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Positive stories of life after SCJ
Anyone have positive stories about leaving SCJ? How did you leave? What’s life been like after? Please share! Lurkers need to see that life is NOT hell when you leave Shincheonji. It’s freedom and the ability to think for yourself.
(If you do share, please remember to not give too many identifying details as there are spies on this Reddit.)
For me, I have never felt freer. I’ve spent time listening to other ex-members’ testimonies and marvel at our strength. I personally still seek God and have a relationship with Him, so know that’s possible if that’s something you want. In fact, I feel so much closer and can pray again (something many in SCJ say is hard to do). I can see more clearly the VAST manipulation SCJ employs to recruit and keep members. I can see the hundreds of lies and misrepresentations leadership uses to make their doctrine sound “logical.”
If anyone has questions, I’m open to help. I want people to feel they have the support and freedom to make the decisions they want to make.
Comments Section
Amazing, thanks for sharing! For anyone doubting whether to leave or not, please do. I left this year and have never been happier. I feel more mentally alert, no longer sleep-deprived. My work and university are better—I have time for assignments and better grades. More time to discover myself, do things I love, and spend time with family and friends. No one controls me. I’ve started dating again and met my soulmate. I’ve also reconnected with God without outrageous standards to achieve. I realized I was deceived and manipulated, wasting years. For anyone contemplating leaving, once you leave, you realize most didn’t really care—it was about numbers and control. I struggled mentally in SCJ, even almost took my own life, but no one cared except for “the work.” Your family and those you deserted are the ones who will help and care for you. You deserve better and have so much potential to live the life you dream of.
I left recently (November). It hurts to leave my friends and the learning I enjoyed (to continue my investigation). But as the activities became more dangerous, I realized it’s a cult worse than Jehovah’s Witnesses. When the class asked to evangelize, I knew I had to warn people on Reddit, even if it meant leaving. My teacher exposed me, and I officially left. I want to prevent people from going through SCJ—it destroys relationships and takes over lives with love/fear bombing. If anyone wants to talk about SCJ in Australia, let me know.
I left in June this year—the best decision for my faith journey. I’ve become closer to God, read the Bible myself, and let the Holy Spirit guide me. I’ve re-established broken relationships and no longer just “pray”—I can act. I have a great-paying job, more free time, and teach youth about the devil’s lies and deception. I’d love to talk to a current member to see how things are now that SCJ has a sub-sect calling themselves the true church. Their doctrine is a headache to understand—they’re no different from any cult. Once I critically thought about it and stood firm, I knew it wasn’t the right place for me. If a man compares himself to Jesus, there’s a problem.
3 years post-SCJ. My life is better in literally every metric.
I left 3 years ago after 2 years in SCJ. My life is much better now. Financially, I earn almost 5 times as much, got my first IP. Relationships improved—I’m in a relationship and catching up with old friends. Physically, I’m no longer sleep-deprived, eat healthy, and completed my first marathon. Mentally, I’m stronger, able to identify psychological manipulations early, and generally happier.
I’m happy for you!
I’ve just left and am fighting for my sanity. They’ve installed FOMO (fear of missing out)—who wants to miss out on immortality? I have a strong support system and will spend more time with family, whom I started seeing as demons, evil, and tools of the devil. I’m anxious because my sister is still deep in SCJ and helped manipulate me for the “greater good.” I still love her but resent her for lying about where she’s going. I won’t tell my family yet because I don’t want them to force her out—I’m afraid she’ll push away and move in with members.
I’m so sorry this happened to you. If you can, read Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan. It’ll help you communicate with family or others who can support you. Also, check out SCJ skeptic’s videos on Instagram and ❤️ DM me if you have questions!
As someone not very social, some of my few friends were in SCJ. When I left, they all ghosted me. It’s been better, but I wish they could be part of it. I’ve drawn closer to my faith in God upon leaving—something oxymoronic to what others say. I also have more free time to do what I love (workout and play video games).
That was my experience too. Many I thought I was close to weren’t interested in friendship after I left, especially leaders I thought I was friends with and worked hard for.
Life has been better despite losing my childhood friend/best friend, who ghosted me because she’s still in SCJ. I no longer have a community or friends to turn to, but I’d rather have that than superficial/fake friendships in SCJ. Being in a toxic, manipulative environment that suppresses your authentic self takes a toll. Being freed is such a relief. I’m in a loving relationship with my partner, and we’re doing life together without religious values dictating what I should or shouldn’t do. Now, my time is my own. I no longer need organized religion to find meaning—living with my aligned morals and values is more enriching.
I truly believe you’ll find a community of wonderful people as time goes on—a community that won’t lie to you or report on you. 💔
Thank you 😭 Finding community and friends takes time and effort, especially in my 30s.
I was in SCJ for close to 10 years. Life is great. They told us (YA group) we’d never succeed after leaving and life would be harder. They were wrong. After they broke up my relationships in SCJ, I left, met my fiancé, and will marry next year. I’m doing VERY well financially. I went from working 4 jobs as a Gansa in 4 centers, 7 days a week, to one job paying 8x more. I’m healthier than ever and look forward to a long life. I have no regrets leaving that fake cult that lied to us for their gain.
I was in SCJ for 5 years. It’s been over 2 years since I left, and the effects still linger. Every aspect of my life has drastically improved. I feel like a new person. I’m motivated because I feel confident I’m going somewhere in life, not having contradictory beliefs about my destiny. I’ve fostered better relationships because I don’t second-guess sincerity. I genuinely care more about people, and they care about me—no pretending or obligations. I manage time and sleep better, no guilt for sleeping more than 5 hours. No last-minute presentations, back-to-back meetings, 2am meetings, reporting on members, checking attendance, or fake realizations. I feel free. It’s not perfect, but I’m stronger and confident to handle life’s struggles. Going through this and overcoming it has empowered me and changed my outlook.
Wow, this is awesome. “I have more motivation because I feel more confident I’m actually going somewhere in life rather than having contradictory beliefs about my destiny swirling through my head.” Exactly how I’ve felt!
My life is better since leaving SCJ. I no longer have the weight of the world and guilt on my shoulders because I don’t evangelize anymore. What made me realize SCJ wasn’t led by God was the lack of care or empathy when you’re unwell. The only concern was during COVID, and that was because SCJ was blamed for spreading it in South Korea. After COVID, there was no understanding or compassion. I feel freer, able to think for myself, and closer to God. I realize I matter and God loves me. I’m happy, going on vacations, visiting relatives, and enjoying life. There’s a great life after SCJ. Just take a step forward and don’t look back.
Everything has improved—career, spiritually, physically. I’m no longer around people who lie and manipulate. I can take care of my health, spend more time with family, and my relationship with God has deepened. I have a deep love and respect for people and am more in line with the life God intended for me. I’ve learned about Satan’s nature from my SCJ experience, so I’m more savvy and can protect myself from his tricks. I see it as a win.
I’m so happy for you.