Revelation 4-5: Does Shincheonji Reflect the True Image of the Spiritual World?

by Chris

Shincheonji Claims

In 1995, Shincheonji organized the 12 tribes, appointing 7 lead educators, 24 elders, and other key leadership roles. Lee Man-Hee, known as the “New John,” claimed to have experienced a vision in which he was taken up into the spiritual world (heaven) and saw the image of the heavenly throne. He expressed a longing to remain there, but received the commandment from God to recreate what he saw in heaven as it is on earth. Since then, Lee Manhee established the 12 Tribes of New Spiritual Israel.

How can SCJ claim to be “heaven on earth” when it faces frequent leadership changes, betrayals, and expulsions?

In 1995, after claiming to witness the heavenly throne and its structure, Lee Man-Hee returned to reality and organized the 12 tribes, 7 educators, and 24 elders at the Suwon Public Stadium.

Q: If God’s will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10), why does SCJ, which claims to be the kingdom of God on earth, experience so many cases of betrayal and expulsion?

Q: Did betrayal events such as probation and expulsion continue in heaven (the spirit world) as they did on earth? If the will is accomplished in heaven first, shouldn’t we be able to understand it that way?

Q: SCJ members, do you know who the 7 lead educators are now?

Q: Why did Lee Manhee write a promise in his blood?

The New Covenant, written in the blood of Lee Manhee, is a promise to God by the missionaries and saints of the SCJ Tabernacle of Witnesses Temple who clearly realize and believe that the prophesied words of the Bible have been fulfilled today…

Yet, the Bible says that this isn’t necessary, and should be a concern for a Christian, as the only blood covenant we should enter in is with Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 9:12 – He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption

Also, didn’t Jesus caution us about people like Lee Manhee making these types of blood covenants?

Matthew 5:34-37 – But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.  And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.  All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Q: Why are the 12 Tribe Leaders changed os much

Shincheonji claims that the 12 Tribe Leaders have the spirit of the Apostles working through them, and that the 12 Tribes of Shincheonji is the physical reality of the New Heaven and New Earth.

The appearance of the Chairman of the General Assembly, 7 superintendents, 12 tribe leaders, and 24 elders sitting on the throne.
11th Anniversary Service (March 14, 1995) The 11th Anniversary Celebration was a more meaningful event than other years. In celebration of the 12th year (11th anniversary) of Shincheonji, the heavenly throne (7 superintendents, 12 tribe leaders, and 24 elders) was formed. These are the protagonists of God’s new creation that is being accomplished according to the Bible.

The Reality of the Revelation –

In what way, then, do the twelve disciples of Jesus rule over the spiritual New Israel? They choose twelve men from the earth to be twelve tribal leaders in their stead, and they rule as one…

Below are the original 12 Tribe Leaders, most if not all of them were replaced.

r/Shincheonji - The first 12 Tribe leaders were appointed by the Chairman(Lee Man Hee) in 1995.

The Changed Leadership for the John Tribe

  1. Jeon Bong: The first leader of the John tribe, Jeon Bong, was dismissed from his position for reasons that remain unclear. Following his dismissal, he served as the Chairman’s personal driver but was recently expelled from the organization.
  2. Lee Jeon Woo (also known as Lee Jeon Keun): Lee Jeon Woo, who is both the Chairman’s nephew and adopted son, has held a significant familial connection to the organization.
  3. Kim Jeong Soo: Information about Kim Jeong Soo is currently limited.
  4. Yoo Young Joo: No additional details are provided regarding Yoo Young Joo’s role or status.
  5. Choi Dong Hee: Choi Dong Hee was officially expelled for failing to evangelize for three years and for allegedly creating a rebellious sect within the organization.
  6. Lee Ki Won: The current tribe leader, Lee Ki Won, has claimed to have been sealed, signifying a special status within the group.

The Changed Leadership of Peter Tribe

  1. Ji Jae Seop (He was in the Tabernacle temple, expelled for creating his own sect, committing adultery, embezzlement, and so many other evil deeds).
  2. Lee Jeong Woo (Current tribe leader, General Assembly attempted to send him to the Melbourne Branch, but he denied.)

The Changed Leadership for the James Tribe

  1. Park Yong Chan
  2. Yang Gap Yong: He was dismissed for embezzlement, and then committed more very large amounts of embezzlement and expelled
  3. Ji Jae Seop
  4. Kim Kwang Hoon
  5. Kim Jeong Soo: sweary [a person who uses obscene and vulgar language], racism, There are rumors that he was dismissed for embezzlement [more verification needed], He is still Scj member
  6. Lee Young No
  7. Lim Jeong Hwan

The Changed Leadership for the Andrew Tribe

  1. Jeong Hae Dong: He was caught having an affair with a married woman.
  2. Lee Jae Sang
  3. Kim Jeong Soo
  4. Yoon Joong Kang: He was a high-ranking executive in a multi-level-marketing company before joining Shincheonji
  5. Jae Seul Ki: He was expelled for establishing his own sect, though it remains unclear whether he was officially expelled or left voluntarily. Allegations against him include committing tax fraud and embezzling funds in collaboration with Yang Gap Yong, a former leader of the Busan James Tribe. Additionally, there are reports suggesting that he accepted a bribe from an interior company during a construction project. Furthermore, he has been accused of falsifying his academic credentials. credentials.
  6. Kim il gon
  7. Park Pil Seong

