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Revelation 18 – Before vs After
Shincheonji’s Revelation 18 teaching has, without a doubt, changed. Anyone who has been in SCJ for longer than 12 months can testify to this.
Here’s the proof:
On page 243, Man Hee Lee writes in his book Creation of Heaven and Earth printed in 2007 that Revelation 18 was PHYSICALLY fulfilled (what was happening in 2007 that led him to believe this??).
Then, recently MHL has backtracked on his Revelation 18 claim in a CUBS/JSS article 400417, claiming it is now no longer fulfilled anymore.
So which is it? Ask yourself:
- What was happening in 2007 that led MHL to publish a book testifying that Revelation 18 was physically fulfilled?
- What is the evidence of Revelation 18 physically fulfilling pre-2007?
- Why did Man Hee Lee later rewrite his own testimony to now say Revelation 18 is not fulfilled?
- Did Man Hee Lee make another false testimony? (spoiler: the evidence says ‘yes, he did’)
But don’t take the word of a stranger on the internet. Read it for yourself! Sources here:
- Creation of Heaven and Earth pdf: Link
- CUBS/JSS article ‘Up to where has the New Covenant Revelation been fulfilled?’: Link
EX-Shincheonji Member
I also heard the explanation of small scale big scale fulfillment. But even if that were true, I think there seems to be another problem.
MHL recently claims that chapters 18, 19, and 20 have yet to fulfill. Since I was in the center more than 10 years ago, it was already taught at that time (until recently) that Revelation was fulfilled up to chapter 19. Because only then was it possible to be invited to the wedding banquet of the lamb in Rev 19. At that time, they taught that God’s oxen and fattened cattle (betrayers and destroyers) have already been slain, so that we can already hear and learn the testimony about the betrayers and destroyers.
As they claim, that the wedding banquet is already there (center), Rev 19 begins with “after this.” So, this means according to SCJ’s own teaching, that Revelation 18 must have been fulfilled before.
How else could we have been invited to the wedding banquet for years if Rev 18 has not yet been fulfilled?
They just seem to destroy their own teaching (“after this” as order in reality). They have already done that in Rev 7.
But I am happy about all contradictions. 😉 So current members can investigate about it and find out that SCJ does not have the highest truth.
Great points! I also remember that the HWPL events were supposed to be the fulfillment of the Wedding Banquet. In 2021, there was a huge emphasis on HWPL events, with instructors saying that HWPL was how the Great Multitude in White would be evangelized into SCJ.
Oh, how things have changed!
EX-Shincheonji Member
The arguments for this I have heard are that it fulfills twice. Big scale and small scale…
Small scale – IIRC it fulfilled in 1988 when SCJ members handed out flyers at the Seoul Olympics exposing the corruption of the SEC (Babylon).
Big scale – only recently they have taught that God will be the one to directly judge all of Babylon.
The above can be true, and I would accept that because his language is vague enough to be reinterpreted, but my question would be why he did not say that from the start? If he wrote down Rev. 18 fulfilled, why later on say it is yet to be fulfilled? I thought he knows all the events?
“He only knows as it fulfills” ….. BS I can make this crap up as it goes along….
Note that the above small scale and big scale is not something I have ever heard from LMH, rather from leaders who are experiencing cognitive dissonance. I don’t think LMH is even aware he made this mistake….
N.B. not defending SCJ. Just showing you their ridiculous counters….
Thanks for the input. Yeah, even when I heard this while I was a member, it came off as a nonsense explanation.
I wonder if SCJ members can answer where in Revelation it says this? What chapter and verse do they use as support? And like you said, why did they never make the distinction beforehand? This small/big scale fulfillment only popped up in the last 1-2 years when SCJ was actively changing its doctrines. There’s no record of it anywhere in MHL’s articles or books before 2020.
It seems like another case of SCJ adding to the words of Revelation. Do they need a refresher on what Rev 22:18-19 says?
You’re misunderstanding Rev. 22:18-19. It applies only to the Christians, not to SCJ or LMH…
I remember it was in a sermon from the previous John tribe leader in 2020 when he was filling in for Mr. Lee! (maybe they need to cancel that doctrine now since he left…)
It was really interesting because he said something along the lines of “we were wrong on this and we are so sorry. We previously taught this and it was wrong.” (this was also in reference to whom the great tribulation would blow upon…)
EX-Shincheonji Member
Do you have the video of it, maybe?…
Oh this is interesting. I wonder if there is a video of this? Or who was the previous John Tribe leader who said this again?
Because he’s simply a liar and didn’t see or hear anything but invented it. Because when he writes a book like he wrote, MHL receives Rev 10 (having eaten the open book), and then says that he became master of Rev just by eating the book, and saw and heard everything from Rev 4 to 22, and is a witness to what he saw and heard of the prophecies and fulfillment he wrote of how Rev should happen. But suddenly the pandemic happens, and he apologizes and says, Oops, it’s not exactly like that anymore, but like this! He is a tremendous liar and it can be said that he has been living in a fantasy world, after being in more than 3 sects after the Korean civil war. It is impossible to believe, and nowadays the Revelation has become so confusing that few remain in SCJ.