Table of Contents
The lesson discusses our current position in relation to the events of Revelation, explaining that the primary evidence of God’s true work lies in fulfilled prophecy. It describes how the winds of judgment first blew around 1980, shaking the chosen people, before being temporarily stopped to allow the sealing of the 144,000 to begin in the 1980s. In November 2019, over 100,000 people were sealed, permitting the great tribulation of COVID-19 to commence shortly after. We are now in the period where the 144,000 priests are being determined through trials, as the great multitude gathers, though the priests must be established first. The lesson covers the prophesied persecution faced, including the chairman’s detention and embezzlement allegations, quoting his words as he awaits Jesus’ return while enduring trials as a servant. The main emphasis is that the prophecies of Revelation are actively being fulfilled, with the great tribulation past and the gathering of the great multitude underway as the 144,000 priests are identified.
Today, we pray this will be a truly blessed time as we explore more about actual reality. We will examine important details specifically for those who are entering Mount Zion, or those who desire to enter Mount Zion.
Additionally, we will look at words from the Promised Pastor, which will be an exciting revelation to see.
Where Are We in Revelation
Today we will discuss our current position in relation to the Book of Revelation. We will explore where we stand according to Revelation and examine crucial elements that require our understanding.
Basic knowledge
Some Fundamental Understanding We Need:
1.- The Evidence of Truth and God’s Work: The primary evidence for believing something is truly from God lies in the fulfillment of prophecy.
This is a basic principle we must understand.
This truth is supported in Deuteronomy 18:18-22, which establishes prophecy fulfillment as verification of God’s true work.
Deuteronomy 18:18-22 NIV84 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. [19] If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. [20] But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death.” [21] You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” [22] If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.
Deuteronomy 18:18-22 is a crucial Bible verse that addresses how God’s people can discern whether a word truly comes from God.
God understands that His people struggle with this discernment, and Satan is also aware of this struggle. Therefore, God provided evidence and clues, promising to send a prophet from among the brothers. This prophet would speak the words that God gives him, and those who don’t listen will be held to account by God.
When God sent His servant to speak, many people sadly did not heed the words of the one who was sent. As promised, God held them accountable.
Throughout Bible history, many people have claimed to speak and know God’s words. However, there is one key differentiating factor: the fulfillment of prophecy. When prophecy is fulfilled, we can recognize that this is truly God at work.
2.- Why did Jesus give us prophecy?
The primary purpose was to hide the secrets of the kingdom of heaven from his enemies.
However, prophecy serves multiple important purposes:
1.- To help people believe in the actual realities of the prophecies when they are fulfilled, as stated in John 14:29.
2.- To demonstrate that both positive and negative prophecies must be fulfilled:
– Example of negative prophecy: Betrayal was prophesied and had to take place
– Example of positive prophecy: A man born to a virgin who would be the light of the world
All prophecies, whether positive or negative, must take place so that we can believe.
3.- Our belief can only be placed in God’s word of promise.
Throughout history, every promise God made has been fulfilled. The fulfillment happens according to Revelation, as God promised. We have been especially chosen from this world – this is something we must not forget.
It is very important to note that the first ones to hear these words are particularly significant to God.
Regarding our current position in Revelation, we must remember what is written in Isaiah 14:24: “The Lord Almighty has sworn, surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, it will stand.”
The Work of Winds
The Work of the Winds in Revelation
The sequence of wind events in Revelation occurs in the following order:
Revelation 6:
– The winds blow
– The sun, moon, and stars are shaken
– They become dark and fall
Revelation 7:1-4:
– The winds are stopped
– This pause allows for the sealing to take place
Revelation 7:9 onwards:
– The winds resume blowing
– This period is known as the great tribulation
Understanding the Winds:
1.- Figurative Winds:
These represent angels and judgment (tribulations)
2.- Location of First Winds in Revelation:
The first set of winds blow at the tabernacle of heaven
Revelation 6:12-13 NIV84 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, [13] and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.
The prophecy speaks of late figs dropping from a fig tree.
The spiritual winds blew specifically on the place symbolized by the sun, moon, and stars. The impact of these winds was so powerful that it caused the sun, moon, and stars to fall. When this falling occurred, these same spiritual winds struck against the Tabernacle Temple, causing it to enter into tribulation.
This event, described in Revelation 6, is not a future occurrence but has already become historical fact. The winds began their movement around 1980, and by September of that same year, their action was complete.
- The sun, moon, and stars, which represents the chosen people of the Temple Tabernacle (TT), had fallen and gone dark.
- In September 1980, during this time, the 7 stars resigned.
- The beast with 7 heads and 10 horns entered, and subsequently, the church’s name changed. Originally called the Tabernacle Temple, it was renamed to the Central Isaac Presbyterian Church. However, the name holds little significance today as the church no longer exists in that form.
These events occurred in September 1980, as the winds were blowing. The Tabernacle fell into tribulation because of their betrayal and lack of repentance.
Winds Stop
After the winds blow in Revelation 6, the winds are stopped. This stopping of the winds has a specific purpose.
Why are the winds stopped?
The purpose is to allow the sealing work to take place, enabling the 144,000 to begin being sealed.