The Changed Leadership for the Thaddaeus tribe

  1. Shin Jeong Yong: He betrayed Shincheonji with 500 members in 1997.
  2. Choi Myung Suk
  3. Shin Kyu Soo
  4. Noh Hong Sam

The Changed Leadership of the Philip Tribe

  1. Kim Seon Gap
  2. Kim Won Guk

The Changed Leadership of the Simon Tribe

  1. Kim Seon Gap
  2. Jeong Hae Dong
  3. Yang Gap Yong
  4. Park Young Joon
  5. Lee Seung Joo

The Changed Leadership of the Bartholomew tribe

  1. Shin Joon Soo: He died of liver cancer during his duty
  2. Kim Seon Gap
  3. Jeong Jin Young
  4. Kwak Jong Ryul

The Changed Leadership for the Matthew tribe

  1. Kim Jeong Taek
  2. Lee Chul Goo
  3. Jeong Hae Dong
  4. Lee Jeong Suk: Dismissed from his position due to allegations of having an affair and embezzlement, and giving church funds to gangsters.
  5. Lee Jeon Woo:Also known as Lee Jeon Keun, he is identified by two names. Initially the Chairman’s nephew, he later became the Chairman’s adopted son. It remains unclear whether he served as a temporary or official tribe leader.
  6. Jeong Chun Suk
  7. Yoo Yeong Joo
  8. Choi Jeong Min

The Changed Leadership for Matthias tribe

  1. Jang Bang Sik

Congrats Matthias Tribe!

Happy Star Congratulations Blank Meme Template - Imgflip

The Changed Leadership for the Seoul James tribe

  1. Oh Jae Young
  2. Yoon Yo Han
  3. Jeong Chun Suk
  4. Choi Jung Min
  5. Yoo Young Joo

The Changed Leadership for the Thomas Tribe

  1. Lee Beom No
  2. Lee Jae Chan
  3. Lee Jae Sang: He was also in the Tabernacle Temple
  4. Choi Joong il

Was Lee Manhee truly influenced by God, as he claims, or could his teachings and actions have been influenced by another spirit


Lee Manhee claims that he saw Heaven in the spiritual realm, and that he was instructed by God to create Heaven here on earth.

He also claims that since he was the one who created the 12 Tribes, that it was the Biblical evidence of him fulfilling the “One Who Overcomes”. Click here to read the theological issues of the “Promised Pastor of the New Testament”

It was claimed that only the one who fought and won against the legion of Satan (=the Chairman) could create the kingdom of God on this earth, just as if they had seen it in heaven (the spiritual world). However, in other heretical and pseudo-churches, individuals who have already won and events like the creation of the Twelve Tribes have occurred.

Additionally, it was taught that through the Shincheonji mark certification, all of this could be proven to be true. However, other heretical groups and pseudochurches also had marks or certifications.

The Four Living Creatures

Lee Manhee stated that his understanding of the four creatures in Revelation 4 as the four angelic heads did not come from witnessing the spiritual realm or receiving the book, but rather from his visit to the temple on Mount Sokrisan.

SCJ’s physical fulfillment training-

Instructed by God to go to the Buddhist temple at Sokli Mountain in Boeun, he saw the *Four Heavenly Kings and was enlightened.

The 12 Tribes and Overcoming - Mount Zion Empire

Mt. Zion Empire (시온산제국): A cult with 12 tribes that was active throughout the country during the Japanese colonial era (1910~1945).

In the Gyeongbuk region, almost no one in the Christian world knows about the so-called Zionists. Empire Under Japanese oppression, they refused to visit the shrine and organized a secret society to wage a full-scale anti-Japanese struggle. by the book of scripturesing 5,13:8, 6:1, 17:8, 14, 21:22- At first, the name of the country was ‘Holy Nippon Empire’ and even a government organization was established, but later it was called ‘Mt. Zion Empire.’ Changed the name of the country to ‘(山帝國)’ and settled in the mountains to avoid Japan’s policy of suppressing Christianity. They maintained their faith in hiding, but around May 21st of the year of liberation, 33 believers were arrested and tortured by Japanese police. Korea ribes of However, after liberation, when they lost their struggle goals and targets, they opposed Taegeukgi based on the Bible and were investigated by the authorities. They cried out for the desperate judgment of the last days, and the prophecy of the religious leader Park Dong-gi…
The 12 Tribes of the Mount Zion Empire

The 12 tribes have been selected by the Church from the Old Testament book of (Numbers 2:1-13), and the following scriptures are cited as evidence. (Rev. 14:1-5, 13:8, 6:1, 17:8, 6:16, 14:10-11, 19:7, 7:11, 20:15, 21:9,14, 21:22-23,24, 22:1)

In addition, the 12 provinces in Korea (south+north) are called the 12 tribes of Judaism…

Goo In-hoe and the 12 Tribes

Goo-In-ho, the Second Advocate of Christ, the below video goes into detail about the teachings of this “Advocate on behalf of Jesus”, and of course, one can see the many similarities that Man Hee Lee also claims as well.

