The secretive sect infiltrating NZ and the South Pacific | Part 1

by ichthus

Allegations of control, coercion, and deception surround Shincheonji, a rapidly growing South Korean religious group with a significant presence in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Investigated by Indira Stewart and the 1News team on TVNZ+, a media outlet based in New Zealand, the report features interviews with current and former members, revealing contrasting perspectives on the church’s practices. The investigation explores claims of deceptive recruitment tactics, intense control over members’ lives, and the manipulation of scripture, while also highlighting concerns about Shincheonji’s targeting of Pacific Islander communities due to their strong social bonds. By incorporating various testimonies, the video presents a balanced view, allowing viewers to form their own conclusions about the church that many say is a cult.

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[00:00] The video discusses the impact of a secretive sect, Shincheonji, on Pacific Islanders, focusing on personal testimonies and the group’s teachings.
– Introduction to the identity and the significance of community among Pacific Islanders.}
– Shincheonji’s outreach efforts to the Pasifika population, emphasizing their responsiveness to the group’s teachings.}
– Panina, a 32-year-old of Samoan descent, shares her initial skepticism about Shenzhen-G and her journey to understanding its teachings.}
– Panina highlights the clarity she found in Shincheonji’s biblical teachings compared to her previous church experiences.}
– Panina mentions her family members who have also joined the church, indicating its influence within her family.}

[03:23] The video discusses the increasing influence of a secretive sect, specifically the Shinchonji Church, in New Zealand and the South Pacific, highlighting its controlling environment and deceptive practices.
– Introduction to the secretive sect and its practices.}
– Personal experiences of individuals revealing the cult-like nature of the sect.}
– The gradual infiltration of Shinchonji into peaceful communities and churches.}
– Discussion of Lee Man-hee, the leader of Shinchonji, and the sect’s global following.}
– Concerns about theological distortions and the difficulty in discerning them.}

[06:41] This section delves into the experiences of individuals involved with the Shincheonji movement, highlighting the high level of control exerted by the organization and the psychological pressure on its members.
– Discussion about the influence of biblical teachings within the organization.}
– An ex-member reflects on how their life was dominated by meetings and the lack of personal time.}
– The characteristics of a cult are outlined, emphasizing the unquestionable authority of its leader and ideology.}
– Lee Man-hee’s claims about being the sole interpreter of the Bible and the dangers of outside influences are presented.}
– The investigation into Shenzhen Ji begins, revealing the organization’s initial willingness to cooperate but later reluctance to address allegations.}

[09:59] The video discusses the infiltration of a controversial sect, Shincheonji, into Pacific Island churches in New Zealand, highlighting the concerns of local church leaders and the challenges faced by the Pacific community.
– The importance of providing a balanced perspective on the sect’s influence is emphasized.}
– Several Pacific Island churches have formed agreements with Tien Shan Ji, leading to unexpected reactions among church leaders.}
– A pastor recounts a personal encounter with members of Shincheonji and expresses his concerns about their intentions.}
– The video explores why the sect targets Pacific communities, noting their close-knit nature and the potential for rapid recruitment.}
– The Pacific population is identified as a rapidly growing demographic within the church, raising alarm about their vulnerability to sect influence.}

[13:22] The video explores the inner workings and beliefs of the Shincheonji church, focusing on its sanctuary, leadership, and practices, as well as the personal experiences of its members.
– Introduction to the church’s main worship space, described as clean and empty.}
– Lee Man Hee, the founder of Shincheonji, is introduced along with his controversial reputation among followers.}
– A member shares their personal journey, having left a nursing career to volunteer full-time for the church.}
– The member discusses evangelism efforts and the restrictions on discussing specific details about their outreach.}
– The interview is interrupted, indicating the presence of oversight from church representatives during discussions.}

[16:39] The discussion revolves around the practice of tithing within a religious context, personal experiences of financial management while being involved in the church, and the perception of the organization as a cult.
– Introduction to the concept of tithing, where members are encouraged to donate 10% of their income to the church.}
– Personal testimonies of individuals navigating financial challenges while maintaining their commitment to tithing.}
– A member reflects on their autonomy and choice in participating in the church, contrasting their experience with claims of cult-like pressure.}
– Discussion about the church’s practices, including the presence of ‘maintainers’ who are already part of the organization but pretend to be newcomers during recruitment.}

