To summarize Revelation chapters 12 and 13:
And the beast with seven heads and ten horns entered into heaven, into the tabernacle, and was given authority to work forty-two months.
He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead,
so that no one could buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.(666)
The future ruler of the nations, born to a woman clothed with sun, moon, and stars, fought and defeated the dragons.
The woman clothed with the sun, moon, and stars raised for 1260 days in the prepared place.
Physical Fulfillment for Revelation 12
- The Stewardship education center destroyed the Tabernacle Temple (Teaching so-called Babylon’s teachings).
- Appointed 17 evangelists to pastors with single ordination, and sent them to the Tabernacle Temple’s branch churches as leaders.
- Tabernacle Temple’s believers raise their hands on the year, month, day, and hour listed in Rev 9:15 and declare that they believe in the Westminster Standards of Theology.
- The Chairman and his companions testified against apostates and destroyers at the pastor installation ceremony.
- Yoo Jae-yeol studied for 42 months (3.5 years) at Westminster Theological Seminary, USA (later revised).
The Stewardship Education Center did not have 7 heads
First, the SEC only visited the event for about two hours, and second, the Stewardship Education Center does not even have 7 pastors to begin with.
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Stewardship education center Director : Tak Sung-hwan Vice director : Kim Jung-doo Oh Pyeong-ho, Kim Bong-kwan |
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Stewardship education center Director : Tak Sung-hwan Vice director : Kim Jung-doo Oh Pyeong-ho, Kim Bong-kwan, Han Eui-taek, Won-Se-ho |
At most, there are only 5 people.
So how do we make sense of the two people who aren’t mentioned by name?
- Mr. Tak Myung-hwan is not affiliated with the Stewardship Education Center, but is a guest lecturer and a supporter of the Center.
- Mr. Baek Dong-seop is also not affiliated with the Stewardship Education Center and never participated in the installation ceremony. However, his (Mr. Baek) son filed a defamation lawsuit against Shincheonji.
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Plaintiff: Baek Sung-deok (son of Baek Dong-seob) Defendant: Shincheonji and 1 others |
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In the past, seven shepherds from the Christian Stewardship Education Center were taught by Won Se-ho, Kim Jeong-du, Kim Bong-gwan, Tak Seong-hwan, Oh Pyeong-ho, and Tak Myeong-hwan at Oriental Medical School. However, currently, Won Se-ho, Kim Jeong-du, Kim Bong-gwan, Tak Seong-hwan, Tak Myeong-hwan, Oriental Medicine Taek, Baek Dong-seop are teaching the revised doctrine. What is noteworthy is that Baek Dong-seop and Tak Myung-hwan are not affiliated with the Christian Stewardship Education Center, and pastors from the Christian Stewardship Education Center have never entered Yoo Jae-yeol’s Tabernacle Temple to carry out a purification campaign. Additionally, Shincheonji said in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation that the beast that came up from the sea and the beast that came up from the land were Oh Pyeong-ho and Lee Cho-ju, but has now changed its doctrine to Tak Seong-hwan and Oh Pyeong-ho. |
They used to teach the 7 shepherds of the stewardship education center as Won Se-ho, Kim Bong-kwan, Tak Sung-hwan, Oh Pyeong -ho, Tak Myung-hwan and Han Eui-taek. However, they now teach them as Won Se-ho, Kim Jung-doo, Kim Bong-kwan, Tak Sung Hwan, Tak Myung-hwan, Han Eui-taek, and Baek Dong-seop.
It is noteworthy that Baek Dong-seop and Tak Myung-hwan are not affiliated with the Stewardship Education Center, and the pastors of the Stewardship Education Center have never entered Tabernacle Temple to “purify cultism.
Was the Stewardship Education a “counter-cult” ministry?
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1. The stewardship program’s target audience: Sound/legitimate Pastors & Clergy.
2. “Those interested please apply”, the training program is voluntary and requires payment to participate. 3. To teach pastors how to steward (look after, manage and lead) their churches. |
The purpose of the Stewardship Education Center wasn’t to promote Calvinism, but instead help churches grow and prosper through proper leadership and church structure.
The Stewardship Education Center was not destroyed by 1991
Here’s a published book by the Stewardship Education Center in 1995, 4 years after they were supposedly “destroyed”.
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Beast of the Earth Changed
Who is the reality of the beast of the earth in Rev 13:11? If you are a particularly diligent SCJ member you might have thought of Q49 of the Examination to put “the new covenant we must keep” into action (75Q):
- ① Who is the beast “666”? ② Who figuratively represents this beast? ③ Who is its actual entity? ④ Which kingdom does it come from? ⑤ What does it do?
