The purpose of this Reddit post here is to have it translated into various languages.
Shincheonji SCJ New Year Slogan 2004 – 2025
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2004 (SCJ 21) – Evangelism Innovation Year (전도 혁신의 해)
2005 (SCJ 22) – Year of Cell Groups (구역 중심의 해)
2006 (SCJ 23) – The year of Gospel Room (current word room) (복음방(현 말씀방) 중심의 해)
2007 (SCJ 24) – The Year of Truth and Peace (진실과 화평의 해)
2008 (SCJ 25) – The Year of Faith and Victory (믿음과 승리의 해)
2009 (SCJ 26) – The Year of Victory and Growth (홍보와 승리의 해)
2010 (SCJ 27) – The Year of Trumpets of Victory (승리의 나팔의 해)
2011 (SCJ 28) – The Year of 12 Tribe Victory (신천지12지파 승리의 해)
2012 (SCJ 29) – The Year of trumpets and Victory of Shincheonji (신천지 승리 홍보와 나팔의 해)
2013 (SCJ 30) – The year of Completion of 144000 in Shincheonji (신천지 십사만사천 완성의 해)
2014 (SCJ 31) – The Year of Tribe completion, creation of great multitude in white, Religious Integration and National Assembly (지파완성, 흰무리 창조, 종교대통합, 만국회의의 해)
2015 (SCJ 32) – The Year of Unification of Religious Scripture, Creation of Great Multitude in White (만국소성, 흰무리 창조, 종교경서통일의 해)
2016 (SCJ 33) – The Year of Completion of the World Alliance of Religion’s Peace Office (WARP Office) and International Law Enactment (국제법 제정, 종교연합사무실 완성의 해)
2017 (SCJ 34) – The year of Shincheonji Victory and God Reigns (신천지 하나님의 승리와 통치의 해)
2018 (SCJ 35) – The Victory of 7th Trumpet (일곱째 나팔소리 승리의 해)
2019 (SCJ 36) – The Victory of 7th Trumpet and the Creation of Great Multitude in White (일곱째 나팔 흰무리 창조 승리의 해)
2020 (SCJ 37) – The year of 7th Trumpet, God’s reign and the Completion of Great Multitude in White (하나님 통치, 마지막 일곱 번째 나팔소리와 흰무리 창조 완성의 해)
2021 (SCJ 38) – The year of unchanging faith and victory (불변의 믿음과 승리의 해)
2022 (SCJ 39) – The Year of the Secrets of Heaven, the Last Trumpet, and the Creation of the Multitude in White (천국비밀 마지막 나팔 흰무리 창조의 해)
2023 (SCJ 40) – Year of one heart and unity to complete one goal. (일심단결 목적달성의 해)
2024 (SCJ 41) – Judgement of Babylon, Year of Victory (바벨론 심판! 승리의 해!)
2025 (SCJ 42) – Year of love and blessings (사랑과 축복의 해)
2014 created the multitude in white, and again in 2015, created again in 2019, to get completed in 2020, only to backtrack again to the creation again in 2022. Man, these guys can’t screw their heads on straight.
2024 has ended, and “Babylon” is still 10,000x larger than SCJ 😂
The new slogan should be “The Year of more Lies and Delusions.”
EX-Center Student
Hopefully, this will be the year of blessing when their lies are exposed and all inside are saved and joy for those praying for justice.
Depending on the slanders and persecution they receive, they will use the same slogan to keep the members in their place. Year 41 and other slogans are not fulfilled. So dumb how these people still don’t realize they can’t think for themselves and play as the victim when they’re addressed concerning these slogans.
In 5. Moses 28:22 it is written:
“When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
I learned it in Shincheonji first. But this is also spoken over themselves.
If that slogan doesn’t take place, they say: it is just a slogan – Not a prophecy.
This is bullshit. I asked my church leader about Rev 7 exactly with this verse, why the change in Doctrine: If MHL saw, heard, wrote, and ate the scroll in Rev 10, he was considered a prophet until 2020. After the beginning of the “so-called tribulation,” he stopped being a prophet and became just the “chosen Pastor.” Because let’s be honest, someone who sees future things like he saw, what is he, according to the Bible?
My church leader’s response to the question I asked him about the Bible verse Deuteronomy 28:22 – in German, 5. Moses, was; MHL is not a prophet but just a chosen pastor! 🤮🤮
You are so full of shit. Come take me on.
Family/Friend of SCJ Member
So, these are pretty straightforward about the prophecies that didn’t happen. Wow, do SCJ members know these, or do they try to forget it after it doesn’t happen? Haha
EX-Shincheonji Member
How bland! I can just imagine every sermon, “We’re so blessed to receive these words, it really is the year of love and blessings, omg it’s being fulfilled…”
EX-Shincheonji Member
Very boring slogan for year 42 🥱. What happened to the judgement of Babylon? Or the completion of the multitude in white? You can see that they have run out of ideas.
You can almost see CHJN curbing his ambitions and going back to the two-concept slogans of 2007-2009. Safe to see it is quite a letdown compared to last year. CHJN also didn’t seem to have addressed last year’s slogan during the New Year’s Sermon, so that’s also disappointing.
EX-Shincheonji Member
The old man is running out of ideas 🤣😂
Another false hope, another year without any hope, just a waste of time.
EX-Shincheonji Member
Year of love and blessings lol.
They gave up trying to seal 144,000, bring in the great multitude, judge Babylon, and sound the 7th trumpet.
Now that those lies are getting less credible, they went back to the basics of love and blessings. Perhaps the most general and least verifiable slogan yet. They were flying too close to the sun with previous slogans and were getting called out for it. Back to generic platitudes to keep members’ hope alive for another year.
EX-Shincheonji Member
Pathetic. 💯 My sentiments exactly… 👍