This sealing process began at the moment when the TT fell. New John started testifying about what had happened to the TT. Some members of the TT were the first ones to come out after hearing these words.
Revelation chapter 7 began its fulfillment immediately in the 1980s when John started testifying to people about what was taking place in their Tabernacle. However, the fulfillment of Revelation 7 continues to this present day.
The fulfillment of Revelation 7 is still ongoing and is being fulfilled in each person even now. Glory to God.
Revelation 7:1-4 NIV84 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree. [2] Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: [3] “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” [4] Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
The number of those who were sealed was revealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. This specific number of 144,000 needed to be sealed.
From God’s perspective, once this number of 144,000 was established, things could begin to unfold. This helps us understand the logic of the Great Tribulation better now that it has occurred.
Where are we in Revelation?
A Key Important Point:
God has already found the 144,000 who were sealed from the 12 tribes of Israel, and the Great Tribulation has begun.
Important Note: This does not indicate that God has already determined who will become priests. As stated in Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 22:1-14, and Luke 13:30, many are invited, but few are chosen, depending on each person’s effort.
Main Points:
1.- In November 2019, the first 100,000 graduation occurred, where over 100,000 new people studied the open word and entered Mount Zion. Following this event, God declared that Revelation could continue and allowed the tribulation to begin. Shortly after, COVID-19 broke out, reaching the United States by March 2020, leading to a worldwide shutdown.
During this time, many people were studying the open word for the first time when classes stopped. Many classes were nearly finished with Revelation when everything halted. It was a challenging period, affecting not only the world but Mount Zion as well.
2.- The goal is for people to remain sealed. While someone may start strong, they might fall off, requiring replacement. This explains why priests have not yet been determined. Priests are those who are 100% sealed and will teach the world when God determines the time is right.
This determination continues today, as referenced in:
– Matthew 25:1-13 (the parable of the 10 virgins)
– Matthew 22:1-14 (the parable of the wedding and wedding clothes)
– Luke 13:30
We are still in the period where priests are being determined, and this opportunity could be for anyone. However, it depends entirely on individual effort.
When Jesus was asked if many would be saved, His answer was neither yes nor no.
Luke 13:22-24 NIV84 Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. [23] Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them, [24] “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.
An important key point emerges from this passage:
In this teaching, Jesus describes what happens when the owner of the house arrives and closes the door.
After the door is closed, the owner will not reopen it for anyone. Those who remain outside will experience weeping and gnashing of teeth. The teaching concludes at verse 30.
Luke 13:30 NIV84 Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last.” Jesus taught us a key and important principle: those who are first will become last, and those who are last will become first. This teaching shows us why it is vital that we remain sealed with the word that has been given to us. There are two important passages that help us understand this concept. Revelation 7:14 NIV84 I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:9 NIV84 After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
The passage in verse 14 refers to “those who came out of the great tribulation,” indicating that the great tribulation was already a past event at that time.
In our current era, we can see a parallel as COVID-19 is slowing down. While people are still being affected, the infection rates are not as severe as during the peak period when everything was shut down.
By God’s grace, as this is happening, a great multitude is beginning to gather. This gathering is occurring at the same time as the sealing of the 144,000 priests. However, the completion of the 144,000 priests must happen first, before the great multitude is complete.
The reason for this order is that 144,000 is a countable number – you could fit that many people in a large stadium. In contrast, the great multitude is described as uncountable. Therefore, the fulfillment of the great multitude will definitely come after the 144,000 are fulfilled.
Chairman’s Words
So now we’re actually going to read some words from the promised pastor. And as you’re reading these, pay attention to how they sound, because it should sound familiar.
- “When the 144,000 were filled, the creation of the great multitude began.” (390710)
- “After sealing the 144,000 of the promised people as seen in Revelation 7, a great tribulation will come. And the great multitude in white who came out of this great tribulation and washed their clothes in the blood of Jesus become one with the 12 tribes and are saved.” (390609)
The number 39 represents a year in Mount Zion’s timeline.
The current year 2024 marks time since the birth of Christ, which established our modern time period. From God’s perspective, Christ’s birth was so significant that He ensured a permanent record of time since the coming of our Lord and Savior.
At Mount Zion, years are counted from the fundamental establishment of God’s kingdom on March 14, 1984. Currently in year 41 (2024), which means the referenced words were written in year 39.
Year 41 = 2024
Year 39 = 2022
- “Dear Father God, how many hills do we have to cross? How much more do we have to go?
Looking at the book of Revelation, it seems that we almost passed the road we are supposed to go. This great tribulation is like the last hurdle. Please let me know the road ahead. Shincheonji, whether we live or die belongs to God the Father.”
“When the sealed 144,000 of the 12 tribes in Revelation 7 are completed, an accountable great multitude (those who have been washed with the blood of Jesus, whose sins are forgiven by the word of Jesus), will come out of the great tribulation, and only these 12 tribes will be saved. And after the accountable great multitude comes out, there will be judgments. This is God’s promise. However, that time. the door will have already been closed.”
The Chairman’s heart is evident in his written words and frequent prayers to God. There are important points to note in what the Chairman mentioned:
He asks God questions such as “How much more do we have to go?” and “How much longer until Jesus returns?” This reveals something significant about his role as a servant.