Answer> ① The beast that came out of the earth
② Solomon
③ Oh ○ Ho
④ The tabernacle of the chosen people, Babylon
⑤ Sets up an image and makes the congregation receive the mark of the beast
The reality of the beast of the earth is said to be Mr. Oh, full name Oh Pyeong-Ho. But if we look at the book ‘Revelation’s Reality’ published in December 1985 it says that the beast of the earth is one of the 17 evangelists turned pastors.
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And by having one of the 17 new pastors stand on the pulpit as a representative to give a benediction, the young-beast (sheep) that was ordained by the beast was brought up from the earth to the platform |
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And by having one of the 17 new pastors stand on the pulpit as a representative to give a benediction, the young-beast (sheep) that was ordained by the beast was brought up from the earth to the platform. |
It says that one of the 17 evangelists is the beast of the earth, but Oh Pyeong-Ho is not one of the 17 evangelists? We can check the 17 names above and confirm. Then who is the beast of the earth in this book? It says it was the pastor who gave the prayer of benediction, then let’s look at the ceremony paper to see who this was.
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Blue box translation: Benediction … appointed pastor … Pastor Lee Cho-joo
Note on translation: If you use a translation software to translate these sentences it may give a slightly different wording, such as “blessed/blessing” instead of “benediction” or “ground” instead of “earth”. However, the meaning should not change. For example, 축도 means “benediction” and we can see that it appears in all three images above as 축도를, 축도한, and 축도. The suffixes do not change the meaning of the word. But because benediction means a prayer of blessing, and the full Korean word for benediction is 축복 기도 literally meaning “blessing prayer”, it is possible to translate 축도 and it’s variants as “blessing”. By considering all the sentences together we can understand that it’s not saying the pastor who blessed the 17 new pastors was the beast of the earth, but that the pastor who blessed the congregation, i.e. the pastor who gave the benediction was the beast of the earth. |
We can see from these excerpts that in 1985 CHJN was teaching that Lee Cho-joo was the beast of the earth, but now he has changed the fulfillment and is teaching that Oh Pyeong-Ho is the beast of the earth. Let’s not forget Rev 22:18-19.
The 17 so-called idols were formal seminary graduates, not, as Lee Man-hee testified, ordained as pastors in a single ordination.
This is a transcript of Oh Pyeong-ho’s court statement.
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Q: During the Pastor Installation Ceremony, 17 members of the Tabernacle Temple were selected to be ordained as pastors, correct?
A: They were ordained because they had studied the faith and passed the ministerial examination. Q: If you’re not ordained, you can’t preach, right? A: Those who are ordained are those who have passed the examination. |
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Q: Who ordained the pastor at the installation ceremony?
A: The ordination is done by the central presbytery. Q: If it’s done by the presbytery, then even if pastor Baek Dong-seop came, he doesn’t have the right to ordain? A: Yes. |
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<Shincheonji Development History> “Then an oath was taken before the presbytery. Then all the saints stood up and raised their right hands and took the oath, which was to answer “yes” to the seven questions of the presbytery.
Then the seventeen evangelists of the Tabernacle Temple were made to kneel before the pulpit, and a Presbyterian minister was ordained by laying his hands once upon their foreheads. This is known as receiving the mark on the right hand and forehead. We have been taught in Revelation movies and in practical training that all the saints raise their right hand and all say ‘Amen’ according to the Westminster Standards to receive the mark of the beast. As you can see in the bulletin, only the ordained pastors are required to answer ‘yes’ to the above question, and there is no way for the congregation to stand up and raise their hands together and receive the mark on their foreheads. |
Lee Manhee never met Mr. Oh
He was imprisoned in 1980 and released in February 1981, and we have been taught that he was unable to testify because he was on probation. (For reference, we have been taught that the time of imprisonment plus probation is three and a half years = three and a half days).
