A vision revealed by an angel with seven bowls: a beast with seven heads and ten horns, along with an eighth king, and those seated with the Lamb.
[Related Physical Fulfillments]
- Individuals (missionaries) from the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (symbolic bowls) proclaim the wrongdoings of the apostates and destroyers.
- Shincheonji is currently engaged in the battle of Armageddon.
- The fulfillment of the hailstorm (a great hail from heaven, each stone weighing about a talent) is represented by the Chairman, who weighs 60 kilograms.
This chapter is about the last of the three plagues (seals, trumpets, and bowls), the seven bowls. We’ll look at the true figures of the 7 bowls, how the definition of Armageddon has changed over time, and errors about the reality of the hailstones.
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③Four generations (Solomon): 1 million units of wheat (Teacher entered the church in 1979), 3 units of barley (3 people) |
Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
In the past, Shincheonji taught that there was physical fulfillment in this Bible verse, and they taught their names.
Lee ManHee is a measure of wheat and the three people are three measures of barley(marked in red)
Shincheonji’s doctrine of the Revelation requires physical fulfillment. Who are those 3 people?
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Yoon YoHan(missing)
He was in the Tabernacle Temple, former 7educators former (Seoul) James tribe leader There have been rumors that he is dead, but it is not clear whether he is actually dead or alive. He has not been seen in Shincheonji for almost a decade |
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Yoon JaeMyung(died of cancer)
He was in the Tabernacle Temple, former 7 educators |
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Ji JaeSeop(expelled)
He was in the Tabernacle Temple. former Peter tribe leader, suffers from severe dementia |
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It refers to a small group of saints who are one measure of wheat and three stones of barley. These people are like the few people in white robes who came out of Sardis and become the seeds that create the new spiritual Israel. |
A measure of wheat, and three measures of barley refers to a small group of saints. These are the seeds that create a new spiritual Israel, like the few people dressed in white who came out of the Church of Sardis.(underlined in red)
Revelation3:4 Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy
Is it biblical that these people are dying of cancer, missing or expelled?
Current members should ask their leaders, “Who are the members of the ‘small group of saints’?”
In the past, Shincheonji taught that there was physical fulfillment in the 7bowls of Revelation Chapter 16, and they taught their names.
- SSN Lee ManHee
- Hong JongHyo Hong Jong Hyo claimed to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and left the Shincheonji
- Ji JaeSeop He was expelled from Shincheonji
- Lee JongHo He said he did not believe in Shincheonji and left Shincheonji
- Yang EulGyu He left Shincheonji together with Hong Jong-hyo
- Kim DaeWon He worked hard to inform people that Shincheonji was a scam
- Shim JaeKwon He left Shincheonji because the doctrine of reality was not correct.
Shincheonji interprets the bowl as a person. If so, Shincheonji should be able to name that person.
I don’t know what Shincheonji taught recently, but Shincheonji’s doctrine requires physical fulfillment
1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
The more the word is fulfilled, the clearer it should be, but it seems to be getting more and more ambiguous.
Former John tribe leader Choi DongHee
“Does a cow become a pig just because it has a pig’s hair on it?”, he is the tribe leader who taught that even if the physical fulfillment of Shincheonji slightly changes, it does not matter if you look at the bigger picture
The tribe leader who defended Lee ManHee by saying such nonsense was expelled.
current scj members should ask their leaders in detail. It’s not wrong to ask in detail.
Where is Armageddon?
Armageddon, the final battlefield, has changed many times.
And apparently the chairman said that he received the open scroll and ate it and testified to what he saw and heard.
It’s good to think about this: Why do the teachings of a revelation keep changing?
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What we have seen and heard in the little book that God Himself opened regarding what will happen soon in the end times is written in a book according to the commands of the Lord and testified to the churches. Please understand that the outline is described after seeing the scene where all the words that have remained as prophetic gospel until now have been fulfilled.
It is to spread the truth about the completion of revelation based on the six and a half principles. |
So where is Armageddon?
Where will Armageddon be?
The Doctrinal Comparison video says there are actually two places.
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The logic is that any spiritual battlefield today is Armageddon, but it has to be the fulfillment of the sixth bowl event in Revelation 16.
It would be inaccurate to say that the spiritual battlefield is the spiritual warfare of the Tabernacle Temple in Rev. 12 and 13 (there was no such war), or that the Shincheonji fighting Babylon (the Orthodox Church) today is all Armageddon because it is spiritual warfare.
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<The Reality of Revelation> (2005, by Lee Man-hee) states that Armageddon is clearly a heavenly tabernacle temple. |
And an older source, <The Truth About Revelation> (1992, by Lee Man-hee), p.322, says that Armageddon refers to the “gathering of the seven shepherds (seven heads).
We can see that it has changed at least three times.