While we have been waiting for a long time, these questions indicate that he does not yet know the day or hour of Jesus’ return. The word still needs to be fulfilled and remain consistent.
The Chairman is a servant just like us. Although he has seen visions, he doesn’t know how or when things will happen. He must trust and follow God’s guidance to lead us where we need to go.
It’s important to understand that he is different from Jesus – not the same, though he has a similar leadership role. He is not God and not Jesus, which is sometimes misunderstood regarding the role of the Promised Pastor today. He too prays for God’s guidance.
The way these words are written should sound familiar – similar to other words we’ve been reading. We start each class with specific words – the “Yeast of Heaven.” The Chairman writes these words of encouragement to help us be ready for the word. Some have already figured out that he authors the Yeast of Heaven, while others may not have realized this yet.
Actual Reality of Great Tribulation
In 2019, Shincheonji achieved a remarkable milestone with 103,764 graduates being harvested and sealed within just 7 months. This extraordinary accomplishment could only be possible through the work of the Holy Spirit of Jesus, serving as proof that the Holy Spirit of Jesus is with Shincheonji.
This fact caused great surprise among the Korean Protestant churches, leading them to petition the government. Consequently, in 2020, Shincheonji faced seizure, search, and detention under allegations related to the spreading of COVID-19.
However, these events represent the fulfillment of prophecies written in the New Testament. The experiences we face mirror those of the old prophets, apostles, and Jesus himself. All prophecies in the New Testament must be fulfilled, and we are here to testify to this truth.
To provide context about what we just discussed: This specific number refers to those who participated in the 100,000 graduation ceremony in November 2019. The opposition has been ongoing, with many fighting against Shincheonji for years, claiming the organization is strange and teaches unusual things. However, our purpose is simply to fulfill the book of Revelation.
In early 2020, there was an incident where someone at Mount Zion contracted COVID-19. During those early days of the pandemic, when understanding of the virus was limited, many Shincheonji members became infected. This situation was misrepresented by others who falsely claimed that Shincheonji was intentionally spreading COVID-19 – an accusation that defied logic.
As a result, Shincheonji underwent seizure and searches, with members being detained, including the Chairman.
“In John 16:1-4 and Matthew 10, he said that there will be the killing and detainment of believers.
These things are being fulfilled in us at Shincheonji Church of Jesus. I write in dozens of notebooks, day and night in the detention center.
At this time, I thought about the martyrdom of the prophets of the Old Testament and the martyrdom of Jesus and his disciples. While seeing the reality of our saints of Shincheonji Church of Jesus dying and getting imprisoned in the detention center due to persecution, a thought came to mind that this is the path to the kingdom of heaven, the path of glory that the prophets and apostles and Jesus had walked on. We are walking on this path of glory today.
“Father God and Jesus, [I] think about the martyred predecessors one by one.” Rather than [feeling] the suffering of being confined. I was joyful to follow the path of the Lord. Moreover, I wanted to make this news known to the whole world.”
During his over 100-day detention at the center, the Chairman wrote dozens of letters to Mount Zion. We would read these letters, concerned about his wellbeing, as he was arrested under suspicion that his organization was intentionally spreading COVID-19.
What was incredible was that even while detained, the Chairman continued writing letters and giving glory to God. This reminded us of the disciples and apostles who were also frequently detained for their work by those who refused to believe.
This situation was seen as a prophecy being fulfilled in our time.
Matthew 10:17-23 NIV84 “Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. [18] On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. [19] But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, [20] for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. [21] “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. [22] All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. [23] When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
This persecution indeed happened to Jesus’ disciples who heard these words firsthand. It demonstrates a consistent pattern – those who are truly being used by God face hatred and persecution.
They endure flogging and detention by people who believe they understand but actually do not. Yet even in the midst of such trials, one’s response should be to love, forgive, and bless.
SCJ’s Deeds of Light
Plasma Donation
During the time of detention across the country, Shincheonji members engaged in several important plasma donation events. The saints who had recovered from COVID-19 gathered to donate blood, which proved to be particularly valuable.
A significant event took place on December 11th at the Daegu Athletic Center in Korea, where over 4,000 Shincheonji members came together to donate plasma. This initiative expanded as more saints in God’s kingdom joined the cause, and by May 26th, the number of blood donors had grown to over 18,000 saints.
These charitable activities were widely reported throughout South Korea. Even in [….], members continue to contribute to their communities through regular donations of blood, plasma, and platelets, a practice that continues to this day.
“The members of Shincheonji who received Jesus’ blood of the new covenant on the Passover (Ref. Lk 22:14-20, Rev 5:9-10, Rev 7), is saving lives all over the world with the blood plasma donations and blood donations. Until now, there has been, there has not been any other place in the whole world other than Shincheonji that has done such work on a large scale in a short period of time.
[This] is because [the members of] Shincheonji are those who received Jesus’ blood. The certificate of commendation that we received is testifying that our blood has become the blood of salvation for many people. Both God and Jesus will remember this work. Thank you. I love you”.
– Chairman.
At Mount Zion, just as we received the blood of Jesus through the new covenant, we also want to give our blood to save lives. Blood donation is an activity we take very seriously and practice frequently at our church.