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According to the doctrine of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji), the period of time Man-hee Lee fought against the Stewardship Training Center to become the winner was 42 months (September 1980 to March 1984). So, it is said that Shincheonji fought with the Stewardship Training Institute for 42 months through words. However, in Lee Man-hee’s reality doctrine, it is said that there was a period of time during which Lee Man-hee died when he could not testify the word. “As already recorded, the two witnesses were arrested by the prosecution and sentenced to 100 days in prison. One thing we must understand here is that the body was not allowed to be buried for three and a half days. To conclude, the prohibition of burying the bodies of the two witnesses does not refer to killing the bodies or locking them in a prison cell for three and a half years, which is equivalent to three and a half days. The two witnesses began and finished their evidence. Since he was arrested in October of that year, he was actually released in February of the following year. However, when he was released, he received a suspended sentence of two and a half years, so the term of punishment was three and a half years. The term “killed” did not mean physical death, but he was placed in a dead position because he was suspended from testifying the Word.” (Lee Man-hee’s ‘The Truth of the Book of Revelation’) Man-hee Lee entered prison. The ‘period of death’ during which he could not testify the Word was three and a half years, from October 1980 to February 1984. The history of Shincheonji also says the same thing. “After the probationary period for sentencing ended on February 7, 1984, I began to testify again from then on. I published the book ‘The Greatest Concern of Humanity (Religious World Concern)’ announcing apostasy and destruction, and testified like a trumpet to the whole world.” (Shincheonji’s ‘Shincheonji Development History’) 100 |
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In other words, Lee Man-hee was unable to testify the word during his death period, and only after the end of the probation period did he testify the word. Moreover, Lee Man-hee says that the period of death of three and a half years coincides with the period of destruction of forty-two months. “This evidence was more unpleasant for them to hear than death. That is why the two witnesses were put under Caesar’s law to prevent them from saying this. Therefore, they were brought to the court of Pilate on the pretext of defamation, and were released from prison with a suspended sentence (three and a half years). This period is 4 2 months, the time of the foreign beast. In this way, the Gentiles trampled on them as they pleased for 42 months, and the two witnesses were Caesar’s mission to prophesy for 1,260 days. He was put to death by law. The term “dead” does not mean physical death, but it refers to the death of the missionary for three years. (Lee Man-hee’s ‘The Truth of the Book of Revelation’) It is said that Lee Man-hee was unable to testify the word for 42 months, but during the same period, he fought against the Stewardship Education Institute and won. |
And Oh Pyeong-ho also said that he had never met the chairman..
And Mr. Oh Pyeong-ho, who has never met the Chairman, said that he was frustrated and asked for an open discussion. Below is the interview with Mr. Oh.
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I once came to Pastor Moon’s installation ceremony when superstition, the area of greatest interest, developed. Answer: There is the appointment of a pastor, but in 1980, in the Joint Conservative Central Road, the appointment of a pastor is under the jurisdiction of the presbytery, so pastors belonging to both presbyteries participated. At that time, the relationship between the Central Presbytery and the Stewardship Training Center was that Pastor Jeong-du Kim and Pastor Seong-hwan Park were both members of the same Central Presbytery. And Oh P And Mr. C…I came to the installation ceremony because I am a member of the Central Presbytery, not because I belong to Stewardship Church. Q: Then, haven’t pastors Park Seong-hwan and Kim Jeong-du ever come to the tabernacle temple and provided education for 42 months? There is no answer at all. Pastor Baek Dong-seop Moon has never entered the Tabernacle Temple or trespassed against its will. There is no answer at all. Q&A Q Are you saying you have never seen or met Lee Man-hee in your life? Answer: Has President Lee Man-hee ever gone to the Tabernacle Temple and fought with the witnesses and the 7 pastors of the Stewardship Training Center, shouting that they are ruiners and beasts of the earth? Not at all. As I said before, I have never seen or met Chairman Lee Man-hee until this very moment. yes. Moon Man-hee Lee did not come to the tabernacle temple for 3-4 days and shout, “You are ruiners and beasts” and ask questions in response. yes. Was there ever a time in the Temple of the Tabernacle when Kim Chang-do, Kim Young-ae’s son, and others assaulted Man-hee Lee, injuring not only his nose and teeth, but also his knee joints? Answer: I don’t know anything about that. |
The Stewardship Training Institute cannot fulfill the 42-month period of destruction because it was founded on October 1, 1980
To fulfill the 42-month period from September 80, when the 7 heads did the work of destruction, to March 14, 84, the beginning of salvation, the Stewardship Training Institute must have been established at least before September 80.
In the Physical fulfillment training, it was said that Oh Pyung-ho was not strong enough and brought in a large outside force, the Stewardship Education Center, and the 42 months of destruction began. According to the 천지일보(SCJ’s front group) article below, the Stewardship Education Center stood on the podium of the Tabernacle Temple in March 80 and was also active in September 80 (the beginning of the period of destruction).
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This period was March 1980, when the seven shepherds of the Stewardship Training Center, the destroyers, entered the tabernacle temple and stood on the altar. |
Yoo never went to Westminister – SCJ backtracking another “fulfillment”
As apart of the fulfillment of Revelation 12, it used to be taught that Yu fled to the desert, and then went to the West Minister seminary school.
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<The Development of Shincheonji, p. 44>> In late October 1980, Yoo Jae-yeol traveled to the United States to study. He earned a PhD in theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in the United States and returned three and a half years later in 1984.. |
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He entered Westminster Theological Seminary, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in the United States, and returned in 1984 with a doctorate. |
Shincheonji said that Mr. Yoo went to Westminster Theological Seminary for his training. However, here’s what the West Minister Theology school admissions said:
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When this came to surface, how did SCJ excuse this discrepancy?
