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SCJ SF Region’s New Info Collection Method: “Monthly Home-Group Feedback”
Remember when a Bible study lesson had really spoken to your heart? Like the message was from God and He knew exactly what you needed to hear for that day? However, you later found out that your leaves were the middle people who had gathered your personal info to the instructor. The same info-gathering method also applies when you become an official SCJ member. The constant spying and reporting from other members and leaders are non-stop, even after you became a leader. In the SF region, the leaders devised a new method to achieve their goal with less work. Instead of the leaders being sneaky and trying to casually find out their members’ personal info via conversations, the members can report on themselves. How? Via a so-called “HG Feedback form.”
On the feedback form, SCJ leadership sneaked in 3 suspicious questions within the questionnaires. (Will further explain why at the end):
- “In what way do you feel most connected to your HG? (Check boxes)”
- Group meetings
- In-person or virtual gwalees
- Sharing openly with leaders or JMNs/HJNs
- 1-1 guidance or advice
- Offering service in person
- Having trouble feeling connected
- Other
- “I feel a strong sense of purpose in God’s kingdom when I….”
- Leaf
- Evangelize
- Teach
- Meet with spiritual family
- I have difficulty experiencing a strong sense of purpose
- Other
- “Who do you feel more supported by when you experience any type of difficulty? (Fill in the blank)”
(This is where SCJ wants to know who is the closest to you in order to manipulate that person to prevent you from leaving.)
The feedback info is necessary for GYJNs to be aware of, especially if a member is not ‘connected’ to anyone in the HG or SCJ. It also informs the church that this member is at high risk of leaving SCJ.
Overall, these feedbacks are there to help the leadership improve on their manipulation tactics in order to help ‘maintain’ the weak-faithed members longer. Additionally, these feedbacks are helpful for the IWN/overseers or even GYJNs to “counsel” these members, especially during times when they’re not bearing fruit, not attending services, not being active in telegrams 24/7, or not participating in HG meetings. Isn’t it odd that your leaders know how to tailor their words to your liking during your one-on-one meeting? Yes! The leaders have a script to review before their meeting, and they will report back to the higher-ups. Their main goal is to make you submit in obedience to the SCJ doctrine and their organizational structure. If their manipulation fails, then these leaders will maintain you in an HG as an inactive member who doesn’t need to evangelize; just keeping the basics such as attending service. Now you’re merely a number to them! The leadership only values those who successfully bear fruits (jundo/teach/leaf) and/or tithe.
However, as we know, if someone is not fully committed to the “Opened Word,” this kind of manipulation wouldn’t be helpful in the long term since these ‘weak-faithed’ members will leave regardless of how many fellowships they attend or how much counseling they receive from their leaders. If SCJ leaders have to go through all these tactics to make members stay in SCJ, it really shows that the Holy Spirit is not working with the organization.
Comments Section
Wow, it doesn’t surprise me at all. This is their way of “putting a band-aid on the wound that is the mass exit” of people from SCJ. Since the pandemic, their psychological control diminished. A lot of people like myself woke up from their control and doctrines. I’m thinking they also do not trust their leaders as much anymore, hence the self-reporting.
Yes, the pandemic (which they claim is part of fulfillment) has worked against SCJ, lol. Without in-person contact, the members are less pressured to maintain their cult identity. Plus, members have more time to be with their physical family, which helps them see what normal interactions look like after years of isolation.
LA church and branches had slowly brought back in-person activities, which I believe will cause another mass exodus since people are tired of their b.s.
Oh yeah, that is exactly what happened to me. Even though I fought my doubts for over 2 years of the pandemic, because of this break, I was able to finally rest, eat, have time to myself, and so I was able to reason more and more that I had been a victim of a cult. The doctrine fell apart, and I realized every single interaction I had ever had with anyone there had been manipulated in some way or form.
Away from them, I began to see what peer-to-peer interactions and family interactions are supposed to be. No hidden agendas, just honesty. Like I said, this process took over 2 years during the pandemic for me because I kept fighting my thoughts, as they teach you that you should overcome negative thinking and yourself… Finally, I broke free.
Yes, I can see the exodus is not over. That is why their tactics are desperate now.
Manipulative AF.