Results of the Trials
COVID-19 Allegations and Legal Outcomes:
The Supreme Court of Korea acquitted us from the COVID-19 allegation, as it was illogical to suggest that a church would intentionally spread COVID-19 when the virus was already spreading rapidly on its own without requiring any assistance.
However, the anti-SCJ group proceeded with another case against those at Mount Zion, filing a lawsuit against the Chairman for money embezzlement. Let’s examine why this court case took place by looking at some additional prophecies and examples that had to take place.
Prior to Judgement
Luke 17:22-25 NIV84 Then he said to his disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. [23] Men will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. [24] For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. [25] But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
Luke 17:25 reveals an important insight about Jesus’ return. Jesus described that his return would be like lightning, indicating he would return in spirit form rather than physically.
This spiritual return leads to an important question: What does it mean that he will be rejected?
Many people expect Jesus to return in physical form and fail to understand the spiritual nature of his return. When evidence shows that he is coming spiritually rather than physically, people will reject and not accept this truth.
People’s misunderstanding of how Jesus will come leads them to reject the actual way Jesus operates. This rejection even extends to those through whom he works.
Luke 17:26-30 NIV84 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. [27] People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. [28] “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. [29] But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. [30] “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
The days of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot. During both these times, although judgment was prophesied, people continued their normal daily activities, ignoring the warnings and assuming everything would remain fine.
Just as the prophesied judgment came in those times, we at Mount Zion are now crying out like Noah, warning that judgment is approaching. We urge people to flee from Babylon.
However, people are resistant to these words. They search for reasons to blame God’s kingdom, attempting to stop our warnings.
Allegation of the Embezzlement
So one of their allegations was that of money embezzlement.
“Schincheonji, which became the reality of the prophecies of Mathew 10 and 25, is proud to suffer for Jesus.”
“Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but he was afraid of the turmoil of the persecutors. So he surrounded Jesus to them to be crucified, just like at the time of Jesus’ first coming, fearing protests and riots by the Protestant enemies today. The judge ruled that I was guilty of embezzlement in the first, second, and third trials.
However, in the end, this punishment will be given to those who gave this false judgment. [People] will know this when they see the judgment of the kingdom of heaven.”
“It is said that everyone on earth will be judged before God’s white throne at some point. You will see me at that time. I didn’t embezzle even a single won [Korean money currency].
To say that there was a crime of embezzlement is not a misjudgment, but rather a false judgment because of fear of the riots of the opposers. Where is all the money I found embezzled? This money must be found by the judge.
This false judgment is worth being recorded in the history of the Supreme Court chief justices of the world.”
The Peace Palace
At Mount Zion, we build many gathering places for people. One such place is called the Peace Palace. The Peace Palace’s goal is to bring religious leaders from different religions worldwide to come together and learn the open word as one, which is God’s desire.
In Korea, there was a peculiar rule that organizations could not be listed as beneficiaries when purchasing land – it had to be an individual person. Logically, the head of the organization’s name was used. However, the property could be transferred to an organization after purchase, which is exactly what chairman did – he transferred it to Shincheonji organization to avoid any issues.
The purchase required funds, which came from the church. This was used against chairman, claiming he was taking funds, although this made no sense. Unfortunately, the judge ruled him guilty. That’s why chairman asks, “Where is the money that I supposedly embezzled?”
All the funds were used for God’s glory and the kingdom’s establishment, so there is no embezzled money to be found. In fact, chairman is very humble – he doesn’t even own his apartment. He lives with his wife in a small apartment because material things like money are not important to him.
It is sad that the world cannot let go of such matters and passed this judgment on Chairman.
“The chairman does not own a single pyeong (unit), of land for himself. Without even knowing, [they] falsely accused the Headquarters Secretary General and the Chairman by saying, “They embezzled,” and deceived people.
The chairman did not use the church’s fund for even medicine or hospital fees, even with the money he received.
He used it all for the work of the church. He even returned the money he received for public transportation fees to be used as evangelism fees. All the more he used [the money] for the church, the body of Jesus.
Is this wrong? Do not be deceived.”
Chairman’s Words
– “Now is the time to prepare the lamp oil and robes to enter the heavenly wedding banquet. Those who believe in the promise must have have already prepared.”
– “We are believers. “How far has God’s promise been fulfilled? How many are left? Do I have all my lamp oil and robes?” You should always think.”
– “Wil this new covenant revelation be added or subtracted or not? Answer me. Even if there are many saints, those who are not sealed will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. In order not to become a believer in vain, but to become a saint who fulfills our hopes, we must be sealed. So, we put a test to see how many saints are sealed in each tribe. How many people pass the exam?”
What truly matters here is understanding fulfillment, despite many people making accusations due to their lack of comprehension.
For those who have received the grace to understand, our purpose is not to get caught up in disputes. Instead, we focus on ensuring we have our lamp oil and wedding clothes ready, as these parables of Jesus are being fulfilled. This preparation is essential because it was Jesus’s direct command.
The most important thing is that we live according to Jesus’s words.
Our faith should not be like a house built on sand, but rather be as strong as a house built on the rock of the word.