[19:59] The video discusses the recruitment process and internal dynamics of the Shincheonji church, focusing on the Bible course that new members must complete and the organization’s approach to truth and deception.
– Introduction to the timeline of joining the church and completing the Bible course.}
– Recruits must finish an 8-month Bible course before becoming full members.}
– The church’s perspective on lying, where deception is justified if it serves God’s will.}
– A culture of reporting exists within the church, where members constantly monitor and report on each other.}
– Concerns about privacy and the uncomfortable nature of constant surveillance among members.}

Shincheonji Church of Jesus in the South Pacific

Main Themes:

  • Secretive Infiltration: Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a South Korean religious group, is actively recruiting members within Pacific Islander communities in New Zealand and the South Pacific.
  • Controversial Practices: The church employs questionable tactics, including deception and manipulation, to attract and retain followers, raising concerns about its nature as a potential cult.
  • Exploitation of Pacific Culture: The church appears to target Pacific Islanders specifically, leveraging their strong community ties and cultural respect for elders.
  • Internal Control: Ex-members allege a high level of control within the church, including demands for constant reporting, limitations on personal time, and social isolation from those outside the group.

Key Individuals:

  • Lee Man-hee: Founder and leader of Shincheonji, convicted in 2021 of embezzlement and obstruction of public affairs. Considered by followers to be the sole interpreter of the Bible and potentially immortal.
  • Christe: Leader of Shincheonji New Zealand, initially unwilling to engage with media but eventually agreed to an off-the-record meeting.
  • Alistair: Former journalist and current PR representative for Shincheonji, actively managing the church’s image and communication with the media.
  • Laura: Former senior leader of Shincheonji, left the church and now considers it a cult due to its controlling environment and deceitful practices.
  • Panina: Current member of Shincheonji who initially believed it to be a cult but joined after attending Bible studies. Awarded for evangelism efforts by Lee Man-hee.
  • Jared: Young member who left his nursing career to become a full-time volunteer for Shincheonji, highlighting the level of commitment expected from followers.

Important Facts and Quotes:

  • Recruitment Tactics: “They are encouraged to lie to families and to friends um in order to maintain uh their connection with Xian XI.” – Laura, former senior leader.
  • Targeting Pacific Islanders: “It was a goal of theirs to reach out to the Pacifica population because they will be more responsive to this teaching.” – Unidentified speaker. “Are Pacific people the fastest growing demographic in the church? Yes, definitely.” – Unidentified speaker.
  • Control and Reporting: “I had to uh report on my daily schedule… ask permission to see my family… that is a really controlling environment.” – Laura, former senior leader.
  • Use of “Maintainers”: “A big part of the um Bible study is that they have members who are called maintainers… who uh actually part of shin chunji but they pretend that their first time learning it just like you.” – Laura, former senior leader.
  • Justification of Lies: “In Shincheonji a lie isn’t necessarily a lie a lie could be considered wisdom if it’s um being told to fulfill God’s will.” – Unidentified speaker.
  • Financial Demands: “I tithe so I’ve also saved up an amount from working in the world as well and U I’m living on a on a budget and I I TI what I can when I can.” – Jared, current member.


  • Cult-like Behavior: The use of deception, manipulation, control tactics, and isolation from external influences raises significant concerns about the potentially harmful nature of Shincheonji.
  • Impact on Pacific Communities: The targeted recruitment of Pacific Islanders, who often hold deep trust in their communities and religious leaders, could have a damaging impact on families and social structures.
  • Lack of Transparency: The reluctance of Shincheonji leaders to engage openly with media and answer questions directly further fuels suspicions about their practices and motives.

Further Research:

  • Investigate the theological beliefs and teachings of Shincheonji to understand their deviations from mainstream Christianity.
  • Examine the legal and ethical implications of Shincheonji’s recruitment practices and alleged manipulation.
  • Explore the experiences of other former members and their perspectives on the church’s impact on their lives.
  • Analyze the strategies employed by Pacific churches to counter the influence of Shincheonji and protect their communities.


This video highlights the alarming rise of Shincheonji Church of Jesus within Pacific Islander communities. Further investigation is crucial to understand the full extent of their operations, assess the potential risks, and develop strategies to protect vulnerable individuals. The alleged deceptive tactics, exploitation of cultural values, and controlling environment raise serious concerns about the well-being of current and potential members.

This timeline is based on the video “The secretive sect infiltrating NZ and the South Pacific | Part 1,” focusing on events related to the Shincheonji church’s activities in New Zealand and the South Pacific.

