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Australia SCJ News: Mini-documentary with testimonies from Perth
Good evening, I am a journalist from Western Australia who got involved in a story about a cult operating here in Perth. From my findings, I have produced a mini-documentary about the group.
In early September, I reached out to Reddit communities to try to understand more about this group. I heard testimonies from ex-members, counsellors, pastors, legal experts, parents, and the community. They all call the group a cult. Parents describe losing their children. Partners describe losing their loved ones, and in some cases, international students can lose their educational visas.
I hope this mini-documentary can bring awareness to Shincheonji’s religious practices.
Comments Section
Fantastic work! Exposing this coercive and dangerous group Shincheonji (SCJ) in Australia 🇦🇺
Great work!!
Awesome! I’ve been waiting for a documentary on this! Great work!
Keep us updated on any new docs you make!
Excellent work
It’s a good documentary… it’s frustrating to not have legal options to hold them accountable as a group. In the end, one is just left to utilise the resources one has to cope with what one went through.
I always see it through a lens of ambiguous action: They do just enough to be distressing, but never enough to either be attributable or be held actionable.