revelation acts as a detailed blueprint outlining the events leading to the end times. It’s like a movie script; it provides the prophecy, and the fulfillment of those events plays out like the movie itself. This analogy emphasizes that the prophecies in Revelation have a specific timeline and order of events.

8. Why is studying the Book of Life important?

Revelation 20:15 states that those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire. Understanding the criteria for having one’s name inscribed in the Book of Life is crucial for salvation and entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

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