The Wars in Revelation
One of the fundamental aspects of Shincheonji doctrine is that there is an ongoing war between good and evil, between God and Satan. This war is said to be between good spirits and evil spirits and that these spirits can affect people in the physical world. It is taught that Revelation as a whole can be summarised into one word: war. However, beyond this summary, if we observe the chapters of Revelation in detail it is taught that there are a distinct number of wars within Revelation. As we established above, CHJN saw and heard the physical fulfillment of all the events of the entire Book of Revelation and received the explanation of the events from an angel, and he has perceived the true meaning of Revelation and the realities of its physical fulfillment. As such, CHJN must know the number of wars fought within Revelation right? This is not a small detail. Well, as we will see, CHJN has very clearly changed his testimony, initially testifying that there are two wars in Revelation before changing the number to three and then later claiming the third is an extension of the second to make the final number 2-and-a-half. Let’s take a look at some excerpts from past articles to see how many wars CHJN used to teach there were:
‘We, the People of Shincheonji, Have Been Created According to God’s Promise, the New Testament’ (361128 – 28 Feb 2019)
Revelation is what Jesus prophesied and it will end after everything fulfills. What has to be fulfilled are the two wars between God and the devil, the betrayal of the chosen people, and the destruction brought to the chosen people who betrayed by the destroyers. When Jesus the savior and the promised pastor fight and win against the army of the devil, the enemy, then comes the salvation, power, and the kingdom of our God (Rev 12).
Note the reference is Rev 12 confirming that this last sentence is again referring to the two wars, not to some third war in Rev 16 or 18.
‘The Testimony of the Physical Fulfillment (Physical Entities) of Revelation in the New Testament’ (361208 – 8 Dec 2019)
This is the testimony of the physical fulfillment of Rv 1-22. […] There were two wars between those who belong to God and those who belong to the devil. During these wars, the betrayers, destroyers, and saviors appear and they fight each other. The first war was won by the devil, and the second war is won by God.
One could claim that the third war is not mentioned here because it hadn’t taken place at the time this article was written. However, this article also gives a summary of all the events of Revelation including those which haven’t taken place such as the first resurrection in Rev 20, and yet it doesn’t mention any third war. Instead, it indicates that Rev 16, 17, and 18 have already been fulfilled. Regardless of any argument of small/large scale fulfillment for Rev 16, 17 and 18 what is important is that just as in the previous article, CHJN teaches there are two wars in Revelation.
The following is a brief summary of the events across the chapters of Revelation and their fulfilment. […]
This is why Jesus and those who overcame judged Babylon, the kingdom of the false doctrines. Hence, the CCK has practically came to its end. They are the physical entities of fulfillment of Rv 16, 17, and 18.
In these past articles CHJN is teaching there are two wars in Revelation. Then, let’s take a look at more recent articles to see if the number of wars remains consistent. Again, if CHJN truly did see all the events of Revelation then his testimony should not change.
‘The work that Jesus and promised pastor should do in the New testament’ (370512 – 12 Apr 2020)
These three beings appear and have a war at the time of fulfillment of Revelation.
1st war was the war in Rev 13, 2nd war was the war of Rev 12, and 3rd war was the war of Rev 16,18. The world does not know that because these wars are the spiritual war between churches.
‘Two women and their children from the Revelation’ (370514 – 14 Apr 2020)
The former belongs to God and the latter belongs to the devil, and these two groups fought in Rev 13, 12 and 16. The first war was Rev 13, the second war was Rev 12, and the third war was Rev 16.
‘God who is self-existent’ (371207 – 12 Dec 2020)
Wars take place in Rv 13, Rv 12, and Rv 16 (first war, second war, third war).
In the above articles CHJN is teaching that there are three wars, even though he used to teach there were only two. If he really saw all the events of Revelation why would he not teach there are three wars from the start? Or, if he didn’t know about the third war until it’s fulfillment how can he claim to have seen all the events of the entire Book of Revelation? He doesn’t claim to have seen all the events that have been fulfilled so far, he claims he received the vision of all the events from Rev 1 to Rev 22 and received the explanation from an angel, which is how he is able to identify the fulfillment when it takes place. It seems that CHJN also found this third war odd and decided to backtrack and say it is actually an extension of the second war.
‘The Beginning, End, Objective, and War of Jesus’ Second Coming’ (380122 – 22 Jan 2021)
The obstruction of [God’s] work, and the first and second round of the war: the first round of the war is Rv 13, and the second round of the war is Rv 12 and Rv 16 (Rv 16 can be seen as the third round of the war). Who won? God won. When the war is won, judgment begins.
It’s almost as if CHJN himself is confused about how many wars there should be, initially teaching there are two (Rv 13, Rv 12) then adding a third (Rv 16) before finally settling on two and a half (Rv 13, Rv 12 & Rv 16).