Faith in the Cross and Jesus and Lee Man-Hee’s Testimony
Salvation is no longer just about what Jesus did on the cross, but also believing the testimony of their leader, Lee Manhee.
The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation, Page 10: “No one can come to Jesus, gain eternal life, or enter heaven except through the one who overcomes (Revelation 10).”
Understanding the Parables and Prophecies
The Bible contains parables that conceal deeper meanings, particularly regarding prophecies. As stated in Hosea 12:10, these prophecies are hidden and can only be understood by God’s people, as referenced in Matthew 13:11-15. Importantly, these prophecies can only be fully grasped when they are fulfilled.
The Role of the “Promised Pastor”
To comprehend these fulfilled prophecies, one must seek out the “Promised Pastor.” This individual is tasked with testifying to the fulfillment of New Testament prophecies and can explain the Bible in a straightforward manner (John 16:25, Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 10)
The Importance of Understanding
According to The Explanation of the Parables:
Page 8: “Those who understand the parables become forgiven, thus being saved and going to heaven. Conversely, those who do not understand the parables are not forgiven and end up in hell.”
Page 146: “Those who understand the parables, the secrets of heaven, become atoned for their sins and the people of heaven. However, those who do not know them remain outside, unatoned for their sins, and ultimately face damnation (Matthew 13:10-17, Mark 4:11-12).”
The Pattern of Fulfillment
Shincheonji teaches that God fulfills His promises through a recurring pattern: Betrayal, Destruction, Salvation. Each cycle involves specific groups of people who play key roles in this divine narrative.
The Creation of Heaven & Earth, Page 399: “To attain salvation, believers must recognize the true identities of the chosen people who are destroyed due to betrayal, the enemies of God who bring about this destruction, and the promised pastor who emerges as the savior.”
Page 399: “Those who seek salvation should know and believe in the true identities of the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior.”