Examination to Put “The New Covenant We Must Keep” into Action
1.1 Why did Jesus speak in parables?
Because it is the secrets of the kingdom of heaven (to hide the “secrets of the kingdom of heaven” from the enemies, to fulfill what was promised to the Old Testament prophets)
1.2 Why does one become an outsider and is unable to receive atonement for his sins if he doesn’t understand the parables?
Because one will not know the actual entities
1.3 What is made known to us plainly instead of figuratively at the appointed time?
Fulfilled reality (the actual entities)
1.4 Write the 4 types of fields.
The path, rocky, thorny, and the good soil
1.5 Write a relevant chapter from Revelation which explains when the harvest takes place for the seed that was sown.
Rv 14
2. It is said in Mt 24, to watch out that no one deceives you, and that the deceivers are the false prophets in verse 11.
2.1 Who is this referring to?
Pastors of coercive conversion
2.2 When it says nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom, which nations are they referring to? It is written that many will be deceived; they will be handed over to be persecuted and to be put to death. At that time,
God’s church (nation) and Babylon’s church (nation)
2.3 Who are those who are deceived and hand people over?
Parents and relatives who were deceived
3.1 What is the new covenant that was established with the blood?
Revelation (the events of Revelation)
3.2 What is the difference between the one who keeps the covenant and the one who fails to keep it?
The one who keeps it: heaven / the one who does not keep it: hell
3.3 What kind of person keeps the covenant?
One who records God’s law (Revelation) on their hearts and minds (the one who is sealed)
3.4 When does this take place and who are the ones that keep the new covenant?
After the work of betrayal and destruction, the 12 tribes that have been harvested and sealed
4.1 When and
4.2 Where was Revelation fulfilled?
The Tabernacle Temple in Gwacheon, at the base of Mt. Cheonggye
4.3 Write the 2 chapters where we can find the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior.
Rv 13, Rv 12
5. Write in sequence the brief process of the work of God that is to be fulfilled according to the new covenant from the beginning of the prophecy to the end of the fulfillment.
The 7 stars and the tabernacle . betrayal – destruction – harvest -> sealing -> the 12 tribes – the wedding – the first resurrection
6.1 Write 2 verses regarding the place where God, the heavens, and Jesus come down upon.
Rv 3:12, Rv 21:1-3
6.2 Who are the people who are at this place?
God’s nation and kingdom
6.3 Where is the path to this place? Write two reference chapters.
Rv 2, 3 (Explanation: These two chapters are the beginning as well as the entirety of Revelation, and God, Jesus, and heaven must come and one must overcome in order to attain all things)
6.4 What happens to the people in this place?
They live together with the Lord in heaven
6.5 With what have I been re-created according to the promise of the Bible?
Through God’s seed and Jesus” blood
7.1 Write the names of the 3 denominations to which the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior belong.
The Tabernacle Temple, Babylon (CCK) the Christian Stewardship Training Center, Shincheonji the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
7.2 When and
At the time of the fulfillment of Revelation
7.3 Where (location) these entities appear.
The Tabernacle Temple in Gwacheon
8. The lamb of the Passover, Jesus, made the new covenant through his flesh and blood, and promised that they will not be eaten until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.
8.1 Write 4 verses from Revelation who is able to drink this blood at that time.
Rv 1:5-6, Rv 5:9~10, Rv 7:14, Rv 12:11
8.2 What kind of work does the pastor, who is the messenger of Jesus sent for the churches in Revelation, do? Write 7 applicable chapters and their contents.
Rv 2-3: sends the letter on behalf of Jesus
Rv 10: receives and eats the opened scroll that came down from heaven and testifies Rv 11: killed while being the witness who serve the Lord
Rv 12: fights against the beast and overcomes
Rv 16: the bowl that judges
Rv 19: prepares the wedding supper as the bride of the Lamb
Rv 22: witnesses all the events of Revelation, messenger who is sent to the churches
9. There are 4 unusual women who appear in Revelation.
9.1 Write what each of them does and which side they belong to, including the reference chapters.
Rv 2: Jezebel, caused people to commit adultery, belongs to the devil
Rv 12: The woman clothed with sun, moon, and stars, gave birth to a child who will rule all the nations, belongs to God
Rv 17: The prostitute, gave birth to the children of the devil, belongs to the devil
Rv 19: The bride of the Lamb, prepares the wedding supper, belongs to God
9.2 What brings forth the 3 types of plagues in Revelation?
Seals, trumpets, bowls
9.3 What are the 3 mysteries, and
The seven stars, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the seventh trumpet
9.4 What is the other mystery?
The name on the forehead of the prostitute, Babylon
10. Write 3 verses from Revelation concerning the Passover Lamb Jesus’ blood and flesh that was promised which we eat and passover with at the fulfillment of God’s kingdom.
Rv 16:12, Rv 17:14, Rv 18:4
11. Just as Jesus went away to prepare a place for us,
11.1 What is being fulfilled here on earth as it is in heaven?
The harvested and sealed 12 tribes of the New Testament
11.2 Who am I according to the New Testament in the Bible?
A family member who has been born of God’s seed, harvested, sealed, and registered in the 12 tribes of the promised nation
11.3 The pastor who is promised by the Lord appears in the New Testament Revelation just as the Old Testament. Write 7 applicable chapters including the contents.