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Lee Man-hee: “Regarding Yoo Jae-yeol, I didn’t see if he was a Ph.D., I didn’t follow him to the U.S. He said so, so I said so, I said the right thing.” |
Even during my “fulfillment training”, it was explicitly taught that Yu went to Westminister for theology training. If Lee Manhee truly was receiving the “revealed word” and “fulfillment” from God and Jesus, why would both God and Jesus allow such a blatant “misunderstanding” to run rampant for close to 40 years?
The Original Tabernacle Temple was “Destroyed” before the SEC
There is a description of a seven-headed, ten-horned beast coming up out of the sea and trampling on heaven, the tabernacle (Rev. 13:6). To understand this in practical terms, the destruction can only happen if the tabernacle temple exists, but as we know from the pastor’s ordination announcement, the tabernacle temple has already been destroyed, and only two pastors from the Stewardship Education Center have briefly attended the installation ceremony since the church was changed to the Church of Isaac.
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On the day of the pastor’s installation service, the Tabernacle Temple was destroyed, first by 90 percent and then by the rest. The Tabernacle Temple worshipers were forced to relocate elsewhere. |
And in the Shincheonji booklet, <Religious World Interests>, it says that the Tabernacle Temple collapsed after the pastor installation ceremony. However, if you look at the bottom of the installation ceremony bulletin, you will see that the installation ceremony took place after the location was moved to Moonwon-dong, not Makgye-ri. This part was also manipulated and taught in this way.
The Evolving Explanation of the “Beast of the Earth”
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The truth about the Book of Revelation
Written by Lee Man-hee |
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In contrast to the fact that the first beast came from the sea, this beast came from the land. And the fact that there are two of them and that they look like lambs is interesting. However, we must note that he clearly speaks like a dragon.
And the fact that this beast is said to be like a lamb means that it originally belonged to the form of God and was raised by shepherds. It is said that he came up from the ground, and in the story, it is said that he was specially selected by receiving silver from an animal (and receiving authority). These 17 pastors were all selected from among the believers, and in fact, those who did not have any qualifications to be ordained were ordained through a unilateral decision of the General Assembly. And by having one of the 17 new pastors represent him on the pulpit and give the three-way benediction, the baby lamb that had been ordained by the beast was brought up from the ground to the podium. Apostle John was a messenger who looked into what happened 2,000 years later through a vision. |
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Complete Explanation of Revelation
Spokesperson Lee Man-hee |
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156 Complete Explanation of the Book of Revelation
4. The beast that came up from the ground In verse 11, it is written that the beast comes up from the ground. Here, the earth refers to the body and the saints. Therefore, it means that one of the saints below the platform goes up to the platform where the seven heads of the dragon stand. |
Then Shincheonji said: Oh Pyeong-ho (who was then taught as one of the seven heads of the beast from the sea) was a beast from the earth.
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The Reality of Revelation
Written by Lee Man-hee |
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So who is this priest? One of the two team members in the text is Seung-Seo Kim, one of the king mirrors who invaded the Temple of the Tabernacle of God from the sea. The other beast that came up from the room betrayed the photo parking lot in the land that was the temple and came in from the sea like Judas Iscariot and Solomon (1 Kings 11). |
And now they’re rewording it a little bit to make it more ambiguous.
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Prophecy and Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation
Witness Lee Man-hee, the Sponsor |
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So who are these beasts? Of the two beasts, the beast that came up from the sea is one of the seven heads (shepherds) who came to God’s tabernacle temple, and the other beast that came up from the ground was an only chosen people from the tabernacle temple, like Gabujudah and Solomon (1 Kings 11:), but it is the beast that came from the sea and became one with the shepherd of a foreign god, who betrayed the Lord and the tabernacle. Therefore, the beast that came from the sea and the beast that came up from the earth became one, just as the high priest Caiaphas and Judas Iscariot became one, and it was also like Daltam and Solomon became one. |
Then it was completely reversed in <The Creation> and <The Reality of Revelation>.
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Creation of Heaven and Earth |
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The beast that comes up out of the earth is united with the beast that comes up out of the sea to destroy the tabernacle, but they are not of the same organization.
The beast that came up out of the sea came out of the world (the sea) into the tabernacle, but the beast that came up out of the earth was already in the tabernacle (the earth). |
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The Reality of the Book of Revelation |
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The beast that came up out of the earth is the “shepherd of the tabernacle temple,” who is one with the beast that came up out of the sea. |
The installation ceremony was held at the Isaac Central Church (formerly the Tabernacle Temple).
This should have been noted in the bulletin or by whoever was in charge at the time, but it was not.
In the video below, Mr. Pyeong Ho Oh, the then president of Isaac’s Church, repeatedly testifies that no elders were appointed.
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Q : Have the Witnesses(Oh Pyeong-ho) ever ordained 10 Tabernacle elders as elders in the Presbyterian Church?
A : Not at all. |