When rain and winds come, they reveal the true condition of one’s house. Therefore, we should strive to be acknowledged by God as a house built on the rock.
(The house on the rock represents the wheat, while the house on sand represents the chaff.)
To understand this deeper:
The wheat contains seed inside, while the chaff does not.
The separation process of wheat and chaff, though they appear similar, happens when a farmer uses a trough to throw them into the air. The wheat, having seed inside, falls straight back down, while the chaff, being empty, blows away in the wind.
Similarly, the house built on the rock (the word) stands firm against the world’s winds and judgment. In contrast, the house built on sand becomes unstable, concerned with people’s thoughts, opinions, and worldly conditions, losing focus on God’s work.
Currently, we are in the process of fulfilling the Bible. We must overcome evil with good and persist in doing good.
Let’s be the light of the world. This is a short but impactful lesson about actual reality.
The Great Tribulation has already happened, and a great multitude is gathering at this very moment.
By God’s grace, many people are starting to come out. As evidence, we can see this in the image from the 2019 100,000 graduation – a really beautiful event.
Another graduation will take place in November, and it would be wonderful to have as many people as possible participate in the next one.
So what we’re going to do now is go into a time of open Q&A.
Let’s Us Discern
Discernment is still a work in progress …. Proverbs 14:15 (ESV)
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
Questions to Self-Reflect
Understanding Prophecy and Its Fulfillment
Part I: Foundations of Prophecy and Its Interpretation
Section 1: The Evidence of Truth and God’s Work (Deuteronomy 18:18-22)
- This section establishes the fulfillment of prophecy as the primary evidence of God’s work. It explores the biblical basis for recognizing true prophets and how discerning prophecy fulfillment serves as a critical tool against deception.
Section 2: The Purpose of Prophecy (John 14:29)
- This section delves into the multiple purposes of prophecy: strengthening belief, demonstrating the necessity of both positive and negative prophecy fulfillment, and emphasizing the reliability of God’s promises throughout history.
Part II: Deciphering the Winds of Revelation
Section 3: The Sequence of Wind Events in Revelation (Revelation 6, 7)
- This section outlines the chronological order of wind events in Revelation: the initial blowing causing celestial upheaval, the pause for the sealing of the 144,000, and the resumption signifying the Great Tribulation.
Section 4: The Symbolic Meaning of the Winds (Revelation 6:12-13)
- This section interprets the winds as figurative representations of angels and judgment (tribulations). It connects the falling of the sun, moon, and stars to the chosen people of the Tabernacle Temple experiencing tribulation due to their betrayal and lack of repentance.
Part III: Pinpointing Our Position in Revelation
Section 5: The Sealing of the 144,000 and the Commencement of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:1-4)
- This section asserts that the 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel have been sealed, marking the beginning of the Great Tribulation. It emphasizes that being sealed does not guarantee priesthood, highlighting the need for continued effort to remain sealed and be chosen.
Section 6: Evidence of the Great Tribulation’s Fulfillment (Luke 13:22-30)
- This section presents the 2019 graduation of 103,764 new believers as evidence of the completion of the 144,000 and the subsequent commencement of the Great Tribulation. The arrival of COVID-19 in 2020 is interpreted as part of this tribulation, impacting both the world and Mount Zion.
Section 7: Chairman’s Insights on the Great Tribulation and the Gathering of the Great Multitude
- This section features quotes from the Promised Pastor, confirming the completion of the 144,000 and the subsequent emergence of the Great Multitude. His words emphasize the ongoing process of sealing and the urgency of preparing for the heavenly wedding banquet.
Part IV: The Reality of Persecution and Trials
Section 8: Persecution as Prophecy Fulfillment (Matthew 10:17-23)
- This section highlights the persecution faced by Shincheonji, including seizure, searches, and detention, as fulfillment of New Testament prophecies about the treatment of believers. The Chairman’s letters from detention are presented as examples of steadfast faith in the face of adversity.
Section 9: Shincheonji’s Deeds of Light Amidst Trials
- This section details the extensive plasma donation efforts undertaken by Shincheonji members during the COVID-19 pandemic, showcasing their commitment to saving lives and serving as a testament to their faith.
Section 10: Legal Battles and the Allegation of Embezzlement (Luke 17:22-30)
- This section analyzes the false accusations of money embezzlement leveled against the Chairman and Shincheonji. It connects these events to the prophecy of Jesus being rejected and the parallels drawn to the days of Noah and Lot, where warnings were ignored.
Section 11: The Peace Palace and the Misrepresentation of Financial Matters
- This section clarifies the purpose of the Peace Palace and addresses the mischaracterization of the Chairman’s handling of funds for its construction. It emphasizes his personal frugality and dedication to utilizing church resources solely for God’s work.
Part V: Exhortations and Concluding Remarks
Section 12: The Importance of Preparation and Standing Firm
- This section focuses on the Chairman’s exhortations for believers to prepare their “lamp oil and robes” for the heavenly wedding banquet. It stresses the significance of building a faith founded on the word, like a house on a rock, capable of withstanding trials and judgment.
Section 13: Overcoming Evil with Good and Embracing the Light
- This section concludes with a call to overcome evil with good, persist in righteous deeds, and embrace the role of being the light of the world. It reiterates the reality of the Great Tribulation and the ongoing gathering of the great multitude, urging continued growth in faith and understanding.