Rv 1: appointed by Jesus and receives the command to send letters to the messengers of the 7 churches
Rv 4: goes up to heaven
Rv 10: the one who received the words of the opened scroll
Rv 11: witness who serves the Lord
Rv 12: fights against the beast and overcomes
Rv 21: receives God’s inheritance
Rv 22: the messenger who speaks on behalf, sees all the events of Revelation
12. The relationship between Jesus and John, the messenger who speaks on behalf, seen in Rv 1:13~16, and chapters 2-3, is also seen in the previous eras.
12.1 Write the two eras and the two entities who have this kind of relationship.
– Time of Moses: God gave the command, and Moses was the messenger who spoke on behalf
– Jesus’ first coming: God gave the command, and Jesus was the messenger who spoke on behalf
12.2 What type of commandments were given by God in Ex 22:18-20, Dt 18:10-14, and Rv 22:15?
Not to practice sorcery, divination, interpreting omens, magic arts, sexual immorality, murder, worshipping idols, or speaking lies
13.1 What groups appear in Revelation and,
Betrayer, destroyer, and savior
13.2 Between whom and whom is the war fought?
War between God and the devil
14.1 What are the three things that are needed in Revelation, other than betrayal, destruction, salvation? Why is each of these three things necessary?
God’s seed: No one can become a child of God without it Blood of Jesus: There is no atonement of sin without it Sealing: Necessary to carry out the new covenant
14.2 What is written in Rv 22:18-19 and Heb 8:10 also appeared at the time of the first covenant. In what verse is this content found?
Dt 6:5-9
15.1 What 2 chapters describe how the new heaven and new earth of Rv 21 begin? What 2 chapters describe how the first heaven and first earth pass away?
Rv 7, Rv 14 / Rv 6, Rv 13
15.2 Write 3 pairs of contrasting chapters in Revelation.
Rv 6, 7 / Rv 13, 14 / Rv 18, 19
16.1 Write 2 chapters in Revelation that describe where deception and betrayal take place.
Rv 2, 13
16.2 Write 3 chapters where Jesus and God give judgment.
Rv 18, 19, 6
16.3 Write 3 chapters where the Gentile beast brings judgment.
Rv 8, 9, 13
16.4 Write 2 chapters where the one who overcomes judges.
Rv 16, 12
16.5 Write 1 chapter where they judge one another.
Rv 17
17.1 What is the source of the tree of life?
God and Jesus
17.2 Who are those who have the name of God on their foreheads?
Those who have been sealed with the revealed word (the harvested fruits)
17.3 Who has seen and heard all the events of Revelation, Who is the messenger whom Jesus sent for the churches?
The promised pastor whom Jesus chose
17.4 Write 3 chapters in Revelation and the four gospels that describe after what event salvation comes.
Mt 24, after Rv 6, after Rv 13
18 In Rv 1.
18.1 Who is the one that reads?
New John
18.2 Who are those that hear (those who should keep the covenant)?
Nations, peoples, languages, kings (saints)
18.3 Who are those that keep it (take to heart)?
12 tribes; the 144,000 and the multitude in white, including the one who reads, New John
19.1 Whose revelation is the book of Revelation?
19.2 What is it that must “soon take place”?
The Book of Revelation
19.3 Who are the servants that are shown “what will soon take place”?
12 tribes; the sealed 144,000 and the multitude in white
19.4 Whom do they receive it through?
New John
19.5 Who are those that are blessed?
Those who keep it
20.1 Write the process in which the word of revelation is delivered.
God → Jesus → Angel → John → Servants
20.2 Was the revelation John heard, saw, and recorded the fulfilled reality or a prophecy?
20.3 When Revelation is fulfilled, through whom can it be seen, heard, and believed?
New John
21.1 In order for Revelation to become fulfilled, there is an entity that must appear like another in the past. Write 2 verses that describe this.
Jn 5:35 (Mt 11:13), Rv 1:20
21.2 Write the order in which the entities in Revelation 1:9 to chapters 2~3 appear.
Jesus, the seven stars, the Nicolaitans, John
22.1 Who in heaven or on earth could open the scroll sealed with seven seals?
22.2 Which chapter does he begin to open the seals?
Rv 6
22.3 In which chapter is the scroll fully opened?
Rv 8
22.4 Who is the one who reads and proclaims?
New John (one who received the open scroll)
22.5 What is the condition to open the seven seals?
Overcome (one who overcomes)
22.6 Through whom is the open scroll given?
22.7 To whom is it given to be proclaimed?
New John
23.1 Write three verses showing where the kingdom of heaven will come down to.
Rv 3:12, Rv 21:1-3, Rv 14:1-4
23.2 Who is the entity of Balaam in Rv 2?
Oh – Ho
24. On the island of Patmos, John heard, saw, and recorded the vision of prophecy that will be fulfilled in the future. When this prophecy is fulfilled,
24.1 Who begins the work of fulfilling this prophecy?
24.2 When,
24.3 Where,
The Tabernacle Temple in Gwacheon, at the base of Mt. Cheonggye
24.4 and through whom does he begin to fulfill the prophecy?
Messengers of the seven stars
25.1 Who are those that are freed from sin by Jesus’ blood? When Jesus comes with the clouds, every eye will see him, even those who pierced him.
12 Tribes (144,000 and the multitude in white)
25.2 In which chapter do those who pierced Jesus appear?
Rv 11
25.3 Who are those that pierced Jesus?