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Scj a deep scar in me
Greetings to whoever is reading this. It has been years since I left SCJ, and since then, I’ve been trying to cope after being secluded for almost 5 years. I know there are people who left after 10, 15, or even 30 years—mad respect to those who can move on after so many years in SCJ. As many have shared their stories here, I think we had similar beginnings in how we were recruited and how things started so beautifully. I won’t specify details, but I’m from a country in South Asia, and some situations in the church might differ. This will be lengthy, and English isn’t my first language, so I hope you can still understand.
It all started beautifully, especially since SCJ was just starting in my city. We were few in number and enjoyed the privileges of being active members. I was new to the city for higher studies and began with determination. While busy with my studies, I started Bible study (BB) with an instructor, which turned into a 9-month course. During this time, my decisions became their decisions, and looking back, I see how I was emotionally driven. For example, in the middle of the course, I was called to a café meeting where my instructor listed reasons why I should stop studying (persecution). I obeyed because it made sense with the lessons I was learning. They told me to return to the city in 7 days, and though I missed my family, I made excuses and returned. I also cut off my roommate and cousins to focus on SCJ work.
I completed the course and became a member. As the church grew, we worked hard to bring in more people. My priorities changed—my life revolved around the church. I was determined to become one of the 144,000 sealed and a kingdom & priest. My relationship with my family worsened, and I cut off friends and relatives. My academics suffered, but I didn’t care. I was obsessed with completing my duties as a SDN. I thought if I became a K&P, I could save my family. I had great friends in SCJ, but I often felt lonely and despairing. We couldn’t talk about these feelings openly because we’d be judged as weak. We worked tirelessly—chatgi, mannam, moim, BB, center—and slept only 3-4 hours on busy days. Leaders would tell us to take care of our health, but we were also questioned about why we hadn’t borne fruit.
Due to unavoidable circumstances, I left the city, and the real challenge began. I held positions in the church and had a tight schedule. I tried to manage SCJ life while living with my family, who lived a slower, relaxed life. I was locked in my room most of the time, missing meals and family activities. My family became suspicious, and we argued daily. I kept my church activities secret, but the stress grew. I couldn’t multitask everything—I’m human, not a robot.
It hit me—is this really heaven? I liked the Bible teachings and the people, but I hated the church’s system. It felt pretentious, and no one truly cared. My mental state worsened, and I eventually left. I struggled with the new lifestyle and realized how SCJ functioned as a cult—brainwashing, emotional manipulation, and fear. If not for these tactics, I might have stayed. Recently, I saw Hee Sook’s testimony, and the changes in teachings shook me.
I haven’t completely moved on. The brainwashing was strong, and I still struggle. There were days I wanted to disappear. I hated myself for how I treated my family and friends. Reading others’ stories helped, but I still find it hard to read the Bible or hear the words “Bible study.” I pray and believe in God, but it’s not the same. SCJ left a deep scar, but I hope to heal. To anyone who relates, you’re not alone. Wishing you the best.
Comments Section
SCJ, New Heaven New Earth, is a dangerous, brainwashing cult lying to its members! Our true God is a God of grace and forgiveness!
Curious question, when did they reveal the name of their church?
Thanks for sharing.
Politically, I researched the founder. He started somewhere and failed, then started SCJ, which prospered. He’s gaining support via religion, knowing people are emotional about it. The war between North and South Korea will escalate, and he’ll send SCJ members as sheep to be slaughtered by North Korea. He’s testing the market in quiet countries, but the main target is North Korea. Koreans are smart in penetrating all races via religion. They’ve taken over Cape Town harbor, where everyone reports. I interviewed someone in Rustenburg who said, “We just know the Bible, we’re there for the word of God, nothing more, nothing less.” In my mind, I thought, “You fool.” These things must happen so we can look up to God only. Those whose eyes and ears are opened don’t have to mix dung with balms. I rest my case on this spiritual war.
Thank you for opening up and sharing! You’re definitely not alone in this journey, and even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, you’re healing—this story is proof of that.
This is a million-dollar testimony. I’m not a member, but my so-called wife has been in SCJ Rustenburg for over 5 years. Since she joined, there’s been war between us. We even went through a divorce stage but didn’t finalize it. I don’t understand why they interpret lying as hiding. Ever since she joined, she’s become a big liar. I don’t trust her. We live under different roofs—I’m still married to her on paper, but in reality, I’ve been single for 7 years. She went to Durban, Cape Town, and Korea through lying. Now, they’re targeting pastors and deacons of other churches. Why is Christian religion at war? Why is it all about doctrine and who’s the best at understanding the Bible? Why are they targeting other Christians to join SCJ? Why is everything about them? Why aren’t they targeting idol worshippers? I’m tired of this Christian religion war. I’m following Islam now—maybe I’ll find peace there. God help us.
So sad to hear this. People don’t understand SCJ isn’t Christian—it’s pseudo-Christian, a cult that twists doctrine for its agenda. Sadly, people who get sucked into SCJ didn’t have a strong understanding of the Bible. Confronting her will make her feel persecuted, as they’re taught, so it’s unlikely to help. Do you have family or friends who can support you?
↳ They use Bible verses to justify lying, like Matthew 10:16: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Lying is referred to as heavenly wisdom.
I can relate a lot to you. SCJ left a deep scar in me too. I’m working every day to heal from this organization. If you ever want to talk, I’m here.
Hi OP, thanks for sharing your story. It reminded me of my own experiences. I resonate with how you’re feeling—I feel the same way. I’m taking it one step at a time, even though the scar SCJ left is big. I’m hopeful that one day, I won’t struggle as much. It will get better, and I’ll heal. I hope the same for you. We’ll be fine. 🙂
You’re definitely not alone. I left almost 3 years ago and still feel numb in my daily life. I want to worship and believe in God like I used to, but I’m still traumatized. I can’t trust people or any religious organization. Hearing sermons or worship music gives me anxiety attacks. I’ve accepted that I’m still healing, and there’s no timetable for it. Take as long as you need, and give yourself grace. If you need someone to listen, don’t hesitate to reach out. Hope all is well, friend.
↳ Thank you so much. Wishing you peace and stability. I totally understand the mental struggle you’re going through.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. It’s crazy how the 144k is being taught now. It’s a struggle leaving SCJ.