Part VI: Questions and Answers
Section 14: Addressing Key Questions about the 144,000, Persecution, Satan’s Role, and God’s Protection
- This section provides detailed answers to questions raised during a Q&A session. The answers clarify the ongoing process of sealing, the rationale behind allowing persecution, the limitations of Satan’s knowledge, and the nature of God’s protection. The importance of suffering alongside Christ for the sake of future glory is emphasized.
A Study Guide
Unveiling Revelation: A Study Guide
Short Answer Quiz
Instructions: Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.
- What is the primary evidence used to determine if something is truly from God? Provide a supporting scripture.
- What is the primary purpose of prophecy according to the lesson?
- What do the figurative “winds” represent in the Book of Revelation?
- What significant event marked the beginning of the fulfillment of Revelation 7?
- What event in 2019 triggered the beginning of the Great Tribulation?
- Explain the significance of the number 144,000 in relation to the Great Tribulation and the great multitude.
- What specific event led to the persecution of Shincheonji in 2020?
- How did the members of Shincheonji demonstrate the principles of the new covenant during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What was the outcome of the legal case against the Chairman regarding COVID-19 allegations?
- What important lesson can be learned from the parable of the house built on the rock and the house built on sand?
Answer Key
- The primary evidence is the fulfillment of prophecy. Deuteronomy 18:18-22 establishes prophecy fulfillment as verification of God’s true work.
- The primary purpose of prophecy is to hide the secrets of the kingdom of heaven from God’s enemies.
- The figurative “winds” symbolize angels and judgment (tribulations).
- The beginning of New John’s testimony about the fall of the Tabernacle Temple (TT) in the 1980s marked the start of the fulfillment of Revelation 7.
- The graduation of over 100,000 new believers who studied the open word and entered Mount Zion in November 2019 triggered the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
- The 144,000 represent the sealed priests from the 12 tribes of Israel, and their completion must occur before the emergence of the uncountable great multitude.
- A Shincheonji member contracting COVID-19 in early 2020, followed by false accusations that the church was intentionally spreading the virus, led to their persecution.
- Shincheonji members, reflecting the principle of receiving Jesus’s blood through the new covenant, participated in mass plasma and blood donation drives to save lives during the pandemic.
- The Supreme Court of Korea acquitted Shincheonji of the COVID-19 allegations, recognizing the illogical nature of the accusations.
- The parable highlights the importance of building our faith on the solid foundation of God’s word to withstand trials and tribulations, just as a house built on rock withstands storms.
Essay Questions
- Analyze the significance of the “winds” in Revelation and their connection to the sealing of the 144,000 and the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
- Discuss the role of the Promised Pastor in relation to the fulfillment of prophecy. What are his responsibilities, limitations, and the challenges he faces?
- Examine the concept of persecution in the context of the lesson. How do the experiences of Shincheonji members mirror the experiences of biblical figures who faced opposition for their faith?
- Evaluate the Chairman’s response to the accusations and legal challenges he faced. How do his actions and words reflect his faith and understanding of God’s plan?
- Explain the significance of the plasma donation drives undertaken by Shincheonji members during the COVID-19 pandemic. How do these actions exemplify the principles of the new covenant and the teachings of Jesus?
Glossary of Key Terms
Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns: A symbolic figure in Revelation representing worldly powers opposed to God and His people.
Central Isaac Presbyterian Church: The former name of the Tabernacle Temple (TT) after its fall.
Coercive conversion: A practice in Korea involving forced attempts to convert individuals away from their chosen faith, often used against Shincheonji members.
Figurative winds: Symbolic representations of angels and judgment (tribulations) in Revelation.
Great multitude: An uncountable number of people who come out of the Great Tribulation and receive salvation, symbolized by those wearing white robes in Revelation.
Great Tribulation: A period of intense hardship and judgment prophesied in Revelation, believed to have begun in 2020.
Mount Zion: A symbolic term referring to the spiritual dwelling place of God’s people, often used by Shincheonji to refer to their community.
New John: The recipient of the Revelation, believed to be fulfilled in the figure of Chairman Lee Man-Hee.
Peace Palace: A place established by Shincheonji with the goal of uniting religious leaders from around the world to learn the open word.
Plasma donation: The act of donating blood plasma, rich in antibodies, often used for medical treatments. Shincheonji members participated in large-scale plasma donation drives during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Promised Pastor: A key figure in Shincheonji theology, believed to be appointed by Jesus to guide God’s people in the end times.
Sealing: A symbolic act in Revelation representing God’s protection and mark of ownership over His chosen people.
Shincheonji (SCJ): A new religious movement founded in South Korea, often referred to as “Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony.”
Tabernacle Temple (TT): A religious organization that experienced a fall, leading to the emergence of Shincheonji.
144,000: A symbolic number in Revelation representing the sealed priests from the 12 tribes of Israel, chosen to serve God in the end times.
Yeast of Heaven: Words of encouragement written by the Promised Pastor to prepare believers for the word.
Timeline of Events
- September: The “winds” begin to blow, signifying judgment and tribulation.
