Revelation 6: The Four Horses, Sun Moon and Stars, and the 7 Seals

by Chris

The Content of this Article was taken from the Real SCJ Notion Website

Recap of Revelation 6

The White Horse: “And I saw, and behold, a white horse; and the one who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him. He went forth conquering and to conquer.”

  1. The White Horse: “And I saw, and behold, a white horse; and the one who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him. He went forth conquering and to conquer.”
  2. The Red Horse: “And another horse went out, fiery red, and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth so that people would slay one another. A great sword was given to him.”
  3. The Black Horse: “When the third seal was opened, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come and see.’ I looked, and behold, a black horse, and the one who sat on it held a pair of scales in his hand.”
  4. The Pale Horse: “I looked, and behold, a pale horse. The name of the one who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with famine, with plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.”
  5. The Fifth Seal: “When the fifth seal was opened, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they upheld. They cried out with a loud voice, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?'”
  6. The Sixth Seal: “I looked when the sixth seal was opened, and behold, there was a great earthquake. The sun turned black as sackcloth made of hair, the moon became like blood, and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its unripe figs when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.”

The White Horse (Revelation 6:2)

The white horse in Revelation 6 is a parable that symbolizes the flesh being used by a spirit to carry out God’s judgment. The rider of the white horse is Jesus in his spiritual form. New John, the promised pastor of the New Testament and advocate for Jesus, is the flesh that Jesus uses like a horse. The bow the rider carries is the word of judgment.

Zechariah 6 describes four chariots, each with horses of a different color. This passage is often read alongside Revelation 6 because of the similar events of horses appearing. The white horse, along with the red, black, and pale horses, are not meant to be taken literally, but rather represent groups of horses that make up the heavenly host. Each group has a different duty as commanded by the archangels, who act on the commands of Jesus. The white horse and rider are judging the tabernacle that betrayed God.

The Red Horse (Revelation 6:4)

The red horse symbolizes the flesh used to carry out the second archangel’s commands. The rider represents the spirit who controls the flesh. The rider takes peace from the earth, which means the people of the tabernacle turn against each other, causing hatred and violence within the church. The large sword the rider carries is a parable for the word of judgment used by God to create conflict within the tabernacle.

The Black Horse (Revelation 6:5-6)

The black horse in Revelation 6 is a parable for the flesh and spirit that carry out God’s judgment according to the command of the third archangel. The rider of the black horse uses a balance scale, which symbolizes God’s word, to measure the faith and deeds of those in the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands.

The black horse and rider are part of the first war, which involves the beast with seven heads and ten horns (seven pastors and ten elders) entering and conquering the tabernacle of heaven, also known as the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands. This group was victorious in the first war and ruled over the tabernacle for 42 months.

The Pale Horse (Revelation 6:8)

The pale horse in Revelation 6 is a parable for the flesh and spirit that carry out God’s judgment according to the command of the fourth archangel. The rider’s name is Death because he is commanded to kill the spirits of the chosen people who betrayed God. Hades follows Death to receive the spirits who are killed.The pale horse symbolizes flesh, and the rider represents the spirit who controls the flesh. This judgment is carried out through the beasts of the earth, which are a parable for false pastors. One example is the beast from the earth, a group of false pastors appointed by the seven pastors who belong to the beast from the sea.
The pale horse and its rider are part of the first war, in which the beast with seven heads and ten horns conquers and rules over the tabernacle of heaven for 42 months. This beast represents the seven pastors and ten elders from the Cheong-ji-gi Education Institute, who are also part of the dragon’s group

The Sun, Moon, and Stars Darkening and Falling

The sun, moon, and stars in Revelation 6 are a parable for the pastor, evangelists, and congregation members of God’s tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands. This tabernacle represents heaven at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.

  • The sun represents the pastor because they are like the physical sun, giving light and governing God’s chosen people.
  • The moon symbolizes evangelists because they reflect the light of the word from their pastor and preach it to others.
  • The stars represent the congregation members.