Unknown Dates (Before 2015):

  • Founding of Shincheonji: Lee Man-hee founds the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in 1984.
  • Global Expansion: Shincheonji begins to expand globally, including into the Pacific region.
  • Establishment in New Zealand: Shincheonji establishes a presence in New Zealand, operating under various names including “New Heaven New Earth.”


  • Laura Joins: Laura joins Shincheonji and becomes a senior leader.


  • Memorandums of Understanding: Over two dozen Pacific churches in New Zealand sign Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Shincheonji.


  • Lee Man-hee Conviction: Lee Man-hee is convicted of embezzling $8 million of church funds and obstructing public affairs.

August 2022:

  • Panina Joins Bible Course: Panina sees an ad on social media and joins a free Bible course offered by Shincheonji.

August 2022 (Start of Investigation):

  • Initial Interviews: Shincheonji is initially willing to put forward members for interviews for the investigative report.
  • Interview Requests: Repeated requests are made over three months to interview Christe, the leader of Shincheonji New Zealand.

October 4th, 2022:

  • Panina Interview: Panina is interviewed for the investigative report.

October 20th, 2022:

  • Shincheonji Attempts to Halt Story: At 10:30 p.m., Alistair, Shincheonji’s PR person, asks to meet with the reporter to request that the story be pulled.
  • Reporter Refuses: The reporter refuses to pull the story and also refuses to disclose the identities of other interviewees and the information they provided.

October 21st, 2022 (Morning):

  • Meeting with Aola: The reporter meets with senior Shincheonji leader Aola.

October 21st, 2022 (Later):

  • Invitation to Temple: Shincheonji invites the reporter to their temple in Auckland to interview a Bible instructor and promises access to a senior spokesperson.

October/November 2022 (Approximately):

  • Panina Completes Bible Course: Panina completes the eight-month Bible course.

April 2023 (Approximately):

  • Panina Officially Joins Church: Panina officially becomes a member of Shincheonji.

Undisclosed Date (Likely After April 2023):

  • Graduation Ceremony in Korea: Panina is awarded a certificate of evangelism at a graduation ceremony in Korea, presided over by Lee Man-hee, for recruiting 14 members.
  • Discrepancy in Timeline: The dates provided by Panina regarding her involvement with Shincheonji appear inconsistent, raising questions about the accuracy of the information and the possibility of her role as a “maintainer.”
  • Late-Night Meeting with Christe: The reporter receives a late-night text from Alistair informing her that Christe is available to meet immediately. The reporter reschedules for the following morning.
  • McDonald’s Meeting: The reporter meets with Christe at a McDonald’s, but Christe declines a formal interview, opting for an informal chat instead.
  • Interview with Jared: The reporter interviews Jared, a young man who left his nursing career to become a full-time volunteer for Shincheonji. The interview is interrupted several times by Shincheonji’s PR person and a senior member.

Cast of Characters

  • Lee Man-hee: The founder and leader of Shincheonji. Convicted in 2021 of financial crimes and obstruction of justice. Viewed as a messianic figure by followers.
  • Christe: The leader of Shincheonji New Zealand. Avoided multiple interview requests before eventually agreeing to a brief, informal meeting.
  • Aola: A senior leader in Shincheonji New Zealand who met with the reporter.
  • Alistair Cter: Shincheonji’s public relations person and a former journalist. Acted as a gatekeeper for interview requests and attempted to halt the publication of the story.
  • Laura: A former senior leader of Shincheonji who joined in 2015 and later left. Describes the organization as a cult with controlling practices.
  • Panina America: A Shincheonji member who initially joined a free Bible course and later became a member. Received an evangelism award for recruiting 14 members. The timeline of her involvement raises questions about potential deception and the role of “maintainers” in Shincheonji’s recruitment process.
  • Jared (also known as Thon): A 27-year-old Shincheonji member who gave up his nursing career to become a full-time volunteer for the church. Describes his experience as positive and emphasizes personal choice.
  • Pastor Chris Soler: A pastor of a Pacific church in New Zealand who attended a workshop about Shincheonji. Identified and turned away three Shincheonji members attempting to infiltrate his church.

This timeline and cast of characters offer a glimpse into the activities and key individuals involved with Shincheonji in New Zealand and the South Pacific. The video highlights concerns about the church’s recruitment tactics, its hierarchical structure, and the influence of its leader, Lee Man-hee.

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