- The 7 stars (leaders of the Tabernacle Temple) resign.
- The beast with 7 heads and 10 horns enters the Tabernacle Temple.
- The Tabernacle Temple is renamed to the Central Isaac Presbyterian Church and eventually ceases to exist.
- Following the fall of the Tabernacle Temple: New John begins testifying about the events and the sealing of the 144,000 commences.
- March 14: Mount Zion’s timeline begins.
- November: The first 100,000 graduation ceremony takes place, with over 100,000 people entering Mount Zion.
- Following the 100,000 graduation: God declares Revelation can continue and the Great Tribulation begins.
- Early 2020: COVID-19 outbreak reaches the United States and leads to a global shutdown.
- Early 2020: A member of Mount Zion contracts COVID-19, leading to many members becoming infected.
- Following the COVID-19 outbreak: Shincheonji faces accusations of spreading COVID-19, leading to seizure, searches, and detention of members, including the Chairman.
- December 11th: Over 4,000 Shincheonji members donate plasma at the Daegu Athletic Center in Korea.
- By May 26th: Over 18,000 Shincheonji members donate blood.
- The Supreme Court of Korea acquits Shincheonji of allegations related to the spread of COVID-19.
- The anti-Shincheonji group files a lawsuit against the Chairman for embezzlement.
- Chairman Lee is found guilty of embezzlement despite presenting evidence to the contrary.
- Shincheonji members continue to donate blood and plasma regularly.
- The Peace Palace is built to unite religious leaders from around the world.
- A second graduation ceremony is planned for November.
Cast of Characters
1. Jesus: Central figure of the Christian faith, the Son of God. In this context, Jesus has returned spiritually and is fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation.
2. New John: The Promised Pastor, appointed by Jesus to testify about the events of Revelation and guide God’s people. He is compared to the apostle John who wrote the book of Revelation.
3. The Chairman: Refers to Chairman Lee Man-hee, the leader of Shincheonji. He is considered a servant of God, fulfilling the role of the Promised Pastor.
4. The 7 Stars: Represent the initial leaders of the Tabernacle Temple. They betrayed their mission and resigned, leading to the fall of the Tabernacle Temple.
5. The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns: Represents the enemy force that entered and corrupted the Tabernacle Temple. It is symbolic of Satan and his forces working against God’s kingdom.
6. The 8th King (The Beast from the Earth): One aspect of the enemy force. Identified as Nicholas, Mr. Oh and Mr. Tak.
7. The 144,000: The chosen people of God who are sealed and will serve as priests in the new kingdom. Their number was completed in 2019, but some have fallen away, requiring rebuilding.
8. The Great Multitude: A vast, uncountable number of people who will be saved after the Great Tribulation. They will join the 144,000 in the new kingdom.
9. The Anti-Shincheonji Group: Opponents of Shincheonji who accuse the organization of various wrongdoings, including spreading COVID-19 and embezzlement.
10. Pastors of Coercive Conversion: Individuals within Babylon (the corrupt religious system) who attempt to forcibly convert Shincheonji members back to their previous beliefs.
11. Parents and Relatives: Family members of Shincheonji members who are deceived by the anti-Shincheonji narratives and participate in attempts to forcefully convert their loved ones.
This information provides a detailed timeline and cast of characters based on the provided source. It’s important to note that this information is presented from the perspective of Shincheonji and their interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
Overview: Where Are We in Revelation?
Main Themes:
- Current Position in Revelation: The lesson asserts that we are living in the period following the Great Tribulation, which has already occurred. They believe the sealing of the 144,000 is complete and the gathering of the great multitude is underway.
- Shincheonji’s Role: The lesson positions Shincheonji as the fulfillment of Revelation, with its members being the chosen people of God in these end times. The speaker claims their persecution, including accusations of spreading COVID-19 and embezzlement, is part of the prophesied tribulation.
- Biblical Prophecy and Fulfillment: The lesson emphasizes the importance of prophecy fulfillment as proof of God’s work and the validity of their claims. Specific events, like the Chairman’s imprisonment and Shincheonji’s plasma donation drive, are presented as evidence of prophecy being fulfilled in their midst.
Most Important Ideas/Facts:
- The Great Tribulation Has Passed:The speaker interprets events surrounding Shincheonji’s rapid growth in 2019, the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic, and persecution they faced as the fulfillment of the Great Tribulation.
- The 100,000 graduation ceremony in 2019 is seen as a pivotal moment, marking the completion of the 144,000 sealed.
- “When the 144,000 were filled, the creation of the great multitude began.” (Quote from the Chairman)
- Shincheonji as the True Church:The lesson strongly emphasizes the role of Shincheonji and its Chairman, Lee Man-hee, as the true church and the promised pastor of this age.
- They are presented as the fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation, facing persecution and tribulation as evidence of their chosen status.
- Plasma Donation as Proof of Faith:Shincheonji’s large-scale plasma donation drive during the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighted as proof of their faith and obedience to Jesus’s teachings.
- The speaker emphasizes their selfless act as a parallel to receiving Jesus’ blood through the new covenant.