These heavenly bodies darken and fall in Revelation 6 because the people they represent have been judged by God. This judgment is carried out by the four horsemen, who represent groups of angels commanded by the four archangels.
The darkening and falling of the sun, moon, and stars signify the end of Spiritual Israel, the generation of God’s chosen people who have betrayed the covenant.

The Tabernacle Temple, established in 1966 as a representative church of the Christian world, betrayed God in a series of events that culminated in its transformation into the Isaac Presbyterian Church in September of 1980.

Testimony of the Physical Reality of the “Pale Horse”, Mr. Shin


In Revelation 6, the events described mark the beginning of plagues (judgments) symbolized by the appearance of the four horses, the resignation of the seven messengers, and the replacement of the church’s signboard by the destroyer. To better understand these claims, we turn to the testimony of Mr. Shin Sang-hoon, whom Shincheonji once identified as the true figure of the pale horse described in Revelation 6.

Shincheonji taught that the pale horse, whose rider was named Death and followed by Hell, symbolized Mr. Shin. This interpretation was based on the claim that through Mr. Shin, Yoo Jae-yeol, a leader within the Tabernacle Temple, introduced the destroyer, Mr. Oh, into the temple, allegedly bringing spiritual death to it. Even if this interpretation is not universally accepted, Mr. Shin’s testimony is significant because he was present during these events and worked closely with Lee Man-hee, offering a firsthand perspective on the situation.

Key Points from Mr. Shin’s Testimony

Lee Man-hee and Revelations

Mr. Shin asserts that Lee Man-hee has never received a divine revelation, directly challenging Shincheonji’s foundational claim that Lee is the “Promised Pastor” with exclusive understanding of the Bible.

The Two Witnesses

According to Mr. Shin, Lee Man-hee personally asked Mr. Hong Jong-hyo to join him as one of the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation, suggesting that this role was self-assigned rather than divinely appointed.

Connection to Baek Man-bong's Church

Mr. Shin was previously affiliated with Baek Man-bong’s recreation church, where he held the position of the eleventh son in their leadership hierarchy, a significant connection in the historical context of Shincheonji.

Departure from the Tabernacle Temple

Mr. Shin stated that he has never re-entered the Tabernacle Temple since his departure, a claim corroborated by other interviews with former members.

Legal Actions

Before returning to his hometown, Lee Man-hee reportedly filed lawsuits against two of the seven messengers: Yoo Jae-yeol and Kim Chang-do, the vice leader of the Tabernacle Temple.

The Tabernacle Temple's Seven Stars

Mr. Shin claims that the Tabernacle Temple never displayed seven stars at its entrance, contrary to Shincheonji’s narrative. This point remains subject to further discussion.

Behavior and Teachings of Lee Man-hee

Mr. Shin stated that Lee Man-hee never publicly declared, “You are apostates and destroyers,” challenging Shincheonji’s portrayal of his confrontations with former members.

After Mr. Shin left the group, Lee Man-hee began teaching that Mr. Shin was the pale horse of Revelation 6.

Yoo Jae-yeol's Education

It was claimed that Yoo Jae-yeol attended a theological seminary in the United States. However, Mr. Shin refuted this, explaining that Yoo was a high school dropout and lacked the qualifications for higher education.

How did the Tabernacle Temple Collapse?

Shincheonji’s Claim

Shincheonji teaches that the destruction of the Tabernacle Temple was caused by the apostasy of its leaders, symbolized as the seven stars, and claims this occurred during a 42-month period of both spiritual and physical destruction. They further assert that the relocation of the Tabernacle Temple to Munwon-dong was a direct consequence of the Tabernacle’s betrayal of its covenant with God.

Shincheonji teaches that the Tabernacle Temple was “spiritually” destroyed on September 14, 1980, with the sign change, and that the physical destruction of the Tabernacle Temple was after January 1983.

Religious World interest Page 25

After the day of the pastor installation ceremony, the Tabernacle temple … was ninety percent destroyed, and then the rest of it was destroyed, not a stone left upon a stone. Because of this, the members of the Tabernacle temple were forced to move elsewhere.