Click here for an overview of this group

Mr. Goo’s grave and tombstone: “the grave of the Second Coming.”

When he (Goo In-hoe) was 27 years old, he received a revelation from God.

He entered the Tabernacle temple, where 7 angels appeared and remained for 3 years… The Word became flesh and took the 7 seals of the book and revealed the deep and mysterious truths of the 66 books of the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, 30,900 verses, which had been hidden for 6000 years, by finding their counterparts (Isaiah 34:16 Look in the scroll of the LORD and read: None of these will be missing, not one will lack her mate. For it is his mouth that has given the order, and his Spirit will gather them together…)

Goo In-ho’s doctrine

I (Mr. Goo) heard the voice of God saying, “My beloved son, go to Gwacheon (Tabernacle temple) 7 angels appeared in Gwacheon,” and he heard the voice of God saying, “Go to Gwacheon.

In June 1966, a church called Tabernacle Temple was built in Gwacheon, and the work of the seven angels began.

… After these seven angels built and worked in the Tabernacle Temple church, Jesus would return.

These seven angels are the seven eyes, Bud of the Fig Tree, and the fig tree (false prophet).

Goo In-ho’s doctrine

The Bible is written in parables, secrets, symbols, mirrors, and shadows

The Bible is history, prophecy, and precept…written in parables, figures of speech, symbols, mirrors, and shadows for all things.

…The Bible cannot be understood by human wisdom or knowledge.

Anyone who tries to understand the Bible by human wisdom or knowledge will destroy himself.

There is no one but Jesus, the Second Coming, the Root of David, who can fully explain the mysterious words hidden in parables, figures of speech, symbols, mirrors, and shadows.(by finding mate)

For the servants of God ( pastors and priests), the Revelation is a sealed book. Therefore, pastors and priests cannot solve the words of the Bible.

Goo In-hoe’s doctrine

The 12 Tribes of the Tabernacle Temple.

Goo In-hoe’s doctrine

The 12 Tribes of the Tabernacle Temple.

Goo In-hoe’s doctrine

Zech 6:12-13 Fig Tree Buds (false prophet) = Yoo Jae-yeol

Jehovah’s structure = tabernacle temple

Rev.15:5-6 Seven angels (golden sash around their chest) appear in the tabernacle temple

Dan.11:45 Between the holy mountains (Gwacheon), tabernacle temple

7 Angels Precede the Second Coming of Jesus

(7 horns, 7 eyes, 7 spirits: 7 angels of the tabernacle temple)

The Twelve Tribes Communities

The 12 Tribes Communities, often referred to simply as the “12 Tribes,” is a religious cult founded in the 1970s by Gene Spriggs (Yoneq) in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The group combines elements of fundamentalist Christianity, Messianic Judaism, and communal living. They emphasize a strict interpretation of the Bible, particularly focused on recreating the “12 tribes of Israel” as part of their vision of fulfilling biblical prophecy.

The 12 Tribes Communities hold a set of core beliefs centered on the restoration of the ancient tribes of Israel, as they see this as a necessary step in preparing for the return of Jesus. According to their teachings, members are divided into communal living groups, with each group symbolizing one of the 12 tribes. This structure reflects their interpretation of biblical prophecy and their conviction that they are uniquely chosen to fulfill it.

A fundamental aspect of their lifestyle is communal living. Members of the 12 Tribes renounce personal possessions and live together in shared communities. This way of life emphasizes unity among members and a deliberate separation from mainstream society, which they view as corrupt and incompatible with their spiritual mission.

The group teaches that salvation is only possible through joining their community and adhering to their strict interpretation of biblical principles. They believe that their communal and religious practices are the sole path to achieving true understanding and favor with God. These practices include a strict adherence to Old Testament laws, such as observing the Sabbath, following dietary restrictions, and even using corporal punishment to discipline children.

The 12 Tribes also holds an esoteric view of the end times, believing that they play a vital and unique role in bringing about the fulfillment of prophecy. They teach that Jesus will return only after the complete restoration of the 12 tribes has been accomplished, a task they claim is their divine mission.

Additionally, the group asserts exclusive spiritual authority, claiming that only through their teachings and way of life can the true understanding of the Bible and God’s will be realized. This exclusivity extends to their rejection of mainstream Christianity, which they view as apostate and spiritually bankrupt. They regard themselves as the only true representation of God’s people on Earth.

These core beliefs form the foundation of the 12 Tribes’ identity and practices, distinguishing them as a group that sees itself as the fulfillment of a unique and divinely mandated mission.

Kim Nam-hee

Kim Nam-hee, often referred to as “Moon” and “Mother of Peace,” is widely rumored to be the general manager of Shincheonji. She is known to wield significant influence within the organization before being thrown out and ex-communicated.

How Shincheonji Framed Kim Nam-hee, and Lost a Lawsuit

A Testimony of Betrayal and Corruption: Exposing the Dark Realities Within Shincheonji’s Leadership

Interview with Kim Nam-hee, former IWPG Chairwoman

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