- “The members of Shincheonji… is saving lives all over the world with the blood plasma donations and blood donations… because [the members of] Shincheonji are those who received Jesus’ blood.” (Quote from the Chairman)
- Chairman Lee’s Persecution and Innocence:The lesson details the legal troubles faced by Chairman Lee, particularly the allegations of embezzlement and the COVID-19 accusations.
- Despite the court ruling against him, the speaker maintains his innocence, claiming the accusations were false and motivated by fear and opposition to Shincheonji.
- “Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but he was afraid of the turmoil of the persecutors… just like at the time of Jesus’ first coming, fearing protests and riots by the Protestant enemies today.” (Quote from the Chairman)
- Call to Preparedness and Faith:The lesson urges its listeners to be prepared for Jesus’s return, which they believe is imminent and will be in spirit form.
- The emphasis is on spiritual preparation, having the “lamp oil and robes” ready, as illustrated in Jesus’s parables.
- “Now is the time to prepare the lamp oil and robes to enter the heavenly wedding banquet. Those who believe in the promise must have have already prepared.” (Quote from the Chairman)
Key Quotes:
- “The Lord Almighty has sworn, surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, it will stand.” (Isaiah 14:24)
- “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:14)
- “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” (Luke 13:24)
Points to Consider:
- The lesson relies heavily on specific interpretations of biblical passages, which may differ from other Christian perspectives.
- The strong emphasis on Shincheonji as the only true church and their leader as the promised pastor may be perceived as exclusionary and raise concerns about potential cult-like tendencies.
- While they present evidence to support their claims, further investigation and critical analysis are necessary to evaluate their interpretations and theological framework objectively.
Overall, this lesson offers a compelling look into the beliefs and worldview of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. It highlights their understanding of current events in light of biblical prophecy and their conviction of being God’s chosen people in these end times.
1. What is the significance of prophecy in understanding God’s work?
The fulfillment of prophecy is the primary evidence that something truly comes from God. Deuteronomy 18:18-22 emphasizes this, stating that a prophet speaking in God’s name must have their prophecies come true. Throughout history, prophecy fulfillment has been the key differentiating factor in discerning God’s true work.
2. What is the meaning of the “winds” in Revelation, and how do they relate to our current position in the prophetic timeline?
The “winds” in Revelation are symbolic of angels and judgments (tribulations). They first appear in Revelation 6, causing celestial disturbances and tribulations on the Tabernacle Temple, symbolizing God’s chosen people. These winds were stopped in Revelation 7 to allow the sealing of the 144,000, marking the beginning of the great tribulation.
3. What evidence suggests that the Great Tribulation has already begun?
Several key events point to the commencement of the Great Tribulation:
- The Sealing of the 144,000: God has already identified the 144,000 who were sealed, a prerequisite for the Great Tribulation.
- The 100,000 Graduation in 2019: A significant influx of new believers marked a turning point, after which COVID-19 emerged, signifying the beginning of tribulation.
- Persecution of Shincheonji: The intense persecution faced by Shincheonji, mirroring the experiences of prophets and apostles, fulfills prophecies about tribulation.
4. Why is it important to strive to be among the 144,000 even though God has already identified them?
While God identified 144,000 sealed individuals in 2019, the tribulation caused some to fall away, necessitating a rebuilding process. Striving to be among the 144,000 priests ensures a deeper commitment to God’s work and increases the likelihood of remaining sealed. Even if one doesn’t become part of the 144,000, they can still be part of the great multitude and receive salvation.
5. How did Shincheonji respond to the accusations and persecution during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Shincheonji faced false accusations of intentionally spreading COVID-19, leading to seizures, searches, and detentions. Despite these challenges, they demonstrated their commitment to God’s work through:
- Plasma Donation: Thousands of Shincheonji members donated plasma to help those affected by COVID-19, showcasing their love and compassion.
- Legal Action: They actively refuted the accusations through legal means, ultimately being acquitted by the Supreme Court of Korea.
- Continued Faithfulness: Despite persecution, they remained steadfast in their faith, recognizing the fulfillment of prophecies about suffering for righteousness.
6. How does the example of Chairman Lee’s wrongful conviction relate to the persecution faced by believers throughout history?
Chairman Lee’s wrongful conviction for embezzlement, despite evidence proving his innocence, reflects the recurring pattern of righteous individuals facing false accusations and persecution. This aligns with biblical accounts of prophets, apostles, and even Jesus Himself being unjustly accused and condemned. It highlights the reality that following God often involves suffering and enduring trials in a world opposed to His truth.
7. Did COVID-19 disrupt God’s plan, and how does Satan fit into the unfolding of prophetic events?
COVID-19 did not disrupt God’s plan but rather served as a catalyst for fulfilling prophecy. While Satan intended to cause chaos and hinder God’s work, he unknowingly played into God’s preordained plan. God, in His omniscience, foreknew and orchestrated these events, using even Satan’s actions to accomplish His purposes.
8. How should believers view suffering and trials in light of God’s plan and promises?
Suffering is an inherent part of the Christian journey, as evidenced throughout Scripture. God does not shield His followers from hardship but provides strength to overcome. Trials should be seen as opportunities for growth and refinement, knowing that glory follows suffering. Believers should trust in God’s ultimate plan and find comfort in His unwavering presence and promises.