Revelation 18 – 19: Changed Fire and Fulfillment

by Chris

When confronted with the Revelation 18 change, an SCJ member will claim that you misunderstood their teachings, and that Lee Manhee always taught that Revelation 18 was fulfilled in a small way, but not in a “large way”.

Lee Manhee’s own literature disagrees with this statement.

Revelation 18 Before COVID-19:

  1. RV18 has fulfilled with Stewardship Education Center being judged by the group to salvation (Male child & the brothers).
  2. SEC was judged by spiritual fire (word of judgment).

CDN media The True Reality of Revelation of the Secrets of Heaven, 1985

Death, famine, and mourning will sweep over the harlot, and later, everything about the harlot will be burned up by the word of truth.

LMH’s article “The Prophecy and Fulfillment of New Testament Revelation” and the destroyers were judged and ended by the overcomers in Revelation 12 (Rev. 16-18)

If Rv 18 is truly “done,” then why does LMH continue to ask his members to fight against Babylon?

CDN media The True Reality of Revelation of the Secrets of Heaven, 1985″Furthermore, she[Babylon] will be judged by the WORD of fire”
r/Shincheonji - Extract from MHL's book The Creation of Heaven and Earth, pp 242-243 The events prophesied in Rv 18 have already been physically fulfilled.

After COVID-19

Shincheonji now claims that Revelation 18 has been fulfilled in a small way, but in a large way, it is no longer fulfilled. Why? Because Lee Manhee said so.

r/Shincheonji - Extract from JSS Article 400417

For the Korean speakers:

r/Shincheonji - Same content, as JSS articles have accompanying Korean texts

Then, recently MHL has backtracked on his Revelation 18 claim in a CUBS/JSS article 400417 ‘Up to where has the New Covenant Revelation been Fulfilled?’ , claiming it is now no longer fulfilled anymore.

What happened to the SEC?

Today, Shincheonji claims that in the “small scale”, Revelation 18 was fulfilled by the judgement and the collapse of the Stewardship Education Center, and this small scale judgement was completed in 1991.

This means that by 1991, the Stewardship Education Center should cease to exist.

However, we have a published book by the Stewardship Education Center in 1995.

We know this because of an interview with the leader of the Stewardship Education Center. You can read the contents of the interview here.

According to WON SE-HO, the leader and founder of the Stewardship Education Center:

  1. The Stewardship Education wasn’t given power by the Government to run a counter-cult ministry.
  2. The Stewardship Education center existed as a way to help “steward”, or help with church structure, finances, and other church leadership issues, to help a church prosper. It did not promote “Calvinism” as the primary goal.


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