The purpose of this Reddit post here is to have it translated into various languages.
The Reality of Revelation 1985 Translated
Category: teaching/doctrine
Description: Here’s the Reality of Revelation (1985) translated to English.
Link: Google Document
Comments Section:
Thanks for sharing this, by the way. This is great! I’ve wanted to look into one of his books for a while now.
Posting this so everyone knows:
The Korean text is straight from the book (pasted above), the translation is the Korean text which was run through a translator, and translated into English (pasted below the original Korean text from the book). The books are available for pdf download, in case anyone wants to check the Korean text from each of the books and do a confirmation. Also, the text is there if you want to run the original Korean text from the book (which is pasted first, above the translation). Try Google Translate, DeepL, ChatGPT.
Identification process:
- It’s a book that is in Korean, so it must come from a Korean group.
- Reality of Revelation (1985) has Shincheonji doctrines in it, and has multiple times it says to refer back to “Shintan,” or content within Shintan:
- (Chapter 5, Section 3, p83-85) “The article on the song of Moses and the Lamb has already been explained in detail in the booklet titled ‘The Birth of God’ which was published before the evidence of this Revelation, so please refer to it.” (Birth of God = Shintan)
- (Chapter 13, Section 5, p204-209) “(1 Kings 11:1-8, see the 4th section of the Destruction Theory of the New Testament, Period of Destruction).” Content in Shintan
- (Chapter 14, Section 1, p213-217) “Please refer to the section on New Song, Section 6, Chapter 6 of the ‘Shintan’ published by this altar for detailed information. Here, only a rough outline will be provided to aid understanding.”
- (Chapter 19, Section 3, p286-287) “(see the sixth day of the New Birth).” Content in Shintan
And “Shintan” is identified as a Shincheonji book as well, which names “Lee Man-Hee” in it on (pg. 44), and has an invitation to Shincheonji on (pg 442); Shintan also has Shincheonji doctrines in it.
Identification process complete: “Reality of Revelation (1985)” and “Shintan/Birth of God” are Shincheonji books. Shincheonji fingerprints are all throughout them.
How I know Lee Man-Hee is feigning ignorance (playing dumb) about these books, if he denies knowing about them:
- Shincheonji didn’t have many members in 1985, so it wouldn’t be hard to know each person personally in your group you just started.
- It’s a book that is in Korean, and Lee Man-Hee can read, write, and speak Korean, so he would have been able to go through these books. He wouldn’t be able to write letters in Korean, and read the Korean Bible, if he couldn’t read, write, speak, and understand Korean.
- He is the founder of Shincheonji, so he would be informed about books being published through his organization, and for his organization. It says on the title page of Shintan, “Shincheonji Publishing.”
- It wouldn’t have been published through any other group in Korea that wasn’t part of Lee Man-Hee’s group.
Conclusion: Lee Man-Hee knows about it, and he would only be feigning ignorance (playing dumb) if he says he doesn’t know about it. If it were in English or another language, then it would be understandable about him not knowing about it, but the first editions are written and published in his native language “Korean,” which he can read, write, speak, and understand Korean. They were also published through his organization’s name, and for his organization “Shincheonji.”
Plus there are doctrines, such as the interpretation of (Revelation 8:1) “the silence in heaven for half an hour.” The interpretation was “6 months” for the “half an hour” in both the ‘Reality of Revelation (1985)’ and ‘The Reality of the Revelation (1993).’ But it shows it changed in ‘The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation (2015),’ where they changed it to “a literal 30 minutes.” Whereas for at least 9 years, the doctrine of the “silence in heaven for half an hour” was interpreted as “6 months” (from 1984-1993). Lee Man-Hee would know about that since it was taught that way for at least 9 years. It’s in both the (1985) book and the (1993) book, but changed in later editions. Saying this just as an example, because there’s a lot of changes from their earlier books, when compared to later editions, although there is a lot of similarities as well between their early books, and later books.
Do you have a pdf version of the book or like pictures of it? Inb4 they say its fake.
↳ shshmhh
You could also click the link and then print it. Then specify to “print as pdf” then you’ll get a pdf copy that way as well.
↳ EmployerNew2915
It’s not a matter of printing it as a PDF, it’s a matter of authenticity. If you have photo scan pages of the whole book for example, it will be much harder for SJC people to say that the document is false.
↳ QuestionsAboutSCJ
You can save the book as a pdf file on the google drive. I can also export it as well.
↳ EmployerNew2915
Thanks! I appreciate your efforts. I guess when I asked for the PDF, it was meant for an authenticity perspective, not due to ease of convenience for the format.
This link is also in the pinned post at the top:
Reddit Link
Unfortunately, SCJ members already don’t believe in any of his books.
When the prophecies didn’t come true and the teachings changed it made people question SCJ.
So, Man Hee Lee blamed everybody who published or helped write his books as the real problem. He accused them as changing his words. He told everyone to not read his own books. SCJ also argues that he couldn’t write and read so all the problems that were found were not his issues. They were the people who helped him write it.
So, SCJ members unfortunately can’t look at his past writings for contradictions.
↳ EmployerNew2915
Yes, that is why I was hoping actual photo evidence will help with that. I also heard that some copies are available in some Korean libraries. Would be good to do an uncut video going through the book and also stopping on some important pages so people can actually read the words on that page and compare it to this PDF.