Religious World interest Page 110

The current Tabernacle Temple was destroyed due to the government’s construction of Seoul National University Park, and the Saints were forced to move out of the region and resettled in Munwon 5-ri… This was the fulfilment of the prophecy…

It is the Gwacheon Isaac Church of the Korean Christian Presbyterian Church, built by a Gentile(foreign) pastor…

People only know that the government displaced the people and destroyed the Tabernacle temple for construction. They don’t realise that what happened to the Tabernacle was caused by the sin of the prophets, angels, princes, rulers, and priests in the Garden of the Covenant (Lamentations 4:13).

The apostate servants should sincerely repent, realising that the saints have been driven out of the garden of the covenant for their sins.

Bulletin of the Pastor Installation Ceremony

<bulletin of the pastor installation ceremony> Munwon-ri, Gwacheon-myeon, Siheung-gun, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Ruins of the Tabernacle Temple

Pilgrims checking out the ruins of the First Temple and the fulfillment of prophecy.

Counterpoints and the Physical Destruction of Shincheonji

Testimony of Mr. Oh and the Location of the Pastor's Ceremony

Mr. Oh testified under oath in court about the location of the Pastor’s Ceremony of the Tabernacle Temple.

His testimony shows that the Tabernacle Temple was already destroyed before the “Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns”. 

Case No. Date Location 2023 Gaham 100815 2023. 12. 7, 15:00 Recorded testimony of witness No. 304 Oh Ho (summoned) Total number of pages 28 Remarks.

The transcript prepared in accordance with Article 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules is submitted as attached.

  • This transcript was written in a way that only the main parts of the statement are summarized and recorded.
  • The parties or other parties may raise objections to the matters stated in this recording. If an objection is raised, the court administrative officer, etc. must state the purpose of the objection in this recording or a separate document, or correct the relevant part of this recording.
Was there a pastor’s installation ceremony on September 20, 1981, and were witnesses present?

Mr. Oh – yes. It was at the central presbytery. I was the organizer.

Was the pastor’s installation ceremony held in Makgye-ri, where the Tabernacle Temple was originally located? Or did you move it to Munmun-ri?

Mr. Oh – We moved to Munhyeon-ri and held it at the Central Church.

Didn’t Pastor Baek Dong-seop attend the installation ceremony?

Mr. Oh – It didn’t come at all.

Taede Kim, a member of Shincheonji, was ordained on September 20, 1981, when Pastor Baek Dong-seop attended the installation ceremony. They say that they also prayed on behalf of each other. Is this true?

Mr. Oh – Not at all. It’s a lie.

Destruction of the Tabernacle Temple before 1983

Shincheonji normally uses the below photo to show how the Tabernacle Temple was physically destroyed sometime after January 1983.

According to the History of the Development of the Shincheonji, the below photo and destruction of the Tabernacle Temple happened sometime after January 1983.

Pilgrims checking out the ruins of the First Temple and the fulfillment of prophecy.

However; what happened in reality was that the Tabernacle Temple was cleared well before 1983.

Here’s a video of the same plot of land in 1982, President Chun Doo-hwan’s instruction to develop Seoul Grand Park into a famous Korean landmark and devise a plan to privatize recreational facilities.

At the beginning of the video below, you can see that the site of Seoul National University Park had already been cleared when former President Jeon Doo-hwan inspected it in February 1982. This raises questions about the timing and location of the above photo.

The Land for the Tabernacle Temple was sold off in 1977

The land was purchased by Seoul from Yoo Jae-yeol (the Tabernacle Temple leader) on December 20, 1977, and by 1978, residents were relocated, and a groundbreaking ceremony occurred in 1979.

And in the book The Story of Seoul Urban Planning (by Son Jung-mok, 2003), the situation of Makgye-ri in Gwacheon was recorded in detail at that time.

According to the book, the plan to build Seoul University Park was already announced in 1977, and in 1978, the residents living in Makgye-ri were relocated to a migration complex (Munwon-dong).

It is recorded that only some of the 400 families of the Tabernacle temple remained and resisted, while others emigrated.

And as if to prove that this is indeed the case, a look at the Seoul land ledger shows that the land of the Tabernacle Temple was purchased by the city in 1977 from Yoo Jae-yeol, the leader of the Tabernacle Temple.

The resistance was very violent. It was common for people to enter the construction workers’ quarters in the middle of the night with knives and say, “You’re going to die, we’re going to die.” After 1979, it was 1980.

The Destroyers of the Tabernacle Temple were not the "Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns"

The groundbreaking ceremony for Seoul National University Park took place in 1978, with the first shovel of earth being turned in 1979. The site selection and planning were announced in 1977, and the land register confirms that the Tabernacle Temple’s property was sold to the city of Seoul on December 20, 1977. This timeline indicates that the transfer of ownership occurred well before the alleged letter of repentance, claimed to have been sent between 1979 and 1980. Given these facts, it is evident that the Tabernacle Temple was transferred to Seoul’s control due to urban development. Under these circumstances, the true “destroyer” of the Tabernacle Temple was the city of Seoul, not the symbolic seven-headed, ten-horned beast described in Shincheonji’s teachings.

Groundbreaking ceremony for Seoul National University Park in Gwacheon on October 30, 1978 [Joongang photo]
January 11, 1977 [The Chosun Ilbo] Establishing a big park in Gwacheon.
On August 22, 1979, the world-scale Seoul Metropolitan Park (Zoo) began construction on 58,000,575 sqft in the Cheonggyesan area of Makgye-ri, Gwacheon-myeon, Siheung-gun, Gyeonggi-do.
Seoul land ledger(registration) July 29, 1977. 柳在烈(Yoo Jae-yeol) 大韓基督敎(Korean Christianity) 帳幕聖殿(the Tabernacle temple)

And here’s another article that shows that the construction of the National Park.

With the above evidences, here’s what actually happened to the Tabernacle Temple and it’s physical destruction.

1977: Planning and site selection for Seoul National University Park; land purchased by Seoul city from Tabernacle Temple leader Yoo Jae-yeol.

1979: Groundbreaking ceremony for Seoul National University Park.

1981: Pastor installation ceremony held in Munwon-dong.

By the time the letters were sent from Lee Manhee, the Tabernacle Temple was already gone.

Counter Points: the Spiritual Destruction of Shincheonji

Shincheonji claims the Tabernacle Temple experienced spiritual destruction on September 14, 1980, when its name was officially changed to Isaac Presbyterian Church.

However, 5 years before 1980, we can already see that the Tabernacle Temple was corrupt. In fact, Lee Manhee also sued the Tabernacle Temple for fraud, and ironically would later claim that the Tabernacle Temple were the 7 angels of Revelation 2 – 3.

Yoo Jae-yeol and the Tabernacle Temple was Already Corrupt

Yoo Jae-yeol, the leader of the Tabernacle Temple, was sentenced to five years in prison (1976–1980) for charges of fraud and racketeering. During the same trial, the vice leader, Kim Chang-do, received a three-year prison sentence. Prior to his imprisonment, Yoo Jae-yeol handed over the day-to-day management of the church to Oh Pyeong-ho in an effort to distance the Tabernacle Temple from its reputation as a cult. After completing his prison term, Yoo Jae-yeol left for the United States. These actions position Yoo Jae-yeol as both an apostate and a destroyer within the context of the Tabernacle Temple’s history.

“Temple of the Tabernacle” sentenced to 5 years in prison for the cult leader Dong-A Ilbo | 1976.03.01 Article (News) 「Temple of the Tabernacle」 Sentenced to 5 years in prison for the cult leader. On the 28th, Judge Kim Seong-su of the Yeongdeungpo Branch of the Seoul District Court sentenced the cult leader to 5 years in prison. Tabernacle temple leader A sentencing hearing was held for the fraud and racketeering case against defendant Jae-yeol Yoo (Yoo Jae-yeol), 26, and the defendant Soo (Yoo) was sentenced to five years in prison. In addition, the vice leader, Kim Chang-do (41), was sentenced to 3 years in prison, the church leader secretary Park Yong-man (26) was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison with 2 years of probation, and the Shindo Lim Jung-dae defendant was sentenced to 3 years in prison. (35): 1 year in prison and 3 years probation; Defendant Shin Do (Shim Sam-tae) (45) was sentenced to six months in prison and one year of probation.

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